ICGOO在线商城 > W22R470JRLF
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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供W22R470JRLF由IRC设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 提供W22R470JRLF价格参考以及IRCW22R470JRLF封装/规格参数等产品信息。 你可以下载W22R470JRLF参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书, 资料中有W22R470JRLF详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
参数 | 数值 |
品牌 | IRC / TT Electronics |
产品目录 | 无源元件 |
描述 | 线绕电阻器 - 透孔 .47ohm 7watt 5% |
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rohs | 符合RoHS |
产品系列 | 线绕电阻器,线绕电阻器 - 透孔,IRC / TT Electronics W22R470JRLF |
产品型号 | W22R470JRLF |
产品 | Power Resistors Wirewound Vitreous Enamel |
产品种类 | 线绕电阻器 - 透孔 |
功率额定值 | 7 W |
商标 | IRC / TT Electronics |
外壳直径 | 8 mm |
外壳长度 | 22.2 mm |
容差 | 5 % |
封装 | Reel |
工作温度范围 | - 55 C to + 350 C |
工厂包装数量 | 700 |
引线直径 | 0.8 mm |
温度系数 | 75 PPM / C |
电压额定值 | 200 V |
电阻 | 0.47 Ohms |
端接类型 | Axial |
系列 | W20 |
tOM|`KèñÇ==OULQLMP==NMWNV=~ã==m~ÖÉ=N RVeitsrisetooruss Enamelled Wirewound Resistors Vitreous Enamelled Welwyn Components Wirewound Resistors W20 Series • CECC approved W20 Series • Suitable for harsh environments CECC approved • Impervious lead free vitreous enamel coating Suitable for harsh environments • IOmvpeerrlvoioauds clehaadr afrcetee vriistrteicosu sid eenaalm el coating for protection circuits Overload characteristics ideal for protection circuits • HHiigghh s tsatbaiblitiyli tayn da nredli arbeilliiatybility • HHiigghh p powowere dri sdsiipsastiipoant fioorn s ifzoer size AAllll PPbb--ffrreeee ppaarrttss ccoommppllyy wwiitthh EEUU DDiirreecctitivvee 22001111//6655//EEUU aammeennddeedd bbyy ((EEUU)) 22001155//886633 ((RRooHHSS33)) Electrical Data Commercial W21 W215 W22 W23 W24 Power rating at 25°C watts 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.5 14.0 Resistance range at 1% tolerance ohms 1R to 10K 1R to 15K 1R to 22K 1R to 60K 1R to 100K 2% tolerance ohms 0R5 to 10K 0R5 to 15K 0R5 to 22K 1R to 60K 1R to 100K 5% tolerance ohms 0R1 to 10K 0R1 to 15K 0R1 to 22K 0R15 to 60K 0R2 to 100K TCR (-55°to 200°C) ppm/°C Typically: <+-75 Maximum: +-200 BS CECC40-201-002 Requirements Style JB HB KB LB MB Power rating at 25°C watts 2.9 5.0 7.0 10.5 14.0 Power rating at 70°C watts 2.5 4.3 6.0 9.0 12.0 Resistance range at 1% tolerance ohms 1R to 10K 1R to 15K 1R to 20K 1R to 56K 1R to 100K 2% tolerance ohms 0R5 to 10K 0R5 to 15K 0R5 to 20K 1R to 56K 1R to 100K 5% tolerance ohms 0R1 to 10K 0R1 to 15K 0R1 to 20K 0R15 to 56K 0R2 to 100K TCR (-55°to 200°C) ppm/°C ≥5 ohms < 10 ohms: ±400 ≥10 ohms: ±200 This table indicates the CECC specification requirements, and these are met or exceeded by the corresponding W20 series products Applicable to commercial and approved ranges Limiting element voltage volts 100 160 200 500 750 Standard values E24 preferred. Other values to special order Thermal impedance °C/watt 88 58 44 29 22 Ambient temperature range °C -55 to 200 Physical Data Dimensions (mm) andWeight (g) Type L max D max f min d nom Wt.nom W21 12.7 5.6 22.75 0.8 1 W215 22.0 7.0 23.1 0.8 2 d W22 22.0 8.0 23.1 0.8 2 D W23 38.0 8.0 - 0.8 3.5 L f W24 53.5 8.0 - 0.8 5 400 Construction C W21 W215 W23 W24 A high purity ceramic substrate is assembled with interference fit end caps to which are e ° W22 welded the termination wires. The resistive element is wound on the substrate and welded to s300 Ri the caps; the vitreous enamel protective coating is then applied. e Terminations atur200 Material Copper clad steel wire, nickel plated and solder-coated. r Strength The terminations meet the requirements of IEC 68.2.21. e mp100 Solderability The terminations meet the requirements of IEC 115-1,– Clause e Length W23’s and W24’s are not supplied on tape. Minimum lead length is 30 mm. T Marking 0 0 5 10 15 20 The resistors are legend marked with type reference, resistance value and tolerance. Values are Dissipation – Watts marked in accordance with IEC 62. GGeenneeraral lN Notoete BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TWT eEllwecytnro nCiocsm repsoenrveenst st hree sreigrhvet st ot hmea rkieg hcht atong mesa ikne p crohdauncgte ssp ienc ipfircoadtiuocnt wsiptheociufitc naotitoicne wori tlhiaobuiltit yn.otice or liability. All information is subject to Welwyn’s own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. A subsidiary of All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. www.ttelectroTTnicesle.ccotmro/nreicssis tpolcrs © Welwyn Components Limited· Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK ©Te lTepTh Eolneec:t +ro4n4i c(0s) p1l6c70 822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0)1670 829465 · Email: info@welwyn-tt.com · Website: www.welwyn-tt.com 06.18
tOM|`KèñÇ==OULQLMP==NMWNV=~ã==m~ÖÉ=O Vitreous Enamelled WViitrreewoouunsd E Rnesaismtoerslled WW20ir Seewrieos und Resistors Welwyn Components W20 Series Solvent Resistance The body protection and marking are resistant to all normal industrial cleaning solvents suitable for printed circuits Solvent Resistance Flammability FTlhaem bmodayb iplirtoytection and marking are resistant to all normal All materials used in the construction of ‘W’ series resistors Ainlld muastterriaiall sc ulesaend iinng th seo clovnesnttrsu cstiuointa obf lWe 2fo0 rs eprrieins treedsi sctoirrcsu airtes .inorganic and ainrhee irneontrlgy annoinc- baunrndi ning.herently non burning. Performance Data CECC 40201-002 Actual Performance Requirements Maximum Typical Load at commercial rating: 1000 hrs at 25°C R% 5 3.5 Load at CECC rating: 1000 hours at 25°C R% 5 5 3.5 Dry heat: 1000 hours at 200°C R% 5 21 Shelf life: 12 months at room temperature R% not specified 0.03 0.02 Derating see derating curve Short term overload R% 1 1.0 0.2 Climatic R% 5 0.5 0.2 Climatic category R% 55/200/56 Long term damp heat R% 5 0.05 0.02 Temperature rapid change R% 1 0.5 0.2 Resistance to solder heat R% 1 0.25 0.03 Vibration and bump R% 1 0.25 0.05 Noise (in decade of frequency) µv/v not specified zero zero Robustness R% 1 0.4 0.05 Insulation resistance ohms not specified >1G ohm >1G ohm Voltage Proof volts not specified 500 min 500 min Pulse handling data available at http://www.ttelectronics.com/themes/ttelectronics/datasheets/dreasitsato ras/vliateirlaatburlee/ Pbulyse r-eOqveurleoasdt_AN.pdf Application Notes Packaging The termination should not be bent closer than 1.6mm from For W21 and W215 the standard method of packaging is the body, and the recommended minimum bend radius is taped in Ammo Packs. For W22 the standard method of 1.2mm. The terminations are solderable to within 4mm from packaging is taped and reeled. W23’s and W24’s are the body. When cold, vitreous enamel has excellent insulation available only as loose packed in boxes. resistance. In common with all insulants the specific resistance of the enamel decreases with increase in temperature. Therefore, resistors operated at near maximum temperature cannot be classed as insulated and should not be used in contact with any conducting material. Care must be taken 10 when determining clearance distance between the resistor body and the printed circuit board or other components to ensure these are not over heated. Resistance is measured 6mm from body. f f 1 2 6 b 6 116 Derating Curve f1– f2 1.4 mm r we100 o P d e Rat 54 Type b of W21 63±2 % 0 W215 73±2 25 70 200 315 W22 73±2 Ambient temperature °C General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. www.ttelectronics.com/resistors © TT Electronics plc © Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK 06.18 Telephone: +44 (0)1670 822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0)1670 829465 · Email: info@welwyn-tt.com · Website: www.welwyn-tt.com
W20_C.qxd 28/4/03 10:19 am Page 2 Vitreous Enamelled WVitirreeowuos Eunnadm eRlleedsistors Wirewound Resistors Welwyn Components W20 Series W20 Series Ordering Procedure Ordering Procedure This product has two valid part numbers: Example: W22 at 3.3 kilohms and 5% tolerance on a reel of 700 pieces – Example: W22-3K3JI (W22, 3.3 kilohms ±5%, Pb-free) W 2 2– 3 K 3 JI W 2 2 - 3 K 3 J I Type 1 2 3 4 Value (u1s e IEC62 c2o de) 3 4 Type Value Tolerance Packing & Termination Finish ToleranWc2e1 (uEs2e4 =I E3/C4 c6h2ar accotedrse ) F = ±1% I = Standard packing & Pb-free F 1%W215 J 5R% = ohms G = ±2% PB = Standard packing & SnPb W22 K = kilohms J = ±5% W21, W215 1000/box G 2% W23 W22 700/reel W24 W23, W24 50/box Packing Ammo W21, W215 1000/box For CECC released product state on order the CECC number and style. Example: W22-3K3JI CECC40201-002 KB I Tape W22 700/reel Standard Bulk W23, W24 50/box UFSoAr C(IRECCC) P raerlet aNsuemd bperor:d uWc2t 2st-a3t3e0 o1nJ LoFrd (eWr 2th2e, 3C.3E CkiClo hnmums b±e5r% a,n Pdb s-ftryelee.) Example: W22-3K3JI CECC40201-002 KB For SnPb finish instead of Pb-free replace the packing suffix with PB.Example: W22-3K3JPB W 2 2 - 3 3 0 1 J L F 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Type Value Tolerance Packing & Termination Finish W21 3 digits + multiplier F = ±1% LF = Standard packing & Pb-free W215 R = ohms for values <100 ohms G = ±2% Omit for Standard packing & SnP b W22 J = ±5% W21, W215 1000/b ox W23 W22 700/re el W24 W23, W24 50/b ox General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. © Welwyn Components Limited Bedlington, Northumberland NE22 7AA, UK All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. Telephone: +44 (0)1670 822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0)1670 829465 · Email: info@welwyn-tt.com · Website: www.welwyn-tt.com www.ttelectronics.com/0r7es.1is1tors 86 © TT Electronics plc 06.18
Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: T T Electronics: W2151002JA W21150R0FTR W22150R0FTR W2275R0FTR W22-27R0JLF W2110R0JLFTR W21-R10JI W215- R500-JALF W21R100JLFTR W24-5K-JI W225R60JR W236R80JB W2120R0JA W212700JA W2155010JA W221500JR W2152700JA W211501JA W233302JB W231R00JB W241R50JB W221R20JR W22R390JR W242R20JB W21R220JA W2151R00JA W225601JR W218201JA W2154700JA W232200JB W21582R0JA W214R70JA W23R470JB W2152701JA W232202JB W231500JB W2156801JA W22R330JR W232201JB W246R80JB W215R60JA W216R80JA W234701JB W234700JB W2155601JA W2115R0JA W243301JB W2310R0JB W221801JR W243300JB W23R680JB W2155001JA W221R80JR W226801JR W21R270JA W211200JA W216800JA W2222R0JR W21539R0JA W2155600JA W212701JA W2154R70JA W21R100JA W2153301JA W21R150JA W2155R60JA W228R20JR W22R560JR W22R680JR W246802JB W215R120JA W231000JB W21R180JA W211500JA W215R390JA W244701JB W244R70JB W242201JB W215R100JA W223301JR W2215R0JR W2182R0JA W221R50JR W2151R80JA W2227R0JR W2151202JA W21100RJA W215R680JA W2139R0JA W215R220JA W2158200JA W2122R0JA W244700JB W211801JA W2112R0JA W2158R20JA W227500JR W21R120JA W21518R0JA W2152201JA