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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供UWS-5/10-Q48N-C由Murata设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 UWS-5/10-Q48N-C价格参考。MurataUWS-5/10-Q48N-C封装/规格:直流转换器, 隔离模块 DC/DC 转换器 1 输出 5V 10A 18V - 75V 输入。您可以下载UWS-5/10-Q48N-C参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有UWS-5/10-Q48N-C 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
Murata Power Solutions Inc.的UWS-5/10-Q48N-C直流转换器是一款高效、紧凑的电源转换设备,广泛应用于工业自动化、通信系统、铁路运输和医疗设备等领域。其主要应用场景包括但不限于以下几类: 1. 工业自动化:在工厂自动化控制系统中,UWS-5/10-Q48N-C可以为PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)、传感器、执行器等设备提供稳定的直流电源。该转换器具有高效率和低纹波特性,确保了系统的稳定性和可靠性,适用于各种恶劣的工业环境。 2. 通信系统:在通信基站、网络交换机、路由器等设备中,UWS-5/10-Q48N-C能够将48V直流输入转换为所需的较低电压(如5V或10V),为通信模块和接口电路供电。其宽输入电压范围和良好的电磁兼容性使其能够在复杂的通信环境中稳定工作。 3. 铁路运输:在列车控制系统、信号系统和车载电子设备中,UWS-5/10-Q48N-C可以为各种电子元件提供可靠的电源支持。该转换器具备抗振动和冲击的能力,适合铁路运输中的高频振动和温度变化环境。 4. 医疗设备:在医疗仪器和诊断设备中,UWS-5/10-Q48N-C可以为内部电路提供稳定的低压直流电源。其高可靠性和低噪声特性有助于提高医疗设备的性能和精度,确保患者安全和数据准确性。 5. 数据中心:在数据中心的服务器、存储设备和网络设备中,UWS-5/10-Q48N-C可以为电源管理系统提供高效的电源转换。其紧凑的设计和高效率有助于减少能耗和散热需求,提升数据中心的整体能效。 总之,UWS-5/10-Q48N-C直流转换器凭借其高效、可靠和紧凑的特点,适用于多种关键应用领域,能够满足不同行业对高质量电源解决方案的需求。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | |
描述 | DC/DC CONVERTER 5V 10A ISOLATED隔离式DC/DC转换器 18-75Vin 5Vout 10A 50W Neg Polarity TH |
产品分类 | DC DC ConvertersDC/DC转换器 |
品牌 | Murata Power Solutions |
产品手册 | |
产品图片 | |
rohs | 符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | 隔离式DC/DC转换器,Murata Power Solutions UWS-5/10-Q48N-CUWS |
数据手册 | |
产品型号 | UWS-5/10-Q48N-C |
产品 | Isolated |
产品培训模块 | http://www.digikey.cn/PTM/IndividualPTM.page?site=cn&lang=zhs&ptm=25865 |
产品种类 | 隔离式DC/DC转换器 |
其它名称 | 811-2361 |
功率(W)-制造系列 | 50W |
功率(W)-最大值 | 50W |
包装 | 托盘 |
单位重量 | 13.608 g |
商标 | Murata Power Solutions |
大小/尺寸 | 1.31" 长 x 0.91" 宽 x 0.36" 高(33.3mm x 23.1mm x 9.1mm) |
安装类型 | 通孔 |
封装 | Tray |
封装/外壳 | 8-DIP 模块,1/16 砖 |
封装/箱体尺寸 | 1/16 Brick |
工作温度 | -40°C ~ 85°C |
工厂包装数量 | 32 |
效率 | 91% |
标准包装 | 32 |
特性 | 具有远程开/关功能和 UVLO |
电压-输入(最大值) | 75V |
电压-输入(最小值) | 18V |
电压-输出1 | 5V |
电压-输出2 | - |
电压-输出3 | - |
电压-隔离 | 2.25kV(2250V) |
电流-输出(最大值) | 10A |
类型 | 隔离模块 |
系列 | UWS |
输入电压—公称值 | 48 V |
输入电压范围 | 18 V to 75 V |
输出功率 | 50 W |
输出数 | 1 |
输出电压—通道1 | 5 V |
输出电流—通道1 | 10 A |
输出端数量 | 1 |
UWS Series www.murata-ps.com SSiixxtteeeenntthh--bbrriicckk DDOOSSAA--CCompatible, WWiiddee IInnppuutt IIssoollaatteedd DDCC--DDCC Converters FEATURES High effi ciency synchronous fl yback topology 18-75 Volts DC wide input range with 3.3, 5 and TTyyppiiccaall uunniittss 12 Volts for Output voltage Up to 54 Watts total output power with overtemperature shutdown PPRROODDUUCCTT OOVVEERRVVIIEEWW Tiny 1.30" x 0.90" x 0.36" open frame package The world of “brick” DC-DC converters has seen FFPPGGAA’’s. NNo miiniimum lloadd iis requiired. For systems Industry standard DOSA "brick" format a steady size reduction. The UWS series makes requiring controlled startup/shutdown, an external and pinout another dramatic size shrink down to a “sixteenth- remote On/Off control may use a switch, transistor Extensive self-protection shut down features brick” width (0.90 inches) while still retaining a or digital logic. Small footprint DC-DC converter, ideal for high high power output and full 2250 Volt DC isolation. Many self-protection features on the UWS series The PC-board mount converter family accepts avoid both converter and external circuit hazards. current applications 18 to 75 Volts DC inputs and delivers fi xed outputs These include input undervoltage lockout and 2250 Volt Basic input/output isolation (48V regulated to within ±0.125%. The UWS converters overtemperature shutdown. The output of these models) are ideal for datacom and telecom applications, DC-DC converters have current limit using the Operating temperature range -40 to +85°C with cell phone towers, data centers, server farms and “hiccup” autorestart technique and the outputs may derating network repeaters. be short-circuited indefi nitely. Additional features UWS outputs may be trimmed while delivering include output overvoltage and reverse conduction Stable no-load operation with no required exter- fast settling to current step loads and no adverse elimination. nal components effects from higher capacitive loads. Excellent ripple The synchronous fl yback topology yields high Certifi ed to UL 60950-1, 2nd Edition, EN60950-1 and noise specifi cations assure compatibility to cir- effi ciency for minimal heat buildup and “no fan” safety approvals cuits using CPU’s, ASIC’s, programmable logic and operation. F1 +Vin (1) (cid:42)(cid:84)(cid:80)(cid:77)(cid:66)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:80)(cid:79) +Vout (8) Barrier (cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:52)(cid:88)(cid:74)(cid:85)(cid:68)(cid:73)(cid:74)(cid:79)(cid:72) (cid:12)(cid:52)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:84)(cid:70)(cid:1)(cid:9)(cid:24)(cid:10)(cid:11) External (cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:39)(cid:74)(cid:77)(cid:85)(cid:70)(cid:83)(cid:84) DC On/Off Power Control Controller (cid:116)(cid:1)(cid:36)(cid:86)(cid:83)(cid:83)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:85)(cid:1)(cid:52)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:84)(cid:70) Source (2) and Power (cid:53)(cid:83)(cid:66)(cid:79)(cid:84)(cid:71)(cid:70)(cid:83) (cid:14)(cid:52)(cid:70)(cid:79)(cid:84)(cid:70)(cid:1)(cid:9)(cid:22)(cid:10)(cid:11) Open = On Reference and (cid:36)(cid:77)(cid:80)(cid:84)(cid:70)(cid:69)(cid:1)(cid:30)(cid:1)(cid:48)(cid:71)(cid:71) Error Amplifier (cid:9)(cid:49)(cid:80)(cid:84)(cid:74)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:87)(cid:70)(cid:1) Trim (6) (cid:77)(cid:80)(cid:72)(cid:74)(cid:68)(cid:10) -Vin (3) -Vout (4) Figure 1. Connection Diagram *Sense is included on the UWS-3.3/15-Q48 and UWS-5/10-Q48. Typical topology is shown. Murata Power Solutions recommends an external fuse. For full details go to www.murata-ps.com/rohs www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 1 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY AND ORDERING GUIDE Output Input C76 Efficiency Root Model ➀ VOUT IOUT Power R/N (mV pk-pk) Regulation (max.) ➂ VIN Nom. Range IIN, no load IIN, full Package (V) (A, max.) (W) Typ. Max. Line Load (V) (V) (mA) load (A) Min. Typ. Case (inches) UWS-3.3/15-Q48 3.3 15 ➃ 49.5 90 125 ±0.15% ±0.3% 48 18-75 25 1.16 87.5% 89% 1.30 x 0.90 x 0.36 UWS-5/10-Q48 5 10 ➄ 50 90 130 ±0.125% ±0.125% 48 18-75 30 1.14 88% 91% 1.30 x 0.90 x 0.36 UWS-12/4.5-Q48 12 4.5 ➅ 54 115 150 ±0.125% ±0.125% 48 18-75 25 1.24 89% 91% 1.30 x 0.90 x 0.36 ➀ Please refer to the Part Number Structure when ordering. ➂ Regulation specifi cations describe output voltage deviations from a nominal/midpoint ➁ All specifi cations are at nominal line voltage and full load, +25°C unless otherwise value to either extreme (50% load step). noted. See detailed specifi cations. Output capacitors are 1 μF ceramic multilayer in ➃ Iout = 13A max. if Vin < 36V. parallel with 10 μF. ➄ Iout=8A max. if Vin <36V. I/O caps are necessary for our test equipment and may not be needed for your ➅ Iout = 3.5A max. if Vin < 36V. application. PART NUMBER STRUCTURE UWS - 12 /4.5- Q48 N M H Lx - C RoHS Hazardous Substance Compliance (does not claim EU RoHS exemption 7b–lead in solder) C = RoHS-6 Sixteenth Brick Series Pin Length Option (Thru-hole only) Blank = Standard pin length 0.180˝ (4.6mm) L1 = 0.110˝ (2.79mm) ➀ Nominal Output Voltage: L2 = 0.145˝ (3.68mm) ➀ Conformal Coating Option Blank = No coating, standard Maximum Rated Output Current H = Coating added, optional* Current in Amps (Built to order; contact Murata Power Solutions for MOQ and lead times. (not available on SMT models) Input Voltage Range: SMT Version (MSL Rating 2) Q48 = 18–75 Volts (48V nominal) Blank = Thru-hole M = SMT version ➁ On/Off Control Logic: N = Negative P = Positive ➀ Special quantity order is required; samples available with standard pin length only. ➁ SMT (M) versions not available in sample quantities. ➂ Some model number combinations may not be available. See website or contact your local Murata sales representative. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 2 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, UWS-3.3/15-Q48 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Conditions ➀ Minimum Typical/Nominal Maximum Units Input Voltage, Continuous Full temperature range 0 80 Vdc Operating or non-operating, 100 mS max. Input Voltage, Transient 0 100 Vdc duration Isolation Voltage Input to output tested 2250 Vdc Input Reverse Polarity None, install external fuse None Vdc On/Off Remote Control Power on or off, referred to -Vin 0 15 Vdc Output Power 0 50 W Output Current Current-limited, no damage, short-circuit protected 0 15 A Storage Temperature Range Vin = Zero (no power) -55 125 °C Absolute maximums are stress ratings. Exposure of devices to greater than any of these conditions may adversely affect long-term reliability. Proper operation under conditions other than those listed in the Performance/Functional Specifi cations Table is not implied or recommended. INPUT Operating voltage range 18 48 75 Vdc Recommended External Fuse Fast blow 6 A Start-up threshold Rising input voltage 16.5 17 17.9 Vdc Undervoltage lockout Falling input voltage 15 16.25 17.50 Vdc Overvoltage shutdown Rising input voltage None Vdc Reverse Polarity Protection None, install external fuse None Vdc Internal Filter Type LC Input current Full Load Conditions Vin = nominal 1.16 1.19 A Low Line Vin = minimum, 13A load 2.63 2.72 A Inrush Transient 0.4 A2-Sec. Output in Short Circuit 100 200 mA No Load Input current Iout = minimum, unit=ON 25 60 mA Shut-Down mode Input Current (Off, UV, OT) 5 10 mA Refl ected (back) ripple current ➁ Measured at input with specifi ed fi lter 15 30 mA, pk-pk Pre-biased startup External output voltage < Vset Monotonic GENERAL and SAFETY Vin=48V, full load 87.5 89 % Effi ciency Vin=24V, full load 88.5 90.5 % Isolation Isolation Voltage, Input to Output 2250 Vdc Insulation Safety Rating basic Isolation Resistance 100 MΩ Isolation Capacitance 1300 pF Certifi ed to UL-60950-1, IEC/EN60950-1, Safety Yes 2nd Edition Per Telcordia SR332, issue 1, class 3, ground Calculated MTBF 3.0 Hours x 106 fi xed, Tambient=+25°C DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Fixed Switching Frequency 250 280 310 KHz Power Up Startup Time Power On to Vout regulated 30 mS On/Off Startup Time Remote ON to Vout regulated 30 mS 50-75-50% load step, settling time to within Dynamic Load Response 100 200 μSec ±1% of Vout Dynamic Load Peak Deviation Same as above, ±180 ±240 mV FEATURES and OPTIONS Remote On/Off Control ➅ "N" suffi x Negative Logic, ON state ON=Pin grounded or external voltage -0.1 0.8 Vdc Negative Logic, OFF state OFF=Pin open or external voltage 2.5 15 Vdc Control Current Open collector/drain, sourcing 1 2 mA "P" suffi x Positive Logic, ON state ON=Pin open or external voltage 10 15 Vdc Positive Logic, OFF state OFF=Ground pin or external voltage 0 0.7 Vdc Control Current Open collector/drain 1 2 mA www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 3 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, UWS-3.3/15-Q48 (CONT.) OUTPUT Conditions ➀ Minimum Typical/Nominal Maximum Units Total Output Power See Derating 0.0 49.5 50 W Voltage Nominal Output Voltage No trim 3.267 3.3 3.333 Vdc Setting Accuracy At 50% load ±1 % of Vnom. Output Voltage Range User-adjustable -10 10 % of Vnom. Overvoltage Protection Via magnetic feedback 4 4.3 4.9 Vdc Current Output Current Range Vin=18V-36V 0.0 13.0 A Output Current Range Vin=36V-75V 0.0 15.0 A Minimum Load No minimum load Current Limit Inception 98% of Vnom., after warmup 18.4 21.9 25.4 A Short Circuit Hiccup technique, autorecovery within ±1.25% Short Circuit Current 0.6 A of Vout Short Circuit Duration (remove short for Output shorted to ground, no damage Continuous recovery) Short circuit protection method Current limiting Regulation ➆ Line Regulation Vin=min. to max., Vout=nom., full load ±0.15 % Load Regulation Iout=min. to max., Vin=48V ±0.3 % With a 1uF || 10uF output caps 90 125 mV pk-pk Ripple and Noise With a 1uF || 100uF output caps 60 mV pk-pk Temperature Coeffi cient At all outputs ±0.02 % of Vnom./°C Remote Sense Compensation 18 Sense connected at load 10 % of Vout Maximum Capacitive Load Constant resistance mode , low ESR 0 10,000 μF MECHANICAL Outline Dimensions Cxx case 1.30x0.90x0.36 Inches (Please refer to outline drawing) LxWxH 33.02x22.9x9.14 mm Weight 0.48 Ounces 13.6 Grams Through Hole Pin Diameter 0.04 & 0.060 Inches 1.016 & 1.524 mm Through Hole Pin Material Copper alloy TH Pin Plating Metal and Thickness Nickel subplate 50 μ-inches Gold overplate 5 μ-inches EMI/RFI Shielding None ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Ambient Temperature Range See derating, full power, natural convection -40 85 °C Operating Case Temperature Range No derating, full power, natural convection -40 105 °C Storage Temperature Vin = Zero (no power) -55 125 °C Thermal Protection/Shutdown Measured in center 115 125 130 °C Electromagnetic Interference External fi lter is required Conducted, EN55022/CISPR22 B Class RoHS rating ➃ RoHS-6 www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 4 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA, UWS-3.3/15-Q48 Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C Power Dissipation vs. Load Current @ 25°C 92 6.5 91 6.0 90 5.5 89 88 5.0 8867 Vin = 75V Watts) 4.5 Efficiency (%)8888812345 VVViiinnn === 3 21648VVV Power Dissipation ( 2334....5050 Vin = 75V 80 2.0 Vin = 48V 79 1.5 Vin = 24V 78 1.0 Vin = 18V 77 0.5 76 0.8 1.8 2.8 3.8 4.8 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 75 Load Current (Amps) 0.8 1.8 2.8 3.8 4.8 5.9 6.9 7.9 8.9 9.9 10.9 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 Load Current (Amps) Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level (VIN = 18 and VIN = 24V, airfl ow is from pin 3 to pin 1) (VIN = 36 and VIN = 48V, airfl ow is from pin 3 to pin 1) 15 16 15 14 mps) mps) 14 0.33 to 2.0 m/s (65 to 400 LFM) nt (A 13 nt (A ut Curre 12 0.33 to 2.0 m/s (65 to 400 LFM) ut Curre 13 utp utp 12 O O 11 11 10 10 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Ambient Temperature (ºC) Ambient Temperature (ºC) Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level (VIN = 60V, airfl ow is from pin 3 to pin 1) (VIN = 75V, airfl ow is from pin 3 to pin 1) 16 15 15 0.33 m/s (65 LFM) Output Current (Amps) 11913 1.00+. 5m m/s/ s(2 (0100+0 LLFFMM)) Output Current (Amps) 11111234 1.5001+... 350m3 mm/ sm// ss(/4 s((0 12(0600+500 LLLLFFFFMMMM)))) 7 10 5 9 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Ambient Temperature (ºC) Ambient Temperature (ºC) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 5 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA, UWS-3.3/15-Q48 Output Ripple and Noise (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=no load, Output Ripple and Noise (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=15A, Cload=1μF ceramic || 10μF tantalum, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) Cload=1μF ceramic || 10μF tantalum, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) On/Off Enable Delay (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=15A, Cload=0 μF, Ta=+25°C., Step Load Transient Response (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=50-75-50% of full load, ScopeBW=20MHz) Trace 1=Enable, Trace 4=Vout Cload=1μF ceramic || 10μF tantalum, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) Step Load Transient Response (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=50-75-50% of full load, Thermal image with hot spot at full load current with 25 °C ambient temperature. Natural Cload=10,000 μF, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) convention is used with no forced airfl ow. Identifi able and recommended maximum value to be verifi ed in application. Vin=48V, Q6 max Temp=120 °C/IPC9592 guidelines. 95.6°C (+Vin) (+Vout) 90 80 T1: 81 CR21: 82 70 Q8: 83 Q6A: 88 60 (-Vin) (-Vout) 52.0°C www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 6 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, UWS-5/10-Q48 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Conditions ➀ Minimum Typical/Nominal Maximum Units Input Voltage, Continuous Full temperature range 0 80 Vdc Operating or non-operating, tested: Input Voltage, Transient 0 100 Vdc 100 mS max. duration Isolation Voltage Input to output 2250 Vdc Input Reverse Polarity None, install external fuse None Vdc On/Off Remote Control Power on, referred to -Vin 0 15 Vdc Output Power 0 50.63 W Output Current Current-limited, no damage, short-circuit protected 0 10 A Storage Temperature Range Vin = Zero (no power) -55 125 °C Absolute maximums are stress ratings. Exposure of devices to greater than any of these conditions may adversely affect long-term reliability. Proper operation under conditions other than those listed in the Performance/Functional Specifi cations Table is not implied or recommended. INPUT Operating voltage range 18 48 75 Vdc Recommended External Fuse Fast blow 5 A Start-up threshold, turn on Rising input voltage 16.5 17.5 17.9 Vdc Undervoltage shutdown, turn off Falling input voltage 15 16.75 17.5 Vdc Overvoltage shutdown NA Vdc Reverse Polarity Protection None, install external fuse None Vdc Internal Filter Type LC Input current Full Load Conditions Vin = nominal 1.14 1.2 A Low Line Vin = minimum 2.44 2.51 A Inrush Transient 0.4 A2-Sec. Output in Short Circuit 100 200 mA No Load Input Current Iout = minimum, unit=ON 30 60 mA Shut-Down Mode Input Current 5 10 mA Refl ected (back) ripple current ➁ No fi ltering 150 200 mAp-p Refl ected (back) ripple current ➁ Measured at input with specifi ed fi lter 15 30 mAp-p Pre-biased startup External output voltage < Vset Monotonic GENERAL and SAFETY Vin=48V, full load 88 91 % Effi ciency Vin=24V, full load 89.5 91 % Isolation Isolation Voltage, Input to Output 2250 Vdc Insulation Safety Rating basic Isolation Resistance 100 MΩ Isolation Capacitance 1000 pF UL-60950-1, CSA-C22.2 No.60950-1, Safety (meets the following requirements) Yes IEC/EN60950-1, 2nd Edition Per Telcordia SR332, issue 1, class 3, ground Calculated MTBF 3.0 Hours x 106 fi xed, Tambient=+25°C DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Fixed Switching Frequency 225 275 325 KHz Startup Time Power On to Vout regulated 30 mS Startup Time Remote ON to Vout regulated 30 mS 50-75-50% load step, settling time to within Dynamic Load Response 100 200 μSec ±1% of Vout Dynamic Load Peak Deviation Same as above, ±180 ±240 mV FEATURES and OPTIONS Remote On/Off Control ➅ "N" suffi x Negative Logic, ON state ON = Pin grounded or external voltage -0.1 0.8 V Negative Logic, OFF state OFF = Pin open or external voltage 2.5 15 V Control Current open collector/drain 1 2 mA "P" suffi x Positive Logic, ON state ON = Pin open or external voltage 10 15 V Positive Logic, OFF state OFF = Ground pin or external voltage 0 0.7 V Control Current open collector/drain 1 2 mA www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 7 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, UWS-5/10-Q48 (CONT.) OUTPUT Conditions ➀ Minimum Typical/Nominal Maximum Units Total Output Power See Derating 0.0 50 50.63 W Voltage Nominal Output Voltage No trim 4.938 5 5.063 Vdc Setting Accuracy At 50% load -1.25 1.25 % of Vset Output Voltage Range User-adjustable -20 10 Overvoltage Protection Via magnetic feedback 6.2 6.4 6.6 Vdc Current Output Current Range Vin=18V to 36V 0 8 Output Current Range Vin=36V to 75V 0 10 A Minimum Load No minimum load Current Limit Inception 98% of Vnom., cold condition 11 13 15.5 A Short Circuit Hiccup technique, autorecovery within Short Circuit Current 0.6 A ±1% of Vout Short Circuit Duration (remove short for Output shorted to ground, no damage Continuous recovery) Short circuit protection method Current limiting Regulation ➆ Line Regulation Vin=min. to max., Vout=nom., nom load ±0.125 % Load Regulation Iout=min. to max ±0.125 % With a 1uF || 10 uF output caps. 90 130 mV pk-pk Ripple and Noise 19 With a 1uF || 100uF output caps 65 mV pk-pk Temperature Coeffi cient At all outputs 0.02 % of Vout./°C Remote Sense Compensation 18 Sense connected at load 10 % of Vout Maximum Capacitive Loading (10% ceramic, Low ESR 0 5000 μF 90% Oscon) MECHANICAL Outline Dimensions Cxx case 1.30x0.90x0.36 Inches (Please refer to outline drawing) LxWxH 33.02x22.9x9.14 mm Weight 0.48 Ounces 13.6 Grams Through Hole Pin Diameter Diameter of pins standard 0.04 & 0.060 Inches 1.016 & 1.524 mm Gold-plated copper Through Hole Pin Material alloy with nickel underplate TH Pin Plating Metal and Thickness Nickel subplate 50 μ-inches Gold overplate 5 μ-inches EMI/RFI Shielding none ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Ambient Temperature Range See derating curves -40 85 °C Storage Temperature Vin = Zero (no power) -55 125 °C Operating Case Temp No derating required -40 105 °C Thermal Protection/Shutdown Measured at hotspot 115 125 130 °C Electromagnetic Interference External fi lter is required Conducted, EN55022/CISPR22 B Class RoHS rating ➃ RoHS-6 www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 8 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA, UWS-5/10-Q48 Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C – Vin = 18V-36V Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C – Vin = 36V-75V 92 95 90 90 88 Vin = 36V 86 85 Vin = 75V Vin = 24V Vin = 60V Efficiency (%)888240 Vin = 18V Efficiency (%)7850 VViinn == 4386VV 78 70 76 65 74 72 60 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 Load Current (Amps) Load Current (Amps) Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level (VIN = 18, airfl ow is from pin 1 to pin 3) (VIN = 24, airfl ow is from pin 1 to pin 3) 10 10 9 9 8 s) s) 8 p p Am 7 0.33 m/s (65 LFM) Am 0.33 to 2.0 m/s (65 to 400 LFM) nt ( 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) nt ( 7 Curre 6 1.0 to 2.0 m/s (200-400 LFM) Curre 6 ut 5 ut p p Out 4 Out 5 3 4 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Ambient Temperature (ºC) Ambient Temperature (ºC) Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level (VIN = 36, airfl ow is from pin 1 to pin 3) (VIN = 48V, airfl ow is from pin 3 to pin 1) 11 11 10 10 0.33 m/s (65 LFM) 0.33 m/s (65 LFM) Output Current (Amps) 56789 0112....5050 mmmm////ssss ((((123400000000 LLLLFFFFMMMM)))) Output Current (Amps) 56789 0112....5050 mmmm////ssss ((((123400000000 LLLLFFFFMMMM)))) 4 4 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Ambient Temperature (ºC) Ambient Temperature (ºC) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 9 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA, UWS-5/10-Q48 Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level (VIN = 60, airfl ow is from pin 1 to pin 3) (VIN = 75 airfl ow is from pin 1 to pin 3) 11 11 10 10 9 0.33 m/s (65 LFM) 9 s) 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) s) 0.33 m/s (65 LFM) mp 8 1.0 m/s (200 LFM) mp 8 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) A A 1.0 m/s (200 LFM) nt ( 1.5 m/s (300 LFM) nt ( 1.5 m/s (300 LFM) e 7 2.0 m/s (400 LFM) e 7 urr urr 2.0 m/s (400 LFM) C C ut 6 ut 6 p p ut ut O 5 O 5 4 4 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Ambient Temperature (ºC) Ambient Temperature (ºC) Power On Starup Delay (Vin=0 to 48V, Vout=nom, Iout=10A, Cload=0 uF, Ta=+25°C., Power On Starup Delay (Vin=0 to 48V, Vout=nom, Iout=0A, Cload=0 uF, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20Mhz) Trace 1=Vin, Trace 4=Vout ScopeBW=20Mhz) Trace 1=Vin, Trace 4=Vout On/Off Enable Delay (Vin=48V, Vout=nom, Iout=10A, Cload=0 uF, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20Mhz) Trace 1=Enable, Trace 4=Vout www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 10 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA, UWS-5/10-Q48 Output Ripple and Noise (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=10A, Cload=1 uFceramic || 10uf Output Ripple and Noise (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=0A, Cload=1 uFceramic || 10uf tantu- tantulum, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) lum, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) Step Load Transient Response (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=50-75-50% of full load, Cload=1 Step Load Transient Response (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=50-75-50% of full load, uF ceramic || 10uF tantalum, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz Ch1=5Vo, Ch2=Io 2amps\div) Cload=680uF, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz Ch1=5Vo, Ch2=Io 2amps\div) Thermal image with hot spot at full load current with 25 °C ambient temperature. Natural convention is used with no forced airfl ow. Identifi able and recommended maximum value to be verifi ed in application. Vin=48V, Q6 max Temp=120 °C/IPC9592 guidelines. 98.2°C (+Vin) (+Vout) 90 80 70 T1: 81 60 Q6: 89 Q8: 75 50 (-Vin) (-Vout) 44.4°C www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 11 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, UWS-12/4.5-Q48 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Conditions ➀ Minimum Typical/Nominal Maximum Units Input Voltage, Continuous Full temperature range 0 80 Vdc Operating or non-operating, 100 mS max. Input Voltage, Transient 0 100 Vdc duration Isolation Voltage Input to output tested 2250 Vdc Input Reverse Polarity None, install external fuse None Vdc On/Off Remote Control Power on or off, referred to -Vin 0 15 Vdc Output Power 0 54.54 W Output Current Current-limited, no damage, short-circuit protected 0 4.5 A Storage Temperature Range Vin = Zero (no power) -55 125 °C Absolute maximums are stress ratings. Exposure of devices to greater than any of these conditions may adversely affect long-term reliability. Proper operation under conditions other than those listed in the Performance/Functional Specifi cations Table is not implied or recommended. INPUT Operating voltage range 18 48 75 Vdc Recommended External Fuse Fast blow 6 A Start-up threshold Rising input voltage 16.5 17.2 17.9 Vdc Undervoltage lockout Falling input voltage 15 16.5 17.50 Vdc Overvoltage shutdown Rising input voltage None Vdc Reverse Polarity Protection None, install external fuse None Vdc Internal Filter Type capacitive Input current Full Load Conditions Vin = nominal 1.24 1.28 A Low Line Vin = minimum , 3.5A load 2.55 2.63 A Inrush Transient 0.05 A2-Sec. Output in Short Circuit 100 200 mA No Load Input Current Iout = minimum, unit=ON 25 60 mA Shut-Down Mode Input Currrent (Off, UV, OT) 5 10 mA Refl ected (back) ripple current ➁ Measured at input with specifi ed fi lter 30 40 mA, pk-pk Pre-biased startup External output voltage < Vset Monotonic GENERAL and SAFETY Vin=48V, full load 89 91 % Effi ciency Vin=24V, full load 89.5 91.5 % Isolation Isolation Voltage, Input to Output 2250 Vdc Insulation Safety Rating basic Isolation Resistance 100 MΩ Isolation Capacitance 1000 pF Safety (Designed to meet the following UL-60950-1, IEC/EN60950-1, 2nd Edition Yes requirements) Per Telcordia SR332, issue 1, class 3, ground Calculated MTBF ➃ 3.0 Hours x 106 fi xed, Tambient=+25°C DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Fixed Switching Frequency 200 230 260 KHz Power Up Startup Time Power On to Vout regulated 30 mS On/Off Startup Time Remote ON to Vout regulated 30 mS 50-75-50% load step, settling time to within Dynamic Load Response 250 300 μSec ±1% of Vout Dynamic Load Peak Deviation Same as above, ±350 ±400 mV FEATURES and OPTIONS Remote On/Off Control ➅ "N" suffi x Negative Logic, ON state ON=Pin grounded or external voltage -0.1 0.8 Vdc Negative Logic, OFF state OFF=Pin open or external voltage 2.5 15 Vdc Control Current Open collector/drain, sourcing 1 2 mA "P" suffi x Positive Logic, ON state ON=Pin open or external voltage 10 15 Vdc Positive Logic, OFF state OFF=Pin grounded or external voltage 0 0.7 Vdc Control Current Open collector/drain, sinking 1 2 mA www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 12 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, UWS-12/4.5-Q48 (CONT.) OUTPUT Conditions ➀ Minimum Typical/Nominal Maximum Units Total Output Power See Derating 0.0 54.0 54.54 W Voltage Nominal Output Voltage No trim 11.88 12.00 12.12 Vdc Setting Accuracy At 50% load ±1 % of Vnom. Output Voltage Range User-adjustable -20 10 % of Vnom. Overvoltage Protection Via magnetic feedback 13.3 15.3 18 Vdc Current Output Current Range Vin=18V-36V 0.0 3.5 A Output Current Range Vin=36V-75V 0.0 4.5 A Minimum Load No minimum load Current Limit Inception 98% of Vnom., after warmup 5.05 6.4 7.4 A Short Circuit Hiccup technique, autorecovery within ±1.25% Short Circuit Current 0.6 A of Vout Short Circuit Duration (remove short for Output shorted to ground, no damage Continuous recovery) Short circuit protection method Current limiting Regulation ➆ Line Regulation Vin=min. to max., Vout=nom., full load ±0.125 % Load Regulation Iout=min. to max., Vin=48V ±0.125 % Ripple and Noise with a 1uF || 10uF output caps 115 150 mV pk-pk Temperature Coeffi cient At all outputs ±0.02 % of Vnom./°C Maximum Capacitive Load Constant resistance mode, low ESR 0 2200 μF MECHANICAL Outline Dimensions Cxx case 1.30x0.90x0.36 Inches (Please refer to outline drawing) LxWxH 33.02x22.9x9.14 mm Weight 0.48 Ounces 13.6 Grams Through Hole Pin Diameter 0.04 & 0.060 Inches 1.016 & 1.524 mm Through Hole Pin Material Copper alloy TH Pin Plating Metal and Thickness Nickel subplate 50 μ-inches Gold overplate 5 μ-inches EMI/RFI Shielding None ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Ambient Temperature Range No derating, full power, natural convection -40 85 °C Operating Case Temperature Range No derating, full power, natural convection -40 105 °C Storage Temperature Vin = Zero (no power) -55 125 °C Thermal Protection/Shutdown Measured in center 115 125 130 °C Electromagnetic Interference External fi lter is required Conducted, EN55022/CISPR22 B Class RoHS rating ➃ RoHS-6 www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 13 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters Performance Specifi cation Notes 1. All specifi cations are typical unless noted. Ambient temperature = 8. Do not exceed maximum power ratings or output overvoltage when adjust- +25°Celsius, VIN is nominal, output current is maximum rated nominal. ing output trim values. External output capacitance is 1 μF multilayer ceramic paralleled with 9. At zero output current, Vout may contain components which slightly 10 μF electrolytic. All caps are low ESR. These capacitors are necessary for exceed the ripple and noise specifi cations. our test equipment and may not be needed in your application. Testing must be kept short enough that the converter does not appreciably 10. Output overload protection is non-latching. When the output overload heat up during testing. For extended testing, use plenty of airfl ow. See is removed, the output will automatically recover. Derating Curves for temperature performance. All models are stable and 11. All models are fully operational and meet published specifi cations, regulate within spec without external cacacitance. including “cold start” at –40°C. 2. Input Ripple Current is tested and specifi ed over a 5-20 MHz bandwidth 12. The converter will shut off if the input falls below the undervoltage thresh- and uses a special set of external fi lters only for the Ripple Current speci- old. It will not restart until the input exceeds the Input Start Up Voltage. fi cations. Input fi ltering is CIN = 33 μF, CBUS = 220 μF, LBUS = 12 μH. Use 13. Short circuit shutdown begins when the output voltage degrades approxi- capacitor rated voltages which are twice the maximum expected voltage. mately 2% from the selected setting. Capacitors must accept high speed AC switching currents. 14. Output noise may be further reduced by installing an external fi lter. See 3. Note that Maximum Current Derating Curves indicate an average current the Application Notes. Use only as much output fi ltering as needed and no at nominal input voltage. At higher temperatures and/or lower airfl ow, the more. Larger caps (especially low-ESR ceramic types) may slow transient converter will tolerate brief full current outputs if the average RMS current response or degrade dynamic performance. Thoroughly test your applica- over time does not exceed the Derating curve. All Derating curves are tion with all components installed. presented at sea level altitude. Be aware of reduced power dissipation with increasing density altitude. 15. To avoid damage or unplanned shutdown, do not sink appreciable reverse output current. 4. Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF) is calculated using the Telcordia (Belcore) SR-332 Method 1, Case 3, Issue 1, ground fi xed conditions. Oper- 16. If reverse polarity is accidentally applied to the input, to ensure reverse ating temperature = +30°C, full output load, natural air convection. input protection with full output load, always connect an external fast blow 5. The output may be shorted to ground indefi nitely with no damage. The input fuse in series with the +VIN input. Output Short Circuit Current shown in the specifi cations is an average con- 17. Although extremely unlikely, failure of the internal components of this sisting of very short bursts of full rated current to test whether the output product may expose external application circuits to dangerous voltages, circuit can be repowered. currents, temperatures or power levels. Please thoroughly verify all ap- plications before committing them to service. Be sure to include appropri- 6. The On/Off Control is normally driven from a switch or relay. An open ately-rated FUSES (see specifi cations and Application Notes) to reduce the collector/open drain transistor may be used in saturation and cut-off risk of failure. (pinch-off) modes. External logic may also be used if voltage levels are fully compliant to the specifi cations. 18. If remote sense is not used, connect it to its respective Vout terminal. Sense is included on UWS-3.3/15-Q48 and UWS-5/10-Q48 models only. 7. Regulation specifi cations describe the deviation as the input line voltage or output load current is varied from a nominal midpoint value to either 19 Output Ripple and Noise for the UWS-5/10-Q48 model with a 1uF and extreme (50% load). 100uF Tantalum Output Capacitor is 65mVp-p (Typical). www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 14 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA, UWS-12/4.5-Q48 Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C Power Dissipation vs. Load Current @ 25°C 92 6.50 91 6.00 90 89 5.50 Efficiency (%) 888888888012345678 VVVViiiinnnn ==== 24714858VVVV Power Dissipation (W) 233445......505050000000 VViinn == 2148VV 79 2.00 78 1.50 Vin = 48V 77 Vin = 75V 76 1.00 75 0.50 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 Load Current (A) Load Current (A) Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level (Vin = 18V, air fl ow from Pin J1 to Pin J3) (Vin = 24 air fl ow from Pin J1 to Pin J3 on PCB) 3.9 3.9 3.7 3.7 s) 3.5 s) 3.5 p p m 0.33, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, & 2.0 m/s m 0.33, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, & 2.0 m/s A 3.3 A 3.3 nt ( (65, 100, 200, 300, & 400 LFM) nt ( (65, 100, 200, 300, & 400 LFM) urre 3.1 urre 3.1 C C ut 2.9 ut 2.9 p p ut ut O 2.7 O 2.7 2.5 2.5 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Ambient Temperature (ºC) Ambient Temperature (ºC) Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level Maximum Current Temperature Derating at Sea Level (Vin = 48 air fl ow from Pin J1 to Pin J3 on PCB) (Vin = 75 air fl ow from Pin J1 to Pin J3 on PCB) 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.6 ps) 4.5 ps) 4.5 m 0.33, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, & 2.0 m/s m nt (A 4.4 (65, 100, 200, 300, & 400 LFM) nt (A 4.4 00..353 m m/s/ s( 1(6050 LLFFMM)) Curre 4.3 Curre 4.3 1.0, 1.5, & 2.0 m/s (200, 300, & 400 LFM) Output 44..12 Output 44..12 4.0 4.0 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Ambient Temperature (ºC) Ambient Temperature (ºC) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 15 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA, UWS-12/4.5-Q48 Output Ripple and Noise (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=no load, Output Ripple and Noise (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=4.5A, Cload=1μF ceramic || 10μF tantalum, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) Cload=1μF ceramic || 10μF tantalum, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) On/Off Enable Delay (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=no load, Cload=0 μF, Ta=+25°C., On/Off Enable Delay (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=4.5A, Cload=0 μF, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) Trace 1=Enable, Trace 4=Vout ScopeBW=20MHz) Trace 1=Enable, Trace 4=Vout Step Load Transient Response (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=50-75-50% of full load, Step Load Transient Response (Vin=48V, Vout=nom., Iout=50-75-50% of full load, Cload=1μF ceramic || 10μF tantalum, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) Cload=2200 μF, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 16 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TYPICAL PERFORMANCE DATA, UWS-12/4.5-Q48 Power On Startup Delay (Vin=0 to 48V, Vout=nom., Iout=no load, Cload=0 μF, Ta=+25°C., Power On Startup Delay (Vin=0 to 48V, Vout=nom., Iout=4.5A, Cload=0 μF, Ta=+25°C., ScopeBW=20MHz) Trace 1=Vin, Trace 4=Vout ScopeBW=20MHz) Trace 1=Vin, Trace 4=Vout Thermal image with hot spot at full load current with 25 °C ambient temperature. Natural convention is used with no forced airfl ow. Identifi able and recommended maximum value to be verifi ed in application. Vin=48V, Q6 and T1 max Temp=120 °C/IPC9592 guidelines. 89.0°C (+Vin) (+Vout) 80 T1: 82 70 Q8: 73 Q6: 82 60 (-Vin) (-Vout) 50 49.8°C www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 17 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS, THROUGH-HOLE MOUNT 0.116 (2.95) MAX Material: PCB thickness Ø .040 Pins: copper alloy (REF) END VIEW Ø .062 Pins: copper alloy Finish: (all pins) 0.36 Gold (5u"min) over nickel (50u" min) (9.14) 0.18 (4.6) 0.125 0.010 (0.25) MIN (3.175) .040 (1.02) @ CLEARANCE REF PINS 1-3, 5-7 .060 (1.524) @ PINS 4 & 8 SIDE VIEW PIN 1.30 #3 (33.0) PIN 1.100 #8 (27.9) PIN #4 3 4 0.300 5* 9) CL0.30(07.62)2 76*0.1500(3.1.8510) 90 (22. Pin INPFuUnTc/tOioUnTPUT PCiOnNNECTIOFuNnSc tPio7n5 (7.62) 8 0. 3 –Vin 4 –Vout 1 5 –Sense* 0.550 2 On/Off Control 6 Output Trim (13.97) BOTTOM PIN VIEW 7 +Sense* CL 1 +Vin 8 +Vout * Sense is included only on models UWS-3.3/15-Q48 and UWS-5/10-Q48. Sense pins are omitted on other models. Note that some competitive units may use different pin numbering or alternate outline views. However, all units are pinout compatible. Recommended Footprint For Thru-hole Converter Standard pin length is shown. Please refer to the (View Through Converter) part number structure for alternate pin lengths. Top View Finished Hole Sizes It is recommended that no parts be placed beneath @ Pins 1-3, 6, 5*, 7* (Pri) (Sec) the converter. (Per Ipc-d-275, Level C) .048-.062 1.100 3.81 Dimensions are in inches (mm) shown for ref. only. .150 8 11.7 1 Third Angle Projection .46 7* 7.62 23.4 CL 2 6 .300 CL .92 5* 7.62 .300 3 4 3.81 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified): .150 .XX ± 0.02 (0.5) .100 Min 14.0 .XXX ± 0.010 (0.25) .55 Angles ± 1˚ Annular Ring For All Pin CL Finished Hole Sizes Components are shown for reference only @ Pins 4 & 8 Shoulders 33.5 (Per Ipc-d-275, Level C) and may vary between units. 1.32 .070-.084 www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 18 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS, SURFACE MOUNT (MSL RATING 2) 0.116 (2.95) MAX PCB thickness Material: END VIEW (REF) SMT contacts: copper alloy Finish: (all pins) 0.36 Gold (5u"min) over nickel (50u" min) (9.14) 0.010 (0.25) MIN .062 (1.57) TYP CLEARANCE (ALL PINS) 0.125 (3.175) REF SIDE VIEW 1.30 (33.0) 1.100 PIN (27.9) #8 PIN 3 4 #4 0.300 5* 9) CL (7.62)2 6 0.150(3.81) (22. 0.300 0.150 0 9 (7.62) 1 7* 0. INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTIONS P75 8 Pin Function Pin Function 3 –Vin 4 –Vout 0.550 BOTTOM PIN VIEW 5 –Sense* (13.97) 2 On/Off Control 6 Output Trim CL 7 +Sense* 1 +Vin 8 +Vout * Sense is included only on models UWS-3.3/15-Q48 and UWS-5/10-Q48. Sense pins are omitted on other models. Recommended Footprint Note that some competitive units may use different (View Through Converter) pin numbering or alternate outline views. However, all units are pinout compatible. Top View It is recommended that no parts be placed beneath (Pri) (Sec) the converter. 27.94 1.100 3.81 .150 Dimensions are in inches (mm) shown for ref. only. 8 1 11.7 .46 7* 7 Third Angle Projection 23.4 CL 2 6 . .92 5* 7.62 .300 3 4 3.81 Tolerances (unless otherwise specified): .150 .XX ± 0.02 (0.5) 14.0 .XXX ± 0.010 (0.25) .55 .070 Min Pad Angles ± 1˚ CL (6 Or 8 Places Components are shown for reference only 33.5 As Required) and may vary between units. 1.32 www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 19 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters SHIPPING TRAYS AND BOXES, THROUGH-HOLE MOUNT Anti-static foam Corner spacer 2 cartons per box 128 units 13.79 (350) 12.6 (320) 128 units E(3a2c hu ntritasy tiost a4l xp e8r utrnaitys) 0) 128 units 9 2 per carton 2 ( 4 11. Label 256 units total per box Corrugated cardboard box All materials in contact with the units are anti-static protective. Dimensions are in inches (mm). Label SHIPPING TRAY DIMENSIONS Material: Low density, closed cell polyethylene anti-static foam 9.84 0.87 (250.00) (22.00) 0.59 4-C 0.26 (15.00) (6.5) 0.4712.00) ( 0) 40 9.850. 2 ( 40) 20 0.6. ( Dimensions are in milimeters. Third Angle Projection Tolerances (unless otherwise specified): (8.0R00).31 0.9123.00) .XX ± 0.5 0.51 ( 1.34 1.97 0.31 .XXX ± 0.25 (13.00) Angles ± 2˚ (34.00) (50.00) (8.00) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 20 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION (MSL RATING 2) Feed (Unwind) [2.0] 6-8mm Direction ---- 0.079 PICK-UP NOZZLE Pin #1 Round 1.75 Holes .069 [18.92] 0.745 44.00 1.732 32.00 1.260 Oblong Holes PITCH Top Cover Tape [9.65] .38 REF 330.20 13.00 TAPE AND REEL (200 UNITS PER REEL) 101.60 13.00 4.00 .512 44.0 CORE 1.73 Dimensions are in inches (mm shown for ref. only). REF Third Angle Projection Tolerances (unless otherwise specified): .XX ± 0.02 (0.5) .XXX ± 0.010 (0.25) Angles ± 1˚ Components are shown for reference only. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 21 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters TECHNICAL NOTES Input Fusing I/O Filtering, Input Ripple Current, and Output Noise Certain applications and/or safety agencies may require the installation of All models in the UWS Series are tested/specifi ed for input refl ected ripple fuses at the inputs of power conversion components. Fuses should also be current and output noise using the specifi ed external input/output components/ used if the possibility of sustained, non-current-limited, input-voltage polarity circuits and layout as shown in the following two fi gures. External input capaci- reversals exists. For Murata Power Solutions UWS series DC-DC converters, we tors (CIN in Figure 2) serve primarily as energy-storage elements, minimiz- recommend the use of a fast blow fuse, installed in the ungrounded input sup- ing line voltage variations caused by transient IR drops in conductors from ply line with a typical value about twice the maximum input current, calculated backplane to the DC-DC. Input caps should be selected for bulk capacitance at low line with the converter’s minimum effi ciency. (at appropriate frequencies), low ESR, and high rms-ripple-current ratings. The switching nature of DC-DC converters requires that dc voltage sources have All relevant national and international safety standards and regulations must low ac impedance as highly inductive source impedance can affect system sta- be observed by the installer. For system safety agency approvals, the convert- bility. In Figure 2, CBUS and LBUS simulate a typical dc voltage bus. Your specifi c ers must be installed in compliance with the requirements of the end- use system confi guration may necessitate additional considerations. safety standard, i.e. IEC/EN/UL60950-1. Input Reverse-Polarity Protection TO OSCILLOSCOPE CURRENT If the input voltage polarity is accidentally reversed, an internal diode will be- PROBE +VIN come forward biased and likely draw excessive current from the power source. If this source is not current limited or the circuit appropriately fused, it could + LBUS cause permanent damage to the converter. VIN CBUS CIN – Input Under-Voltage Shutdown and Start-Up Threshold Under normal start-up conditions, devices will not begin to regulate properly –VIN until the ramping-up input voltage exceeds the Start-Up Threshold Voltage. CIN = 33μF, ESR < 700mΩ @ 100kHz Once operating, devices will not turn off until the input voltage drops below the CBUS = 220μF, ESR < 100mΩ @ 100kHz Under-Voltage Shutdown limit. Subsequent re-start will not occur until the input LBUS = 12μH is brought back up to the Start-Up Threshold. This built in hysteresis prevents Figure 2. Measuring Input Ripple Current any unstable on/off situations from occurring at a single input voltage. In critical applications, output ripple/noise (also referred to as periodic and Start-Up Time random deviations or PARD) may be reduced below specifi ed limits using fi lter- The VIN to VOUT Start-Up Time is the time interval between the point at which ing techniques, the simplest of which is the installation of additional external the ramping input voltage crosses the Start-Up Threshold and the fully loaded output capacitors. They function as true fi lter elements and should be selected output voltage enters and remains within its specifi ed accuracy band. Actual for bulk capacitance, low ESR and appropriate frequency response. measured times will vary with input source impedance, external input capaci- All external capacitors should have appropriate voltage ratings and be tance, and the slew rate and fi nal value of the input voltage as it appears at the located as close to the converter as possible. Temperature variations for all converter. The UWS Series implements a soft start circuit to limit the duty cycle relevant parameters should also be taken carefully into consideration. The most of its PWM controller at power up, thereby limiting the input inrush current. effective combination of external I/O capacitors will be a function of line voltage The On/Off Control to VOUT start-up time assumes the converter has its and source impedance, as well as particular load and layout conditions. nominal input voltage applied but is turned off via the On/Off Control pin. The specifi cation defi nes the interval between the point at which the converter is turned on (released) and the fully loaded output voltage enters and remains +SENSE within its specifi ed accuracy band. Similar to the VIN to VOUT start-up, the On/Off +VOUT Control to VOUT start-up time is also governed by the internal soft start circuitry and external load capacitance. The difference in start up time from VIN to VOUT and from On/Off Control to VOUT is therefore insignifi cant. C1 C2 SCOPE RLOAD Input Source Impedance –VOUT The input of UWS converters must be driven from a low ac-impedance source. –SENSE The DC-DC’s performance and stability can be compromised by the use of highly inductive source impedances. The input circuit shown in Figure 2 is a C1 = 1μF practical solution that can be used to minimize the effects of inductance in the C2 = 10μF input traces. For optimum performance, components should be mounted close LOAD 2-3 INCHES (51-76mm) FROM MODULE to the DC-DC converter. Figure 3. Measuring Output Ripple/Noise (PARD) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 22 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters Floating Outputs Remote Sense (models UWS-3.3/15-Q48 and UWS-5/10-Q48 only) Since these are isolated DC-DC converters, their outputs are “fl oating” with Note: The Sense and VOUT lines are internally connected through low-value respect to their input. Designers will normally use the –Output as the ground/ resistors. Nevertheless, if the sense function is not used for remote regulation return of the load circuit. You can however, use the +Output as ground/return to the user should connect the +Sense to +VOUT and –Sense to –VOUT at the DC- effectively reverse the output polarity. DC converter pins. ULS series converters employ a sense feature to provide point of use regulation, thereby overcoming moderate IR drops in PCB conduc- Minimum Output Loading Requirements tors or cabling. The remote sense lines carry very little current and therefore UWS converters employ a synchronous-rectifi er design topology and all models require minimal cross-sectional-area conductors. The sense lines, which are regulate within spec and are stable under no-load to full load conditions. capacitively coupled to their respective output lines, are used by the feedback Operation under no-load conditions however might slightly increase the output control-loop to regulate the output. As such, they are not low impedance points ripple and noise. and must be treated with care in layouts and cabling. Sense lines on a PCB should be run adjacent to dc signals, preferably ground. Thermal Shutdown The UWS converters are equipped with thermal-shutdown circuitry. If environ- [VOUT(+)-VOUT(–)] – [Sense(+)-Sense(–)] 10%VOUT mental conditions cause the temperature of the DC-DC converter to rise above In cables and discrete wiring applications, twisted pair or other techniques the designed operating temperature, a precision temperature sensor will power should be used. Output over-voltage protection is monitored at the output volt- down the unit. When the internal temperature decreases below the threshold age pin, not the Sense pin. Therefore, excessive voltage differences between of the temperature sensor, the unit will self start. See Performance/Functional Specifi cations. VOUT and Sense in conjunction with trim adjustment of the output voltage can cause the over-voltage protection circuitry to activate (see Performance Speci- Output Over-Voltage Protection fi cations for over-voltage limits). Power derating is based on maximum output The UWS output voltage is monitored for an over-voltage condition using a com- current and voltage at the converter’s output pins. Use of trim and sense func- parator. The signal is optically coupled to the primary side and if the output volt- tions can cause output voltages to increase, thereby increasing output power age rises to a level which could be damaging to the load, the sensing circuitry beyond the converter’s specifi ed rating, or cause output voltages to climb into will power down the PWM controller causing the output voltage to decrease. the output over-voltage region. Therefore, the designer must ensure: Following a time-out period the PWM will restart, causing the output voltage (VOUT at pins) x (IOUT) rated output power to ramp to its appropriate value. If the fault condition persists, and the output voltage again climbs to excessive levels, the over-voltage circuitry will initiate Contact and PCB resistance another shutdown cycle. This on/off cycling is referred to as “hiccup” mode. losses due to IR drops Current Limiting +VIN +VOUT As soon as the output current increases to approximately 130% of its rated IOUT value, the DC-DC converter will go into a current-limiting mode. In this condi- +SENSE tion, the output voltage will decrease proportionately with increases in output Sense Current current, thereby maintaining somewhat constant power dissipation. This is ON/OFF TRIM LOAD commonly referred to as power limiting. Current limit inception is defi ned CONTROL as the point at which the full-power output voltage falls below the specifi ed Sense Return tolerance. See Performance/Functional Specifi cations. If the load current, being –SENSE drawn from the converter, is signifi cant enough, the unit will go into a short IOUT Return circuit condition as described below. –VIN –VOUT Short Circuit Condition Contact and PCB resistance When a converter is in current-limit mode, the output voltage will drop as the losses due to IR drops output current demand increases. If the output voltage drops too low, the mag- Figure 4. Remote Sense Circuit Confi guration netically coupled voltage used to develop primary side voltages will also drop, Sense is included only on models UWS-3.3/15-Q48 and UWS-5/10-Q48. thereby shutting down the PWM controller. Following a time-out period, the PWM will restart causing the output voltage to begin ramping to their appropri- ate value. If the short-circuit condition persists, another shutdown cycle will be initiated. This on/off cycling is referred to as “hiccup” mode. The hiccup cycling reduces the average output current, thereby preventing internal temperatures from rising to excessive levels. The UWS Series is capable of enduring an indefi nite short circuit output condition. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 23 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters On/Off Control The input-side, remote On/Off Control function can be ordered to operate with +VIN +Vcc either logic type: 13V CIRCUIT Positive ("P" suffi x) logic models are enabled when the On/Off pin is left open or is pulled high (see specifi cations) with respect to the –Input as per ON / OF F Figure 4. Positive-logic devices are disabled when the on/off pin is pulled low CO N T RO L 5V CIRCUIT with respect to the –Input. Negative (“N” suffi x) logic devices are off when the On/Off pin is left open –VIN or is pulled high (see specifi cations), and on when the pin is pulled low with respect to the –Input. See specifi cations. Figure 5. Driving the Negative Logic On/Off Control Pin Dynamic control of the remote on/off function is best accomplished with (simplifi ed circuit) a mechanical relay or an open-collector/open-drain drive circuit (optically isolated if appropriate). The drive circuit should be able to sink appropriate current (see Performance Specifi cations) when activated and withstand ap- propriate voltage when deactivated. Applying an external voltage to pin 2 when no input power is applied to the converter can cause permanent damage to the converter. Trim Equations Trim Down 511 RT (k(cid:58)) = – 10.22 DOWN Δ% Where Δ%(cid:3)(cid:32)(cid:3)(cid:95)((cid:3)V(cid:3)(cid:3)N(cid:3)(cid:3)O(cid:3)M(cid:3)(cid:3) (cid:3)–(cid:3)(cid:3) (cid:3)V(cid:3)(cid:3)D(cid:3)(cid:3)E(cid:3)S(cid:3)(cid:3) × 100 )(cid:95) VNOM Trim Up RT (k(cid:58)) = 5.11 × VNOM × (100 + Δ%) – 511 – 10.22 UP 1.225 × Δ% Δ% Note: “Δ%” is always a positive value. “VNOM” is the nominal, rated output voltage. “VDES” is the desired, changed output voltage. OUTPUT VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT +VIN +VOUT +VIN +VOUT +SENSE +SENSE RTRIM DOWN OCON/NOTFRFOL TRIM LOAD OCON/NOTFRFOL TRIM LOAD RTRIM UP –SENSE –SENSE –VIN –VOUT –VIN –VOUT Figure 6. Trim Connections To Increase Output Voltages Figure 7. Trim Connections To Decrease Output Voltages Sense is included on UWS-3.3/15-D48 and UWS-5/10-Q48. Connect Trim to the respective Vout pin if sense is not installed. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 24 of 25
UWS Series Sixteenth-brick DOSA-Compatible, Wide Input Isolated DC-DC Converters Vertical Wind Tunnel Murata Power Solutions employs a computer controlled custom- designed closed loop vertical wind tunnel, infrared video camera sys- tem, and test instrumentation for accurate airfl ow and heat dissipa- IR Transparent tion analysis of power products. The system includes a precision low optical window Variable fl ow-rate anemometer, variable speed fan, power supply input and Unit under speed fan load controls, temperature gauges, and adjustable heating element. test (UUT) The IR camera monitors the thermal performance of the Unit Under IR Video Test (UUT) under static steady-state conditions. A special optical port Camera is used which is transparent to infrared wavelengths. Both through-hole and surface mount converters are soldered down to a 10" x 10" host carrier board for realistic heat absorption and spreading. Both longitudinal and transverse airfl ow studies are Heating possible by rotation of this carrier board since there are often signifi - element cant differences in the heat dissipation in the two airfl ow directions. Precision The combination of adjustable airfl ow, adjustable ambient heat, and low-rate adjustable Input/Output currents and voltages mean that a very wide anemometer 3” below UUT range of measurement conditions can be studied. The collimator reduces the amount of turbulence adjacent to the UUT by minimizing airfl ow turbulence. Such turbulence infl uences the Ambient temperature effective heat transfer characteristics and gives false readings. Excess sensor turbulence removes more heat from some surfaces and less heat from others, possibly causing uneven overheating. Airflow Both sides of the UUT are studied since there are different thermal collimator gradients on each side. The adjustable heating element and fan, built-in temperature gauges, and no-contact IR camera mean that power supplies are tested in real-world conditions. Figure 8. Vertical Wind Tunnel Through-hole Soldering Guidelines SMT Refl ow Soldering Guidelines Murata Power Solutions recommends the TH soldering specifi cations below when install- The surface-mount refl ow solder profi le shown below is suitable for SAC305 type lead- ing these converters. These specifi cations vary depending on the solder type. Exceeding free solders. This graph should be used only as a guideline. Many other factors infl uence these specifi cations may cause damage to the product. Your production environment may the success of SMT refl ow soldering. Since your production environment may differ, differ; therefore please thoroughly review these guidelines with your process engineers. please thoroughly review these guidelines with your process engineers. Wave Solder Operations for through-hole mounted products (THMT) For Sn/Ag/Cu based solders: Maximum Preheat Temperature 115° C. Maximum Pot Temperature 270° C. Maximum Solder Dwell Time 7 seconds For Sn/Pb based solders: Maximum Preheat Temperature 105° C. Maximum Pot Temperature 250° C. Maximum Solder Dwell Time 6 seconds This product is subject to the following operating requirements Murata Power Solutions, Inc. and the Life and Safety Critical Application Sales Policy: 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfi eld, MA 02048-1151 U.S.A. Refer to: http://www.murata-ps.com/requirements/ ISO 9001 and 14001 REGISTERED Murata Power Solutions, Inc. makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of other technical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Specifi cations are subject to change without notice. © 2016 Murata Power Solutions, Inc. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWS Series.D04 Page 25 of 25
Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: M urata: UWS-12/4.5-Q48N-C UWS-12/4.5-Q48NM-C UWS-12/4.5-Q48P-C UWS-12/4.5-Q48PM-C UWS-3.3/15-Q48N-C UWS-3.3/15-Q48NM-C UWS-3.3/15-Q48P-C UWS-3.3/15-Q48PM-C UWS-5/10-Q48N-C UWS-5/10-Q48NM-C UWS- 5/10-Q48P-C UWS-5/10-Q48PM-C