

  • 型号: UWE-12/6-Q12PB-C
  • 制造商: Murata
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供UWE-12/6-Q12PB-C由Murata设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 UWE-12/6-Q12PB-C价格参考。MurataUWE-12/6-Q12PB-C封装/规格:直流转换器, 隔离模块 DC/DC 转换器 1 输出 12V 6A 9V - 36V 输入。您可以下载UWE-12/6-Q12PB-C参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有UWE-12/6-Q12PB-C 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

Murata Power Solutions Inc.生产的UWE-12/6-Q12PB-C直流转换器是一款高效、紧凑的电源模块,适用于多种工业和商业应用场景。以下是该型号的主要应用场景:

 1. 通信设备

 2. 工业自动化

 3. 医疗设备

 4. 消费电子产品

 5. 汽车电子

产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值

电源 - 板安装


CONV DC/DC 72W 12V 6A隔离式DC/DC转换器 72W 12Vin 12Vout 6A Pos Plrty Baseplate


DC DC ConvertersDC/DC转换器


Murata Power Solutions





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


隔离式DC/DC转换器,Murata Power Solutions UWE-12/6-Q12PB-CUWE






















Murata Power Solutions


2.30" 长 x 0.90" 宽 x 0.38" 高(58.4mm x 22.9mm x 9.7mm)






8-DIP 模块,1/8 砖


1/8 Brick


-40°C ~ 85°C


























1.5 kV


12 V


9 V to 36 V


72 W




12 V


6 A





品牌:Texas Instruments

产品名称:电源 - 板安装



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品牌:Murata Power Solutions Inc.

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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

UWE Series www.murata-ps.com Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters TThe UWE Series "Eighth-Brick" DC-DC Converters are high-current isolated power modules designed for use in high-density system boards. Typical unit FFEEAATTUURREESS PRODUCT OVERVIEW Industry-standard through-hole eighth-brick With dimensions of only 0.9 by 2.3 by 0.38 tight line/load regulation, stable no-load operation package with 0.9" x 2.3" x 0.38" outline inches, the UWE series open frame DC-DC convert- and fast load step response. All units are precision dimensions ers deliver up to 75 Watts in an industry-standard assembled in a highly automated facility with ISO- “eighth-brick” through-hole package. This format traceable manufacturing quality standards. Choice of two wide input ranges, 9-36 Vdc or can plug directly into quarter-brick pinouts. Several Isolation of 2250 Volts (Q48 models) assures 18-75 Vdc standard fi xed-output voltages from 3.3 Vdc to 24 safety and fully differential (fl oating) operation for Fixed output from 3.3 to 24 Volts DC up to 75 Vdc assure compatibility in embedded equipment, greatest application fl exibility. On-board Sense in- Watts CPU cards and instrument subsystems. The extend- puts compensate for line drop errors at high output Synchronous rectifi cation yields very high ed 4-to-1 input power range (9-36V) is ideal for currents. Outputs are trimmable within ±10% of effi ciency and low power dissipation battery-powered, telecom or portable applications. nominal voltage. The UWE series are functionally Operating temperature range from -40 to Very high effi ciency means no fans or temperature complete. +85˚C with derating deratings in many applications. An optional thermal A wealth of protection features prevents damage mounting baseplate extends operation into most to both the converter and outside circuits. Inputs Up to 2250 Volt DC isolation (Q48 models) conceivable environments. are protected from undervoltage and outputs fea- Outstanding thermal performance and derating The synchronous rectifi er design uses the ture short circuit protection, overcurrent and excess Extensive self-protection, overtemperature maximum available duty cycle for greatest ef- temperature shut down. Overloads automatically and overload features with no output reverse fi ciency and low power dissipation with no reverse recover using the “hiccup” technique upon fault conduction output conduction. Other features include low removal. The UWE is certifi ed to standard safety on-resistance FET’s, planar magnetics and heavy- and EMI/RFI approvals. All units meet RoHS-6 On/Off control, trim and remote sense functions copper PC boards. These deliver low output noise, hazardous materials compliance. Certifi ed to UL/EN/IEC 60950-1, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60950-1, 2nd Edition, safety approvals and EN55022/CISPR22 standards Pre-bias operation for startup protection +VIN +VOUT SWITCH VOLTAGE DRIVE REGULATOR +SENSE SS PWM −VOUT –VIN −SENSE ON/OFF CONTROL REFERENCE AMPLIFIER, ISOLATION TRIM AND FEEDBACK TRIM UV, OT Typical topology is shown. Figure 1. Simplifi ed Block Diagram For full details go to www.murata-ps.com/rohs Q48 models only www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 1 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS SUMMARY AND ORDERING GUIDE  Output Input Effi ciency IIN, no IIN, full R/N (mVp-p) ➂ Regulation (max.) VOUT IOUT Power VIN Nom. Range load load Package Root Model  (V) (A) (W) Typ. Max. Line Load (V) (V) (mA) (A) Min. Typ. (Case, Pinout) UWE-3.3/20-Q12 3.3 20 66 80 125 ±0.25% ±0.25% 12 9-36 160 6.18 87% 89% UWE-3.3/20-Q48 3.3 20 66 165 225 ±0.2% ±0.25% 48 18-75 75 1.54 88% 89.5% UWE-5/15-Q12 5.0 15 75 80 125 ±0.25% ±0.125% 12 9-36 185 6.87 89% 91% UWE-5/15-Q48 5.0 15 75 135 150 ±0.2% ±0.15% 48 18-75 90 1.74 88.5% 90% UWE-12/6-Q12 12.0 6 72 120 180 ±0.125% ±0.05% 12 9-36 200 6.56 90% 91.5% C77, P32 UWE-12/6-Q48 12.0 6 72 115 150 ±0.1% ±0.075% 48 18-75 90 1.65 89% 91% UWE-15/5-Q12 15.0 5 75 65 125 ±0.125% ±0.075% 12 9-36 270 6.83 89.5% 91.5% UWE-15/5-Q48 15.0 5 75 90 150 ±0.125% ±0.125% 48 18-75 90 1.73 89% 90.5% UWE-24/3-Q12  24.0 3 72 190 275 ±0.125% ±0.125% 12 9-36 110 6.70 88.3% 89.5%  Please refer to the part number structure for additonal ordering model numbers and options.  I/O caps are necessary for our test equipment and may not be needed for your application.  All specifi cations are at nominal line voltage, nominal output voltage and full load, +25° C.  Load regulation range: 0.1-3A. This is required only for our test equipment. The converter will unless otherwise noted. See detailed specifi cations. operate at zero output current with degraded regulation.  Output capacitors are 1 μF ceramic in parallel with 10 μF electrolytic. Input cap is 100 μF. All caps are low ESR types. Contact Murata Power Solutions for details. PART NUMBER STRUCTURE U W E - 12 / 6 - Q12 P B H LX - C Unipolar, Single-Output RoHS Hazardous Materials Compliance C=RoHS-6, standard (does not claim EU RoHS exemption 7b–lead in solder) Wide Input Range Pin Length Option Blank = Standard pin length 0.19 inches (4.8mm) L1 = Pin length 0.110 inches (2.79mm)* Eighth-Brick Package L2 = Pin length 0.145 inches (3.68mm)* Conformal Coating Option *Special quantity order is required; Nominal Output Voltage Blank = No coating, standard no sample quantities available. H = Coating added, optional* (built to order; contact Murata Power Solutions for MOQ and lead times.) Maximum Rated Output Current in Amps Baseplate (optional) Note: Blank = No baseplate (standard) Some model number combinations B = Baseplate installed (optional special order) may not be available. Please contact Murata Power Solutions. Input Voltage Range On/Off Control Logic Q12 = 9-36 Volts P = Positive logic (standard for Q12 models, optional for Q48 models) Q48 = 18-75 Volts N = Negative logic (standard for Q48 models, optional special order for Q12 models) Special Customer Confi guration part numbers: 1) UWE-12/6-Q48NB-C-CIS 2) UWE-12/6-Q48NBL1-C-CIS 3) UWE-15/5-Q12P-31318-C (tested to 2500Vdc isolation; all other standard product specifi cations plus conformal coating apply.) 4) UWE-12/6-Q48NBHL1-C-CIS www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 2 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, Q12 MODELS UWE-3.3/20-Q12 UWE-5/15-Q12 UWE-12/6-Q12 UWE-15/5-Q12 UWE-24/3-Q12 18 Specs are typical unless noted. INPUT Input voltage range See ordering guide Start-up threshold, Volts 9.5 9 Undervoltage shutdown, V. 8.5 8 8 8.2 8 Overvoltage shutdown, V. none Refl ected (back) ripple current, mA pk-pk ② 25 10 40 1 40 Suggested external fast blow fuse, A 25 20 20 20 20 Input current Full load conditions See ordering guide Inrush transient, A2sec 0.1 A2sec Input current if output is in short circuit, mA 250 200 250 250 250 No load, mA 160 185 200 270 110 Low line (Vin=min.), Amps 8.33 9.42 8.89 9.36 9.04 Standby mode, mA 8 5 5 5 5 (Off, UV, OT shutdown) L-C Internal input fi lter type Reverse polarity protection None, install external fuse Remote On/Off control OFF=Ground pin to +0.8V max. Positive logic ("P" model suffi x) ON=open pin or +3.5 to +15V max. OFF=open pin or +5V to +15V max. Negative logic ("N" model suffi x) ON=Ground pin or 0 to +0.8V max. Current, mA 1 OUTPUT Voltage output range See ordering guide Voltage output accuracy ±1% of Vnom., (50% load) Adjustment range -10 to +10% of Vnom. Temperature coeffi cient ±0.02% of Vout range per °C Minimum loading No minimum load Remote sense compensation +10% max. Ripple/noise (20 MHz bandwidth) See ordering guide Line/Load regulation See ordering guide Effi ciency See ordering guide Maximum capacitive loading, μF 10,000 10,000 4,700 4700 1500 low ESR, resistive load Isolation voltage Input to Output, Volts min. DC 1500 Input to baseplate, Volts min. DC 1500 Baseplate to output, Volts min. DC 750 Isolation resistance, MΩ 100 Isolation capacitance, pF 1500 1000 1000 1000 1000 Isolation safety rating Basic insulation Current limit inception (98% of 27 22.5 8.5 7.25 4.0 Vout, after warmup), Amps Short circuit protection method Current limiting, hiccup autorestart. Remove overload for recovery. Short circuit current, Amps 0.5 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 Short circuit duration Continuous, output shorted to ground. No damage. Overvoltage protection, Volts 4.5 6 15 18 29 (via magnetic feedback) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 3 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, Q12 MODELS, CONTINUED DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS UWE-3.3/20-Q12 UWE-5/15-Q12 UWE-12/6-Q12 UWE-15/5-Q12 UWE-24/3-Q12 Dynamic load response, μSec (50-75-50% load step) to ±1% 50 of fi nal value Start-up time Vin to Vout regulated, mSec 20 20 40 30 40 Remote On/Off to Vout regulated, mSec 5 15 30 25 30 Switching frequency, KHz 245±25 215-250 275 ±25 275 ±25 215 ±15 ENVIRONMENTAL Operating temperature range, no baseplate -40 to +85 with derating with derating, °C (see Derating curves) Storage temperature range, °C -55 to +125 Maximum baseplate operating temperature, °C +100 Thermal protection/shutdown, °C +120 Relative humidity to +85°C/85% non-condensing PHYSICAL Outline dimensions See mechanical specs Pin material Copper alloy Pin Finish Nickel underplate with gold overplate (see mechanical specs for details) Pin diameter, inches 0.04/0.062 Pin diameter, mm 1.016/1.575 Weight, ounces 0.7 Weight, grams 20 Electromagnetic interference (conducted) Meets EN55022 and CISPR22 class B with external fi lter. Safety Meets UL/cUL 60950-1, CSA-C22.2 No.60950-1, IEC/EN 60950-1 FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, Q48 MODELS UWE-3.3/20-Q48 UWE-5/15-Q48 UWE-12/6-Q48 UWE-15/5-Q48 Specs are typical unless noted. INPUT Input voltage range See ordering guide Start-up threshold, Volts 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 Undervoltage shutdown, V. (@ ½ load) 16.5 16.0 16.0 16.0 Overvoltage shutdown, V. none Refl ected (back) ripple current, mA pk-pk 30 30 40 40 Suggested external fast blow fuse, A 8 10 10 20 Input current Full load conditions Inrush transient, A2sec 0.1 A2sec 0.1 A2sec 0.1 A2sec 0.1 A2sec Input current if output is in short circuit, mA 150 250 100 250 No load, mA 75 90 90 90 Low line (Vin=min.), Amps 4.1 4.6 4.35 4.71 Standby mode, mA 4 5 4 5 (Off, UV, OT shutdown) Pi-type L-C Pi-type L-C Internal input fi lter type Reverse polarity protection None, install external fuse Remote On/Off control OFF = Ground pin to +0.8V max. Positive logic ("P" model suffi x) ON = Open pin or +3.5V to +15V max. OFF = Open pin or +5V to +15V max. Negative logic ("N" model suffi x) ON = Ground pin to +1V max. Current, mA 1 www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 4 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS, Q48 MODELS, CONTINUED OUTPUT UWE-3.3/20-Q48 UWE-5/15-Q48 UWE-12/6-Q48 UWE-15/5-Q48 Voltage output range See ordering guide Voltage output accuracy ±1% of Vnom., (50% load) Adjustment range -10 to +10% of Vnom. Temperature coeffi cient ±0.02% of Vout range per °C Minimum loading No minimum load Remote sense compensation +10% max. Ripple/noise (20 MHz bandwidth) See ordering guide Line/Load regulation See ordering guide Effi ciency See ordering guide Maximum capacitive loading, μF 4,700 10,000 4,700 3300 low ESR <0.02Ω max., resistive load Isolation voltage Input to Output, Volts min. DC 2250 Input to baseplate, Volts min. DC 1500 Baseplate to output, Volts min. DC 750 Isolation resistance, MΩ 100 Isolation capacitance, pF 1000 1500 1000 1000 Isolation safety rating Basic insulation Current limit inception (98% of 26.5 21.0 8.0 7.05 Vout, after warmup), Amps Short circuit protection method Current limiting, hiccup autorestart. Remove overload for recovery. Short circuit current, Amps 5.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 Short circuit duration Continuous, output shorted to ground. No damage. Overvoltage protection, Volts 4 6.5 15 18 (via magnetic feedback) DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Dynamic load response, μSec 50 (to ± 2%) 50 (to ± 2%) 50 (to ± 1%) 50 (to ± 1%) (50-75-50% load step) to fi nal value Start-up time Vin to Vout regulated, mSec 20 20 30 30 Remote On/Off to Vout regulated, mSec 10 20 20 25 Switching frequency, KHz 215±20 240±20 220±20 225±25 ENVIRONMENTAL Operating temperature range, no baseplate -40 to +85 with derating with derating, °C (see Derating curves) Storage temperature range, °C -55 to +125 Maximum baseplate operating temperature, °C +100 +105 +100 +105 Thermal protection/shutdown, °C +120 +120 +120 +120 Relative humidity to +85°C/85% non-condensing PHYSICAL Outline dimensions See mechanical specs Pin material Copper alloy Pin Finish Nickel underplate with gold overplate (see mechanical specs for details) Pin diameter, inches 0.04/0.062 Pin diameter, mm 1.016/1.575 Weight, ounces 0.7 Weight, grams 20 Electromagnetic interference (conducted) Meets EN55022 and CISPR22 class B with external fi lter. Safety Certifi ed to UL/cUL 60950-1, CSA-C22.2 No.60950-1, IEC/EN 60950-1, 2nd Edition www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 5 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters CALCULATED MTBF (TELCORDIA SR-332 METHOD, SEE NOTE 4A) Absolute Maximum Ratings Model Hours UWE-3.3/20-Q12 1,248,001 Input Voltage UWE-5/15-Q12 1,847,009 Q12 Models - Volts, max. continuous 0-36 VDC UWE-5/15-Q48 2,273,212 Volts, transient, 100 mSec 0-50 VDC UWE-12/6-Q12 3,755,203 Q48 Models - Volts, max. continuous 0-75 VDC UWE-12/6-Q48 5,750,120 Volts, transient, 100 mSec 0-100 VDC On/Off Control -0.7 V. min to +15V max. UWE-15/5-Q48 2,386,165 Input Reverse Polarity Protection See Fuse section. UWE-24/3-Q12 3,294,026 Output Overvoltage Vout nom. +20% max. CALCULATED MTBF (MIL-HDBK-217N2 METHOD, SEE NOTE 4B) Output Current (Note 7) Current-limited. Devices can UWE-3.3/20-Q12 1,089,141 withstand sustained short circuit UWE-5/15-Q12 1,936,627 without damage. UWE-5/15-Q48 1,657,518 Overtemperature Protection Device includes electronic over- UWE-12/6-Q12 1,239,521 temperature shutdown protection under normal operation. UWE-12/6-Q48 828,714 Storage Temperature -55 to +125° C. UWE-15/5-Q48 2,112,625 Lead Temperature See soldering specifi cations UWE-24/3-Q12 2,623,370 Absolute maximums are stress ratings. Exposure of devices to greater than any of these conditions may adversely affect long-term reliability. Proper operation under conditions other than those listed in the Performance/Functional Specifi cations Table is not implied or recommended. SPECIFICATION NOTES CAUTION: This product is not internally fused. To comply with safety agency cer- 9 All models are fully operational and meet published specifi cations, including “cold tifi cations and to avoid injury to personnel or equipment, the user must supply an start” at –40° C. At full power, the package temperature of all on-board components external fast-blow fuse to the input terminals. See fuse information. must not exceed +128° C. 1 All Q12 models are tested and specifi ed with external 1μF and 10μF paralleled 10 Regulation specifi cations describe the deviation as the line input voltage or output ceramic/tantalum output capacitors and a 100μF external input capacitor. Q48 load current is varied from a nominal midpoint value to either extreme. models test with a 35μF input cap. All capacitors are low ESR types. Contact Murata 11 If the user adjusts the output voltage, accuracy is dependent on user-supplied Power Solutions for details. These capacitors are necessary to accommodate our trim resistors. To achieve high accuracy, use ±1% or better tolerance metal-fi lm test equipment and may not be required to achieve specifi ed performance in your resistors. If no trim is installed, the converter will achieve its rated accuracy. Do not applications. However, Murata Power Solutions recommends using these capacitors exceed maximum power specifi cations when adjusting the output trim. in your application. All models are stable and regulate within spec under no-load 12 Output current limit and short circuit protection is non-latching. When the overcur- conditions. rent fault is removed, the converter will immediately recover. All specifi cations are typical unless noted. General conditions for Specifi cations are 13 Alternate pin length and/or other output voltages may be available under special +25° C, Vin=nominal, Vout=nominal, full load. Adequate airfl ow must be supplied quantity order. for extended testing under power. 14 At zero output current, the output may contain low frequency components which 2 Input Ripple Current is tested and specifi ed over a 5 Hz to 20 MHz bandwidth. Input exceed the ripple specifi cation. The output may be operated indefi nitely with no fi ltering is Cin=33 μF, Cbus=220 μF, Lbus=12 μH. load. 3 Note that Maximum Power Derating curves indicate an average current at nominal 15 Input Fusing: If the input voltage is reversed, a body diode will conduct consider- input voltage. At higher temperatures and/or lower airfl ow, the DC-DC converter will able current. Therefore, install an external protection fuse. To ensure reverse input tolerate brief full current outputs if the total RMS current over time does not exceed protection with full output load, always connect an external input fast-blow fuse in the Derating curve. All Derating curves are presented at sea level altitude. Be aware series with the +Vin input. Use approximately twice the full input current rating at that power dissipation degrades as altitude increases. the selected input voltage. 4a Mean Time Before Failure is calculated using the Telcordia (Belcore) SR-332 Method 16 “Hiccup” overcurrent operation repeatedly attempts to restart the converter with a 1, Case 3, ISSUE 2, ground fi xed controlled conditions, Tambient=+25°C, full output brief, full-current output. If the overcurrent condition still exists, the restart current load, natural air convection. will be removed and then tried again. This short current pulse prevents overheating 4b Mean Time Before Failure is calculated using MIL-HDBK-217F, GB ground benign, and damaging the converter. Once the fault is removed, the converter immediately Tambient=+25°C, full output load, natural air convection. recovers normal operation. 5 The Remote On/Off Control is normally controlled by a switch or open collector or 17 Note that the converter will operate up to the rated baseplate maximum tempera- open drain transistor. But it may also be driven with external logic or by applying ture with the baseplate installed and properly heat sunk. To avoid thermal self- appropriate external voltages which are referenced to Input Common. protection shutdown, do not exceed this maximum baseplate temperature. 6 Short circuit shutdown begins when the output voltage degrades approximately 2% 18 UWE-24/3-Q12 undervoltage shutdown of 8.0V is at half load. from the selected setting. 19 UWE-24/3-Q12 output overvoltage protection requires 0.3A minimum load. 7 The outputs are not intended to sink appreciable reverse current. 20 Pre-bias operation: Startup will succeed if the output setpoint voltage is higher than 8 Output noise may be further reduced by adding an external fi lter. See I/O Filtering the pre-existing external output voltage. and Noise Reduction. Larger caps (especially low-ESR ceramic capacitors) may slow transient response or degrade stability. Use only as much output fi ltering as needed to achieve your noise requirements and no more. Thoroughly test your system under full load with all components installed. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 6 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE DATA UWE-3.3/20-Q12N Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C 92 90 88 86 Vin = 36 V cy (%) 8824 VViinn == 3204 VV n ficie 80 Vin = 12 V Ef Vin = 9 V 78 76 74 72 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Load Current (Amps) UWE-3.3/20-Q12N Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 20 20 19 19 18 Output Current (Amps) 11114567 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (Amps) 111678 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) 13 15 12 14 11 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 13 Ambient Temperature (°C) 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) UWE-3.3/20-Q12N Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 20 19 mps) 18 A Output Current ( 1167 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) 15 14 13 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 7 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE DATA UWE-3.3/20-Q48P Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C 94 90 86 82 78 Vin = 75 V cy (%) 74 VViinn == 6408 VV cien 70 Vin = 36 V Effi 66 Vin = 24 V 62 Vin = 18 V 58 54 50 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Load Current (Amps) UWE-3.3/20-Q48P Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 20 20 19 19 Natural Convection 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) Output Current (Amps) 1178 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (Amps) 1178 112...050 mmm///sss (((234000000 LLLFFFMMM))) 16 16 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) UWE-3.3/20-Q48P Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 48V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 48V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 20 20 19 19 18 Natural Convection Output Current (Amps) 111678 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (Amps) 111567 0112....5050 mmmm////ssss ((((123400000000 LLLLFFFFMMMM)))) 14 15 13 14 12 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 8 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE DATA UWE-5/15-Q12N Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 Vin = 36 V cy (%)777246 VViinn == 2142 VV cien6780 Vin = 9 V Effi6646 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Load Current (Amps) UWE-5/15-Q12N Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 16 16 15.5 15 15 14.5 mps) 14 N0a.5tu mra/ls C (o1n0v0e LcFtiMon) Output Current (Amps) 11112334..55 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (A 1123 112...050 mmm///sss (((234000000 LLLFFFMMM))) 12 11 11.5 10 11 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 9 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE DATA UWE-5/15-Q48P Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C 90 85 80 Vin = 75 V ncy (%) 75 VViinn == 6408 VV cie Vin = 36 V fi Ef Vin = 24 V 70 Vin = 18 V 65 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Load Current (Amps) UWE-5/15-Q48N Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 15 15 14.5 14.5 Natural Convection 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) 14 1.0 m/s (200 LFM) Output Current (Amps) 11231..553 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (Amps)1311.534 12 12.5 11.5 12 11 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) UWE-5/15-Q48N Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 48V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 48V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 15 15 14 14.5 Natural Convection 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) Output Current (Amps) 111123 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (Amps) 1311.345 112...050 mmm///sss (((234000000 LLLFFFMMM))) 10 12.5 9 12 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 10 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE DATA UWE-12/6-Q12N Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C Power Dissipation vs. Load Current @ 25°C 94 10 92 9 90 88 8 86 ncy (%) 8824 VVVVViiiiinnnn === 233223344066 VVVVV Watts) 67 Effiffcie 7880 VVVVViiiiinnnn === 9111990022 VV VVV Loss ( 5 76 4 VVViiinnn == 333066 VVV 74 3 VVVViiiinnn == 22114422 VVVV 72 Vin = 100 V 2 VViin = 99 VV 70 68 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 LoadCurrentt (Amps) LoadCurrentt (Amps) UWE-12/6-Q12N Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 6.0 6.0 Natural Convection Natural Convection 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) 5.5 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) 5.5 1.0 m/s (200 LFM) mps) 11..05 mm//ss ((230000 LLFFMM)) mps) 1.5+ m/s (300+ LFM) Current (A 5.0 2.0 m/s (400 LFM) Current (A 5.0 Output Output 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) UWE-12/6-Q48P Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C 94 92 90 88 86 84 cy (%)788802 VVViiinnn === 467805 VVV cien76 VViinn == 2346 VV fi74 Ef72 Vin = 18 V 70 68 66 64 62 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 Load Current (Amps) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 11 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE DATA UWE-12/6-Q48P Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 6.5 6.5 6.0 6.0 Output Current (Amps) 55..05 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (Amps) 55..05 N01a..50tu mmra//lss C ((o12n00v00e LLcFFtiMMon)) 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) UWE-12/6-Q48P Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 48V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 48V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 6.5 6.5 6 6 Output Current (Amps) 45..555 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (Amps) 5.55 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) 4 4.5 3.5 4 3 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) UWE-15/5-Q12P Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C 94 92 90 88 86 84 82 80 78 Vin = 36 V cy (%)777246 VViinn == 2142 VV cien6780 Vin = 9 V Effi6646 62 60 58 56 54 52 50 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Load Current (Amps) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 12 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE DATA UWE-15/5-Q12N Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 5 5 Natural Convection Natural Convection 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) 1.0 m/s (200 LFM) 4.5 1.0 m/s (200 LFM) 4.5 1.5 m/s (300 LFM) mps) 2.0 m/s (400 LFM) mps) A A Output Current ( 4 Output Current ( 4 3.5 3.5 3 3 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) UWE-15/5-Q12N Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 5 5 Natural Convection Natural Convection 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) 0.5 m/s (100 LFM) 1.0 m/s (200 LFM) 4.5 1.0 m/s (200 LFM) 4.5 1.5 m/s (300 LFM) mps) 2.0 m/s (400 LFM) mps) A A Output Current ( 4 Output Current ( 4 3.5 3.5 3 3 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) UWE-15/5-Q48 Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C 94 92 90 88 86 %)84 cy (82 Vin = 18V en80 Vin = 24V fici78 Vin = 36V Ef Vin = 48V 76 Vin = 60V 74 Vin = 75V 72 70 68 1 2 3 4 5 Load Current (Amps) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 13 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE DATA UWE-15/5-Q48 Power Dissipation vs. Load Current @ 25°C Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (Vin = 24V, air fl ow from Pin 1 to Pin 3 on PCB, with Baseplate) 11 6 10 9 5 8 Loss (Watts) 34567 VVVVVViiiiiinnnnnn ====== 123467846805VVVVVV Output Current (Amps) 34 0.33 to 2.0 m/s (65 to 400 LFM) 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 2 Load Current (Amps) 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 AmbientTemperature(°C) UWE-15/5-Q48 Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (Vin = 48V, air fl ow from Pin 1 to Pin 3 on PCB, with Baseplate) (Vin = 60V, air fl ow from Pin 1 to Pin 3 on PCB, with Baseplate) 6 6 5 5 mps)mps) 0.5 to 2.0 m/s0 (.13030 m t/os 4(6050 LLFFMM)) mps)mps) 00..353 m m/s/ s( 1(6050 LLFFMM)) Output Current (AOutput Current (A 34 Output Current (AOutput Current (A 34 1.0 to 2.0 m/s (200 to 400 LFM) 2 2 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 AAmmbbiieenntt TTeemmppeerraattuurree ((°°CC)) AAmmbbiieenntt TTeemmppeerraattuurree ((°°CC)) UWE-15/5-Q48 Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (Vin = 48V, air fl ow from Pin 1 to Pin 3 on PCB, no baseplate) (Vin = 60V, air fl ow from Pin 1 to Pin 3 on PCB, no baseplate) 6 6 5 5 Output Current (Amps)Output Current (Amps) 4 1.5 to 2.0 m/s001 (...335003 mm0 m //tss/o s(( 124(60005000 LLLLFFFFMMMM)))) Output Current (Amps)Output Current (Amps) 4 1.5 to 2.0 m/s001 (...335003 mm0 m //tss/o s(( 124(60005000 LLLLFFFFMMMM)))) 3 3 2 2 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 AAmmbbiieenntt TTeemmppeerraattuurree ((°°CC)) AAmmbbiieenntt TTeemmppeerraattuurree ((°°CC)) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 14 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters PERFORMANCE DATA UWE-24/3-Q12P Effi ciency vs. Line Voltage and Load Current @ 25°C Power Dissipation vs. Load Current @ 25°C 95 12 93 11 91 89 10 87 cy (%)8835 9 Effiffcien77785791 VVVVVVVViiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn ===== 22311133440002266 VVVVVVVV Loss (Watts) 678 VViin = 99 VV 73 VViinn = 3366 VV 71 5 Vin = 30 V VViin = 2244 VV 69 4 VViinn = 1122 VV 67 Vin = 100 V 65 3 VViin = 99 VV 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 2 LoadCurrentt (Amps) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 LoadCurrentt (Amps) Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level UWE-24/3-Q12P Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 12V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 3.20 3.20 3.10 3.00 3.00 Output Current (Amps) 222...789000 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (Amps) 2.80 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) 2.60 2.60 2.50 2.40 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 2.40 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) Maximum Current Temperature Derating @ sea level UWE-24/3-Q12N Maximum Current Temperature Derating @sea level (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, no baseplate) (VIN = 24V, transverse airfl ow, with baseplate) 3.2 3.2 3 2.8 mps) 2.8 mps) Output Current (A 22..46 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) Output Current (A 22..46 N0112a....5050tu mmmmra////lssss C ((((o1234n0000v0000e LLLLcFFFFtiMMMMon)))) 2.2 2.2 2 1.8 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Ambient Temperature (°C) Ambient Temperature (°C) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 15 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS—NO BASEPLATE 2.30 (58.4) TOP VIEW ISOMETRIC 0.90 (22.9) VIEW 0.126 (3.17) 0.071 (1.8)±.002 STANDOFF 0.010 (0.254) MIN AT EACH 0.040 (1.02) PIN (HIGHEST COMP END VIEW SIDE VIEW TO MTG PLANE) 0.39 MTG PLANE (9.91) 0.19 (4.83) 0.125 (3.175) 0.040 (1.02) ±.002 REF AT PINS 1-3, 5-7 DOSA-Compatible I/O Connections 0.062 (1.57) ±.002 Pin Function AT PINS 4 & 8 1 +Vin 2 On/Off Control* 3 –Vin 0.15 (3.8) 2.000 4 –Vout (50.80) 5 –Sense PIN 3 PIN 4 6 Trim BOTTOM VIEW PIN 5 7 +Sense 8 +Vout * The Remote On/Off can be provided with either positive (P suffi x) or nega- 0.300 0.45 (7.62)(11.43) 0.150 (3.81) 0.600 tive (N suffi x) logic. 0.600 (15.24) (15.24) 0.150 (3.81) REF Connect each sense input to its respective Vout if sense is not con- nected at a remote load. PIN 2 PIN 6 PIN 7 PIN 1 PIN 8 MATERIAL: .040 PINS: C26000 BRASS, 3/4 HARD .062 PINS: C10200 COPPER ALLOY, FULL HARD FINISH: (ALL PINS) GOLD (5 MICROINCHES MIN) OVER NICKEL (50 MICROINCHES MIN) Dimensions are in inches (mm) shown for ref. only. Third Angle Projection Tolerances (unless otherwise specified): .XX ± 0.02 (0.5) .XXX ± 0.010 (0.25) Angles ± 2˚ Components are shown for reference only. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 16 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS (continued)—BASEPLATE INSTALLED 4X THRU M2X0.4 - 6H 2.30 .10" MAX SCREW (58.4) PENETRATION TOP VIEW ISOMETRIC 0.90 (22.9) 0.625 (15.88) VIEW 0.40 1.500 (10.2) (38.10) 0.14 (3.6) ALUMINUM 0.071 (1.8)±.002 STANDOFF BASEPLATE AT EACH 0.040 (1.02) PIN 0.010 (0.254) MIN END VIEW SIDE VIEW (HIGHEST COMP TO MTG PLANE) 0.50 (12.8) MTG PLANE MAX 0.19 (4.83) 0.125 (3.175) 0.040 (1.02) ±.002 REF AT PINS 1-3, 5-7 0.062 (1.57) ±.002 AT PINS 4 & 8 0.15 (3.8) 2.000 (50.80) PIN 3 PIN 4 BOTTOM VIEW PIN 5 0.300 0.45 0.600 (7.62)(11.43) 0.150 (3.81) 0.600 (15.24) (15.24) 0.150 (3.81) REF PIN 2 PIN 6 PIN 7 PIN 1 PIN 8 Dimensions are in inches (mm) shown for ref. only. MATERIAL: .040 PINS: C26000 BRASS, 3/4 HARD Third Angle Projection .062 PINS: C10200 COPPER ALLOY, FULL HARD FINISH: (ALL PINS) GOLD (5 MICROINCHES MIN) OVER NICKEL (50 MICROINCHES MIN) Tolerances (unless otherwise specified): .XX ± 0.02 (0.5) .XXX ± 0.010 (0.25) Angles ± 2˚ Components are shown for reference only. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 17 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters SHIPPING TRAYS AND BOXES Anti-static foam Label Label For 1–42 pc quantity For 43–84 pc quantity SHIPPING TRAY UWE modules are supplied in a 21-piece (3-by-7) shipping tray. The tray is an anti-static closed-cell polyethylene foam. Dimensions are shown below. 9.920 (252) +0.000 0.910 (23.1) TYP -0.062 0.455 (11.6) TYP 0.735 (18.7) 9.920 (252) +0.000 -0.062 0.625 (15.9) TYP 2.400 (61) TYP Dimensions in inches (mm) 0.25 R TYP 1.300 (33.0) TYP 0.25 CHAMFER TYP (4-PL) 7.800 1.06 (198.1) (26.9) www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 18 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters TECHNICAL NOTES The difference in start up time from VIN to VOUT and from On/Off Control to VOUT is therefore insignifi cant. Soldering Guidelines Input Source Impedance Murata Power Solutions recommends the specifi cations below when installing these UWE converters must be driven from a low ac-impedance input source. converters. These specifi cations vary depending on the solder type. Exceeding these The DC-DC’s performance and stability can be compromised by the use of specifi cations may cause damage to the product. Your production environment may dif- highly inductive source impedances. For optimum performance, compo- fer; therefore please thoroughly review these guidelines with your process engineers. nents should be mounted close to the DC-DC converter. If the application Wave Solder Operations for through-hole mounted products (THMT) has a high source impedance, low VIN models can benefit from increased For Sn/Ag/Cu based solders: external input capacitance. Maximum Preheat Temperature 115° C. Maximum Pot Temperature 270° C. I/O Filtering, Input Ripple Current, and Output Noise Maximum Solder Dwell Time 7 seconds All models in the UWE Converters are tested/specifi ed for input refl ected ripple For Sn/Pb based solders: current and output noise using the specifi ed external input/output components/ Maximum Preheat Temperature 105° C. circuits and layout as shown in the following two fi gures. Maximum Pot Temperature 250° C. Maximum Solder Dwell Time 6 seconds External input capacitors (CIN in Figure 2) serve primarily as energy-storage elements, minimizing line voltage variations caused by transient IR drops in conductors from backplane to the DC-DC. Input caps should be selected for bulk Input Fusing capacitance (at appropriate frequencies), low ESR, and high rms-ripple-current Certain applications and/or safety agencies may require the installation of ratings. The switching nature of DC-DC converters requires that dc voltage fuses at the inputs of power conversion components. Fuses should also be sources have low ac impedance as highly inductive source impedance can affect used if the possibility of sustained, non-current-limited, input-voltage polarity reversals exist. For MPS UWE DC-DC Converters, you should use fast-blow type system stability. In Figure 2, CBUS and LBUS simulate a typical dc voltage bus. Your specifi c system confi guration may necessitate additional considerations. fuses, installed in the ungrounded input supply line. Refer to the specifi cations for fuse values. All relevant national and international safety standards and regulations must be observed by the installer. For system safety agency approvals, the convert- TO ers must be installed in compliance with the requirements of the end-use OSCILLOSCOPE CURRENT PROBE safety standard, e.g., IEC/EN/UL60950-1. +VIN LBUS Input Undervoltage Shutdown and Start-Up Threshold + Under normal start-up conditions, devices will not begin to regulate until VIN CBUS CIN – the ramping-up input voltage exceeds the Start-Up Threshold Voltage. Once operating, devices will not turn off until the input voltage drops below the –VIN Undervoltage Shutdown limit. Subsequent re-start will not occur until the input CIN = 33μF, ESR < 700mΩ @ 100kHz is brought back up to the Start-Up Threshold. This built in hysteresis prevents CBUS = 220μF, ESR < 100mΩ @ 100kHz any unstable on/off situations from occurring at a single input voltage. LBUS = 12μH Figure 2. Measuring Input Ripple Current Start-Up Time The VIN to VOUT Start-Up Time is the interval of time between the point at which the ramping input voltage crosses the Start-Up Threshold and the fully loaded In critical applications, output ripple/noise (also referred to as periodic and output voltage enters and remains within its specifi ed accuracy band. Actual random deviations or PARD) may be reduced below specifi ed limits using fi lter- measured times will vary with input source impedance, external input/output ing techniques, the simplest of which is the installation of additional external capacitance, and load. The UWE Series implements a soft start circuit that output capacitors. These output caps function as true fi lter elements and limits the duty cycle of its PWM controller at power up, thereby limiting the should be selected for bulk capacitance, low ESR and appropriate frequency input inrush current. response. All external capacitors should have appropriate voltage ratings and be located as close to the converter as possible. Temperature variations for all The On/Off Control to VOUT start-up time assumes the converter has its relevant parameters should also be taken carefully into consideration. nominal input voltage applied but is turned off via the On/Off Control pin. The specifi cation defi nes the interval between the point at which the converter is The most effective combination of external I/O capacitors will be a function turned on and the fully loaded output voltage enters and remains within its of line voltage and source impedance, as well as particular load and layout specifi ed accuracy band. Similar to the VIN to VOUT start-up, the On/Off Control conditions. to VOUT start-up time is also governed by the internal soft start circuitry and external load capacitance. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 19 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters Short Circuit Condition When a converter is in current-limit mode, the output voltage will drop as +SENSE the output current demand increases. If the output voltage drops too low, the +VOUT magnetically coupled voltage used to develop primary side voltages will also drop, thereby shutting down the PWM controller. Following a time-out period, C1 C2 SCOPE RLOAD the PWM will restart causing the output voltages to begin ramping to their appropriate values. If the short-circuit condition persists, another shutdown cycle will be initiated. This on/off cycling is referred to as "hiccup" mode. The –VOUT hiccup cycling reduces the average output current, thereby preventing internal –SENSE temperatures from rising to excessive levels. The UWE is capable of enduring an indefi nite short circuit output condition. C1 = 0.47μF CERAMIC C2 = NA LOAD 2-3 INCHES (51-76mm) FROM MODULE Features and Options Figure 3. Measuring Output Ripple/Noise (PARD) On/Off Control The input-side, remote On/Off Control function can be ordered to operate with Floating Outputs either logic type: Since these are isolated DC-DC converters, their outputs are "fl oating" with respect to their input. Designers will normally use the –Output as the ground/ Positive-logic models (“P" part-number suffi x) are enabled when the On/Off return of the load circuit. You can, however, use the +Output as ground/return Control is left open or is pulled high, as per Figure 4. Positive-logic devices are to effectively reverse the output polarity. disabled when the On/Off Control is pulled low. Negative-logic devices (“N” suffi x) are off when the On/Off Control is open (or Minimum Output Loading Requirements UWE converters employ a synchronous-rectifi er design topology and all models pulled high), and on when the On/Off Control is pulled low with respect to –VIN as shown in Figure 5. regulate within spec and are stable under no-load to full load conditions. Operation under no-load conditions however might slightly increase the output ripple and noise. + Vcc Thermal Shutdown ON/OFF CONTROL These UWE converters are equipped with thermal-shutdown circuitry. If envi- CONTROL ronmental conditions cause the internal temperature of the DC-DC converter to rise above the designed operating temperature, a precision temperature sensor will power down the unit. When the internal temperature decreases below the threshold of the temperature sensor, the unit will self start. See Performance/ Functional Specifi cations. -VIN Output Overvoltage Protection UWE output voltages are monitored for an overvoltage condition via magnetic Figure 4. Driving the Positive Logic On/Off Control Pin feedback. The signal is coupled to the primary side and if the output voltage rises to a level which could be damaging to the load, the sensing circuitry will power down the PWM controller causing the output voltages to decrease. Fol- lowing a time-out period the PWM will restart, causing the output voltages to ramp to their appropriate values. If the fault condition persists, and the output + Vcc voltages again climb to excessive levels, the overvoltage circuitry will initiate another shutdown cycle. This on/off cycling is referred to as "hiccup" mode. ON / OF F CO N T RO L Current Limiting As soon as the output current increases to substantially above its rated value, the DC-DC converter will go into a current-limiting mode. In this condition, the –VIN output voltage will decrease proportionately with increases in output current, thereby maintaining somewhat constant power dissipation. This is commonly Figure 5. Driving the Negative Logic On/Off Control Pin referred to as power limiting. Current limit inception is defi ned as the point at which the full-power output voltage falls below the specifi ed tolerance. See Performance/Functional Specifi cations. If the load current, being drawn from the converter, is signifi cant enough, the unit will go into a short circuit condition as specifi ed under "Performance." www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 20 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters Dynamic control of the remote on/off function is facilitated with a mechanical relay or an open-collector/open-drain drive circuit (optically isolated if appropri- +VIN +VOUT ate). The drive circuit should be able to sink appropriate current (see Performance Specs) when activated and withstand appropriate voltage when deactivated. +SENSE Applying an external voltage to the On/Off Control when no input power is 1MΩ ON/OFF applied to the converter can cause permanent damage to the converter. CONTROL TRIM 5-20 LOAD TURNS Trimming Output Voltage –SENSE UWE converters have a trim capability that allows users to adjust the output voltages. Adjustments to the output voltages can be accomplished via a trim pot –VIN –VOUT (Figure 6) or a single fi xed resistor as shown in Figures 7 and 8. A single fi xed Figure 6. Trim Connections Using A Trimpot resistor can increase or decrease the output voltage depending on its connec- tion. The resistor should be located close to the converter and have a TCR less than 100ppm/°C to minimize sensitivity to changes in temperature. If the trim function is not used, leave the trim pin fl oating. +VIN +VOUT A single resistor connected from the Trim to the +Output, or +Sense where +SENSE applicable, will increase the output voltage in this confi guration. A resistor con- ON/OFF nected from the Trim to the –Output, or –Sense where applicable, will decrease CONTROL TRIM LOAD the output voltage in this confi guration. R1 –SENSE Trim adjustments greater than the specifi ed range can have an adverse affect on the converter's performance and are not recommended. Excessive –VIN –VOUT voltage differences between VOUT and Sense, in conjunction with trim adjust- ment of the output voltage, can cause the overvoltage protection circuitry to Figure 7. Trim Connections To Increase Output Voltages Using a Fixed Resistor activate (see Performance Specifi cations for overvoltage limits). Power derating is based on maximum output current and voltage at the converter’s output pins. Use of trim and sense functions can cause output voltages to increase, thereby increasing output power beyond the converter's specifi ed rating or +VIN +VOUT cause output voltages to climb into the output overvoltage region. Therefore: +SENSE (VOUT at pins) x (IOUT) <= rated output power ON/OFF Note: Resistor values are in k. Adjustment accuracy is subject to resistor CONTROL TRIM LOAD R2 tolerances and factory-adjusted output accuracy. VO = desired output voltage. –SENSE Remote Sense Note: The Sense and VOUT lines are internally connected through low value resistors. Nevertheless, if the sense function is not used for –VIN –VOUT remote regulation the user should connect the +Sense to +VOUT and –Sense Figure 8. Trim Connections To Decrease Output Voltages to –VOUT at the DC-DC converter pins. UWE series converters have a sense feature to provide point of use regula- tion, thereby overcoming moderate IR drops in pcb conductors or cabling. The remote sense lines carry very little current and therefore require minimal cross-sectional-area conductors. The sense lines are used by the feedback control-loop to regulate the output. As such, they are not low impedance points and must be treated with care in layouts and cabling. Sense lines on a pcb should be run adjacent to dc signals, preferably ground. In cables and discrete wiring applications, twisted pair or other techniques should be implemented. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 21 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters UWE series converters will compensate for drops between the output volt- Trim Equations age at the DC-DC and the sense voltage at the DC-DC provided that: Trim Up Trim Down [VOUT(+) –VOUT(–)] –[Sense(+) –Sense (–)]  5% VOUT 3.3 Volt Output Output overvoltage protection is monitored at the output voltage pin, not 13.3(VO– 1.226) 16.31 the Sense pin. Therefore, excessive voltage differences between VOUT and RT U P (k ) = VO– 3.3 –10.2 RT D O W N (k ) = 3.3– VO –10.2 Soveenrsveo litna gcoen pjurontcetciotino nw citihrc turiimtry a tdoj uascttmivaetnet (osfe teh eP eorufotprmuta vnocltea Sgep eccainfi ccaatuiosnes the 5 Volt Output for overvoltage limits). Power derating is based on maximum output current and voltage at the converter’s output pins. Use of trim and sense functions can RT U P (k ) = 20.4(VVOO–– 51.226) –10.2 RT D O W N (k ) = 52–5 .V01O –10.2 cUaWuEs’es osuptepcuifit evdo ltraagtiensg toor icnacuresaes oeu tthpeurte vboyl tiangceresa tsoi ncgli moubt pinutto p tohwe eoru btpeuyto onvde trh-e voltage region. Also, the use of Trim Up and Sense combined may not exceed 12 Volt Output +10% of VOUT. Therefore, the designer must ensure: RT U P (k ) = 49.6(VVOO–– 112.226) –10.2 RT D O W N (k ) = 1260–. 4V5O –10.2 (VOUT at pins) x (IOUT)  rated output power 15 Volt Output Contact and PCB resistance losses due to IR drops RT U P (k ) = 62.9(VVOO–– 115.226) –10.2 RT D O W N (k ) = 1576–. 5V6O –10.2 +VIN +VOUT IOUT +SENSE 24 Volt Output Sense Current RT U P (k ) = 101(VVOO–– 12.4226) –10.2 RT D O W N (k ) = 2412–4 V.2O –10.2 OCONN/OTFRFOL TRIM Sense Return LOAD –SENSE IOUT Return –VIN –VOUT Contact and PCB resistance losses due to IR drops Figure 9. Remote Sense Circuit Confi guration www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 22 of 23

UWE Series Wide Input, Isolated Eighth-Brick DC-DC Converters Vertical Wind Tunnel Murata Power Solutions employs a computer controlled custom-designed closed loop vertical wind tunnel, infrared video camera system, and test instrumentation for accurate airfl ow and heat dissipation analysis of power products. IR Transparent The system includes a precision low fl ow-rate anemometer, optical window Variable variable speed fan, power supply input and load controls, Unit under speed fan temperature gauges, and adjustable heating element. test (UUT) The IR camera monitors the thermal performance of the IR Video Unit Under Test (UUT) under static steady-state conditions. A Camera special optical port is used which is transparent to infrared wavelengths. Both through-hole and surface mount converters are soldered down to a 10" x 10" host carrier board for realistic heat absorption and spreading. Both longitudinal and trans- Heating verse airfl ow studies are possible by rotation of this carrier element board since there are often signifi cant differences in the heat Precision low-rate dissipation in the two airfl ow directions. The combination of anemometer adjustable airfl ow, adjustable ambient heat, and adjustable 3” below UUT Input/Output currents and voltages mean that a very wide range of measurement conditions can be studied. The collimator reduces the amount of turbulence adjacent Ambient to the UUT by minimizing airfl ow turbulence. Such turbu- temperature lence infl uences the effective heat transfer characteristics sensor and gives false readings. Excess turbulence removes more heat from some surfaces and less heat from others, possibly Airflow causing uneven overheating. collimator Both sides of the UUT are studied since there are different thermal gradients on each side. The adjustable heating element and fan, built-in temperature gauges, and no-contact IR camera mean Figure 10. Vertical Wind Tunnel that power supplies are tested in real-world conditions. This product is subject to the following operating requirements Murata Power Solutions, Inc. and the Life and Safety Critical Application Sales Policy: 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfi eld, MA 02048-1151 U.S.A. Refer to: http://www.murata-ps.com/requirements/ ISO 9001 and 14001 REGISTERED Murata Power Solutions, Inc. makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of other technical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Specifi cations are subject to change without notice. © 2015 Murata Power Solutions, Inc. www.murata-ps.com/support MDC_UWE Series.E04 Page 23 of 23

Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: M urata: UWE-24/3-Q12N-C UWE-24/3-Q12P-C UWE-12/6-Q48P-C UWE-15/5-Q12N-C UWE-3.3/20-Q12N-C UWE-3.3/20- Q48P-C UWE-5/15-Q12N-C UWE-5/15-Q48P-C UWE-12/6-Q12NB-C UWE-12/6-Q12PB-C UWE-12/6-Q48NB-C UWE-12/6-Q48PB-C UWE-15/5-Q12NB-C UWE-15/5-Q12PB-C UWE-24/3-Q12NB-C UWE-24/3-Q12PB-C UWE- 3.3/20-Q12NB-C UWE-3.3/20-Q12PB-C UWE-3.3/20-Q48NB-C UWE-3.3/20-Q48PB-C UWE-5/15-Q12NB-C UWE- 5/15-Q12PB-C UWE-5/15-Q48NB-C UWE-5/15-Q48PB-C UWE-12/6-Q48N-C UWE-3.3/20-Q12P-C UWE-15/5- Q12P-C UWE-5/15-Q12P-C UWE-3.3/20-Q48N-C UWE-12/6-Q12P-C UWE-12/6-Q12N-C UWE-5/15-Q48N-C UWE-15/5-Q48NB-C UWE-15/5-Q48N-C UWE-15/5-Q48PB-C UWE-15/5-Q48P-C