ICGOO在线商城 > TSW-101-14-G-D
数量阶梯 | 香港交货 | 国内含税 |
+xxxx | $xxxx | ¥xxxx |
ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供TSW-101-14-G-D由SAMTEC设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 提供TSW-101-14-G-D价格参考以及SAMTECTSW-101-14-G-D封装/规格参数等产品信息。 你可以下载TSW-101-14-G-D参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书, 资料中有TSW-101-14-G-D详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | |
产品分类 | |
品牌 | Samtec Inc |
数据手册 | |
产品图片 | |
产品型号 | TSW-101-14-G-D |
rohs | 无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | TSW |
产品培训模块 | http://www.digikey.cn/PTM/IndividualPTM.page?site=cn&lang=zhs&ptm=13075 |
产品目录绘图 | |
其它名称 | SAM1052-01 |
加载的针脚数 | 全部 |
包装 | 散装 |
安装类型 | 通孔 |
排数 | 2 |
排距 | 0.100"(2.54mm) |
标准包装 | 1 |
特性 | - |
端接 | |
紧固类型 | - |
触头类型 | 公形引脚 |
触头配接长度 | 0.320"(8.13mm) |
触头镀层 | 金 |
触头镀层厚度 | 10µin (0.25µm) |
连接器类型 | 接头,无罩 |
配套产品 | /product-detail/zh/SLW-101-01-T-D/SAM1092-01-ND/1104785/product-detail/zh/SLW-101-01-S-D/SAM1090-01-ND/1104686/product-detail/zh/SLW-101-01-G-D/SAM1088-01-ND/1104586/product-detail/zh/CES-101-01-T-D/SAM1086-01-ND/1104123/product-detail/zh/CES-101-01-S-D/SAM1084-01-ND/1104023/product-detail/zh/BCS-101-L-D-TE/SAM1008-01-ND/1100270/product-detail/zh/BCS-101-L-D-PE/SAM1007-01-ND/1100220/product-detail/zh/BCS-101-L-D-HE/SAM1006-01-ND/1100170 |
针脚数 | 2 |
间距 | 0.100"(2.54mm) |
颜色 | 黑 |
F-219 (Rev 05JUL19) HTSW–116–11–G–S 10 YEAR MFG WITH 30 µ" GOLD EXTENDED LIFE PRODUCT HIGH MATING CYCLES TSW–209–09–F–S–RA HTSW–115–05–L–Q (2.54 mm) .100" THROUGH-HOLE .025" SQ POST HEADER Board Mates: NO. PINS SSW, SSQ, SSM, ESW, ESQ, TYPE STRIP PIN CENTERS BCS, BSW, CES, SLW PER ROW Cable Mates: IDSD, IDSS TSW=SSttarinpdard –1 =.A1l0l 0P"o (s2i.t5io4n ms mFi)l lCedenters, – 2= .E2v0e0r"y ( O5.t0h8e mr Pmo)s Citieonnt eFrisll,e d SPECIFICATIONS (2.54) (5.08) For complete specifications HTSW Hi-Temp .100 .200 see www.samtec.com?TSW = Strip or www.samtec.com?HTSW Insulator Material: TSW: Black Glass Filled Polyester HTSW: Natural Liquid Crystal Polymer TPehromspinhaolr MBarotenrzieal: (2.54) .100 x No. of Positions (2.54) Plating: Straight (2.54) (2.48) .100 – S Au or Sn over 50 µ" (1.27 µm) Ni Pin .100 .098 O-5p5e °rCa ttion g+ 1T2e5m °pC R wainthg Ge:old Versions 0520 (2.1.5040) 10010 -55 °C to +105 °C with Tin Voltage Rating: (5.08) (2.54)(5.02) – D .200 .100 .198 550 VAC mated with SSW; 500 VAC mated with 01 99 BCS or ESQ; 03 150 450 VAC -RA/-RE mated with BCS or SSM (2.54) 4R0o0H VSA CCo mmaptelida nwt:it hY eCsES (7.3.6020).100 (5.2.0080)(7.2.5968) – T Lead–Free Solderable: HTSW: Yes TSW: No, Lead Wave Only 01 148 03 150 CURRENT RATING 01 (PER PIN) TSW mated with (7.3.6020) (5.2.0080)(7.2.5968) – Q thru ESW SSW SLW SSQ SSM BCS SNT 50 5.2 A5.7 A5.2 A6.3 A5.2 A4.6 A4.3 A 01 TSW HTSW148 = .100" (2.54 mm) 2 POSITIONS POWERED Center Version RECOGNITIONS Right- (2.54) .100 x No. of Positions (2.54) For complete scope VeArnsgiolens (3.1.0129)(1.0.7780) (1.0.7780)(3.1.0292) .100 – S of recognitions see 01 02 www.samtec.com/quality 100 02 thru 50 FILE NO. E111594 APPLICATIONS (5.2.5169) (2.1.5040) (6.2.1400) – D 25 SSW TSW (1.0.7780) (1.0.7780) = .200" (5.08 mm) 01 99 Center Version 03 150 (2.54) HORIZONTAL (8.3.1220).100 (5.2.0080) (8.3.1109) – T (1.78) (1.78) .070 .070 ALSO AVAILABLE 01 148 (MOQ Required) 03 150 • Other platings – Q (8.3.1220) (5.2.0080) (8.3.1109) (1.78) (1.78) Note: .070 .070 Some lengths, styles and 01TSW HTSW148 options are non-standard, non-returnable. Due to technical progress, all designs, specifications and components are subject to change without notice. WWW.SAMTEC.COM All parts within this catalog are built to Samtec’s specifications. Customer specific requirements must be approved by Samtec and identified in a Samtec customer-specific drawing to apply.
TSW–109–10–F–D–RA TSW–114–16–G–S–RE TSW–112–07–F–T HTSW–120–13–T–D TSW, HTSW SERIES THROUGH-HOLE .025" SQ POST HEADER LEAD PLATING ROW OTHER OPTIONS STYLE OPTION OPTION –F –S – RA or –RE –LC = Gold flash on post, Matte Tin on tail = Single = Right-angle = Locking Clip Row (Styles –08 thru –L –NA –13 & –22 only) –D = 10 µ" (0.25 µm) Gold on post, Matte Tin on tail = Right-angle IDSS or IDSD = Double STRIP ASSEMBLY –G Row (usminagti nsgtr awigithht SbSoWdy-R foAr sceorpielasn)ar LOCCLKIPING T.E0R25M" ISNQAL STRIP (TSW) = 10 µ" (0.25 µm) Gold on post, Gold flash on balance –T BOPACRD Requires 4 pin minimum –T = Triple (1.27) (NA with -T,-Q,-RA or -RE) Row .050 = Matte Tin –LA –Q –LL = –RA Option = Double = Locking Lead with –LL Option OTHER SOLUTIONS Row (5.08 mm) Two leads per strip crimped in opposite directions on or near .200" centerline. See charts for available –“XXX” • Elevated Right-angle option row styles. N/A with single row 1 or 2 • Shunts space p(1o.s0i2ti omnms. R± e0c.0o3m mmmen)d .e0d4 0h"o ±le . 0s0iz1e" = Polarized Position Straight Pin Versions Right-Angle Versions (Specify “LEAD STYLE” from chart) (Specify “LEAD STYLE” from chart and select –RA or –RE from other options) ******** A(SL–––––v––––––––To 11111111Ya00000cL0123456798657ilEkaibnlge((((((((((((11112 )– O((((((((((L((111122213112.8.7........873304358718396.1.3518LpB..02.35360. t015200000000426482604068i))o))))))))))n(((((((118.. ▲********++ S–––––––––––––––T 11Y22222222223448L90891234567012E (((((((((((212212. (((((((((((((((213131121111312131211......9.. (((((((((((221311.6.. *** –RSA––––––––––––––T Y111110L02222223L01236E891257890EAD ((((((((((((((112221212.7.9....5..4.2.....0232445072591128760856A......S293999.9.9.900.98950. (((((((– SC......831283128312403040304030)))))) DOU(((((((((((11211B2.7.9....5.4.2...NNN0232445072117656......AL293999.9.9.9008950.9.0///49052AAAE9070100008030400059734 ))))))())))) – D ) TRIPL((E((((((112.7.9...5.4.2.NNN0232445211 A......(293999.9.9008950///–49AAA90701000803040T59)))))) )) & – Q) *(LA–oRvSE––––c–a–––––T k11111YiL02222lL01236Ei9a1278nEAbgDl eL S(((((we(((((11221I4.7.9...2..2...N123247612800745aiA.....G893999.9.950.929.9.9td45609h307010004009000L53179))))))E))))) –OLp(((5.8.5.A232tC...831283i o403040)))n (0.64) .025 SQ Post + Style –41 & –42 available (1.78) with HTSW only. C .070 C C ▲ Except: Style –26 A A B (0.46) .018 DIA Tail (2.54) (.120.504) SLTEYALDE B B .100 A – RA (1.0.5620) (2.1.5040) Spec(0if.y64 -)0 .072 5fo SrQ b Teasilt ▲mate with IDXX Series IDC Cable – RE (4.1.0660) (2.1.5040) Due to technical progress, all designs, specifications and components are subject to change without notice. WWW.SAMTEC.COM All parts within this catalog are built to Samtec’s specifications. Customer specific requirements must be approved by Samtec and identified in a Samtec customer-specific drawing to apply.
Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: S amtec: TSW-101-14-G-D