

  • 型号: TPME477M010R0023
  • 制造商: AVX
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供TPME477M010R0023由AVX设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 TPME477M010R0023价格参考¥20.10-¥20.10。AVXTPME477M010R0023封装/规格:钽电容器, 470µF 模制 钽电容器 10V 2917(7343 公制) 23 毫欧。您可以下载TPME477M010R0023参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有TPME477M010R0023 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

AVX Corporation的TPME477M010R0023是一款钽电容器,具有多种应用场景,尤其适用于需要高可靠性和稳定性的电子设备中。以下是该型号电容器的主要应用场景:

1. 电源滤波:在电源电路中,TPME477M010R0023可以用于平滑电压波动,减少噪声和纹波。其低ESR(等效串联电阻)特性使其在高频条件下也能保持良好的滤波效果,适用于开关电源、线性电源等场合。

2. 耦合与去耦:在模拟和数字电路中,该电容器常用于信号耦合和去耦。它能够有效隔离直流成分,确保信号的纯净传输,同时为集成电路提供稳定的供电电压,防止干扰信号进入敏感电路。

3. 储能与缓冲:TPME477M010R0023具有较高的能量密度,适合用作储能元件。它可以快速充放电,在瞬态负载变化时提供额外的能量支持,适用于脉冲功率电路、备用电源系统等。

4. 音频设备:在音频放大器和其他音响设备中,该电容器可用于旁路高频噪声,改善音质。其优异的频率响应特性有助于提升音频信号的保真度,减少失真。

5. 工业控制与自动化:在工业环境中,TPME477M010R0023因其高可靠性而广泛应用于可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)、变频器、伺服驱动器等设备中,确保系统的稳定运行。

6. 通信设备:在通信基站、路由器、交换机等网络设备中,该电容器可以用于电源管理和信号处理,保证数据传输的准确性和稳定性。

7. 汽车电子:在汽车电子系统中,如车载信息娱乐系统、发动机控制单元(ECU)、安全气囊控制系统等,TPME477M010R0023凭借其耐高温和抗振动的特点,成为关键组件之一。

8. 医疗设备:在医疗仪器中,如心电图机、超声波设备、监护仪等,该电容器用于确保电路的精确性和可靠性,保障患者的安全和诊断的准确性。

总之,AVX Corporation的TPME477M010R0023以其卓越的性能和可靠性,广泛应用于各类对稳定性要求较高的电子设备中,满足不同行业的需求。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值



CAP TANT 470UF 10V 20% 2917钽质电容器-固体SMD 10volts 470uF ESR=23


23 mOhms


23 毫欧









符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


钽电容器,钽质电容器-固体SMD,AVX TPME477M010R0023TPM








Tantalum Solid Low ESR Standard Grade













E Case


带卷 (TR)








4.3 mm


7.3 mm


0.287" 长 x 0.169" 宽(7.30mm x 4.30mm)




20 %




2917(7343 公制)


2917 (7343 metric)


-55°C ~ 125°C


- 55 C to + 125 C










120 uA






10 V


470 uF








1.37 mA


4.3 mm





品牌:Vishay Sprague




品牌:AVX Corporation




品牌:AVX Corporation








品牌:Vishay Sprague




品牌:AVX Corporation




品牌:Vishay Sprague









TPME477M010R0023 相关产品





品牌:AVX Corporation






品牌:Vishay Sprague



品牌:AVX Corporation



品牌:Vishay Sprague








PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

TPM Multianode Tantalum Ultra Low ESR Capacitor FEATURES • Multi-anode construction • Super low ESR • CV range: 10-2200μF / 2.5-50V LEAD-FREE COMPATIBLE COMPONENT • 5 case sizes available SnPb termination option is not RoHS compliant. • “Mirror” multi-anode construction used with D, Y case capacitors reduces ESL to half APPLICATIONS • High power DC/DC general applications MULTIANODE MULTIANODE TPM D, Y LOW SELF CONSTRUCTION INDUCTANCE CONSTRUCTION “MIRROR” DESIGN MARKING D, E, U, V, Y CASE CASE DIMENSIONS: millimeters (inches) AVX LOGO C22a7p a=c 2it2a0nµcFe Value in pF Code CEoIdAe MEeItAric (L0±.00.0280) W-+00.1.200 ( 0(0.0.00048)) H-+00.1.200 ( 0(0.0.00048)) W(01.±000.82)0 A-+00.2.300 ( 0(0.0.00182)) S Min. PBoalnadri ty 227 A RA a=t e1d0 VVoltage Code D 2917 7343-31 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.90 (0.114) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173) (Anode+) XXXXX ID Code E 2917 7343-43 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 4.10 (0.162) 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173) U 2924 7361-43 7.30 (0.287) 6.10 (0.240) 4.10 (0.162) 3.10 (0.122) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173) V 2924 7361-38 7.30 (0.287) 6.10 (0.240) 3.55 (0.140) 3.10 (0.122) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173) Y 2917 7343-20 7.30 (0.287) 4.30 (0.169) 2.00 (0.079) max 2.40 (0.094) 1.30 (0.051) 4.40 (0.173) W1 dimension applies to the termination width for A dimensional area only. HOW TO ORDER TPM E 108 M 004 R 0018 Type Case Size Capacitance Code Tolerance Rated DC Voltage Packaging ESR in mΩ See table pF code: 1st two digits K = ±10% 002=2.5Vdc R = Pure Tin 7" Reel above represent significant M = ±20% 004=4Vdc S = Pure Tin 13" Reel figures, 3rd digit 006=6.3Vdc H = Tin Lead 7" Reel represents multiplier 010=10Vdc (Contact Manufacturer) (number of zeros to 016=16Vdc K = Tin Lead 13" Reel follow) 020=20Vdc (Contact Manufacturer) 025=25Vdc H, K = Non RoHS 035=35Vdc 050=50Vdc TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Technical Data: All technical data relate to an ambient temperature of +25°C Capacitance Range: 10 μF to 2200 μF Capacitance Tolerance: ±10%, ±20% Rated Voltage (V ) ≤ +85°C: 2.5 4 6.3 10 16 20 25 35 50 R Category Voltage (V ) ≤ +125°C: 1.7 2.7 4 7 10 13 17 23 33 C Surge Voltage (V ) ≤ +85°C: 3.3 5.2 8 13 20 26 32 46 65 S Surge Voltage (V ) ≤ +125°C: 2.2 3.4 5 8 13 16 20 28 40 S Temperature Range: -55°C to +125°C Reliability: 1% per 1000 hours at 85°C, V with 0.1Ω/V series impedance, 60% confidence level R 96 The Important Information/Disclaimer is incorporated in these specifications by reference and should be reviewed in full before placing any order. 031320

TPM Multianode Tantalum Ultra Low ESR Capacitor CAPACITANCE AND RATED VOLTAGE RANGE (LETTER DENOTES CASE SIZE) Capacitance Rated Voltage DC (V ) to 85°C R μF Code 2.5V (e) 4V (G) 6.3V (J) 10V (A) 16V (C) 20V (D) 25V (E) 35V (V) 50V (T) 6.8 685 D(140) 10 106 E(120) 15 156 E(75,100) D(70) 22 226 E(75,100) E(60,100) 33 336 D(65) E(50,65) 47 476 D(100) D(45,55) D(55)/E(65) E(55,65) 68 686 D(40,50) E(45,55) 100 107 Y(45)(M) D(40,50) E(35,45) E(45,60) 150 157 Y(45)(M) E(30,40) E(35) E(25,40) 220 227 Y(30)(M) D(35) U(30,40) D(35) 330 337 D(25,35) D(25,35) E(50) E(23,35) D(30) E(23,30) 470 477 D(25,35) E(18,23,30) U(23,30) E(18,23) D(25) 680 687 U(18,23) E(18,23) V(23) D(25,45) E(18,23) E(25)(M) 1000 108 D(25) U(18,23) V(20)(M) V(18) E(12,15,18) 1500 158 E(15,18) U(18,23) 2200 228 E(18)(M) Released ratings (M tolerance only), (ESR ratings in mOhms in parentheses) Note: Voltage ratings are minimum values. AVX reserves the right to supply higher voltage ratings in the same case size, to the same reliability standards. The Important Information/Disclaimer is incorporated in these specifications 97 by reference and should be reviewed in full before placing any order. 030920

TPM Multianode Tantalum Ultra Low ESR Capacitor RATINGS & PART NUMBER REFERENCE PaArVt NXo. CSaizsee Capa(μcFit)ance VRo(alVttae)gde TemR(paºetCer)adt ure CVaot(elVtga)goery TeCma(ptºeeCgr)aotruyr e M(DμCaAxL). M(D%aFx). @ 1(MEm0Sa0ΩRxk).Hz 25º1C00kHz R8M5SºC Current 1(A2)5ºC MSL 2.5 Volt @ 85°C TPMD108*002#0025 D 1000 2.5 85 1.7 125 25 8 25 3.194 2.874 1.277 3 TPME158*002#0012 E 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 38 6 12 4.743 4.269 1.897 3 TPME158*002#0015 E 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 38 6 15 4.243 3.818 1.697 3 TPME158*002#0018 E 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 38 6 18 3.873 3.486 1.549 3 TPMU158*002R0018 U 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 30 6 18 4.048 3.643 1.619 3 TPMU158*002R0023 U 1500 2.5 85 1.7 125 30 6 23 3.581 3.223 1.433 3 TPME228M002#0018 E 2200 2.5 85 1.7 125 44 10 18 3.873 3.486 1.549 3 4 Volt @ 85°C TPMD337*004#0025 D 330 4 85 2.7 125 13.2 8 25 3.194 2.874 1.277 3 TPMD337*004#0035 D 330 4 85 2.7 125 13.2 8 35 2.699 2.429 1.080 3 TPMD477*004#0025 D 470 4 85 2.7 125 18.8 8 25 3.194 2.874 1.277 3 TPMD477*004#0035 D 470 4 85 2.7 125 18.8 8 35 2.699 2.429 1.080 3 TPMD687*004#0025 D 680 4 85 2.7 125 27.2 8 25 3.194 2.874 1.277 3 TPME687*004#0018 E 680 4 85 2.7 125 27 6 18 3.873 3.486 1.549 3 TPME687*004#0023 E 680 4 85 2.7 125 27 6 23 3.426 3.084 1.370 3 TPMD108*004#0025 D 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 8 25 3.194 2.874 1.277 3 TPMD108*004#0045 D 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 8 45 2.380 2.142 0.952 3 TPME108*004#0018 E 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 18 3.873 3.486 1.549 3 TPME108*004#0023 E 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 23 3.426 3.084 1.370 3 TPMU108*004R0018 U 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 18 4.048 3.643 1.619 3 TPMU108*004R0023 U 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 23 3.581 3.223 1.433 3 TPMV108*004#0018 V 1000 4 85 2.7 125 40 6 18 3.979 3.581 1.592 3 TPME158*004#0015 E 1500 4 85 2.7 125 60 6 15 4.243 3.818 1.697 3 TPME158*004#0018 E 1500 4 85 2.7 125 60 6 18 3.873 3.486 1.549 3 6.3 Volt @ 85°C TPMY227M006#0030 Y 220 6.3 85 4 125 13.2 6 30 2.646 2.381 1.058 3 TPMD337*006#0025 D 330 6.3 85 4 125 19.8 8 25 3.194 2.874 1.277 3 TPMD337*006#0035 D 330 6.3 85 4 125 19.8 8 35 2.699 2.429 1.080 3 TPMD477*006#0030 D 470 6.3 85 4 125 28.2 8 30 2.915 2.624 1.166 3 TPME477*006#0018 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 6 18 3.873 3.486 1.549 3 TPME477*006#0023 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 6 23 3.426 3.084 1.370 3 TPME477*006#0030 E 470 6.3 85 4 125 28 6 30 3.000 2.700 1.200 3 TPME687*006#0018 E 680 6.3 85 4 125 41 6 18 3.873 3.486 1.549 3 TPME687*006#0023 E 680 6.3 85 4 125 41 6 23 3.426 3.084 1.370 3 TPMU687*006R0018 U 680 6.3 85 4 125 41 6 18 4.048 3.643 1.619 3 TPMU687*006R0023 U 680 6.3 85 4 125 41 6 23 3.581 3.223 1.433 3 TPMV687*006#0023 V 680 6.3 85 4 125 41 6 23 3.520 3.168 1.408 3 TPME108M006#0025 E 1000 6.3 85 4 125 63 8 25 3.286 2.958 1.315 3 TPMV108M006#0020 V 1000 6.3 85 4 125 63 8 20 3.775 3.397 1.510 3 10 Volt @ 85°C TPMY107M010#0045 Y 100 10 85 7 125 10 8 45 2.160 1.944 0.864 3 TPMY157M010#0045 Y 150 10 85 7 125 15 8 45 2.160 1.944 0.864 3 TPMD227*010#0035 D 220 10 85 7 125 22 8 35 2.699 2.429 1.080 3 TPMD337*010#0035 D 330 10 85 7 125 33 8 35 2.699 2.429 1.080 3 TPME337*010#0023 E 330 10 85 7 125 33 6 23 3.426 3.084 1.370 3 TPME337*010#0035 E 330 10 85 7 125 33 6 35 2.777 2.500 1.111 3 TPME477*010#0023 E 470 10 85 7 125 47 6 23 3.426 3.084 1.370 3 TPME477*010#0030 E 470 10 85 7 125 47 6 30 3.000 2.700 1.200 3 TPMU477*010R0023 U 470 10 85 7 125 47 8 23 3.581 3.223 1.433 3 TPMU477*010R0030 U 470 10 85 7 125 47 8 30 3.136 2.822 1.254 3 16 Volt @ 85°C TPMD476*016#0100 D 47 16 85 10 125 7.5 8 100 1.597 1.437 0.639 3 TPMD686*016#0040 D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 8 40 2.525 2.272 1.010 3 TPMD686*016#0050 D 68 16 85 10 125 10.9 8 50 2.258 2.032 0.903 3 TPMD107*016#0040 D 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 40 2.525 2.272 1.010 3 TPMD107*016#0050 D 100 16 85 10 125 16 8 50 2.258 2.032 0.903 3 TPME157*016#0030 E 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 30 3.000 2.700 1.200 3 TPME157*016#0040 E 150 16 85 10 125 24 6 40 2.598 2.338 1.039 3 TPME227*016#0025 E 220 16 85 10 125 35 6 25 3.286 2.958 1.315 3 TPME227*016#0040 E 220 16 85 10 125 35 6 40 2.598 2.338 1.039 3 TPMU227*016R0030 U 220 16 85 10 125 35 8 30 3.136 2.822 1.254 3 TPMU227*016R0040 U 220 16 85 10 125 35 8 40 2.716 2.444 1.086 3 TPME337*016#0050 E 330 16 85 10 125 52.8 10 50 2.324 2.091 0.930 3 20 Volt @ 85°C TPMD476*020#0045 D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 8 45 2.380 2.142 0.952 3 TPMD476*020#0055 D 47 20 85 13 125 9.4 8 55 2.153 1.938 0.861 3 TPME107*020#0035 E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 35 2.777 2.500 1.111 3 TPME107*020#0045 E 100 20 85 13 125 20 6 45 2.449 2.205 0.980 3 TPME157*020#0035 E 150 20 85 13 125 30 10 35 2.777 2.500 1.111 3 98 The Important Information/Disclaimer is incorporated in these specifications by reference and should be reviewed in full before placing any order. 071119

TPM Multianode Tantalum Ultra Low ESR Capacitor RATINGS & PART NUMBER REFERENCE PaArVt NXo. CSaizsee Capa(μcFit)ance VRo(alVttae)gde TemR(paºetCer)adt ure CVaot(elVtga)goery TeCma(ptºeeCgr)aotruyr e M(DμCaAxL). M(D%aFx). @ 1(MEm0Sa0ΩRxk).Hz 25º1C00kHz R8M5SºC Current 1(A2)5ºC MSL 25 Volt @ 85°C TPMD336*025#0065 D 33 25 85 17 125 8.3 8 65 1.981 1.783 0.792 3 TPMD476*025#0055 D 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 8 55 2.153 1.938 0.861 3 TPME476*025#0065 E 47 25 85 17 125 11.8 6 65 2.038 1.834 0.815 3 TPME686*025#0045 E 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 45 2.449 2.205 0.980 3 TPME686*025#0055 E 68 25 85 17 125 17 6 55 2.216 1.994 0.886 3 TPME107*025#0045 E 100 25 85 17 125 25 14 45 2.449 2.205 0.980 3 TPME107*025#0060 E 100 25 85 17 125 25 14 60 2.121 1.909 0.849 3 35 Volt @ 85°C TPMD226*035#0070 D 22 35 85 23 125 7.7 8 70 1.909 1.718 0.763 3 TPME226*035#0060 E 22 35 85 23 125 8 6 60 2.121 1.909 0.849 3 TPME226*035#0100 E 22 35 85 23 125 8 6 100 1.643 1.479 0.657 3 TPME336*035#0050 E 33 35 85 23 125 12 6 50 2.324 2.091 0.930 3 TPME336*035#0065 E 33 35 85 23 125 12 6 65 2.038 1.834 0.815 3 TPME476*035#0055 E 47 35 85 23 125 16 6 55 2.216 1.994 0.886 3 TPME476*035#0065 E 47 35 85 23 125 16 6 65 2.038 1.834 0.815 3 50 Volt @ 85°C TPMD106*050#0140 D 10 50 85 33 125 5 8 140 1.350 1.215 0.540 3 TPME106*050#0120 E 10 50 85 33 125 5 6 120 1.500 1.350 0.600 3 TPME156*050#0075 E 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 75 1.897 1.708 0.759 3 TPME156*050#0100 E 15 50 85 33 125 7.5 6 100 1.643 1.479 0.657 3 TPME226*050#0075 E 22 50 85 33 125 11 8 75 1.897 1.708 0.759 3 TPME226*050#0100 E 22 50 85 33 125 11 8 100 1.643 1.479 0.657 3 Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) is defined according to J-STD-020 All technical data relates to an ambient temperature of +25°C. Capacitance and DF are measured at 120Hz, 0.5V RMS with a maximum DC bias of 2.2 volts. DCL is measured at rated voltage after 5 minutes. The EIA & CECC standards for low ESR Solid Tantalum Capacitors allow an ESR movement to 1.25 times catalogue limit post mounting. For typical weight and composition see page 274. NOTE: AVX reserves the right to supply higher voltage ratings or tighter tolerance part in the same case size, to the same reliability standards. QUALIFICATION TABLE TPM series (Temperature range -55ºC to +125ºC) TEST Condition Characteristics Visual examination no visible damage Apply rated voltage (Ur) at 85ºC and / or category- DCL initial limit voltage (Uc) at 125ºC for 2000 hours through a Endurance ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value circuit impedance of ≤0.1Ω/V. Stabilize at room DF initial limit temperature for 1-2 hours before measuring. ESR 1.25 x initial limit Visual examination no visible damage Store at 65ºC and 95% relative humidity for 500 DCL 1.5 x initial limit hours, with no applied voltage. Stabilize at room Humidity ΔC/C within ±10% of initial value temperature and humidity for 1-2 hours before DF 1.2 x initial limit measuring. ESR 1.25 x initial limit Step Temperature°C Duration(min) +20ºC -55ºC +20ºC +85ºC +125ºC +20ºC 1 +20 15 DCL IL* n/a IL* 10 x IL* 12.5 x IL* IL* Temperature 2 -55 15 3 +20 15 ΔC/C n/a +0/-10% ±5% +10/-0% +12/-0% ±5% Stability 4 +85 15 DF IL* 1.5 x IL* IL* 1.5 x IL* 2 x IL* IL* 5 +125 15 6 +20 15 ESR 1.25 x IL* 2.5 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* 1.25 x IL* Visual examination no visible damage Apply 1.3x category voltage (Uc) at 125ºC for DCL initial limit Surge 1000 cycles of duration 6 min (30 sec charge, ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value Voltage 5 min 30 sec discharge) through a charge / DF initial limit discharge resistance of 1000Ω ESR 1.25 x initial limit Visual examination no visible damage DCL initial limit Mechanical MIL-STD-202, Method 213, Condition C ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value Shock DF initial limit ESR initial limit Visual examination no visible damage DCL initial limit Vibration MIL-STD-202, Method 204, Condition D ΔC/C within ±5% of initial value DF initial limit ESR initial limit *Initial Limit The Important Information/Disclaimer is incorporated in these specifications 99 by reference and should be reviewed in full before placing any order. 031320

TPM Multianode Tantalum Ultra Low ESR Capacitor AVX SOLID ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITOR ROADMAP CONDUCTIVE CONVENTIONAL NIOBIUM POLYMER TANTALUM OXIDE TC Series T Series N Series T Cx T xx N xx F Series F Series F38 F xx – conductive – MnO – MnO CATHODE 2 2 polymer DIELECTRIC Ta O Ta O NbO 2 5 2 5 2 5 ANODE Niobium + Tantalum + Tantalum + Oxide FIVE CAPACITOR CONSTRUCTION STYLES J-lead Undertab TACmicrochip® Conformal Hermetic SERIES LINE UP: CONVENTIONAL SMD MnO 2 THJ TMJ THH F97-HT3 F9H professional 230°C 200°C low DCL Hermetic 135°C auto 150°C auto Industrial & THJ TRJ TRM F91-AJ6 F97 F98-AJ6 low DCL Automotive 175°C auto professional multianode auto professional auto TAJ TPS F93-AJ6 auto *T/*U auto *T/*U auto TPM F93-BE TPS multianode Low DCL Standard TAJ F91 F93 Standard TAJ TAC TPC F92 Low Profile Low Profile microchip microchip Low ESR High CV TLN TLJ TLC F98-AS1 F98 undertab microchip undertab, fused undertab 100 The Important Information/Disclaimer is incorporated in these specifications by reference and should be reviewed in full before placing any order. 031320

IMPORTANT INFORMATION/DISCLAIMER All product specifications, statements, information and data (collectively, the “Information”) in this datasheet or made available on the website are subject to change. The customer is responsible for checking and verifying the extent to which the Information contained in this publication is applicable to an order at the time the order is placed. All Information given herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, but it is presented without guarantee, warranty, or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied. Statements of suitability for certain applications are based on AVX’s knowledge of typical operating conditions for such applications, but are not intended to constitute and AVX specifically disclaims any warranty concerning suitability for a specific customer application or use. ANY USE OF PRODUCT OUTSIDE OF SPECIFICATIONS OR ANY STORAGE OR INSTALLATION INCONSISTENT WITH PRODUCT GUIDANCE VOIDS ANY WARRANTY. The Information is intended for use only by customers who have the requisite experience and capability to determine the correct products for their application. Any technical advice inferred from this Information or otherwise provided by AVX with reference to the use of AVX’s products is given without regard, and AVX assumes no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained. Although AVX designs and manufactures its products to the most stringent quality and safety standards, given the current state of the art, isolated component failures may still occur. Accordingly, customer applications which require a high degree of reliability or safety should employ suitable designs or other safeguards (such as installation of protective circuitry or redundancies) in order to ensure that the failure of an electrical component does not result in a risk of personal injury or property damage. Unless specifically agreed to in writing, AVX has not tested or certified its products, services or deliverables for use in high risk applications including medical life support, medical device, direct physical patient contact, water treatment, nuclear facilities, weapon systems, mass and air transportation control, flammable environments, or any other potentially life critical uses. Customer understands and agrees that AVX makes no assurances that the products, services or deliverables are suitable for any high-risk uses. Under no circumstances does AVX warrant or guarantee suitability for any customer design or manufacturing process. Although all product–related warnings, cautions and notes must be observed, the customer should not assume that all safety measures are indicted or that other measures may not be required. The Important Information/Disclaimer is incorporated in these specifications by reference and should be reviewed in full before placing any order. 121119