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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供TC14433EPG由Microchip设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 TC14433EPG价格参考¥31.07-¥37.29。MicrochipTC14433EPG封装/规格:PMIC - 显示器驱动器, 。您可以下载TC14433EPG参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有TC14433EPG 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
Microchip Technology的TC14433EPG是一款PMIC(电源管理集成电路),专门用于显示器驱动器的应用。它主要针对需要高效电源管理和稳定供电的液晶显示器(LCD)和其他显示设备,如手机、平板电脑、智能手表、汽车仪表盘等。 应用场景: 1. 便携式电子设备:TC14433EPG广泛应用于智能手机、平板电脑和可穿戴设备中。这些设备通常需要长时间运行且对功耗非常敏感,TC14433EPG能够提供高效的电源管理,确保显示屏在低功耗模式下依然保持清晰、稳定的图像质量。 2. 汽车显示屏:现代汽车的仪表盘和中控屏幕越来越依赖高分辨率和高性能的显示器。TC14433EPG可以为这些车载显示器提供稳定的电源支持,确保在各种环境条件下(如高温、低温、振动等)都能正常工作。 3. 工业控制面板:在工业自动化领域,许多控制面板和人机界面(HMI)设备需要可靠的电源管理来驱动显示器。TC14433EPG能够满足这些设备的需求,提供稳定的电压输出,确保显示器在复杂的工作环境中不会出现闪烁或失真现象。 4. 医疗设备:医疗设备中的显示器要求极高的可靠性和稳定性,特别是在手术室、监护仪等关键应用中。TC14433EPG能够为这些设备提供精确的电源管理,确保图像清晰、无延迟,帮助医生做出准确的诊断和治疗决策。 5. 消费电子产品:除了上述专业领域,TC14433EPG还适用于各种消费电子产品,如电子书阅读器、便携式游戏机等。它可以帮助这些产品实现更长的电池续航时间,同时保持良好的显示效果。 总之,TC14433EPG通过其高效的电源管理和稳定的性能表现,适用于多种需要高质量显示效果的设备,尤其是在对功耗和可靠性有严格要求的应用场景中表现出色。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | 集成电路 (IC)半导体 |
描述 | IC ADC 3 1/2 DIGIT 24DIP模数转换器 - ADC 3-1/2 Digit A/D BCD |
产品分类 | |
品牌 | Microchip Technology |
产品手册 | |
产品图片 | |
rohs | 符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | 数据转换器IC,模数转换器 - ADC,Microchip Technology TC14433EPG- |
数据手册 | http://www.microchip.com/mymicrochip/filehandler.aspx?ddocname=en011521点击此处下载产品Datasheet |
产品型号 | TC14433EPG |
产品目录页面 | |
产品种类 | 模数转换器 - ADC |
供应商器件封装 | 24-PDIP |
信噪比 | Yes |
分辨率 | 3.5 bit |
包装 | 管件 |
商标 | Microchip Technology |
安装类型 | 通孔 |
安装风格 | Through Hole |
封装 | Tube |
封装/外壳 | 24-DIP(0.600",15.24mm) |
封装/箱体 | PDIP-24 |
工作温度 | -40°C ~ 85°C |
工作电源电压 | +/- 4.5 V to +/- 8 V |
工厂包装数量 | 15 |
接口 | BCD |
接口类型 | BCD |
数字或字符 | A/D,3.5 位数字 |
显示类型 | LED |
最大功率耗散 | 940000 mW |
最大工作温度 | + 70 C |
最小工作温度 | 0 C |
标准包装 | 15 |
电压-电源 | 4.5 V ~ 8 V |
电压参考 | External |
电流-电源 | 1.8mA |
结构 | Dual-Slope |
转换器数量 | 1 |
转换速率 | 0.025 kS/s |
输入类型 | Single-Ended |
通道数量 | 1 Channel |
配置 | 7 段显示 |
TC14433/A 3-1/2 Digit, Analog-to-Digital Converter Features Package Type • Accuracy:±0.05%ofReading±1Count 24-Pin PDIP (Wide) (cid:127) TwoVoltageRanges:1.999Vand199.9mV 24-Pin CERDIP (Wide) (cid:127) Upto25ConversionsPerSecond 24-Pin SOIC (Wide) (cid:127) Z >1000MOhms IN VAG 1 24 V DD (cid:127) SinglePositiveVoltageReference (cid:127) Auto-PolarityandAuto-Zero VREF 2 23 Q3 (cid:127) OverrangeandUnderrangeSignalsAvailable VX 3 22 Q2 (cid:127) OperatesinAuto-RangingCircuits R1 4 21 Q1 (cid:127) UsesOn-ChipSystemClockorExternalClock R1/C1 5 TC14433/A 20 Q0 (cid:127) WideSupplyRange:±4.5Vto±8V C1 6 19 DS1 Applications CO1 7 18 DS2 (cid:127) PortableInstruments CO2 8 17 DS3 (cid:127) DigitalVoltmeters (cid:127) DigitalPanelMeters DU 9 16 DS4 (cid:127) DigitalScales CLK1 10 15 OR (cid:127) DigitalThermometers CLK0 11 14 EOC (cid:127) RemoteA/DSensingSystems VEE 12 13 VSS (cid:127) MPUSystems Device Selection Table 28-Pin PLCC F Temperature E G D PartNumber Package X R A C D 3 2 Range V V V N V Q Q 4 3 2 1 28 27 26 TC14433AEJG 24-PinCERDIP -40°Cto+85°C (Wide) R1 5 25 Q1 TC14433AELI 28-PinPLCC -40°Cto+85°C R1/C1 6 24 Q0 TC14433AEPG 24-PinPDIP -40°Cto+85°C C1 7 23 DS1 (Wide) NC 8 TC14433/A 22 NC TC14433COG 24-PinSOIC 0°Cto+70°C (Wide) CO1 9 21 DS2 TC14433EJG 24-PinCERDIP -40°Cto+85°C CO2 10 20 DS 3 (Wide) DU 11 19 DS4 TC14433ELI 28-PinPLCC -40°Cto+85°C 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 TC14433EPG 24-PinPDIP -40°Cto+85°C 1 0 E C S C R (Wide) CLK CLK VE N VS EO O Note 1: NC=Nointernalconnection(In28-PinPLCC). 2: 24-PinSOIC(Wide)package,onlyfor TC14433device. 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page 1
TC14433/A GeneralDescription The TC14433A features improved performance over theindustrystandardTC14433. Rollover, whichisthe The TC14433 is a low power, high performance, measurement of identical positive and negative monolithic CMOS 3-1/2 digit A/D converter. The signals, is specified to have the same reading within TC14433combinesbothanaloganddigitalcircuitson one count for the TC14433A. Power consumption of a single IC, thus minimizing the number of external the TC14433A is typically 4mW, approximately one- components. halfthatoftheindustrystandardTC14433. This dual slope A/D converter provides automatic The TC14433/A is available in 24-Pin PDIP, 24-Pin polarity and zero correction with the addition of two CERDIP, 24-Pin SOIC (TC14433 device only), and external resistors and two capacitors. The full scale 28-PinPLCCpackages. voltagerangeofthisratiometricICextendsfrom199.9 millivoltsto1.999volts.TheTC14433canoperateover a wide range of power supply voltages, including batteriesandstandard5-voltsupplies. TypicalApplication MCP1525 20k +5V VIN VOUT 1µF VSS -5V +5V +5V +5V 300k 0.1 0.1µF Segment 1µF RC Resistors 1110 2 1224 1 16 150Ω (7) VX 3 23 4 9 7 10 1 22 2 10 6 11 R1* 21 3 11 5 12 4 20 5 12 4 13 TC14433 5 13 3 14 4543B 6 13 -5V 14 2 15 0.1µF** 15 1 16 7 9 8 6 7 1413 8 14 0.1µF** 1519181716 -5V --55VV Minus Sign f g e d c b a 200Ω -5V MPS-A12 Plus Sign 6 -5V *R1 = 470kΩ for 2V Range 5 DSQ 1 51k 110Ω *R*M1 y=la 2r7 CkaΩp faocri t2o0r0mV Range 43 CRQ 2 +5V CAnoomdme oLned 8 Display 14013B 911DCRSQQ 1132 50µF 0.1µF 710 14 MPS-A12 (4) DS4 -5V +5V -5V DS3 DS2 DS1 DS21394B-page 2 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc.
TC14433/A 1.0 ELECTRICAL *Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings"maycausepermanentdamagetothedevice.These CHARACTERISTICS arestressratingsonlyandfunctionaloperationofthedevice attheseoranyotherconditionsabovethoseindicatedinthe Absolute Maximum Ratings* operation sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for SupplyVoltage(V –V )...................-0.5Vto+18V DD EE extendedperiodsmayaffectdevicereliability. VoltageonAnyPin: ReferencetoV .....................-0.5Vto(V +0.5) EE DD DCCurrent,AnyPin:........................................±10mA PowerDissipation(T ≤70°C): A PlasticPLCC.................................................1.0W PlasticPDIP..................................................940W SOIC.............................................................940W CERDIP.......................................................1.45W OperatingTemperatureRange...............0°Cto+70°C StorageTemperatureRange..............-65°Cto+160°C TC14433/AELECTRICALSPECIFICATIONS ElectricalCharacteristics:V =+5V,V =-5V,C =0.1µF,(Mylar),C =0.1µF,R =300kΩ,R =470kΩ @V =2V, DD EE 1 0 C 1 REF R =27kΩ @V =200mV,unlessotherwisespecified. 1 REF Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units TestConditions AnalogInput TA=+25°C TA=+25°C SYE RolloverError(Positive)and -1 — +1 — — — Counts 200mVFullScale NegativeFullScale V -V =+V IN IN IN Symmetry NL LinearityOutputReading -0.05 +0.05 +0.05 — — — %rdg V =2V REF (Note1) -1count — +1count — — — %rdg V =200mV REF SOR StabilityOutputReading — — 2 — — — LSD V =1.99V, X (Note2) V =2V REF — — 3 — — — LSD V =199mV, X V =200mV REF ZOR ZeroOutputReading — 0 0 — — — LSD V =0V,V =2V X REF IIN BiasCurrent: AnalogInput — ±20 ±100 — — — pA ReferenceInput — ±20 ±100 — — — pA AnalogGround — ±20 ±100 — — — pA CMRR CommonmodeRejection — 65 — — — — dB V =1.4V,V =2V, X REF F =32kHz OC Note 1: Accuracy-Theaccuracyofthemeteratfullscaleistheaccuracyofthesettingofthereferencevoltage.Zerois recalculatedduringeachconversioncycle.Themeaningfulspecificationislinearity.Inotherwords,thedeviationfrom correctreadingforallinputsotherthanpositivefullscaleandzeroisdefinedasthelinearityspecification. 2: TheLSDstabilityfor200mVscaleisdefinedastherangethattheLSDwilloccupy95%ofthetime. 3: Pinnumbersreferto24-pinPDIP. 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page 3
TC14433/A TC14433/AELECTRICALSPECIFICATIONS (CONTINUED) ElectricalCharacteristics:V =+5V,V =-5V,C =0.1µF,(Mylar),C =0.1µF,R =300kΩ,R =470kΩ @V =2V, DD EE 1 0 C 1 REF R =27kΩ @V =200mV,unlessotherwisespecified. 1 REF Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Units TestConditions Digital V OutputVoltage — 0 0.05 — — 0.05 V V =0V, "0"Level OL SS (Pins14to23)(Note3) — -5 -4.95 — — -4.95 V V =-5V, "0"Level SS V OutputVoltage 4.95 5 — 4.95 — — V V =0V, "1"Level OH SS (Pins14to23)(Note3) 4.95 5 — 4.95 — — V V =-5V, "1"Level SS I OutputCurrent -0.2 -0.36 — -0.14 — — mA V =0V,V =4.6V OH SS OH (Pins14to23) Source -0.5 -0.9 — -0.35 — — mA V =-5V,V =5V SS OH Source I OutputCurrent 0.51 0.88 — 0.36 — — mA V =0V,V =0.4V OL SS OL (Pins14to23) Sink 1.3 2.25 — 0.9 — — mA V =-5V, SS V =-4.5VSink OL f ClockFrequency — 66 — — — — kHz R =300kΩ CLK C I InputCurrent-DU — ±0.00001 ±0.3 — — ±1 µA DU Power I QuiescentCurrent:14433A: — — — — — — — V toV ,I =0 Q DD EE SS — 0.4 2 — — 3.7 mA V =5,V =-5 DD EE — 1.4 4 — — 7.4 mA V =8,V =-8 DD EE QuiescentCurrent:14433: — — — — — — — V toV ,I =0 DD EE SS — 0.9 2 — — 3.7 mA V =5,V =-5 DD EE — 1.8 4 — — 7.4 mA V =8,V =-8 DD EE PSRR SupplyRejection — 0.5 — — — — mV/V V toV ,I =0, DD EE SS V =2V, REF V =5,V =-5 DD EE Note 1: Accuracy-Theaccuracyofthemeteratfullscaleistheaccuracyofthesettingofthereferencevoltage.Zerois recalculatedduringeachconversioncycle.Themeaningfulspecificationislinearity.Inotherwords,thedeviationfrom correctreadingforallinputsotherthanpositivefullscaleandzeroisdefinedasthelinearityspecification. 2: TheLSDstabilityfor200mVscaleisdefinedastherangethattheLSDwilloccupy95%ofthetime. 3: Pinnumbersreferto24-pinPDIP. DS21394B-page 4 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc.
TC14433/A 2.0 PIN DESCRIPTIONS ThedescriptionsofthepinsarelistedinTable2.0. TABLE2-1: PINFUNCTIONTABLE PinNo. (24-PinPDIP) PinNo. Symbol Description (24-PinCERDIP) (28-PinPLCC) (24-PinSOIC) 1 2 V Thisistheanalogground.Ithasahighinputimpedance.Thepindeterminesthe AG referencelevelfortheunknowninputvoltage(V )andthereferencevoltage(V ). X REF 2 3 V Referencevoltage-FullscaleoutputisequaltothevoltageappliedtoV . REF REF Therefore,fullscalevoltageof1.999Vrequires2Vreferenceand199.9mVfullscale requiresa200mVreference.V functionsassystemresetalso.Whenswitched REF toV ,thesystemisresettothebeginningoftheconversioncycle. EE 3 4 V Theunknowninputvoltage(V )ismeasuredasaratioofthereferencevoltage X X (V )inarationetricA/Dconversion. REF 4 5 R Thispinisforexternalcomponentsusedfortheintegrationfunctioninthedual 1 slopeconversion.Typicalvaluesare0.1µF(mylar)capacitorforC . 1 5 6 R /C R =470kΩ(resistor)for2Vfullscale. 1 1 1 6 7 C R =27kΩ(resistor)for200mVfullscale.Clockfrequencyof66kHzgives250msec 1 1 conversiontime. 7 9 CO Thesepinsareusedforconnectingtheoffsetcorrectioncapacitor. 1 Therecommendedvalueis0.1µF. 8 10 CO Thesepinsareusedforconnectingtheoffsetcorrectioncapacitor. 2 Therecommendedvalueis0.1µF. 9 11 DU Displayupdateinputpin.WhenDUisconnectedtotheEOCoutput,every conversionisdisplayed.Newdatawillbestrobedintotheoutputlatchesduringthe conversioncycleifapositiveedgeisreceivedonDU,priortotherampdowncycle. Whenthispinisdrivenfromanexternalsource,thevoltageshouldbereferenced toV . SS 10 12 CLK Clockinputpins.TheTC14433hasitsownoscillatorsystemclock.Connectinga 1 singleresistorbetweenCLK andCLK setstheclockfrequency. 1 0 11 13 CLK AcrystalorOCcircuitmaybeinsertedinlieuofaresistorforimproved CLK ,the 0 1 clockinput,canbedrivenfromanexternalclocksource,whichneedonlyhave standardCMOSoutputdrive.ThispinisreferencedtoV forexternalclockinputs. EE A300kΩresistoryieldsaclockfrequencyofabout66kHz.SeeSection5.0Typical Characteristics.(AlsoseeFigure4-3foralternatecircuits.) 12 14 V Negativepowercurrent.Connectionpinforthemostnegativesupply.Pleasenote EE thecurrentfortheoutputdrivecircuitisreturnedthroughV .Typicalsupply SS currentis0.8mA. 13 16 V Negativepowersupplyforoutputcircuitry.Thispinsetsthelowvoltagelevelforthe SS outputpins(BCD,DigitSelects,EOC,OR).Whenconnectedtoanalogground,the outputvoltageisfromanaloggroundtoV .IfconnectedtoV ,theoutputswing DD EE isfromV toV .TherecommendedoperatingrangeforV isbetweenthe EE DD SS V -3voltsandV . DD EE 14 17 EOC Endofconversionoutputgeneratesapulseattheendofeachconversioncycle. Thisgeneratedpulsewidthisequaltoonehalftheperiodofthesystemclock. 15 18 OR Overrangepin.Normallythispinissethigh.WhenV exceedsV theORislow. X REF 16 19 DS Digitselectpin.Thedigitselectoutputgoeshighwhentherespectivedigitis 4 selected.TheMSD(1/2digitturnsonimmediatelyafteranEOCpulse). 17 20 DS TheremainingdigitsturnoninsequencefromMSDtoLSD. 3 18 21 DS ToensurethattheBCDdatahassettled,aninterdigitblankingtimeoftwoclock 2 periodsisincluded. 19 23 DS Clockfrequencydividedby80equalsmultiplexrate.Forexample,asystemclockof 1 60kHzgivesamultiplexrateof0.8kHz. 20 24 Q SeeFigure4-4fordigitselecttimingdiagram. 0 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page 5
TC14433/A TABLE2-1: PINFUNCTIONTABLE (CONTINUED) PinNo. (24-PinPDIP) PinNo. Symbol Description (24-PinCERDIP) (28-PinPLCC) (24-PinSOIC) 21 25 Q BCDdataoutputpin.MultiplexedBCDoutputscontainthreefulldigitsof 1 informationduringdigitselectDS ,DS ,DS . 2 3 4 22 26 Q DuringDS ,the1/2digit,overrange,underrangeandpolarityinformation 2 1 isavailable. 23 27 Q RefertotheTruthTable4-1. 3 24 28 V Positivepowersupply.Thisisthemostpositivepowersupplypin. DD 1 NC NotUsed. — 8 NC NotUsed. — 15 NC NotUsed. — 22 NC NotUsed. DS21394B-page 6 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc.
TC14433/A 3.0 DETAILED DESCRIPTION Segment1-Theoffsetcapacitor(C ),whichcompen- O satesfortheinputoffsetvoltagesofthebufferandinte- The TC14433 CMOS IC becomes a modified dual- grator amplifiers, is charged during this period. slope A/D with a minimum of external components. However, the integrator capacitor is shorted. This ThisIChasthecustomaryCMOSdigitallogiccircuitry, segmentrequires4000clockperiods. aswellasCMOSanalogcircuitry.Itprovidestheuser Segment2-Duringthissegment,theintegratoroutput with digital functions such as (counters, latches, decreasestothecomparatorthresholdvoltage.Atthis multiplexers), and analog functions such as time,anumberofcountsequivalenttotheinputoffset (operational amplifiers and comparators) on a single voltageofthecomparatorisstoredintheoffsetlatches chip.RefertotheFunctionalBlockdiagram,Figure3-3 forlateruseintheauto-zeroprocess.Thetimeforthis Features of the TC14433/A include auto-zero, high segmentisvariableandlessthan800clockperiods. input impedances and auto-polarity. Low power Segment 3- This segment of the conversion cycle is consumption and a wide range of power supply volt- thesameasSegment1. ages are also advantages of this CMOS device. The system'sauto-zerofunctioncompensatesfortheoffset Segment4-Segment4isanupgoingrampcyclewith voltage of the internal amplifiers and comparators. In the unknown input voltage (VX as the input to the this"ratiometricsystem,"theoutputreadingistheratio integrator. Figure4-2 shows the equivalent oftheunknownvoltagetothereferencevoltage,where configuration of the analog section of the TC14433. a ratioof 1 is equal to the maximum count of 1999. It The actual configuration of the analog section is takesapproximately16,000clockperiodstocomplete dependentuponthepolarityoftheinputvoltageduring one conversion cycle. Each conversion cycle may be thepreviousconversioncycle. dividedinto6segments.Figure3-1showstheconver- sioncyclein6segmentsforbothpositiveandnegative FIGURE3-2: EQUIVALENTCIRCUIT inputs. DIAGRAMS OFTHE ANALOGSECTION FIGURE3-1: INTEGRATOR DURINGSEGMENT4OF WAVEFORMSATPIN6 THETIMINGCYCLE Start End C1 Buffer TSNieumgmemb eenrt 1 2 3 4 5 VX6 VX +– R1 Int–egrator C+omparator Typical + Positive – Input Voltage VX Typical Segment 5 - This segment is a down-going ramp Negative period with the reference voltage as the input to the Input Voltage integrator. Segment 5 of the conversion cycle has a timeequaltothenumberofcountsstoredintheoffset storagelatchesduringSegment2.Asaresult,thesys- temzerosautomatically. Segment 6 - This is an extension of Segment 5. The time period for thisportion is 4000 clock periods. The results of the A/D conversion cycle are determined in thisportionoftheconversioncycle. 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page 7
TC14433/A FIGURE3-3: FUNCTIONAL BLOCKDIAGRAM 20-23 Q – Q3 BDC Data Multiplexer RC 16 -19 DS1 – DS4 Digit Strobe 10 11 Latches Polarity Detect CLK1 CLK0 Clock 1's 10's 100's 1,000's TC14433/A 15 Overflow OROverrange Control Logic AnalogC MSuObSsystem 213 VVRAGEF RAneafeloregn Gcero Vuonldtage VX Analog Input 4 5 6 7 8 R1 R1/C C1 CO1 CO2 VDD = Pin 24 Display End of VSS = Pin 13 Update 9 14 Conversion VEE = Pin 12 DU EOC Integrator Offset DS21394B-page 8 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc.
TC14433/A 4.0 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS TheTypicalApplicationcircuitisanexampleofa3-1/2 Note: Ifthemostsignificantdigitisconnectedto digit voltmeter using the TC14433 with Common- a display other than a "1" only, such as a full digit display, segments other than b anodedisplays.Thissystemrequiresa2.5Vreference. andc must be disconnected. The BCD to Full scale may be adjusted to 1.999V or 199.9 mV. 7-segment decoder must blank on BCD Inputoverrangeisindicatedbyflashingadisplay.This display uses LEDs with common anode digit lines. inputs1010to1111.SeeTable4-1 Power supply for this system is shown as a dual ±5V supply;however,theTC14433willoperateoverawide TABLE 4-1: TRUTHTABLE voltagerange Coded The circuit in Figure4-1 shows a 3-1/2 digit LCD Q Q Q Q Condition BDCto7-Segment voltmeter. The 14024B provides the low frequency ofMSD 3 2 1 0 Decoding square wave signal drive to the LCD backplane. Dual power supplies are shown here; however, one supply +0 1 1 1 0 Blank may be used when VSS is connected to VEE. In this -0 1 0 1 0 Blank case,VAGmustbeatleast2.8VaboveVEE. +0UR 1 1 1 1 Blank Whenonly segmentsbandcof thedecoder arecon- Blank -0UR 1 0 1 1 nected to the 1/2 digit of the display, 4, 0, 7 and 3 +1 0 1 0 0 4–1 Hookup appearas1. -1 0 0 0 0 0–1 onlysegments The overrange indication (Q = 0 and Q = 1) occurs 3 0 bandctoMSD whenthecountisgreaterthan1999;(e.g.,1.999Vfor +1OR 0 1 1 1 7–1 areferenceof2V)Theunderrangeindication,usefulfor -1OR 0 0 1 1 3–1 auto-ranging circuits, occurs when the count is less Note 1: Q -1/2digit,lowfor"1",highfor"0". 3 than180;(e.g.,0.180Vforareferenceof2V). Q -Polarity:"1"=positive,"0"=negative. 2 Q -OutofrangeconditionexistsifQ =1. 0 0 WhenusedinconjunctionwithQ ,thetypeof 3 outofrangeconditionisindicated;i.e.,Q =0→ 3 ORorQ =1→UR. 3 Figure4-2 isanexampleofa3-1/2digitLEDvoltmeter with a minimum of external components, (only 11 additional components). In this circuit, the 14511B provides the segment drive and the 75492 or 1413 providessinkfordigitcurrent.Displayisblankedduring theoverrangecondition. 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page 9
TC14433/A FIGURE4-1: 3-1/2DIGITVOLTMETERWITHLCDDISPLAY 0.1µF 470k 0.1µF C 14024B -V R V+ C01C02 R1 R1/C 1C1 VX DS4 MCP1525 DS3 VIN VAG DS2 VOUT TC14433 DQS01 VSS Q1 20k VREF Q2 1µF Q3 VDDVSSVEEEOEDU RC RC 14070B 1/4 +V -V 300k +V 14013B 14070B 1/4 D Q 1/2 Digit CR RQ 14013B Plus +V D Q Sign BI D C B A Ph LD BI D C B A Ph LD BI D C B A Ph LD CR RQ 14543B +V 14543B +V 14543B +V -V 1/4 14070B Minus g f e d c b a -V g f e d c b a -V g f e d c b a -V Sign +V DS21394B-page 10 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc.
TC14433/A FIGURE4-2: 3-1/2DIGITLEDVOLTMETERWITHLOWCOMPONENTCOUNTUSING COMMONCATHODE DISPLAYS 470k 0.1µF 0.1µF +5V VX Input RV1XR1/C C1C0C1LCK012 300k Resitor Network MCP1525 VAG CLK0 or Individual VIN DU OR Resistor* VOUT EOE Q0 A B1 a R VSS 20k VREFTC14433 QQ12 CB I4511Bbc 1µF VSS +5V DLT de VDD LE f VEE VSS VDDg RDP DS4DS3DS2DS1 Alternate Overrange Circuit RM with Separated LED VEE** +5V 1/6 75492 RR (Minus) Minus OR OR +5V Common Control 1/7 1413 Cathode Led Display 75492 OR 1413* Digit Drivers Note 1: ForV =2000V;V:1.999Vfullscale. REF 2: ForV =200mV;V:199.9mVfullscale(change470ktoR=27kanddecimalpointposition. REF 3: Peakdigitcurrentforaneightdisplayedis7timesthesegmentcurrent: *Toincreasesegmentcurrentcapability,addtwo75491ICsbetween14511Bandresistornetwork. Theuseofthe1413asdigitdriverincreasesdigitcurrentcapabilityoverthe75492. **Vcanrangebetween-2.8Vand-11V. FIGURE4-3: ALTERNATEOSCILLATORCIRCUITS (A) Crystal Oscillator Circuit (B) LC Oscillator Circuit 10 10 CLK1 CLK1 C1 18M TC14433 L C TC14433 11 11 CLK0 CLK0 47k C2 C f = 1 2/LC 2π 10pF < C1 and C2 < 200pF For L = 5mH and C = 0.01µF, f ≅ 32kHz 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page11
TC14433/A FIGURE4-4: DIGITSELECTTIMINGDIAGRAM ≈16,400 Clock Cycles EOC 1/2 Clock Cycle Between EOC Pulses 18 Clock Cycles DS1 1/2 Digit (MSD) 2 Clock Cycles DS2 DS3 DS4 LCD DS21394B-page 12 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc.
TC14433/A 5.0 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS Note: Thegraphsandtablesprovidedfollowingthisnoteareastatisticalsummarybasedonalimitednumberof samplesandareprovidedforinformationalpurposesonly.Theperformancecharacteristicslistedhereinare nottestedorguaranteed.Insomegraphsortables,thedatapresentedmaybeoutsidethespecified operatingrange(e.g.,outsidespecifiedpowersupplyrange)andthereforeoutsidethewarrantedrange. Typical Rollover Error vs. Power Supply Skew Typical Quiescent Power Supply Current vs.Temp. T) 4 4 ROLLOVER ERROR (IN LSD) AT FULL SCALEUSE COUNT LESS MINUS COUN ---3210123 N ote: RRfroeoalmldo ivPneogrs fEiotirrvr oethr t eois sN tahemege aD tAiivfnfeea.rleongc Ien pinu tO Suwtpitucth ed - QUIESCENT CURRENT (mA)Q123 VVVVEDEDEEDD ==== --++8585VVVV L I (P -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 0 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 (VDD I-IVEE I) - SUPPLY VOLTAGE SKEW (V) TA - TEMPERATURE (°C) Typical N-Channel Sink Current at VDD – VSS = 5 Volts Typical P-Channel Sink Current at VDD – VSS = 5 Volts 5 -3 mA) 4 mA) -40°C T ( T ( REN 3 -40°C REN-2 +25°C R R U +25°C U +85°C K C 2 +85°C K C N N-1 SI SI - D 1 - D I I 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 VDS - DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (VDC) VDS - DRAIN TO SOURCE VOLTAGE (VDC) Typical Clock Frequency vs. Resistor (RC) Typical % Change fo Clock Frequency vs. Temp. 4 Y (Hz) Note: ±5% Typical Variation over CY 3 ±5V Supply QUENC 1M Sofu ±p4p.l5yV V tool t±a8gVe Range EQUENGE) 21 E RN K FR CK FCHA 0 ±8V Supply - CLOCLK100k - CLOCLK(% ---231 Normalized at 25°C C I I 10k -4 10kΩ 100kΩ 1MΩ -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 RC - CLOCK FREQUENCY RESISTOR TA - TEMPERATURE (°C) CONVERSION RATE = CLOCK FREQUENCY ±1.5% CONVERSION RATE = CLOCK FREQUENCY ±1.5% 16,400 16,400 CLOCK FREQUENCY CLOCK FREQUENCY MULTIPLEX RATE = MULTIPLEX RATE = 80 80 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page13
TC14433/A 6.0 PACKAGING INFORMATION 6.1 Package Marking Information Packagemarkingdatanotavailableatthistime. 6.2 Taping Form Component Taping Orientation for 24-Pin SOIC (Wide) Devices User Direction of Feed PIN 1 W P Standard Reel Component Orientation for TR Suffix Device Carrier Tape, Number of Components Per Reel and Reel Size Package Carrier Width (W) Pitch (P) Part Per Full Reel Reel Size 24-Pin SOIC (W) 24 mm 12 mm 1000 13 in Component Taping Orientation for 28-Pin PLCC Devices User Direction of Feed PIN 1 W P Standard Reel Component Orientation for TR Suffix Device Carrier Tape, Number of Components Per Reel and Reel Size Package Carrier Width (W) Pitch (P) Part Per Full Reel Reel Size 28-Pin PLCC 24 mm 16 mm 750 13 in DS21394B-page 14 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc.
TC14433/A 6.3 Package Dimensions 24-Pin PDIP (Wide) PIN 1 .555 (14.10) .530 (13.46) 1.270 (32.26) .610 (15.49) 1.240 (31.50) .590 (14.99) .200 (5.08) .140 (3.56) .040 (1.02) .150 (3.81) .020 (0.51) .015 (0.38) 3°MIN. .008 (0.20) .115 (2.92) .700 (17.78) .610 (15.50) .110 (2.79) .070 (1.78) .022 (0.56) .090 (2.29) .045 (1.14) .015 (0.38) Dimensions: inches (mm) 24-Pin CERDIP (Wide) PIN 1 .540 (13.72) .510 (12.95) .098 (2.49) MAX. .030 (0.76) MIN. 1.270 (32.26) .620 (15.75) 1.240 (31.50) .590 (15.00) .060 (1.52) .210 (5.33) .020 (0.51) .170 (4.32) .015 (0.38) 3° MIN. .200 (5.08) .150 (3.81) .008 (0.20) .125 (3.18) MIN. .700 (17.78) .620 (15.75) .110 (2.79) .065 (1.65) .020 (0.51) .090 (2.29) .045 (1.14) .016 (0.41) Dimensions: inches (mm) 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page15
TC14433/A Package Dimensions (Continued) 24-Pin SOIC (Wide) PIN 1 .299 (7.59) .419 (10.65) .291 (7.40) .398 (10.10) .615 (15.62) .597 (15.16) .104 (2.64) .097 (2.46) 8° .013 (0.33) MAX. .009 (0.23) .050 (1.27) TYP. .019 (0.48) .012 (0.30) .050 (1.27) .014 (0.36) .004 (0.10) .016 (0.40) Dimensions: inches (mm) 28-Pin PLCC PIN 1 .021 (0.53) .495 (12.58) .050 (1.27) TYP. .013 (0.33) .485 (12.32) .430 (10.92) .456 (11.58) .390 (9.91) .032 (0.81) .450 (11.43) .026 (0.66) .456 (11.58) .020 (0.51) MIN. .450 (11.43) .120 (3.05) .495 (12.58) .090 (2.29) .485 (12.32) .180 (4.57) .165 (4.19) Dimensions: inches (mm) DS21394B-page 16 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc.
TC14433/A SALES AND SUPPORT DataSheets ProductssupportedbyapreliminaryDataSheetmayhaveanerratasheetdescribingminoroperationaldifferencesandrecom- mendedworkarounds.Todetermineifanerratasheetexistsforaparticulardevice,pleasecontactoneofthefollowing: 1. YourlocalMicrochipsalesoffice 2. TheMicrochipCorporateLiteratureCenterU.S.FAX:(480)792-7277 3. TheMicrochipWorldwideSite(www.microchip.com) Pleasespecifywhichdevice,revisionofsiliconandDataSheet(includeLiterature#)youareusing. NewCustomerNotificationSystem Registeronourwebsite(www.microchip.com/cn)toreceivethemostcurrentinformationonourproducts. ©2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page17
TC14433/A NOTES: DS21394B-page18 ©2002MicrochipTechnologyInc.
TC14433/A Information contained in this publication regarding device Trademarks applicationsandthelikeisintendedthroughsuggestiononly andmaybesupersededbyupdates.Itisyourresponsibilityto The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, FilterLab, ensure that your application meets with your specifications. KEELOQ, microID, MPLAB, PIC, PICmicro, PICMASTER, No representation or warranty is given and no liability is PICSTART,PROMATE, SEEVAL and TheEmbedded Control assumedbyMicrochipTechnologyIncorporatedwithrespect SolutionsCompanyareregisteredtrademarksofMicrochipTech- totheaccuracyoruseofsuchinformation,orinfringementof nologyIncorporatedintheU.S.A.andothercountries. patentsorotherintellectualpropertyrightsarisingfromsuch dsPIC,ECONOMONITOR,FanSense,FlexROM,fuzzyLAB, useorotherwise.UseofMicrochip’sproductsascriticalcom- In-Circuit Serial Programming, ICSP, ICEPIC, microPort, ponentsinlifesupportsystemsisnotauthorizedexceptwith Migratable Memory, MPASM, MPLIB, MPLINK, MPSIM, expresswritten approvalbyMicrochip.Nolicensesarecon- MXDEV,MXLAB,PICC,PICDEM,PICDEM.net,rfPIC,Select veyed,implicitlyorotherwise,underanyintellectualproperty Mode and Total Endurance are trademarks of Microchip rights. TechnologyIncorporatedintheU.S.A. SerializedQuickTurnProgramming(SQTP)isaservicemark ofMicrochipTechnologyIncorporatedintheU.S.A. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respectivecompanies. © 2002, Microchip Technology Incorporated, Printed in the U.S.A.,AllRightsReserved. Printedonrecycledpaper. MicrochipreceivedQS-9000qualitysystem certificationforitsworldwideheadquarters, designandwaferfabricationfacilitiesin ChandlerandTempe,ArizonainJuly1999 andMountainView,CaliforniainMarch2002. TheCompany’squalitysystemprocessesand proceduresareQS-9000compliantforits PICmicro®8-bitMCUs,KEELOQ®codehopping devices,SerialEEPROMs,microperipherals, non-volatilememoryandanalogproducts.In addition,Microchip’squalitysystemforthe designandmanufactureofdevelopment systemsisISO9001certified. 2002MicrochipTechnologyInc. DS21394B-page19
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