

  • 型号: SY58017UMG
  • 制造商: Micrel
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供SY58017UMG由Micrel设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 SY58017UMG价格参考¥62.83-¥62.83。MicrelSY58017UMG封装/规格:逻辑 - 信号开关,多路复用器,解码器, Multiplexer 1 x 2:1 16-MLF® (3x3)。您可以下载SY58017UMG参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有SY58017UMG 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

SY58017UMG是由Microchip Technology生产的一款逻辑信号开关,属于多路复用器/解码器类别。它具有多种应用场景,主要应用于需要高效管理和切换多个输入信号的系统中。


1. 通信设备:
   - 在通信系统中,SY58017UMG可以用于信号路由和切换,帮助管理多个输入输出通道。例如,在基站、路由器或交换机中,它可以快速选择并切换不同的数据流,确保通信的顺畅和高效。

2. 测试与测量设备:
   - 测试仪器如示波器、信号发生器等需要处理多个输入信号。SY58017UMG可以在这些设备中用于选择和切换不同的信号源,以实现精确的测量和分析。

3. 音频/视频切换:
   - 在多媒体系统中,SY58017UMG可以用于切换不同的音视频输入源。例如,在家庭影院系统或会议系统中,它可以快速选择来自不同设备(如蓝光播放器、电脑、摄像头等)的音视频信号,提供无缝的用户体验。

4. 工业控制系统:
   - 在工业自动化系统中,SY58017UMG可以用于信号的管理和分配。例如,在PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)中,它可以用于切换和控制多个传感器或执行器的信号,确保系统的稳定运行。

5. 汽车电子:
   - 汽车中的信息娱乐系统和驾驶辅助系统需要处理大量的传感器和控制信号。SY58017UMG可以用于这些系统中的信号切换,确保各个子系统的正常工作。例如,在导航系统、倒车影像系统中,它可以快速切换不同的摄像头信号。

6. 消费电子产品:
   - 在智能手机、平板电脑等消费电子产品中,SY58017UMG可以用于内部信号的管理和切换。例如,在多摄像头手机中,它可以用于快速切换不同摄像头的信号,提供流畅的拍摄体验。

产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值

集成电路 (IC)半导体


IC MUX 2:1 DIFF PREC HS 16-MLF编码器、解码器、复用器和解复用器 Ultra High Speed 2:1 CML Multiplexer (I Temp, Green)


逻辑 - 信号开关,多路复用器,解码器







符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


逻辑集成电路,编码器、解码器、复用器和解复用器,Micrel SY58017UMGPrecision Edge®












160 ps, 180 ps
















16-VFQFN 裸露焊盘,16-MLF®




-40°C ~ 85°C




+ 85 C


- 40 C






2.375 V ~ 2.625 V,3 V ~ 3.6 V






2.625 V, 3.6 V


2.375 V, 3 V


1 x 2:1






2 / 1









品牌:Diodes Incorporated




品牌:Nexperia USA Inc.




品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:Texas Instruments




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品牌:Microchip Technology




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品牌:Diodes Incorporated





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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Precision Edge® ULTRA-PRECISION Micrel, Inc. Precision ESdY5g8e0®17U DIFFERENTIAL CML 2:1 MUX with SY58017U INTERNAL I/O TERMINATION FEATURES ■ Guaranteed AC performance over temperature and voltage: Precision Edge® • DC to >10.7Gbps data throughput • DC to >7GHz f (clock) MAX DESCRIPTION • <240ps propagation delay • <60ps t /t times r f The SY58017U is a 2.5V/3.3V precision, high-speed, 2:1 ■ Ultra-low crosstalk-induced jitter: < 0.7ps rms differential MUX capable of handling clocks up to 7GHz ■ Ultra-low jitter design: and data up to 10.7Gbps. • <1ps random jitter RMS The differential input includes Micrel’s unique, 3-pin input • <10ps deterministic jitter PP termination architecture that allows customers to interface • <10ps total jitter (clock) PP to any differential signal (AC- or DC-coupled) as small as ■ Unique input termination and VT pin accepts DC- 100mV without any level shifting or termination resistor coupled and AC-coupled inputs (CML, PECL, LVDS) networks in the signal path. The outputs are 50Ω source ■ Internal 50Ω output source termination terminated CML, with extremely fast rise/fall times ■ Typical 400mV CML output swing (R = 50Ω) guaranteed to be less than 60ps. L ■ Power supply 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10% The SY58017U operates from a 2.5V ±5% supply or a 3.3V ±10% supply and is guaranteed over the full industrial ■ –40°C to +85°C temperature range temperature range of –40°C to +85°C. For applications that ■ Available in 16-pin (3mm ××××× 3mm) MLF® package require LVPECL outputs, consider the SY58018U or SY58019U Multiplexers with LVPECL outputs. The APPLICATIONS SY58017U is part of Micrel’s high-speed, Precision Edge® product line. ■ Redundant clock distribution All support documentation can be found on Micrel’s web ■ OC-3 to OC-192 SONET/SDH clock/data distribution site at www.micrel.com. ■ Loopback ■ Fibre Channel distribution FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM TYPICAL PERFORMANCE IN0 50Ω 10.7Gbps Output V 0 T0 50Ω /IN0 Q0 MUX ngv.) IN1 /Q0 widi SV/ 50Ω ut m V 1 S p0 T150Ω Out(10 /IN1 SEL(cid:0) (TTL/CMOS) TIME (25ps/div.) (223–1 PRBS) Precision Edge and AnyGate are registered trademarsk of Micrel, Inc. MicroLeadFrame and MLF are registered trademarks of Amkor Technology, Inc. M9999-082807 Rev.: D Amendment: /0 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690 1 Issue Date: August 2007

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U PACKAGE/ORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Information(1) T0 ND ND CC V G G V Package Operating Package Lead Part Number Type Range Marking Finish 16 15 14 13 SY58017UMI MLF-16 Industrial 017U Sn-Pb IN0 1 12 Q /IN0 2 11 GND SY58017UMITR(2) MLF-16 Industrial 017U Sn-Pb SY58017UMG(3) MLF-16 Industrial 017U with Pb-Free IN1 3 10 GND Pb-Free bar-line indicator NiPdAu /IN1 4 9 /Q SY58017UMGTR(2, 3) MLF-16 Industrial 017U with Pb-Free 5 6 7 8 Pb-Free bar-line indicator NiPdAu VT1 SEL NC VCC Notes: 1. Contact factory for die availability. Dice are guaranteed at T = 25°C, DC electricals only. A 16-Pin MLF® (MLF-16) 2. Tape and Reel. 3. Pb-Free package recommended for new designs. PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Number Pin Name Pin Function 1, 2 IN0, /IN0 Differential Input: These input pairs are the differential signal inputs to the device. They 3, 4 IN1, /IN1 accept differential AC- or DC-coupled signals as small as 100mV. Each pin of a pair internally terminates to a V pin through 50Ω. Note that these inputs will default to an T indeterminate state if left open. Please refer to the “Input Interface Applications” section for more details. 16, 5 VT0, VT1 Input Termination Center-Tap: Each side of the differential input pair terminates to a V T pin. The V and V pins provide a center-tap to a termination network for maximum T0 T1 interface flexibility. See “Input Interface Applications” section for more details. 6 SEL This single-ended TTL/CMOS compatible input selects the inputs to the multiplexer. Note that this input is internally connected to a 25kΩ pull-up resistor and will default to a logic HIGH state if left open. 7 NC No connect. 8, 13 VCC Positive Power Supply: Bypass with 0.1µF0.01µF low ESR capacitors. 0.01µF capacitor should be as close to V pin as possible. CC 12, 9 Q, /Q Differential Outputs: This CML output pair is the output of the device. Normally terminate with 100Ω across Q and /Q. See “Output Interface Applications” section. It is a logic function of the IN0, IN1, and SEL inputs. Please refer to the “Truth Table” for details. 10, 11, 14, 15 GND, Ground. Ground pins and exposed pad must be connected to the same ground plane. Exposed Pad TRUTH TABLE TRUTH TABLE SEL Output 0 IN0 Input Selected 1 IN1 Input Selected M9999-082807 2 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U Absolute Maximum Ratings(1) Operating Ratings(2) Power Supply Voltage (VCC )......................–0.5V to +4.0V Power Supply Voltage (VCC)...............+2.375V to +2.625V Input Voltage (V ) .........................................–0.5V to V ............................................................+3.0V to +3.6V IN CC CML Output Voltage (V )......... V –1.0V to V +0.5V Ambient Temperature Range (T ).............–40°C to +85°C OUT CC CC A Termination Current(3) Package Thermal Resistance(4) Source or sink current on VT pin........................±100mA MLF® (θJA) Input Current Still-Air.............................................................60°C/W MLF® (ψ ) Source or sink current on IN, /IN pin....................±50mA JB Junction-to-Board............................................38°C/W Lead Temperature (soldering, 20 sec.).....................260°C Storage Temperature Range (T )...........–65°C to +150°C S DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(5) T = –40°C to 85°C, unless otherwise stated. A Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units V Power Supply Voltage V = 2.5V 2.375 2.5 2.625 V CC CC V = 3.3V 3.0 3.3 3.6 V CC I Power Supply Current No load, max. V (6) 55 70 mA CC CC R Differential Input Resistance 80 100 120 Ω DIFF_IN (IN0-to-/IN0, IN1-to-/IN1) R Input Resistance 40 50 60 Ω IN (IN0-to-V , /IN0-to-V , T0 T0 IN1-to-V , /IN1-to-V ) T1 T1 V Input HIGH Voltage Note 7 V –1.6 V V IH CC CC (IN0, /IN0, IN1, /IN1) V Input LOW Voltage 0 V –0.1 V IL IH (IN0, /IN0, IN1, /IN1) V Input Voltage Swing See Figure 1a 0.1 1.7 V IN (IN0, /IN0, IN1, /IN1) V Differential Input Voltage Swing See Figure 1b 0.2 V DIFF_IN |IN0, /IN0|, |IN1, /IN1| V IN to V 1.28 V T IN T (IN0, /IN0, IN1, /IN1) Notes: 1. Permanent device damage may occur if “Absolute Maximum Ratings” are exceeded. This is a stress rating only and functional operation is not implied at conditions other than those detailed in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure to “Absolute Maximum Ratings” conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. 2. The data sheet limits are not guaranteed if the device is operated beyond the operating ratings. 3. Due to the limited drive capability, use for input of the same package only. 4. Package thermal resistance assumes exposed pad is soldered (or equivalent) to the device’s most negative potential (GND) on the PCB. ψJB uses 4-layer θJA in still-air measurment, unless otherwise stated. 5. The circuit is designed to meet the DC specifications shown in the above table after thermal equilibrium has been established. 6. Includes current through internal 50Ω pull-ups. 7. VIH (min) not lower than 1.2V. M9999-082807 3 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U CML OUTPUT DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(8) V = 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%; T = –40°C to 85°C; R = 100Ω across each output pair, or equivalent, unless otherwise stated. CC A L Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units V Output HIGH Voltage V –0.020 V V OH CC CC V Output Voltage Swing See Figure 1a 325 400 mV OUT V Differential Output Voltage Swing See Figure 1b 650 800 mV DIFF_OUT R Output Source Impedance 40 50 60 Ω OUT LVTTL/CMOS DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(8) V = 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%; T = -40°C to 85°C, unless otherwise stated. CC A Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units V Input HIGH Voltage 2.0 V IH V Input LOW Voltage 0.8 V IL I Input HIGH Current 40 µA IH I Input LOW Current –300 µA IL Note: 8. The circuit is designed to meet the DC specifications shown in the above table after thermal equilibrium has been established. M9999-082807 4 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(9) V = 2.5V ±5% or 3.3V ±10%; T = –40°C to 85°C, R = 100Ω across each output pair, or equivalent, unless otherwise stated. CC A L Symbol Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units f Maximum Operating Frequency NRZ Data 10.7 Gbps MAX V ≥ 200mV Clock 7 GHz OUT t Differential Propagation Delay IN-to-Q 90 160 240 ps pd SEL-to-Q 50 180 350 ps t Tempco Differential Propagation Delay 75 fs/°C pd Temperature Coefficient t Input-to-Input Skew Note 10 4 15 ps SKEW Part-to-Part Skew Note 11 100 ps t Data Random Jitter Note 12 1 ps JITTER rms Deterministic Jitter Note 13 10 ps p-p Clock Cycle-to-Cycle Jitter Note 14 1 ps rms Total Jitter Note 15 10 ps p-p Crosstalk-Induced Jitter Note 16 0.7 ps rms t, t Output Rise/Fall Time 20% to 80%, at full swing 20 40 60 ps r f Notes: 9. High-frequency AC parameters are guaranteed by design and characterization. 10.Input-to-input skew is the difference in time from and input-to-output in comparison to any other input-to-output. In addition, the input-input skew does not include the output skew. 11.Part-to-part skew is defined for two parts with identical power supply voltages at the same temperature and with no skew of the edges at the respective inputs. 12.RJ is measured with a K28.7 comma detect character pattern, measured at 2.5Gbps/3.2Gbps. 13.DJ is measured at 2.5Gbps/3.2Gbps, with both K28.5 and 223–1 PRBS pattern. 14.Cycle-to-cycle jitter definition: the variation of periods between adjacent cycles, T –T where T is the time between rising edges of the output n n–1 signal. 15.Total jitter definition: with an ideal clock input of frequency ≤fMAX, no more than one output edge in 1012 output edges will deviate by more than the specified peak-to-peak jitter value. 16.Crosstalk is measured at the output while applying two similar frequencies that are asynchronous with respect to each other at the inputs. M9999-082807 5 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U SINGLE-ENDED AND DIFFERENTIAL SWINGS V , VVIN, 400mV (Typ.) VDDIIFFFF__IONUT 800mV (Typ.) OUT Figure 1a. Single-Ended Voltage Swing Figure 1b. Differential Voltage Swing TIMING DIAGRAMS IN0 /IN0 t pd Q /Q SEL t t pd pd Q /Q M9999-082807 6 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS VCC = 2.5V, VIN = 100mV, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise stated. 200MHz Output 2.5Gbps Output wingdiv.) ngv.) SV/ widi Output (100m Output S(100mV/ TIME (600ps/div.) TIME (100ps/div.) 223–1 PRBS 3.2Gbps Output 5Gbps Output wingdiv.) wingdiv.) SV/ SV/ ut m ut m p0 p0 Out(10 Out(10 TIME (50ps/div.) TIME (50ps/div.) 223–1 PRBS 223–1 PRBS 10.7Gbps Output ngv.) widi SV/ ut m p0 Out(10 TIME (25ps/div.) (223–1 PRBS) M9999-082807 7 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS VCC = 2.5V, VIN = 100mV, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise stated. Propagation Delay Propagation Delay vs. Temperature vs. Input Voltage Swing 168 166 s)167 s) p p165 Y (166 Y ( A A L165 L164 E E D D TION 116634 TION 163 GA162 GA162 A A P161 P O O161 R160 R P P 159 160 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100120 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 TEMPERATURE (°C) INPUT VOLTAGE SWING (mV) Output Amplitude vs. Frequency 500 V)450 m400 DE (350 TU300 PLI250 M A200 UT 150 P T100 U O 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FREQUENCY (GHz) M9999-082807 8 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U INPUT AND OUTPUT STAGES V CC V CC 50Ω 50Ω IN /Q Q 50Ω V T GND 50Ω /IN GND Figure 2a. Simplified Differential Input Stage Figure 2b. Simplified CML Output Stage INPUT INTERFACE APPLICATIONS V CC V CC V CC IN PECL IN IN /IN CML CML SY58017U /IN /IN GND SY58017U SY58017U VCC VT GND GND 0.01µF Rpd NC V T VCC –1.4V VT For VCC = 3.3V, Rpd = 50Ω (Option: May connect VT to VCC) For VCC = 2.5V, Rpd = 19Ω Figure 3a. DC-Coupled Figure 3b. AC-Coupled Figure 3c. DC-Coupled CML Interface CML Interface PECL Interface V CC V CC IN PECL /IN IN LVDS R R SY58017U pd pd /IN GND SY58017U V –1.4V CC GND V GND T For 3.3V, Rpd = 100Ω NC V For 2.5V, Rpd = 50Ω T Figure 3d. AC-Coupled Figure 3e. LVDS Interface PECL Interface M9999-082807 9 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U OUTPUT INTERFACE APPLICATIONS V V CC CC 50Ω 50Ω 50Ω 50Ω /Q /Q 50Ω 100Ω VCC 50Ω Q Q GND GND Figure 4a. CML DC-Coupled Figure 4b. CML DC-Coupled Termination Termination V CC 50Ω 50Ω /Q 50Ω DC-bias per application 50Ω Q GND Figure 5. CML AC-Coupled Termination RELATED MICREL PRODUCTS AND SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION Part Number Function Data Sheet Link SY58016L 3.3V 10Gbps Differential CML Line Driver/Receiver http://www.micrel.com/product-info/products/sy58016l.shtml with Internal I/O Termination SY58018U Ultra Precision Differential LVPECL 2:1 Mux with http://www.micrel.com/product-info/products/sy58018u.shtml Internal Termination SY58019U Ultra Precision Differential 400mV LVPECL http://www.micrel.com/product-info/products/sy58019u.shtml 2:1 MUX with Internal Termination SY58025U 10.7Gbps Dual 2:1 CML MUX with Internal http://www.micrel.com/product-info/products/sy58025u.shtml I/O Termination SY58026U 5Gbps Dual 2:1 MUX with Internal Termination http://www.micrel.com/product-info/products/sy58026u.shtml SY58027U 10.7Gbps Dual 2:1 400mV LVPECL Mux with http://www.micrel.com/product-info/products/sy58027u.shtml Internal Termination SY58051U 10.7Gbps AnyGate® with Internal Input and Output http://www.micrel.com/product-info/products/sy58051u.shtml Termination SY58052U 10Gbps Clock/Data Retimer with 50Ω Input Termination http://www.micrel.com/product-info/products/sy58052u.shtml MLF™ Application Note www.amkor.com/products/notes_papers/MLF_AppNote_0902.pdf HBW Solutions New Products and Applications www.micrel.com/product-info/products/solutions.shtml M9999-082807 10 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

Precision Edge® Micrel, Inc. SY58017U 16-PIN MicroLeadFrame® (MLF-16) Package EP- Exposed Pad Die CompSide Island Heat Dissipation Heat Dissipation VEE Heavy Copper Plane VEE Heavy Copper Plane PCB Thermal Consideration for 16-Pin MLF® Package (Always solder, or equivalent, the exposed pad to the PCB) Package Notes: 1. Package meets Level 2 qualification. 2. All parts are dry-packaged before shipment. 3. Exposed pads must be soldered to a ground for proper thermal management. MICREL, INC. 2180 FORTUNE DRIVE SAN JOSE, CA 95131 USA TEL + 1 (408) 944-0800 FAX + 1 (408) 474-1000 WEB http://www.micrel.com The information furnished by Micrel in this data sheet is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Micrel for its use. Micrel reserves the right to change circuitry and specifications at any time without notification to the customer. Micrel Products are not designed or authorized for use as components in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of a product can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems that (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. A Purchaser’s use or sale of Micrel Products for use in life support appliances, devices or systems is at Purchaser’s own risk and Purchaser agrees to fully indemnify Micrel for any damages resulting from such use or sale. © 2005 Micrel, Incorporated. M9999-082807 11 hbwhelp@micrel.com or (408) 955-1690

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