

  • 型号: SS449A
  • 制造商: Honeywell Solid State Electronics
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供SS449A由Honeywell Solid State Electronics设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 SS449A价格参考。Honeywell Solid State ElectronicsSS449A封装/规格:磁性传感器 - 开关(固态), Digital Switch Unipolar Switch Open Collector Hall Effect Radial Lead。您可以下载SS449A参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有SS449A 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 的 SS449A 磁性传感器 - 开关(固态)是一款高性能的磁敏开关,适用于多种工业和消费类应用场景。以下是该型号的一些典型应用:

1. 位置检测:SS449A 可用于检测机械部件的位置或运动状态。例如,在自动化生产线中,它可以安装在滑轨、旋转轴或其他移动部件上,通过检测磁铁的存在与否来判断部件是否到达预定位置。这种应用广泛应用于机器人、输送系统和包装设备。

2. 速度与转速测量:该传感器可以用来监测旋转物体的速度。通过在旋转部件上安装磁铁,并将 SS449A 固定在附近,每当磁铁经过传感器时,它会产生一个电信号。通过计算单位时间内产生的脉冲数量,即可得出旋转速度。这种应用常见于电机、风扇和其他旋转设备。

3. 液位监测:SS449A 可以用于液位开关,特别是在储罐或容器中检测液体高度。通过在浮标上安装磁铁,并将传感器固定在容器壁上,当液位变化导致浮标上下移动时,传感器会检测到磁铁的变化并输出信号。这种应用适用于水处理、石油化工等行业。

4. 安全防护:在门禁控制系统中,SS449A 可以用于检测门或窗是否关闭。通过在门框或窗户上安装磁铁,并在门或窗上安装传感器,当门或窗关闭时,磁铁接近传感器,触发开关信号,确保安全。这种应用常见于家庭安防、办公大楼和仓库。

5. 汽车应用:在汽车行业,SS449A 可以用于检测车门、后备箱或引擎盖的状态。此外,它还可以用于检测座椅位置、变速杆位置等,提供关键的安全和功能信息。

6. 家电与消费电子:在家电和消费电子产品中,SS449A 可以用于检测抽屉、柜门等部件的开闭状态,提升用户体验。例如,在冰箱、洗衣机、烤箱等设备中,它可以确保设备在正确状态下运行,避免误操作。

总之,SS449A 以其高灵敏度、可靠性和紧凑的设计,成为众多行业中磁性检测的理想选择,广泛应用于各种需要精确位置、速度或状态检测的场景。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值



SENSOR HALL EFFECT UNIPOLAR SMD板机接口霍耳效应/磁性传感器 Digital Position radial lead IC pkg


磁性传感器 - 霍尔效应,数字开关,线性,罗盘 (IC)磁性传感器







符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


板机接口霍耳效应/磁性传感器,Honeywell SS449ASS400
















Through Hole




TO-92-3 Flat


-40°C ~ 150°C


5 V, 9 V, 12 V




390G 跳闸,235G 释放


+ 150 C


20 mA


- 40 C






3.8 V ~ 30 V






30 VDC


3.8 VDC


10 mA







品牌:Diodes Incorporated




品牌:Murata Electronics North America




品牌:Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions




品牌:Torex Semiconductor Ltd




品牌:NVE Corp/Sensor Products




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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Bipolar, Latching, and Unipolar Hall-effect Digital 32320997 Position Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Issue B Datasheet FEATURES • Quad Hall IC design minimizes mechanical stress effects • Temperature-compensated magnetics help provide stable operation over a wide temperature range of -40°C to 150°C [-40°F to 302°F] • Broad, inclusive supply voltage capability from 3.8 Vdc to 30 Vdc for application flexibility • Digital, open collector sinking output for easy interfacing with a variety of common electronic circuits • High sensitivity versions available for potential applications requiring high accuracy or wide gaps • Bipolar, latching or unipolar magnetics DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS The SS400 Series and SS500 Series are small and versatile • Industrial: Speed and RPM (revolutions per minute) sensing, digital Hall-effect devices that are operated by the magnetic tachometer, counter pickup, flow-rate sensing, brushless dc field from a permanent magnet or an electromagnet, and (direct current) motor commutation, motor and fan control, are designed to respond to alternating North and South robotics control poles, or to a South pole only. They are available in bipolar, • Transportation: Speed and RPM (revolutions per minute) latching or unipolar magnetics. On-board regulation provides sensing, tachometer, counter pickup, motor and fan control, stable operation over a 3.8 Vdc to 30 Vdc supply voltage electric window lift, convertible roof position range. These sensors are capable of continuous 20 mA • Medical: Motor assemblies, medication dispensing control sinking output and may be cycled as high as 50 mA max. The 3.8 V capability allows for use in many potential low PORTFOLIO voltage applications. The digital, open collector sinking-type Other bipolar, latching and unipolar Hall- output is easily interfaced with a wide variety of electronic effect digital sensor ICs include: circuits. To provide reliable products and consistent quality, • SS360NT, SS360ST, SS360ST-10K, SS460S, SS460S-T2 the SS400 Series products are tested at both 25°C [75°F] • VF360NT, VF360ST, VF460S and 125°C [257°F]. All catalog listings are qualified for • SS361RT, SS461R operation up to 150°C [302°F]. For design flexibility, these • SS361CT, SS461C product are available in the following package styles: • SS340RT, SS440R Series • SS400 Series: Flat TO-92-style: • SS360PT, SS460P, SS460P-T2 - SS4XX: Straight standard leads, bulk pack • SS311PT, SS411P - SS4XX-L: Straight long leads, bulk pack - SS4XX-T2: Formed leads, ammopack tape-in-box - SS4XX-T3: Straight standard leads, ammopack tape-in-box - SS4XX-S: Surface mount, bulk pack - SS4XX-SP: Surface mount, pocket tape and reel • SS500 Series: SOT-89B, pocket tape and reel Sensing and Productivity Solutions

Bipolar, Latching, or Unipolar Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Table 1. Performance Specifications (Applies to both SS400 series and 500 Series, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit Supply voltage (V)1 — 3.8 — 30 Vdc s Rated sinking current (I ) — — 20 — mA sink Current consumption: on: SS400 Series V = 30 Vdc, I = 20 mA, -40°C < T < 150°C, B > operate max. — — 10.0 s sink SS500 Series V = 30 Vdc, -40°C < T < 150°C, B > operate max. — — 10.0 mA s off: SS400 Series V = 30 Vdc, I = 20 mA, -40°C < T < 150°C, B > operate max. — — 9.0 s sink SS500 Series V = 30 Vdc, I = 20 mA, -40°C < T < 150°C, B > release min. — — 10.0 s sink V : sat SS400 Series V = 3.8 Vdc, I = 20 mA, B > operate max. — — 0.4 V s sink SS500 Series V = 3.8 Vdc, B > operate max. — — 0.4 s Output leakage current: SS400 Series V = 24 V, Vout = 30 V, B < release min. — — 0.4 uA s SS500 Series — — — 10.0 Output switching time: rise V = 12 V, R = 1.6 kOhm, C = 20 pF, T = 25°C [77°F] — — 1.5 us s L L fall V = 12 V, R = 1.6 kOhm, C = 20 pF, T = 25°C [77°F] — — 1.5 s L L Operating temperature — -40 [-40] — 150 [302] °C [°F] Storage temperature — -50 [-58] — 150 [302] °C [°F] Soldering temp. and time: SS400 Series wave soldering process: 250°C to 260°C [482°F to 500°F] for 3 s max. SS500 Series infrared reflow process: peak temperature 245°C [473°F] for 10 s max. 1For supply voltages above 24 Vdc, a capacitor may be needed between the output and supply pins to ensure proper operation. NOTICE NOTICE CAUTION ELECTROSTATIC These Hall-effect sensor ICs may have an The magnetic field strength (Gauss) required SENSITIVE DEVICES initial output in either the ON or OFF state if to cause the switch to change state (operate DO NOT OPEN OR HANDLE powered up with an applied magnetic field in the and release) will be as specified in the STATIC EFRXCEEEP WTO ART KAS TATION differential zone (applied magnetic field >Brp ESD SENSITIVITY: magnetic characteristics. To test the switch and <Bop). Honeywell recommends allowing CLASS 3 against the specified limits, the switch must 10 us after supply voltage has reached 5 V for the output voltage to stabilize. be placed in a uniform magnetic field. Figure 1. Circuit Diagram V (+) s Trigger Hall-effect Circuit Output (O) Sensor IC and Amplifier Ground (-) 2 Sensing and Productivity Solutions

Bipolar, Latching, or Unipolar Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Table 2. Absolute Maximum Specifications Characteristic Min. Typ. Max. Unit Supply voltage (V -1 — 30 V s) Applied output voltage (V : out) SS400 Series -0.5 — 30 V SS500 Series (off) — — 30 Output current (I : sink) V = -1 Vdc to 24 Vdc — — 50 s V = 24 Vdcto 25 Vdc — — 37 s V = 25 Vdc to 26 Vdc — — 33 s mA V = 26 Vdc to 27 Vdc — — 28 s V = 27 Vdc to 28 Vdc — — 24 s V = 28 Vdc to 29 Vdc — — 19 s V = 29 Vdc to 30 Vdc — — 15 s Magnetic flux — — no limit Gauss NOTICE Absolute maximum ratings are the extreme limits the device will momentarily withstand without damage to the device. Electrical and mechanical characteristics are not guaranteed if the rated voltage and/ or currents are exceeded, nor will the device necessarily operate at absolute maximum ratings. Figure 2. Magnetic Activation SS500 Series SS400 Series N S S N N S S N Label side Label side South pole toward IC: North pole toward IC: South pole toward IC: North pole toward IC: Output = Low Output = High Output = Low Output = High Figure 3. Circuit Diagrams +DC +5 Vdc +10 Vdc 150 mA 5 Vdc 5 Vdc R 5 Vdc 5 Vdc 47 Ohm R Load R 1.2 kOhm + 10 kOhm + R1 + 550 Ohm 2N2222 Sensor TTL or Sensor R Sensor NPN IC DTL Gate IC 100 Ohm IC Transistor LED 50 mA - - AC +13 Vdc +15 Vdc HI 5 Vdc +15 Vdc HI 13 Vdc 47 OhmR 2PNN3P638 10 Vdc 47 kOhRm1 PNP 4.7 kOhmR PNP Sen+sor 550 OhRm1 Tr1a0n0s imstAor Sen+sor 750 OhmR R Transistor Load Sens+or 1.8 kOhRm1 R Transistor Load IC SCR TRIAC Relay IC IC coil R R - LOW LOW Sensing and Productivity Solutions 3

Bipolar, Latching, or Unipolar Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Table 3. Magnetic Specifications Magnetic Characteristic (Gauss) e ur Bipolar Unipolar Latching t a Operating er T T T T T T T p Characteristic A A A A A A A m 1 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 9 9 1 1 6 6 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 Te 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S operate: minimum NS NS 50 110 285 5 — 100 maximum 70 140 135 215 435 110 100 200 -40°C release: [-40°F] minimum -70 -140 20 80 210 -110 -100 -200 maximum NS NS 120 190 360 -5 -5 -100 differential (min.) 15 20 15 25 30 50 50 200 operate: minimum NS NS 53 110 305 5 100 maximum 65 140 117 190 400 90 185 0°C release: [0°F] minimum -65 -140 20 80 230 -90 -185 maximum NS NS 99 165 325 -5 -100 differential (min.) 15 20 15 25 30 50 200 operate: minimum NS NS 55 110 310 10 100 maximum 60 140 115 180 390 85 180 25°C release: [77°F] minimum -60 -140 20 75 235 -85 -180 maximum NS NS 95 155 315 -10 -100 differential (min.) 15 20 20 25 30 50 200 operate: minimum NS NS 45 90 290 — 10 95 maximum 60 140 120 180 400 400 85 180 85°C release: [185°F] minimum -60 -140 15 70 215 315 -85 -180 maximum NS NS 105 165 325 — -10 -95 differential (min.) 12 20 15 15 30 30 50 190 operate: minimum NS NS 40 80 270 290 5 80 maximum 65 140 123 190 410 400 100 180 125°C release: [257°F] minimum -65 -140 15 60 200 215 -100 -180 maximum NS NS 115 180 340 325 -5 -80 differential (min.) 12 20 8 10 30 30 50 160 operate: minimum NS NS 35 65 260 5 70 maximum 70 140 125 200 420 110 185 150°C release: [302°F] minimum -70 -140 10 55 185 -110 -185 maximum NS NS 120 195 345 -5 -70 differential (min.) 10 20 5 5 30 50 140 4 Sensing and Productivity Solutions

Bipolar, Latching, or Unipolar Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Figure 4. Operate and Release Point Performance Graphics SS411/SS511AT SS413/SS513AT 250 250 200 200 uss) 150 uss) 150 Operate max. sity (Ga 105000 OOppeerraattee mnoamx.. sity (Ga 105000 Operate nom. n Release nom. n nte -50 Release min. nte -50 Release nom. d I-100 d I -100 el-150 el -150 Release min. Fi Fi -200 -200 -250 -250 -40 0 25 85 125 150 -40 0 25 85 125 150 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) SS441/SS541AT SS443/SS443AT s)140 220 aus120 ROepleeraastee mmaaxx.. 200 ORepleeraastee mmaaxx.. Field Intensity (G108642000000 ROepleeraastee mmiinn.. ntensity (Gauss)11111864208000000 -40 0 T2e5mperature (°8C5) 125 150 eld I 60 ORepleeraastee mmiinn.. Fi 40 20 0 -40 0 25 85 125 150 Temperature (°C) SS449/SS549AT SS461/SS561AT 250 420 Operate max. 200 ss) 150 u ss)380 Ga 100 Operate max. au y ( 50 y (G340 Release max. nsit 0 ROepleeraastee mmainx.. eld Intensit320600 Operate min. Field Inte---112-50500000 Release min. Fi -250 -40 0 25 85 125 150 220 Temperature (°C) 180 Release min. -40 0 25 85 125 150 Temperature (°C) SS466/SS566AT 250 200 ss) 150 Operate max. u a 100 G Operate min. y ( 50 t si 0 n te -50 n Release max. d I-100 el-150 Fi Release min. -200 -250 -40 0 25 85 125 150 Temperature (°C) Sensing and Productivity Solutions 5

Bipolar, Latching, or Unipolar Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Figure 5. SS400 Series Flat TO-92-Style Mounting and Dimensional Drawings (For reference only: mm/[in].) SS4XX: Straight Standard Leads, Bulk Pack SS4XX-L: Straight Long Leads, Bulk Pack 4,06 4,06 [0.160] [0.160] 1,57 1,57 [0.062] [0.062] 2,50 0,76 2,50 0,76 [0.098] [0.030] [0.098] [0.030] 3,00 3,00 [0.118] [0.118] 3 X[0 0.0,5262 M]ax. 15,5 - 14,4 3 X[0 0.0,5262 M]ax. [0.61 - 0.57] 18,7 [0.74] + - 0 + - 0 3X 0,38 3X 0,38 [0.015] 2X 1,27 [0.015] [0.05] 3X 0,38 3X 0,38 [0.015] [0.015] SS4XX-T2: Formed Leads, Ammopack Tape-in-Box 4,06 [0.160] 1,57 [0.062] 2,50 [0.098] 0,76 [0.030] 3,00 [0.118] 2X 3,35 [0.13] 15,5 - 14,4 [0.61 - 0.57] + - 0 3X 0,38 0,56 Max. 3X 0,38 [0.015] [0.022] [0.015] 2X 2,54 [0.10] 1,00 Max. 1,00 Max. [ 0 [. 0013.,00930]9 M]ax. Sensor 1 [ 01.,00309 M]ax. [0.039]Adhesive tape Sensor 24 Sensor 1 0,50 Max. [0.020] 11,00 Fold [0.433] 20,00 [0.787] 6,00 [0.236] 9,001 [0.354] 18,00 [7,09] Fold [ 0 0[ 01.,05.,0425522 M6 M]]aaxx.. [60,.23551][20,.57]0 ø[04.1,0507] 6 Sensing and Productivity Solutions

Bipolar, Latching, or Unipolar Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Figure 5. SS400 Series Flat TO-92-Style Mounting and Dimensional Drawings (For reference only: mm/[in].) SS4XX-T3: Straight Standard Leads, Ammopack Tape-in-Box 4,06 [0.160] 1,57 [0.062] 2,50 0,76 [0.098] [0.030] 3,00 [0.118] 3X 0,56 Max. [0.022] 15,5 - 14,4 [0.61 - 0.57] + - 0 3X 0,38 3X 0,38 [0.015] 2X 1,27 [0.015] [0.05] 1,00 Max. 1,00 Max. [0.039] [0.039] 1,00 Max. Sensor 1 [ 01.,00309 M]ax. Adhesive tape Sensor 24 SSeennssoorr 11 [0.039] 0,50 Max. [0.020] 11,00 Fold [0.433] 20,00 [0.787] 6,00 [0.236] 9,001 [0.354] 18,00 [7,09] Fold [ 00 [ .,0105.,25042 52M]6 Ma]xa.x. [60,.2355]1[20,.57]0 ø[04.1,0507] Sensing and Productivity Solutions 7

Bipolar, Latching, or Unipolar Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Figure 5. SS400 Series Flat TO-92-Style Mounting and Dimensional Drawings (continued) SS4XX-S: Surface Mount, Bulk Pack 4,06 [0.160] PCB Land Pattern 1,57 [0.062] 2,50 0,76 [0.098] [0.030] 1,524 [0.060] 3,00 [0.118] 2,032 [0.080] 1,52 [0.060] 0,813 3,18 [0.032] [0.125] + - 0 3X 0,38 3X 0,56 Max. 3X 0,38 [0.015] [0.022] [0.015] SS4XX-SP: Surface Mount, Pocket Tape and Reel 8,00 [0.315] ø1,5 4,00 [0.059] [0.157] 0,41 Max. 2,00 A 4,06 [0.006] [0.079] [0.160] 1,75 1,57 [0.069] [0.062] 2,50 0,76 [0.098] [0.030] 5,50 [0.217] 3,00 [0.118] 6,60 1,52 [0.260] 12,00 [0.060] [0.472] 3,18 [0.125] + - 0 3X 0,38 3X 0,56 Max. 3X 0,38 [0.015] [0.022] [0.015] 4,41 A 1,70 0,10 [0.174] [0.067] [0.004] Section A-A Top cover tape 12,2 [0.480] Measured at hub 18,39 Max. [0.724] PCB Land Pattern ø33,02 Measured at hub [1.300] 1,524 [0.060] 2,032 [0.080] 0,813 [0.032] ø50,0 [1.970] 1,5 Min. [0.059] Drive spokes ø[01.531,02] ø [71.7081] Arbor hole 8 Sensing and Productivity Solutions

Bipolar, Latching, or Unipolar Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Figure 6. SS500 Series Mounting and Dimensional Drawings (For reference only: mm/[in].) SOT-89B Sensor IC, Pocket Tape and Reel 0,965 Nominal IC [0.038] 1,70 center 0,16 Nominal IC [0.067] [0.006] center 2,49 2,39 4,16 [0.098] [0.094] [0.164] + - 0 0,05 [0.002] 2X 1,50 3X 0,41 1,37 [0.059] [0.016] [0.054] 4,39 [0.173] 7,98 [0.314] 4,50 [0.177] 3,99 1,75 [0.157] [0.069] 2,31 Max. 2,01 [0.091] 0,41 Max. A [0.0 7 9 ] ø1,50 Min. [0.016] [0.059] 5,51 0,10 [0.217] 11,99 [0.004] [0.472] 5,84 Max. Top cover tape [0.230] 4,78 [0.188] 1,91 4,60 [0.075] [0.181] A 8,00 Section A-A [0.315] 12,19 [0.480] Measured at hub 3X 1,50 Min. [0.059] 18,39 Max. ø13,00 [0.724] [0.512] ø33,02 [1.300] ø50.0 Min. [1.970] ø178 [7.01] Sensing and Productivity Solutions 9

Bipolar, Latching, or Unipolar Hall-effect Digital Sensor ICs: SS400 Series, SS500 Series Table 4. Order Guide for the SS400 Series (Flat TO-92-Style) Catalog Listing Description SS4XX SS4XX-L SS4XX: Straight standard leads, bulk pack, 1000 units/bag SS411A Bipolar SS413A Bipolar SS441A Unipolar SS443A Unipolar SS449A Unipolar SS461A Latching SS466A Latching SS4XX-L: Straight long leads, bulk pack, 1000 units/bag SS411A-L Bipolar SS413A-L Bipolar SS441A-L Unipolar SS443A-L Unipolar SS4XX-T2 SS4XX-T3 SS449A-L Unipolar SS461A-L Latching SS4XX-T2: Formed leads, ammopack tape-in-box, 5000 units/box SS413A-T2 Bipolar SS441A-T2 Unipolar SS443A-T2 Unipolar SS449A-T2 Unipolar SS461A-T2 Latching SS4XX-T3: Straight standard leads, ammopack tape-in-box, 5000 units/box SS411A-T3 Bipolar SS413A-T3 Bipolar SS441A-T3 Unipolar SS443A-T3 Unipolar SS449A-T3 Unipolar SS461A-T3 Latching SS4XX-S: Surface mount, pocket tape and reel, bulk pack, 1000 units/bag SS411A-S Bipolar SS413A-S Bipolar SS441A-S Unipolar SS443A-S Unipolar SS4XX-S SS4XX-SP SS449A-S Unipolar SS461A-S Latching SS4XX-SP: Surface mount, pocket tape and reel, 1000 units/reel SS411A-SP Bipolar SS413A-SP Bipolar SS441A-SP Unipolar SS443A-SP Unipolar SS449A-SP Unipolar SS461A-SP Latching Table 5. Order Guide for the SS500 Series (SOT-89B, Pocket Tape and Reel, 1000 Units/Reel) Catalog Listing Description SS511AT Bipolar SS513AT Bipolar SS541AT Unipolar SS543AT Unipolar SS549AT Unipolar SS561AT Latching SS566AT Latching 10 Sensing and Productivity Solutions

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION WARNING The following associated literature is available on the PERSONAL INJURY Honeywell web site at sensing.honeywell.com: DO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop • Product Line Guide devices or in any other application where failure of the • Product Range Guide product could result in personal injury. • Selection Guides Failure to comply with these instructions could result in • Application-specific Information death or serious injury. WARNING MISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION • The information presented in this datasheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide. • Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product. Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury. Warranty/Remedy Honeywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship during the applicable warranty period. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgment or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items that Honeywell, in its sole discretion, finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages. While Honeywell may provide application assistance personally, For more information through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is buyer’s Honeywell Sensing and Internet of Things services its customers through a sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the product in worldwide network of sales offices and the application.Specifications may change without notice. The distributors. For application assistance, information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as current specifications, pricing or the of this writing. However, Honeywell assumes no responsibility nearest Authorized Distributor, visit for its use. sensing.honeywell.com or call: Asia Pacific +65 6355-2828 Europe +44 (0) 1698 481481 USA/Canada +1-800-537-6945 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC 29707 32320997-B-EN | B | 11/17 honeywell.com © 2017 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.