

  • 型号: SML-P24MUWT86
  • 制造商: ROHM Semiconductor
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供SML-P24MUWT86由ROHM Semiconductor设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 SML-P24MUWT86价格参考¥3.53-¥4.63。ROHM SemiconductorSML-P24MUWT86封装/规格:LED 指示 - 分立, 绿色,红色 572nm 绿色,620nm 红色 LED 指示 - 分立 2.2V 绿色,2.1V 红色 0404(1010 公制)。您可以下载SML-P24MUWT86参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有SML-P24MUWT86 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

Rohm Semiconductor的SML-P24MUWT86是一款LED指示灯,属于分立器件类别。它具有多种应用场景,主要应用于需要清晰可见的状态指示的电子设备中。以下是其具体的应用场景:

1. 消费电子产品:这款LED可以用于电视、音响、空调等家用电器的状态指示,如电源开关、工作模式、网络连接状态等。由于其低功耗和高亮度特性,能够在各种环境下提供清晰的视觉反馈。

2. 工业控制面板:在工业自动化系统中,SML-P24MUWT86可用于控制面板上的状态指示,帮助操作员快速了解设备的工作状态,例如运行、故障、报警等。其耐用性和可靠性使得它在恶劣的工业环境中也能稳定工作。

3. 通信设备:在网络路由器、交换机、服务器等通信设备中,该LED可以用来指示网络连接状态、数据传输活动等。其快速响应时间和稳定的性能确保了实时的状态反馈。

4. 医疗设备:在医疗仪器中,如监护仪、输液泵等,SML-P24MUWT86可以用作操作状态或报警指示灯。其低功耗和长寿命特性有助于提高设备的整体可靠性。

5. 汽车电子:在汽车仪表盘、车载娱乐系统等中,该LED可以用于指示车辆的各种状态,如车门未关、油量不足、电池充电状态等。其紧凑的设计和高亮度使其适合安装在狭小的空间内。

6. 智能家居:在智能锁、智能插座、智能灯泡等智能家居产品中,SML-P24MUWT86可以作为状态指示灯,帮助用户了解设备的工作情况。其节能特性和长寿命使其非常适合长时间运行的智能家居应用。

7. 便携式设备:在便携式电子设备如移动电源、手持扫描仪、对讲机等中,该LED可以用于指示电量、信号强度等信息。其小巧的尺寸和低功耗特性使其成为理想的选择。

产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值



LED PICOLED DUAL YWGN/RED 1010标准LED-SMD SMT LED, Dual Green/Red (572/620)


LED 指示 - 分立


1 mm x 1 mm


ROHM Semiconductor





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


LED发射器,标准LED-SMD,ROHM Semiconductor SML-P24MUWT86PicoLED™










52 mcd, 21 mcd






ROHM Semiconductor


1.00mm 长x 1.00mm 宽






0404(1010 公制)






+ 85 C


- 40 C




2.1 V, 2.2 V


20 mA


21mcd 绿,52mcd 红






620 nm, 572 nm




Red, Green


2.2V 绿,2.1V 红






矩形,带平顶,1mm x 0.6mm




Milky White







品牌:Rohm Semiconductor




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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

SML-P24MUW(R)       PICOLEDTM-Duo Data Sheet ■Features ■外観図 • Ultra compact and thin 2-color type LED 1.0×1.0, t=0.2mm • Low height contributes to the improvement of color mixture ■Size Color M U 1010 (0404) 1.0×1.0mm (t=0.2mm) ■Dimensions ■Recommended Solder Pattern 1 CathodeMark (4) (3) (4) (3) G R 1 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.5 G R (1) (2) (1) (2) 5 0. +0.050.2-0.02 (0.08) 0.9 0.35 0.4 0. (1) (2) 0.9 0.3 Tolerance : ±0.2 (unit : mm) (unit : mm) (4) (3) ■Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25ºC) *3 Electrical and Optical Characteristics (Ta=25ºC) Emitting Power ForwardPeak ForwardReverse Forward Voltage VF Reverse Current IR Dominant Wavelength λD Luminous Intensity IV Part No. Chip Structure Operating Temp.Storage Temp. Color DissipationCurrent Current Voltage Typ. IF Max. VR Min.*2 Typ. Max.*2 IF Min. Typ. IF PD(mW) IF(mA) IFP(mA) VR(V) Topr(ºC) Tstg(ºC) (V) (mA) (μA) (V) (nm) (nm) (nm) (mA) (mcd) (mcd) (mA) Yellowish Green 54 2.2 569 572 575 10 21 SML-P24MUW (R) AlGaInP 20 100*1 5 -40〜 +85 -40〜+100 20 10 5 20 20 Red 52 2.1 615 620 625 25 52 *1 : Duty 1/10, 1kHz *2 : Measurement tolerance: ±1nm *3 : For the case of lighting a single color. When lighting two colors at the same time, the absolute maximum ratings of each color will be 50% of it. *PICOLEDTM is ROHM's pending trademark. ________________________________________________________ www.rohm.com ©2019 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 1/9 2019.10 - Rev.009

[SML-P24MUW(R) series]      [Data Sheet] ■Electrical Characteristics Curves Reference Fig.1 Forward Current Fig.2 Luminous Intensity - - Forward Voltages     Atmosphere Temperature ] 100 u. 1.6 . mA] SSMMLL--PP2244MMUUWW ((RR)) ((UM)) Ta=25ºC TY [a 1.4 IF=20mA [ I S IF N : E T 1.2 T N N I E RR 10 US 1 U O C N D MI 0.8 R U A L W E R V 0.6 O I T F A SML-P24MUW (R) L 1 E R 0.4 1.5 2.0 2.5 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 FORWARD VOLTAGE : V [V] ATMOSPHERE TEMPERATURE : Ta [ºC] F Fig.3 Luminous Intensity - Forward Current Fig.4 Derating 1.2 30 ] A Ta=25ºC m Y SML-P24MUW (R) (U) SML-P24MUW (R) IT 1.0 SML-P24MUW (R) (M) [ S : N T E N T 0.8 E 20 N R I R S U U C O 0.6 D N R MI A U 0.4 W 10 L R E O V F I 0.2 M T A U L M E I R 0.0 X 0 A 0 5 10 15 20 M -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 FORWARD CURRENT : I [mA] AMBIENT TEMPERATURE : Ta [ºC] F ________________________________________________________ www.rohm.com ©2019 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 2/9 2019.10 - Rev.009

[SML-P24MUW(R) series]      [Data Sheet] ■Viewing Angle Reference X -Y SCANNING ANGLE (deg) X' -Y' SCANNING ANGLE (deg) YGERLELEONWRED 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 SSMMLL--PP2244MMUUWW ((RR)) ((MU)) YGERLRELEEODNW 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 SSMMLL--PP2244MMUUWW ((RR)) ((MU)) スキャン方向 40 40 (Scannスiキnャg ンD方i向rection) 40 40 (Scanning Direction) 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 70 70 70 70 80 80 80 80 90 90 90 90 100 50 0 50 100 100 50 0 50 100 X RELATIVE INTENSITY (%)Y X' RELATIVE INTENSITY (%)Y' ________________________________________________________ www.rohm.com ©2019 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 3/9 2019.10 - Rev.009

[SML-P24MUW(R) series]      [Data Sheet] ■Rank Reference of Brightness* *Measurement tolerance:±10% (Ta=25ºC, IF=20mA) Rank K L M N P Q R S T U Iv (mcd) 4.0〜6.3 6.3〜10 10〜16 16〜25 25〜40 40〜 63 63〜100 90〜140 140〜 220 220〜360 Red SML-P24MUW (R) Yellowish Green ________________________________________________________ www.rohm.com ©2019 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 4/9 2019.10 - Rev.009

[SML-P24MUW(R) series]      [Data Sheet] ■Taping(T86) 4±0.1 ±0.1 2±0.05 φ1.5 +00.1 .75 1 ±0.05 2 ↑B 8 1.1 ↑ ↑ G R A A' ↑ B' 2±0.05 ±0.05 0.28 ±0.03 5 φ0.5 ±0.05 3. BB--BB''断cro面s図s sectional view 1.12 ±0.05 A-A'断面図 A-A'cross sectional view 詳細De(s正c面rip図tio)n 11.4 ±1 Unit:mm 3 1 φ +10 0-3 0 0 6 8 φ 1 φ Note)Tolerance is within ±0.2mm unless otherwise specified. Packing包 q装u数an量tity 引Pきu出llし 500050p0c0sp/crse/eリlール dire方c向tion ■Part No. Construction *"-"will be taken out for emitting color Special Code will be applied for Chromaticity rank Rank sign WB/B/E series. Emitting color WB/B/E series. (for white LED) (Brightness Rank)* S M L - P 2 4 MU W T 8 6 R NP Series name Package Type Chip type Emitting Color Resin Color Taping Specification Special Control Symbol SMLChip LED P1 1.0x0.6 t=0.2mm 0 Standard Type V Red T Transparent Colorless T86Cathode at sprocket hole side(the top) E1 1.6x0.8 t=0.36mm 1 Low Current Type U Red W Milkey White T87 Anode at sprocket hole side(the top) D11.6x0.8 t=0.55mm 2 High Brightness type U2 Red B Black 1 For white LED, H1 3 D Orange 3 csthode at sprocket hole side 2.0x1.25 t=0.8mm M1 4 Y3 Yellow 01 3.0x2.0 t=1.3mm 5 Y2 Yellow notice)S1 series、81 seires Ultra High Brightness type Z1/ZN3.5x2.8 t=1.9mm 6 Y Yellow T86 Cathode at sprocket hole side(the back) A11.6x1.15 t=0.55mm 7 W Yellow T68Cathode at sprocket hole side(the top) 81/823.4x1.25 t=1.1mm 8 M2 Yellowish green K1 4.5x2.0 t=0.6mm M Yellowish green *Concerning the Brightness rank. S13.2x1.6 t=1.85mm F Green *Please refer to the rank chart above for P2 1.0x1.0 t=0.2mm P Green luminous intensity classification. 52 1.3x1.5 t=0.6mm E Green *Part name is individual for each rank. P34 1.0x1.0 t=0.2mm B Blue *When shipped as sample,the part name will P36 1.5x1.0 t=0.2mm WB White be a representative part name. VN3.5x2.8 t=0.6mm T Phototransistors General products are free of ranks. RGB Red/Green/Blue Please contact sales if rank appointment SCMChip LED 01 3.0x1.5 t=2.2mm is needed. ■Packing Specification ROHM LED products are being shipped with desiccant (silica gel) included in moisture-proof bags. Pasting the moisture sensitive label on the outer surface of the moisture-proof bags or enclosing the humidity indication card inside the bag is available upon request. Please contact the nearest sales office or distributer if necessary. ________________________________________________________ www.rohm.com ©2019 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 5/9 2019.10 - Rev.009

[SML-P24MUW(R) series]      [Data Sheet] ■Precaution (Surface Mount Device) 1.Storage If the product is heated during the reflow under the condition of hygroscopic state, it may vaporize and expand which will influence the performance of the product. Therefore, the package is waterproof. Please use the product following the conditions: ・Using Conditions Classification Temperature Humidity Expiration Date Remark Within 1 year ①Before using 5〜30℃ 30〜70%RH Storage with waterproof package from Receiving ②After opening Please storing in the airtight container 5〜30℃ Below 70%RH Within 168h package with our desiccant (silica gel) ・Baking Bake the product in case of below: ①The expiration date is passed. ②The color of indicator (silica gel) turned from blue to colorless or from green to pink. (Even if the product is within the expiration date.) ・Baking Conditions Temperature Time Humidity 60±3℃ 12〜24h Below 20%RH ・Bake products in reel. ・Reel and embossed tape are easy to be deformed when baking, Remark so please try not to apply stress on it. ・Recommend bake once. 2.Application Methods 2-1.Precaution for Drive System and Off Mode Design the circuit without the electric load exceeding the ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING that applies on the products. If drive by constant voltage, it may cause current deviation of the LED and result in deviation of luminous intensity, so we recommend to drive by constant current. (Deviation of VF Value will cause deviation of current in LED.) Furthermore, for off mode, please do not apply voltage neither forward nor reverse. Especially, for the products with the Ag-paste used in the die bonding, thereʼs high possibility to cause electro migration and result in function failure. 2-2.About Derating  It is considered that derating characteristics will not result in LED chip's electrical destruction. Even within the derating, the reliability and luminous life can be affected depending on operating conditions and ambient environment. So we would be appreciate it if you can confirm with your application again. 2-3.About product life Depending on operating conditions and environment(applied current, ambient temperature and humidity, corrosive gas), decreasing of luminosity and change of chromaticity may occur even within the specification conditions. Please contact our sales office if you use it for the following applications. ①It requires long luminosity life ②It is always lit 2-4.Applied Stress on Product No resin hardening agent such as filler is used in the sealing resin of the product. Therefore, please pay attention to the overstress on it which may influence its reliability. 2-5.Usage The Product is LED. We are not responsible for the usage as the diode such as Protection Chip, Rectifier, Switching and so on. ________________________________________________________ www.rohm.com ©2019 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 6/9 2019.10 - Rev.009

[SML-P24MUW(R) series]      [Data Sheet] 3.Others 3-1.Surrounding Gas Notice that if it is stored under the condition of acid gas (chlorine gas, sulfured gas) or alkali gas (ammonia), it may result in low soldering ability (caused by the change in quality of the plating surface ) or optical characteristics changes (light intensity, chrominance) and change in quality of cause die bonding (Ag-paste) materials. All of the above will function failure of the products. Therefore, please pay attention to the storage environment for mounted product (concern the generated gas of the surrounding parts of the products and the atmospheric environment). 3-2.Electrostatic Damage The product is part of semiconductor and electrostatic sensitive, thereʼs high possibility to be damaged by the electrostatic discharge. Please take appropriate measures to avoid the static electricity from human body and earthing of production equipment. Especially, InGaN type LEDs have lower resistance value of electrostatic discharge and it is recommended to introduce the ESD protection circuit. The resistance values of electrostatic discharge (actual values) vary with products, therefore, please call our Sales staffs for inquiries. 3-3. Electromagnetic Wave Applications with strong electromagnetic wave such as, IH cooker, will influence the reliability of LED, therefore please evaluate before using it. ________________________________________________________ www.rohm.com ©2019 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 7/9 2019.10 - Rev.009

[SML-P24MUW(R) series]      [Data Sheet] 4.Mounting 4-1. Soldering ・No resin hardening agent such as filler is used in the sealing resin of the product. Therefore, resin expansion and moisture absorption at humidity will cause heat stress during soldering process and finally has bad influence on the productʼs reliability. ・The product is not guaranteed for flow soldering. ・Do not expose the product in the environment of high temperature (over 100℃) or rapid temperature shift (within 3℃/sec. of temperature gradient) during the flow soldering of surrounding parts. In case of carrying out flow soldering of surrounding parts without recommended conditions, please contact us for inquiries. ・Please set appropriate reflow temperature based on our product usage conditions and specification. ・The max for reflowing is 2 times, please finish the second reflow soldering and flow soldering with other parts within the usage limitation after open the moistureproof package. ・Compare with N2 reflow, during air reflow, because of the heat and surrounding conditions, it may cause the discoloration of the resin. ・For our product that has no solder resist, because of its solder amount and soldering conditions,  one of its specific characteristics is that solder will penetrate into LED. Thus, there's high possibility that will influence its reliability.Therefore, please be informed, concerning it before using it. 4-2. Automatic Mounting 4-2-1. Silicon Resin Sealing Product The sealing resin of LED is very soft, so please select adsorption nozzle that would not apply stress directly on the sealing section. 4-2-2. Mini Package (Smaller than 1608 size) ・Vibration may result in low mounting rate since it will cause the static electricity of product and adhere to top cover tape. Therefore, the magnet should be set on parts feeder cassette of the mounter to control the product stabilization. In addition, it is recommended to set ionizer to prevent electrostatic charge. 4-3. Mounting Location The stress like bending stress of circuit board dividing after mounting, may cause LED package crack or damage of LED internal junction, therefore, please concern the mounting direction and position to avoid bending or screwing with great stress of the circuit board. Stress strength according to he mounting position: A>B>C>D 4―4. Mechanical Stress after Mounting 0.5 0.4 0.5 The mechanical stress may damage the LED after Circuit Mounting, so please pay attention to the touch on product. 5 0. 4-5.Soldering Pattern for Recommendation We recommend the soldering pattern that shows on the right. 3 0. It will be different according to mounting situation of circuit board, 5 0. therefore, please concern before designing. (Unit : mm) ※The product has adopted the electrode structure that it should solder with back electrode of the product. Reference Thus, please be informed that the shape of electrode pin of Mask open area ratio:80% solder fillet formation is not guaranteed. Mask thickness:80〜100μm The through hole on electrode surface is for conduction of front _  _a_nd_ r_ea_r_ e_lec_tr_o_de_s _bu_t_ n_ot_ fo_r_ fo_rm_a_ti_on_ o_f _so_ld_e_r fi_ll_et_. ________________________ www.rohm.com ©2019 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 8/9 2019.10 - Rev.009

[SML-P24MUW(R) series]      [Data Sheet] 4-6.Reflow Profile For reflow profile, please refer to the conditions below:(※) ■Meaning of marks, Conditions Mark Meanings Conditions Tsmax Maximum of pre-heating temperature 180℃ Tsmin Minimum of pre-heating temperature 140℃ t Time from Tsmin to Tsmax Over 60sec. s T Reference temperature 230〜260℃ L t Retention time for TL Within 40sec. L T Peak temperature 260℃(Max) P t Time for peak temperature Within 10sec. P ΔT /Δt Temperature rising rate Under 3℃/sec. R ΔTD/Δt Temperature decreasing rate Over -3℃/sec. ※Above conditions are for reference. Therefore, evaluate by customerʼs own circuit boards and reflow furnaces before using, because stress from circuit boards and temperature variations of reflow furnaces vary by customerʼs own conditions. 4-7.Attention Points in Soldering Operation This product was developed as a surface mount LED especially suitable for reflow soldering. So reflow soldering is recommended. In case of implementing manual soldering, please take care of following points. ①SOLDER USED Sn-Cu,Sn-Ag-Cu,Sn-Ag-Bi-Cu ②HAND SOLDERING CONDITION LED products do not contain reinforcement material such as a glass fillers. So thermal stress by soldering greatly influence its reliability. Please keep following points for manual soldering. ITEM RECOMMENDED CONDITION Condition ) Temp. of iron top less than 400℃ within 3 sec. a) Heating method Heating on PCB pattern, not direct to the SOLDERING IRON Fig‐1 LED. (Fig-1) Handling after Please handle after the part temp. b) soldering goes down to room temp. SOLDERING LAND 4-8.Cleaning after Soldering Please follow the conditions below if the cleaning is necessary after soldering. Solvent We recommend to use alcohols solvent such as, isopropyl alcohols Temperature Under 30℃ within 3 minutes Ultrasonic Cleaning 15W/Below 1 liter (capacity of tank) Drying Under 100℃ within 3 minutes ________________________________________________________ www.rohm.com ©2019 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved 9/9 2019.10 - Rev.009

Notice Notes 1) The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 2) Before you use our Products, please contact our sales representativeand verify the latest specifica- tions : 3) Although ROHM is continuously working to improve product reliability and quality, semicon- ductors can break down and malfunction due to various factors. Therefore, in order to prevent personal injury or fire arising from failure, please take safety measures such as complying with the derating characteristics, implementing redundant and fire prevention designs, and utilizing backups and fail-safe procedures. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising out of the use of our Poducts beyond the rating specified by ROHM. 4) Examples of application circuits, circuit constants and any other information contained herein are provided only to illustrate the standard usage and operations of the Products. The peripheral conditions must be taken into account when designing circuits for mass production. 5) The technical information specified herein is intended only to show the typical functions of and examples of application circuits for the Products. ROHM does not grant you, explicitly or implicitly, any license to use or exercise intellectual property or other rights held by ROHM or any other parties. ROHM shall have no responsibility whatsoever for any dispute arising out of the use of such technical information. 6) The Products are intended for use in general electronic equipment (i.e. AV/OA devices, communi- cation, consumer systems, gaming/entertainment sets) as well as the applications indicated in this document. 7) The Products specified in this document are not designed to be radiation tolerant. 8) For use of our Products in applications requiring a high degree of reliability (as exemplified below), please contact and consult with a ROHM representative : transportation equipment (i.e. cars, ships, trains), primary communication equipment, traffic lights, fire/crime prevention, safety equipment, medical systems, servers, solar cells, and power transmission systems. 9) Do not use our Products in applications requiring extremely high reliability, such as aerospace equipment, nuclear power control systems, and submarine repeaters. 10) ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or injury arising from non-compliance with the recommended usage conditions and specifications contained herein. 11) ROHM has used reasonable care to ensur the accuracy of the information contained in this document. However, ROHM does not warrants that such information is error-free, and ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages arising from any inaccuracy or misprint of such information. 12) Please use the Products in accordance with any applicable environmental laws and regulations, such as the RoHS Directive. For more details, including RoHS compatibility, please contact a ROHM sales office. ROHM shall have no responsibility for any damages or losses resulting non-compliance with any applicable laws or regulations. 13) When providing our Products and technologies contained in this document to other countries, you must abide by the procedures and provisions stipulated in all applicable export laws and regulations, including without limitation the US Export Administration Regulations and the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act. 14) This document, in part or in whole, may not be reprinted or reproduced without prior consent of ROHM. Thank you for your accessing to ROHM product informations. More detail product informations and catalogs are available, please contact us. ROHM Customer Support System http://www.rohm.com/contact/ www.rohm.com R1102A © 201(cid:24) ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

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