

  • 型号: SK222M035ST
  • 制造商: Cornell Dubilier
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供SK222M035ST由Cornell Dubilier设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 SK222M035ST价格参考。Cornell DubilierSK222M035ST封装/规格:铝电解电容器, 2200µF 35V 铝电解电容器 径向,Can 140 毫欧 85°C 时为 2000 小时。您可以下载SK222M035ST参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有SK222M035ST 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

Cornell Dubilier Electronics (CDE) 的铝电解电容器型号 SK222M035ST 是一款高性能的工业级电容器,主要应用于需要高纹波电流、长寿命和稳定性能的场景。以下是其典型应用场景:

1. 电源设备:适用于开关电源(SMPS)、逆变器和不间断电源(UPS)中,用于平滑输出电压、滤除高频噪声以及储能功能。

2. 电机驱动:在交流或直流电机驱动器中,该电容器可提供稳定的能量供应,并吸收因电机启动和运行产生的瞬态电流。

3. 太阳能与风能系统:用于可再生能源转换设备,例如光伏逆变器和风力发电机控制器,以确保电力转换过程中的高效性和可靠性。

4. 音频设备:在功率放大器和其他高端音响设备中,作为耦合或去耦电容,改善音质并减少失真。

5. 工业自动化:支持可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)、伺服系统等工业自动化设备,保证其在恶劣环境下的正常运作。

6. 照明系统:应用于LED驱动电源和高强度气体放电灯(HID)镇流器中,提升照明系统的效率和稳定性。

SK222M035ST 具有耐高温、低阻抗及长寿命的特点,非常适合上述领域的严苛要求。同时,其紧凑的设计也便于集成到各种电子设备中。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值



CAP ALUM 2200UF 35V 20% RADIAL铝质电解电容器 - 带引线 35V 2200uF RADIAL


140 mOhms


140 毫欧




Cornell Dubilier Electronics (CDE)





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


铝电解电容器,铝质电解电容器 - 带引线,Cornell Dubilier SK222M035STSK






85°C 时为 2000 小时


General Purpose Electrolytic Capacitors





铝质电解电容器 - 带引线




2000 h




Cornell Dubilier


16 mm


32 mm


0.630" 直径(16.00mm)










16 mm Dia. x 32 mm L


-40°C ~ 85°C








7.5 mm




+ 85 C




35 V

























品牌:Vishay BC Components




品牌:United Chemi-Con




















品牌:United Chemi-Con





SK222M035ST 相关产品








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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Type SK 85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors 2000 Hour Long Life, General Purpose Aluminum Electrolytic Type SK is a radial leaded aluminum electrolytic capacitor with a +85 ºC, 2000 hour long life rating. The SK is a high CV rated product and is ideal for general purpose applications such as stereo radio, TV, computers and other consumer electronic products. Highlights • +85 ºC • 2000 hours - long life • High CV • Available in T&R and ammo pack Specifications Capacitance Range 0.47 to 15,000 µF Capacitance Tolerance ±20% Rated Voltage 6.3 to 450 Vdc Operating Temperature Range –40 ºC to +85 ºC; 6.3 to 100 Vdc –25 ºC to +85 ºC; 160 to 450 Vdc DC Leakage Current 6.3 to 100 Vdc; I = ≤.01CV or 3 µA Max Whichever is greater after 2 minutes application of DC working voltage at 20 ºC ≥100 Vdc; I = ≤.03CV or 10 µA Max Whichever is greater after 2 minutes application of DC working voltage at 20 ºC C = Capacitance in (µF) V = Rated voltage I = Leakage current in µA Dissipation Factor @ 120 Hz, +20 ºC WV (V) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160-250 350-450 DF(%) 24 20 16 14 12 10 10 10 20 24 Ripple Multipliers for Voltage and Temperature: Rated Ripple Multipliers WVDC 60Hz 120Hz 1kHz 10kHz 6 to 25 0.80 1.0 1.1 1.2 35 to 100 0.75 1.0 1.3 1.4 160 to 250 0.70 1.0 1.4 1.6 For capacitance values > 1000 µF, the DF (%) value is increased 2% for every ad- ditional 1000 µF Ambient Ripple Temperature Multiplier +85 ºC 1.00 +75 ºC 1.14 +65 ºC 1.25 Load Life Test Apply WVDC for 2000 hours at +85 ºC Capacitance change within 20% of initial limit DF not to exceed 200% of initial requirement Leakage current not to exceed 200% of initial Shelf Life Test 1000 hrs at +85 ºC with no voltage applied Cap change within ±20% of initial values DF not to exceed 200% of initial requirement DC leakage current meets initial requirement RoHS Compliant CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com

Type SK 85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Outline Drawing Outline Dimensions (Millimeters) PVC or PET (PET for all date codes after October 2017) PVC Sleeve S (cid:31)0.5 d (cid:31)0.05 + + - L 15 Min. 5 D Case vented on Vinyl sleeve adds .5 Max. to diameter diameters 6.3 and greater and 2.0 Max. to length Part Numbering System SK 100 M 100 S T Capacitance Rated Lead Type Capacitance Tolerance Voltage Packaging Configuration (µF) (%) (Vdc) SK 1R0 = 1 K = ±10 6R3 = 6.3 A = Tape & Ammo 1 = Lead cut 100 = 10 M = ±20 010 = 10 E = Different Characteristic 2 = Lead form 101 = 100 100 = 100 R = Tape & Reel 4 = Lead crimp & cut (form) 102 = 1000 S = Standard T = Standard Temperature Characteristics 200 100 20 50 10 1(cid:29)F 50V %(cid:31)C 0 %(cid:31)DF 100(cid:29)F 25V 10 100(cid:29)F 25V -10 55 -20 1(cid:29)F 50V 1 -40 0 40 80 Temperature (cid:30)C -40 0 40 80 Temperature (cid:30)C Capacitance Change Ratio Dissipation Factor Change Load Life Characteristics 10 10 30 5 1(cid:30)F 50V %(cid:31)C 0 %(cid:31)DF 20 100(cid:30)F 25V %(cid:31)LC 100(cid:30)F 25V -10 10 1 -20 100(cid:30)F 25V 0 0.5 1(cid:30)F 50V 1(cid:30)F 50V 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0.1 Time In Hours Time In Hours 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Capacitance Change Ratio Dissipation Factor Change Time In Hours Leakage Current Change CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com

Type SK 85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Ratings Max ESR Max Ripple Catalog 120 Hz 120 Hz Size in. (mm) Cap Part Number +25 ºC +85 ºC Diameter Length Lead Space Lead Dia. (µF) (Ω) (mA) (D) (L) (S) (d) 6.3 Vdc (8 Volts Surge) 100 SK101M6R3ST 2.92 130 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 220 SK221M6R3ST 1.33 240 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 330 SK331M6R3ST 0.88 300 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 470 SK471M6R3ST 0.62 380 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 1000 SK102M6R3ST 0.29 580 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) SK 100 M 100 S T 2200 SK222M6R3ST 0.14 1050 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 3300 SK332M6R3ST 0.10 1250 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) Capacitance Rated Lead 4700 SK472M6R3ST 0.08 1700 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) Type Capacitance Tolerance Voltage Packaging Configuration 6800 SK682M6R3ST 0.07 1900 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 10000 SK103M6R3ST 0.05 2250 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) (µF) (%) (Vdc) 15000 SK153M6R3ST 0.04 2680 .630 (16.0) 1.38 (35.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 10 Vdc (13 Volts Surge) 33 SK330M010ST 7.64 80 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 47 SK470M010ST 5.36 95 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) SK 1R0 = 1 K = ±10 6R3 = 6.3 A = Tape & Ammo 1 = Lead cut 100 SK101M010ST 2.52 180 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 100 = 10 M = ±20 010 = 10 E = Different Characteristic 2 = Lead form 220 SK221M010ST 1.15 250 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 101 = 100 100 = 100 R = Tape & Reel 4 = Lead crimp & cut (form) 330 SK331M010ST 0.76 330 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 102 = 1000 S = Standard T = Standard 470 SK471M010ST 0.54 400 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 1000 SK102M010ST 0.25 630 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 2200 SK222M010ST 0.14 1100 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 3300 SK332M010ST 0.10 1400 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 4700 SK472M010ST 0.08 1800 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 6800 SK682M010ST 0.07 2150 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 10000 SK103M010ST 0.05 2500 .709 (18.0) 1.38 (35.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 15000 SK153M010ST 0.04 2950 .709 (18.0) 1.65 (42.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 16 Vdc (20 Volts Surge) 22 SK220M016ST 9.65 75 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 33 SK330M016ST 6.43 110 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 47 SK470M016ST 4.52 130 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 100 SK101M016ST 2.12 185 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 220 SK221M016ST 0.97 320 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 330 SK331M016ST 0.64 360 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 470 SK471M016ST 0.45 470 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1000 SK102M016ST 0.21 790 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 2200 SK222M016ST 0.14 1350 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 3300 SK332M016ST 0.10 1700 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 4700 SK472M016ST 0.08 2100 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 6800 SK682M016ST 0.07 2500 .709 (18.0) 1.38 (35.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 10000 SK103M016ST 0.05 2700 .709 (18.0) 1.65 (42.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 25 Vdc (32 Volts Surge) 10 SK100M025ST 18.57 50 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 22 SK220M025ST 8.44 90 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 33 SK330M025ST 5.63 110 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 47 SK470M025ST 3.95 130 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 100 SK101M025ST 1.85 185 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com

Type SK 85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Max ESR Max Ripple Catalog 120 Hz 120 Hz Size in. (mm) Cap Part Number +25 ºC +85 ºC Diameter Length Lead Space Lead Dia. (µF) (Ω) (mA) (D) (L) (S) (d) 25 Vdc (32 Volts Surge) 220 SK221M025ST 0.84 320 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 330 SK331M025ST 0.56 420 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 470 SK471M025ST 0.39 540 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1,000 SK102M025ST 0.18 950 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 2,200 SK222M025ST 0.14 1550 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 3,300 SK332M025ST 0.10 1950 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 4,700 SK472M025ST 0.08 2360 .709 (18.0) 1.38 (35.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 6,800 SK682M025ST 0.06 2550 .709 (18.0) 1.65 (42.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 35 Vdc (44 Volts Surge) 10 SK100M035ST 15.92 60 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 22 SK220M035ST 7.23 95 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 33 SK330M035ST 4.82 115 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 47 SK470M035ST 3.38 140 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 100 SK101M035ST 1.59 230 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 220 SK221M035ST 0.72 370 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 330 SK331M035ST 0.48 490 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 470 SK471M035ST 0.33 640 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1,000 SK102M035ST 0.15 1100 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 2,200 SK222M035ST 0.14 1800 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 3,300 SK332M035ST 0.10 2220 .709 (18.0) 1.38 (35.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 4,700 SK472M035ST 0.08 2400 .709 (18.0) 1.65 (42.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 50 Vdc (63 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M050ST 282.33 5 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 1.0 SK010M050ST 132.70 10 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SK2R2M050ST 60.32 23 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 3.3 SK3R3M050ST 40.21 35 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SK4R7M050ST 28.23 40 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 10 SK100M050ST 13.27 65 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 22 SK220M050ST 6.03 100 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 33 SK330M050ST 4.02 125 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 47 SK470M050ST 2.82 150 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 100 SK101M050ST 1.33 250 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 220 SK221M050ST 0.60 440 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 330 SK331M050ST 0.40 580 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 470 SK471M050ST 0.28 760 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1,000 SK102M050ST 0.13 1350 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 2,200 SK222M050ST 0.14 2090 .709 (18.0) 1.38 (35.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 3,300 SK332M050ST 0.10 2320 .709 (18.0) 1.65 (42.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 63 Vdc (79 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M063ST 254.10 5 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 1.0 SK010M063ST 119.43 10 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SK2R2M063ST 54.28 29 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 3.3 SK3R3M063ST 36.19 40 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SK4R7M063ST 25.41 45 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 10.0 SK100M063ST 11.94 70 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) Parts highlighted in yellow are obsolete. * Note max leakage current ≥100 Vdc is measured at 3 minutes CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com

Type SK 85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Max ESR Max Ripple Catalog 120 Hz 120 Hz Size in. (mm) Cap Part Number +25 ºC +85 ºC Diameter Length Lead Space Lead Dia. (µF) (Ω) (mA) (D) (L) (S) (d) 63 Vdc (79 Volts Surge) 22 SK220M063ST 5.43 115 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 33 SK330M063ST 3.62 140 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 47 SK470M063ST 2.54 190 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 100 SK101M063ST 1.19 300 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 220 SK221M063ST 0.54 490 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 330 SK331M063ST 0.36 680 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 470 SK471M063ST 0.25 880 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1,000 SK102M063ST 0.12 1550 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 100 Vdc (125 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M100ST 225.87 10 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 1 SK010M100ST 106.16 21 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SK2R2M100ST 48.25 30 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 3.3 SK3R3M100ST 32.17 40 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SK4R7M100ST 22.59 50 .197 (5.0) .433 (11.0) .079 (2.0) .0197 (0.5) 10 SK100M100ST 10.62 75 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 22 SK220M100ST 4.83 130 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 33 SK330M100ST 3.22 170 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SK470M100ST 2.26 230 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 100 SK101M100ST 1.06 400 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 220 SK221M100ST 0.48 710 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 330 SK331M100ST 0.32 860 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 470 SK471M100ST 0.23 1100 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 160 Vdc (200 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M160ST 423.50 12.0 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 1.0 SK010M160ST 199.04 17.0 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SK2R2M160ST 90.47 26.0 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 3.3 SK3R3M160ST 60.32 35.0 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SK4R7M160ST 42.35 40.0 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 10 SK100M160ST 19.90 65.0 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 22 SK220M160ST 9.05 110.0 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SK330M160ST 6.03 150.0 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SK470M160ST 4.23 180.0 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 100 SK101M160ST 1.99 300.0 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 220 SK221M160ST 0.90 510.0 .630 (16.0) 1.42 (36.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 330 SK331M160ST 0.60 600.0 .709 (18.0) 1.65 (42.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 200 Vdc (250 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M200ST 423.50 12 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 1.0 SK010M200ST 199.04 17 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SK2R2M200ST 90.47 26 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 3.3 SK3R3M200ST 60.32 35 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 4.7 SK4R7M200ST 42.35 45 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 10 SK100M200ST 19.90 70 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 22 SK220M200ST 9.05 110 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SK330M200ST 6.03 160 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SK470M200ST 4.23 180 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) * Note max leakage current ≥100 Vdc is measured at 3 minutes Parts highlighted in yellow are obsolete. CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com

Type SK 85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Max ESR Max Ripple Catalog 120 Hz 120 Hz Size in. (mm) Cap Part Number +25 ºC +85 ºC Diameter Length Lead Space Lead Dia. (µF) (Ω) (mA) (D) (L) (S) (d) 200 Vdc (250 Volts Surge) 100 SK101M200ST 1.99 330 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 220 SK221M200ST 0.90 520 .709 (18.0) 1.65 (42.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 250 Vdc (300 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M250ST 423.50 12 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 1.0 SK010M250ST 199.04 17 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SK2R2M250ST 90.47 30 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 3.3 SK3R3M250ST 60.32 35 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 4.7 SK4R7M250ST 42.35 45 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 10 SK100M250ST 19.90 70 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 22 SK220M250ST 9.05 130 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SK330M250ST 6.03 160 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SK470M250ST 4.23 210 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 100 SK101M250ST 1.99 310 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 350 Vdc (400 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M350ST 564.67 14 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 1.0 SK010M350ST 265.39 18 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 2.2 SK2R2M350ST 120.63 28 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 3.3 SK3R3M350ST 80.42 35 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 4.7 SK4R7M350ST 56.47 40 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 10 SK100M350ST 26.54 70 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 22 SK220M350ST 12.06 110 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SK330M350ST 8.04 140 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SK470M350ST 5.65 220 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 100 SK101M350ST 2.65 360 .709 (18.0) 1.42 (36.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 400 Vdc (450 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M400ST 564.67 14 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 1.0 SK010M400ST 265.39 18 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 2.2 SK2R2M400ST 120.63 28 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 3.3 SK3R3M400ST 80.42 32 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 4.7 SK4R7M400ST 56.47 41 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 10 SK100M400ST 26.54 70 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 22 SK220M400ST 12.06 120 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SK330M400ST 8.04 140 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 47 SK470M400ST 5.65 160 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 450 Vdc (500 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M450ST 564.67 14 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 1.0 SK010M450ST 265.39 19 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 2.2 SK2R2M450ST 120.63 29 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 3.3 SK3R3M450ST 80.42 35 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 4.7 SK4R7M450ST 56.47 50 .394 (10.0) .709 (18.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 10 SK100M450ST 26.54 75 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 22 SK220M450ST 12.06 110 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 33 SK330M450ST 8.04 150 .630 (16.0) 1.42 (36.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 47 SK470M450ST 5.65 230 .630 (16.0) 1.57 (40.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) Parts highlighted in yellow are obsolete. CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com

Type SK 85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Max ESR Max Ripple Taping & Packaging Catalog 120 Hz 120 Hz Size in. (mm) Cap Part Number +25 ºC +85 ºC Diameter Length Lead Space Lead Dia. Fig. 1 - Formed Taping Fig. 2 - Straight Taping (5Φ, 6.3Φ, 8Φ) (µF) (Ω) (mA) (D) (L) (S) (d) 200 Vdc (250 Volts Surge) P2 P h P2 P h 100 SK101M200ST 1.99 330 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 220 SK221M200ST 0.90 520 .709 (18.0) 1.65 (42.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) D A D A 250 Vdc (300 Volts Surge) H1 0.47 SKR47M250ST 423.50 12 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) H P1 H P1 F F 1.0 SK010M250ST 199.04 17 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) 2.2 SK2R2M250ST 90.47 30 .248 (6.3) .433 (11.0) .098 (2.5) .0197 (0.5) H0 t t 3.3 SK3R3M250ST 60.32 35 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) W0 W W0 W 4.7 SK4R7M250ST 42.35 45 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 10 SK100M250ST 19.90 70 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) P0 d D0 P0 d D0 22 SK220M250ST 9.05 130 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SK330M250ST 6.03 160 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SK470M250ST 4.23 210 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) Fig. 3- Straight Taping (Under 10Φ, 12Φ, 13Φ) Fig. 4- Straight Taping (16Φ, 18Φ) 100 SK101M250ST 1.99 310 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) P2 P h P2 P h 350 Vdc (400 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M350ST 564.67 14 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) D A D A 1.0 SK010M350ST 265.39 18 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 2.2 SK2R2M350ST 120.63 28 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) F F H P1 H P1 3.3 SK3R3M350ST 80.42 35 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 4.7 SK4R7M350ST 56.47 40 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) t t 10 SK100M350ST 26.54 70 .394 (10.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) W0 W W0 W 22 SK220M350ST 12.06 110 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 33 SK330M350ST 8.04 140 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 47 SK470M350ST 5.65 220 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) P0 d D0 P0 d D0 100 SK101M350ST 2.65 360 .709 (18.0) 1.42 (36.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) Standard Lead Spacing of Taped Components is 5mm 400 Vdc (450 Volts Surge) Other Lead Spacing is Available by Special Order 0.47 SKR47M400ST 564.67 14 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 1.0 SK010M400ST 265.39 18 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) Code D A d P P P P F W W H H D t ih 2.2 SK2R2M400ST 120.63 28 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) 0 1 2 0 0 0 Fig. +0.8 Tolerance 0.5 1.0 ±0.05 ±1.0 ±0.2 ±0.7 ±1.3 ±0.5 Min. ±0.75 ±0.5 ±0.2 ±0.2 Max. 3.3 SK3R3M400ST 80.42 32 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) -0.2 4 ~ 6.3 7.0 0.45 12.7 12.7 3.85 6.35 5.0 18.0 12.5 18.5 16.0 4.0 0.7 2.0 4.7 SK4R7M400ST 56.47 41 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1 5 ~ 8 12.5 0.5 12.7 12.7 3.85 6.35 5.0 18.0 12.5 18.5 16.0 4.0 0.7 2.0 10 SK100M400ST 26.54 70 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 5, 6.3 12.5 0.5 12.7 12.7 5.1 6.35 2.5 18.0 12.5 18.5 4.0 0.7 2.0 2 22 SK220M400ST 12.06 120 .512 (13.0) .984 (26.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) Item 8 12.5 0.5 12.7 12.7 4.6 6.35 3.5 18.0 12.5 18.5 4.0 0.7 2.0 33 SK330M400ST 8.04 140 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 10 21.0 0.6 12.7 12.7 3.85 6.35 5.0 18.0 12.5 18.5 4.0 0.7 2.0 3 47 SK470M400ST 5.65 160 .630 (16.0) 1.26 (32.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 12, 13 26.0 0.6 15.0 15.0 5.0 7.5 5.0 18.0 12.5 18.5 4.0 0.7 2.0 16, 18 26.0 0.8 30.0 15.0 3.75 7.5 7.5 18.0 12.5 18.0 4.0 0.7 2.0 4 450 Vdc (500 Volts Surge) 0.47 SKR47M450ST 564.67 14 .315 (8.0) .433 (11.0) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) Capacitor Ammo Pack Box Quantity Ammo Pack Tape And Reel Quantities Diameter Dimensions (mm) Per Case 1.0 SK010M450ST 265.39 19 .315 (8.0) .453 (11.5) .138 (3.5) .0236 (0.6) D Ammo Pack Box Diameter Reel Reel Qty. (mm) A±5 B Max C±3 D (mm) Width (Pcs.) 2.2 SK2R2M450ST 120.63 29 .394 (10.0) .512 (13.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 4 250 340 54 3000 3.3 SK3R3M450ST 80.42 35 .394 (10.0) .630 (16.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 5 250 340 54 2,000 4 44 1500 6.3 290 340 54 2,000 A 5 44 1200 4.7 SK4R7M450ST 56.47 50 .394 (10.0) .709 (18.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 8 250 340 54 1,000 6 44 1000 10 SK100M450ST 26.54 75 .512 (13.0) .827 (21.0) .197 (5.0) .0236 (0.6) 1100 ((1126 LL)) 239500 334400 5549 660000 C B 10 (81 2L) 4444 860000 22 SK220M450ST 12.06 110 .630 (16.0) .984 (25.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 10 (20 L) 340 340 71 600 10 (16L) 50 600 33 SK330M450ST 8.04 150 .630 (16.0) 1.42 (36.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) 121, 61 3 334400 334400 7711 340000 Ammtoh eP aocukt ebro pxeasc kairneg s chaiprtpoend 5 to 121, 61 3 -- -- 47 SK470M450ST 5.65 230 .630 (16.0) 1.57 (40.0) .295 (7.5) .0315 (0.8) CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com

Type SK 85 ºC Radial Leaded Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Notice and Disclaimer: All product drawings, descriptions, specifications, statements, information and data (collectively, the “Information”) in this datasheet or other publication are subject to change. The customer is responsible for checking, confirming and verifying the extent to which the Information con- tained in this datasheet or other publication is applicable to an order at the time the order is placed. All Information given herein is believed to be accurate and reliable, but it is presented without any guaran- tee, warranty, representation or responsibility of any kind, expressed or implied. Statements of suitability for certain applications are based on the knowledge that the Cornell Dubilier company providing such statements (“Cornell Dubilier”) has of operating conditions that such Cornell Dubilier company regards as typical for such applications, but are not intended to constitute any guarantee, warranty or representa- tion regarding any such matter – and Cornell Dubilier specifically and expressly disclaims any guarantee, warranty or representation concerning the suitability for a specific customer application, use, storage, transportation, or operating environment. The Information is intended for use only by customers who have the requisite experience and capability to determine the correct products for their application. Any technical advice inferred from this Information or otherwise provided by Cornell Dubilier with reference to the use of any Cornell Dubilier products is given gratis (unless otherwise specified by Cornell Dubilier), and Cornell Dubilier assumes no obligation or liability for the advice given or results obtained. Although Cornell Dubilier strives to apply the most stringent quality and safety standards regarding the design and manufacturing of its products, in light of the current state of the art, isolated component failures may still occur. Accordingly, customer applications which require a high degree of reliability or safety should employ suitable designs or other safeguards (such as installation of protective circuitry or redundancies or other appropriate protective measures) in order to ensure that the failure of an electrical component does not result in a risk of personal injury or property damage. Although all product-related warnings, cautions and notes must be observed, the customer should not assume that all safety measures are indi- cated in such warnings, cautions and notes, or that other safety measures may not be required. CDE Cornell Dubilier • 1605 E. Rodney French Blvd. • New Bedford, MA 02744 • Phone: (508)996-8561 • Fax: (508)996-3830 • www.cde.com