

  • 型号: RC55LF-D-82K5-B-B
  • 制造商: IRC
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
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数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供RC55LF-D-82K5-B-B由IRC设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 提供RC55LF-D-82K5-B-B价格参考以及IRCRC55LF-D-82K5-B-B封装/规格参数等产品信息。 你可以下载RC55LF-D-82K5-B-B参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书, 资料中有RC55LF-D-82K5-B-B详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值

IRC / TT Electronics




金属膜电阻器 - 透孔 1/4W 82.5K 0.1%









薄膜电阻器,金属膜电阻器 - 透孔,IRC / TT Electronics RC55LF-D-82K5-B-B




Metal Film Resistors Low Noise


金属膜电阻器 - 透孔


250 mW (1/4 W)


IRC / TT Electronics


2.5 mm


7.2 mm


0.1 %




- 55 C to + 125 C




0.6 mm


25 PPM / C


82.5 kOhms




Low noise and Negligible voltage coefficient







品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:Texas Instruments

产品名称:射频/IF 和 RFID



品牌:Texas Instruments








品牌:Bourns Inc.




品牌:Infineon Technologies




品牌:ISSI, Integrated Silicon Solution Inc




品牌:Panasonic Electric Works





RC55LF-D-82K5-B-B 相关产品


品牌:Harwin Inc.



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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

RPerseisctiosrison Metal Film Resistors Precision Metal Film Resistors RC series RC series CECC released products with low TCRs over a wide resistance range CECC released products with low Resistance tolerance down to 0.05% TCRs over a wide resistance range Express delivery available Resistance tolerance down to 0.05% Low noise and negligible voltage coefficient Express delivery available Screened parts available for critical applications TLeomwp enroatiusere a Cnode ffinceigenlitg oibf Rlee svisotlatnacgee d coowenf ftoic 5ie pnptm/°C OScprtieoennse fodr pRaorHtSs caovmapillaiabnlte a fnodr Lceraitdi cbaela ring wire finishes applications AAllll PPbb--ffrreeee ppaarrttss ccoommppllyy wwiitthh EEUU DDiirreecctitivvee 22001111//6655//EEUU aammeennddeedd bbyy ((EEUU)) 22001155//886633 ((RRooHHSS33)) Electrical Data RC55 RC65 RC70 Notes Commercial Power rating at 70°C watts 0.25 0.5 1.0 Resistance range ohm 1R to 4M 1R to 4M 1R to 10M Limiting element voltage volts 350 350 500 Isolation voltage volts 500 500 700 TCR (20 to +70°C) ppm/°C 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 , 100 See resistance Resistance tolerance % 0. 05, 0.1 , 0.25, 0. 5 & 1 restrictions CECC 40101-004Requirements H J K K L Power rating at 70°C watts 0.063 0.125 0.25 0.25 0.5 Resistance range ohms 1R to 1M 1R to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 10R to 1M Limiting element voltage volts 200 200 250 250 350 Isolation voltage volts 280 280 350 350 500 TCR ppm/°C 15, 25, 50, 100 See resistance Resistance tolerance % 0. 05, 0.1, 0.25., 0 .5 & 1 restrictions CECC 40101-804Requirements A B B C Power rating at 70°C watts 0.125 0.25 0.25 0.5 Resistance range ohms 1R to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 10R to 1M Limiting element voltage volts 200 250 250 350 Isolation voltage volts 280 350 350 500 TCR ppm/°C 15, 2 5, 50 , 1 00 See resistance Resistance tolerance % 0. 05, 0.1 , 0.25, 0 .5 & 1 restrictions These tables indicate the CECC specification requirements, and these are met or exceeded by the corresponding RC series products. Standard values E24, E96 preferred Any value Thermal impedance °C/watt 110 70 60 to order Ambient temperature range °C -55 to +155 GGeenneerraall NNoottee BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TTTT e Eleleccttrroonniiccss rreesseerrvveess tthhee r irgighht tt oto m makaek ech cahnagnegse ins ipnr opdruocdtu scpte scpifieccaifiticoant iwointh wouitth nooutti cneo otric liea boirli tliya.bility. All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. www.bitechnologies.com www.irctt.com www.welwyn-tt.com www.ttelectronics.com/resistors © TT electronics plc © TT Electronics plc 07. 11 06.18

Precision Metal Precision Metal FFilimlm R eRsiestsoirsstors RC series RC series Physical Data Dimensions (mm) & Weight (g) PCB Min. mounting Bend 1 Type L max D max f min d nom centres Radius Wt. nom d RC55 7.2 2.5 30 0.6 10.2 0.6 0.24 D L f RC65 10.0 3.7 30 0.6 12.7 0.6 0.40 RC70 15.5 5.5 30 0.8 18.4 1.2 1.15 Note 1 - dimension relates only to bulk packed product. Construction Marking A metal film is deposited onto a high quality ceramic former. Type reference, TCR code, resistance value and Nickel-plated steel caps are force fitted to the former and tolerance code. termination wires are welded to the caps. The resistance values conform to IEC 62. The resistor is adjusted to value by a helical cut in the film and the body is protected with a specially formulated epoxy Solvent Resistance coating. The body protection and marking are resistant to all normal industrial cleaning solvents suitable for printed circuits. Terminations Material Solder coated copper wire Strength The terminations meet the requirements of IEC 68.2.21. Solderability The terminations meet the requirements of IEC 115-1, Clause Performance Data CECC 40101-004 CECC 40101-804 *Actual Performance Requirements Requirements Maximum Typical Load at commercial rating: 1000 hours at 70°C ∆R% 0.3 0.1 Load at CECC rating: 1000 hours at 70°C ∆R% 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.05 Dry heat: 1000 hours at 155°C ∆R% 0.5 0.5 **1.0 0.15 Shelf life: 12 months at room temperature ∆R% Not specified Not specified 0.1 0.03 Derating from rated power at 70°C Zero at 155°C 50% at 125°C 50% at 125°C & Zero at 155°C Short term overload ∆R% 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.02 Climatic ∆R% 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.1 Climatic category 55/155/56 55/125/56 55/155/56 Long term damp heat ∆R% 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 Temperature rapid change ∆R% 0.1 0.1 **0.2 0.05 Resistance to solder heat ∆R% 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.03 Vibration and bump ∆R% 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.02 Noise (in a decade of frequency) µV/V Not specified Not specified 1.0 0.1 Voltage coefficient of resistance ppm/V Not specified Not specified <1 Note: *An 0.01 ohm addition to be added to the performance claims of all resistors <10R. ** All products within the specified approved range meet CECC requirements. General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn General Note TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. TT electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. All information is subject to TT electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. www.ttelectronics.com/resistors www.bitechnologies.com www.irctt.com www.welwyn-tt.com © TT Electronics plc © TT electronics plc 06.18 07. 11

Precision Metal Precision Metal Film Resistors Film Resistors RC series RC series Table of Resistance Restrictions Tolerance TCR RC55 RC65 RC70 ppm/°C 0.05% 0.1 - 0.25% 0.5%3 - 1%3 0.05% 0.1 - 0.25% 0.5%3 - 1%3 0.05% 0.1 - 0.25% 0.5%3 - 1%3 51 10R to 500K 10R to 500K 1R to 500K 10R to 500K 10R to 500K 1R to 500K 10R to 750K 10R to 750K 10R to 750K 10 10R to 1M 10R to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 10R to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 10R to 1M 1R to 1M 15 10R to 1M 2R49 to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 5R to 1M 1R to 1M 10R to 1M 10R to 2M 1R to 2M 25 10R to 1M 2R49 to 2M 1R to 2M 10R to 1M 5R to 2M 1R to 2M 10R to 1M 10R to 5M 1R to 5M 502 10R to 1M 2R49 to 2M 1R to 4M 10R to 1M 5R to 2M 1R to 4M 10R to 1M 5R to 10M 1R to 10M 1002 10R to 1M 1R to 2M 1R to 4M 10R to 1M 1R to 2M 1R to 4M 10R to 1M 1R to 10M 1R to 10M Note1: 1. Based on sampling. 100% screened product is available. 2. For maximum availability, where the ohmic value permits, 25ppm/˚C is preferred to 50 or 100ppm/˚C. 3. For maximum availability, where the ohmic value permits, 0.25% is preferred to 0.5% or 1% Application Notes Packaging RC5 5 an d RC65 standard packing is in tape, as shown below, Matched Sets and Networks whilst RC70 is bulk packed. Taped resistors on reel or loose TT electronics has many years experience in the supply of packed components can also be supplied by special request. matched set of precision resistors. Resistors can be supplied matched for tolerance and TCR down to ±0.02% and ±2ppm/°C, either as separate resistors or pre-assembled and encapsulated within a plastic box. 5 The individual resistors within a set or module can be manufactured with a tolerance of ±0.05% and TCR of ±5ppm/°C. f1 f2 6 52 6 A low inductance version is available in the r ange Body location f – f ≤ 1.4 mm 1 2 5R0 to 1 K0 at 1% t oleranc e.For low inductance versionaddsuffixN. GGeenneerraall NNoottee BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TTTT e Eleleccttrroonniiccss rreesseerrvveess tthhee rrigighht tt oto m makaek ech cahnagnegse ins ipnr opdroucdtu scpte scpifieccaifiticoant iwointh wouitth nooutti cneo otric leia boirl itliya.bility. AAllll iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iiss ssuubbjejecct tt oto T TTT E leelcetcrtornoincsic’ so’ wonw dna dtaa taan dan isd c iosn csoidnesriedde raecdc uarcactuer aatt eti mate t oimf eg ooinf gg otoin pgr intot. print. www.bitechnologies.com www.irctwt.wcwom.tt e lewcwtrown.iwcse.clwomyn/-retts.icsotomrs ©© T TTT eElleeccttrroonnicisc sp lpclc 0076.. 1181

Precision Metal Film Resistors RC series Ordering Procedure This product has two valid part numbers: EOurrodpeeanr (iWneglw yPn) rPoarct Neudmbuerr: eRC 55V-31K6BI (RC55 with TCR ±5ppm/°C at 31.6 kilohms ±0.1%, Pb-free) This producRt haCs two5 vali5d paVrt num- ber3s : 1 K 6 B I 1 2 3 4 5 European (Welwyn) Part Number: RC55V-31K6BI (RC55 with TCR ±5ppm/°C at 31.6 kilohms ±0.1%, Pb-free) 1 2 3 4 5 R C 5 5 V - 3 1 K 6 B I Type TCR (ppm/°C) Value Tolerance Finish, Screening & Packing 1 2 3 4 5 RC55 V = ±5 E24 = 3/4 characters W = ±0.05% I Pb-free (RoHS) RC65 T = ±10 E96 = 4/5 characters B = ±0.1% SC Pb-free with screened TCR (5ppm only) RC17 0 Y =2 ± 15 R = o3h ms C = ±40 .25% PB Sn(955)P b(5) finish Typ e TCRD (=p p±m25/ °C) K =V kaillouhem s TDo =le ±r0a.n5c%e HL FinSisnh(,6 S0)cPrbee(4n0i)n hgi g&h Pleaacdk ifningis h RC 55 CV == ±±550 E24M = = 3 m/4e cghoahrmacst ers WF = = ± ±01.0%5% I All above iPnb S-ftraened (aRrdo HPSa)c king RC 65 ZT == ±±11000 E96 = 4/5 c haracters B = ± 0.1% SRCC 5P5b-freeA wmitmh osc reenedU TpC toR 5 (050p0p/mbo oxn ly) RC 70 Y = ±15 R = o hms C = ±0 .25% PRBC 65 Sn(95)Pb(5U)p f itnoi s2h5 00/box D = ±25 K = kil ohms D = ± 0.5% HRLC 70 Sn(B6u0l)kP b(40) high l2e5a0d/ bfinoixs h For CECC released product sCta t=e o±n5 o0rd er the CECMC =nu mmbeegr aonhdm stsyl e. ExamplFe: R=C ±551Y%-3 1K6BI CECC40A10ll1 -a0b04o vJYe in Standard Packing For CECC 40101- 804 the TZCR = c o±d1es0 T0 a nd E relate to 15 an d 25ppm/°C and are cod ed in the MPRNC as5 Y5 and D respectively. Also anU apd dtiotio 5n0al00/box suffix -804 is added after the Finish, Screening & Packing code, and, in the case of Pb-free, this code (I) is omitteAd.m Exmamop le: RC65Y-31K6B-804 CECC 40101-804BT USA (IRC) P art Numb er: RC55LFV316 2BA (RC55 with TCR ±5pRpCm6/5°C at 31.6 kilohmsU ±p0 t.o1 %25,0 P0/bb-ofrxe e) RC70 Bulk 250/box R C 5 5 L F V 3 1 6 2 B A 1 2 3 4 5 6 USA (IRC) Part Number: RC55LFV3162BA (RC55 with TCR ±5ppm/°C at 31.6 kilohms ±0.1%, Pb-free) 1 2 3 4 5 6 R C 5 5 L F V 3 1 6 2 B A Type Termination TCR (ppm/°C) Value Tolerance Packing 1 2 3 4 5 6 RC55 Omit for V = ±5 3 digits + multiplier A = ±0.05% RC55 Ammo, up to 5000/box A RC65 Sn(95)Pb(5) T = ±10 R = ohms for B = ±0.1% RC65 Ammo, up to 2500/box RC17 0 LF = P2b -free Y =3 ± 15 values <140 0 ohms C = ±50 .25% B RC70 B6u lk, 250/box Typ e Termin ation TCRD (=p p±m25/ °C) Val ue TDo =le ±r0a.n5c%e Packing RC 55 Omi t for CV == ±±550 3 digits + multiplier A F= =± 0±.10%5% R C55 Ammo, up t o 5000/box A RC 65 Sn(95) Pb(5) ZT == ±±11000 R = oh ms for B = ± 0.1% R C65 Ammo, up t o 2500/box RC 70 LF = P b-free Y = ±15 values <1 00 ohms C = ±0 .25% B R C70 Bulk, 2 50/box D = ±25 D = ±0.5% C = ±50 F = ±1% Z = ±100 General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn TT Electronics reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. www.ttelectronics.com/resistors © TT Electronics plc 06.18

Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: T T Electronics: RC55-D-48K7-B-B RC55-D-49K9-B-B RC55-D-3K24-B-B RC55-D-9K76-B-B RC55-D-64R9-B-B RC55-D-191K-B-B RC55-D-8K06-B-B RC55-D-33K2-B-B RC55-D-357K-B-B RC55-D-25R5-B-B RC55-D-196K-B-B RC55-D-56K2-B-B RC55-D-3K48-B-B RC55-D-6K65-B-B RC55-D-681K-B-B RC55-D-19K6-B-B RC55-D-21K5-B-B RC55-D-29R4-B-B RC55-D-392K-B-B RC55-D-866K-B-B RC55-D-1K47-B-B RC55-D-130K-B-B RC55-D-15R4-B-B RC55-D-15R8-B-B RC55-D-1K43-B-B RC55-D-127K-B-B RC55-D-681R-B-B RC55-D-3K4-B-B RC55-D-649R-B-B RC55-D-40K2-B-B RC55-D-665R-B-B RC55-D-2K87-B-B RC55-D-10K7-B-B RC55-D-10K5-B-B RC55-D-1K58-B-B RC55-D-100K-B-B RC55-D-102K-B-B RC55-D-76K8-B-B RC55-D-1K24-B-B RC55-D-18K2-B-B RC55-D-18K7-B-B RC55-D-21R5-B-B RC55-D-316K-B-B RC55-D-150K-B-B RC55-D-274K-B-B RC55-D-1K27-B-B RC55-D-1K21-B-B RC55-D-17R4-B-B RC55-D-17R8-B-B RC55-D-154K-B-B RC55-D-8K45-B-B RC55-D-158K-B-B RC55-D-500R-B-B RC55-D-523R-B-B RC55-D-562R-B-B RC55-D-25K5-B-B RC55-D-549R-B-B RC55-D-536R-B-B RC55-D-732R-B-B RC55-D-750R-B-B RC55-D-2K94-B-B RC55-D-715R-B-B RC55-D-787R-B-B RC55-D-768R-B-B RC55-D-392R-B-B RC55-D-240R-B-B RC55-D-261R-B-B RC55-D-316R-B-B RC55-D-232R-B-B RC55-D-210R-B-B RC55-D-267R-B-B RC55-D-200R-B-B RC55-D-243R-B-B RC55-D-255R-B-B RC55-D-215R-B-B RC55-D-237R-B-B RC55-D-287R-B-B RC55-D-294R-B- B RC55-D-205R-B-B RC55-D-249R-B-B RC55-D-357R-B-B RC55-D-274R-B-B RC55-D-280R-B-B RC55-D-51R1- B-B RC55-D-35R7-B-B RC55LF-D-14K-B-B RC55-D-453K-B-B RC55-D-38R3-B-B RC55-D-44R2-B-B RC55-D- 32R4-B-B RC55-D-422K-B-B RC55-D-549K-B-B RC55-D-11K3-B-B RC55-D-205K-B-B RC55-D-11K8-B-B RC55-D- 200K-B-B RC55-D-38K3-B-B RC55-D-249K-B-B RC55-D-243K-B-B RC55-D-2K1-B-B