

  • 型号: NCP301LSN09T1G
  • 制造商: ON Semiconductor
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供NCP301LSN09T1G由ON Semiconductor设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 NCP301LSN09T1G价格参考¥3.05-¥3.81。ON SemiconductorNCP301LSN09T1G封装/规格:PMIC - 监控器, 开路漏极或开路集电极 监控器 1 通道 5-TSOP。您可以下载NCP301LSN09T1G参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有NCP301LSN09T1G 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

NCP301LSN09T1G 是由 ON Semiconductor(安森美半导体)生产的一款 PMIC(电源管理集成电路)监控器。该器件主要用于监测和保护低电压系统中的电源,确保系统在正常电压范围内工作。以下是其主要应用场景:

 1. 便携式电子设备
NCP301LSN09T1G 广泛应用于便携式电子设备中,如智能手机、平板电脑、智能手表等。这些设备通常依赖电池供电,而 NCP303LSN09T1G 可以实时监测电池电压,防止过充或过放,从而延长电池寿命并提高设备的安全性。

 2. 嵌入式系统
在嵌入式系统中,NCP301LSN09T1G 可用于监控系统的电源电压,确保处理器和其他关键组件在安全的电压范围内运行。它能够检测到电压波动,并在电压超出设定范围时触发复位或关机操作,避免系统因电源问题而出现故障。

 3. 工业控制系统
在工业自动化和控制系统中,NCP301LSN09T1G 可用于监控电源状态,确保控制系统在稳定的电源条件下运行。它能够快速响应电源异常,防止由于电源不稳定导致的设备损坏或数据丢失。

 4. 消费类电子产品
对于消费类电子产品,如智能家居设备、音响系统等,NCP301LSN09T1G 可以提供可靠的电源监控功能,确保设备在各种使用环境下都能稳定工作。它还可以帮助产品通过相关的安全认证,提升产品的市场竞争力。

 5. 通信设备
在通信设备中,如路由器、交换机等,NCP301LSN09T1G 可以监控电源电压,确保网络设备在长时间运行过程中保持稳定。它能够及时检测到电源故障并采取相应措施,减少因电源问题导致的网络中断。

 6. 汽车电子
在汽车电子系统中,NCP301LSN09T1G 可用于监控车载电源,确保车辆的电子控制单元(ECU)和其他关键系统在合适的电压范围内工作。它能够在电源异常时发出警告或采取保护措施,保障行车安全。

总之,NCP301LSN09T1G 的应用场景非常广泛,涵盖了从消费电子到工业控制等多个领域。它的高精度电压监测和快速响应特性,使其成为许多低电压系统中不可或缺的保护元件。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值

集成电路 (IC)半导体


IC VOLT DETECT OD 0.9V 5TSOP监控电路 0.9V Detector w/Reset Low


PMIC - 监控器


ON Semiconductor





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


电源管理 IC,监控电路,ON Semiconductor NCP301LSN09T1G-


1 Input








No Manual Reset






2 %


剪切带 (CT)




ON Semiconductor












6-TSOP(0.059",1.50mm 宽)5 引线


SOT-23-5 Thin (TSOP-5)


-40°C ~ 85°C


0.5 uA




+ 85 C


- 40 C




0.882 V






10 V


0.8 V


No Watchdog


Voltage Monitors




1 Input




Active Low, Open Drain


0.918 V


0.9 V











品牌:Analog Devices Inc.




品牌:Linear Technology/Analog Devices




品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:ON Semiconductor




品牌:Analog Devices Inc.




品牌:Texas Instruments





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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

NCP300, NCP301 Voltage Detector Series The NCP300 and NCP301 series are second generation ultra−low current voltage detectors. These devices are specifically designed for use as reset controllers in portable microprocessor based systems where extended battery life is paramount. Each series features a highly accurate undervoltage detector with www.onsemi.com hysteresis which prevents erratic system reset operation as the comparator threshold is crossed. MARKING DIAGRAM The NCP300 series consists of complementary output devices that 5 are available with either an active high or active low reset output. The TSOP−5/ NCP301 series has an open drain N−Channel output with either an 5 SOT23−5 xxx AYW(cid:2) (cid:2) active high or active low reset output. 1 CASE 483 1 The NCP300 and NCP301 device series are available in the Thin TSOP−5 package with standard undervoltage thresholds. xxx = Specific Device Code Additional thresholds that range from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV steps A = Assembly Location Y = Year can be manufactured. W = Work Week Features (cid:2) = Pb−Free Package • Quiescent Current of 0.5 (cid:2)A Typical (Note:Microdot may be in either location) • High Accuracy Undervoltage Threshold of 2.0% • Wide Operating Voltage Range of 0.8 V to 10 V PIN CONNECTIONS • Complementary or Open Drain Reset Output Reset 1 5 N.C. • Active Low or Active High Reset Output Output • Specified Over the −40°C to +125°C Temperature Range Input 2 (Except for Voltage Options from 0.9 to 1.1 V) • Ground 3 4 N.C. NCV Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q100 (Top View) Qualified and PPAP Capable • These Devices are Pb−Free and are RoHS Compliant ORDERING INFORMATION Typical Applications • Microprocessor Reset Controller See detailed ordering and shipping information in the ordering • information section on page 21 of this data sheet. Low Battery Detection • Power Fail Indicator • Battery Backup Detection NCP300xSNxxT1 NCP301xSNxxT1 Complementary Output Configuration Open Drain Output Configuration 2 2 Input Input 1 Reset Output * 1 * Reset Output Vref Vref 3 3 GND GND * The representative block diagrams depict active low reset output ‘L’ suffix devices. The comparator inputs are interchanged for the active high output ‘H’ suffix devices. This device contains 25 active transistors. Figure 1. Representative Block Diagrams © Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2016 1 Publication Order Number: October, 2017 − Rev. 30 NCP300/D

NCP300, NCP301 MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol Value Unit ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Input Power Supply Voltage (Pin 2) Vin 12 V ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Output Voltage (Pin 1) VOUT V ÁÁCÁomÁplemÁentaÁry, NÁCPÁ300ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ−Á0.3 tÁo VinÁ +0.Á3 ÁÁÁÁÁÁ N−Channel Open Drain, NCP301 −0.3 to 12 ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁOutÁÁput CÁÁurreÁÁnt (PÁÁin 1ÁÁ) (NÁÁote 2ÁÁ) ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁIOUTÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ70ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁmÁÁA ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁTheÁÁrmaÁÁl ResÁÁistanÁÁce JÁÁuncÁÁtion−ÁÁto−AÁÁir ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁR(cid:3)JAÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ250ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ°C/ÁÁW ÁÁ ÁÁÁÁMaxÁÁimuÁÁm JuÁÁnctioÁÁn TeÁÁmpeÁÁratuÁÁre ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁTJÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ+ÁÁ150ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ°CÁÁÁÁ Operating Ambient Temperature Range ÁÁAÁll VÁoltagÁe OpÁtionÁs: 0.Á9 V Áto 1.Á1 VÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁTAÁÁÁÁÁÁ−40Á to +Á85 ÁÁÁÁÁ°CÁÁ ÁÁÁÁAÁÁll VÁÁoltagÁÁe OpÁÁtionÁÁs: 1.ÁÁ2 V ÁÁto 4.ÁÁ9 VÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁTAÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ−40ÁÁ to +ÁÁ125ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ°CÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁStorÁÁageÁÁ TemÁÁperaÁÁtureÁÁ RanÁÁge ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁTstgÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ−55ÁÁ to +ÁÁ150ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ°CÁÁÁÁ ÁÁÁÁMoiÁÁstureÁÁ SenÁÁsitivÁÁity LÁÁevelÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁMSLÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ1 ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ ÁÁLatcÁhupÁ PerÁformÁanceÁ (NoÁte 3Á) ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁILÁATCHÁUP ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁmÁA Á Positive 200 ÁÁNÁegaÁtiveÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ200ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. 1. This device series contains ESD protection and exceeds the following tests: Human Body Model 2000 V per MIL−STD−883, Method 3015. Machine Model Method 200 V. 2. The maximum package power dissipation limit must not be exceeded. T (cid:3)T J(max) A P (cid:2) D R(cid:3)JA 3. Maximum ratings per JEDEC standard JESD78. www.onsemi.com 2

NCP300, NCP301 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (For all values TA = −40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit NCP300/1 − 0.9 / NCV300/1 − 0.9 (TA = 25(cid:2)C for voltage options from 0.9 to 1.1 V) Detector Threshold (Pin 2, Vin Decreasing) VDET− 0.882 0.900 0.918 V Detector Threshold Hysteresis (Pin 2, Vin Increasing) VHYS 0.027 0.045 0.063 V Supply Current (Pin 2) Iin (cid:2)A (Vin = 0.8 V) − 0.20 0.6 (Vin = 2.9 V) − 0.45 1.2 Maximum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(max) − − 10 V Minimum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(min) − 0.55 0.70 V (TA= −40°C to 85°C) − 0.65 0.80 Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.05 V, Vin = 0.70 V) 0.01 0.05 − (VOUT = 0.50 V, Vin = 0.85 V) 0.05 0.50 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 2.4 V, Vin = 4.5 V) 1.0 6.0 − Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.5 V, Vin = 1.5 V) 1.05 2.5 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 0.4 V, Vin = 0.7 V) 0.011 0.04 − (VOUT = GND, Vin = 0.8 V) 0.014 0.08 − Propagation Delay Input to Output (Figure 2) (cid:2)s Complementary Output NCP300 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 97 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − 77 300 N−Channel Open Drain NCP301 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 97 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − − 300 NCP300/1 − 1.8 / NCV300/1 − 1.8 Detector Threshold (Pin 2, Vin Decreasing) (TA= 25°C) VDET− 1.764 1.80 1.836 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) 1.746 − 1.854 Detector Threshold Hysteresis (Pin 2, Vin Increasing) VHYS 0.054 0.090 0.126 V Supply Current (Pin 2) Iin (cid:2)A (Vin = 1.7 V) − 0.23 0.7 (Vin = 3.8 V) − 0.48 1.3 Maximum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(max) − − 10 V Minimum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) (TA= 25°C) Vin(min) − 0.55 0.70 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) − 0.65 0.80 Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.05V, Vin = 0.70 V) 0.01 0.05 − (VOUT = 0.50V, Vin = 1.5 V) 1.0 2.0 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 2.4 V, Vin = 4.5 V) 1.0 6.0 − Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.5 V, Vin = 5.0 V) 6.3 11 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 0.4 V, Vin = 0.7 V) 0.011 0.04 − (VOUT = GND, Vin = 1.5 V) 0.525 0.6 − Propagation Delay Input to Output (Figure 2) (cid:2)s Complementary Output NCP300 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 73 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − 94 300 www.onsemi.com 3

NCP300, NCP301 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (For all values TA = −40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit NCP300/1 − 1.8 / NCV300/1 − 1.8 N−Channel Open Drain NCP301 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 73 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − − 300 NCP300/1 − 2.0 / NCV300/1 − 2.0 Detector Threshold (Pin 2, Vin Decreasing) (TA= 25°C) VDET− 1.96 2.00 2.04 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) 1.94 − 2.06 Detector Threshold Hysteresis (Pin 2, Vin Increasing) VHYS 0.06 0.10 0.14 V Supply Current (Pin 2) Iin (cid:2)A (Vin = 1.9 V) − 0.23 0.8 (Vin = 4.0 V) − 0.48 1.3 Maximum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(max) − − 10 V Minimum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) (TA= 25°C) Vin(min) − 0.55 0.70 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) − 0.65 0.80 Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.05V, Vin = 0.70V) 0.01 0.14 − (VOUT = 0.50V, Vin = 1.5V) 1.0 3.5 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 2.4V, Vin = 4.5V) 1.0 9.7 − Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.5 V, Vin = 5.0 V) 6.3 11 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 0.4 V, Vin = 0.7 V) 0.011 0.04 − (VOUT = GND, Vin = 1.5 V) 0.525 0.6 − Propagation Delay Input to Output (Figure 2) (cid:2)s Complementary Output NCP300 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 55 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − 108 300 N−Channel Open Drain NCP301 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 55 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − − 300 NCP300/1 − 2.2 / NCV300/1 − 2.2 Detector Threshold (Pin 2, Vin Decreasing) (TA= 25°C) VDET− 2.156 2.2 2.244 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) 2.134 − 2.266 Detector Threshold Hysteresis (Pin 2, Vin Increasing) VHYS 0.066 0.110 0.154 V Supply Current (Pin 2) Iin (cid:2)A (Vin = 2.1 V) − 0.23 0.8 (Vin = 4.2 V) − 0.48 1.3 Maximum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(max) − − 10 V Minimum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) (TA= 25°C) Vin(min) − 0.55 0.70 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) − 0.65 0.80 Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.05V, Vin = 0.70V) 0.01 0.14 − (VOUT = 0.50V, Vin = 1.5V) 1.0 3.5 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 2.4V, Vin = 4.5V) 1.0 9.7 − Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.5 V, Vin = 5.0 V) 6.3 11 − www.onsemi.com 4

NCP300, NCP301 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (For all values TA = −40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit NCP300/1 − 2.2 / NCV300/1 − 2.2 P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 0.4 V, Vin = 0.7 V) 0.011 0.04 − (VOUT = GND, Vin = 1.5 V) 0.525 0.6 − Propagation Delay Input to Output (Figure 2) (cid:2)s Complementary Output NCP300 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 55 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − 108 300 N−Channel Open Drain NCP301 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 55 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − − 300 NCP300/1− 2.7 / NCV300/1− 2.7 Detector Threshold (Pin 2, Vin Decreasing) (TA= 25°C) VDET− 2.646 2.700 2.754 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) 2.619 − 2.781 Detector Threshold Hysteresis (Pin 2, Vin Increasing) VHYS 0.081 0.135 0.189 V Supply Current (Pin 2) Iin (cid:2)A (Vin = 2.6 V) − 0.25 0.8 (Vin = 4.7 V) − 0.50 1.3 Maximum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(max) − − 10 V Minimum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) (TA= 25°C) Vin(min) − 0.55 0.70 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) − 0.65 0.80 Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.05V, Vin = 0.70V) 0.01 0.14 − (VOUT = 0.50V, Vin = 1.5V) 1.0 3.5 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 2.4V, Vin = 4.5V) 1.0 9.7 − Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.5 V, Vin = 5.0 V) 6.3 11 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 0.4 V, Vin = 0.7 V) 0.011 0.04 − (VOUT = GND, Vin = 1.5 V) 0.525 0.6 − Propagation Delay Input to Output (Figure 2) (cid:2)s Complementary Output NCP300 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 55 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − 115 300 N−Channel Open Drain NCP301 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 55 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − − 300 NCP300/1− 2.8 / NCV300/1− 2.8 Detector Threshold (Pin 2, Vin Decreasing) (TA= 25°C) VDET− 2.744 2.8 2.856 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) 2.716 − 2.884 Detector Threshold Hysteresis (Pin 2, Vin Increasing) VHYS 0.084 0.14 0.196 V Supply Current (Pin 2) Iin (cid:2)A (Vin = 2.7 V) − 0.25 0.8 (Vin = 4.8 V) − 0.5 1.3 Maximum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(max) − − 10 V Minimum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) (TA= 25°C) Vin(min) − 0.55 0.7 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) − 0.65 0.8 Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.05V, Vin = 0.70V) 0.01 0.14 − (VOUT = 0.50V, Vin = 1.5V) 1.0 3.5 − www.onsemi.com 5

NCP300, NCP301 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (For all values TA = −40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit NCP300/1− 2.8 / NCV300/1− 2.8 P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 2.4V, Vin = 4.5V) 1.0 9.7 − Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.5 V, Vin = 5.0 V) 6.3 11 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 0.4 V, Vin = 0.7 V) 0.011 0.04 − (VOUT = GND, Vin = 1.5 V) 0.525 0.6 − Propagation Delay Input to Output (Figure 2) (cid:2)s Complementary Output NCP300 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 55 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − 115 300 N−Channel Open Drain NCP301 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 55 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − − 300 NCP300/1 − 3.0 / NCV300/1 − 3.0 Detector Threshold (Pin 2, Vin Decreasing) (TA= 25°C) VDET− 2.94 3.00 3.06 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) 2.91 − 3.09 Detector Threshold Hysteresis (Pin 2, Vin Increasing) VHYS 0.09 0.15 0.21 V Supply Current (Pin 2) Iin (cid:2)A (Vin = 2.87 V) − 0.25 0.9 (Vin = 5.0 V) − 0.50 1.3 Maximum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(max) − − 10 V Minimum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) (TA= 25°C) Vin(min) − 0.55 0.70 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) − 0.65 0.80 Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.05V, Vin = 0.70V) 0.01 0.14 − (VOUT = 0.50V, Vin = 1.5V) 1.0 3.5 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 2.4V, Vin = 4.5V) 1.0 9.7 − Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.5 V, Vin = 5.0 V) 6.3 11 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 0.4 V, Vin = 0.7 V) 0.011 0.04 − (VOUT = GND, Vin = 1.5 V) 0.525 0.6 − Propagation Delay Input to Output (Figure 2) (cid:2)s Complementary Output NCP300 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 49 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − 115 300 N−Channel Open Drain NCP301 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 49 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − − 300 NCP300/1 − 4.5 / NCV300/1 − 4.5 Detector Threshold (Pin 2, Vin Decreasing) (TA= 25°C) VDET− 4.410 4.500 4.590 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) 4.365 − 4.635 Detector Threshold Hysteresis (Pin 2, Vin Increasing) VHYS 0.135 0.225 0.315 V Supply Current (Pin 2) Iin (cid:2)A (Vin = 4.34 V) − 0.33 1.0 (Vin = 6.5 V) − 0.52 1.4 Maximum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(max) − − 10 V www.onsemi.com 6

NCP300, NCP301 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (For all values TA = −40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted.) Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit NCP300/1 − 4.5 / NCV300/1 − 4.5 Minimum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) (TA= 25°C) Vin(min) − 0.55 0.70 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) − 0.65 0.80 Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.05V, Vin = 0.70V) 0.01 0.05 − (VOUT = 0.50V, Vin = 1.5V) 1.0 2.0 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 5.9V, Vin = 8.0V) 1.5 10.5 − Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.5 V, Vin = 5.0 V) 6.3 11 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 0.4 V, Vin = 0.7 V) 0.011 0.04 − (VOUT = GND, Vin = 1.5 V) 0.525 0.6 − Propagation Delay Input to Output (Figure 2) (cid:2)s Complementary Output NCP300 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 49 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − 130 300 N−Channel Open Drain NCP301 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 49 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − − 300 NCP300/1 − 4.7 / NCV300/1 − 4.7 Detector Threshold (Pin 2, Vin Decreasing) (TA= 25°C) VDET− 4.606 4.700 4.794 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) 4.559 − 4.841 Detector Threshold Hysteresis (Pin 2, Vin Increasing) VHYS 0.141 0.235 0.329 V Supply Current (Pin 2) Iin (cid:2)A (Vin = 4.54 V) − 0.34 1.0 (Vin = 6.7 V) − 0.53 1.4 Maximum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) Vin(max) − − 10 V Minimum Operating Voltage (Pin 2) (TA= 25°C) Vin(min) − 0.55 0.70 V (TA= −40°C to 125°C) − 0.65 0.80 Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.05V, Vin = 0.70V) 0.01 0.05 − (VOUT = 0.50V, Vin = 1.5V) 1.0 2.0 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 5.9V, Vin = 8.0V) 1.5 10.5 − Reset Output Current (Pin 1, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices) IOUT mA N−Channel Sink Current, NCP300, NCP301 (VOUT = 0.5 V, Vin = 5.0 V) 6.3 11 − P−Channel Source Current, NCP300 (VOUT = 0.4 V, Vin = 0.7 V) 0.011 0.04 − (VOUT = GND, Vin = 1.5 V) 0.525 0.6 − Propagation Delay Input to Output (Figure 2) (cid:2)s Complementary Output NCP300 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 45 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − 130 300 N−Channel Open Drain NCP301 Series Output Transition, High to Low tpHL − 45 − Output Transition, Low to High tpLH − − 300 Product parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions. www.onsemi.com 7

NCP300, NCP301 VDET+ + 2 Input Voltage, Pin 2 0.7 0 V 5 V Reset Output Voltage, Pin 1 2.5 V NCP301L Open Drain 0.5 V 0 V VDET+ + 2 Reset Output Voltage, Pin 1 VDET+ + 2 NCP300L 2 Complementary 0.1 V 0 V tpLH tpHL NCP300 and NCP301 series are measured with a 10 pF capacitive load. NCP301 has an additional 470 k pull−up resistor connec- ted from the reset output to +5.0 V. The reset output voltage waveforms are shown for the active low ‘L’ devices. The upper detector threshold, VDET+ is the sum of the lower detector threshold, VDET− plus the input hysteresis, VHYS. Figure 2. Propagation Delay Measurement Conditions www.onsemi.com 8

NCP300, NCP301 Table 1. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC TABLE FOR 0.9 − 4.9 V Supply Current Nch Sink Current Detector Threshold Pch Source NCP300 Series Detector Threshold Hysteresis Vin Low Vin High Vin Low Vin High Current Iin ((cid:2)A) Iin ((cid:2)A) IOUT (mA) IOUT (mA) IOUT (mA) VDET− (V) (Note 4) VHYS (V) (Note 5) (Note 6) (Note 7) (Note 8) (Note 9) Part Number Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Typ Typ Typ Typ Typ NCP300LSN09T1 0.882 0.9 0.918 0.027 0.045 0.063 0.20 0.45 0.05 0.5 2.0 NCP300LSN18T1 1.764 1.8 1.836 0.054 0.090 0.126 0.23 0.48 NCP300LSN185T1 1.813 1.85 1.887 0.056 0.093 0.130 NCP300LSN20T1 1.960 2.0 2.040 0.060 0.100 0.140 NCP300LSN25T1 2.45 2.5 2.55 0.075 0.125 0.175 0.25 0.50 NCP300LSN27T1 2.646 2.7 2.754 0.081 0.135 0.189 0.25 0.50 NCP300LSN28T1 2.744 2.8 2.856 0.084 0.140 0.196 NCP300LSN30T1 2.940 3.0 3.060 0.090 0.150 0.210 NCP300LSN33T1 3.234 3.3 3.366 0.099 0.165 0.231 NCP300LSN34T1 3.332 3.4 3.468 0.102 0.170 0.238 NCP300LSN44T1 4.312 4.4 4.488 0.132 0.220 0.308 NCP300LSN45T1 4.410 4.5 4.590 0.135 0.225 0.315 0.33 0.52 NCP300LSN46T1 4.508 4.6 4.692 0.138 0.230 0.322 NCP300LSN47T1 4.606 4.7 4.794 0.141 0.235 0.329 0.34 0.53 4. Values shown apply at +25°C only. For voltage options greater than 1.1 V, VDET− limits over operating temperature range (−40°C to +125°C) are VNOM ±3%. For voltage options < 1.2 V, VDET− is guaranteed only at +25°C. 5. Condition 1: 0.9 − 2.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.10 V; 3.0 − 3.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.13 V; 4.0 − 4.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.16 V 6. Condition 2: 0.9 − 4.9 V, Vin = VDET− + 2.0 V 7. Condition 3: 0.9 − 4.9 V, Vin = 0.7 V, VOUT = 0.05 V, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices 8. Condition 4: 0.9 − 1.0 V, Vin = 0.85 V, VOUT = 0.5 V; 1.1 − 1.5 V, Vin = 1.0 V, VOUT = 0.5 V; 1.6 − 4.9 V, Vin = 1.5 V, VOUT = 0.5 V, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices 9. Condition 5: 0.9 − 3.9 V, Vin = 4.5 V, VOUT = 2.4 V; 4.0 − 4.9 V, Vin = 8.0 V, VOUT = 5.9 V, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices Table 2. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC TABLE FOR 0.9 − 4.9 V Supply Current Pch Source Current Detector Threshold Nch Sink NCP300 Series Detector Threshold Hysteresis Vin Low Vin High Current Vin Low Vin High Iin ((cid:2)A) Iin ((cid:2)A) IOUT (mA) IOUT (mA) IOUT (mA) VDET− (V) (Note 10) VHYS (V) (Note 11) (Note 12) (Note 13) (Note 14) (Note 15) Part Number Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Typ Typ Typ Typ Typ NCP300HSN09T1 0.882 0.9 0.918 0.027 0.045 0.063 0.20 0.45 2.5 0.04 0.08 NCP300HSN18T1 1.764 1.8 1.836 0.054 0.090 0.126 0.23 0.48 NCP300HSN27T1 2.646 2.7 2.754 0.081 0.135 0.189 0.25 0.50 NCP300HSN30T1 2.940 3.0 3.060 0.090 0.150 0.210 NCP300HSN45T1 4.410 4.5 4.590 0.135 0.225 0.315 0.33 0.52 NCP300HSN47T1 4.606 4.7 4.794 0.141 0.235 0.329 0.34 0.53 10.Values shown apply at +25°C only. For voltage options greater than 1.1 V, VDET− limits over operating temperature range (−40°C to +125°C) are VNOM ±3%. For voltage options < 1.2 V, VDET− is guaranteed only at +25°C. 11.Condition 1: 0.9 − 2.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.10 V; 3.0 − 3.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.13 V; 4.0 − 4.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.16 V 12.Condition 2: 0.9 − 4.9 V, Vin = VDET− + 2.0 V 13.Condition 3: 0.9 − 1.4 V, Vin = 1.5 V, VOUT = 0.5 V; 1.5 − 4.9 V, Vin = 5.0 V, VOUT = 0.5 V, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices 14.Condition 4: 0.9 − 4.9 V, Vin = 0.7 V, VOUT = 0.4 V, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices 15.Condition 5: 0.9 − 1.0 V, Vin = 0.8 V, VOUT = GND; 1.1 − 1.5 V, Vin = 1.0 V, VOUT = GND; 1.6 − 4.9 V, Vin = 1.5 V, VOUT = GND, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices www.onsemi.com 9

NCP300, NCP301 Table 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC TABLE FOR 0.9 − 4.9 V Supply Current Nch Sink Current Detector Threshold NCP301 Series Detector Threshold Hysteresis Vin Low Vin High Vin Low Vin High Iin ((cid:2)A) Iin ((cid:2)A) IOUT (mA) IOUT (mA) VDET− (V) (Note 16) VHYS (V) (Note 16) (Note 18) (Note 19) (Note 20) Part Number Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Typ Typ Typ Typ NCP301LSN09T1 0.882 0.9 0.918 0.027 0.045 0.063 0.20 0.45 0.05 0.5 NCP301LSN12T1 1.176 1.2 1.224 0.036 0.060 0.084 NCP301LSN16T1 1.568 1.6 1.632 0.048 0.080 0.112 2.0 NCP301LSN18T1 1.764 1.8 1.836 0.054 0.090 0.126 0.23 0.48 NCP301LSN20T1 1.960 2.0 2.040 0.060 0.100 0.140 NCP301LSN22T1 2.156 2.2 2.244 0.066 0.110 0.154 NCP301LSN24T1 2.352 2.4 2.448 0.072 0.120 0.168 NCP301LSN25T1 2.450 2.5 2.550 0.075 0.125 0.175 NCP301LSN26T1 2.548 2.6 2.652 0.078 0.130 0.182 NCP301LSN27T1 2.646 2.7 2.754 0.081 0.135 0.189 0.25 0.50 NCP301LSN28T1 2.744 2.8 2.856 0.084 0.140 0.196 NCP301LSN30T1 2.940 3.0 3.060 0.090 0.150 0.210 NCP301LSN31T1 3.038 3.1 3.162 0.093 0.155 0.217 NCP301LSN32T1 3.136 3.2 3.264 0.096 0.160 0.224 NCP301LSN33T1 3.234 3.3 3.366 0.099 0.165 0.231 NCP301LSN34T1 3.332 3.4 3.468 0.102 0.170 0.238 NCP301LSN36T1 3.528 3.6 3.672 0.108 0.180 0.252 NCP301LSN40T1 3.920 4.0 4.080 0.120 0.200 0.280 NCP301LSN42T1 4.116 4.2 4.284 0.126 0.210 0.294 NCP301LSN45T1 4.410 4.5 4.590 0.135 0.225 0.315 0.33 0.52 NCP301LSN46T1 4.508 4.6 4.692 0.138 0.230 0.322 NCP301LSN47T1 4.606 4.7 4.794 0.141 0.235 0.329 0.34 0.53 16.Values shown apply at +25°C only. For voltage options greater than 1.1 V, VDET− limits over operating temperature range (−40°C to +125°C) are VNOM ±3%. For voltage options < 1.2 V, VDET− is guaranteed only at +25°C. 17.Condition 1: 0.9 − 2.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.10 V; 3.0 − 3.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.13 V; 4.0 − 4.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.16 V 18.Condition 2: 0.9 − 4.9 V, Vin = VDET− + 2.0 V 19.Condition 3: 0.9 − 4.9 V, Vin = 0.7 V, VOUT = 0.05 V, Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices 20.Condition 4: 0.9 − 1.0 V, Vin = 0.85 V, VOUT = 0.5 V; 1.1 − 1.5 V, Vin = 1.0 V, VOUT = 0.5 V; 1.6 − 4.9 V, Vin = 1.5 V, VOUT = 0.5 V, Condition 4: Active Low ‘L’ Suffix Devices Table 4. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTIC TABLE FOR 0.9 − 4.9 V Supply Current Detector Threshold Nch NCP301 Series Detector Threshold Hysteresis Vin Low Vin High Sink Current Iin ((cid:2)A) Iin ((cid:2)A) IOUT (mA) VDET− (V) (Note 21) VHYS (V) (Note 22) (Note 23) (Note 24) Part Number Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Typ Typ Typ NCP301HSN09T1 0.882 0.9 0.918 0.027 0.045 0.063 0.20 0.45 2.5 NCP301HSN18T1 1.764 1.8 1.836 0.054 0.090 0.126 NCP301HSN22T1 2.156 2.2 2.244 0.066 0.110 0.154 NCP301HSN27T1 2.646 2.7 2.754 0.081 0.135 0.189 0.25 0.50 NCP301HSN30T1 2.940 3.0 3.060 0.090 0.150 0.210 NCP301HSN45T1 4.410 4.5 4.590 0.135 0.225 0.315 0.33 0.52 21.Values shown apply at +25°C only. For voltage options greater than 1.1 V, VDET− limits over operating temperature range (−40°C to +125°C) are VNOM ±3%. For voltage options < 1.2 V, VDET− is guaranteed only at +25°C. 22.Condition 1: 0.9 − 2.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.10 V; 3.0 − 3.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.13 V; 4.0 − 4.9 V, Vin = VDET− − 0.16 V 23.Condition 2: 0.9 − 4.9 V, Vin = VDET− + 2.0 V 24.Condition 3: 0.9 − 1.4 V, Vin = 1.5 V, VOUT = 0.5 V; 1.5 − 4.9 V, Vin = 5.0 V, VOUT = 0.5 V, Active High ‘H’ Suffix Devices www.onsemi.com 10

NCP300, NCP301 1.0 10.5 0.9 TA = 25°C TA = 25°C 2.5 (cid:2)A) 0.8 A) NT ( 0.7 (cid:2)T ( 2.0 RE 0.6 EN R R U 0.5 R 1.5 C U UT 0.4 T C P U 1.0 N 0.3 P I, Iin 0.2 I, INin 0.5 0.1 0 0 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 12 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 12 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 3. NCP300/1 Series 0.9 V Figure 4. NCP300/1 Series 2.7 V Input Current versus Input Voltage Input Current versus Input Voltage 17.2 V) 1.00 TA = 25°C E ( G 2.5 A A) LT 0.95 (cid:2)NT ( 2.0 D VO VDET+ E L R O UR 1.5 SH 0.90 C E T HR VDET− U 1.0 T I, INPin 0.5 CTOR 0.85 E T E 0 D 0.80 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 12 , T −50 −25 0 25 50 75 100 E D Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) V TA, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (°C) Figure 5. NCP300/1 Series 4.5 V Figure 6. NCP300/1 Series 0.9 V Input Current versus Input Voltage Detector Threshold Voltage versus Temperature V)2.90 V) 4.9 E ( E ( G G D VOLTA22..8805 VDET+ D VOLTA 44..87 VDET+ OL OL H H S2.75 S 4.6 E E R R H H OR T2.70 OR T 4.5 VDET− ECT2.65 VDET− ECT 4.4 ET ET D D V, DET2.60−50 −25 TA, A0MBIEN2T5 TEMP5E0RATUR75E (°C)100 125 V, DET 4.−350 −25 TA, A0MBIEN2T5 TEMPE50RATUR7E5 (°C)100 125 Figure 7. NCP300/1 Series 2.7 V Figure 8. NCP300/1 Series 4.5 V Detector Threshold Voltage versus Temperature Detector Threshold Voltage versus Temperature www.onsemi.com 11

NCP300, NCP301 1.0 3.5 3.0 V) V) E ( 0.8 E ( G G 2.5 A A T T OL 0.6 OL 2.0 V V T T PU 0.4 TA = −40°C (301L only) PU 1.5 T T U U O O 1.0 TA = 125°C (301L only) , OUT 0.2 TA = 25°C (301L only) , OUT TA = −40°C (301L only) V V 0.5 TA = 25°C (301L only) 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 9. NCP300L/1L Series 0.9 V Figure 10. NCP300L/1L Series 2.7 V Reset Output Voltage versus Input Voltage Reset Output Voltage versus Input Voltage 6.0 1.6 A) VOUT = 0.5 V m 1.4 E (V) 5.0 NT ( 1.2 TA = −40°C G E A 4.0 R T R 1.0 L U O C T V 3.0 NK 0.8 TPU TA = −40°C (301L only) T SI 0.6 U 2.0 U V, OOUT 1.0 TA = 25°C (301L only) , OUTPT 00..42 TA = 25°C TA = 85°C U O 0 I 0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 11. NCP300L/1L Series 4.5 V Figure 12. NCP300H/1L Series 0.9 V Reset Output Voltage versus Input Voltage Reset Output Sink Current versus Input Voltage 12 20 A) VOUT = 0.5 V A) VOUT = 0.5 V m m NT ( 10 TA = −40°C NT ( 15 TA = −40°C E E R 8.0 R R R U U C C SINK 6.0 TA = 25°C SINK 10 TA = 25°C T T U 4.0 U TP TA = 125°C TP 5.0 TA = 125°C U U O 2.0 O , T , T U U O O I 0 I 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 13. NCP300H/1L Series 2.7 V Figure 14. NCP300H/1L Series 4.5 V Reset Output Sink Current versus Input Voltage Reset Output Sink Current versus Input Voltage www.onsemi.com 12

NCP300, NCP301 20 20 NT (mA) TA = 25°C VOUT = Vin −2.1 V T (mA) TA = 25°C VOUT = Vin −2.1 V RE 15 EN 15 Vin −1.5 V R R U R C U RCE 10 Vin −1.5 V CE C 10 Vin −1.0 V U R SO Vin −1.0 V OU PUT 5.0 UT S 5.0 Vin −0.5 V UT Vin −0.5 V TP O U , OUT 0 , OUT 0 I 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 IO 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 15. NCP300L Series 0.9 V Figure 16. NCP300L Series 2.7 V Reset Output Source Current versus Input Voltage Reset Output Source Current versus Input Voltage 20 1.5 NT (mA) TA = 25°C VOUT = Vin −2.1 V T (mA) TA = 25°C E 15 N R E UR RR 1.0 Vin = 0.85 V C U CE 10 Vin −1.5 V K C R N U SI T SO Vin −1.0 V PUT 0.5 Vin = 0.7 V U 5.0 T P U OUT Vin −0.5 V , OUT , UT 0 IO 0 O I 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Vin, INPUT VOLTAGE (V) VOUT, OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 17. NCP300L Series 4.5 V Figure 18. NCP300H/1L Series 0.9 V Reset Output Source Current versus Input Voltage Reset Output Sink Current versus Output Voltage 15 35 mA) TA = 25°C Vin = 2.5 V mA) 30 TA = 25°C T ( T ( Vin = 4.0 V N N E E 25 RR 10 RR Vin = 3.5 V U U NK C Vin = 2.0 V NK C 20 Vin = 3.0 V SI SI 15 T T U 5.0 U Vin = 2.5 V P P 10 OUT Vin = 1.5 V OUT Vin = 2.0 V , OUT , OUT 5.0 Vin = 1.5 V I 0 I 0 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 VOUT, OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) VOUT, OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V) Figure 19. NCP300H/1L Series 2.7 V Figure 20. NCP300H/1L Series 4.5 V Reset Output Sink Current versus Output Voltage Reset Output Sink Current versus Output Voltage www.onsemi.com 13

NCP300, NCP301 OPERATING DESCRIPTION high state for active high devices. After completion of the The NCP300 and NCP301 series devices are second power interruption, V will again return to its nominal level in generation ultra−low current voltage detectors. Figures 20 and become greater than the V . The voltage detector DET+ and 21 show a timing diagram and a typical application. has built−in hysteresis to prevent erratic reset operation as Initially consider that input voltage V is at a nominal level the comparator threshold is crossed. in and it is greater than the voltage detector upper threshold Although these device series are specifically designed for (V ), and the reset output (Pin 1) will be in the high state use as reset controllers in portable microprocessor based DET+ for active low devices, or in the low state for active high systems, they offer a cost−effective solution in numerous devices. If there is a power interruption and V becomes applications where precise voltage monitoring is required. in significantly deficient, it will fall below the lower detector Figure 26 through Figure 33 shows various application threshold (V ). This sequence of events causes the Reset examples. DET− output to be in the low state for active low devices, or in the Vin Input Voltage, Pin 2 VDET+ VDET− Vin Reset Output (Active Low), Pin 1 VDET+ VDET− 0 V Vin Reset Output (Active High), Pin 1 VDET+ VDET− 0 V Figure 21. Timing Waveforms www.onsemi.com 14

NCP300, NCP301 V TRANSIENT REJECTION FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR VOLTAGE CC The NCP300 and NCP301 series provides accurate V OPTION SELECTION CC monitoring and reset timing during power−up, The following hysteresis graph depicts V DET−_min/max power−down, and brownout/sag conditions, and rejects and V for an active low Reset device: DET+_min/max negative glitches on the power supply line. Figure 22 shows the maximum transient duration vs. maximum negative Output excursion (overdrive) for glitch rejection. Any combination VDET−_typ of duration and overdrive which lies under the curve will not generate a reset signal. A below−V condition (on the CC right) is detected as a brownout or power−down. Typically, any transient that goes 100 mV below the reset threshold and lasts 5.0 (cid:2)s or less will not cause a reset pulse. VDET−_min VDET−_max VDET+_min VDET+_max Transient immunity can be improved by adding a capacitor in close proximity to the V pin of the NCP30x. CC Input VCC VDET+_min = VDET−_min + VHYS_min VTH VDET+_max = VDET−_max + VHYS_max Overdrive Figure 24. For selecting a voltage option in the NCP30X family, Duration three major factors should be considered: 1.V : Maximum detector threshold voltage DET+_max Figure 22. Max Transient Duration vs. Max Overdrive for increasing V for the NCP30X device. in 2.V : Minimum voltage output of the power in_min supply. This is also the input voltage to the 300 NCP30X device. 3.V : Minimum power supply voltage 250 CC_min N specification for the device that is protected by the O TI200 NCP30X. RA The VDET+_max for an NCP30X device is normally DU VTH = 4.90 V calculated as follows: T 150 EN VTH = 3.10 V VDET+_max(cid:2)VDET−_max(cid:4)VHYS_max (eq. 1) NSI100 VTH = 1.60 V Where: A R V = Maximum detector threshold voltage for T DET−_max 50 decreasing Vin V = Maximum detector threshold hysteresis 0 HYS_max The above two parameters can be obtained directly from 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 RESET COMPARATOR OVERDRIVE the data sheet to figure out the VDET+_max. In the NCP30X family, for a given V , which is the DET−_typ Figure 23. typical detection voltage reflected in the part number, the threshold values are designed to the following targets (at 25°C): VDET−_min(cid:2)VDET−_typ(cid:3)2% (eq. 2) V (cid:2)V (cid:4)2% (eq. 3) DET−_max DET−_typ VHYS_typ(cid:2)5%ofVDET−_typ (eq. 4) VHYS_min(cid:2)VHYS_typ(cid:3)40% (eq. 5) V (cid:2)V (cid:4)40% HYS_max HYS_typ (eq. 6) By simple mathematical calculation, combining Equations 2 to 6, Equation 1 becomes: VDET+_max(cid:2)VDET−_typ(cid:5)1.09 (eq. 7) www.onsemi.com 15

NCP300, NCP301 So, V can be easily figured out just using a single PROPAGATION DELAY VARIATION DET+_max variable V . On the other hand (see above paragraph), a minimum DET−_typ For example, for NCP300LSN18T1G VDET−_typ = 1.8 V; overdrive value from Vthreshold to VCC must be respected. That means V (minimum value of V ) must be higher then in CC enough than V (V + hysteresis) at the risk of VDET+_max(cid:2)1.8(cid:5)1.09(cid:2)1.962V (eq. 8) significantly incDreEaTs+ing pDrEoTp−agation delay. (Figure 25) This The NCP30X detection voltage option must be chosen such propagation delay is temperature sensitive. that: To avoid acceptable time response, a minimum 100 mV difference between V and V must be selected. V (cid:6)V (cid:6)V in DET+ CC_min DET+_max in_min (eq. 9) The significance of VCC_min < VDET+_max is that it makes VDET+ sure the the reset from NCP30X remains asserted (in RESET 600 hold state) till after the power supply exceeds the V CC_min requirement; this prevents incorrect device (uP) initiation. 500 Having V < V makes sure that the DET+_max in_min NCP30X is able to start up when V is at the V . s) in in_min (cid:2) 400 The theoretical ideal VDET−_typ voltage option to be AY ( selected by the user, V , can be given by the L DET−_typ_ideal E300 following formula: E D tpLH (cid:7) (cid:8) M V (cid:4)V TI200 VDET−_typ_ideal(cid:2) in_(m2in(cid:5)1.0C9C)_min (eq. 10) tpHL 100 The following example shows how to select the device 0 voltage option in a real world application. 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 1.Power supply output specification: 3.3 V (cid:9)3% 3.168 2.Microprocessor core voltage specification: 3.3 V Vin, PULSE HIGH INPUT VOLTAGE (V) (cid:9)5% Figure 25. t and t vs. Input Voltage So, we have: pLH pHL for the NCP301SNT1 V (cid:2)3.3V(cid:3)3%(cid:2)3.201V (eq. 11) in_min V (cid:2)3.3V(cid:3)5%(cid:2)3.135V (eq. 12) CC_min Then the ideal voltage option = (3.201 + 3.135) / (2 * 1.09) = 2.9064 V Therefore, a device voltage option of 2.9 V will be the right choice. www.onsemi.com 16

NCP300, NCP301 APPLICATION CIRCUIT INFORMATION VDD VDD 2 Input * NCP300 1 Microprocessor Series Reset Output Reset * 3 GND Required for GND NCP301 Figure 26. Microprocessor Reset Circuit 2.85 V 2.70 V Vin < 2.7 ON 2 Input NCP300 1 To Additional Circuitry LSN27T1 Reset Output Vin > 2.835 ON 3 GND Figure 27. Battery Charge Indicator Vsupply 10 V Fault Active High 2 Input Device Thresholds Active Low UV 1 Device Thresholds NCP301 LSN23T1 Reset Output 1.0 V UV OV OV UV Fault OK Fault Fault OK Fault 3 GND Input The above circuit combines an active high and an active low reset output device to form 2 Input a window detector for monitoring battery or power supply voltages. When the input voltage falls outside of the window established by the upper and lower device OV 1 Output thresholds, the LED will turn on indicating a fault. As the input voltage falls within the NCP301 window, increasing from 1.0 V and exceeding the active low device’s hysteresis HSN43T1 Reset Output threshold, or decreasing from the peak towards 1.0 V and falling below the active high device’s undervoltage threshold, the LED will turn off. The device thresholds shown can be used for a single cell lithium−ion battery charge detector. 3 GND Figure 28. Window Voltage Detector www.onsemi.com 17

NCP300, NCP301 APPLICATION CIRCUIT INFORMATION Vsupply 5.0 V 2 Input 1 NCP301 LSN45T1 Reset Output 3 GND 3.3 V 2 Input 1 NCP301 Low state output if either power LSN30T1 Reset Output supply is below the respective undervoltage detector threshold 3 GND but greater than 1.0 V. Figure 29. Dual Power Supply Undervoltage Supervision VDD RH 2 Input VDD RL 1 NNNCCCPPP333000111 Microprocessor LLLSSSNNN222777TTT111 Reset Output Reset 3 GND GND Figure 30. Microprocessor Reset Circuit with Additional Hysteresis Comparator hysteresis can be increased with the addition of Test Data resistor RH. The hysteresis equations have been simplified and do not account for the change of input current Iin as Vin crosses Vth Decreasing Vth Increasing VHYS RH RL the comparator threshold. The internal resistance, Rin is simply ÁÁÁ(VÁ) ÁÁÁÁÁ(VÁ) ÁÁÁÁ(V) ÁÁ(Á(cid:3)) ÁÁ(kÁ(cid:3)) calculated using Iin = 0.26 (cid:2)A at 2.6 V. ÁÁÁ2.Á70 ÁÁÁÁÁ2.8Á4 ÁÁÁ0Á.135ÁÁÁ0 ÁÁ−Á Vin Decreasing: 2.70 2.87 0.17 100 10 (cid:7) (cid:8) ÁÁÁ2.Á70 ÁÁÁÁÁ2.8Á8 ÁÁÁ0Á.18ÁÁ1Á00 ÁÁ6Á.8 Vth(cid:2) RRiHn(cid:4)1 (cid:7)VDET(cid:3)(cid:8) ÁÁÁ22..Á7700 ÁÁÁÁÁ22..99Á10 ÁÁÁ00Á..2210ÁÁ12Á0200 ÁÁ41Á.03 ÁÁÁ2.Á70 ÁÁÁÁÁ2.9Á4 ÁÁÁ0Á.24ÁÁ2Á20 ÁÁ6Á.8 V Increasing: in 2.70 2.98 0.28 220 4.3 (cid:7) (cid:8) ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ 2.70 2.97 0.27 470 10 V (cid:2) RH (cid:4)1 (cid:7)V (cid:4)V (cid:8) ÁÁÁ2.Á70 ÁÁÁÁÁ3.0Á4 ÁÁÁ0Á.34ÁÁ4Á70 ÁÁ6Á.8 th Rin(cid:10)RL DET(cid:3) HYS ÁÁÁ2.Á70 ÁÁÁÁÁ3.1Á5 ÁÁÁ0Á.45ÁÁ4Á70 ÁÁ4Á.3 V = V Increasing − V Decreasing HYS in in www.onsemi.com 18

NCP300, NCP301 5.0 V Test Data R2 = 82 k(cid:4) R2 = 8.2 k(cid:4) R1 = 100 k(cid:4) C (nF) fOSC (kHz) IQ ((cid:2)A) fOSC (kHz) IQ ((cid:2)A) 0.01 10.4 18 6.0 30 0.068 9.8 18 5.7 30 2 Input R2 (See table) 1.0 6.18 21 3.6 29 1 C NNNCCCPPP333000110 10 1.41 21 1.34 25 HLLSSSNNN222777TTT111 Reset Output 100 0.27 22 0.356 23 3 GND 1000 0.045 22 0.077 22 Table values are for information only. Figure 31. Simple Clock Oscillator Vsupply This circuit monitors the current at the load. As current flows through the load, a voltage drop with Load respect to ground appears across Rsense where VDD Vsense = Iload * Rsense. The following conditions apply: If: Then: Rsense 2 Input 50 k IILLooaadd (cid:6)(cid:11) V(VDDEETT−−/+RVseHnYsSe)/Rsense RReesseett OOuuttppuutt == 0V DVD 1 NNNCCCPPP333000111 Microcontroller LLLSSSNNN220779TTT111 Reset Output 3 GND GND Figure 32. Microcontroller System Load Sensing www.onsemi.com 19

NCP300, NCP301 Vsupply 2 Input 1 NNNCCCPPP333000111 LLLSSSNNN224775TTT111 Reset Output 3 GND 2 Input 1 NNNCCCPPP333000111 LLLSSSNNN222777TTT111 Reset Output 3 GND Vin = 1.0 V to 10 V 2 Input 1 NNNCCCPPP333000111 LLLSSSNNN221778TTT111 Reset Output 3 GND A simple voltage monitor can be constructed by connecting several voltage detectors as shown above. Each LED will sequentially turn on when the respective voltage detector threshold (VDET− +VHYS) is exceeded. Note that detector thresholds (VDET−) that range from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV steps can be manufactured. Figure 33. LED Bar Graph Voltage Monitor www.onsemi.com 20

NCP300, NCP301 ORDERING INFORMATION Device Threshold Voltage Output Type Reset Marking Package Shipping† NCP300LSN09T1G 0.9 SEJ TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN18T1G 1.8 SFK TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN185T1G 1.85 SRA TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN20T1G 2.0 SHE TSOP−5 NCV300LSN20T1G* SIM (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN25T1G 2.5 TSOP−5 RUM (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN27T1G 2.7 SEE TSOP−5 NCV300LSN27T1G* SIW (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN28T1G 2.8 SED TSOP−5 NCV300LSN28T1G* Active SSL (Pb−Free) 3000 / Tape & Reel CMOS NCP300LSN30T1G 3.0 Low SEC TSOP−5 (7 in. Reel) NCV300LSN30T1G* SQV (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN33T1G 3.3 SKV TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN34T1G 3.4 SKU TSOP−5 NCV300LSN36T1G* 3.6 SKS (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN44T1G 4.4 SKK TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN45T1G 4.5 SEA TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN46T1G 4.6 SKJ TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300LSN47T1G 4.7 SDZ TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300HSN09T1G 0.9 SDY TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300HSN18T1G 1.8 SFJ TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300HSN27T1G 2.7 SDU TSOP−5 Active (Pb−Free) 3000 / Tape & Reel CMOS NCP300HSN30T1G 3.0 High SDS TSOP−5 (7 in. Reel) (Pb−Free) NCP300HSN45T1G 4.5 SDQ TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP300HSN47T1G 4.7 SDP TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NOTE: The ordering information lists standard undervoltage thresholds with active low outputs. Additional active low threshold devices, ranging from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV increments and NCP300/NCP301 active high output devices, ranging from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV increments can be manufactured. Contact your ON Semiconductor representative for availability. The electrical characteristics of these additional devices are shown in Tables 1 through 4. †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Spe- cifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. *NCV prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q100 Qualified and PPAP Capable. NCVxxx: Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = +125°C. Guaranteed by design. www.onsemi.com 21

NCP300, NCP301 ORDERING INFORMATION Device Threshold Voltage Output Type Reset Marking Package Shipping† NCP301LSN09T1G 0.9 SFF TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN12T1G 1.2 SNN TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCV301LSN12T1* SRK TSOP−5 NCV301LSN12T1G* TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN16T1G 1.6 SNJ TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCV301LSN16T1* SRL TSOP−5 NCV301LSN16T1G* TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN18T1G 1.8 SFN TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN18T2G DT2 TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN20T1G 2.0 SFD TSOP−5 NCV301LSN20T1G* SRM (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN22T1G 2.2 SNG TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCV301LSN22T1* SUA TSOP−5 NCV301LSN22T1G* TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN24T1G 2.4 TAN TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) Open Active 3000 / Tape & Reel NCP301LSN25T1G 2.5 Drain Low SNF TSOP−5 (7 in. Reel) (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN25T2G ET2 TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCV301LSN25T1G* SRN TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN26T1G 2.6 SNE TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN27T1G 2.7 SFA TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN27T2G FT2 TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN28T1G 2.8 SEZ TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCV301LSN28T1G* SRO TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN30T1G 3.0 SEY TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN30T2G GT2 TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCV301LSN30T1G* AJA TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN31T1G 3.1 SEW TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN32T1G 3.2 SNC TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NOTE: The ordering information lists standard undervoltage thresholds with active low outputs. Additional active low threshold devices, ranging from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV increments and NCP300/NCP301 active high output devices, ranging from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV increments can be manufactured. Contact your ON Semiconductor representative for availability. The electrical characteristics of these additional devices are shown in Tables 1 through 4. †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Spe- cifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. *NCV prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q100 Qualified and PPAP Capable. NCVxxx: Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = +125°C. Guaranteed by design. www.onsemi.com 22

NCP300, NCP301 ORDERING INFORMATION Device Threshold Voltage Output Type Reset Marking Package Shipping† NCP301LSN33T1G 3.3 SNB TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCV301LSN33T1G* ACG TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN34T1G 3.4 SNA TSOP−5 NCP301LSN36T1G 3.6 SMY (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN39T1G 3.9 SNA NCP301LSN40T1G 4.0 SMU TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCV301LSN40T1* Open Active SRP TSOP−5 3000 / Tape & Reel NCV301LSN40T1G* Drain Low TSOP−5 (7 in. Reel) (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN42T1G 4.2 SMS TSOP−5 NCV301LSN42T1G* ACR (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN45T1G 4.5 SEV TSOP−5 NCV301LSN45T1G* SRQ (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN46T1G 4.6 SMP TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301LSN47T1G 4.7 SEU TSOP−5 NCV301LSN47T1G* SSJ (Pb−Free) NOTE: The ordering information lists standard undervoltage thresholds with active low outputs. Additional active low threshold devices, ranging from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV increments and NCP300/NCP301 active high output devices, ranging from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV increments can be manufactured. Contact your ON Semiconductor representative for availability. The electrical characteristics of these additional devices are shown in Tables 1 through 4. †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Spe- cifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. *NCV prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q100 Qualified and PPAP Capable. NCVxxx: Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = +125°C. Guaranteed by design. www.onsemi.com 23

NCP300, NCP301 ORDERING INFORMATION Device Threshold Voltage Output Type Reset Marking Package Shipping† NCP301HSN09T1G 0.9 SET TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301HSN18T1G 1.8 SFM TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301HSN22T1G 2.2 SMD TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) Open Active 3000 / Tape & Reel NCP301HSN27T1G 2.7 Drain High SEP TSOP−5 (7 in. Reel) (Pb−Free) NCV301HSN27T1G* SUD NCP301HSN30T1G 3.0 SEN TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NCP301HSN45T1G 4.5 SEL TSOP−5 (Pb−Free) NOTE: The ordering information lists standard undervoltage thresholds with active low outputs. Additional active low threshold devices, ranging from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV increments and NCP300/NCP301 active high output devices, ranging from 0.9 V to 4.9 V in 100 mV increments can be manufactured. Contact your ON Semiconductor representative for availability. The electrical characteristics of these additional devices are shown in Tables 1 through 4. †For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Spe- cifications Brochure, BRD8011/D. *NCV prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q100 Qualified and PPAP Capable. NCVxxx: Tlow = −40°C, Thigh = +125°C. Guaranteed by design. www.onsemi.com 24

NCP300, NCP301 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS TSOP−5 (SOT−23−5/SC59−5) CASE 483 ISSUE M NOTES: 1. DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ASME NOTE 5 D5X Y14.5M, 1994. 2. CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETERS. 0.20 C A B 3. MAXIMUM LEAD THICKNESS INCLUDES LEAD FINISH 2X 0.10 T THICKNESS. MINIMUM LEAD THICKNESS IS THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF BASE MATERIAL. M 4. DIMENSIONS A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD 2X 0.20 T B 5 4 S FFLLAASSHH,, PPRROOTTRRUUSSIIOONNSS,, OORR GGAATTEE BBUURRRRSS. SMHOALLDL NOT 1 2 3 EXCEED 0.15 PER SIDE. DIMENSION A. K 5. OPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION: AN ADDITIONAL B G DETAIL Z TTRRIIMMMMEEDD LLEEAADD INSO ATL TLOO WEXETDE INND T HMIOS RLEO CTHATAINO N0..2 A A FROM BODY. MILLIMETERS TOP VIEW DIM MIN MAX A 2.85 3.15 B 1.35 1.65 DETAIL Z C 0.90 1.10 J D 0.25 0.50 C G 0.95 BSC H 0.01 0.10 0.05 J 0.10 0.26 H C SPELAATNIENG END VIEW MK 0.02 0(cid:3) 010.6 (cid:3) 0 SIDE VIEW S 2.50 3.00 SOLDERING FOOTPRINT* 1.9 0.074 0.95 0.037 2.4 0.094 1.0 0.039 0.7 (cid:7) (cid:8) 0.028 SCALE 10:1 mm inches *For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D. ON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries. ON Semiconductor owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of ON Semiconductor’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at www.onsemi.com/site/pdf/Patent−Marking.pdf. ON Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. Buyer is responsible for its products and applications using ON Semiconductor products, including compliance with all laws, regulations and safety requirements or standards, regardless of any support or applications information provided by ON Semiconductor. “Typical” parameters which may be provided in ON Semiconductor data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. ON Semiconductor products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as a critical component in life support systems or any FDA Class 3 medical devices or medical devices with a same or similar classification in a foreign jurisdiction or any devices intended for implantation in the human body. Should Buyer purchase or use ON Semiconductor products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold ON Semiconductor and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates, and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that ON Semiconductor was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. ON Semiconductor is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner. PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION LITERATURE FULFILLMENT: N. American Technical Support: 800−282−9855 Toll Free ON Semiconductor Website: www.onsemi.com Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor USA/Canada 19521 E. 32nd Pkwy, Aurora, Colorado 80011 USA Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support: Order Literature: http://www.onsemi.com/orderlit Phone: 303−675−2175 or 800−344−3860 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 421 33 790 2910 Fax: 303−675−2176 or 800−344−3867 Toll Free USA/Canada Japan Customer Focus Center For additional information, please contact your local Email: orderlit@onsemi.com Phone: 81−3−5817−1050 Sales Representative www.onsemi.com NCP300/D 25

Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: O N Semiconductor: NCP300HSN09T1G NCP300HSN18T1G NCP300HSN27T1G NCP300HSN30T1G NCP300HSN45T1G NCP300HSN47T1G NCP300LSN09T1G NCP300LSN185T1G NCP300LSN18T1G NCP300LSN20T1G NCP300LSN20T3G NCP300LSN27T1G NCP300LSN28T1G NCP300LSN30T1G NCP300LSN33T1G NCP300LSN34T1G NCP300LSN44T1G NCP300LSN45T1G NCP300LSN46T1G NCP300LSN47T1G NCP301HSN09T1G NCP301HSN18T1G NCP301HSN22T1G NCP301HSN27T1G NCP301HSN30T1G NCP301HSN45T1G NCP301LSN09T1G NCP301LSN12T1G NCP301LSN16T1G NCP301LSN18T1G NCP301LSN20T1G NCP301LSN22T1G NCP301LSN25T1G NCP301LSN26T1G NCP301LSN27T1G NCP301LSN28T1G NCP301LSN30T1G NCP301LSN31T1G NCP301LSN32T1G NCP301LSN33T1G NCP301LSN34T1G NCP301LSN39T1G NCP301LSN40T1G NCP301LSN42T1G NCP301LSN45T1G NCP301LSN46T1G NCP301LSN47T1G NCV300LSN28T1G NCV301LSN12T1G NCV301LSN16T1G NCV301LSN28T1G NCV301LSN40T1G NCP301LSN36T1G NCV300LSN36T1G NCV301LSN33T1G NCV301LSN42T1G NCP301LSN24T1G NCV301HSN27T1G NCV301LSN22T1G NCP300LSN25T1G NCP301LSN10T1G NCP301LSN11T1G