ICGOO在线商城 > MBR735
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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供MBR735由Fairchild Semiconductor设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 提供MBR735价格参考以及Fairchild SemiconductorMBR735封装/规格参数等产品信息。 你可以下载MBR735参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书, 资料中有MBR735详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | |
描述 | DIODE SCHOTTKY 35V 7.5A TO220AC肖特基二极管与整流器 7.5 amp Rectifiers Schottky Barrier |
产品分类 | 单二极管/整流器分离式半导体 |
品牌 | Fairchild Semiconductor |
产品手册 | |
产品图片 | |
rohs | 符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | 二极管与整流器,肖特基二极管与整流器,Fairchild Semiconductor MBR735- |
数据手册 | |
产品型号 | MBR735 |
PCN组件/产地 | |
不同If时的电压-正向(Vf) | 840mV @ 15A |
不同 Vr、F时的电容 | - |
不同 Vr时的电流-反向漏电流 | 100µA @ 35V |
二极管类型 | |
产品 | Schottky Rectifiers |
产品种类 | 肖特基二极管与整流器 |
供应商器件封装 | TO-220AC |
其它名称 | MBR735-ND |
包装 | 管件 |
单位重量 | 2.160 g |
反向恢复时间(trr) | - |
商标 | Fairchild Semiconductor |
安装类型 | 通孔 |
安装风格 | Through Hole |
封装 | Tube |
封装/外壳 | TO-220-2 |
封装/箱体 | TO-220-2 |
峰值反向电压 | 35 V |
工作温度-结 | -65°C ~ 150°C |
工作温度范围 | - 65 C to + 150 C |
工厂包装数量 | 50 |
技术 | Silicon |
最大反向漏泄电流 | 100 uA |
最大工作温度 | + 150 C |
最大浪涌电流 | 150 A |
最小工作温度 | - 65 C |
标准包装 | 50 |
正向电压下降 | 0.84 V at 15 A |
正向连续电流 | 7.5 A |
热阻 | 3°C/W Jl |
电压-DC反向(Vr)(最大值) | 35V |
电流-平均整流(Io) | 7.5A |
系列 | MBR735 |
速度 | 快速恢复 =< 500 ns,> 200mA(Io) |
配置 | Single |
零件号别名 | MBR735_NL |
MBR735/MBRB735 MBR745/MBRB745 TechnicalData DataSheetN0720,Rev.A MBR735/MBR745/MBRB735/MBRB745 SCHOTTKY RECTIFIER Features Applications 150℃TJoperation Switchingpowersupply Highpurity,hightemperatureepoxyencapsulationfor Redundantpowersubsystems enhancedmechanicalstrengthandmoistureresistance Converters Lowforwardvoltagedrop Free-Wheelingdiodes Highfrequencyoperation Reversebatteryprotection Guardringforenhancedruggednessandlongterm reliability ThisisaPb−FreeDevice AllSMCpartsaretraceabletothewaferlot Additionaltestingcanbeoffereduponrequest MBR... MBRB... TO-220AC D2PAK Maximum Ratings: Characteristics Symbol Condition Max. Units PeakRepetitiveReverseVoltage VRRM - 35 (MBR735) WorkingPeakReverseVoltage VRWM V DCBlockingVoltage VR 45 (MBR745) 50%dutycycle@Tc=131°C, AverageRectifiedForwardCurrent IF(AV) rectangularwaveform 7.5 A PeakOneCycleNon-RepetitiveSurge Current IFSM 8.3ms,HalfSinepulse 150 A PeakRepetitiveReverseSurgeCurrent IRRM 2.0μsec1.0KHz 1.0 A China - Germany - Korea - Singapore - United States http://www.smc-diodes.com - sales@ smc-diodes.com
MBR735/MBRB735 MBR745/MBRB745 TechnicalData DataSheetN0720,Rev.A Electrical Characteristics: Characteristics Symbol Condition Typ. Max. Units ForwardVoltageDrop* VF1 @15A,Pulse,TJ=25℃ 0.55 0.84 V VF2 @7.5A,Pulse,TJ=125℃ 0.39 0.57 V ReverseCurrent* IR1 @VR=ratedVR 0.02 0.1 mA TJ=25℃ IR2 @VR=ratedVR 20 25.0 mA TJ=125℃ JunctionCapacitance CT @VR=5V,TC=25℃ 650 700 pF fSIG=1MHz SeriesInductance LS Measuredleadtolead5mmfrom 8.0 - nH packagebody VoltageRateofChange dv/dt - - 10,000 V/μs * Pulsewidth<300µs, dutycycle<2% Thermal-Mechanical Specifications: Characteristics Symbol Condition Specification Units JunctionTemperature TJ - -55to+150 C StorageTemperature Tstg - -55to+150 C TypicalThermalResistanceJunctionto Case RJC DCoperation 3.0 C/W TypicalThermalResistance Mountingsurface,smoothand CasetoHeatSink RCS greased(onlyforTO-220) 0.50 C/W CaseStyle TO-220ACD2PAK Tube Specification Tube Specification(TO-220AC) Device Package Weight Shipping MBR... TO-220AC 1.8g 50pcs/tube MBRB... D²PAK 1.85g 800pcs/reel Forinformationontapeandreelspecifications,includingpart orientationandtapesizes,pleaserefertoourtapeandreel packagingspecification. China - Germany - Korea - Singapore - United States http://www.smc-diodes.com - sales@ smc-diodes.com
MBR735/MBRB735 MBR745/MBRB745 TechnicalData DataSheetN0720,Rev.A Ratings and Characteristics Curves Typical Forward Characteristics Typical Reverse Characteristics 102 150 °C (mR 101 A) 101 125 °C 150 °C 100 °C 100 75 °C (A)F 10-1 50 °C 10-2 25 °C 125 °C In s 100 tan ta 10-3 n 25 °C eo 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 u s R Reverse Voltage - VR (V) e v Typical Junction Capacitance e In rs stantan e Curre (pF)T 780000 e n ous F t - I 600 o 500 rw 10-1 a rd 400 C u 300 rre nt - I 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Junc 200 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Forward Voltage Drop - V F (V) tion Reverse Voltage - VR (V) C a p a c ita n c e - C China - Germany - Korea - Singapore - United States http://www.smc-diodes.com - sales@ smc-diodes.com
MBR735/MBRB735 MBR745/MBRB745 TechnicalData DataSheetN0720,Rev.A Marking Diagram WhereXXXXXisYYWWL MBR =DeviceType B =Packagetype 7 =ForwardCurrent(7A) 35/45 =ReverseVoltage(35/45V) SSG =SSG YY =Year WW =Week L =LotNumber Cautions:Moldingresin EpoxyresinUL:94V-0 Carrier Tape Specification D2PAK Millimeters Symbol Min. Max. A 10.70 10.90 B 16.03 16.23 C 5.11 5.31 d 1.45 1.65 E 1.65 1.85 F 11.40 11.60 P0 3.90 4.10 P 15.90 16.10 P1 1.90 2.10 W 23.90 24.30 China - Germany - Korea - Singapore - United States http://www.smc-diodes.com - sales@ smc-diodes.com
MBR735/MBRB735 MBR745/MBRB745 TechnicalData DataSheetN0720,Rev.A Mechanical Dimensions TO-220AC Symbol Dimensionsinmillimeters Min. Typical Max. A 4.47 4.70 4.85 A1 1.17 1.27 1.37 A2 2.52 2.69 2.89 b 0.71 0.81 0.96 b1 1.17 1.27 1.37 c 0.31 0.38 0.61 D 14.64 14.94 15.24 D1 8.50 8.07 8.90 E 10.01 10.16 10.31 E1 9.98 10.18 10.38 e1 4.98 5.08 5.18 H1 6.04 6.24 6.44 L 13.00 13.86 14.08 L1 3.56 3.80 3.96 ΦP 3.74 3.84 4.04 Q 2.54 2.74 2.94 Θ1 5° Θ2 4° Θ3 4° Mechanical Dimensions D2PAK Millimeters Symbol Min. Typical Max. A 4.47 4.70 4.85 A1 0 0.10 0.25 A2 2.59 2.69 2.89 b 0.71 0.81 0.96 b1 1.17 1.27 1.37 c 0.31 0.38 0.61 c1 1.17 1.27 1.37 D 8.50 8.70 8.90 D1 6.40 E 10.01 10.16 10.31 E1 7.6 E2 9.98 10.08 10.31 e 2.54 H 14.6 15.1 15.6 L 2.00 2.30 2.74 L1 1.12 1.27 1.42 L2 1.30 2.20 L3 0.25BSC e 0 - 8° e1 5° e2 4° e3 4° China - Germany - Korea - Singapore - United States http://www.smc-diodes.com - sales@ smc-diodes.com
MBR735/MBRB735 MBR745/MBRB745 TechnicalData DataSheetN0720,Rev.A DISCLAIMER: 1-Theinformationgivenherein,includingthespecificationsanddimensions,issubjecttochangewithoutpriornoticetoimproveproduct characteristics.Beforeordering,purchasersareadvisedtocontacttheSMC-SangdestMicroelectronics(Nanjing)Co.,Ltdsalesdepartment forthelatestversionofthedatasheet(s). 2-Incaseswhereextremelyhighreliabilityisrequired(suchasuseinnuclearpowercontrol,aerospaceandaviation,trafficequipment,medical equipment,andsafetyequipment),safetyshouldbeensuredbyusingsemiconductordevicesthatfeatureassuredsafetyorbymeansof users’fail-safeprecautionsorotherarrangement. 3-InnoeventshallSMC-SangdestMicroelectronics(Nanjing)Co.,Ltdbeliableforanydamagesthatmayresultfromanaccidentorany othercauseduringoperationoftheuser’sunitsaccordingtothedatasheet(s).SMC-SangdestMicroelectronics(Nanjing)Co.,Ltdassumesno responsibilityforanyintellectualpropertyclaimsoranyotherproblemsthatmayresultfromapplicationsofinformation,productsorcircuits describedinthedatasheets. 4-InnoeventshallSMC-SangdestMicroelectronics(Nanjing)Co.,Ltdbeliableforanyfailureinasemiconductordeviceoranysecondary damageresultingfromuseatavalueexceedingtheabsolutemaximumrating. 5-Nolicenseisgrantedbythedatasheet(s)underanypatentsorotherrightsofanythirdpartyorSMC-SangdestMicroelectronics(Nanjing) Co.,Ltd. 6-Thedatasheet(s)maynotbereproducedorduplicated,inanyform,inwholeorpart,withouttheexpressedwrittenpermissionofSMC- SangdestMicroelectronics(Nanjing)Co.,Ltd. 7-Theproducts(technologies)describedinthedatasheet(s)arenottobeprovidedtoanypartywhosepurposeintheirapplicationwillhinder maintenanceofinternationalpeaceandsafetynoraretheytobeappliedtothatpurposebytheirdirectpurchasersoranythirdparty.When exportingtheseproducts(technologies),thenecessaryproceduresaretobetakeninaccordancewithrelatedlawsandregulations.. China - Germany - Korea - Singapore - United States http://www.smc-diodes.com - sales@ smc-diodes.com