

  • 型号: LXDC3EP15A-105
  • 制造商: Murata
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供LXDC3EP15A-105由Murata设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 LXDC3EP15A-105价格参考。MurataLXDC3EP15A-105封装/规格:直流转换器, 非隔离 PoL 模块 DC/DC 转换器 1 输出 1.5V 1A 2.5V - 5.5V 输入。您可以下载LXDC3EP15A-105参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有LXDC3EP15A-105 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值

电源 - 板安装


DC/DC CONVERT 1.5V 1A非隔离式DC/DC转换器 1.5Vout 1.0A 3.5x3.2mm uDCDC


DC DC ConvertersDC/DC转换器


Murata Electronics





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


非隔离式DC/DC转换器,Murata Electronics LXDC3EP15A-105LXDC3EP






Non-Isolated / POL










带卷 (TR)


Murata Electronics


0.138" 长 x 0.126" 宽 x 0.051" 高 (3.50mm x 3.20mm x 1.30mm)






3.2 mm




9-SMD 模块


3.5 mm x 3.2 mm


3.5 mm x 3.2 mm x 1.3 mm


-30°C ~ 85°C


- 30 C to + 85 C
























非隔离 PoL 模块




3.7 V


2.5 V to 5.5 V




1.5 V


1 A






3.5 mm


1.3 mm



品牌:Recom Power

产品名称:电源 - 板安装



品牌:Murata Power Solutions Inc.

产品名称:电源 - 板安装



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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 1. Features  Low EMI noise and small footprint ((1111mmmm2)using inductor-imbedded ferrite substrate  High efficiency using synncchhrroonnoouuss rreeccttiiffiieerr tteecchhnnoollooggyy aatt 44MMHHzz ooppeerraattiioonn..  Power-Save mode / Forced PPWWMM aauuttoommaattiicc mmooddee sswwiittcchhiinngg ffuunnccttiioonn  2% DC output voltage accuracy (PPWWMM mmooddee).  1A maximum load capability  Wide input voltage range : 2.5 - 55..55VV  Fixed output voltage : 1.0VV,, 11..22VV,, 11..55VV,, 11..88VV,, 22..55VV,, 33..33VV  Internal soft start,, oovveerr ccuurrrreenntt pprrootteeccttiioonn, thermal shutdown protection 2. Description The LXDC3EP series is a 11AA oouuttppuutt step-down DC-DC converter, which is ssuuiittaabbllee for a space-limited or noise-sensitive application. TThhee ddeevviiccee utilizes an inductor-embedded ffeerrrriittee ssuubbssttrraattee,, aanndd tthhee ssuubbssttrraattee eelliimmiinnaatteess rraaddiiaatteedd EEMMII nnooiissee aanndd ccoonndduuccttiioonn noise efficiently. With just this device, it ccaann bbee uusseedd aass aa LLDDOO rreeppllaacceemmeenntt. Its low noise feature aassssuurreess rreelliiaabbllee ppoowweerr ssuuppppllyy quality. TTThhheee LLLXXXDDDCCC333EEEPPP ssseeerrriiieeesss hhhaaasss aaa mmmooodddeee pppiiinnn ttthhhaaattt aaallllllooowwwsss ttthhheee uuussseeerrr tttooo ssseeellleeecccttt FFFooorrrccceeeddd PPPWWWMMM mmmooodddeee ooorrr PPPooowwweeerrr-Save mode that changes modes between pulse-sskkiipp ooppeerraattiioonn aanndd PWM operation aauuttoommaattiiccaallllyy ddeeppeennddiinngg oonn tthhee llooaadd.. In Power-SSSaaavvveee mmmooodddeee,,, LLLXXXDDDCCC333EEEPPP ssseeerrriiieeesss oooffffffeeerrrsss sssuuupppeeerrriiiooorrr eeeffffffiiiccciiieeennncccyyy uuunnndddeeerrr llliiiggghhhttt llloooaaaddd cccooonnndddiiitttiiiooonnns, and it extends the bbaatttteerryy lliiffee.. WWhheenn FFoorrcceedd PPWWMM mmooddee iiss sseelleecctteedd,, iitt wwoorrkkss aatt a ffiixxeedd ffrreeqquueennccyy ((44MMHHzz)) within the load range. The aaddvvaannttaaggeess ooff tthhiiss mmooddee aarree eeaassyy ffiilltteerriinngg ooff the switching frequency and a bbeetttteerr llooaadd ttrraannssiieenntt rreessppoonnssee.. TTThhheee iiinnnttteeegggrrraaattteeeddd ooovvveeerrr cccuuurrrrrreeennnttt ppprrrooottteeeccctttiiiooonnn aaannnddd ttthhheee ttthhheeerrrmmmaaalll ssshhhuuutttdddooowwwnnn ppprrrooottteeeccctttiiiooonnn fffeeeaaatttuuurrreeesss oooffffffeeerrr reliable power supply operation. 3. Typical Application Circuit 1 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 4. Mechanical details 4-1 Out line TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW BOTTOM VIEW W W L unit (mm) Symbol Dimension Symbol Dimension L 3.5+/- 0.2 a 0.2+/- 0.2 W 3.2+/- 0.2 b 0.8+/- 0.1 T 1.3MAX c 0.4+/- 0.1 d 0.7+/- 0.1 e 0.6+/- 0.1 2 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 4-2 Pin function Pin Symbol I/O Function 1 EN Input This is the ON/OFF control pin of the device. The device is in shutdown mode when the voltage to this pin is below 0.4V. Pulling this pin above 1.2V turns on the device with a soft start. This pin should not be left floating. EN=H: Device ON, EN=L: Device OFF 2,3,5,6,9 GND - Ground pin 4 Vout Output Regulated voltage output pin. Apply output load between this pin and GND. 7 MODE Input This is the operation mode select pin. This pin must not be left floating and must be terminated. Mode=H: Forced PWM mode Mode=L: Power-Save mode 8 Vin Input The Vin pin supplies current to the LXDC3EP internal regulator. 4-3 Functional Block Diagram EN Mode Vin UVLO Current Clock Sense Cin Switching Soft Start OCP Controller EA EmbeddedL Thermal Gate Vout Shutdown Driver Cout Control IC LXDC3EP GND 3 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 5. Ordering Information Part number Output Voltage Device Specific Feature MOQ LXDC3EP10A-176 1.0V Standard type T/R,1000pcs/R LXDC3EP12A-104 1.2V Standard type T/R,1000pcs/R LXDC3EP15A-105 1.5V Standard type T/R,1000pcs/R LXDC3EP18A-106 1.8V Standard type T/R,1000pcs/R LXDC3EP25A-109 2.5V Standard type T/R,1000pcs/R LXDC3EP33A-107 3.3V Standard type T/R,1000pcs/R 6. Electrical Specification 6-1 Absolute maximum ratings Parameter symbol rating Unit Maximum pin voltage Vin, EN, MODE 6.0 V Operating ambient temperature T -30 to +85 oC a Operating IC temperature T -30 to +125 oC IC Storage temperature T -30 to +85 oC STO 4 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 6-2 Electrical Characteristics (Ta=25 oC) Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit LXDC3EP10A-176 LXDC3EP12A-104 2.5 3.7 5.5 LXDC3EP15A-105 Vin V Input voltage LXDC3EP18A-106 LXDC3EP25A-109 3.0 3.7 5.5 LXDC3EP33A-107 4.0 5.0 5.5 UVLO Voltage UVLO 2.2 V LXDC3EP10A-176 0.976 1.0 1.024 LXDC3EP12A-104 1.176 1.2 1.224 LXDC3EP15A-105 1.47 1.5 1.53 Output voltage PWM Mode Vout V accuracy Vin-Vout>0.7V LXDC3EP18A-106 1.764 1.8 1.836 LXDC3EP25A-109 2.45 2.5 2.55 LXDC3EP33A-107 3.234 3.3 3.366 Load current Iout 0 - 1000 mA range LXDC3EP10A-176 Vin=3.7V LXDC3EP12A-104 Io=1000mA - 15 - BW=100MHz LXDC3EP15A-105 LXDC3EP18A-106 Ripple Voltage Vrpl mV(p-p) Vin=3.7V Io=1000mA LXDC3EP25A-109 - 20 - BW=100MHz Vin=5.0V Io=1000mA LXDC3EP33A-107 - 20 - BW=100MHz LXDC3EP10A-176 86 - LXDC3EP12A-104 88 Vin=3.7V LXDC3EP15A-105 90 - Io=300mA Efficiency EFF % LXDC3EP18A-106 92 - LXDC3EP25A-109 94 - Vin=5.0V LXDC3EP33A-107 94 - Io=300mA ENon ON; Enable 1.2 - - Enable Voltage V ENoff OFF; Disable - - 0.4 MODE-H High; Forced PWM mode 1.2 - - MODE Voltage V MODE-L Low; Power-Save mode - - 0.4 5 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter Parameter Symbol Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit SW Frequency Freq - 4 - MHz Over Current OCP 1000 1200 1700 mA Protection Start -up Time Ton - 170 - usec (*1)The above characteristics are tested using the application circuit in section 8 6-3 Thermal and Current De-rating Information The following figure shows an example of the power dissipation and temperature rise characteristics. These data are measured on Murata’s evaluation board of this device at a no air-flow condition. Io -Loss Charateristics (Vin=5.0V, Vo=3.3V) 400 W] 350 m 300 [ on 250 pati 200 Dissi 150 PWM er 100 PWM/PFM w Po 50 0 0 500 1000 1500 Iout [mA] The output current of the device may need to be de-rated if it is operated in high ambient temperature or in an application that requires continuous power delivery. The amount of current de-rating is highly dependent on the environmental thermal conditions, e.g., PCB design, nearby components, or effective air flow. Care should especially be taken in applications where the device temperature exceeds 85oC. The case temperature of the device must be kept lower than the maximum rating of 125 oC. It is generally recommended to take an appropriate de-rating of the IC temperature for reliable operation. A general de-rating for the temperature of the semiconductor is 80%. MLCC capacitors’ reliability and lifetime are also dependent on temperature and applied voltage stress. Higher temperature and/or higher voltage cause shorter lifetime of the MLCC, and the degradation can be described by the Arrhenius model. The most critical parameter of the degradation is IR (Insulation Resistance). The below figure shows MLCC’s B1 life based on a failure rate reaching 1%. It should be noted that wear-out mechanisms in the MLCC capacitor is not reversible but cumulative over time. 6 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter Capacitor B1 Life vs Capacitor Case temperature 100000 Vin=5V Vin=3.6V s) 10000 r u Vin=3.3V o H d Vin=2.5V n 1000 a s u o T ( e 100 f Li 1 B r 10 o t ci a p a C 1 0.1 20 40 60 80 100 120 Capacitor Case Temprature (oC ) The following steps should be taken before the designing for reliable operation. 1. The ambient temperature of the device should be kept below 85 oC 2. The case temperature should be measured on the worst condition of each application. The temperature must be kept below 125 oC. An appropriate de-rating of temperature and/or output current should be taken. 3. The MLCC temperature should be considered as same as the case temperature. Considering the above figure, it should be checked if the expected B1 life of MLCC is acceptable or not. 7 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 7. Detailed Description Power-Save Mode / Forced PWM Mode The MODE pin allows selecting the operating mode. If the MODE pin is pulled to logic low voltage (MODE-L), the converter operates automatic pulse-skip and PWM mode. In this mode, the converter operates pulse-skip mode at light load current, and when the load current increases, the operating mode will changes to PWM mode automatically. In this mode, the converter can work in high efficiency over wide load current range. The transition current between PFM and PWM is depend on Vin, Vout and other factors, but the ballpark threshold is about 50-200mA If the MODE pin is pulled to logic high voltage (MODE-H), the device operates in Forced PWM mode. In this mode, the converter operates in PWM mode even at light load current. The advantage of this mode is that the converter operates with a fixed frequency that allows simple filtering of switching frequency. In this mode, the efficiency is lower compared to the PFM mode at light load current. Power-Save mode at light load PWM mode at heavy load Nominal output voltage UVLO (Under Voltage Lock Out) The input voltage (Vin) must reach or exceed the UVLO voltage (2.2Vtyp) before the device begins the start up sequence even when EN pin is kept high. UVLO function keeps away of an unstable operation at low Vin range Soft Start The device has an internal soft-start function that limits the inrush current during start-up. The soft-start system progressively increases the switching on-time from a minimum pulse-width to that of normal operation. Because of the function, the output voltage increases gradually from zero to nominal voltage at start-up event. The nominal soft-start time is 170usec. Enable The device starts operation when EN is set high and starts up with a soft start. For proper operation, the EN pin must be terminated to logic high and must not be left floating. Pulling the EN pin to logic low forces the device to shutdown. Over Current Protection When the output current reaches the OCP threshold, the device narrows the switching duty and decrease the output voltage. When the current goes below the threshold, the converter returns to normal operation automatically. Thermal Shutdown The device has a thermal overload protection function. When the internal IC’s junction temperature exceeds around 150oC, the device goes into thermal shutdown. The device returns to its normal operation when the Internal IC’s junction temperature falls below 130 oC (typ). For reliable operation, the IC temperature should be kept below 125 oC. Prolonged thermal overload condition may damage the device 8 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 8. Test Circuit MODE EN Vin Vout LXDC3EP Vin V-MODE V-EN ((CCo)u t) RL GND *Optional:Cout: 4.7uF/6.3V (LXDC3EP33A-107) 9. Reference Land Pattern unit (mm) Symbol Dimension Symbol Dimension a 0.8 c 0.7 b 0.4 d 0.6 9 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 10. Measurement Data Micro DC-DC Converter evaluation board (P2LX0457B) Measurement setup Enable SW Mode SW GND_S GND VIN_S V VIN V A VOUT_S GND_S Load GND VOUT A The enable switch has three positions. 1. When it is toggled “ON”, the device starts operation. 2. When it is toggled “OFF”, the device stops operation and shuts down. 3. When it is set to the middle of “ON” and “OFF”, the EN pin becomes floating and can have an external voltage applied through the EN terminal pin on the EVB. If you don’t apply an external voltage to the EN pin, the enable switch should not to be set to the middle position. The mode switch has three states (PWM, PFM/PWM and Open). 1. When it is shorted to “PWM” side, the device operates PWM forced mode. 2. When it is shorted to “PFM/PWM” side, the device operates PFM/PWM automatic mode. 3. When it is set to open, the mode pin becomes floated and can be applied an external voltage through the Mode terminal pin on the EVB. If you don’t apply external voltage to Mode pin, the mode switch should not to be set to the middle position. 10 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter Typical Measurement Data (reference purpose only) (Ta=25℃) Efficiency Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.0V Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.2V 100 100 90 90 80 80 %] 70 %] 70 EFF [ 60 EFF [ 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 1 10 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000 Iout [mA] Iout [mA] Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.5V Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.8V 100 100 90 90 80 80 %] 70 %] 70 EFF [ 60 EFF [ 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 1 10 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000 Iout [mA] Iout [mA] Vin=3.7V, Vout=2.5V Vin=5.0V, Vout=3.3V 100 100 90 90 80 80 %] 70 %] 70 EFF [ 60 EFF [ 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 1 10 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000 Iout [mA] Iout [mA] 11 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter Road Requlation Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.0V Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.2V 1.02 1.224 1.01 1.212 V] V] ut [ 1 ut [ 1.2 o o V V 0.99 1.188 0.98 1.176 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Iout [mA] Iout [mA] Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.5V Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.8V 1.53 1.836 1.515 1.818 V] V] ut [ 1.5 ut [ 1.8 o o V V 1.485 1.782 1.47 1.764 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Iout [mA] Iout [mA] Vin=3.7V, Vout=2.5V Vin=5.0V, Vout=3.3V 2.55 3.366 2.525 3.333 Vout [V] 2.5 Vout [V] 3.3 2.475 3.267 2.45 3.234 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Iout [mA] Iout [mA] 12 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter Output Ripple-Noise Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.0V Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.2V 60 60 50 50 Vpp] 40 Vpp] 40 m 30 m 30 Vrpl [ 20 Vrpl [ 20 10 10 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Iout [mA] Iout [mA] Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.5V Vin=3.7V, Vout=1.8V 60 60 50 50 40 40 p] p] p p V V m 30 m 30 pl [ pl [ Vr 20 Vr 20 10 10 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Iout [mA] Iout [mA] Vin=3.7V, Vout=2.5V Vin=5.0V, Vout=3.3V 60 60 50 50 40 40 p] p] p p mV 30 mV 30 pl [ pl [ Vr 20 Vr 20 10 10 0 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Iout [mA] Iout [mA] 13 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter Typical Measurement Data (reference purpose only) Load Transient Response ・Vin=2.3V,Vout=1.2V Vin=3.7V,Vout=1.2V 14 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter Vin=5.5V,Vout=1.2V Vin=5.0V,Vout=3.3V 15 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter Vin=5.5V,Vout=3.3V 16 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 11.Reliability Tests Result No. Items Specifications Test Methods QTY (NG) 1 Vibration Appearance : Solder specimens on the testing jig Resistance No severe damages (glass fluorine boards) shown in appended Fig.1 by a Pb free solder. The soldering shall be done either by iron or reflow and be conducted with care so that the soldering is uniform and free of defect such as by heat G 18 shock. (0) Frequency : 10~2000 Hz Acceleration : 196 m/s2 Direction : X,Y,Z 3 axis Period : 2 h on each direction Total 6 h. 2 Deflection Solder specimens on the testing jig (glass epoxy boards) shown in appended Fig.2 by a Pb free solder. The soldering shall be done either by G iron or reflow and be conducted with 18 (0) care so that the soldering is uniform and free of defect such as by heat shock. Deflection : 1.6mm 3 Soldering strength 9.8 N Minimum Solder specimens onto test jig shown (Push Strength) below. Apply pushing force at 0.5mm/s until electrode pads are peeled off or ceramics are broken. Pushing force is applied to longitudinal direction. Pushing Direction 18 G (0) Specimen Jig 4 Solderability of 75% of the Immerse specimens first an ethanol Termination terminations is to be solution of rosin, then in a Pb free soldered evenly and solder solution for 3±0.5 sec. at continuously. 245±5 °C. G 18 Preheat : 150 °C, 60 sec. (0) Solder Paste : Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Flux : Solution of ethanol and rosin (25 % rosin in weight proportion) 5 Resistance to Preheat Temperature : 150-180 °C Soldering Heat Preheat Period : 90+/-30 sec. (Reflow) Appearance No severe damages High Temperature : 220 °C High Temp. Period : 20sec. Satisfy Peak Temperature : 260+5/-0 °C G 18 Electrical specifications listed Specimens are soldered twice with (0) specifications in paragraph 6-2. the above condition, and then kept in room condition for 24 h before measurements. 17 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter Result No. Items Specifications Test Methods QTY (NG) 6 High Temp. Temperature:85±2 ℃ Exposure Period:1000+48/-0 h G 18 Room Condition:2~24h (0) 7 Temperature Condition:100 cycles in the following Cycle table Step Temp(°C) Time(min) Min. 1 Operating 30±3 18 G Temp.+0/-3 (0) Max. 2 Operating 30±3 Temp.+3/-0 Appearance No severe damages 8 Humidity Temperature:85±2 ℃ Electrical Satisfy (Steady State) Humidity:80~90%RH specifications specifications listed G in paragraph 6-2. Period:1000+48/-0 h 18 (0) Room Condition:2~24h 9 Low Temp. Temperature:-40±2 ℃ Exposure Period:1000+48/-0 h G Room Condition:2~24h 18 (0) 10 C:200pF、R:0Ω ESD(Machine G TEST Voltage :+/-100V 5 Model) (0) Number of electric discharges:1 11 C:100pF、R:1500Ω ESD(Human G TEST Voltage :+/-1000V 5 Body Model) (0) Number of electric discharges:1 18 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 12. Tape and Reel Packing 1)Dimensions of Tape (Plastic tape) Unit: mm c Φ1.5+0.1 0 (0.30) 1.75±0.1 (5.5) (3.8) 12.0±0.2 (3.5) 2.0±0.05 4.0±0.1 (1.35) 8.0±0.1 Feeding direction 2) Dimensions of Reel Unit: mm 2±0.5 φ60 φ180 φ13±0.2 (13.0) 15.4±1.0 19 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 3)Taping Diagrams [1] Feeding Hole : As specified in (1) [2] Hole for chip : As specified in (1) [3] Cover tape : 50um in thickness [4] Base tape : As specified in (1) [3] [3] [[11]] [2] [2] [3] [3] [4] [4] Feeding Hole Feeding Direction Chip 20 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 4)Leader and Tail tape A B Components 部品収納部 C Symbol Items Ratings(mm) A No components at trailer min 160 B No components at leader min 100 C Whole leader min 400 5)The tape for modules is wound clockwise with the feeding holes to the right side as the tape is pulled towards the user. 6)Packaging unit: 1,000 pcs./ reel 7) Material: Base Tape … Plastic Reel … Plastic Antistatic coating for both base tape and reel 8)Peeling of force 0.01.~7 1N. 3mNa x. 165 to 180 ° Cカoバveーrテ Tーapプe Bベasーeス Tテaーpeプ 21 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter NOTICE 1. Storage Conditions: To avoid damaging the solderability of the external electrodes, be sure to observe the following points. - Store products where the ambient temperature is 15 to 35 °C and humidity 45 to 75% RH. (Packing materials, In particular, may be deformed at the temperature over 40 °C.). - Store products in non corrosive gas (Cl , NH ,SO , No , etc.). 2 3 2 x - Stored products should be used within 6 months of receipt. Solderability should be verified if this period is exceeded This product is applicable to MSL1 (Based on IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020) 2. Handling Conditions: Be careful in handling or transporting the product. Excessive stress or mechanical shock may damage the product because of the nature of ceramics structure. Do not touch the product, especially the terminals, with bare hands. Doing so may result in poor solderability. 3. Standard PCB Design (Land Pattern and Dimensions): All the ground terminals should be connected to ground patterns. Furthermore, the ground pattern should be provided between the IN and OUT terminals. Please refer to the specifications for the standard land dimensions. The recommended land pattern and dimensions are shown for a reference purpose only. Electrical, mechanical and thermal characteristics of the product depend on the pattern design and material / thickness of the PCB. Therefore, be sure to check the product performance in the actual set. When using underfill materials, be sure to check the mechanical characteristics in the actual set. 22 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 4. Soldering Conditions: Soldering is allowed up through 2 times. Carefully perform preheating :△T less than 130 °C. When products are immersed in solvent after mounting, pay special attention to maintain the temperature difference within 100 °C. Soldering must be carried out by the above mentioned conditions to prevent products from damage. Contact Murata before use if concerning other soldering conditions. Reflow soldering standard conditions (example) Use rosin type flux or weakly active flux with a chlorine content of 0.2 wt % or less. 23 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 5. Cleaning Conditions: The product is not designed to be cleaned after soldering. 6. Operational Environment Conditions: Products are designed to work for electronic products under normal environmental conditions (ambient temperature, humidity and pressure). Therefore, products have no problems to be used under the similar conditions to the above-mentioned. However, if products are used under the following circumstances, it may damage products and leakage of electricity and abnormal temperature may occur. - In an atmosphere containing corrosive gas ( Cl NH SO NO etc.). 2, 3, x, x - In an atmosphere containing combustible and volatile gases. - In a dusty environment. - Direct sunlight - Water splashing place. - Humid place where water condenses. - In a freezing environment. If there are possibilities for products to be used under the preceding clause, consult with Murata before actual use. If static electricity is added to this product, degradation and destruction may be produced. Please use it after consideration enough so that neither static electricity nor excess voltage is added at the time of an assembly and measurement. If product malfunctions may result in serious damage, including that to human life, sufficient fail-safe measures must be taken, including the following: (1) Installation of protection circuits or other protective device to improve system safety (2) Installation of redundant circuits in the case of single-circuit failure 7. Input Power Capacity: Products shall be used in the input power capacity as specified in this specifications. Inform Murata beforehand, in case that the components are used beyond such input power capacity range . 24 Dec 2014

LXDC3EP series Micro DC-DC converter 8. Limitation of Applications: The products are designed and produced for application in ordinary electronic equipment (AV equipment, OA equipment, telecommunication, etc). If the products are to be used in devices requiring extremely high reliability following the application listed below, you should consult with the Murata staff in advance. - Aircraft equipment. - Aerospace equipment - Undersea equipment. - Power plant control equipment. - Medical equipment. - Transportation equipment (vehicles, trains, ships, etc.). - Automobile equipment which includes the genuine brand of car manufacture, car factory-installed option and dealer-installed option. - Traffic signal equipment. - Disaster prevention / crime prevention equipment. - Data-procession equipment. - Application which malfunction or operational error may endanger human life and property of assets. - Application which related to occurrence the serious damage - Application of similar complexity and/ or reliability requirements to the applications listed in the above. ! Note: Please make sure that your product has been evaluated and confirmed against your specifications when our product is mounted to your product. Product specifications are subject to change or our products in it may be discontinued without advance notice. This catalog is for reference only and not an official product specification document, therefore, please review and approve our official product specification before ordering this product. 25 Dec 2014