

  • 型号: LT1303CN8-5#PBF
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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供LT1303CN8-5#PBF由LINEAR TECHNOLOGY设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 LT1303CN8-5#PBF价格参考。LINEAR TECHNOLOGYLT1303CN8-5#PBF封装/规格:PMIC - 稳压器 - DC DC 开关稳压器, 固定 升压 开关稳压器 IC 正 5V 1 输出 750mA(开关) 8-DIP(0.300",7.62mm)。您可以下载LT1303CN8-5#PBF参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有LT1303CN8-5#PBF 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

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集成电路 (IC)




PMIC - 稳压器 - DC DC 开关稳压器


Linear Technology







Burst Mode®


无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求

















0°C ~ 70°C




1.8 V ~ 10 V















品牌:ON Semiconductor




品牌:Linear Technology/Analog Devices




品牌:Renesas Electronics America Inc.




品牌:Monolithic Power Systems Inc.




品牌:ON Semiconductor




品牌:Linear Technology/Analog Devices




品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:ON Semiconductor





LT1303CN8-5#PBF 相关产品


品牌:Renesas Electronics America Inc.



品牌:Linear Technology/Analog Devices



品牌:Texas Instruments



品牌:Texas Instruments



品牌:Linear Technology/Analog Devices



品牌:Texas Instruments



品牌:Linear Technology/Analog Devices



品牌:Texas Instruments


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LT1303/LT1303-5 Micropower High Efficiency DC/DC Converters with Low-Battery Detector Adjustable and Fixed 5V FEATURES DESCRIPTIOUN n 5V at 200mA from a 2V Input The LT®1303/LT1303-5 are micropower step-up high n Supply Voltage As Low As 1.8V efficiency DC/DC converters using Burst ModeTM opera- n Up to 88% Efficiency tion. They are ideal for use in small, low-voltage battery- m n 120 A Quiescent Current operated systems. The LT1303-5 accepts an input voltage n Low-Battery Detector between 1.8V and 5V and converts it to a regulated 5V. The n Low V Switch: 170mV at 1A Typ LT1303 is an adjustable version that can supply an output CESAT n Uses Inexpensive Surface Mount Inductors voltage up to 25V. Quiescent current is only 120m A from n 8-Lead PDIP or SO Package the battery and the shutdown pin further reduces current to 10m A. The low-battery detector provides an open- APPLICATIOUNS collector output that goes low when the input voltage drops below a preset level. The on-chip NPN power switch n EL Panel Drivers has a low 170mV saturation voltage at a switch current n 2-Cell and 3-Cell to 5V Conversion of 1A. The LT1303/LT1303-5 are available in 8-lead PDIP n Palmtop Computers or SO packages, easing board space requirements. n Portable Instruments For higher output current, please see the LT1305 or n Bar-Code Scanners LT1302. n PDAs , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. n Wireless Systems Burst Mode is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. TYPICAL APPLICATIONU L1(cid:13) 5V Outpu(cid:13) t Efficiency 22m H 1N5817 90 VIN = 4V 316k(cid:13) 80 1% LBVIIN SSEWNSE VOUT, 5V(cid:13) VIN = 2.5V VIN = 2V 2 CELLS + 100m F 411%2k(cid:13) LT1303-5 100k 200mA Y (%) 70 VIN = 3V LOW BATTERY(cid:13) C N 60 SHUTDOWN SHDN LBO GOES LOW AT (cid:13) E GND PGND + VBAT = 2.2V FICI 100m F EF 50 40 L1 = SUMDIA CD54-220 LT1303 TA02 30 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Figure 1. 2-Cell to 5V DC/DC Converter with Low-Battery Detect LOAD CURRENT (mA) LT1303 TA01 1

LT1303/LT1303-5 ABSOLUTE WMAXIWMUWM RATINUGS PACKAGE/ORDER IUNFORWMATIOUN V Voltage .............................................................. 10V IN ORDER PART TOP VIEW SW1 Voltage............................................................ 25V NUMBER Sense Voltage (LT1303-5)....................................... 20V GND(cid:13) 1(cid:13) 8(cid:13) PGND(cid:13) FB Voltage (LT1303)................................................ 10V LBO(cid:13) 2(cid:13) 7(cid:13) SW(cid:13) LT1303CN8 Shutdown Voltage ................................................... 10V SHDN(cid:13) 3(cid:13) 6(cid:13) VIN(cid:13) LT1303CS8 LBO Voltage............................................................. 10V FB (SENSE)* 4 5(cid:13) LBI LT1303CN8-5 LT1303CS8-5 (cid:13) LBI Voltage.............................................................. 10V N8 PACKAGE(cid:13) 8-LEAD PDIP(cid:13) Maximum Power Dissipation.............................500mW S8 PART MARKING S8 PACKAGE(cid:13) Operating Temperature Range.....................0(cid:176) C to 70(cid:176) C 8-LEAD PLASTIC SO(cid:13) Storage Temperature Range................. –65(cid:176) C to 150(cid:176) C *FIXED VERSION(cid:13) 1303 Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec)..................300(cid:176) C TJMAX = 100°C, q JA = 130°C/W (N8)(cid:13) 13035 TJMAX = 100°C, q JA = 150°C/W (S8) Consult factory for Industrial and Military grade parts. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS T = 25(cid:176) C, V = 2.0V, unless otherwise noted. A IN SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS I Quiescent Current V = 0.5V, V = 5V, V = 5.5V l 120 200 m A Q SHDN SEL SENSE V = 1.8V l 7 15 m A SHDN V Input Voltage Range 1.8 1.55 V IN l 2.0 V Feedback Voltage LT1303 l 1.22 1.24 1.26 V Output Sense Voltage LT1303-5 l 4.8 5.0 5.2 V Comparator Hysteresis LT1303 (Note 1) l 6 12.5 mV Output Hysteresis LT1303-5 (Note 1) l 22 50 mV Feedback Pin Bias Current LT1303, V = 1V l 7 20 nA FB Oscillator Frequency Current Limit Not Asserted 120 155 185 kHz Oscillator TC 0.2 %/(cid:176) C DC Maximum Duty Cycle l 75 86 95 % t Switch On Time Current Limit Not Asserted 5.6 m s ON Output Line Regulation 1.8V < V < 6V l 0.06 0.15 %/V IN V Switch Saturation Voltage I = 700mA l 130 200 mV CESAT SW Switch Leakage Current V = 5V, Switch Off l 0.1 10 m A SW Peak Switch Current V = 2V l 0.75 1.0 1.25 A IN V = 5V 0.65 0.9 1.15 A IN LBI Trip Voltage l 1.21 1.24 1.27 V LBI Input Bias Current V = 1V l 7 20 nA LBI LBO Output Low I = 100m A l 0.11 0.4 V LOAD LBO Leakage Current V = 1.3V, V = 5V l 0.1 5 m A LBI LBO V Shutdown Pin High l 1.8 V SHDNH V Shutdown Pin Low 0.5 V SHDNL I Shutdown Pin Bias Current V = 5V l 8.0 20 m A SHDN SHDN V = 2V l 3.0 m A SHDN V = 0V l 0.1 1 m A SHDN The l denotes specifications which apply over the 0(cid:176) C to 70(cid:176) C operating Note 1: Hysteresis specified is DC. Output ripple may be higher if output temperature range. capacitance is insufficient or capacitor ESR is excessive. 2

LT1303/LT1303-5 TYPICAL PERFORWMANUCE CHARACTERISTICS LT1303-5 Sense Pin Resistance VCESAT vs Switch Current VCESAT vs Temperature to Ground 250 200 1000 ISW = 700mA 225 190 900 200 180 175 170 ) 800 V (mV)CESAT111205500 V (mV)CESAT111465000 (cid:13)WESISTANCE (k 760000 75 130 R 500 50 120 400 25 110 0 100 300 0.1 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 SWITCH CURRENT (A) TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (˚C) LT1303 G01 LT1303 G02 LT1303 GO3 LT1303 FB Voltage LT1303-5 Sense Voltage Low Battery Detect Trip Point 1.250 5.10 1.250 1.245 5.08 1.245 1.240 5.06 1.240 K VOLTAGE (V)111...222332055 VOLTAGE (V) 555...000240 OLTAGE (V)111...222332055 BAC1.220 NSE 4.98 BI V1.220 ED1.215 SE 4.96 L1.215 E F 1.210 4.94 1.210 1.205 4.92 1.205 1.200 4.90 1.200 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) LT1330 G04 LT1303 G05 LT1303 G06(cid:13) (cid:13) LBI Pin Bias Current FB Pin Bias Current Switch Current Limit 20 20 1.50 VIN = 2V 18 18 1.40 16 16 1.30 NT (nA) 1124 NT (nA) 1124 RENT (A) 11..1200 BIAS CURRE 1860 BIAS CURRE 1860 SWITCH CUR 10..0900 0.80 4 4 2 2 0.70 0 0 0.60 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) LT1303 G07 LT1303 G08 LT1303 G09 3

LT1303/LT1303-5 TYPICAL PERFORWMANUCE CHARACTERISTICS Switch On-Time Oscillator Frequency Maximum Duty Cycle 8 200 100 190 95 7 180 90 mME (s) 56 NCY (kHz)111675000 YCLE (%) 887055 ON-TI 4 FREQUE114300 DUTY C 7605 3 120 60 110 55 2 100 50 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) TEMPERATURE (°C) LT1303 G10 LT1303 G11 LT1303 G12 Quiescent Current Quiescent Current Switch Current Limit 200 500 1200 SWITCH OFF(cid:13) TA = 25°C(cid:13) L = 33m H(cid:13) 190 VIN = 2V SWITCH OFF VL = 3V A)180 A) 400 A) 1100 mT CURRENT (111675000 mT CURRENT ( 300 CURRENT (m 1000 ESCEN114300 ESCEN 200 WITCH 900 UI UI S Q120 Q 100 800 110 100 0 700 –50 –25 0 25 50 75 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 TEMPERATURE (°C) INPUT VOLTAGE (V) INPUT VOLTAGE (V) LT1303 G13 LT1303 G14 LT1303 G15 Transient Response Low Battery Detector Transient Figure 1 Circuit Shutdown Pin Response Response 100mVV/DOUIVT 5V VLBO AC COUPLED VOUT 2V/DIV 1V/DIV 200mA ILOAD 0mA VSHDN VLBI VTRIP +10mV 5V/DIV VTRIP –10mV 200m s/DIV LT1303 G16 500m s/DIV LT1303 G17 5m s/DIV LT1303 G18 VIN = 2V RLOAD = 100W RPULL-UP = 47k VOUT = 5V VIN = 2V VOUT = 5V COUT = 100m F 4

LT1303/LT1303-5 PIUN FUUNCTIOUNS GND (Pin 1): Signal Ground. Tie to PGND under the LBI (Pin 5): Low-Battery Comparator Input. When voltage package. on this pin below 1.24V, LBO is low. LBO (Pin 2): Open-Collector Output of Low-Battery Com- V (Pin 6): Supply Pin. Must be bypassed with a large IN parator. Can sink 100m A. Disabled when device is in value electrolytic to ground. Keep bypass within 0.2" of the shutdown. device. SHDN (Pin 3): Shutdown. Pull high to shut down the SW (Pin 7): Switch Pin. Connect inductor and diode here. device. Ground for normal operation. Keep layout short and direct to minimize radio frequency interference. FB/Sense (Pin 4): On 1303 (adjustable) this pin connects to the main comparator C1 input. On LT1303-5 this pin PGND (Pin 8): Power ground. Tie to signal ground (pin1) connects to the resistor string that sets output voltage under the package. Bypass capacitor from V should be IN at 5V. tied directly to PGND within 0.2" of the device. BLOCK DIAGRAWS L1 D1 VIN+ + C1 6 VIN 7 SW C2 CURRENT (cid:13) 18mV COMPARATOR + R1(cid:13) C2 3W R1 HYSTERETIC(cid:13) – COMPARATOR OFF 4 FB – Q2(cid:13) A3(cid:13) 1· Q1(cid:13) C1 OSCILLATOR DRIVER 160· R2 REFERENCE(cid:13) + 1.24V – C3 + GND LBI LBO SHUTDOWN PGND 1 5 2 3 8 LT1303 BD01 Figure 2. LT1303 Block Digram 5

LT1303/LT1303-5 BLOCK DIAGRAWS FB VIN SW 4 6 7 CURRENT (cid:13) 18mV COMPARATOR + R1(cid:13) R1(cid:13) 474k C2 3W HYSTERETIC(cid:13) – COMPARATOR OFF – Q2(cid:13) A3(cid:13) 1· Q1(cid:13) C1 OSCILLATOR DRIVER 160· REFERENCE(cid:13) + R2(cid:13) 1.24V 156k – C3 + GND LBI LBO SHUTDOWN PGND 1 5 2 3 8 Figure 3. LT1303-5 Block Diagram LT1303 BD02 OPERATIOUN Operation of the LT1303 is best understood by referring to output capacitor large. The 100m F unit specified results in the Block Diagram in Figure 2. When C1’s negative input, ripple of 50mV to 100mV on the 5V output. A 220m F related to the output voltage by the appropriate resistor- capacitor will decrease ripple by approximately 50%. divider ratio, is higher than the 1.24V reference voltage, C1’s output is low. C2, A3 and the oscillator are turned off, VOUT drawing no current. Only the reference and C1 consume 100mV/DIV current, typically 140m A. When C1’s negative input drops AC COUPLED below 1.24V and overcomes C1’s 6mV hysteresis, C1’s VSW 5V/DIV output goes high, enabling the oscillator, current compara- tor C2 and driver A3. Quiescent current increases to 2mA IL 1A/DIV as the device goes into active switching mode. Q1 then turns on in controlled saturation for nominally 6m s or until 20m s/DIV LT1303 F04 current comparator C2 trips, whichever comes first. The Figure 4. Burst Mode Operation in Action switch then turns off for approximately 1.5m s, then turns on again. The LT1303’s switching causes current to alter- If switch current reaches 1A, causing C2 to trip, switch on- nately build up in L1 and dump into output capacitor C4 via time is reduced and off-time increases slightly. This allows D1, increasing the output voltage. When the output is high continuous operation during bursts. C2 monitors the enough to cause C1’s output to go high, switching action voltage across 3W resistor R1 which is directly related to ceases. Capacitor C4 is left to supply current to the load the switch current. Q2’s collector current is set by the until V decreases enough to force C1’s output high, and OUT emitter-area ratio to 0.6% of Q1’s collector current. When the entire cycle repeats. Figure 4 details relevant wave- R1’s voltage drop exceeds 18mV, corresponding to 1A forms. C1’s cycling causes low-to-mid-frequency ripple switch current, C2’s output goes high, truncating the on- voltage on the output. Ripple can be reduced by making the time portion of the oscillator cycle and increasing off-time 6

LT1303/LT1303-5 OPERATIOUN to about 2m s. Response time of C2, which determines hysteresis built in, but hysteresis can be added by minimum on-time, is approximately 300ns. connecting a high-value resistor from LBI to LBO as shown in Figure 5. The internal reference can be accessed Low Battery Detector via the comparator as shown in Figure 6. The low battery detector is enabled when SHDN is low and disabled when SHDN is high. The comparator has no VIN VBAT LT1303 5V 100k VIN 2N3906 LBO R4(cid:13) R1 1.24V – 47k LT1303 (cid:13) VREF(cid:13) R2 LBI OUTPUT + + 2.2m F R1 GND R2(cid:13) 49.9k(cid:13) ( ) 1% 2RM3(cid:13) VREF = 1.24V 1 + (cid:13)RR21(cid:13) RH1Y S=T (EVRTERSIPI S– 1» . 2340Vm)V (43.5k)(cid:13) LT1303 F05 RVI1N +‡ R V2R E»F 3+3 2k00mV(cid:13) LT1303 F06 Figure 6. Accessing Internal Reference Figure 5. R3 Adds Hysteresis to Low-Battery Detector APPLICATIOUNS INUFORWMATIOUN Inductor Section Figure 7 shows inductor current of a suitable inductor, di/dt is controlled at all times. The rapid rise in current Inductors suitable for use with the LT1303 usually fall in shown in Figure 8 results from this inductor saturating at the 5m H to 50m H range. The inductor must: (1) handle approximately 1A. Saturation occurs when the inductor current of 1.25A without saturating, (2) have enough cannot hold any more magnetic energy in the core. Current inductance to provide a di/dt lower than 400mA/m s, and then increases rapidly, limited only by the resistance of the (3) have low enough DC resistance to avoid excessive winding. Figure 9’s inductor has high DC resistance which heating or efficiency losses. Higher value inductors will results in the exponential time constant shape of the deliver more power but tend to be physically larger. Most inductor current. ferrite core drum or rod inductors such as those specified in Table 1 are suitable for use. It is acceptable to bias open- flux inductors (e.g. Sumida CD54) into saturation by 10 to 20% without adverse effects. Table 1. Recommended Inductors IL 500mA/DIV PHONE VENDOR SERIES APPROPRIATE VALUES NUMBERS Coilcraft D03316 10m H to 47m H (708) 639-6400 D01608 10m H 5m s/DIV LT1303 F07 Coiltronics OCTAPAK (407) 241-7876 CTX20-1 20m H CTX20-2 20m H Figure 7. Properly Chosen Inductor Does Not Saturate CTX33-4 33m H Sumida CD54 10m H to 33m H (708) 956-0666 Gowanda GA10 10m H to 33m H (716) 532-2234 7

LT1303/LT1303-5 APPLICATIOUNS INUFORWMATIOUN Capacitor Selection Input and output capacitors should have low ESR for best efficiency. Recommended capacitors include AVX TPS series, Sprague 595D series, and Sanyo OS-CON. The output capacitor’s ESR determines the high frequency ripple amplitude. A 100m F capacitor is the minimum rec- ommended for a 5V output. Higher output voltages can use LT1303 F08 lower capacitance values. For example, a 12V output can Figure 8. This Inductor Saturates at IL» 1A. A Poor Choice use a 33m F or 47m F capacitor. The V pin of the LT1303 IN should be decoupled with a 47m F or 100m F capacitor at the pin. When driving a transformer, an additional decoupling network of 10W and 0.1m F ceramic is recommended as shown in Figure 10. VIN 10W LT1303 F09 + VIN SW 47m F Figure 9. Slight Exponential Shape to Inductor Current Waveform Indicates Excessive DC Resistance 0.1m F(cid:13) LT1303 • • • CERAMIC GND PGND Diode Selection LT1303 F10 The LT1303’s high switching speed demands a high speed Figure 10. 10W -1m F Network to LT1303 V Pin Provides IN rectifier. Schottky diodes are preferred for their low for- Additional Decoupling. Recommended When Driving ward drop and fast recovery. Suitable choices include the Transformers. 1N5817, MBRS120LT3, and MBR0520LT1. Do not use signal diodes such as 1N4148. They cannot carry 1A Table 2. Recommended Capacitors current. Also avoid “general-purpose” diodes such as PHONE VENDOR SERIES TYPE NUMBERS 1N4001. These are far too slow and are unsuitable for any AVX TPS Surface Mount (803) 448-9411 switching regulator application. For high temperature Sanyo OS-CON Through-Hole (619) 661-6835 applications a silicon diode such as the MUR105 will have Panasonic HFQ Through-Hole (201) 348-5200 less leakage. Sprague 595D Surface Mount (603) 224-1961 8

LT1303/LT1303-5 TYPICAL APPLICATIONUS Setting Output Voltage on LT1303 1N5817 L1 VIN VIN SW VOUT + R2 100m F LT1303 + FB 100m F GND PGND R1 ( ) VOUT = 1.24V 1 + RR21(cid:13) 1303 TA03 5V Step-Up Converter with Reference Output 22m H* 1N5817 INPUT(cid:13) 1.8V TO 4.5V(cid:13) (cid:13) 100k VIN SW OUTPUT(cid:13) 2N3906 LBO SENSE + 5V(cid:13) 100m F LT1303-5 (cid:13) + VREF OUTPUT(cid:13) LBI SHDN 100m F 1.24V + 2.2m F 33k GND PGND * SUMIDA CD54-220MC 1303 TA04 9

LT1303/LT1303-5 TYPICAL APPLICATIONUS 4-, 5-Cell to 5V Converter with Output Disconnect 510W 10m H* MBRS130T3 VIN(cid:13) 2V TO 8V ZTX788B VIN SW VOUT(cid:13) SENSE 5V(cid:13) + 100mA LT1303-5 33m F SHDN + + GND PGND 33m F 220m F** SHUTDOWN *S(cid:13) UMIDA CD54-100MC(cid:13) **AVX TPS 220m F/10V(cid:13) LT1303TA05 (cid:13) 3-Cell to 3.3V Boost/Linear Converter with Output Disconnect 10m H* MBRS130T3 Si9433 VIN(cid:13) 2V TO 6V 100k VIN SW 100W SHUTDOWN SHDN LB0 LT1303 + + 33m F LBI FB 33m F 200k† VOUT 3.3V/200mA GND PGND 1.96k† + 330m F**(cid:13) · 2 121k† *S(cid:13) UMIDA CD54-100MC(cid:13) **A(cid:13) VX TPS 330m F/6.3V(cid:13) †1(cid:13) % METAL FILM (cid:13) LT1303 TA07 (cid:13)(cid:13) 10

LT1303/LT1303-5 TYPICAL APPLICATIONUS EL Panel Driver T1**(cid:13) MUR160 VIN(cid:13) 1:15 1.5V TO 8V 4,5 •6 C1*(cid:13) 50pF 10W • 10 1,2 1N5818 4.7m F(cid:13) 160V 3.3M + + 47m F VIN SW 3.3M 1k(cid:13) EL PANEL 1/2W 0.1m F(cid:13) 3.3M CERAMIC LT1303 1N4148 10k SHDN FB MPSA42 GND PGND 51k SHUTDOWN R1†(cid:13) 25k 100Hz TO 1000Hz(cid:13) SQUARE WAVE(cid:13) DRIVE (cid:13)(cid:13) *A(cid:13) DD C1 FOR OPEN-PANEL PROTECTION(cid:13) **D(cid:13) ALE LPE5047-A132 1:15 TURNS RATIO (605) 666-9301(cid:13) †R1 ADJUSTS VOUT 83VRMS TO 115VRMS LT1303 TA06 Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. 11 However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no represen- tation that the interconnection of circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights.

LT1303/LT1303-5 PACKAGE DESCRIPTIOUN Dimensions in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted. N8 Package 8-Lead Plastic DIP 0.400*(cid:13) (10.160)(cid:13) 0.300 – 0.325(cid:13) 0.045 – 0.065(cid:13) 0.130 – 0.005(cid:13) MAX (7.620 – 8.255) (1.143 – 1.651) (3.302 – 0.127) 8 7 6 5 0.065(cid:13) 0.255 – 0.015*(cid:13) (1.651)(cid:13) (6.477 – 0.381)(cid:13) 0.009 – 0.015(cid:13) TYP (0.229 – 0.381) 0.005(cid:13) 0.125(cid:13) (cid:13) (3.175)(cid:13) 0.015(cid:13) (0.127)(cid:13) (0.325–+00..002155)(cid:13) MIN MI(cid:13)N(cid:13) (0M.3I8N0)(cid:13) 1 2 3 4 +0.635(cid:13) N8 0695 8.255–0.381 0.100 – 0.010(cid:13) 0.018 – 0.003(cid:13) (2.540 – 0.254) (0.457 – 0.076) *THESE DIMENSIONS DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS.(cid:13) MOLD FLASH OR PROTRUSIONS SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.010 INCH (0.254mm) S8 Package 8-Lead Plastic SOIC 0.189 – 0.197*(cid:13) (4.801 – 5.004) 0.010 – 0.020(cid:13) · 45(cid:176) 0.053 – 0.069(cid:13) 0.004 – 0.010(cid:13) 8 7 6 5 (0.254 – 0.508) (1.346 – 1.752) (0.101 – 0.254) 0.008 – 0.010(cid:13) (0.203 – 0.254) 0°– 8° TYP 0.228 – 0.244(cid:13) 0.150 – 0.157**(cid:13) 0.016 – 0.050(cid:13) 0.014 – 0.019(cid:13) 0.050(cid:13) (5.791 – 6.197) (3.810 – 3.988) 0.406 – 1.270 (0.355 – 0.483) (1.270)(cid:13) BSC *(cid:13)DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH. MOLD FLASH (cid:13) (cid:13)SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.006" (0.152mm) PER SIDE(cid:13) **DIMENSION DOES NOT INCLUDE INTERLEAD FLASH. INTERLEAD (cid:13) 1 2 3 4 SO8 0695 FLASH SHALL NOT EXCEED 0.010" (0.254mm) PER SIDE(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) RELATED PARTS PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION COMMENTS LT1129 Micropower Low Dropout Regulator 700mA Output Current in SO-8 Package LT1182/83/84 LCD and CCFL Backlight Controller High Efficiency and Excellent Backlight Control Range LT1301 5V to 12V/200mA Step-Up DC/DC Converter 120m A Quiescent Current LT1302 2-Cell to 5V/600mA Step-Up DC/DC Converter 200m A Quiescent Current LT1305 Micropower 2A Switch DC/DC Converter with Low-Battery Detect 2V to 5V at 400mA LT1372 500kHz Step-Up PWM, 1.5A Switch Low Noise, Fixed Frequency Operation LTC®1472 PCMCIA Host Switch with Protection Includes Current Limit and Thermal Shutdown 12 Linear Technology Corporation LT/GP 0195 10K • PRINTED IN USA 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7487 (408) 432-1900 l F AX: (408) 434-0507 l TELEX: 499-3977 ª LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1995