ICGOO在线商城 > LRC-LRF2512-01-R020-F
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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供LRC-LRF2512-01-R020-F由IRC设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 提供LRC-LRF2512-01-R020-F价格参考以及IRCLRC-LRF2512-01-R020-F封装/规格参数等产品信息。 你可以下载LRC-LRF2512-01-R020-F参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书, 资料中有LRC-LRF2512-01-R020-F详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
参数 | 数值 |
品牌 | IRC / TT Electronics |
产品目录 | 无源元件 |
描述 | 电流传感电阻器 - SMD 2W .020 1% 100PPM |
产品分类 | |
产品手册 | http://www.irctt.com/file.aspx?product_id=4&file_type=datasheet |
产品图片 | |
rohs | 否 |
产品系列 | 电流传感电阻器,电流传感电阻器 - SMD,IRC / TT Electronics LRC-LRF2512-01-R020-F |
产品型号 | LRC-LRF2512-01-R020-F |
产品 | Thick Film Current Sensing Resistors |
产品种类 | 电流传感电阻器 - SMD |
功率额定值 | 2 W |
商标 | IRC / TT Electronics |
外壳代码-in | 2512 |
外壳代码-mm | 6432 |
外壳宽度 | 3.2 mm |
外壳长度 | 6.3 mm |
外壳高度 | 0.74 mm |
容差 | 1 % |
封装 | Reel |
封装/箱体 | 2512 (6432 metric) |
工作温度范围 | - 55 C to + 150 C |
工厂包装数量 | 1000 |
温度系数 | 100 PPM / C |
电阻 | 0.02 Ohms |
端接类型 | SMD/SMT |
类型 | Low Value Current Sense Flat Chip Resistor |
系列 | LR |
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Or Odredrienrgin Pgr Porcoecdeudreu re ExEamxapmlep: lLeR: LFR25F1225 1a2t 1a0t 1m0i lmlioilhlimohsm (hse (nhceen cfleip f-lciph-icph mipo munotuendt)e adn) da n2d% 2 t%ol etoralenrcaen coen oan r eae rle oefl o1f8 0108 0p0ie pcieesc es L RL FR 2 F 5 2 1 5 2 1 – 2 R – 0R 1 0 G 1 WG W TypTey pe MoMunotuinngting ConCvoennvteionntiaol n(aell e(meleemnte unpt )u p) ValVuaelsu e>s R >0 2R50 25 F F FlipF-lciph-ipc h(iepl e(meleemnte dnot wdno)w n) ValVuaelsu e< s R <0 2R50 25 S izS ei ze VaVluael u(ues (eu sIEe CIE6C2 6c2o dceo)d e) TolTeoralenrcaen c(ues (eu sIEe CIE6C2 6c2o dceo)d e) F F 1%1 % G G 2%2 % J J 5%5 % PaPckaicnkgi ng 120162 0o6r 2o0r 1200 10 300300/0re0e/rl eel W W TapTea pe 251225 12 180108/0re0e/rl eel StaSntdaanrdda rd T1 T1 All Asilzl essiz es 100100/0re0e/rl eel © W©e Wlweylwn yCno mCopmonpeonntesn Ltism LiitmediteBdedlBinegdtloinng,t Nono,r tNhourmthbuemrlabnedrl aNnEd2 N2 E72A2A 7, AUAK, UK TelepTehloenpeh:o +n4e:4 +(04)4 1(607)01 687202 188212 1· 8F1a c·s Fimacilseim: +il4e:4 +(04)4 1(607)01 687209 486259 4· 6E5m ·a Eilm: ianiflo: @inwfoe@lwwyenlw-tty.nc-otmt.c ·o mW e· bWsiteeb:s witew: ww.wwwel.wwyenlw-tty.nc-otmt.com 04.1004.10
Recommended Solder Pad Dimensions (mm) A A B C LR1206 2.0 4.0 1.25 LLooww VVaalluuee FFllaatt B CChLhRii2pp0 1 R0Reessiissttoorr 3.05 6.5 1.5 Make Possible C LLRRL R SS2ee5r1ri2ieess 3.7 7.75 1.5 (%) AEC-Q200 Table 7 Method Max. Typ. 100 ref Test (add R05) (@1R0) 3 High Temp. Exposure MIL-STD-202 Method 108 R% 0.5 0.2 80 g 4 Temperature Cycling JESD22 Method JA-104 R% 0.25 0.1 atin60 67 MoiBstiausree dR eHsuismtaidnictey MMIILL--SSTTDD--220022 MMeetthhoodd 110063 RR%% 00..55 00..22 wer R40 o P 8 Operational Life (Cyclic Load) MIL-STD-202 Method 108 R% 1 0.5 20 14 Vibration MIL-STD-202 Method 204 R% 0.5 0.05 0 15 Resistance to Soldering Heat MIL-STD-202 Method 210 R% 0.25 0.05 25 70 150 (°C) Ambient temperature 16 Thermal Shock MIL-STD-202 Method 107 R% 0.25 0.1 18 Solderability J-STD-002 >95% coverage 21 Board Flex AEC-Q200-005 R% 0.5 0.2 22 ShoTretr mTeirnmal OStvreernlogatdh A6.E2C5- Qx 2P0r 0fo-0r 026s RR%% 00.2.55 0.1 LLRRLLRRLLCCCCRR 11 CC2222 0022001155660011 00 2201.. 25. 125w5 w www waaattaattatttttttt Low Temperature Storage -65°C for 100 hours R% 0.5 Leach Resistance Solder dip at 250°C 90s minimum Note: 1. Although 2010 and 2512 sizes have passed temperature cycling and thermal shock, it is in general not recommended that ceramic chips this large be used on FR4 in a severe temperature cycle environment due to the possibility of solder joint fatigue. 2. Full AEC-Q200 qualification applies only to European Part Numbers at ohmic values ≥R01. O Orrddereinrgi Pnrgoc ePdruorec edure Example: LRF2512 at 10 milliohms (hence flip-chip mounted) and 2% tolerance on a reel of 1800 pieces T his prod uct ha s t wo valid part num bers: L R F 2 5 1 2 – R 0 1 G W ETuyproep ean (Welwyn)Part Number:LRF1206-R02FW(1206,20 milliohms ±1%, Pb-free) MountingL R F 1 2 0 6 - R 0 2 F W Conventional (element up) Values > R025 1 2 3 4 5 F Flip-chip (element down) Values < R025 Size 1 2 3 4 5 Value (use IEC62 code) Type Size Value Tolerance Termination & Packing Tolerance (use IEC62 code) LR = Conventional orientation 1206 E24 = 3/4 F = ±1% W Pb-free, standard packing F 1% (values >R025) 2010 characters G = ±2% T1 Pb-free, 1000/reel (non-standard) G 2% LRF = Flip-chip orientation 2512 R = ohms J = ±5% PB SnPb finish, standard packing J 5% (values ≤R025) Standard packing is tape & reel Packing 1206 & 2010 3000/reel 1206 or 2010 3000/reel 2512 1800/reel W Standard Tape 2512 1800/reel T1 All sizes 1000/reel USA (IRC)Part Number: LRC-LRF1206LF-01-R020-F(1206, 20milliohms ±1%,Pb-free) L R C - L R F 1 2 0 6 L F - 0 1 - R 0 2 0 - F © Welw1yn Components Lim2ited Bedlington, No3rthumberland NE242 7AA, UK 5 6 7 Telephone: +44 (0)1670 822181 · Facsimile: +44 (0)1670 829465 · Email: info@welwyn-tt.com · Website: www.welwyn-tt.com 04.10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Packing Family Model Size Termination TCR Value Tolerance LRC LR = Conventional orientation 1206 Omit for SnPb 01 = standard 4 characters F = ±1% Standardpackingis tape&reel (values >R025) 2010 LF = Pb-free (±100ppm/°C R = ohms G = ±2% Pb-free APllb s-firzeees 1P0b0-f0r/ereeel Pb-free LRF = Flip-chip orientation 2512 values ≥R05) J = ±5% 1206 & 2010 3P0b0-0fr/ereeel SnPb Pb-free (values ≤R025) 2512 P18b0-f0re/reeel General Note Electrical Data General Note BI Technologies IRC Welwyn ATlTl i nEfleocrmtroantiiocsn ries sseurbvjeesc tth teo rTigTh Etl etoct mroankices ’c hoawnng deas tian apnrodd ius ccto snpseidceifirecda taiocncu wraittheo autt t nimotei coef ogro liinagb itlioty p.rint. www.ttelectronicsresistors.com All information is subject to TT Electronics’ own data and is considered a ccurate at timLeR o1f g2o0in6g to print. LR2010 LR2512 © TT Electronics plc www.ttelectronics.com/resistors Power ra ng @70°C wa s 0.5 1 2 © TT Electronics plc 12.15 Resistance range1 ohms R003 to 1R0 09.18
Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: T T Electronics: LRC-LRF1206-01-R025-F LRC-LRF2512-01-R022-FT LRC-LR2010-01-R080-FT LRC-LR2010-01-R200-F LRC- LR2512-01-R220-F LRC-LR2010-01-R035-JT LRC-LRF2512-01-R012-F LRC-LRF2010-01-R002-J LRC-LR1206-01- R040-F LRC-LRF2512-01-R020-F LRC-LRF1206-01-R005-J LRC-LR1206-01-R025-JT LRC-LR2512-01-1R00-F LRC-LR1206-01-R050-F LRC-LRF2010-01-R010-JT LRC-LR2010-01-R058-F LRC-LRF2512-01-R015-F LRC- LR2010-01-R033-F LRC-LR1206-01-R010-F LRC-LR2010-01-R051-FT LRC-LRF2512-01-R007-G LRC-LR2512-01- R250-F LRC-LRF1206-01-R010-F LRC-LRF1206-01-R010-J LRC-LRF1206-01-R010-G LRC-LRF2512-01-R025-F LRC-LR2010-01-R330-FT LRC-LR2512-01-R120-F LRC-LRF2512-01-R024-F LRC-LR2010-01-R220-F LRC- LRF2010-01-R012-F LRC-LR2010-01-R470-F LRC-LR2512-01-R499-FT LRC-LR2010-01-R050-F LR1206LF-01- R332-FT LR1206LF-01-R470-FT LR1206LF-01-R560-FT LR2010-01-R274-FT LR2010-01-R820-FT LR2010LF-01- R033-FT LR2010LF-01-R040-FT LR2010LF-01-R050-FT LR2010LF-01-R075-FT LR2010LF-01-R100-F LR2010LF- 01-R200-F LR2010LF-01-R200-FT LR2010LF-01-R250-FT LR2010LF-01-R270-FT LR2010LF-01-R300-FT LR2010LF-01-R400-FT LR2512-01-R075-JT LR2512-01-R080-GT LR2512-01-R800-FT LR2512LF-01-1R00-F LR2512LF-01-1R00-FT LR2512LF-01-R030-FT LR2512LF-01-R040-FT LR2512LF-01-R050-F LR2512LF-01-R050- FT LR2512LF-01-R100-F LR2512LF-01-R100-FT LR2512LF-01-R150-FT LR2512LF-01-R200-FT LR2512LF-01- R330-FT LR2512LF-01-R500-FT LRF1206LF-01-R010-FT LRF1206LF-01-R010-JT LRF1206LF-01-R012-FT LRF1206LF-01-R020-FT LRF1206LF-01-R025-FT LRF2010LF-01-R010-FT LRF2010LF-01-R015-FT LRF2010LF-01- R025-FT LRF2512LF-01-R010-FT LRF2512LF-01-R020-FT LRC-LRF-2010-01-R008-G LRC-LR2512-01-R140-F LRC-LR2512-01-R330-F LRC-LR2512-01-R062-F LRC-LR1206-01-R080-F LRC-LR2010-01-R681-FT LRC-LR1206- 01-R500-F LRC-LR1206-01-R130-FT LRC-LR1206-01-1R00-FT LRC-LR2010-01-R036-GT LRC-LR2010-01-R036-JT LRC-LR2512-01-R050-F LRC-LR2512-01-R680-FT LRC-LRF2010-01-R005-J LRC-LRF2010-01-R005-G LRC- LRF2512-01-R006-G LRC-LRF2512-01-R006-J LRC-LR2512-01-R400-F LRC-LR1206-01-R060-F LRC-LR2512-01- R200-F LRC-LR2512-01-R080-F LRC-LR1206-01-R100-F LRC-LRF2512-01-R004-G LRC-LR2512-01-R100-J LRC- LRF2512-01-R004-J