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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供LM2901M/NOPB由Texas Instruments设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 LM2901M/NOPB价格参考¥2.72-¥6.74。Texas InstrumentsLM2901M/NOPB封装/规格:线性 - 比较器, 通用 比较器 CMOS,DTL,ECL,MOS,开路集电极,TTL 14-SOIC。您可以下载LM2901M/NOPB参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有LM2901M/NOPB 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
LM2901M/NOPB是Texas Instruments(德州仪器)生产的线性比较器,属于LM2901系列。该型号主要用于需要高性能、低功耗和高精度电压比较的应用场景。以下是其主要应用场景: 1. 工业自动化与控制 LM2901M/NOPB广泛应用于工业控制系统中,用于监控和比较传感器信号。例如,在温度、压力或液位传感器的输出信号处理中,它可以将传感器的模拟信号与预设的参考电压进行比较,从而触发相应的控制动作。它还可以用于电机驱动电路中的过流保护,通过比较电流信号来防止电机过载。 2. 电源管理 在电源管理系统中,LM2901M/NOPB可以用于电压监测和稳压控制。它能够实时监控电源电压是否在安全范围内,并在电压超出设定值时发出警报或触发保护机制。此外,它还可以用于电池充电管理,确保电池在充电过程中不会过充或欠压。 3. 消费电子产品 在消费电子产品中,如智能家电、便携式设备等,LM2901M/NOPB可用于检测电源状态、电池电量以及输入信号的异常情况。例如,在便携式音响设备中,它可以帮助检测电池电压,当电池电量不足时自动关闭设备以保护电池。 4. 汽车电子 在汽车电子系统中,LM2901M/NOPB可用于发动机控制单元(ECU)、车载传感器信号处理以及故障诊断系统。它能够快速响应并处理来自各种传感器的信号,帮助车辆保持最佳运行状态。例如,在燃油喷射系统中,它可以用于监测燃油压力,确保喷油量的精确控制。 5. 医疗设备 在医疗设备中,如心电图机、血压计等,LM2901M/NOPB可以用于信号处理和报警功能。它能够精确地比较生物电信号与预设阈值,当信号超出正常范围时及时发出警报,确保患者的安全。 6. 通信设备 在通信设备中,LM2901M/NOPB可用于信号完整性检测、电源监控以及故障诊断。它能够确保通信链路的稳定性和可靠性,特别是在长距离传输或复杂电磁环境中,提供准确的信号比较和保护功能。 总之,LM2901M/NOPB凭借其低功耗、宽工作电压范围和高精度的特点,适用于多种应用场景,尤其是在需要可靠信号比较和保护功能的领域。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | 集成电路 (IC)半导体 |
CMRR,PSRR(典型值) | - |
产品分类 | |
品牌 | Texas Instruments |
产品手册 | |
产品图片 | |
rohs | 符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | 模拟比较器,Texas Instruments LM2901M/NOPB- |
数据手册 | |
产品型号 | LM2901M/NOPB |
产品 | Analog Comparators |
产品目录页面 | |
产品种类 | 模拟比较器 |
传播延迟(最大值) | - |
供应商器件封装 | 14-SOICN |
偏转电压—最大值 | 7 mV |
元件数 | 4 |
其它名称 | *LM2901M/NOPB |
包装 | 管件 |
响应时间 | 1.3 us |
商标 | Texas Instruments |
安装类型 | 表面贴装 |
安装风格 | SMD/SMT |
封装 | Tube |
封装/外壳 | 14-SOIC(0.154",3.90mm 宽) |
封装/箱体 | SOIC-14 |
工作温度 | -40°C ~ 85°C |
工厂包装数量 | 55 |
最大工作温度 | + 125 C |
最小工作温度 | - 40 C |
标准包装 | 55 |
比较器类型 | General Purpose |
滞后 | - |
电压-电源,单/双 (±) | 2 V ~ 36 V, ±1 V ~ 18 V |
电压-输入失调(最大值) | 7mV @ 30V |
电压增益dB | 100 dB |
电流-输入偏置(最大值) | 0.25µA @ 5V |
电流-输出(典型值) | 16mA @ 5V |
电流-静态(最大值) | 2.5mA |
电源电压-最大 | 36 V |
电源电压-最小 | 2 V |
电源电流 | 2 mA at 5 V |
电源电流—最大值 | 2.5 mA |
类型 | 通用 |
系列 | LM2901-N |
输入偏压电流—最大 | 250 nA |
输出类型 | CMOS,DTL,ECL,MOS,开路集电极,TTL |
通道数量 | 4 Channel |
Product Sample & Technical Tools & Support & Folder Buy Documents Software Community LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 LMx39-N, LM2901-N, LM3302-N Low-Power Low-Offset Voltage Quad Comparators 1 Features 3 Description • WideSupplyVoltageRange The LMx39-N series consists of four independent 1 precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage • LM139/139ASeries2to36V or±1to ±18V DC DC specification as low as 2 mV maximum for all four • LM2901-N:2to36VDCor±1to ±18VDC comparators. These comparators were designed • LM3302-N:2to28V or±1to ±14V specifically to operate from a single power supply DC DC over a wide range of voltages. Operation from split • VeryLowSupplyCurrentDrain(0.8mA)— power supplies is also possible and the low power IndependentofSupplyVoltage supply current drain is independent of the magnitude • LowInputBiasingCurrent:25nA of the power supply voltage. These comparators also • LowInputOffsetCurrent:±5nA have a unique characteristic in that the input common-mode voltage range includes ground, even • OffsetVoltage:±3mV though they are operated from a single power supply • InputCommon-ModeVoltageRangeIncludes voltage. GND The LMx39-N series was designed to directly • DifferentialInputVoltageRangeEqualtothe interface with TTL and CMOS. When operated from PowerSupplyVoltage both plus and minus power supplies, the devices • LowOutputSaturationVoltage:250mVat4mA directly interface with MOS logic— where the low • OutputVoltageCompatibleWithTTL,DTL,ECL, powerdrainoftheLM339isadistinctadvantageover standardcomparators. MOS,andCMOSLogicSystems • Advantages: DeviceInformation(1) – High-PrecisionComparators PARTNUMBER PACKAGE BODYSIZE(NOM) – ReducedV DriftOvertemperature OS LM139-N CDIP(14) 19.56mm×6.67mm – EliminatesNeedforDualSupplies LM239-N – AllowsSensingNearGND SOIC(14) 8.65mm×3.91mm LM2901-N – CompatibleWithAllFormsofLogic PDIP(14) 19.177mm×6.35mm – PowerDrainSuitableforBatteryOperation CDIP(14) 19.56mm×6.67mm LM339-N SOIC(14) 8.65mm×3.91mm 2 Applications PDIP(14) 19.177mm×6.35mm • LimitComparators (1) For all available packages, see the orderable addendum at theendofthedatasheet. • SimpleAnalog-to-DigitalConverters(ADCs) • Pulse,Squarewave,andTimeDelayGenerators One-ShotMultivibratorWithInputLockOut • WideRangeVCO;MOSClockTimers • MultivibratorsandHigh-VoltageDigitalLogic Gates 1 An IMPORTANT NOTICE at the end of this data sheet addresses availability, warranty, changes, use in safety-critical applications, intellectualpropertymattersandotherimportantdisclaimers.PRODUCTIONDATA.
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com Table of Contents 1 Features.................................................................. 1 7.2 FunctionalBlockDiagram.......................................10 2 Applications........................................................... 1 7.3 FeatureDescription.................................................10 3 Description............................................................. 1 7.4 DeviceFunctionalModes........................................11 4 RevisionHistory..................................................... 2 8 ApplicationandImplementation........................ 12 8.1 ApplicationInformation............................................12 5 PinConfigurationandFunctions......................... 3 8.2 TypicalApplications................................................12 6 Specifications......................................................... 4 9 PowerSupplyRecommendations...................... 19 6.1 AbsoluteMaximumRatings......................................4 10 Layout................................................................... 19 6.2 ESDRatings..............................................................4 6.3 RecommendedOperatingConditions.......................5 10.1 LayoutGuidelines.................................................19 6.4 ThermalInformation..................................................5 10.2 LayoutExample....................................................19 6.5 ElectricalCharacteristics:LM139A,LM239A, 11 DeviceandDocumentationSupport................. 20 LM339A,LM139.........................................................6 11.1 RelatedLinks........................................................20 6.6 ElectricalCharacteristics:LM239,LM339,LM2901, 11.2 Trademarks...........................................................20 LM3302 .....................................................................7 11.3 ElectrostaticDischargeCaution............................20 6.7 TypicalCharacteristics..............................................8 11.4 Glossary................................................................20 7 DetailedDescription............................................ 10 12 Mechanical,Packaging,andOrderable 7.1 Overview.................................................................10 Information........................................................... 20 4 Revision History ChangesfromRevisionD(March2013)toRevisionE Page • AddedPinConfigurationandFunctionssection,ESDRatingstable,FeatureDescriptionsection,DeviceFunctional Modes,ApplicationandImplementationsection,PowerSupplyRecommendationssection,Layoutsection,Device andDocumentationSupportsection,andMechanical,Packaging,andOrderableInformationsection .............................. 1 ChangesfromRevisionC(March2013)toRevisionD Page • ChangedlayoutofNationalDataSheettoTIformat........................................................................................................... 10 2 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N www.ti.com SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 5 Pin Configuration and Functions J,DandNFFPackage 14-PinCDIP,SOIC,PDIP TopView 14-PinCLGAPackage TopView PinFunctions PIN I/O DESCRIPTION NO. NAME 1 OUTPUT2 O Output,Channel2 2 OUTPUT1 O Output,Channel1 3 V+ P PositiveSupply 4 INPUT1- I InvertingInput,Channel1 5 INPUT1+ I NoninvertingInput,Channel1 6 INPUT2- I InvertingInput,Channel2 7 INPUT2+ I NoninvertingInput,Channel2 8 INPUT3- I InvertingInput,Channel3 9 INPUT3+ I NoninvertingInput,Channel3 10 INPUT4- I InvertingInput,Channel4 11 INPUT4+ I NoninvertingInput,Channel4 12 GND P Ground 13 OUTPUT4 O Output,Channel4 14 OUTPUT3 O Output,Channel3 Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 3 ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com 6 Specifications 6.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings(1) MIN MAX UNIT LM139N,LM239N,LM339N,LM2901N 36 SupplyVoltage,V+ LM3302N 28 LM139N,LM239N,LM339N,LM2901N (2) 36 DifferentialInputVoltage V LM3302N(2) 28 DC LM139N,LM239N,LM339N,LM2901N −0.3 36 InputVoltage LM3302 –0.3 28 InputCurrent(V <−0.3V )(3) 50 mA IN DC PowerDissipation(4) PDIP 1050 CavityDIP 1190 mW SOICPackage 760 OutputShort-CircuittoGND(5) Continuous LeadTemperature(Soldering,10seconds) 260 PDIPPackage(10seconds) 260 SolderingInformation VaporPhase(60seconds) 215 °C SOICPackage Infrared(15seconds) 220 Storagetemperature,T −65 150 stg (1) RefertoRETS139AXforLM139AmilitaryspecificationsandtoRETS139XforLM139militaryspecifications. (2) Positiveexcursionsofinputvoltagemayexceedthepowersupplylevel.Aslongastheothervoltageremainswithinthecommon-mode range,thecomparatorwillprovideaproperoutputstate.Thelowinputvoltagestatemustnotbelessthan−0.3V (or0.3V below DC DC themagnitudeofthenegativepowersupply,ifused)(at25°C). (3) Thisinputcurrentwillonlyexistwhenthevoltageatanyoftheinputleadsisdrivennegative.Itisduetothecollector-basejunctionof theinputPNPtransistorsbecomingforwardbiasedandtherebyactingasinputdiodeclamps.Inadditiontothisdiodeaction,thereis alsolateralNPNparasitictransistoractionontheICchip.Thistransistoractioncancausetheoutputvoltagesofthecomparatorstogo totheV+voltagelevel(ortogroundforalargeoverdrive)forthetimedurationthataninputisdrivennegative.Thisisnotdestructive andnormaloutputstateswillre-establishwhentheinputvoltage,whichwasnegative,againreturnstoavaluegreaterthan−0.3V (at DC 25°C). (4) Foroperatingathightemperatures,theLM339/LM339A,LM2901,LM3302mustbederatedbasedona125°Cmaximumjunction temperatureandathermalresistanceof95°C/Wwhichappliesforthedevicesolderedinaprintedcircuitboard,operatinginastillair ambient.TheLM239-NandLM139-Nmustbederatedbasedona150°Cmaximumjunctiontemperature.Thelowbiasdissipationand the“ON-OFF”characteristicoftheoutputskeepsthechipdissipationverysmall(P ≤100mW),providedtheoutputtransistorsare D allowedtosaturate. (5) ShortcircuitsfromtheoutputtoV+cancauseexcessiveheatingandeventualdestruction.Whenconsideringshortcircuitstoground, themaximumoutputcurrentisapproximately20mAindependentofthemagnitudeofV+. 6.2 ESD Ratings VALUE UNIT V Electrostaticdischarge Human-bodymodel(HBM),perANSI/ESDA/JEDECJS-001(1) ±600 V (ESD) (1) JEDECdocumentJEP155statesthat500-VHBMallowssafemanufacturingwithastandardESDcontrolprocess. 4 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N www.ti.com SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 6.3 Recommended Operating Conditions overoperatingfree-airtemperaturerange(unlessotherwisenoted) MIN MAX UNIT LM139N,LM239N,LM339N,LM2901N 2 36 SingleSupply LM3302N 2 28 SupplyVoltage V LM139N,LM239N,LM339N,LM2901N ±1 ±18 DualSupply LM3302N ±1 ±14 LM139/LM139A −55 125 LM2901/LM3302 −40 85 OperatingTemperature °C LM239/LM239A −25 85 LM339/LM339A 0 70 6.4 Thermal Information LM139-N, LM2901-N, LM2901-N, LM239-N, LM339-N LM339-N THERMALMETRIC(1) LM339-N UNIT J D NFF 14PINS R Junction-to-ambientthermalresistance 95 95 95 °C/W θJA (1) Formoreinformationabouttraditionalandnewthermalmetrics,seetheICPackageThermalMetricsapplicationreport,SPRA953. Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 5 ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com 6.5 Electrical Characteristics: LM139A, LM239A, LM339A, LM139 (V+=5V ,T =25°C(1)unlessotherwisestated) DC A LM139A LM239A,LM339A LM139 PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS UNIT MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX InputOffsetVoltage See(2) 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 mV DC InputBiasCurrent I orI withOutputin 25 100 25 250 25 100 nA IN(+) IN(−) DC LinearRange(3),V =0V CM InputOffsetCurrent I −I ,V =0V 3.0 25 5.0 50 3.0 25 nA IN(+) IN(−) CM DC InputCommon-Mode V+=30V (LM3302, VoltageRange V+=28VDC )(4) 0 V+−1.5 0 V+−1.5 0 V+−1.5 VDC DC SupplyCurrent (LM3302,V+=28V ),R =∞ DC L 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 mA onallComparators DC (LM3302,V+=28V ),R = ∞,V+=36V DC L 1.0 2.5 1.0 2.5 mADC VoltageGain R ≥15kΩ,V+=15V L DC 50 200 50 200 50 200 V/mV V =1V to11V O DC DC LargeSignal V =TTLLogicSwing,V = IN REF ResponseTime 1.4V ,V =5V , 300 300 300 ns DC RL DC R =5.1kΩ L ResponseTime V =5V ,R =5.1kΩ(5) 1.3 1.3 1.3 μs RL DC L OutputSinkCurrent V =1V ,V =0, IN(−) DC IN(+) 6.0 16 6.0 16 6.0 16 mA DC V ≤1.5V O DC SaturationVoltage V =1V ,V =0, IN(−) DC IN(+) 250 400 250 400 250 400 mV DC I ≤4mA SINK OutputLeakage V =1V ,V =0, IN(+) DC IN(−) Current 0.1 0.1 0.1 nADC V =5V O DC InputOffsetVoltage See(2) 4.0 4.0 9.0 mV DC InputOffsetCurrent I −I ,V =0V 100 150 100 nA IN(+) IN(−) CM DC InputBiasCurrent I orI withOutputin 300 400 300 nA IN(+) IN(−) DC LinearRange,V =0V(3) CM InputCommon-Mode V+=30V (LM3302), 0 V+−2.0 0 V+−2.0 0 V+−2.0 DC V VoltageRange V+=28V )(4) DC DC SaturationVoltage V =1V ,V =0, IN(−) DC IN(+) 700 700 700 mV I ≤4mA DC SINK OutputLeakage V 1V ,V =0, IN(+)= DC IN(−) Current V =30V ,(LM3302, 1.0 1.0 1.0 μA O DC DC V =28V ) O DC DifferentialInput KeepallV 's≥0V (orV−,if Voltage used)(6) IN DC 36 36 36 VDC (1) Thesespecificationsarelimitedto−55°C≤T ≤125°C,fortheLM139/LM139A.WiththeLM239/LM239A,alltemperaturespecifications A arelimitedto−25°C≤T ≤85°C,theLM339/LM339Atemperaturespecificationsarelimitedto0°C≤T ≤70°C,andtheLM2901, A A LM3302temperaturerangeis−40°C≤T ≤85°C. A (2) Atoutputswitchpoint,V ≃1.4V ,R =0ΩwithV+from5V to30V ;andoverthefullinputcommon-moderange(0V toV+ O DC S DC DC DC −1.5V ),at25°C.ForLM3302,V+from5V to28V . DC DC DC (3) ThedirectionoftheinputcurrentisoutoftheICduetothePNPinputstage.Thiscurrentisessentiallyconstant,independentofthe stateoftheoutputsonoloadingchangeexistsonthereferenceorinputlines. (4) Theinputcommon-modevoltageoreitherinputsignalvoltageshouldnotbeallowedtogonegativebymorethan0.3V.Theupperend ofthecommon-modevoltagerangeisV+−1.5Vat25°C,buteitherorbothinputscangoto30V withoutdamage(25VforLM3302), DC independentofthemagnitudeofV+. (5) Theresponsetimespecifiedisa100-mVinputstepwith5-mVoverdrive.Forlargeroverdrivesignals300nscanbeobtained,see typicalperformancecharacteristicssection. (6) Positiveexcursionsofinputvoltagemayexceedthepowersupplylevel.Aslongastheothervoltageremainswithinthecommon-mode range,thecomparatorwillprovideaproperoutputstate.Thelowinputvoltagestatemustnotbelessthan−0.3V (or0.3V below DC DC themagnitudeofthenegativepowersupply,ifused)(at25°C). 6 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N www.ti.com SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 6.6 Electrical Characteristics: LM239, LM339, LM2901, LM3302 (V+=5V ,T =25°C(1)unlessotherwisestated) DC A LM239,LM339 LM2901 LM3302 PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MI TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX UNIT N InputOffsetVoltage See(2) 2.0 5.0 2.0 7.0 3 20 mV DC InputBiasCurrent I orI withOutputinLinear nA RINa(+n)ge(3)IN,(V−) =0V 25 250 25 250 25 500 DC CM InputOffsetCurrent I −I ,V =0V 5.0 50 5 50 3 100 nA IN(+) IN(−) CM DC InpVuotltCaogmemRaonng-Meode VV++==3208VVDC)((L4)M3302, 0 V+−1.5 0 V+−1.5 0 V+−1.5 VDC DC SupplyCurrent (LM3302,V+=28V )R =∞on mA DC L 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 0.8 2.0 DC allComparators (LM3302,V+=28V )R =∞,V+ mA DC L 1.0 2.5 1.0 2.5 1.0 2.5 DC =36V VoltageGain R ≥15kΩ,V+=15V V/mV L DC 50 200 25 100 2 30 V =1V to11V O DC DC LargeSignal V =TTLLogicSwing,V = ns IN REF ResponseTime 1.4V ,V =5V , 300 300 300 DC RL DC R =5.1kΩ, L ResponseTime V =5V ,R =5.1kΩ(5) 1.3 1.3 1.3 μs RL DC L OutputSinkCurrent V =1V ,V =0, mA IN(−) DC IN(+) DC 6.0 16 6.0 16 6.0 16 V ≤1.5V O DC SaturationVoltage V =1V ,V =0, mV IN(−) DC IN(+) DC 250 400 250 400 250 500 I ≤4mA SINK OutputLeakage V =1V ,V =0, nA IN(+) DC IN(−) DC Current 0.1 0.1 0.1 V =5V O DC InputOffsetVoltage See(2) 9.0 9 15 40 mV DC InputOffsetCurrent I −I ,V =0V 150 50 200 300 nA IN(+) IN(−) CM DC InputBiasCurrent I orI withOutputin 400 200 500 1000 nA IN(+) IN(−) DC LinearRange,V =0V(3) CM InputCommon-Mode V+=30VDC(LM3302,V+=28 V+−2.0 0 V+−2.0 0 V+−2.0 VDC V ) DC VoltageRange See(4) SaturationVoltage V =1V ,V =0, mV IN(−) DC IN(+) 700 400 700 700 DC I ≤4mA SINK OutputLeakage V 1V ,V =0,V =30 μA IN(+)= DC IN(−) O 1.0 1.0 1.0 DC Current V ,(LM3302,V =28V ) DC O DC DifferentialInput KeepallV 's≥0V (orV−,if V Voltage used)(6) IN DC 36 36 28 DC (1) Thesespecificationsarelimitedto−55°C≤T ≤125°C,fortheLM139/LM139A.WiththeLM239/LM239A,alltemperaturespecifications A arelimitedto−25°C≤T ≤85°C,theLM339/LM339Atemperaturespecificationsarelimitedto0°C≤T ≤70°C,andtheLM2901, A A LM3302temperaturerangeis−40°C≤T ≤85°C. A (2) Atoutputswitchpoint,V ≃1.4V ,R =0ΩwithV+from5V to30V ;andoverthefullinputcommon-moderange(0V toV+ O DC S DC DC DC −1.5V ),at25°C.ForLM3302,V+from5V to28V . DC DC DC (3) ThedirectionoftheinputcurrentisoutoftheICduetothePNPinputstage.Thiscurrentisessentiallyconstant,independentofthe stateoftheoutputsonoloadingchangeexistsonthereferenceorinputlines. (4) Theinputcommon-modevoltageoreitherinputsignalvoltageshouldnotbeallowedtogonegativebymorethan0.3V.Theupperend ofthecommon-modevoltagerangeisV+−1.5Vat25°C,buteitherorbothinputscangoto30V withoutdamage(25VforLM3302), DC independentofthemagnitudeofV+. (5) Theresponsetimespecifiedisa100-mVinputstepwith5-mVoverdrive.Forlargeroverdrivesignals300nscanbeobtained,see typicalperformancecharacteristicssection. (6) Positiveexcursionsofinputvoltagemayexceedthepowersupplylevel.Aslongastheothervoltageremainswithinthecommon-mode range,thecomparatorwillprovideaproperoutputstate.Thelowinputvoltagestatemustnotbelessthan−0.3V (or0.3V below DC DC themagnitudeofthenegativepowersupply,ifused)(at25°C). Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 7 ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com 6.7 Typical Characteristics 6.7.1 LM139/LM239/LM339,LM139A/LM239A/LM339A,LM3302 Figure1.SupplyCurrent Figure2.InputCurrent Figure3.OutputSaturationVoltage Figure4.ResponseTimeforVariousInputOverdrives– NegativeTransition Figure5.ResponseTimeforVariousInputOverdrives– PositiveTransition 8 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N www.ti.com SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 6.7.2 LM2901 Figure6.SupplyCurrent Figure7.InputCurrent Figure8.OutputSaturationVoltage Figure9.ResponseTimeforVariousInputOverdrives– NegativeTransition Figure10.ResponseTimeforVariousInputOverdrives– PositiveTransition Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 9 ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com 7 Detailed Description 7.1 Overview The LM139/LM239/LM339 family of devices is a monolithic quad of independently functioning comparators designedtomeettheneedsforamedium-speed,TTLcompatiblecomparatorforindustrialapplications.Sinceno antisaturation clamps are used on the output such as a Baker clamp or other active circuitry, the output leakage current in the OFF state is typically 0.1 nA. This makes the device ideal for system applications where it is desired to switch a node to ground while leaving it totally unaffected in the OFF state. Other features include single supply, low voltage operation with an input common mode range from ground up to approximately one volt below V . The output is an uncommitted collector so it may be used with a pullup resistor and a separate CC output supply to give switching levels from any voltage up to 36V down to a V CE SAT above ground (approximately 100 mV), sinking currents up to 16 mA. The open collector output configuration allows the device tobeusedinwired-ORconfigurations,suchasawindowcomparators. In addition it may be used as a single pole switch to ground, leaving the switched node unaffected while in the OFF state. Power dissipation with all four comparators in the OFF state is typically 4 mW from a single 5-V supply(1mW/comparator). 7.2 Functional Block Diagram 7.3 Feature Description The LMx39-N series are high-gain, wide bandwidth devices which, like most comparators, can easily oscillate if theoutputleadisinadvertentlyallowedtocapacitivelycoupletotheinputsthroughstraycapacitance.Thisshows up only during the output voltage transition intervals as the comparator changes states. Reducing the input resistors to < 10 kΩ reduces the feedback signal levels and finally, adding even a small amount (1 to 10 mV) of positive feedback (hysteresis) causes such a rapid transition that oscillations due to stray feedback are not possible.SimplysocketingtheICandattachingresistorstothepinswillcauseinput-outputoscillationsduringthe small transition intervals unless hysteresis is used. If the input signal is a pulse waveform, with relatively fast rise andfalltimes,hysteresisisnotrequired. The differential input voltage may be larger than V+ without damaging the device. Protection should be provided to prevent the input voltages from going negative more than −0.3 V (at 25°C). An input clamp diode can be DC usedasshownintheapplicationssection. The output of the LMx39-N series is the uncommitted collector of a grounded-emitter NPN output transistor. Many collectors can be tied together to provide an output OR'ing function. An output pullup resistor can be connected to any available power supply voltage within the permitted supply voltage range and there is no restriction on this voltage due to the magnitude of the voltage which is applied to the V+ terminal of the LM139A package. The output can also be used as a simple SPST switch to ground (when a pullup resistor is not used). 10 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N www.ti.com SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 Feature Description (continued) The amount of current which the output device can sink is limited by the drive available (which is independent of V+) and the β of this device. When the maximum current limit is reached (approximately 16 mA), the output transistor will come out of saturation and the output voltage will rise very rapidly. The output saturation voltage is limited by the approximately 60-Ω R of the output transistor. The low offset voltage of the output transistor (4 SAT mV)allowstheoutputtoclampessentiallytogroundlevelforsmallloadcurrents. 7.4 Device Functional Modes A basic comparator circuit is used for converting analog signals to a digital output. The output is HIGH when the voltage on the non-inverting (+IN) input is greater than the inverting (-IN) input. The output is LOW when the voltage on the noninverting (+IN) input is less than the inverting (-IN) input. The inverting input (-IN) is also commonlyreferredtoasthe"reference"or"VREF"input. Allpinsofanyunusedcomparatorsshouldbetiedtothenegativesupply. The bias network of the LMx39-N series establishes a drain current which is independent of the magnitude of the powersupplyvoltageovertherangeoffrom2V to30V . DC DC Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 11 ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com 8 Application and Implementation NOTE Information in the following applications sections is not part of the TI component specification, and TI does not warrant its accuracy or completeness. TI’s customers are responsible for determining suitability of components for their purposes. Customers should validateandtesttheirdesignimplementationtoconfirmsystemfunctionality. 8.1 Application Information The LM139-N is specified for operation from 2.0 V to 36 V (±1V to ±18V) over the temperature range of –55°C to 125°C. While it may seem like a comparator has a well-defined and somewhat limited functionality as a '1-bit ADC',acomparatorisaversatilecomponentwhichcanbeusedformanyfunctions. Refer to AN-74 LM139/LM239/LM339 A Quad of Independently Functioning Comparators (SNOA654) for additionalapplicationinformationonuseoftheLM139-N. 8.2 Typical Applications 8.2.1 BasicComparator Figure11. BasicComparatorSchematic DesignRequirements The basic usage of a comparator is to indicate when a specific analog signal has exceeded some predefined threshold. In this application, the negative input is tied to a reference voltage, and the positive input is connected totheinputsignal.Theoutputispulledupwitharesistortothelogicsupplyvoltage,V+. For an example application, the supply voltage is 5 V. The input signal varies between 1 V and 3 V, and we want toknowwhentheinputexceeds2.5V.Forthisexample,wewouldsettheV to2.5V. REF ApplicationCurve Figure12. BasicComparatorResponse 12 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N www.ti.com SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 Typical Applications (continued) 8.2.2 SystemExamples Figure13.DrivingCMOS Figure14.DrivingTTL (V+=5.0V ) (V+=5.0V ) DC DC Figure15.ANDGate Figure16.ORGate (V+=5.0V ) (V+=5.0V ) DC DC Figure17.One-ShotMultivibrator Figure18.Bi-StableMultivibrator (V+=15V ) (V+=15V ) DC DC Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 13 ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com Typical Applications (continued) Figure19.One-ShotMultivibratorwithInputLock Figure20.PulseGenerator Out (V+=15V ) DC (V+=15V ) DC Figure21.LargeFan-InANDGate Figure22.ORingtheOutputs (V+=15V ) (V+=15V ) DC DC 14 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N www.ti.com SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 Typical Applications (continued) Figure23.TimeDelayGenerator Figure24.Non-InvertingComparatorwith (V+=15V ) Hysteresis DC (V+=15V ) DC Figure25.InvertingComparatorWithHysteresis Figure26.SquarewaveOscillator (V+=15V ) (V+=15V ) DC DC Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 15 ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com Typical Applications (continued) Figure27.BasicComparator Figure28.LimitComparator (V+=15V ) (V+=15V ) DC DC *Oropen-collectorlogicgatewithoutpullupresistor Figure29.ComparingInputVoltagesofOpposite Figure30.OutputStrobing Polarity (V+=15V ) DC (V+=15V ) DC 16 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N www.ti.com SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 Typical Applications (continued) 250mV ≤V ≤ +50V DC C DC 700Hz≤f ≤ 100kHz O Figure31.CrystalControlledOscillator Figure32.Two-DecadeHigh-FrequencyVCO (V+=15V ) V+=+30V DC DC Figure33.TransducerAmplifier Figure34.ZeroCrossingDetector(SinglePower (V+=15V ) Supply) DC (V+=15V ) DC Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 17 ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com Typical Applications (continued) Split-SupplyApplications Figure35.MOSClockDriver Figure36.ZeroCrossingDetector (V+=+15V andV−= −15V ) (V+=+15V andV−= −15V ) DC DC DC DC Figure37.ComparatorWithaNegativeReference (V+=+15V andV−= −15V ) DC DC 18 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N www.ti.com SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 9 Power Supply Recommendations Eveninlow-frequencyapplications,theLM139-Ncanhaveinternaltransientswhichareextremelyquick.Forthis reason,bypassingthepowersupplywith1.0µFtogroundwillprovideimprovedperformance;thesupplybypass capacitorshouldbeplacedascloseaspossibletothesupplypinandhaveasolidconnectiontoground.The bypasscapacitorsshouldhavealowESR. 10 Layout 10.1 Layout Guidelines Try to minimize parasitic impedances on the inputs to avoid oscillation. Any positive feedback used as hysteresis should place the feedback components as close as possible to the input pins. Take care to ensure that the output pins do not couple to the inputs. This can occur through capacitive coupling if the traces are too close and leadtooscillationsontheoutput. The optimum bypass capacitor placement is closest to the V+ and ground pins. Take care to minimize the loop area formed by the bypass capacitor connection between V+ and ground. The ground pin should be connected to the PCB ground plane at the pin of the device. The feedback components should be placed as close to the deviceaspossibleminimizingstrays. 10.2 Layout Example Figure38. LayoutExample Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 19 ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
LM139-N,LM239-N,LM2901-N,LM3302-N,LM339-N SNOSBJ3E–NOVEMBER1999–REVISEDDECEMBER2014 www.ti.com 11 Device and Documentation Support 11.1 Related Links The table below lists quick access links. Categories include technical documents, support and community resources,toolsandsoftware,andquickaccesstosampleorbuy. Table1.RelatedLinks TECHNICAL TOOLS& SUPPORT& PARTS PRODUCTFOLDER SAMPLE&BUY DOCUMENTS SOFTWARE COMMUNITY LM139-N Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere LM239-N Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere LM2901-N Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere LM3302-N Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere LM339-N Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere Clickhere 11.2 Trademarks Alltrademarksarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners. 11.3 Electrostatic Discharge Caution Thesedeviceshavelimitedbuilt-inESDprotection.Theleadsshouldbeshortedtogetherorthedeviceplacedinconductivefoam duringstorageorhandlingtopreventelectrostaticdamagetotheMOSgates. 11.4 Glossary SLYZ022—TIGlossary. Thisglossarylistsandexplainsterms,acronyms,anddefinitions. 12 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information The following pages include mechanical, packaging, and orderable information. This information is the most current data available for the designated devices. This data is subject to change without notice and revision of thisdocument.Forbrowser-basedversionsofthisdatasheet,refertotheleft-handnavigation. 20 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©1999–2014,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:LM139-N LM239-N LM2901-N LM3302-N LM339-N
PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 6-Feb-2020 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status Package Type Package Pins Package Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking Samples (1) Drawing Qty (2) (6) (3) (4/5) LM139AJ/PB ACTIVE CDIP J 14 25 TBD Call TI Call TI -55 to 125 LM139AJ LM139J/PB ACTIVE CDIP J 14 25 TBD Call TI Call TI -55 to 125 LM139J LM239J ACTIVE CDIP J 14 25 TBD Call TI Call TI -25 to 85 LM239J LM2901M ACTIVE SOIC D 14 55 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 LM2901M LM2901M/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 14 55 Green (RoHS Call TI | SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 LM2901M & no Sb/Br) LM2901MX ACTIVE SOIC D 14 2500 TBD Call TI Call TI -40 to 85 LM2901M LM2901MX/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 14 2500 Green (RoHS Call TI | SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM -40 to 85 LM2901M & no Sb/Br) LM2901N/NOPB ACTIVE PDIP NFF 14 25 Green (RoHS SN Level-1-NA-UNLIM -40 to 85 LM2901N & no Sb/Br) LM339AM ACTIVE SOIC D 14 55 TBD Call TI Call TI 0 to 70 LM339AM LM339AM/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 14 55 Green (RoHS Call TI | SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM 0 to 70 LM339AM & no Sb/Br) LM339AMX ACTIVE SOIC D 14 2500 TBD Call TI Call TI 0 to 70 LM339AM LM339AMX/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 14 2500 Green (RoHS Call TI | SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM 0 to 70 LM339AM & no Sb/Br) LM339AN/NOPB ACTIVE PDIP NFF 14 25 Green (RoHS SN Level-1-NA-UNLIM 0 to 70 LM339AN & no Sb/Br) LM339M ACTIVE SOIC D 14 55 TBD Call TI Call TI 0 to 70 LM339M LM339M/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 14 55 Green (RoHS Call TI | SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM 0 to 70 LM339M & no Sb/Br) LM339MX ACTIVE SOIC D 14 2500 TBD Call TI Call TI 0 to 70 LM339M LM339MX/NOPB ACTIVE SOIC D 14 2500 Green (RoHS Call TI | SN Level-1-260C-UNLIM 0 to 70 LM339M & no Sb/Br) LM339N/NOPB ACTIVE PDIP NFF 14 25 Green (RoHS SN Level-1-NA-UNLIM 0 to 70 LM339N & no Sb/Br) Addendum-Page 1
PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 6-Feb-2020 (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of <=1000ppm threshold. Antimony trioxide based flame retardants must also meet the <=1000ppm threshold requirement. (3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. (4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device. (5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device. (6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finish value exceeds the maximum column width. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. OTHER QUALIFIED VERSIONS OF LM139-N, LM2901-N : •Automotive: LM2901-Q1 •Space: LM139-SP NOTE: Qualified Version Definitions: Addendum-Page 2
PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 6-Feb-2020 •Automotive - Q100 devices qualified for high-reliability automotive applications targeting zero defects •Space - Radiation tolerant, ceramic packaging and qualified for use in Space-based application Addendum-Page 3
PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION www.ti.com 25-Sep-2019 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION *Alldimensionsarenominal Device Package Package Pins SPQ Reel Reel A0 B0 K0 P1 W Pin1 Type Drawing Diameter Width (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Quadrant (mm) W1(mm) LM2901MX SOIC D 14 2500 330.0 16.4 6.5 9.35 2.3 8.0 16.0 Q1 LM2901MX/NOPB SOIC D 14 2500 330.0 16.4 6.5 9.35 2.3 8.0 16.0 Q1 LM339AMX SOIC D 14 2500 330.0 16.4 6.5 9.35 2.3 8.0 16.0 Q1 LM339AMX/NOPB SOIC D 14 2500 330.0 16.4 6.5 9.35 2.3 8.0 16.0 Q1 LM339MX SOIC D 14 2500 330.0 16.4 6.5 9.35 2.3 8.0 16.0 Q1 LM339MX/NOPB SOIC D 14 2500 330.0 16.4 6.5 9.35 2.3 8.0 16.0 Q1 PackMaterials-Page1
PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION www.ti.com 25-Sep-2019 *Alldimensionsarenominal Device PackageType PackageDrawing Pins SPQ Length(mm) Width(mm) Height(mm) LM2901MX SOIC D 14 2500 367.0 367.0 35.0 LM2901MX/NOPB SOIC D 14 2500 367.0 367.0 35.0 LM339AMX SOIC D 14 2500 367.0 367.0 35.0 LM339AMX/NOPB SOIC D 14 2500 367.0 367.0 35.0 LM339MX SOIC D 14 2500 367.0 367.0 35.0 LM339MX/NOPB SOIC D 14 2500 367.0 367.0 35.0 PackMaterials-Page2
PACKAGE OUTLINE J0014A CDIP - 5.08 mm max height SCALE 0.900 CERAMIC DUAL IN LINE PACKAGE PIN 1 ID A 4X .005 MIN (OPTIONAL) [0.13] .015-.060 TYP [0.38-1.52] 1 14 12X .100 [2.54] 14X .014-.026 14X .045-.065 [0.36-0.66] [1.15-1.65] .010 [0.25] C A B .754-.785 [19.15-19.94] 7 8 B .245-.283 .2 MAX TYP .13 MIN TYP [6.22-7.19] [5.08] [3.3] SEATING PLANE C .308-.314 [7.83-7.97] AT GAGE PLANE .015 GAGE PLANE [0.38] 0 -15 14X .008-.014 TYP [0.2-0.36] 4214771/A 05/2017 NOTES: 1. All controlling linear dimensions are in inches. Dimensions in brackets are in millimeters. Any dimension in brackets or parenthesis are for reference only. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M. 2. This drawing is subject to change without notice. 3. This package is hermitically sealed with a ceramic lid using glass frit. 4. Index point is provided on cap for terminal identification only and on press ceramic glass frit seal only. 5. Falls within MIL-STD-1835 and GDIP1-T14. www.ti.com
EXAMPLE BOARD LAYOUT J0014A CDIP - 5.08 mm max height CERAMIC DUAL IN LINE PACKAGE (.300 ) TYP [7.62] SEE DETAIL B SEE DETAIL A 1 14 12X (.100 ) [2.54] SYMM 14X ( .039) [1] 7 8 SYMM LAND PATTERN EXAMPLE NON-SOLDER MASK DEFINED SCALE: 5X .002 MAX (.063) [0.05] [1.6] METAL ALL AROUND ( .063) SOLDER MASK [1.6] OPENING METAL .002 MAX SOLDER MASK (R.002 ) TYP [0.05] OPENING [0.05] ALL AROUND DETAIL A DETAIL B SCALE: 15X 13X, SCALE: 15X 4214771/A 05/2017 www.ti.com
MECHANICAL DATA N0014A N14A (Rev G) www.ti.com
IMPORTANTNOTICEANDDISCLAIMER TI PROVIDES TECHNICAL AND RELIABILITY DATA (INCLUDING DATASHEETS), DESIGN RESOURCES (INCLUDING REFERENCE DESIGNS), APPLICATION OR OTHER DESIGN ADVICE, WEB TOOLS, SAFETY INFORMATION, AND OTHER RESOURCES “AS IS” AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS AND IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. These resources are intended for skilled developers designing with TI products. You are solely responsible for (1) selecting the appropriate TI products for your application, (2) designing, validating and testing your application, and (3) ensuring your application meets applicable standards, and any other safety, security, or other requirements. These resources are subject to change without notice. TI grants you permission to use these resources only for development of an application that uses the TI products described in the resource. Other reproduction and display of these resources is prohibited. No license is granted to any other TI intellectual property right or to any third party intellectual property right. TI disclaims responsibility for, and you will fully indemnify TI and its representatives against, any claims, damages, costs, losses, and liabilities arising out of your use of these resources. TI’s products are provided subject to TI’s Terms of Sale (www.ti.com/legal/termsofsale.html) or other applicable terms available either on ti.com or provided in conjunction with such TI products. TI’s provision of these resources does not expand or otherwise alter TI’s applicable warranties or warranty disclaimers for TI products. Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright © 2020, Texas Instruments Incorporated