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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供JX-20由Honeywell Solid State Electronics设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 JX-20价格参考。Honeywell Solid State ElectronicsJX-20封装/规格:Accessories, Auxiliary Actuator。您可以下载JX-20参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有JX-20 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | |
描述 | SWITCH LEVER开关致动器 AUXILLARY Actuator |
产品分类 | |
品牌 | Honeywell |
产品手册 | |
产品图片 | |
rohs | 符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | 开关配件,开关致动器,Honeywell JX-20- |
数据手册 | |
产品型号 | JX-20 |
产品目录绘图 | |
产品目录页面 | |
产品种类 | 开关致动器 |
其它名称 | 480-2331 |
商标 | Honeywell |
安装风格 | Screw |
工厂包装数量 | 50 |
标准包装 | 50 |
照明 | Non-Illuminated |
类型 | Lever, Actuator |
设计目的 | ZX Series |
配件类型 | 辅助触动器 |
配套使用产品/相关产品 | SX 系列 |
配用 | /product-detail/zh/21SX39-T/480-2301-ND/1248452/product-detail/zh/11SX21-T/480-2300-ND/1248451/product-detail/zh/1SX48-T/480-2299-ND/1248450/product-detail/zh/2SX1-T/480-2298-ND/1248449/product-detail/zh/1SX1-T/480-2297-ND/1248448/product-detail/zh/11SX1-T/480-2296-ND/1248447/product-detail/zh/12SX1-T/480-2295-ND/1248446 |
品牌:Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions
产品名称:Labels, Signs, Barriers, Identification
获取报价Interactive Catalog Replaces Catalog Pages Honeywell Sensing and Control has replaced the PDF product catalog with the new Interactive Catalog. The Interactive Catalog is a power search tool that makes it easier to find product information. It includes more installation, application, and technical Click this icon to try the new information than ever before. Interactive Catalog. Sensing and Control Honeywell Inc. 11 West Spring Street Freeport, Illinois 61032
Basic Switches SX Series Subminiature CUT-A-WAY1SXSUBMINIATUREBASICSWITCH FEATURES (cid:49) Lowoperatingforceto3oz.(85grams) maximum (cid:49) Sensitive differential travel as low as .001inchmaximum (cid:49) Powerloadswitchingcapabilityupto7 amperes—silvercontacts (cid:49) Optionalgoldcontactsforlowenergy applications (cid:49) Optional bifurcated gold contacts for maximumreliability (cid:49) Longmechanicallifeupto10,000,000 cycles—95%survivalfor11SXseries 1,000,000cycles—95%survivalfor1SX series (cid:49) Temperature tolerance −65(cid:176) to +250(cid:176) F (−54 to 121(cid:176) C) on standard GENERALINFORMATION AVAILABLETERMINALS construction SX switches are available with several SXsubminiaturebasicswitchesaresmall (cid:49) High temperature designs for up to typesofterminations.TheTandT2termi- sizeprecisionsnap-actionswitchesfrom +400(cid:176) F(204(cid:176) C)for100hours nalsprovideeasysolderleadwireattach- MICROSWITCH.Theseswitchesareide- (cid:49) Variety of integral and auxiliary ment.TheH58terminaloffersthesimplic- alwheresavingsinspaceandweightare actuators ity of quick-connect and mate with AMP important. Unless otherwise noted, all (cid:49) Choiceofseveralterminalstyles .058-inchreceptacles.Pinterminalsallow listingshavesilvercontacts. (cid:49) MIL-S-8805 qualified products easyattachmenttoprintedcircuitboards. available (cid:49) ULrecognizedFile#E12252,CSAcer- S uM tifiedfile#LR41372 bmin inia iatu ture r/ T T2 e MountingtorqueRound head2-56UNC438 screws— 2inchpoundsmax. H391,H392 H58 STRAIGHTPIN 90(cid:176) FORMEDPIN MatewithAmpInc.PartNo. 640024-1Std. Dimensionsshownareforreferenceonly Thissectioncoversonly40ofourmostpopularSXSeriescataloglistings.Ifyoudon’tfindwhatyou’relookingfor,it’s likelyoneoftheapproximately200otheractiveSXlistingswillmeetyourneeds.Contactthe800number. Forapplicationhelp:call1-800-537-6945.HoneywellSensingandControl21
Basic Switches SX Series Subminiature ORDERGUIDEbyascendingelectricalcapability PINPLUNGER Electrical Dataand O.F.max. R.F.min. P.T.max. O.T.min. D.T.max. O.P.* Catalog ULCode newtons newtons mm mm mm mm Listing Recommendedfor Page20 ounces ounces inches inches inches inches 11SX91-T Logiclevelloads At 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,1 8,13 5VDC,2mA;SPNO Left 5 1 .020 .004 .004 .320 12SX2-T Bestreliability .010Amp 0,7to1.39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,051 8,13 (Bifurcatedgoldcontacts) H 2.5to5 1 .020 .004 .002 .320 3SX1-T Applicationsrequiringgold 1Amp 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 contacts(1SXtype) D 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 12SX1-T Bestreliabilitywith 1Amp 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,076 8,13 highercurrentrating D 5 1 .020 .004 .003 .320 (Bifurcatedgoldcontacts) 12SX3-T Lowestdifferentialtravel 1Amp 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,025 8,13 withbifurcatedgoldcontacts H 5 1 .020 .004 .001 .320 13SX21-T Applicationsrequiringgold 1Amp 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,051 8,13 contacts.11SXtype. D 5 1 .020 .004 .002 .320 23SX39-T MIL-S-8805applications 1Amp 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 (MS24547-2) requiringgoldcontacts D 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 +180(cid:176) F(82(cid:176) C)max.use 23SX39-T2 Asabove,with 1Amp 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 (MS24547-5) T2terminals D 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 93SX39-T .156(cid:78)wide,withgold 1Amp 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 M8805/109-03 contacts+180(cid:176) F(82(cid:176) C) D 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 411SX21-T +400(cid:176) F(204(cid:176) C) 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 G M8805/106-01 for100hours 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .220 413SX21-T +400(cid:176) F(204(cid:176) C) 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,051 8,13 L M8805/106-02 for100hours 5 1 .020 .004 .002 .220 Dim.Dwg.Fig.1 11SX1-T Lowestdifferentialtravel 3Amps 0,97 0,21 0,51 0,1 0,025 8,13 (ExceptFig.2 for91SX39-T E 3.5 0.75 .020 .004 .001 .320 and93SX34-T) 11SX21-T Mostapplications 5Amps 0,7to1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,051 8,13 A 2.5to5 1 .020 .004 .002 .320 11SX22-T Foruseinsealed 5Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,076 8,13 enclosures. A 5 1 .020 .004 .003 .320 17SX21-T Beststabilityundervarying 5Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,051 8,13 humidity.11SXtype. A 5 1 .020 .004 .002 .320 1SX1-T Upto7ampsloadhandling 7Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 B 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 1SX12-T Lowdifferentialtravel 7Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,051 8,13 C 5 1 .020 .004 .002 .320 1SX48-T Addedovertravel 7Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,25 0,13 8,13 B 5 1 .020 .010 .005 .320 2SX1-T Lowerforce 7Amps 0,83 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 B 3 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 4SX1-T Operatingintemperature 7Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 to+400(cid:176) F(204(cid:176) C) I 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 for100hours 21SX1-T Beststabilityundervarying 7Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 humidity(1SXtype) B 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 21SX39-T MIL-S-8805application 7Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 (MS24547-1) requirements+180(cid:176) F(82(cid:176) C) F 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 21SX39-T2 MIL-S-8805application 7Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 (MS24547-4) requirements+180(cid:176) F(82(cid:176) C) F 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 91SX39-T .156(cid:78)wideversion 7Amps 1,39 0,28 0,51 0,1 0,13 8,13 M8805/109-01 ofstandardSX+180(cid:176) F F 5 1 .020 .004 .005 .320 (82(cid:176) C) *±0,38mm ±.015in. 22 HoneywellSensingandControlForapplicationhelp:call1-800-537-6945.
Basic Switches SX Series Subminiature Characteristics:O.F.–OperatingForce;R.F.–ReleaseForce;P.T.– Pretravel;O.T.–Overtravel;D.T.–DifferentialTravel;O.P.–Operating ORDERGUIDE Position INTEGRALLEVERS Electrical DataAnd O.F.max. R.F.min. P.T.max. O.T.min. D.T.max. O.P. Catalog ULCode newtons newtons mm mm mm mm Listing Description Page20 ounces ounces inches inches inches inches 311SX1-T .135inch(3,43mm) 5Amps 0,49 0,09 1,65 0,36 0,51 8,43±1,14 straightlever A 1.76 .32 .065 .014 .020 .332±.045 313SX1-T Asabovewithgold 1Amp 0,49 0,09 1,65 0,36 0,51 8,43±1,14 contacts D 1.76 .32 .065 .014 .020 .332±.045 Dim.Dwg.Fig.3 311SX2-T .505inch(12,8mm) 5Amps 0,31 0,05 2,92 0,64 0,89 8,26±1,91 straightlever A 1.1 .18 .115 .025 .035 .325±.075 313SX2-T Asabovewithgold 1Amp 0,31 0,05 2,92 0,64 0,89 8,26±1,91 contacts D 1.1 .18 .115 .025 .035 .325±.075 Dim.Dwg.Fig.3 S uM b min inia 311SX3-T .s9tr6a5iginhcthle(v2e4r,5mm) 5AAmps 0.7,210 0.1,013 .41,8705 .00,2614 .10,6520 .73,0755±±2.1,9125 iaturture/ e 313SX3-T Asabovewithgold 1Amp 0,20 0,03 4,70 0,61 1,52 7,75±2,92 contacts D .71 .11 .185 .024 .060 .305±.115 Dim.Dwg.Fig.4 311SX4-T .042inch(1,1mm) 5Amps 0,58 0,11 1,27 0,25 0,38 14,15±0,91 simulatedrollerlever A 2.1 .39 .050 .010 .015 .557±.036 313SX4-T Asabovewithgold 1Amp 0,58 0,11 1,27 0,25 0,38 14,15±0,91 contacts D 2.1 .39 .050 .010 .015 .557±.036 Dim.Dwg.Fig.5 311SX5-T .459inch(11,7mm) 5Amps 0,31 0,05 2,67 0,56 0,89 14,86±1,65 simulatedrollerlever A 1.1 .18 .105 .022 .035 .585±.065 313SX5-T Asabove,withgold 1Amp 0,31 0,05 2,67 0,56 0,89 14,86±1,65 contacts D 1.1 .18 .105 .022 .035 .585±.065 Dim.Dwg.Fig.6 Forapplicationhelp:call1-800-537-6945.HoneywellSensingandControl23
Basic Switches SX Subminiature Characteristics:O.F.–OperatingForce;R.F.–ReleaseForce;P.T.– Pretravel;O.T.–Overtravel;D.T.–DifferentialTravel;O.P.–Operating Position;F.P.–FreePosition. *AllcharacteristicsaretakenwithactuatorassembledonCatalogListing1SX1-Tasshown. ORDERGUIDE AUXILIARY ACTUATORS Actuator Length Switchesarenot ‘‘A’’ O.F.max. R.F.min. P.T. O.T. D.T.max. O.P.†† F.P. includedwith Catalog mm newtons newtons mm mm mm mm mm actuators. Listing Description inches ounces ounces inches inches inches inches inches JX-20 Straightlever 18.3 0,28 0,04 — 0,76 0,76 10,8 12,3 .72 1 .14 .030 .030 .425 .485 approx. approx. approx. approx. approx. JX-219 Straightlever 18,3 0,28 0,04 — 0,76 0,76 10,8 12,3 Dim.Dwg.Fig.7 (Forhighertemp.) .72 1 .14 .030 .030 .425 .485 approx. approx. approx. approx. JX-25 Rollerlever 16,5 0,42 0,04 — 0,51 0,76 14,9(cid:74)1,14 168 .65 1.5 1.4 .020 .030 .585(cid:74).045 .660 max. JX-220 Rollerlever 16,5 0,42 0,04 — 0,51 0,76 14,9(cid:74)1,14 16,8 (Forhighertemp.) .65 1.5 .14 .020 .030 .585(cid:74).045 .660 Dim.Dwg.Fig.8 max. JX-40 Straightleaf 9,4 1,95 0,56 .225 0,38 0,64 7,5 12,3 .37† 7 2 approx. .015 .025 .295 .485 ref. JX-95 Straightleaf 9,4 1,95 0,56 .225 0,38 0,64 7,5 12,3 (Forhighertemp.) .37† 7 2 approx. .015 .025 .295 .485 ref. JX-41** Reverseleaf 9,4 1,67 0,28 .110 0,38 0,64 7,5 9,4 .37† 6 1 approx. .015 .025 .295 .370 ref. Dim.Dwg.Fig.9 JX-45 Rollerleaf 6,1 1,95 0,28 .225 0,38 0,64 12,2 16,5 .24† 7 1 approx. .015 .025 .480 .650 ref. JX-96 Rollerleaf 6,1 1,95 0,28 .225 0,38 0,64 12,2 16,5 (Forhighertemp.) .24† 7 1 approx. .015 .025 .480 .650 ref. JX-51** Reverserollerleaf 7,6 1,67 0,56 .110 0,38 0,64 12,8 14,7 .30† 6 2 approx. .015 .025 .505 .580 ref. Dim.Dwg.Fig.9 JX-4 Tandemleaf 7,9 4,17 0,83 .065 0,20 0,76 7,6 9,40 .31 15 3 approx. .008 .030 .300 .370 ref. **Switchismountedwithplungerendreversed NOTE:Aboveactuatorsshouldbeusedattem- Exceptwherestated††±0,76mm fromJX-40. peraturesbelow+300(cid:176)F(149(cid:176)C);exceptlistings ±.030in. Dim.Dwg.Fig.10 †‘‘A’’measurementisfromcenterofmounting JX-95,JX-96,JX-219andJX-220areforusewith holenearesttipoflevertothepointindicatedon the4SX1-Tto400(cid:176)F.(204(cid:176)C). drawing. 24 HoneywellSensingandControlForapplicationhelp:call1-800-537-6945.
Basic Switches SX Series Subminiature MOUNTINGDIMENSIONS(forreferenceonly) PINPLUNGER INTEGRALLEVERS Dim.‘‘A’’ 311SX1-T 3,6/.14 311SX2-T 13,0/.51 Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 INTEGRALLEVERS S uM b min inia iatu ture r/ e Interchangeable with 1SX-1T switch with JX-25actuator. Fig.4 Fig.5 Fig.6 AUXILIARYACTUATORS Fig.7 Fig.8 Fig.9 Fig.10 Switchesarenotincludedwithactuator. Mountingholesacceptpinsorscrewsof .087diameter(2,21mm). Forapplicationhelp:call1-800-537-6945.HoneywellSensingandControl25
Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: H oneywell: 13SX1-T JX-20 JX-40 JX-41 JX-45 JX-4 JX-220