

  • 型号: IL717-3E
  • 制造商: NVE Corporation
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供IL717-3E由NVE Corporation设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 IL717-3E价格参考¥52.40-¥99.96。NVE CorporationIL717-3E封装/规格:数字隔离器, 通用 数字隔离器 2500Vrms 4 通道 110Mbps 30kV/µs CMTI 16-SOIC(0.154",3.90mm 宽)。您可以下载IL717-3E参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有IL717-3E 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

NVE Corp/Isolation Products的数字隔离器型号IL717-3E主要用于需要在电气隔离的同时传输数字信号的应用场景。该器件采用巨磁阻(GMR)技术,提供高带宽、低功耗和高抗干扰性能,适用于多种工业和消费电子领域。


1. 工业自动化与控制:
   - IL717-3E广泛应用于工业控制系统中,如PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)、DCS(分布式控制系统)等。这些系统通常需要在不同电压等级和接地电位之间传输信号,而数字隔离器可以确保信号传输的安全性和可靠性,防止地环路干扰和高压瞬态损坏。
2. 电机驱动与逆变器:
   - 在电机驱动和逆变器应用中,IL717-3E用于隔离控制信号和功率级电路。它能够有效地防止高压侧对低压控制电路的影响,确保系统的稳定运行,并提高安全性。

3. 电源管理:
   - 该型号的数字隔离器也常用于开关电源(SMPS)、不间断电源(UPS)等设备中,用于隔离反馈信号或通信接口。通过隔离,可以避免高压部分对低压控制电路的干扰,提升系统的整体性能。

4. 医疗设备:
   - 在医疗设备中,特别是涉及患者接触的设备,如心电图机、监护仪等,IL717-3E可以确保患者和操作人员的安全。它提供了必要的电气隔离,防止电流泄漏,同时保证数据的准确传输。

5. 通信接口隔离:
   - 对于RS-485、CAN总线等通信接口,IL717-3E可以用于隔离通信线路,防止长距离传输中的电磁干扰和共模电压影响,确保通信的稳定性和可靠性。

6. 汽车电子:
   - 在汽车电子系统中,如车载网络、传感器接口等,IL717-3E可以用于隔离不同模块之间的信号传输,确保各模块之间的电气隔离,防止电磁干扰和电压波动对系统的影响。

产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值










NVE Corp/Isolation Products









无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求




1ns, 1ns







15ns, 15ns










16-SOIC(0.154",3.90mm 宽)


-40°C ~ 100°C








3 V ~ 5.5 V
















品牌:Analog Devices Inc.




品牌:Analog Devices Inc.




品牌:Silicon Labs




品牌:Analog Devices Inc.




品牌:Analog Devices Inc.




品牌:Silicon Labs




品牌:Silicon Labs




品牌:Silicon Labs





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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

IL715/IL716/IL717 High Speed Four-Channel Digital Isolators Functional Diagrams Features • High speed: 110 Mbps • High temperature: −40°C to +125°C (“T” and “V” Series) IN OUT 1 1 • Very high isolation: 6 kV Reinforced Isolation (V-Series) RMS • High working voltage: 1 kV per VDE V 0884-10 (V-Series) RMS IN2 OUT2 • 50 kV/μs typical common mode transient immunity • No carrier or clock for low EMI emissions and susceptibility IN OUT • 1.2 mA/channel typical quiescent current 3 3 • 100 ps pulse jitter IN OUT • 2 ns channel-to-channel skew 4 4 • 10 ns typical propagation delay • 44000 year barrier life IL715 • Excellent magnetic immunity • VDE V 0884-10 certified; UL 1577 recognized • 0.15" and 0.3" True 8™ mm 16-pin SOIC; 16-pin QSOP packages IN OUT 1 1 Applications IN OUT • ADCs and DACs 2 2 • Digital Fieldbus OUT IN • Multiplexed data transmission 3 3 • Board-to-board communication • Ground loop elimination OUT IN 4 4 • Parallel bus • Logic level shifting IL716 • Equipment covered under IEC 61010-1 Edition 3 • 5 kV rated IEC 60601-1 medical applications RMS Description IN OUT 1 1 NVE’s IL715, IL716, and IL717 four-channel high-speed digital isolators are CMOS devices manufactured with NVE’s patented* IsoLoop® IN OUT 2 2 spintronic Giant Magnetoresistive (GMR) technology. IN OUT A unique ceramic/polymer composite barrier provides excellent isolation 3 3 and virtually unlimited barrier life. OUT4 IN4 All transmit and receive channels operate at 110 Mbps over the full temperature and supply voltage range. The symmetric magnetic coupling barrier provides a typical propagation delay of only 10 ns and a pulse width IL717 distortion of 2 ns, achieving the best specifications of any isolator. Typical transient immunity of 50 kV/µs is unsurpassed. High channel density makes these devices ideal for isolating ADCs and DACs, parallel buses and peripheral interfaces. The IL715, IL716, and IL717 are available in 16-pin 0.3" and 0.15" SOIC, and ultraminiature QSOP packages. Performance is specified over a temperature range of −40°C to +100°C. “T” and “V” Series parts have a maximum operating temperature of 125°C. V-Series versions have an extremely high isolation voltage of 6 kV . RMS IsoLoop is a registered trademark of NVE Corporation. REV. AE *U.S. Patent numbers 5,831,426; 6,300,617 and others. NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions Storage Temperature T −55 150 °C S Junction Temperature T −55 150 °C J Ambient Operating Temperature(1) 100 T −40 °C “T” and “V” Versions A 125 Supply Voltage V , V −0.5 7 V DD1 DD2 Input Voltage V −0.5 V +0.5 V I DD Output Voltage V −0.5 V +0.5 V O DD Output Current Drive I 10 mA O Lead Solder Temperature 260 °C 10 sec. ESD 2 kV HBM Recommended Operating Conditions Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions Ambient Operating Temperature 100 T −40 °C “T” and “V” Versions A 125 Junction Temperature 110 T −40 °C “T” and “V” Versions J 125 Supply Voltage V , V 3.0 5.5 V DD1 DD2 Logic High Input Voltage V 2.4 V V IH DD Logic Low Input Voltage V 0 0.8 V IL Input Signal Rise and Fall Times t , t 1 µs IR IF Insulation Specifications Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions QSOP 4.03 Creepage Distance 0.15" SOIC 4.03 mm Per IEC 60601 (external) 0.3" SOIC 8.03 8.3 Total Barrier Thickness (internal) 0.012 0.016 mm Leakage Current(5) 0.2 µA 240 V , 60 Hz RMS Barrier Resistance(5) >1014 Ω 500 V Barrier Capacitance(5) 4 pF f = 1 MHz QSOP ≥175 Comparative 0.15" SOIC CTI ≥175 V Per IEC 60112 Tracking Index RMS 0.3" SOIC ≥600 High Voltage Endurance AC 1000 V RMS At maximum (Maximum Barrier Voltage V IO operating temperature for Indefinite Life) DC 1500 V DC Surge Immunity (“V” Versions) V 12.8 kV Per IEC 61000-4-5 IOSM PK 100°C, 1000 V , 60% Barrier Life 44000 Years RMS CL activation energy Thermal Characteristics Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions QSOP 60 Junction–Ambient 0.15" SOIC θ 60 °C/W Thermal Resistance JA Soldered to double- 0.3" SOIC 60 sided board; QSOP 10 Junction–Case (Top) free air 0.15" SOIC Ψ 10 °C/W Thermal Resistance JT 0.3" SOIC 20 QSOP 675 Power Dissipation 0.15" SOIC P 700 mW D 0.3" SOIC 800 2 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 Safety and Approvals VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-11 pending) V-Series (Reinforced Isolation; VDE File Number 5016933-4880-0002) • Working Voltage (V ) 1000 V (1415 V ); reinforced insulation; pollution degree 2 IORM RMS PK • Isolation voltage (V ) 6000 V ISO RMS • Surge immunity (V ) 12.8 kV IOSM PK • Surge rating 8 kV • Transient overvoltage (V ) 6000 V IOTM PK • Each part tested at 2387 V for 1 second, 5 pC partial discharge limit PK • Samples tested at 6000 V for 60 sec.; then 2122 V for 10 sec. with 5 pC partial discharge limit PK PK Standard versions (Basic Isolation; VDE File Number 5016933-4880-0001) • Working Voltage (V ) 600 V (848 V ); basic insulation; pollution degree 2 IORM RMS PK • Isolation voltage (V ) 2500 V ISO RMS • Transient overvoltage (V ) 4000 V IOTM PK • Surge rating 4000 V • Each part tested at 1590 V for 1 second, 5 pC partial discharge limit PK • Samples tested at 4000 V for 60 sec.; then 1358 V for 10 sec. with 5 pC partial discharge limit PK PK Safety-Limiting Values Symbol Value Units Safety rating ambient temperature T 180 °C S Safety rating power (180°C) P 270 mW S Supply current safety rating (total of supplies) I 54 mA S IEC 61010-1 (Edition 2; TUV Certificate Numbers N1502812; N1502812-101) Reinforced Insulation; Pollution Degree II; Material Group III Part No. Working Suffix Package Voltage -1 QSOP 300 V RMS -3 0.15" SOIC 300 V RMS None 0.3" SOIC (standard) 300 V RMS V 0.3" SOIC (high isolation voltage) 1000 V RMS UL 1577 (Component Recognition Program File Number E207481) • 6 kV-rated V-Series parts tested at 7.2 kV (10.2 kV ) for 1 second; each lot sample tested at 6 kV (8485 V ) for 1 minute RMS PK RMS PK • 2.5 kV-rated parts tested at 3000 V (4240 V ) for 1 second; each lot sample tested at 2500 V (3530 V ) for 1 minute RMS PK RMS PK Soldering Profile Per JEDEC J-STD-020C, MSL 1 3 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 IL715 Pin Connections 1 V Supply voltage DD1 2 GND1 Ground return for VDD1* VDD1 1 16 VDD2 3 IN Data in, channel 1 4 IN1 Data in, channel 2 GND1 2 15 GND2 2 5 IN3 Data in, channel 3 IN1 3 14 OUT1 6 IN Data in, channel 4 4 7 NC No connection IN OUT 2 4 13 2 8 GND Ground return for V * 1 DD1 9 GND2 Ground return for VDD2* IN3 5 12 OUT3 10 NC No connection 11 OUT Data out, channel 4 IN4 6 11 OUT4 4 12 OUT Data out, channel 3 3 NC 7 10 NC 13 OUT Data out, channel 2 2 14 OUT1 Data out, channel 1 GND1 8 9 GND2 15 GND2 Ground return for VDD2* 16 VDD2 Supply voltage IL715 IL716 Pin Connections 1 V Supply voltage VDD1 1 16 VDD2 DD1 2 GND Ground Return for V * 3 IN 1 Data in, channel 1 DD1 GND1 2 15 GND2 1 4 IN Data in, channel 2 IN OUT 2 1 3 14 1 5 OUT Data out, channel 3 3 6 OUT4 Data out, channel 4 IN2 4 13 OUT2 7 NC No connection OUT IN 8 GND Ground Return for V * 3 5 12 3 1 DD1 9 GND Ground Return for V * 10 NC 2 No connection DD2 OUT4 6 11 IN4 11 IN4 Data in, channel 4 NC 7 10 NC 12 IN Data in, channel 3 3 13 OUT2 Data out, channel 2 GND1 8 9 GND2 14 OUT Data out, channel 1 1 15 GND Ground Return for V * IL716 2 DD2 16 V Supply voltage DD2 *NOTE: Pins 2 and 8 are internally connected, as are pins 9 and 15. 4 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 IL717 Pin Connections 1 V Supply voltage DD1 2 GND1 Ground return for VDD1* VDD1 1 16 VDD2 3 IN Data in, channel 1 4 IN1 Data in, channel 2 GND1 2 15 GND2 2 5 IN3 Data in, channel 3 IN1 3 14 OUT1 6 OUT Data out, channel 4 4 7 NC No connection IN OUT 2 4 13 2 8 GND Ground return for V * 1 DD1 9 GND2 Ground return for VDD2* IN3 5 12 OUT3 10 NC No connection 11 IN Data in, channel 4 OUT4 6 11 IN4 4 12 OUT Data out, channel 3 3 NC 7 10 NC 13 OUT Data out, channel 2 2 14 OUT1 Data out, channel 1 GND1 8 9 GND2 15 GND2 Ground return for VDD2* 16 VDD2 Supply voltage IL717 *NOTE: Pins 2 and 8 are internally connected, as are pins 9 and 15. Timing Diagram Legend t Propagation Delay, Low to High PLH t Propagation Delay, High to Low PHL t Minimum Pulse Width PW t Rise Time R t Fall Time F 5 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 3.3 Volt Electrical Specifications (T to T unless otherwise stated) min max Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions Input Quiescent Supply Current IL715 and IL715-3 16 20 µA IL715-1 300 400 µA I IL716 DD1 2.4 3.5 mA IL717 1.2 1.75 mA Output Quiescent Supply Current IL715 4.8 7 mA IL716 I 2.4 3.5 mA DD2 IL717 3.6 5.25 mA Logic Input Current I −10 10 µA I V − 0.1 V I = −20 µA, V = V Logic High Output Voltage V DD DD V O I IH OH 0.8 x V 0.9 x V I = −4 mA, V = V DD DD O I IH 0 0.1 I = 20 µA, V = V Logic Low Output Voltage V V O I IL OL 0.5 0.8 I = 4 mA, V = V O I IL Switching Specifications (V = 3.3 V) DD Maximum Data Rate 100 110 Mbps C = 15 pF L Pulse Width(7) PW 10 ns 50% Points, V O Propagation Delay Input to Output t 12 18 ns C = 15 pF (High to Low) PHL L Propagation Delay Input to Output t 12 18 ns C = 15 pF (Low to High) PLH L Pulse Width Distortion (2) PWD 2 3 ns C = 15 pF L Propagation Delay Skew (3) t 4 6 ns C = 15 pF PSK L Output Rise Time (10%−90%) t 2 4 ns C = 15 pF R L Output Fall Time (10%−90%) t 2 4 ns C = 15 pF F L Common Mode Transient Immunity V = 1500 V |CM |,|CM | 30 50 kV/µs CM DC (Output Logic High or Logic Low)(4) H L t = 25 ns TRANSIENT Channel-to-Channel Skew t 2 3 ns C = 15 pF CSK L Dynamic Power Consumption(6) 140 240 μA/Mbps per channel Magnetic Field Immunity(8) (V = 3V, 3V <V <5.5V) DD2 DD1 Power Frequency Magnetic Immunity H 1000 1500 A/m 50Hz/60Hz PF Pulse Magnetic Field Immunity H 1800 2000 A/m t = 8µs PM p Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field H 1800 2000 A/m 0.1Hz – 1MHz OSC Cross-axis Immunity Multiplier(9) K 2.5 X 6 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 5 Volt Electrical Specifications (T to T unless otherwise stated) min max Parameters Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Conditions Input Quiescent Supply Current IL715 and IL715-3 24 30 µA IL715-1 350 500 µA I IL716 DD1 3.6 5 mA IL717 1.8 2.5 mA Output Quiescent Supply Current IL715 7.2 10 mA IL716 I 3.6 5 mA DD2 IL717 5.4 7.5 mA Logic Input Current I −10 10 µA I V − 0.1 V I = −20 µA, V = V Logic High Output Voltage V DD DD V O I IH OH 0.8 x V 0.9 x V I = −4 mA, V = V DD DD O I IH 0 0.1 I = 20 µA, V = V Logic Low Output Voltage V V O I IL OL 0.5 0.8 I = 4 mA, V = V O I IL Switching Specifications (V = 5V) DD Maximum Data Rate 100 110 Mbps C = 15 pF L Pulse Width(7) PW 10 ns 50% Points, V O Propagation Delay Input to Output t 10 15 ns C = 15 pF (High to Low) PHL L Propagation Delay Input to Output t 10 15 ns C = 15 pF (Low to High) PLH L Pulse Width Distortion(2) PWD 2 3 C = 15 pF L Pulse Jitter(10) t 100 ps C = 15 pF J L Propagation Delay Skew(3) t 4 6 ns C = 15 pF PSK L Output Rise Time (10%−90%) t 1 3 ns C = 15 pF R L Output Fall Time (10%−90%) t 1 3 ns C = 15 pF F L Common Mode Transient Immunity V = 1500 V |CM |,|CM | 30 50 kV/µs CM DC (Output Logic High or Logic Low)(4) H L t = 25 ns TRANSIENT Channel-to-Channel Skew t 2 3 ns C = 15 pF CSK L Dynamic Power Consumption(6) 200 340 μA/Mbps per channel Magnetic Field Immunity(8) (V = 5V, 3V<V <5.5V) DD2 DD1 Power Frequency Magnetic Immunity H 2800 3500 A/m 50Hz/60Hz PF Pulse Magnetic Field Immunity H 4000 4500 A/m t = 8µs PM p Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field H 4000 4500 A/m 0.1Hz – 1MHz OSC Cross-axis Immunity Multiplier(9) K 2.5 X Notes (apply to both 3.3 V and 5 V specifications): 1. Absolute maximum ambient operating temperature means the device will not be damaged if operated under these conditions. It does not guarantee performance. 2. PWD is defined as |t − t |. %PWD is equal to PWD divided by pulse width. PHL PLH 3. t is the magnitude of the worst-case difference in t and/or t between devices at 25°C. PSK PHL PLH 4. CM is the maximum common mode voltage slew rate that can be sustained while maintaining V > 0.8 V . CM is the maximum H O DD2 L common mode input voltage that can be sustained while maintaining V < 0.8 V. The common mode voltage slew rates apply to both rising O and falling common mode voltage edges. 5. Device is considered a two terminal device: pins 1–8 shorted and pins 9–16 shorted. 6. Dynamic power consumption is calculated per channel and is supplied by the channel’s input side power supply. 7. Minimum pulse width is the minimum value at which specified PWD is guaranteed. 8. The relevant test and measurement methods are given in the Electromagnetic Compatibility section on p. 7. 9. External magnetic field immunity is improved by this factor if the field direction is “end-to-end” rather than to “pin-to-pin” (see diagram on p. 7). 10. 66,535-bit pseudo-random binary signal (PRBS) NRZ bit pattern with no more than five consecutive 1s or 0s; 800 ps transition time. 7 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 Application Information Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity Thermal Management This product has been tested for electrostatic sensitivity to the IsoLoop Isolators are designed for low power dissipation and limits stated in the specifications. However, NVE recommends that thermal performance, providing unmatched channel density for all integrated circuits be handled with appropriate care to avoid high-performance isolators. Nevertheless, package temperature rise damage. Damage caused by inappropriate handling or storage could should be considered when running multiple channels at high range from performance degradation to complete failure. speed. Power consumption is higher at 5 volt operation than at 3.3 volts, and dynamic supply current is higher on the input side of Electromagnetic Compatibility the isolators than the output side, so thermal management is more IsoLoop Isolators have the lowest EMC footprint of any isolation important with five-volt input-side power supplies. technology. IsoLoop Isolators’ Wheatstone bridge configuration and differential magnetic field signaling ensure excellent EMC Based on the specifications contained in this datasheet, the derating performance against all relevant standards. curve at typical operating conditions is as follows: These isolators are fully compliant with generic EMC standards EN50081, EN50082-1 and the umbrella line-voltage standard for Information Technology Equipment (ITE) EN61000. NVE has completed compliance tests in the categories below: EN50081-1 Residential, Commercial & Light Industrial Methods EN55022, EN55014 EN50082-2: Industrial Environment Methods EN61000-4-2 (ESD), EN61000-4-3 (Electromagnetic Field Immunity), EN61000-4-4 (Electrical Transient Immunity), EN61000-4-6 (RFI Immunity), EN61000-4-8 (Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity), EN61000-4-9 (Pulsed Magnetic Field), EN61000-4-10 (Damped Oscillatory Magnetic Field) ENV50204 Radiated Field from Digital Telephones (Immunity Test) Immunity to external magnetic fields is even higher if the field direction is “end-to-end” rather than to “pin-to-pin” as shown in the Standard-grade parts have a maximum junction temperature of 110°C. diagram below: T-Series parts have a maximum operating junction temperature of 125°C for additional margin at extreme operating conditions. Power Supply Decoupling Both power supplies to these devices should be decoupled with low ESR 47 nF ceramic capacitors. Ground planes for both GND and 1 GND are highly recommended for data rates above 10 Mbps. 2 Capacitors must be located as close as possible to the V pins. DD Maintaining Creepage Creepage distances are often critical in isolated circuits. In addition Cross-axis Field Direction to meeting JEDEC standards, NVE isolator packages have unique creepage specifications. Standard pad libraries often extend under Dynamic Power Consumption the package, compromising creepage and clearance. Similarly, IsoLoop Isolators achieve their low power consumption from the ground planes, if used, should be spaced to avoid compromising way they transmit data across the isolation barrier. By detecting the clearance. Package drawings and recommended pad layouts are edge transitions of the input logic signal and converting these to included in this datasheet. narrow current pulses, a magnetic field is created around the GMR Wheatstone bridge. Depending on the direction of the magnetic Signal Status on Start-up and Shut Down field, the bridge causes the output comparator to switch following To minimize power dissipation, input signals are differentiated and the input logic signal. Since the current pulses are narrow, about then latched on the output side of the isolation barrier to reconstruct 2.5 ns, the power consumption is independent of mark-to-space the signal. This could result in an ambiguous output state ratio and solely dependent on frequency. This has obvious depending on power up, shutdown and power loss sequencing. advantages over optocouplers, which have power consumption Therefore, the designer should consider including an initialization heavily dependent on mark-to-space ratio. signal in the start-up circuit. Initialization consists of toggling the input either high then low, or low then high. 8 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 Application Diagrams Isolated Logic Level Shifters +5V +3.3V DO DI Sensor ADC Controller CLK CS IL717 GND 1 GND 2 Single-Channel Isolated Delta-Sigma A/D Converter Bridge Bias Delta Sigma A/D CS5532 Bridge + Bridge - Isolation Boundary Serial Data Out Iso SD Out Serial Data In Iso SD In Data Clock Iso Data Clock Chip Select Iso CS IL717 Clock Generator OSC 2 This circuit illustrates a typical single-channel delta-sigma ADC. The A/D is located on the bridge with no signal conditioning electronics between the bridge sensor and the ADC. In this case, the IL717 is the best choice for isolation. It isolates the control bus from the microcontroller. The system clock is located on the isolated side of the system. 9 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 Package Drawings Ultraminiature 16-pin QSOP Package (-1 suffix) Dimensions in inches (mm); scale = approx. 5X 0.188 (4.77) 0.020 (0.50) 0.197 (5.00) 0.029 (0.75) 0.050 (1.27) 0.060 (1.52) 0.056 (1.42) 0.069 (1.75) 0.228 (5.8) 0.150 (3.8) 0.244 (6.2) 0.157 (4.0) 0.004 (0.10) 0.025 (0.635) 0.010 (0.25) NOM NOTE:Pin spacing is a BASIC dimension; tolerances 0.009 (0.2) 0.007 (0.20) do not accumulate 0.012 (0.3) 0.010 (0.25) 0.15" 16-pin SOIC Package (-3 suffix) Dimensions in inches (mm); scale = approx. 5X 0.013 (0.3) NOM 0.020 (0.5) 0.007 (0.2) 0.016 (0.4) 0.013 (0.3) 0.050 (1.3) 0.386 (9.8) 0.394 (10.0) Pin 1 identified by either an 0.055 (1.40) 0.054 (1.4) indent or a 0.062 (1.58) 0.072 (1.8) marked dot 0.150 (3.81) 0.049 (1.24) 0.004 (0.1) 0.157 (3.99) 0.051 (1.30) 0.012 (0.3) 0.228 (5.8) NOTE:Pin spacing is a BASIC dimension; tolerances 0.244 (6.2) do not accumulate 10 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 0.3" 16-pin SOIC Package (no suffix) Dimensions in inches (mm); scale = approx. 5X 0.033 (0.85)* 0.260 (6.60)* 0.043 (1.10) 0.280 (7.11) 0.013 (0.3) 0.020 (0.5) 0.007 (0.2) 0.007 (0.18)* 0.016 (0.4) 0.397 (10.08) 0.013 (0.3) 0.010 (0.25) 0.050 (1.3) 0.413 (10.49) 0.092 (2.34) Pin 1 identified by 0.105 (2.67) either an indent or a marked dot 0.017 (0.43)* 0.08 (2.0) 0.022 (0.56) 0.10 (2.5) 0.292 (7.42)* 0.049 (1.24) 0.004 (0.1) 0.299 (7.59) 0.051 (1.30) 0.012 (0.3) 0.394 (10.00) NOTE:Pin spacing is a BASIC 0.419 (10.64) dimension; tolerances do not accumulate *Specified for True 8™ package to guarantee 8 mm creepage per IEC 60601. 11 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 Recommended Pad Layouts 4 mm x 5 mm 16-pin QSOP Pad Layout Dimensions in inches (mm); scale = approx. 5X 0.160 (4.05) 0.025 (0.635) 0.012 (0.30) 16 PLCS 0.275 (6.99) 0.15" 16-pin SOIC Pad Layout Dimensions in inches (mm); scale = approx. 5X 0.160 (4.06) 0.050 (1.27) 0.020 (0.51) 16 PLCS 0.275 (6.99) 12 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 0.3" 16-pin SOIC Pad Layout Dimensions in inches (mm); scale = approx. 5X 0.317 (8.05) 0.050 (1.27) 0.020 (0.51) 16 PLCS 0.449 (11.40) 13 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 Ordering Information IL 716 T - 3 E TR13 Valid Part Numbers IL715 IL716 IL717 Bulk Packaging IL715E IL716E IL717E Blank = Tube IL715-1E IL716-1E IL716-1E TR7 = 7'' Tape and Reel IL715-3 IL716-3 IL717-3 TR13 = 13'' Tape and Reel IL715-3E IL716-3E IL717-3E IL715T IL716T IL717T Package IL715TE IL716TE IL717TE Blank = 80/20 Tin/Lead Plating IL715T-3 IL716T-3 IL717T-3 E = RoHS Compliant IL715T-3E IL716T-3E IL717T-3E IL715VE IL716VE IL717VE Package Type Blank = 0.30'' 16-pin SOIC All part types are available on tape and reel. -1 = 0.15'' 16-pin QSOP -3 = 0.15'' 16-pin SOIC Grade Blank = Standard Temperature (100C) and Isolation Voltage (2.5 kV) T = High Temperature (125C) V = High Isolation Voltage (6 kV) and High Temperature (125C) Base Part Number 715 = 4 Transmit Channels 716 = 2 Transmit Channels 2 Receive Channels 717 = 3 Transmit Channels 1 Receive Channel Product Family IL = Isolators 14 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 Available Parts Isolation Available Transmit Receive Maximum Voltage Parts Channels Channels Temperature (RMS) Package RoHS IL715-1E 4 0 100°C 2.5 kV QSOP Y IL715-3 4 0 100°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC N IL715-3E 4 0 100°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC Y IL715 4 0 100°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC N IL715E 4 0 100°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC Y IL715T-3 4 0 125°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC N IL715T-3E 4 0 125°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC Y IL715T 4 0 125°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC Y IL715TE 4 0 125°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC N IL715VE 4 0 125°C 6 kV Wide SOIC Y IL716-1E 2 2 100°C 2.5 kV QSOP N IL716-3 2 2 100°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC N IL716-3E 2 2 100°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC Y IL716 2 2 100°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC N IL716E 2 2 100°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC Y IL716T-3 2 2 125°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC N IL716T-3E 2 2 125°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC Y IL716T 2 2 125°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC N IL716TE 2 2 125°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC Y IL716VE 2 2 125°C 6 kV Wide SOIC Y IL717-1E 3 1 100°C 2.5 kV QSOP Y IL717-3 3 1 100°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC N IL717-3E 3 1 100°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC Y IL717 3 1 100°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC N IL717E 3 1 100°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC Y IL717T-3 3 1 125°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC N IL717T-3E 3 1 125°C 2.5 kV Narrow SOIC Y IL717T 3 1 125°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC N IL717TE 3 1 125°C 2.5 kV Wide SOIC Y IL717VE 3 1 125°C 6 kV Wide SOIC Y All part types are available on tape and reel. 15 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-AE Changes November 2016 • Updated VDE Reinforced Isolation file number and description. ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-AD Changes • Clarified 600 V CTI specification is for 0.3" SOIC only (p. 2). • Corrected typographical error in “Available Parts” table (p. 15). ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-AC Changes • Updated VDE certification standard to VDE V 0884-10. • Upgraded “V” Version Surge Immunity specification to 12.8 kV. • Upgraded “V” Version VDE 0884-10 rating to reinforced insulation. • Corrected QSOP pin width dimension (p. 10). ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-AB Changes • Increased V-Series isolation voltage to 6 kVrms. • Increased typ. Total Barrier Thickness specification to 0.016 mm. • Increased CTI min. specification to ≥600 Vrms. ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-AA Changes • Added V-Series 5 kV isolation voltage versions. • More detailed “Available Parts” table. ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-Z Changes • Added package illustrations on first page. • Added QSOP packages (-1 suffix). • Revised and added details to thermal characteristic specifications (p. 2). • Added VDE 0884 Safety-Limiting Values (p. 3). • Added “Thermal Management” paragraph in Applications section. ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-Y Changes • IEC 60747-5-5 (VDE 0884) certification. ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-X Changes • Tighter quiescent current specifications. • Upgraded from MSL 2 to MSL 1. ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-W Changes • Increased transient immunity specifications based on additional data. • Added VDE 0884 pending. • Added high voltage endurance specification. • Increased magnetic immunity specifications. • Updated package drawings. • Added recommended solder pad layouts. ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-V Changes • Detailed isolation and barrier specifications. • Cosmetic changes. ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-U Changes • Tightened typical output quiescent supply spec. to 1.5 mA/channel at 3.3V. 16 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 Datasheet Limitations The information and data provided in datasheets shall define the specification of the product as agreed between NVE and its customer, unless NVE and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. All specifications are based on NVE test protocols. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the NVE product is deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the datasheet. Limited Warranty and Liability Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVE does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. In no event shall NVE be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory. Right to Make Changes NVE reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document including, without limitation, specifications and product descriptions at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to its publication. Use in Life-Critical or Safety-Critical Applications Unless NVE and a customer explicitly agree otherwise in writing, NVE products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical devices or equipment. NVE accepts no liability for inclusion or use of NVE products in such applications and such inclusion or use is at the customer’s own risk. Should the customer use NVE products for such application whether authorized by NVE or not, the customer shall indemnify and hold NVE harmless against all claims and damages. Applications Applications described in this datasheet are illustrative only. NVE makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NVE products, and NVE accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the NVE product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customers. Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products. NVE does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customers. The customer is responsible for all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using NVE products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customers. NVE accepts no liability in this respect. Limiting Values Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the recommended operating conditions of the datasheet is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device. Terms and Conditions of Sale In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NVE hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NVE products by customer. No Offer to Sell or License Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Export Control This document as well as the items described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from national authorities. Automotive Qualified Products Unless the datasheet expressly states that a specific NVE product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. NVE accepts no liability for inclusion or use of non-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications. In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without NVE’s warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond NVE’s specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies NVE for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond NVE’s standard warranty and NVE’s product specifications. 17 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation

IL715/IL716/IL717 An ISO 9001 Certified Company NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.nve.com e-mail: iso-info@nve.com ©NVE Corporation All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. ISB-DS-001-IL715/6/7-AE November 2016 18 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 Fax: (952) 829-9189 www.IsoLoop.com ©NVE Corporation