

  • 型号: DXP18BN5014TL
  • 制造商: Murata
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供DXP18BN5014TL由Murata设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 DXP18BN5014TL价格参考¥1.31-¥1.31。MurataDXP18BN5014TL封装/规格:平衡-不平衡变压器, RF Balun 50MHz ~ 870MHz 50 / 200 Ohm 0603 (1608 Metric)。您可以下载DXP18BN5014TL参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有DXP18BN5014TL 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

Murata Electronics North America的型号为DXP18BN5014TL的平衡-不平衡变压器(Balun)主要应用于射频和微波通信领域。这种器件用于在平衡信号(如差分信号)和不平衡信号(如单端信号)之间进行转换,以确保信号在传输过程中的完整性和稳定性。


1. 无线通信设备:
   - DXP18BN5014TL广泛应用于各种无线通信设备中,如基站、路由器、Wi-Fi模块等。它能够在发送和接收路径中实现阻抗匹配,提高信号传输效率,减少反射和损耗。
2. 天线接口:
   - 在天线设计中,该型号的Balun用于将天线的单端输出转换为差分信号输入,或反之亦然。这有助于提高天线与射频前端之间的兼容性,优化信号传输性能。
3. 射频收发器:
   - 在射频收发器中,Balun用于连接前端放大器和混频器等组件。通过将差分信号转换为单端信号,或反之,它可以确保信号在不同电路模块之间的平滑过渡,减少噪声干扰。
4. 测试与测量设备:
   - 在射频测试仪器中,如网络分析仪、频谱分析仪等,DXP18BN5014TL用于校准和测试信号路径。它能够提供精确的信号转换,确保测量结果的准确性。
5. 物联网(IoT)设备:
   - 在低功耗广域网(LPWAN)和其他物联网应用中,该型号的Balun用于优化射频信号的传输,确保设备在复杂电磁环境下的稳定工作。

6. 卫星通信系统:
   - 在卫星通信地面站和用户终端中,DXP18BN5014TL用于处理高频信号的转换,确保信号在地球站与卫星之间的可靠传输。

7. 雷达系统:
   - 在雷达发射机和接收机中,Balun用于信号调理,确保发射和接收路径的阻抗匹配,提高系统的灵敏度和分辨率。

产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值

射频/IF 和 RFID






Murata Electronics North America





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


Murata Electronics DXP18BN5014TL-








Balun Transformers






50 Ohms


20 dBm


带卷 (TR)


Murata Electronics






0.8 mm




0603(1608 公制)




1.6 mm L x 0.8 mm W


- 40 C to + 85 C








200 Ohms






Microchip Transformer




1.6 mm


50 / 200 欧姆


50MHz ~ 870MHz



品牌:M/A-Com Technology Solutions

产品名称:射频/IF 和 RFID



品牌:Johanson Technology Inc.

产品名称:射频/IF 和 RFID



品牌:TDK Corporation

产品名称:射频/IF 和 RFID



品牌:Johanson Technology Inc.

产品名称:射频/IF 和 RFID



品牌:TDK Corporation

产品名称:射频/IF 和 RFID



品牌:Johanson Technology Inc.

产品名称:射频/IF 和 RFID



品牌:TDK Corporation

产品名称:射频/IF 和 RFID



品牌:Murata Electronics North America

产品名称:射频/IF 和 RFID




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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Reference Only SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002H-01 P1/10 Micro Chip Transformer DXP18BN□□□□□□ Reference Specification 1. Scope This reference specification applies to Micro Chip Transformer DXP18BN Series. 2. Part Numbering (ex.) DX P 18 B N 50 14 T L (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1) Micro Chip Transformer (6) Port Impedance (50:50ohm / 75: 75ohm) (2) Structure (P: Film Type) (7) Impedance ratio (14: one to four) (3) Dimension (L×W) (8) Main Application (T:50~870MHz/H:470~790MHz/D:470~870MHz) (4) Type of Transformer (B: Balun) (9) Packing Code L:Taping / B:Bulk (5) Category 3. Electrical Specification Freq. input-output Rated Customer Murata Insertion Loss CMRR Range Impedance Power Part Number Part Number [dB max.] [dB min.] [MHz] [ohm] [dBm] DXP18BN5014TL 50-870 50-200 1.5 DXP18BN5014TB DXP18BN5014HL 470-790 50-200 1.2 DXP18BN5014HB 25 20 DXP18BN5016DL 470-870 50-300 1.2 DXP18BN5016DB DXP18BN7514TL 50-870 75-300 1.5 DXP18BN7514TB Operating Temperature : -40 to +85°C Storage Temperature : -40 to +85°C 4. Standard Testing Condition <Unless otherwise specified> <In case of doubt> Temperature : Ordinary Temperature 15 to 35°C Temperature : 20 ± 2°C Humidity : Ordinary Humidity 25 to 85%(RH) Humidity : 60 to 70%(RH) Atmospheric Pressure : 86 to106kPa 5. Style and Dimensions ■Dimension ■Eqivalent Circuit (Top View) (6)B1 (5)GND (4)B2 (6) (5) (4) 1 0. 1 ± 0. 8 ± 0. 5 0.1 (1) (2) (3) Polarity 1.6±0.1 1 Marking 0. ± 0.2±0.1 0.4±0.1 5 0.4 (1)UB (2)NC (3)GND 0.3±0.1 (Bottom View) :Electrode ■Unit Mass (typ.) (inmm) 0.003g MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD

Reference Only SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002H-01 P2/10 ■ NC (Non-Contact) Terminal Don't connect NC terminal with any signal lines/GND lines on the circuit board. 6. Marking Polarity Marking is on the upper surface of a Product. 7. Electrical Performance No. Item Specification Definition and Measurement Method 7.1 Insertion Meet item 3. Insertion Loss is given by Sds21 mag extracted from the below circuit. Loss (IL) Port Impedance [ohm] Port1 Port2 Port3 5014H 50 100 100 5014T 50 100 100 5016D 50 150 150 7514T 75 150 150 IL[dB] = 20log10(Sds21) Where Sds21 is S-parameter of single mode stimulus - Differential mode response Parasitics and loss factors caused by the test board have to be removed. UB B1 Port2 Port1 GND NC GND B2 Port3 7.2 CMRR Meet item 3. CMRRis given by the following equation, S-parameters are extracted from the below circuit. Port Impedance [ohm] Port1 Port2 Port3 5014H 50 100 100 5014T 50 100 100 5016D 50 150 150 7514T 75 150 150 CMRR[dB] = 20log10(Sds21/Scs21)=20log10{(S21+S31)/(S21-S31)} Where Sds21 is S-parameter of single mode stimulus - Differential mode response Scs21 is S-parameter of single mode stimulus - Common mode response Parasitics and loss factors caused by the test board have to be removed. UB B1 Port2 Port1 GND NC GND B2 Port3 MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD

Reference Only SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002H-01 P3/10 8. Mechanical Performance No. Item Specification Test Method 8.1 Appearance Meet all dimension onitem 5. Visual Inspection and measurement with microscope. and Dimensions 8.2 Solderability The electrodes shall be at least Flux:Ethanol solution of rosin,25(wt)% 95% covered with new solder Pre-Heating : 150±10°C 60s to 90s coating. Solder : Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Solder Temperature : 240±5°C Immersion Time : 3±1 seconds Immersion and emersion rates : 25mm/s 8.3 Resistance Meet Table 1. Flux : Ethanol solution of rosin,25(wt)% to Soldering Table 1 Pre-Heating : : 150±10°C 60s to 90s Heat Appearance No damaged Solder : Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu Solder Temperature : 270±5°C IL Meet Item 3. Immersion Time : 10±1 seconds CMRR Immersion and emersion rates : 25mm/s Then measured after exposure in the room condition for 4 to 48 hours. 8.4 Drop It shall be dropped on concrete or steel board. Method : free fall Height : 1 m The Number of Times : 3 times 8.5 Vibration It shall be soldered on the substrate. Oscillation Frequency : 10 to 2000 to 10Hz for 15 minutes Total Amplitude 3.0mm or Acceleration 196m/s2 whichever is smaller Testing Time : A period of 2 hours in each of 3 mutually perpendicular directions. (Total 6 hours) 8.6 Bending It shall be soldered on the Glass-epoxy substrate. Strength Deflection : 3mm (t=1.0mm). Keeping time : 5 seconds Speed of Applying Force : 0.5mm/s Pressurejig R230 F Deflection 45 45 Product (in mm) 9. Environmental Performance(Products shall be soldered on the substrate.) No. Item Specification Test Method 9.1 Temperature Meet Table 1. 1 Cycle Cycle Step 1 -40°C(+0°C,-3°C) / 30(+3,-0) min Step 2 Ordinary Temp. / within 3 min Step 3 +85(+3°C,-0°C) / 30(+3,-0) min Step 4 Ordinary Temp. / within 3 min Total of 100 cycles. Then measured after exposure in the room condition for 4 to 48 hours. 9.2 Humidity Temperature:70±2°C Humidity : 90~95%(RH) Time : 1000(+48 hours,-0 hours) Then measured after exposure in the room condition for 4 to48 hours. 9.3 Heat Temperature:85±2°C Resistance Time : 1000(+48 hours,-0 hours) Then measured after exposure in the room condition for 4 to 48 hours. 9.4 Cold Temperature:-40±2°C Resistance Time : 1000(+48 hours,-0 hours) Then measured after exposure in the room condition for 4 to 48 hours. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD

Reference Only SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002H-01 P4/10 10. Frequency Characteristics (Typ.) DXP18BN5014T DXP18BN7514T 0.0 0.0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 B] -0.8 B] -0.8 d -1.0 d -1.0 L[ L[ I -1.2 I -1.2 -1.4 -1.4 -1.6 -1.6 -1.8 -1.8 -2.0 -2.0 0 200M 400M 600M 800M 1000M 0 200M 400M 600M 800M 1000M Freq[Hz] Freq[Hz] 45 45 40 40 B] B] d 35 d 35 R[ R[ R R M 30 M 30 C C 25 25 20 20 0 200M 400M 600M 800M 1000M 0 200M 400M 600M 800M 1000M Freq[Hz] Freq[Hz] DXP18BN5016D DXP18BN5014H 0.0 0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 -0.6 -0.6 B] -0.8 B] -0.8 d -1.0 d -1.0 L[ L[ I -1.2 I -1.2 -1.4 -1.4 -1.6 -1.6 -1.8 -1.8 -2.0 -2.0 400M 500M 600M 700M800M900M 400M 500M 600M 700M800M900M Freq[Hz] Freq[Hz] 45 45 40 40 B] B] d 35 d 35 R[ R[ R R M 30 M 30 C C 25 25 20 20 400M 500M 600M 700M800M900M 400M 500M 600M 700M800M900M Freq[Hz] Freq[Hz] MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD

Reference Only SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002H-01 P5/10 11. Specification of Packaging 11.1 Appearance and Dime nsions ( 8mm-wide,Plastic tape) 1.5± 00. 1 0.20±0.05 1 0. ± Sproket Hole 5 7 1. 5 1.82±0.05 ±3.50.0 ±8.00.2 Direction of feed 5) 7 (2. 0.90±0.05 4.0±0.1 4.0±0.1 0.6±0.05 2.0±0.05 11.2 Specification of Taping (1)Packing quantity(Standard quantity) 5000 pcs. / reel (2)Packing Method Products shall be packaged in each embossed cavity of plastic tape and sealed with cover tape. (3) Spliced point The cover tape have no spliced point. (4) Sprocket Hole Sprocket hole shall be located on the left hand side toward the direction of feed. (5)Missing components number Missing components number within 0.1% of the number per reel or 1 pc, whichever is greater, and are not continuous. The specified quantity per reel is kept. 11.3 Pull Strength of the Tape Package Plastic Tape 5N min. Cover Tape 10N min. 165to180degree 11.4 Peeling force of the Cover Tape F Covertape 0.2 to 0.7N(Minimum value is Typical) Peeling verosity is 300 mm / min Plastictape 11.5 Dimensions of Leader-tape, Trailer and Reel Trailer Leader 2.0±0.5 160min. Label 190min. 210min. Emptytape Toptape φ13.0±0.2 φ60±1 0 φ21.0±0.8 Directionof feed 9±10 13±1.4 φ180±0 3 MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD

SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002G-01 P6/10 11.6 Marking for reel Customer part number, MURATA part number, Inspection number(∗1), RoHS Marking(∗2), Quantity, etc ∗1) « Expression of Inspection No. » □□ OOOO ××× (1) (2) (3) (1) Factory Code (2) Date First digit : Year / Last digit of year Second digit : Month / Jan. to Sep. → 1 to 9, Oct. to Dec. → O,N,D Third, Fourth digit : Day (3) Serial No. ∗2) « Expression of RoHS Marking » ROHS – Y (△) (1) (2) (1) RoHS regulation conformity parts. (2) MURATA classification number 11.7 Marking for Outside package Customer name Purchasing Order Number, Customer Part Number, MURATA part number, RoHS Marking (∗2), Quantity, etc 11.8 Specification of Outer Case Label Outer CaseDimensions Standard Reel Quantity in Outer Case (mm) H W D H (Reel) 186 186 93 5 D ∗ Above Outer Case size is typical. It depends on a quantity of an W order. △ 12. ! Caution 12.1. Mounting Direction Mount products in right direction. Wrong direction which is 180 ° rotated from right direction cause serious trouble. right direction wrong direction 12.2. Limitation of Applications Please contact us before using our products for the applications listed below which require especially high reliability for the prevention of defects which might directly cause damage to the third party's life, body or property. (1) Aircraft equipment (6) Transportation equipment (vehicles, trains, ships, etc.) (2) Aerospace equipment (7) Traffic signal equipment (3) Undersea equipment (8) Disaster prevention / crime prevention equipment (4) Power plant control equipment (9) Data-processing equipment (5) Medical equipment (10) Applications of similar complexity and / or reliability requirements to the applications listed in the above. 13. Notice Products can only be soldered with reflow. This product is designed for solder mounting. Please consult us in advance for applying other mounting method such as conductive adhesive. 13.1 NC (Non-Contact) Terminal Don't connect NC terminal with any signal lines/GND lines on the circuit board, unless otherwise, it may affect on the performance of this part. Solder the NC terminal on soldering pad, which has no electrical connection with any other lines, to secure the fixing strength of the part and to prevent displacement of the part during reflow soldering. 13.2 Flux and Solder Flux Use rosin-based flux, (with converting chlorine content 0.06 to 0.1(wt)%. ), but not highly acidic flux (with Halogen content exceeding 0.2(wt)% conversion to chlorine). Do not use water-soluble flux. Solder Use Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder Standard thickness of the solder paste should be 100 to 150µm. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD

SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002G-01 P7/10 13.3 Standard Land Dimensions (Reflow) 0.20 0.20 0.45 0.40 1.30 Resis Copper foil pattern No pattern 0.40 (in mm) 13.4 Assembling <Thermal Shock> Pre-heating should be in such a way that the temperature difference between solder and ceramic surface is limited to 100°C MAX. Also cooling into solvent after soldering should be in such a way that the temperature difference is limited to 100°C max. 13.5 Standard Soldering Condition (1) Soldering Condition Standard soldering profile and the limit soldering profile is as follows. The excessive limit soldering conditions may cause leaching of the electrode and / or resulting in the deterioration of product quality. Temp . 260℃/10s (℃) 245±3℃ 230℃ 220℃ Limit Profile 180 150 Standard Profile 30~60s 60s max. 90s±30s Time(s) Standard Profile Limit Profile Pre-heating 150~180°C 、90s±30s Heating above 220°C、30s~60s above 230°C、60s max. Peak temperature 245±3°C 260°C、10s Cycle of reflow 2 times 2 times (2) Reworking with Soldering iron The following conditions must be strictly followed when using a soldering iron after being mounted by reflow soldering. Tip temperature / Soldering time : 350°C max / 3(+1,-0)s Soldering iron output :30W max Tip diameter : φ3mm ∗Reworking should be limited to 2 times. Notes: Do not touch the products directly with the soldering iron. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD

SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002G-01 P8/10 (3) Solder Volume Solder shall be used not to be exceeded the upper limits as shown below. Upper limit Upper limit Recommendable Recommendable t 1/3 T ≦ t ≦ T (T:thickness of electrodes) Accordingly increasing the solder volume, the mechanical stress to Chip is also increased. Exceeding solder volume may cause the failure of mechanical or electrical performance. 13.6 Resin coating The electric characteristics may change and/or it may affect on the product's performance due to high cure-stress of resin to be used for coating / molding products. So please pay your careful attention when you select resin. In prior to use, please make the reliability evaluation with the product mounted in your application set. 13.7 Attention regarding P.C.B. bending The following shall be considered when designing and laying out P.C.B.'s. (1) P.C.B. shall be designed so that products are not subject to the mechanical stress due to warping the board. [Products direction] Products shall be location the sideways a Direction (Length : a<b) to the machanical b Stress. 〈Poorexample〉 〈Goodexample〉 [Warping direction] Products(warping direction 1, warping direction a a 2) shall be located carefully so that products are b b not subjected to the mechanical stress due to warping the board. Because they may be subjected the mechanical stress in order of > warping direction 1 warping direction 2. 〈Wrapingdirection1〉 〈Wrapingdirection2〉 (warping direction 1) (warping direction 2) (2) Components location on P.C.B. separation. It is effective to implement the following measures, to reduce stress in separating the board. It is best to implement all of the following three measures; however, implement as many measures as possible to reduce stress. Contents of Measures Stress Level (1) Turn the mounting direction of the component parallel to the board separation surface. A > D *1 (2) Add slits in the board separation part. A > B (3) Keep the mounting position of the component away from the board separation surface. A > C Perforatio n C B D A Slit *1 A > D is valid when stress is added vertically to the perforation as with Hand Separation. If a Cutting Disc is used, stress will be diagonal to the PCB, therefore A > D is invalid. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD

SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002G-01 P9/10 (3) Mounting Components Near Screw Holes When a component is mounted near a screw hole, it may be affected by the board deflection that occurs During the tightening of the screw. Mount the component in a position as far away from the screw holes as possible. Screw Hole Recommended Portionof 13.8 Attention Regarding P.C.B. Design Perforation < The Arrangement of Products > × P.C.B. P.C.B. shall be designed so that products are far from the portion ○ of perforation. ○ Product The portion of perforation shall be designed as narrow as possible Portionof × Perforation and shall be designed so as not to be applied the stress in the case of P.C.B. separation. Products shall not be arranged on the line of a series of holes when P.C.B. ○ × there are big holes in P.C.B. (Because the stress concentrate on the line of holes.) Product Hole < Products Placing > Support pins shall be set under P.C.B . to prevent causing a warp to P.C.B. during placing the products on the other side of P.C.B. Pick-upnozzle Product < P.C.B. Separation > P.C.B. shall not be separated with hand. P.C.B. shall be separated with the fixture so as not to cause P.C.B. bending. P.C.B. Supportpin 13.9 Cleaning Conditions Products shall be cleaned on the following conditions. (1) Cleaning temperature shall be limited to 60°C max. (40°C max. for Isopropyl alcohol.) (2) Ultrasonic cleaning shall comply with the following conditions, avoiding the resonance phenomenon at the mounted products and P.C.B.. ・Power : 20W/ l max. ・Frequency : 28kHz to 40kHz ・Time : 5 minutes max. (3) Cleaner 1. Alternative cleaner • Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) 2. Aqueous agent • PINE ALPHA ST-100S (4) There shall be no residual flux and residual cleaner after cleaning. In the case of using aqueous agent, products shall be dried completely after rinse with de-ionized water in order to remove the cleaner. (5) Other cleaning Please contact us. 13.10 Handling of a substrate After mounting products on a substrate, do not apply any stress to the product caused by bending or twisting to the substrate when cropping the substrate, inserting and removing a connector from the substrate or tightening screw to the substrate. Excessive mechanical stress may cause cracking in the product. Bending Twisting MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD

SpecNo.JEFK243A-0002G-01 P10/10 13.11 Operating Environment Do not use this product under the following environmental conditions, on deterioration of the performance, such as insulation resistance may result from the use. (1) in corrosive gases (acidic gases, alkaline gases, chlorine, sulfur gases, organic gases and etc.) (2) in the atmosphere where liquid such as organic solvent, may splash on the products. 13.12 Storage Condition (1) Storage period Use the products within 12 months after delivered. Solderability should be checked if this period is exceeded. (2) Storage environment conditions ·Products should be stored in the warehouse on the following conditions. Temperature : -10 ~ +40°C Humidity : 15 to 85% relative humidity No rapid change on temperature and humidity. · Products should not be stored in corrosive gases, such as sulfureous, acid gases, alkaline gases, to prevent the following deterioration. Poor solderability due to the oxidized electrode. · Products should be stored on the palette for the prevention of the influence from humidity,dust and so on. · Products should be stored in the warehouse without heat shock, vibration, direct sunlight and so on. · Products should not be stored under the air tights packaged condition. (3) Delivery Care should be taken when transporting or handling product to avoid excessive vibration or mechanical shock. △ 14. ! Notes (1)Please make sure that your product has been evaluated in view of your specifications with our product being mounted to your product. (2)You are requested not to use our product deviating from the reference specifications. (3)The contents of this reference specification are subject to change without advance notice. Please approve our product specifications or transact the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD