ICGOO在线商城 > 连接器,互连器件 > 矩形连接器 - 阵列,边缘型,夹层式(板对板) > DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86)
数量阶梯 | 香港交货 | 国内含税 |
+xxxx | $xxxx | ¥xxxx |
ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86)由Hirose Electric设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86)价格参考¥3.12-¥3.12。Hirose ElectricDF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86)封装/规格:矩形连接器 - 阵列,边缘型,夹层式(板对板), 20 位置 连接器 接头,外罩触点 表面贴装 金。您可以下载DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86)参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) 是一种特定型号的电子元器件,通常用于对电压、电流和信号传输有较高要求的场景。根据其命名规则,可以大致推测出其主要参数和应用场景: 1. DF12 系列:这通常指的是某种特定类型的二极管或整流器系列,可能具有高效率、低反向恢复时间等特性,适用于高频开关电源、逆变器等设备中。 2. 5.0:这个数值可能表示额定电流为5安培(A),意味着该元器件能够在最大5A的电流下正常工作,适用于需要较大电流输出的应用场合。 3. 20DP:这可能表示双极性(Dual-Polarity)或双通道设计,能够处理正负双向电压或电流,适合用于需要双向导通的电路中,如交流电转换、双向通信接口等。 4. 0.5V:这个值可能表示正向压降(Forward Voltage Drop),即在正常工作时,二极管两端的电压差为0.5伏特。较低的正向压降有助于减少能量损耗,提高整体效率,适用于高效能电源管理、电池管理系统等。 5. 86:这个编号可能是批次号或版本号,用于标识生产批次或特定版本,确保可追溯性和一致性。 应用场景 结合以上参数,DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) 可能广泛应用于以下领域: - 电源管理:例如开关电源、线性稳压器、电池充电器等,特别是在需要高效能和低功耗的场合。 - 逆变器和变频器:用于将直流电转换为交流电,或者调节电机速度,常见于太阳能逆变器、工业自动化设备等。 - 通信设备:用于保护通信线路免受过电压和过电流的影响,确保信号传输的稳定性和可靠性。 - 汽车电子:如车载充电系统、LED照明控制、电动助力转向系统等,要求元器件具备高可靠性和耐久性。 - 消费电子产品:如智能手机、平板电脑、笔记本电脑等便携式设备中的电源管理和保护电路。 总之,DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) 适用于需要高效、可靠、双向导通能力的电路中,尤其在电源管理和信号传输方面表现出色。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | |
产品分类 | 矩形 - 板对板连接器 - 阵列,边缘型,夹层式板对板与夹层连接器 |
品牌 | Hirose Connector |
产品手册 | |
产品图片 | |
rohs | 符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | Hirose Connector DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86)DF12 |
数据手册 | |
产品型号 | DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) |
产品培训模块 | http://www.digikey.cn/PTM/IndividualPTM.page?site=cn&lang=zhs&ptm=24699 |
产品目录绘图 | |
产品目录页面 | |
产品种类 | 板对板与夹层连接器 |
产品类型 | Headers |
位置数量 | 20 |
其它名称 | *DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) |
包装 | 剪切带 (CT) |
叠放高度 | 5 mm |
商标 | Hirose Connector |
外壳材料 | Polyamide (PA) |
安装类型 | 表面贴装 |
安装角 | Vertical |
封装 | Reel |
工厂包装数量 | 1000 |
排数 | 2 |
接合堆叠高度 | 5mm |
板上高度 | 0.169"(4.30mm) |
标准包装 | 1 |
特性 | 板导轨,固定焊尾 |
特色产品 | http://www.digikey.cn/product-highlights/zh/hirose-electrics-df12-series/52055 |
电压额定值 | 50 V |
电流额定值 | 300 mA |
端接类型 | SMD |
系列 | DF12 |
节距 | 0.5 mm |
触头镀层 | 金 |
触头镀层厚度 | 8µin (0.20µm) |
触点材料 | Phosphor Copper |
触点电镀 | Gold |
连接器类型 | 接头,外罩触点 |
配套产品 | /product-detail/zh/DF12C(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(81)/H121934DKR-ND/3830829/product-detail/zh/DF12C(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(81)/H121934CT-ND/3830801/product-detail/zh/DF12(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(86)/H11748DKR-ND/2172609/product-detail/zh/DF12B-20DS-0.5V(86)/H11732DKR-ND/2172593/product-detail/zh/DF12B(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(86)/H11721DKR-ND/2172582/product-detail/zh/DF12A(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(81)/H11714DKR-ND/2172575/product-detail/zh/DF12(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(86)/H11748CT-ND/2172540/product-detail/zh/DF12B-20DS-0.5V(86)/H11732CT-ND/2172524/product-detail/zh/DF12B(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(86)/H11721CT-ND/2172513/product-detail/zh/DF12A(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(81)/H11714CT-ND/2172506/product-detail/zh/DF12B-20DS-0.5V(86)/H11732TR-ND/2172476/product-detail/zh/DF12B(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(86)/H11721TR-ND/2172465/product-detail/zh/DF12A(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(81)/H11714TR-ND/2172458/product-detail/zh/DF12C-20DS-0.5V(81)/DF12C-20DS-0.5V(81)-ND/2170874/product-detail/zh/DF12C(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(81)/H121934TR-ND/2170868/product-detail/zh/DF12A-20DS-0.5V(81)/H5209DKR-ND/1844288/product-detail/zh/DF12-20DS-0.5V(86)/H5214DKR-ND/1844266/product-detail/zh/DF12(3.0)-20DS-0.5V(86)/H11748TR-ND/951547/product-detail/zh/DF12-20DS-0.5V(86)/H5214CT-ND/948727/product-detail/zh/DF12A-20DS-0.5V(81)/H5209CT-ND/948722/product-detail/zh/DF12-20DS-0.5V(86)/H5214TR-ND/948684/product-detail/zh/DF12A-20DS-0.5V(81)/H5209TR-ND/948679 |
针脚数 | 20 |
间距 | 0.020"(0.50mm) |
0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector DF12 Series Correspond to automatic mounting The vacuum pick-up area secures the automatic mounting machine for pick and place. d. e v r e s e R s ht g Ri All Fig.1 D. T O., L ■Features C 1. Broad Variations of Stacking Height C In addition to 0.5mm pitch ultra-miniature size connector, the stacking height of 3mm, 3.5mm, 4mm, and 5mm are provided. RI T C E DF12#(3.0)-*DS-0.5V DF12#-*DS-0.5V EL Header/Receptacle E Combinationstacking height Combinationstacking height S DF12#(3.0)-*DP-0.5V 3.0 ––––––– O R DF12#(3.5)-*DP-0.5V ––––––– 3.5 HI 8 DF12#(4.0)-*DP-0.5V ––––––– 4.0 1 0 DF12#(5.0)-*DP-0.5V ––––––– 5.0 2 ht g ri y p Note 1 : (**)of the product name DF12# (**) indicates the stacking height. Co Note 2 : The stacking height doesn't include the soldering paste thickness. 18 [Stacking Height Variation] Stacking Height 3.0mm 3.5mm 4.0mm 5.0mm 0 2 10 contacts K ––––––– ––––––– ––––––– 1. c. 14 contacts K ––––––– ––––––– ––––––– e D 20 contacts K K K K 30 contacts K K K K 32 contacts K ––––––– K ––––––– Number of Contacts 36 contacts K K K K 40 contacts K K K K 50 contacts K K K K 60 contacts K K K K 80 contacts K ––––––– ––––––– ––––––– 2. Corresponding to Automatic Mounting The connector has the vacuum pick-up area to enable automatic mounting with the embossed tape packaging.(Fig.1) 3. Metal Fitting Available The product including the metal fitting to prevent solder peeling is provided, considering the mounting on FPC. A193
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector ■Product Specifications Current rating 0.3A Operating Temperature Range -45to +125ç(Note 1) Storage Temperature Range -10to +60ç(Note 2) Rating Voltage rating 50V AC Operating Humidity Range -40to 80% Storage Humidity Range -40to 70%(Note 2) Item Specification Condition 1. Insulation Resistance 500MΩmin. 100V DC 2. Withstanding voltage No flashover or insulation breakdown. 150V AC/1 minute 3. Contact Resistance 50mΩmax. 100mA 4. Vibration No electrical discontinuity of 1μs or more Frequency : 10 to 55 Hz, single amplitude of 0.75mm, 2 hours in each of the 3 directions. d. 5. Humidity (Steady state) Contact resistance : 50mΩmax. Insulation resistance:500MΩmin 96 hours at temperature of 40±2ç and humidity of 90% to 95% e rv 6. Temperature Cycle Contact resistance : 50mΩmax. Insulation resistance:500MΩmin (-65ç : 30 minutes 5 to 35ç : 10 minutes 125ç : 30 minutes 5 to 35ç : 10 minutes) 5 cycles e es 7. Durability (Mating/un-mating) Contact resistance : 50mΩmax. 50 cycles R hts 8. Resistance to Soldering heat No deformation of components affecting performance. RMeafnlouwa l :s Aotl dtheerin rge c:o 3m5m0çe nfodre d3 tseemcopnedrasture profile g Ri All NNoottee 12:: TInhcelu tdeerms t"esmtopreargaetu" rree freisrse tcoa pursoeddu bctys csutrorreendt ffolorw lo.ng period of time prior to mounting and use. Operating Temperature Range and D. Humidity range covers non conducting condition of installed connectors in storage, shipment or during transportation. T O., L ■Material / Finish C Product Part Material Finish Remarks C RI Insulator Polyamide Beige UL94-V0 CT Receptacle/Header Contact Phosphor copper Gold plated ––––––– E L Fitting Brass Tin plated ––––––– E SE ■Product Number Structure O R HI ●Receptacle DF12 # (**) - * DS - 0.5 V (**) 8 1 0 q w e r t y u i 2 ght qSeries Name : DF12 eStacking height yContact Pitch : 0.5mm yri wType 3.0 : 3.0mm uContact Style p o C Fitting Boss Blank : 3.5to 5.0mm V : Straight SMT 8 Blank K K rNumber of Contacts : 10, 14, 20, 30, 32, iPackaging Type 1 20 A ∞ K 36, 40, 50, 60, 80 (81) : Embossed tape packaging c.1. B K ∞ (1,000pcs/reel) (A, C type) De C ∞ ∞ tConnector Type (86) : Embossed tape packaging DS : Double-row receptacle (1,000pcs/reel) (Blank, B type) ●Header DF12 # (**) - * DP - 0.5 V (**) q w e r t y u i qSeries Name : DF12 eStacking height tConnector Type wType DP : Double-row pin header Indication Stacking Height Fitting Boss 3.0 3.0mm yContact Pitch : 0.5mm Blank K K 3.5 3.5mm uContact Style B K ∞ 4.0 4.0mm V : Straight SMT D ∞ K 5.0 5.0mm iPackaging Type E ∞ ∞ (81) : Embossed tape packaging rNumber of Contacts : 10, 14, 20, 30, 32, (1,000pcs/reel) (D, E type) 36, 40, 50, 60, 80 (86) : Embossed tape packaging (1,000pcs/reel) (Blank, B type) A194
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector ■Receptacle Without metal fitting d. e v r e s e R s ht g Ri ●Stacking Height: 3mm Product All Unit : mm D. Part No. HRS No. No. of Contacts A B C D E Remarks RoHS T DF12A (3.0)-10DS-0.5V (81) 537-0626-9 81 10 04.6 02.0 03.1 04.1 L O., DF12A (3.0)-14DS-0.5V (81) 537-0915-6 81 14 05.6 03.0 04.1 05.1 DF12A (3.0)-20DS-0.5V (81) 537-0628-4 81 20 07.1 04.5 05.6 06.6 C C DF12A (3.0)-30DS-0.5V (81) 537-0630-6 81 30 09.6 07.0 08.1 09.1 RI DF12A (3.0)-32DS-0.5V (81) 537-0637-5 81 32 10.1 07.5 08.6 09.6 T DF12A (3.0)-36DS-0.5V (81) 537-0631-9 81 36 11.1 08.5 09.6 10.6 2.2 Without metal fitting C With boss E DF12A (3.0)-40DS-0.5V (81) 537-0632-1 81 40 12.1 09.5 10.6 11.6 L E DF12A (3.0)-50DS-0.5V (81) 537-0634-7 81 50 14.6 12.0 13.1 14.1 E DF12A (3.0)-60DS-0.5V (81) 537-0636-2 81 60 17.1 14.5 15.6 16.6 S O DF12A (3.0)-80DS-0.5V (81) 537-0638-8 81 80 22.1 19.5 20.6 21.6 R DF12C (3.0)-10DS-0.5V (81) 537-0686-0 81 10 04.6 02.0 03.1 YES HI DF12C (3.0)-14DS-0.5V (81) 537-0917-1 81 14 05.6 03.0 04.1 8 1 DF12C (3.0)-20DS-0.5V (81) 537-0688-6 81 20 07.1 04.5 05.6 0 2 DF12C (3.0)-30DS-0.5V (81) 537-0690-8 81 30 09.6 07.0 08.1 ht DF12C (3.0)-32DS-0.5V (81) 537-0697-7 81 32 10.1 07.5 08.6 g –––– 2.2 Without metal fitting ri DF12C (3.0)-36DS-0.5V (81) 537-0691-0 81 36 11.1 08.5 09.6 py DF12C (3.0)-40DS-0.5V (81) 537-0692-3 81 40 12.1 09.5 10.6 Without boss o C DF12C (3.0)-50DS-0.5V (81) 537-0694-9 81 50 14.6 12.0 13.1 8 DF12C (3.0)-60DS-0.5V (81) 537-0696-4 81 60 17.1 14.5 15.6 1 0 DF12C (3.0)-80DS-0.5V (81) 537-0212-6 81 80 22.1 19.5 20.6 2 1. ●Stacking Height: 3.5 to 5mm Product c. Unit : mm e D Part No. HRS No. No. of Contacts A B C D E Remarks RoHS DF12A-20DS-0.5V (81) 537-0078-5 81 20 07.1 04.5 05.6 06.6 DF12A-30DS-0.5V (81) 537-0080-7 81 30 09.6 07.0 08.1 09.1 DF12A-32DS-0.5V (81) 537-0087-6 81 32 10.1 07.5 08.6 09.6 DF12A-36DS-0.5V (81) 537-0081-0 81 36 11.1 08.5 09.6 10.6 2.7 Without metal fitting DF12A-40DS-0.5V (81) 537-0082-2 81 40 12.1 09.5 10.6 11.6 With boss DF12A-50DS-0.5V (81) 537-0084-8 81 50 14.6 12.0 13.1 14.1 DF12A-60DS-0.5V (81) 537-0086-3 81 60 17.1 14.5 15.6 16.6 YES DF12C-20DS-0.5V (81) 537-0203-5 81 20 07.1 04.5 05.6 DF12C-30DS-0.5V (81) 537-0205-0 81 30 09.6 07.0 08.1 DF12C-32DS-0.5V (81) 537-0212-6 81 32 10.1 07.5 08.6 DF12C-36DS-0.5V (81) 537-0206-3 81 36 11.1 08.5 09.6 –––– 2.7 Without metal fitting DF12C-40DS-0.5V (81) 537-0207-6 81 40 12.1 09.5 10.6 Without boss DF12C-50DS-0.5V (81) 537-0209-1 81 50 14.6 12.0 13.1 DF12C-60DS-0.5V (81) 537-0211-3 81 60 17.1 14.5 15.6 Note 1: Please order the embossed tape packaging product per reel. (1000 pcs./reel) A195
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector ■Receptacle With metal fitting F A B P=0.5 5 0. 3.6 0.2 1.5 C d. E e v ser 0.6 Ø0.5 D 0.25 1.5 e R s ht g Ri ●Stacking Height : 3mm Product All Unit : mm D. Part No. HRS No. No. of Contacts A B C D E F Remarks RoHS T DF12 (3.0)-10DS-0.5V (86) 537-0601-8 86 10 4.6 2.0 3.1 4.1 5.6 O., L DDFF1122 ((33..00))--1240DDSS--00..55VV ((8866)) 553377--00961043--33 8866 1240 57..61 34..05 45..16 56..16 68..61 C DF12 (3.0)-30DS-0.5V (86) 537-0605-9 86 30 9.6 7.0 8.1 9.1 10.6 C RI DF12 (3.0)-32DS-0.5V (86) 537-0612-4 86 32 10.1 7.5 8.6 9.6 2.2 11.1 With metal fitting T DF12 (3.0)-36DS-0.5V (86) 537-0606-1 86 36 11.1 8.5 9.6 10.6 12.1 C With boss E DF12 (3.0)-40DS-0.5V (86) 537-0607-4 86 40 12.1 9.5 10.6 11.6 13.1 L DF12 (3.0)-50DS-0.5V (86) 537-0609-0 86 50 14.6 12.0 13.1 14.1 15.6 E E DF12 (3.0)-60DS-0.5V (86) 537-0611-1 86 60 17.1 14.5 15.6 16.6 18.1 S DF12 (3.0)-80DS-0.5V (86) 537-0613-7 86 80 22.1 19.5 20.6 21.6 23.1 O YES R DF12B (3.0)-10DS-0.5V (86) 537-0651-6 86 10 4.6 2.0 3.1 5.6 HI DF12B (3.0)-14DS-0.5V (86) 537-0916-9 86 14 5.6 3.0 4.1 6.6 18 DF12B (3.0)-20DS-0.5V (86) 537-0653-1 86 20 7.1 4.5 5.6 8.1 20 DF12B (3.0)-30DS-0.5V (86) 537-0655-7 86 30 9.6 7.0 8.1 10.6 ght DF12B (3.0)-32DS-0.5V (86) 537-0662-2 86 32 10.1 7.5 8.6 –––– 2.2 11.1 With metal fitting yri DF12B (3.0)-36DS-0.5V (86) 537-0656-0 86 36 11.1 8.5 9.6 12.1 Without boss p DF12B (3.0)-40DS-0.5V (86) 537-0657-2 86 40 12.1 9.5 10.6 13.1 o C DF12B (3.0)-50DS-0.5V (86) 537-0659-8 86 50 14.6 12.0 13.1 15.6 8 DF12B (3.0)-60DS-0.5V (86) 537-0661-0 86 60 17.1 14.5 15.6 18.1 1 0 DF12B (3.0)-80DS-0.5V (86) 537-0663-5 86 80 22.1 19.5 20.6 23.1 2 1. ●Stacking Height : 3.5 to 5mm Product c. Unit : mm e D Part No. HRS No. No. of Contacts A B C D E F Remarks RoHS DF12-20DS-0.5V (86) 537-0003-6 86 20 07.1 04.5 05.6 06.6 08.1 DF12-30DS-0.5V (86) 537-0005-1 86 30 09.6 07.0 08.1 09.1 10.6 DF12-32DS-0.5V (86) 537-0012-7 86 32 10.1 07.5 08.6 09.6 11.1 DF12-36DS-0.5V (86) 537-0006-4 86 36 11.1 08.5 09.6 10.6 2.7 12.1 With metal fitting DF12-40DS-0.5V (86) 537-0007-7 86 40 12.1 09.5 10.6 11.6 13.1 With boss DF12-50DS-0.5V (86) 537-0009-2 86 50 14.6 12.0 13.1 14.1 15.6 DF12-60DS-0.5V (86) 537-0011-4 86 60 17.1 14.5 15.6 16.6 18.1 YES DF12B-20DS-0.5V (86) 537-0303-0 86 20 07.1 04.5 05.6 08.1 DF12B-30DS-0.5V (86) 537-0305-5 86 30 09.6 07.0 08.1 10.6 DF12B-32DS-0.5V (86) 537-0312-0 86 32 10.1 7.5 8.6 11.1 DF12B-36DS-0.5V (86) 537-0306-8 86 36 11.1 08.5 09.6 –––– 2.7 12.1 With metal fitting DF12B-40DS-0.5V (86) 537-0307-0 86 40 12.1 09.5 10.6 13.1 Without boss DF12B-50DS-0.5V (86) 537-0309-6 86 50 14.6 12.0 13.1 15.6 DF12B-60DS-0.5V (86) 537-0311-8 86 60 17.1 14.5 15.6 18.1 Note : Please order the embossed tape packaging product per reel. (1000 pcs./reel) A196
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector ■Header Without metal fitting d. e v r e s e R s ht g Ri All D. T O., L ●Stacking Height : 3mm Product Unit : mm C Part No. HRS No. No. of Contacts A B C D E Remarks RoHS C RI DF12D (3.0)-10DP-0.5V (81) 537-0791-5 81 10 04.7 2.0 03.2 04.1 T DF12D (3.0)-14DP-0.5V (81) 537-0920-6 81 14 05.7 3.0 04.2 05.1 C E DF12D (3.0)-20DP-0.5V (81) 537-0793-0 81 20 07.2 04.5 05.7 06.6 L E E DF12D (3.0)-30DP-0.5V (81) 537-0795-6 81 30 09.7 07.0 08.2 09.1 S DF12D (3.0)-32DP-0.5V (81) 537-0802-0 81 32 10.2 07.5 08.7 09.6 O 2.3 Without metal fitting R DF12D (3.0)-36DP-0.5V (81) 537-0796-9 81 36 11.2 08.5 09.7 10.6 HI With boss 8 DF12D (3.0)-40DP-0.5V (81) 537-0797-1 81 40 12.2 09.5 10.7 11.6 1 0 DF12D (3.0)-50DP-0.5V (81) 537-0799-7 81 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 14.1 2 ht DF12D (3.0)-60DP-0.5V (81) 537-0801-7 81 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 16.6 g ri DF12D (3.0)-80DP-0.5V (81) 537-0803-2 81 80 22.2 19.5 20.7 21.6 y YES p o DF12E (3.0)-10DP-0.5V (81) 537-0826-8 81 10 04.7 02.0 03.2 C 8 DF12E (3.0)-14DP-0.5V (81) 537-0921-9 81 14 05.7 03.0 04.2 1 DF12E (3.0)-20DP-0.5V (81) 537-0828-3 81 20 07.2 04.5 05.7 0 2 1. DF12E (3.0)-30DP-0.5V (81) 537-0830-5 81 30 09.7 07.0 08.2 ec. DF12E (3.0)-32DP-0.5V (81) 537-0837-4 81 32 10.2 07.5 08.7 D –––– 2.3 Without metal fitting DF12E (3.0)-36DP-0.5V (81) 537-0831-8 81 36 11.2 08.5 09.7 Without boss DF12E (3.0)-40DP-0.5V (81) 537-0832-0 81 40 12.2 09.5 10.7 DF12E (3.0)-50DP-0.5V (81) 537-0834-6 81 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 DF12E (3.0)-60DP-0.5V (81) 537-0836-1 81 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 DF12E (3.0)-80DP-0.5V (81) 537-0838-7 81 80 22.2 19.5 20.7 Note : Order the emboss package product per reel. (1000 pcs./reel) A197
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector ■Header Without metal fitting d. e v r e s e R s ht g Ri ●Stacking Height : 3.5 to 5mm Product All Unit : mm D. DF12D (3.5P)a-r2t0 NDoP.-0.5V (81) 537H-0R4S2 8N-o5. 81 No. of 2C0ontacts 7A.2 4B.5 5C.7 06D.6 E Remarks RoHS T L DF12D (3.5)-30DP-0.5V (81) 537-0430-7 81 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 09.1 O., DF12D (3.5)-36DP-0.5V (81) 537-0431-0 81 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 10.6 2.8 C DF12D (3.5)-40DP-0.5V (81) 537-0432-2 81 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 11.6 C DF12D (3.5)-50DP-0.5V (81) 537-0434-8 81 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 14.1 RI T DF12D (3.5)-60DP-0.5V (81) 537-0436-3 81 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 16.6 C DF12D (4.0)-20DP-0.5V (81) 537-0453-2 81 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 06.6 E L DF12D (4.0)-30DP-0.5V (81) 537-0455-8 81 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 09.1 E E DF12D (4.0)-32DP-0.5V (81) 537-0802-0 81 32 10.2 7.5 8.7 09.6 Without metal fitting S DF12D (4.0)-36DP-0.5V (81) 537-0456-0 81 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 10.6 3.3 O With boss R DF12D (4.0)-40DP-0.5V (81) 537-0457-3 81 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 11.6 HI DF12D (4.0)-50DP-0.5V (81) 537-0459-9 81 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 14.1 8 DF12D (4.0)-60DP-0.5V (81) 537-0461-0 81 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 16.6 1 0 DF12D (5.0)-20DP-0.5V (81) 537-0478-3 81 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 06.6 2 ht DF12D (5.0)-30DP-0.5V (81) 537-0480-5 81 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 09.1 g DF12D (5.0)-36DP-0.5V (81) 537-0481-8 81 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 10.6 ri 4.3 y DF12D (5.0)-40DP-0.5V (81) 537-0482-0 81 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 11.6 p o DF12D (5.0)-50DP-0.5V (81) 537-0484-6 81 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 14.1 C 8 DF12D (5.0)-60DP-0.5V (81) 537-0486-1 81 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 16.6 YES 1 DF12E (3.5)-20DP-0.5V (81) 537-0528-0 81 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 0 2 DF12E (3.5)-30DP-0.5V (81) 537-0530-1 81 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 1. c. DF12E (3.5)-36DP-0.5V (81) 537-0531-4 81 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 –––– 2.8 e DF12E (3.5)-40DP-0.5V (81) 537-0532-7 81 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 D DF12E (3.5)-50DP-0.5V (81) 537-0534-2 81 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 DF12E (3.5)-60DP-0.5V (81) 537-0536-8 81 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 DF12E (4.0)-20DP-0.5V (81) 537-0553-7 81 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 DF12E (4.0)-30DP-0.5V (81) 537-0555-2 81 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 DF12E (4.0)-32DP-0.5V (81) 537-0929-0 81 32 10.2 7.5 8.7 Without metal fitting DF12E (4.0)-36DP-0.5V (81) 537-0556-5 81 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 –––– 3.3 Without boss DF12E (4.0)-40DP-0.5V (81) 537-0557-8 81 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 DF12E (4.0)-50DP-0.5V (81) 537-0559-3 81 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 DF12E (4.0)-60DP-0.5V (81) 537-0561-5 81 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 DF12E (5.0)-20DP-0.5V (81) 537-0578-8 81 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 DF12E (5.0)-30DP-0.5V (81) 537-0580-0 81 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 DF12E (5.0)-36DP-0.5V (81) 537-0581-2 81 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 –––– 4.3 DF12E (5.0)-40DP-0.5V (81) 537-0582-5 81 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 DF12E (5.0)-50DP-0.5V (81) 537-0584-0 81 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 DF12E (5.0)-60DP-0.5V (81) 537-0586-6 81 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 Note : Plaese order the embossed tape packaging product per reel. (1000 pcs./reel) A198
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector ■Header With metal fitting F A B P=0.5 4 0. 4.61.5 2.453.8 0.25 C d. e v E r e Res 0.6 Ø0.5 D 0.25 1.5 s ht g Ri All D. T O., L ●Stacking Height : 3mm Product Unit : mm C Part No. NRS No. No. of Contacts A B C D E F Remarks RoHS C RI DF12 (3.0)-10DP-0.5V(86) 537-0721-0 86 10 04.7 02.0 03.2 04.1 05.6 T DF12 (3.0)-14DP-0.5V(86) 537-0918-4 86 14 05.7 03.0 04.2 05.1 06.6 C E DF12 (3.0)-20DP-0.5V (86) 537-0723-5 86 20 07.2 04.5 05.7 06.6 08.1 L E E DF12 (3.0)-30DP-0.5V (86) 537-0725-0 86 30 09.7 07.0 08.2 09.1 10.6 S DF12 (3.0)-32DP-0.5V (86) 537-0732-6 86 32 10.2 07.5 08.7 09.6 11.1 O 2.3 With metal fitting R DF12 (3.0)-36DP-0.5V (86) 537-0726-3 86 36 11.2 08.5 09.7 10.6 12.1 HI With boss 8 DF12 (3.0)-40DP-0.5V (86) 537-0727-6 86 40 12.2 09.5 10.7 11.6 13.1 1 0 DF12 (3.0)-50DP-0.5V (86) 537-0729-1 86 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 14.1 15.6 2 ht DF12 (3.0)-60DP-0.5V (86) 537-0731-3 86 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 16.6 18.1 g ri DF12 (3.0)-80DP-0.5V(86) 537-0733-9 86 80 22.2 19.5 20.7 21.6 23.1 y YES p o DF12B (3.0)-10DP-0.5V (86) 537-0756-4 86 10 04.7 02.0 03.2 05.6 C 8 DF12B (3.0)-14DP-0.5V(86) 537-0919-7 86 14 05.7 03.0 04.2 06.6 1 DF12B (3.0)-20DP-0.5V (86) 537-0758-0 86 20 07.2 04.5 05.7 08.1 0 2 1. DF12B (3.0)-30DP-0.5V (86) 537-0760-1 86 30 09.7 07.0 08.2 10.6 ec. DF12B (3.0)-32DP-0.5V (86) 537-0767-0 86 32 10.2 07.5 08.7 11.1 D –––– 2.3 With metal fitting DF12B (3.0)-36DP-0.5V (86) 537-0761-4 86 36 11.2 08.5 09.7 12.1 Without boss DF12B (3.0)-40DP-0.5V (86) 537-0762-7 86 40 12.2 09.5 10.7 13.1 DF12B (3.0)-50DP-0.5V (86) 537-0764-2 86 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 15.6 DF12B (3.0)-60DP-0.5V (86) 537-0766-8 86 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 18.1 DF12B (3.0)-80DP-0.5V(86) 537-0768-3 86 80 22.2 19.5 20.7 23.1 Note : Please order the embossed tape packaging product per reel. (1000 pcs./reel) A199
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector ■Header With metal fitting F A B P=0.5 4 0. 4.61.5 2.453.8 0.25 C d. E e v eser 0.6 Ø0.5 D 0.25 1.5 R s ht g Ri ●Stacking Height : 3.5 to 5mm Product All Unit : mm D. Part No. HRS No. No. of Contacts A B C D E F Remarks RoHS DF12(3.5)-20DP-0.5V(86) 537-0028-7 86 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 06.6 8.1 T L DF12(3.5)-30DP-0.5V(86) 537-0030-9 86 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 09.1 10.6 O., DF12(3.5)-36DP-0.5V(86) 537-0031-1 86 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 10.6 12.1 2.8 C DF12(3.5)-40DP-0.5V(86) 537-0032-4 86 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 11.6 13.1 C DF12(3.5)-50DP-0.5V(86) 537-0034-0 86 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 14.1 15.6 RI T DF12(3.5)-60DP-0.5V(86) 537-0036-5 86 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 16.6 18.1 C DF12(4.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) 537-0053-4 86 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 06.6 8.1 E L DF12(4.0)-30DP-0.5V(86) 537-0055-0 86 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 09.1 10.6 E E DF12(4.0)-32DP-0.5V(86) 537-0926-2 86 32 10.2 7.5 8.7 09.6 11.1 S DF12(4.0)-36DP-0.5V(86) 537-0056-2 86 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 10.6 3.3 12.1 With metal fitting O R DF12(4.0)-40DP-0.5V(86) 537-0057-5 86 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 11.6 13.1 With boss HI DF12(4.0)-50DP-0.5V(86) 537-0059-0 86 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 14.1 15.6 8 DF12(4.0)-60DP-0.5V(86) 537-0061-2 86 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 16.6 18.1 1 0 DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) 537-0153-9 86 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 06.6 8.1 2 ht DF12(5.0)-30DP-0.5V(86) 537-0155-4 86 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 09.1 10.6 g DF12(5.0)-36DP-0.5V(86) 537-0156-7 86 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 10.6 12.1 ri 4.3 y DF12(5.0)-40DP-0.5V(86) 537-0157-0 86 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 11.6 13.1 p Co DF12(5.0)-50DP-0.5V(86) 537-0159-5 86 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 14.1 15.6 8 DF12(5.0)-60DP-0.5V(86) 537-0161-7 86 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 16.6 18.1 YES 1 DF12B(3.5)-20DP-0.5V(86) 537-0328-0 86 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 8.1 0 2 DF12B(3.5)-30DP-0.5V(86) 537-0330-2 86 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 10.6 1. c. DF12B(3.5)-36DP-0.5V(86) 537-0331-5 86 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 –––– 2.8 12.1 De DF12B(3.5)-40DP-0.5V(86) 537-0332-8 86 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 13.1 DF12B(3.5)-50DP-0.5V(86) 537-0334-3 86 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 15.6 DF12B(3.5)-60DP-0.5V(86) 537-0336-9 86 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 18.1 DF12B(4.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) 537-0353-8 86 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 8.1 DF12B(4.0)-30DP-0.5V(86) 537-0355-3 86 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 10.6 DF12B(4.0)-32DP-0.5V(86) 537-0927-5 86 32 10.2 7.5 8.7 11.1 DF12B(4.0)-36DP-0.5V(86) 537-0356-6 86 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 –––– 3.3 12.1 With metal fitting DF12B(4.0)-40DP-0.5V(86) 537-0357-9 86 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 13.1 Without boss DF12B(4.0)-50DP-0.5V(86) 537-0359-4 86 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 15.6 DF12B(4.0)-60DP-0.5V(86) 537-0361-6 86 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 18.1 DF12B(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) 537-0378-9 86 20 7.2 4.5 5.7 8.1 DF12B(5.0)-30DP-0.5V(86) 537-0380-0 86 30 9.7 7.0 8.2 10.6 DF12B(5.0)-36DP-0.5V(86) 537-0381-3 86 36 11.2 8.5 9.7 12.1 –––– 4.3 DF12B(5.0)-40DP-0.5V(86) 537-0382-6 86 40 12.2 9.5 10.7 13.1 DF12B(5.0)-50DP-0.5V(86) 537-0384-1 86 50 14.7 12.0 13.2 15.6 DF12B(5.0)-60DP-0.5V(86) 537-0386-7 86 60 17.2 14.5 15.7 18.1 Note : Please order the embossed tape packaging product per reel. (1000 pcs./reel) A200
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector BEmbossed Carrier tape Dimensions ●Receptacle d. e v r e s e R s ht g Ri ●Header All D. T L O., C C RI T C E L E E S O R HI 8 1 0 2 ht Connector A B C D E F G Connector A B C D E F G g yri DF12#(3.0)-10DS-0.5V 0.30 DF12#(3.5)-20DP-0.5V 16 7.5 12 0.38 17.5 21.5 p DF12#(3.0)-14DS-0.5V 16 7.5 17.5 21.5 DF12#(3.5)-30DP-0.5V o C DF12#(3.0)-20DS-0.5V DF12#(3.5)-36DP-0.5V 8 0.30 8 DF12#(3.0)-30DS-0.5V DF12#(3.5)-40DP-0.5V 24 11.5 12 3.1 0.38 25.5 29.5 1 0 DF12#(3.0)-32DS-0.5V DF12#(3.5)-50DP-0.5V 8 0.30 2 1. DF12#(3.0)-36DS-0.5V 24 11.5 0.38 25.5 29.5 DF12#(3.5)-60DP-0.5V 32 14.2 33.5 37.5 c. DF12#(3.0)-40DS-0.5V DF12#(3.5)-20DP-0.5V 16 7.5 0.38 17.5 21.5 e 12 D DF12#(3.0)-50DS-0.5V DF12#(4.0)-30DP-0.5V DF12#(3.0)-60DS-0.5V 32 14.2 33.5 37.5 DF12#(4.0)-32DP-0.5V 0.30 DF12#(3.0)-80DS-0.5V 44 20.2 45.5 49.5 DF12#(4.0)-36DP-0.5V 24 11.5 8 3.6 25.5 29.5 2.6 DF12#(3.0)-10DP-0.5V 0.30 DF12#(4.0)-40DP-0.5V 12 0.38 DF12#(3.0)-14DP-0.5V 16 7.5 12 17.5 21.5 DF12#(4.0)-50DP-0.5V 8 0.30 DF12#(3.0)-20DP-0.5V DF12#(4.0)-60DP-0.5V 32 14.2 33.5 37.5 DF12#(3.0)-30DP-0.5V DF12#(5.0)-20DP-0.5V 16 7.5 17.5 21.5 DF12#(3.0)-32DP-0.5V DF12#(5.0)-30DP-0.5V 12 0.38 DF12#(3.0)-36DP-0.5V 24 11.5 25.5 29.5 DF12#(5.0)-36DP-0.5V 24 11.5 4.6 25.5 29.5 DF12#(3.0)-40DP-0.5V 0.38 DF12#(5.0)-40DP-0.5V DF12#(3.0)-50DP-0.5V DF12#(5.0)-50DP-0.5V 8 0.30 DF12#(3.0)-60DP-0.5V 32 14.2 33.5 37.5 DF12#(5.0)-60DP-0.5V 32 14.2 12 0.38 33.5 37.5 DF12#(3.0)-80DP-0.5V 44 20.2 45.5 49.5 DF12#-20DS-0.5V 16 7.5 17.5 21.5 DF12#-30DS-0.5V DF12#-32DS-0.5V 0.30 DF12#-36DS-0.5V 24 11.5 8 3.1 25.5 29.5 DF12#-40DS-0.5V 12 0.38 DF12#-50DS-0.5V 8 0.30 DF12#-60DS-0.5V 32 14.2 12 0.38 33.5 37.5 A201
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector ●Reel Dimensions Product name label 0.2 ± 3 1 Ø Lead hole depth PS Ø80±1 Ø330±2 d. e rv F±0.5 e s G±1 e R s ht Refer to former page for F, G dimensions. g Ri All D. BRecommended PCB mounting pattern T L O., C ■DF12 with metal fitting ■DF12 without metal fitting C RI T C E L E E S O R HI 8 1 0 2 ht g ri y p o C 8 Note 1 : Refer to A195 to A200 for sides A, B, and D. 1 Note 2 : If the boss isn't included, the boss shown in the above figure isn't required. 0 2 1. Note 3 : If the pattern is included in the shaded area, and not treated with resist, it could touch the connector contact . c. e D A202
DF12 Series●0.5mm Pitch SMT Board-to-Board Connector BPrecautions for Use 1.Recommended Temperature Profile (SMT) Temperature (ç) 250 250ç 220ç 200 60sec max 180ç Soldering 150 150ç d. 100 90 to 120sec e Preheating v r e s e R 50 s Room ht temperature g Ri All 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 D. Time (sec) T L O., Note1 : UP to 2 cycles of Reflow soldering are possible under the same conditions, provided that there is a return to normal C C temperature between the first and second cycle. RI Note2 : The temperature profile indicates the board surface T C E temperature at the point of contacts with the connector L E terminals. E S 2.Recommended Manual Soldering Condition (SMT) Soldering iron temperature : 350ç, Soldering time : Within 3 seconds O R 3.Recommended Screen Thickness and 0.12mm HI open area ratio(Pattern area ratio) Open area ratio : 70% 8 1 4.Board Warp(SMT) Maxmum 0.02mm in the connector center area, based on both connector edges 0 2 ht 5.Cleaning Condition Refer to "Nylon Connector Use Hand book". g 6.Cautions ■The receptacle is designed in a structure where contacts are exposed. Touching it with ri y p bare hands would cause contact failure or electrostatic element damage. o C ■Where no board is mounted, the insertion or extraction will cause damage or 8 1 contact deformation. 0 2 ■Avoid retaining the board with the connector only, and fix the board by any other means 1. c. than the connector. e D ■Excessive scoop insertion or extraction may result in damage. ■In the manual soldering process, don't carry out the flux coating which will cause a flux blister on the connector. ■The color phase of this product may be slightly different from that of the formed product according to the manufacturing lot. However, the difference doesn't affect the performance. A203 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: H irose Electric: DF12-20DS-0.5V(48) DF12-20DS-0.5V(86) DF12-30DS-0.5V(86) DF12-36DS-0.5V(86) DF12-40DS-0.5V(86) DF12-50DS-0.5V(86) DF12-60DS-0.5V(86) DF12-32DS-0.5V(86) DF12(3.5)-20DP-0.5V(86) DF12(3.5)-30DP- 0.5V(86) DF12(3.5)-36DP-0.5V(86) DF12(3.5)-40DP-0.5V(86) DF12(3.5)-50DP-0.5V(86) DF12(3.5)-60DP-0.5V(86) DF12(4.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) DF12(4.0)-30DP-0.5V(86) DF12(4.0)-36DP-0.5V(86) DF12(4.0)-40DP-0.5V(86) DF12(4.0)- 50DP-0.5V(86) DF12(4.0)-60DP-0.5V(86) DF12A-20DS-0.5V(81) DF12A-30DS-0.5V(81) DF12A-36DS-0.5V(81) DF12A-40DS-0.5V(81) DF12A-50DS-0.5V(80) DF12A-50DS-0.5V(81) DF12A-60DS-0.5V(81) DF12A-32DS-0.5V(81) DF12(4.5)-40DP-0.5V(86) DF12(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) DF12(5.0)-30DP-0.5V(86) DF12(5.0)-36DP-0.5V(86) DF12(5.0)- 40DP-0.5V(80) DF12(5.0)-40DP-0.5V(86) DF12(5.0)-50DP-0.5V(86) DF12(5.0)-60DP-0.5V(86) DF12C-20DS- 0.5V(80) DF12C-20DS-0.5V(81) DF12C-30DS-0.5V(81) DF12C-36DS-0.5V(81) DF12C-40DS-0.5V(81) DF12C- 50DS-0.5V(81) DF12C-60DS-0.5V(80) DF12C-60DS-0.5V(81) DF12C-32DS-0.5V(81) DF12B-20DS-0.5V(86) DF12B-30DS-0.5V(86) DF12B-36DS-0.5V(86) DF12B-40DS-0.5V(86) DF12B-50DS-0.5V(86) DF12B-60DS-0.5V(86) DF12B-32DS-0.5V(86) DF12B(3.5)-20DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(3.5)-30DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(3.5)-36DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(3.5)-40DP-0.5V(80) DF12B(3.5)-40DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(3.5)-50DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(3.5)-60DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(4.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(4.0)-30DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(4.0)-36DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(4.0)-40DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(4.0)-50DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(4.0)-60DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(5.0)-30DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(5.0)-36DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(5.0)-40DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(5.0)-50DP-0.5V(86) DF12B(5.0)-60DP-0.5V(86) DF12D(3.5)-20DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(3.5)-30DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(3.5)-36DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(3.5)-40DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(3.5)-50DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(3.5)-60DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(4.0)-20DP-0.5V(80) DF12D(4.0)-20DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(4.0)-30DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(4.0)-36DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(4.0)-40DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(4.0)-50DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(4.0)-60DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(5.0)-20DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(5.0)-30DP-0.5V(80) DF12D(5.0)-30DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(5.0)-36DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(5.0)-40DP-0.5V(80) DF12D(5.0)-40DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(5.0)-50DP-0.5V(81) DF12D(5.0)-60DP-0.5V(81) DF12E(3.5)-20DP-0.5V(81) DF12E(3.5)-30DP-0.5V(81) DF12E(3.5)-36DP-0.5V(81) DF12E(3.5)-40DP-0.5V(81) DF12E(3.5)-50DP-0.5V(81) DF12E(3.5)-60DP-0.5V(81) DF12E(4.0)-20DP-0.5V(80) DF12E(4.0)-20DP-0.5V(81)