

  • 型号: DF1-PD2428SCFB
  • 制造商: Hirose Electric
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供DF1-PD2428SCFB由Hirose Electric设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 DF1-PD2428SCFB价格参考。Hirose ElectricDF1-PD2428SCFB封装/规格:矩形连接器 - 触头, 插口 触点 金 24-28 AWG 压接。您可以下载DF1-PD2428SCFB参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有DF1-PD2428SCFB 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

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矩形连接器 - 触头


Hirose Connector





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


Hirose Connector DF1-PD2428SCFBDF1


















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Hirose Connector







































Phosphor Copper




Pin (Male)

















品牌:TE Connectivity AMP Connectors








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品牌:TE Connectivity AMP Connectors



品牌:Molex, LLC



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品牌:TE Connectivity AMP Connectors






品牌:TE Connectivity AMP Connectors


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2.5mm Pitch Connector for Discrete Wire Connection DF1 Series d. e v r e s e R s ht g Ri All D. T L O., ■Features C C RI 1. Board Mounting Height (Crimping Type) T C 10mm2.5mm pitch connector achieves the low profile. E L E 2. Insulation Displacement Area Protected by Protector (ID Type) E S The connector is structured to protect the insulation displacement connection area by the protector. Therefore, the connector O R has a strong tensile strength against the cable and prevents dusts. HI 8 3. Easy Connection by Easy Tool (ID Type) 1 0 No expensive insulation displacement machine is needed. The connection can be established only by mating the cable into the protector 2 ht and fastening it with the ID tool. g ri 4. Intermediate Connection Possible (ID Type) y p o C For intermediate connection, the connector allows signal extraction during cabling. 8 1 0 [Intermediate Connection] 2 1. c. e D ■Applications FA equipment, measurement equipment B176

DF1 Series●2.5mm Pitch Connector for Discrete Wire Connection ■Product Specifications AWG 24 : 3A Operating Temperature Range -30to +85ç(Note2) Current rating Cable Size AWG 26 : 2A Operating Moisture Range -40to 80% Rating (Note1) AWG 28 : 1A Storage Temperature Range -10to +60ç(Note3) Voltage rating 250V AC Storage Moisture Range -40to 70%(Note3) Item Specification Condition 1. Insulation Resistance 1000Mohms Min 500V DC 2. Withstanding voltage No flashover or insulation breakdown. 650V AC/1 minute 3. Contact Resistance 30mohms Max 100mA d. 4. Insertor/Extraction Force MIN0.56N (57gf), MAX4.4N(450gf) Measure by the square steel pin with 0.635±0.002mm e v 5. Vibration No electrical discontinuity of 1μs or more Frequency: 10 to 55 Hz, single amplitude of 0.75 mm, 2 hours in each of the 3 directions. r e es 6. Moisture Resistance Contact resistance: 30mohms Max Insulation resistance: 1000Mohms Min 96 hours at temperature of 40ç and humidity of 90% to 95% R hts 7. Temperature Cycle Contact resistance: 30mohms max.Insulation resistance: 1000Mohms min. ((--5855çç:: 3300 mmiinnuutteess ➝➝ 55~~3355çç:: 1100 mmiinnuutteess➝) 5 cycles g Ri 8. Durability (Mating/un-mating) Contact resistance: 30mohms max. Tin plating: 30 cycles All Flow: 250ç for 10 seconds D. 9. Resistance to Soldering heat No deformation of components affecting performance. T Manual soldering: 300ç for 3 seconds L O., NNoottee 12.: TInhcelu rdaetesd t ecmurpreernatt uwriell briese c hcaaunsgeedd bayc ccourrdreinngt tfolo wca.ble sizes for use. For the header only, the rating is 3A. C Note 3: The term "storage" refers to products stored for long period of time prior to mounting and use. Operating Temperature Range and C Humidity range covers non conducting condition of installed connectors in storage, shipment or during transportation. RI Note 4: Information contained in this catalog represents general requirements for this Series. Contact us for the drawings and specifications for a T C specific part number shown. E EL ■Material E S O Product Part Material Finish Remarks R HI Crimping Socket Insulator Polyamide Light Brown UL94V-0 8 Crimping Contact Contact Phosphor copper Tin plated ––––– 1 0 2 Insulator Polyamide Light Brown UL94V-0 ght ID Socket Contact Phosphor copper Tin plated ––––– ri y Insulator Polyamide Light Brown UL94V-0 op Pin Header C Contact Phosphor copper Tin plated ––––– 8 Note:Hirose's tin-plated products takes measures against whisker. 1 20 ■Ordering Information 1. c. e D ●Connector qSeries Name : DF1 tContact Type DF1 - * S - 2.5 C wNumber of Contact : 2 to 16, 20 C : Crimping socket eConnector Type R24 : AWG24 ID socket q w e r t S: Socket R26 : AWG26 ID socket P: Pin Header R28 : AWG28 ID socket rContact Pitch : 2.5mm DSA : Straight through hole DS : Right angle through hole ●Protector qNumber of Contact : 2to 16, 20 eCable Clamp Size DF1 - * A 1.05 wConnector Type 1.05: UL1007 AWG26, 28 q w e A: Discrete wire 1.33: UL1007 AWG24 ●Contact qApplicable Cable Size wPackaging Type DF1 - 2428SCF 2428: AWG 24to 28 SCF : Socket contact, reel packaging / Tin plated SC : Socket contact, bag packaging / Tin plated q w B177

DF1 Series●2.5mm Pitch Connector for Discrete Wire Connection ■ID Socket (Open End Type) d. e v r se ●Applicable Cable e R s Part Number Applicable Cable Jacket Diameter ht DF1-*S-2.5R24(05) UL1007 AWG24(11 pieces/0.16mm) 1.35to 1.45mm g Ri DF1-*S-2.5R26(05) UL1007 AWG26( 7 pieces/0.16mm) 1.25to 1.35mm Note:Tcohnist accotsn:v aesx sphoortwionn iins tlhoec aitlleuds tr(a2t icoonn)(tmacotsre: tthhea nc e7n tceorn atat cotsn:e o pnoei ncte)(n3t etro a6t All DF1-*S-2.5R28(05) UL1007 AWG28( 7 pieces/0.127mm) 1.15to 1.25mm one point added to the above illustration). D. (Tin plated annealing copper wire) T L O., ●AWG24 Cable Socket Size (Triangle Mark: Green) Unit: mm C Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B RoHS Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B RoHS C DF1-2S-2.5R24(05) 541-0039-2-05 2 8 2.5 DF1-10S-2.5R24(05) 541-0047-0-05 10 28 22.5 RI T DF1-3S-2.5R24(05) 541-0040-1-05 3 10.5 5 DF1-11S-2.5R24(05) 541-0048-3-05 11 30.5 25 C DF1-4S-2.5R24(05) 541-0041-4-05 4 13 7.5 DF1-12S-2.5R24(05) 541-0049-6-05 12 33 27.5 E L DF1-5S-2.5R24(05) 541-0042-7-05 5 15.5 10 DF1-13S-2.5R24(05) 541-0050-5-05 13 35.5 30 E Yes Yes E DF1-6S-2.5R24(05) 541-0043-0-05 6 18 12.5 DF1-14S-2.5R24(05) 541-0051-8-05 14 38 32.5 S DF1-7S-2.5R24(05) 541-0044-2-05 7 20.5 15 DF1-15S-2.5R24(05) 541-0052-0-05 15 40.5 35 O R DF1-8S-2.5R24(05) 541-0045-5-05 8 23 17.5 DF1-16S-2.5R24(05) 541-0053-3-05 16 43 37.5 HI DF1-9S-2.5R24(05) 541-0046-8-05 9 25.5 20 DF1-20S-2.5R24(05) 541-0057-4-05 20 53 47.5 8 1 ht 20 ●AWG26 Cable Socket Size (Triangle Mark: Light Blue) Unit: mm g Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B RoHS Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B RoHS yri DF1-2S-2.5R26(05) 541-0058-7-05 2 8 2.5 DF1-10S-2.5R26(05) 541-0066-5-05 10 28 22.5 p o DF1-3S-2.5R26(05) 541-0059-0-05 3 10.5 5 DF1-11S-2.5R26(05) 541-0067-8-05 11 30.5 25 C 8 DF1-4S-2.5R26(05) 541-0060-9-05 4 13 7.5 DF1-12S-2.5R26(05) 541-0068-0-05 12 33 27.5 1 DF1-5S-2.5R26(05) 541-0061-1-05 5 15.5 10 DF1-13S-2.5R26(05) 541-0069-3-05 13 35.5 30 0 Yes Yes 2 DF1-6S-2.5R26(05) 541-0062-4-05 6 18 12.5 DF1-14S-2.5R26(05) 541-0070-2-05 14 38 32.5 1. DF1-7S-2.5R26(05) 541-0063-7-05 7 20.5 15 DF1-15S-2.5R26(05) 541-0071-5-05 15 40.5 35 c. e DF1-8S-2.5R26(05) 541-0064-0-05 8 23 17.5 DF1-16S-2.5R26(05) 541-0072-8-05 16 43 37.5 D DF1-9S-2.5R26(05) 541-0065-2-05 9 25.5 20 DF1-20S-2.5R26(05) 541-0076-9-05 20 53 47.5 ●AWG28 Cable Socket Size (Triangle Mark: Red) Unit: mm Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B RoHS Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B RoHS DF1-2S-2.5R28(05) 541-0115-9-05 2 8 2.5 DF1-10S-2.5R28(05) 541-0123-7-05 10 28 22.5 DF1-3S-2.5R28(05) 541-0116-1-05 3 10.5 5 DF1-11S-2.5R28(05) 541-0124-0-05 11 30.5 25 DF1-4S-2.5R28(05) 541-0117-4-05 4 13 7.5 DF1-12S-2.5R28(05) 541-0125-2-05 12 33 27.5 DF1-5S-2.5R28(05) 541-0118-7-05 5 15.5 10 DF1-13S-2.5R28(05) 541-0126-5-05 13 35.5 30 Yes Yes DF1-6S-2.5R28(05) 541-0119-0-05 6 18 12.5 DF1-14S-2.5R28(05) 541-0127-8-05 14 38 32.5 DF1-7S-2.5R28(05) 541-0120-9-05 7 20.5 15 DF1-15S-2.5R28(05) 541-0128-0-05 15 40.5 35 DF1-8S-2.5R28(05) 541-0121-1-05 8 23 17.5 DF1-16S-2.5R28(05) 541-0129-3-05 16 43 37.5 DF1-9S-2.5R28(05) 541-0122-4-05 9 25.5 20 DF1-20S-2.5R28(05) 531-0133-0-05 20 53 47.5 Note:A packaging quantity is delivered by the bag unit (100 pcs.). If needed, please order the products per bag. B178

DF1 Series●2.5mm Pitch Connector for Discrete Wire Connection ■Protector d. e v r e s e R s ht g Ri All Note 1.Product contact No. mark, however 2 and 3 contacts are not indicated. Note 2.Round hole to distinguish the protector A1.05 and 1.33 (DF1-*A1.05 only) D. T L O., C Select the protector after inspecting the cable jacket diameter for use. C Protector Type Applicable Jacket Diameter Recommended Cable RI T DF1-*A1.33 Ø1.35to Ø1.45 UL1007 AWG24 C E DF1-*A1.05 Ø1.1to Ø1.35 UL1007 AWG26 28 L E *indicates contact No. E S O R ●AWG24 Cable Protector Size ●AWG26, 28 Cable Protector Size HI Unit: mm Unit: mm 8 Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B C RoHS Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B C RoHS 1 0 DF1- 2A1.33 541-0077-1 2 10 2.5 1.1 DF1- 2A1.05 541-0096-6 2 10 2.5 0.7 2 ht DF1- 3A1.33 541-0078-4 3 12.5 5 1.1 DF1- 3A1.05 541-0097-9 3 12.5 5 0.7 g DF1- 4A1.33 541-0079-7 4 15 7.5 1.1 DF1- 4A1.05 541-0098-1 4 15 7.5 0.7 ri y DF1- 5A1.33 541-0080-6 5 17.5 10 1.1 DF1- 5A1.05 541-0099-4 5 17.5 10 0.7 p o DF1- 6A1.33 541-0081-9 6 20 12.5 1.1 DF1- 6A1.05 541-0100-1 6 20 12.5 0.7 C 8 DF1- 7A1.33 541-0082-1 7 22.5 15 1.1 DF1- 7A1.05 541-0101-4 7 22.5 15 0.7 1 DF1- 8A1.33 541-0083-4 8 25 17.5 1.1 DF1- 8A1.05 541-0102-7 8 25 17.5 0.7 0 2 DF1- 9A1.33 541-0084-7 9 27.5 20 1.1 DF1- 9A1.05 541-0103-0 9 27.5 20 0.7 1. Yes Yes c. DF1-10A1.33 541-0085-0 10 30 22.5 1.1 DF1-10A1.05 541-0104-2 10 30 22.5 0.7 e DF1-11A1.33 541-0086-2 11 32.5 25 1.1 DF1-11A1.05 541-0105-5 11 32.5 25 0.7 D DF1-12A1.33 541-0087-5 12 35 27.5 1.1 DF1-12A1.05 541-0106-8 12 35 27.5 0.7 DF1-13A1.33 541-0088-8 13 37.5 30 1.1 DF1-13A1.05 541-0107-0 13 37.5 30 0.7 DF1-14A1.33 541-0089-0 14 40 32.5 1.1 DF1-14A1.05 541-0108-3 14 40 32.5 0.7 DF1-15A1.33 541-0090-0 15 42.5 35 1.1 DF1-15A1.05 541-0109-6 15 42.5 35 0.7 DF1-16A1.33 541-0091-2 16 45 37.5 1.1 DF1-16A1.05 541-0110-5 16 45 37.5 0.7 DF1-20A1.33 541-0095-3 20 55 47.5 1.1 DF1-20A1.05 541-0114-6 20 55 47.5 0.7 Note:A packaging quantity is delivered by the bag unit (100 pcs.). If needed, please order the product per bag. B179

DF1 Series●2.5mm Pitch Connector for Discrete Wire Connection ■Crimping Socket d. Photo: Contact Inserted. e v r e s e R s ht g Ri All Note1:Tthheis i llcuosntrvaetixo np)o(rmtioonre i sth loacna 7te cdo n(2ta ccotsn:t aocntes :c tehnet ecre natte orn aet poonien tp aodindte)(d3 ttoo t6h ec oanbtoavcets i:l luasst rsahtoiownn). in D. Note 2.The terminal number indicates all contact numbers. Unit: mm T L Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B RoHS Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B RoHS O., DF1- 2S-2.5C 541-0136-9 2 8 2.5 DF1-11S-2.5C 541-0145-0 11 30.5 25 C DF1- 3S-2.5C 541-0137-1 3 10.5 5 DF1-12S-2.5C 541-0146-2 12 33 27.5 C DF1- 4S-2.5C 541-0138-4 4 13 7.5 DF1-13S-2.5C 541-0147-5 13 33.5 30 RI DF1- 5S-2.5C 541-0139-7 5 15.5 10 DF1-14S-2.5C 541-0148-8 14 38 32.5 T Yes C DF1- 6S-2.5C 541-0140-6 6 18 12.5 Yes DF1-15S-2.5C 541-0149-0 15 40.5 35 E L DF1- 7S-2.5C 541-0141-9 7 20.5 15 DF1-16S-2.5C 541-0150-0 16 43 37.5 E DF1- 8S-2.5C 541-0142-1 8 23 17.5 DF1-18S-2.5C 541-0152-5 18 48 42.5 E S DF1- 9S-2.5C 541-0143-4 9 25.5 20 DF1-20S-2.5C 541-0154-0 20 53 47.5 O DF1-10S-2.5C 541-0144-7 10 28 22.5 R HI Note:A packaging quantity is delivered by the bag unit (100 pcs.). If needed, please order the product per bag. 8 1 0 ■Crimping Contact for Socket 2 ht g Part Number CL No. Packaging Type Number of Contacts Finish RoHS ri y DF1-2428SCF 541-0134-3 Reel 10000 p Tin plating Yes o DF1-2428SC 541-0135-6 Bag 100 C 8 ●Applicable Cable (Tin Plated Annealing Copper Wire) 1 1.85 2.5 20 1.9 1. Conductor Size (wire construction) Jacket Diameter c. AWG24 (11 cores/0.16mm) e D 2.2 2.2 AWG26 ( 7 cores/0.16mm) Ø0.9to Ø1.5mm AWG28 (07 cores/1.24mm) 5.9 Note:If other cables are used instead of the applicable cable, contact Hirose sales 1.5 (cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0) department. 0.60.9 (cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0) ●Recommended Cable UL1061, UL1007 Ø1.5 1.5 ●Strip Length 3 1.9to 2.4mm 1.5 BApplicable Crimping Tool 6.5 Type Part Number CL No. Applicable Contact Applicator AP105-DF1-2428S 901-4538-8 DF1-2428SCF Press Main Unit CM-105 901-0005-4 --------------- Manual Crimping Tool DF1-T2428S 550-0102-8 DF1-2428SC Extraction Tool Flat-bladed screwdriver, 0.75 mm max, blade width. Note 1:If a trouble has occurred due to tools which are not designated by Hirose, Hirose won't guarantee any product. Note 2:Refer to tecknical specification for work method of extraction tool. B180

DF1 Series●2.5mm Pitch Connector for Discrete Wire Connection ■Pin Header Right Angle Type d. e v ser ●Board Through-hole Diameter : ø1.1++00.1 e R s ht g Ri All Unit: mm D. Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B C RoHS Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B C RoHS T DF1- 2P-2.5DS(05) 541-0020-4-05 2 7.5 3.8 2.5 DF1-11P-2.5DS(05) 541-0029-9-05 11 30 26.3 25 L O., DDFF11-- 34PP--22..55DDSS((0055)) 554411--00002212--70--0055 34 1120.5 68..38 75.5 DDFF11--1123PP--22..55DDSS((0055)) 554411--00003301--80--0055 1123 3325.5 2381..83 2370.5 C C DF1- 5P-2.5DS(05) 541-0023-2-05 5 15 11.3 10 DF1-14P-2.5DS(05) 541-0032-3-05 14 37.5 33.8 32.5 Yes RI DF1- 6P-2.5DS(05) 541-0024-5-05 6 17.5 13.8 12.5 Yes DF1-15P-2.5DS(05) 541-0033-6-05 15 40 36.3 35 T DF1- 7P-2.5DS(05) 541-0025-8-05 7 20 16.3 15 DF1-16P-2.5DS(05) 541-0034-9-05 16 42.5 38.8 37.5 C E DF1- 8P-2.5DS(05) 541-0026-0-05 8 22.5 18.8 17.5 DF1-18P-2.5DS(05) 541-0036-4-05 18 47.5 43.8 42.5 L E DF1- 9P-2.5DS(05) 541-0027-3-05 9 25 21.3 20 DF1-20P-2.5DS(05) 541-0038-0-05 20 52.5 48.8 47.5 E DF1-10P-2.5DS(05) 541-0028-6-05 10 27.5 23.8 22.5 S O Note 1.A packaging quantity is delivered by the bag unit (100 pcs.). If needed, please order the product per bag. R Note 2.The socket applicable to the 18 contact connector is only crimping type. HI ■Pin Header Straight Type 8 1 0 2 ht g ri y p o C 8 1 0 2 1. c. e D ● Board Through-hole Diameter : ø1.1++00.1 Unit: mm Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B C RoHS Part Number CL No. Number of Contacts A B C RoHS DF1- 2P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0001-0-05 2 7.5 3.8 2.5 DF1-11P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0010-0-05 11 30 26.3 25 DF1- 3P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0002-2-05 3 10 6.3 5 DF1-12P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0011-3-05 12 32.5 28.8 27.5 DF1- 4P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0003-5-05 4 12.5 8.8 7.5 DF1-13P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0012-6-05 13 35 31.3 30 DF1- 5P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0004-8-05 5 15 11.3 10 DF1-14P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0013-9-05 14 37.5 33.8 32.5 Yes DF1- 6P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0005-0-05 6 17.5 13.8 12.5 Yes DF1-15P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0014-1-05 15 40 36.3 35 DF1- 7P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0006-3-05 7 20 16.3 15 DF1-16P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0015-4-05 16 42.5 38.8 37.5 DF1- 8P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0007-6-05 8 22.5 18.8 17.5 DF1-18P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0017-0-05 18 47.5 43.8 42.5 DF1- 9P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0008-9-05 9 25 21.3 20 DF1-20P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0019-5-05 20 52.5 48.8 47.5 DF1-10P-2.5DSA(05) 541-0009-1-05 10 27.5 23.8 22.5 Note 1.A packaging quantity is delivered by the bag unit (100 pcs.). If needed, please order the product per bag. Note 2.The socket applicable to the 18 contacts connector is only crimping type. B181

DF1 Series●2.5mm Pitch Connector for Discrete Wire Connection BDF1 Connection Press Part Number CL No. Height Width Depth Weight DF1 Connection Press HP513 550-0134-4 200mm 260mm 250mm 3.7kg Note:The intermediate connection can be established by removing the cable cuttingblade of this press machine. Note:Select a protector after inspecting a cable Jacket diameter for use. Protector Type Applicable Jacket Diameter Recommended Cable DF1 Connection Press HP513 DF1-*A1.33 Ø1.35to Ø1.45 UL1007 AWG24 d. DF1-*A1.05 Ø1.1to Ø1.35 UL1007 AWG26, 28 e v *indicates contact No. r e s e s R BDF1 Cable Crimper ht g Ri Part Number CL No. All DF1 Cable Crimper 550-0130-3 D. Used to install the cable in the protector. DF1 Cable Crimper T L O., C C BPrecautions RI T C 1. Recommended Soldering Condition Flow: 250ç for 10 seconds E L Manual soldering: 300ç for 3 seconds E E 2. Cleaning Condition Refer to Nylon Connector Use Hand book. S O 3. Connection Condition [Crimping] R HI Refer to Nylon Connector Use Hand book. 8 [ID] 1 0 2 ●For the insulation displacement tool, set a set of connector per insulation displacement. If more ht g than 2 connectors have been set, they interrupt each other, which will cause an insulation ri y displacement failure. p Co ●After the insulation displacement, make sure that the locks on both protector sides are 8 completely activated. 1 0 2 4. Precation Slight variations in color of the plastic compounds do not affect form, fit or function of the connector. 1. c. 5. Precation Refer to Nylon Connector Use Hand book. e D B182 Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: H irose Electric: DF1-2P-2.5DSA(01) DF1-2P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-3P-2.5DSA(01) DF1-3P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-4P-2.5DSA(01) DF1-4P- 2.5DSA(05) DF1-4P-2.5DSA(60) DF1-4P-2.5DSA(91) DF1-5P-2.5DSA(01) DF1-5P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-6P-2.5DSA(01) DF1-6P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-6P-2.5DSA(91) DF1-7P-2.5DSA(01) DF1-7P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-8P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-8P- 2.5DSA(60) DF1-8P-2.5DSA(67) DF1-9P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-10P-2.5DSA(01) DF1-10P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-11P- 2.5DSA(05) DF1-11P-2.5DSA(91) DF1-12P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-13P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-14P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-15P- 2.5DSA(05) DF1-16P-2.5DSA(01) DF1-16P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-18P-2.5DSA(05) DF1-20P-2.5DSA(01) DF1-20P- 2.5DSA(05) DF1-2P-2.5DS(01) DF1-2P-2.5DS(05) DF1-3P-2.5DS(01) DF1-3P-2.5DS(05) DF1-4P-2.5DS(01) DF1- 4P-2.5DS(05) DF1-5P-2.5DS(05) DF1-6P-2.5DS(01) DF1-6P-2.5DS(05) DF1-7P-2.5DS(01) DF1-7P-2.5DS(05) DF1-8P-2.5DS(05) DF1-9P-2.5DS(05) DF1-10P-2.5DS(01) DF1-10P-2.5DS(05) DF1-11P-2.5DS(05) DF1-12P- 2.5DS(05) DF1-13P-2.5DS(05) DF1-14P-2.5DS(05) DF1-15P-2.5DS(05) DF1-16P-2.5DS(05) DF1-18P-2.5DS(05) DF1-20P-2.5DS(05) DF1-2S-2.5R24(01) DF1-2S-2.5R24(05) DF1-3S-2.5R24(01) DF1-3S-2.5R24(05) DF1-4S- 2.5R24(01) DF1-4S-2.5R24(05) DF1-5S-2.5R24(01) DF1-5S-2.5R24(05) DF1-6S-2.5R24(01) DF1-6S-2.5R24(05) DF1-7S-2.5R24(05) DF1-8S-2.5R24(05) DF1-9S-2.5R24(05) DF1-10S-2.5R24(01) DF1-10S-2.5R24(05) DF1-11S- 2.5R24(05) DF1-12S-2.5R24(05) DF1-13S-2.5R24(05) DF1-14S-2.5R24(05) DF1-15S-2.5R24(05) DF1-16S- 2.5R24(05) DF1-20S-2.5R24(05) DF1-2S-2.5R26(05) DF1-3S-2.5R26(05) DF1-4S-2.5R26(01) DF1-4S-2.5R26(05) DF1-5S-2.5R26(05) DF1-6S-2.5R26(01) DF1-6S-2.5R26(05) DF1-7S-2.5R26(01) DF1-7S-2.5R26(05) DF1-8S- 2.5R26(05) DF1-9S-2.5R26(05) DF1-10S-2.5R26(05) DF1-11S-2.5R26(05) DF1-12S-2.5R26(05) DF1-13S- 2.5R26(05) DF1-14S-2.5R26(05) DF1-15S-2.5R26(05) DF1-16S-2.5R26(05) DF1-20S-2.5R26(05) DF1-2A1.33 DF1- 3A1.33 DF1-4A1.33 DF1-5A1.33