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+xxxx | $xxxx | ¥xxxx |
ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供D53TP50D-10由Crydom设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 D53TP50D-10价格参考。CrydomD53TP50D-10封装/规格:固态继电器, 固体继电器 继电器 3PST-NO(3 Form A) 模块。您可以下载D53TP50D-10参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有D53TP50D-10 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
参数 | 数值 |
3D型号 | http://www.crydom.com/en/Tech/Drawings/101602.SAThttp://www.crydom.com/en/Tech/Drawings/101602.DWGhttp://www.crydom.com/en/Tech/Drawings/101602.STEP |
产品目录 | |
描述 | RELAY SSR 3PH 50A LED SCR 32V |
产品分类 | |
品牌 | Crydom Co. |
数据手册 | |
产品图片 | |
产品型号 | D53TP50D-10 |
rohs | 无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | 53TP |
供应商器件封装 | - |
其它名称 | CC2139 |
其它有关文件 | |
包装 | 管件 |
安装类型 | 底座安装或面板安装 |
导通电阻 | - |
封装/外壳 | 模块 |
标准包装 | 10 |
电压-负载 | 48 ~ 530 V |
电压-输入 | 3 ~ 32VDC |
电路 | 3PST(3 A 形) |
相关产品 | /product-detail/zh/3F20/CC1173-ND/254222/product-detail/zh/KS-300/CC1171-ND/254220 |
端子类型 | 螺丝端子 |
继电器类型 | |
负载电流 | 50A |
输出类型 | AC |
DataSheet Panel Mount 53TP Series IP00 • Three-phase solid-state relay; Ratings 25 A, 50 A per phase @ 48-530 VAC • 2 package styles IP00 or IP20 (See IP20 spec sheet for more information) • SCR output for heavy industrial loads • Transient protection built in • AC or DC control • Zero-crossing (resistive loads) or random-fire (inductive loads) output • LED input status indicator • UL Recognized, CE Compliant to EN60950-1 PRODUCT SELECTION Control Voltage 25 A 50 A 90-280 VAC A53TP25D A53TP50D 4-32 VDC D53TP25D D53TP50D AVAILABLE OPTIONS Load Current Switching Mode 25: 25 Amps Blank: Zero Voltage Turn-On Series 50: 50 Amps -10: Random Turn-On A 53TP 25 D H -10 Control Voltage Thermal Pad D: DC (4-32V) Blank: Not Included A: AC (90-280V) H: Included Required for valid part number For options only and not required for valid part number OUTPUT SPECIFICATIONS AC Output (1) Description 25 A 50 A Operating Voltage (47-63Hz) [Vrms] 48-530 48-530 Transient Overvoltage [Vpk] (2) 1200 1200 Maximum Off-State Leakage Current @ Rated Voltage [mArms] 10 10 Minimum Off-State dv/dt @ Maximum Rated Voltage [V/μsec] (3) 500 500 Maximum Load Current [Arms] (4) 25 50 Minimum Load Current [Arms] 0.05 0.05 Maximum Surge Current 50-60 Hz (16.6ms) [Apk] 239/250 597/625 Maximum On-State Voltage Drop @ Rated Current [Vpk] 1.6 1.6 Thermal Resistance Junction to Case (Rjc) [°C/W] 1.02 0.63 Maximum I²t for Fusing 50-60 Hz (8.3 msec) [A² sec] 285/260 1779/1620 Minimum Power Factor (with Maximum Load) 0.5 0.5 Do not forget to visit us at: www.crydom.com Copyright © 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice.
DataSheet Panel Mount INPUT SPECIFICATIONS (1) Description D53 A53 Control Voltage Range 4-32 VDC 90-280 Vrms Minimum Turn-On Voltage 4.0 VDC 90 Vrms Minimum Turn-Off Voltage 1.0 VDC 10 Vrms Minimum Input Current (for on-state) 19 mA @ 4V 2.2 mA @ 120V Maximum Input Current 25 mA @ 32V 10mA @ 240V Nominal Input Impedance Current Limiter Current Limiter Maximum Turn-On Time [msec] (5) 1/2 Cycle 50 Maximum Turn-Off Time [msec] 1/2 Cycle 50 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS (1) Description Parameters Dielectric Strength, Input/Output/Base (50/60Hz) 4000 Vrms Minimum Insulation Resistance (@ 500 V DC) 109 Ohms Maximum Capacitance, Input/Output 8 pF Ambient Operating Temperature Range -40ºC to 80ºC Ambient Storage Temperature Range -40ºC to 125ºC Weight (typical) 10.3 oz (315g) Encapsulation Thermally conductive Epoxy Terminals Nickel plated Brass Screws and Saddle clamps Zinc plated Steel Input Terminal Screw Torque Range:[in lbs/Nm] 8-10 / 0.9-1.1 Output Terminal Screw Torque Range:[in lbs/Nm] 15-20 / 1.7-2.2 GENERAL NOTES 1) All parameters at 25°C unless otherwise specified. 2) Relay will self trigger between 900-1200 Vpk. 3) Off-State dv/dt test method per EIA/NARM standard RS-443, paragraph 13.11.1 4) Heat sinking required, see page 4 for derating curves. 5) Turn-on time for Random turn-on versions is 0.02 msec (DC Control Models) Do not forget to visit us at: www.crydom.com Copyright © 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice.
DataSheet Panel Mount THERMAL DERATE INFORMATION A53TP25D, D53TP25D D53TP50D, D53TP50D 180 90 80 100 .25°C/W 0.5°C/W 150 95 er Dissipation 6400 1.15°°CC//WW 110150 Plate Temp [°C] er Dissipation 12900 .5°C1/°WC/W 111100050 Plate Temp [°C] w e w 60 e Po 20 115 Bas Po 1.5°C/W 115 Bas 30 120 120 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 20 40 60 80 10 20 30 40 50 20 40 60 80 Load Currect [Arms] Max Ambient Temp. [°C] Load Currect [Arms] Max Ambient Temp. [°C] WIRING DIAGRAM A1 LOAD AC + + LOAD CAN BE WIRED IN EITHER POSITION - - A2 LOAD AC B1 LOAD AC LOAD CAN BE WIRED IN EITHER POSITION B2 LOAD AC C1 LOAD AC LOAD CAN BE WIRED IN EITHER POSITION C2 LOAD AC Do not forget to visit us at: www.crydom.com Copyright © 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice.
DataSheet Panel Mount MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Tolerances: ±0.02 in / 0.5 mm All dimensions are in: inches [millimeters] AGENCY APPROVALS Agency Approvals Input: EN61000-4-2, Level 3 ESD EN61000-4-4, Level 3 Burst Output: EN61000-4-2, Level 4 ESD EN61000-4-4, Level 4 Burst EN61000-4-5, Level 4 Surge EN60950: Meets the requirements of sections 1.5: 1,7 : 2.9: 4.2: 4.5: 4.7: E116950 LR 81689 REG.- Nr. 5941 Rev. 120811 Do not forget to visit us at: www.crydom.com Copyright © 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice.
DataSheet Panel Mount DANGER / PELIGRO / DANGER /GEFAHR / PERICOLO / 危险 HAZARD OF RIESGO DE RISQUE DE GEFAHR EINES RISCHIO DI 存在电击、 ELECTRIC DESCARGA DESCHARGE ELEKTRISCHE SCOSSA 爆炸或电弧 SHOCK, ELECTRICA O ELECTRIQUE N SCHLAGES ELETTRICA O 闪烁危险 EXPLOSION, EXPLOSION. OU EXPLOSION ODER EINER DELL’ESPLOSIONE. OR ARC FLASH. • Desconectar • Eteindre EXPLOSION. • Spenga tutta • 在操作此设 • Disconnect all todos los toutes les • Stellen Sie l'alimentazione 备之前请先 power before suministros de sources jeglichen che fornisce 关闭电源。 installing or energia a este d'énergie de Strom ab, der questa working with equipo antes cet appareil dieses Gerät apparecchiatura 若不遵守这些说明, this equipment. de trabajar avant de versorgt, bevor prima di lavorare con este equipo. travailler Sie an dem a questa 可能会导致严重的 • Verify all dessus de cet Gerät Arbeiten apparecchiatura 人身伤害甚至死亡。 connections • Verificar todas appareil durchführen and replace all las conexiones • Verificare tutti • Vor dem covers before y colocar todas • Vérifier tous i collegamenti Drehen auf turning on las tapas antes connections, et e sostituire Energie alle power. de energizer remettre tous tutte le coperture Anschlüsse el equipo. couverts en prima Failure to follow olace avant de überprüfen dell’accensione these El mettre sous und alle instructions will incumplimiento Abdeckungen L'omissione di result in death de estas De non-suivi de ersetzen. queste istruzioni or serious injury. instrucciones ces instructions Unterlassung provocherà la puede provocar provoquera la dieser morte o la muerte o mort ou des Anweisungen lesioni serie lesiones serias. lésions sérieuses können zum sérieuses. Tode oder zu schweren Verletzungen führen. WARNING / AVERTISSEMENT / WARNUNG /ADVERTENCIA / AVVERTENZA / 警告 RISK OF MATERIAL DAMAGE AND HOT RISQUE DE DOMMAGE MATERIEL ET DE GEFAHR VON MATERIALSCHÄDEN UND ENCLOSURE SURCHAUFFE DU BOITIER GEHÄUSEERHITZUNG • The product's side panels may be hot, allow • Les panneaux latéraux du produit peuvent être • Die Seitenwände können heiß sein. Lassen Sie the product to cool before touching. chauds. Laisser le produit refroidir avant de le das Produkt abkühlen, bevor Sie es berühren. • Follow proper mounting instructions including toucher. • Beachten Sie die Montageanweisungen, torque values. • Respecter les consignes de montage, et • Führen Sie keine Flüssigkeiten oder • Do not allow liquids or foreign objects to enter notamment les couples de serrage. Fremdkörper in das Produkt ein. this product. • Ne pas laisser pénétrer de liquide ni de corps étrangers à l'intérieur du produit. Le non-respect de cette directive peut entraîner, Die Nichtbeachtung dieser Anweisung kann Failure to follow these instructions can result in des lésions corporelles graves ou des Körperverletzung oder Materialschäden serious injury, or equipment damage. dommages matériels. zur Folge haben. RIESGO DE DAÑOS MATERIALES Y DE 材料损坏和高温外壳的危险性 RISCHIO DI DANNI MATERIALI E D'INVOLUCRO SOBRECALENTAMIENTO DE LA UNIDAD CALDO • 产品的一侧面板可能很热,在其冷却前请 • Los paneles laterales del producto pueden • I pannelli laterali dell'apparecchio possono 不要触碰。 estar calientes. Esperar que el producto se scottare; lasciar quindi raffreddare il prodotto • 遵照正确的安装说明,包括扭矩值。 enfríe antes de tocarlo. • Respetar las instrucciones de montaje, y en prima di toccarlo. • 请勿让液体及其他异物进入本产品。 • Seguire le istruzioni di montaggio corrette. particular los pares de apretado. • Non far entrare liquidi o oggetti estranei in questo • No dejar que penetren líquidos o cuerpos apparecchio. extraños en el producto. La mancata osservanza di questa precauzione può 如不能正确执行这些操作说明, Si no se respetan estas precauciones pueden causare gravi rischi per l'incolumità personale o 极有可能造成严重人体伤害或者设备的损坏。 producirse graves lesiones, daños materiales. danni alle apparecchiature. Do not forget to visit us at: www.crydom.com Copyright © 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice.
DataSheet Panel Mount ANNEX - ENVIROMENTAL INFORMATION The environmental information disclosed in this annex including the EIP Pollution logo are in compliance with People’s Republic of China Electronic Industry Standard SJ/T11364 – 2006, Marking for Control of Pollution Caused by Electronic Information Products. Part Toxic or hazardous Substance and Elements Name Lead Mercury Cadmium Hexavalent Polybrominated Polybrominated (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) Chromium biphenyls diphenyl ethers (Cr (VI)) (PBB) (PBDE) Semiconductor die Solder 附件 - 环保信息 此附件所标示的包括电子信息产品污染图标的环保信息符合中华人民共和国电子行业标准 SJ/T11364 - 2006, 电子信息产品污染控制标识要求。 部件 有毒有害物质或元素 名称 铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚 (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr (VI)) (PBB) (PBDE) 半导体芯片 焊接点 50 Do not forget to visit us at: www.crydom.com Copyright © 2017 Crydom Inc. Specifications subject to change without notice.
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