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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供BQ24061DRCR由Texas Instruments设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 BQ24061DRCR价格参考。Texas InstrumentsBQ24061DRCR封装/规格:PMIC - 电池充电器, Charger IC Lithium-Ion/Polymer 10-VSON (3x3)。您可以下载BQ24061DRCR参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有BQ24061DRCR 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
Texas Instruments(德州仪器)的BQ24061DRCR是一款PMIC(电源管理集成电路),专为便携式设备中的单节锂离子或锂聚合物电池充电而设计。以下是其典型的应用场景: 1. 便携式消费电子产品 - 智能手机和平板电脑:支持高效的单节锂电池充电,适用于对体积和功耗要求较高的移动设备。 - 蓝牙耳机和智能音箱:低功耗设计使其非常适合小型音频设备。 - 可穿戴设备:如智能手表、健身追踪器等,需要紧凑型充电解决方案。 2. 物联网(IoT)设备 - 智能家居设备:例如无线传感器、智能锁、环境监测设备等,这些设备通常依赖于单节锂电池供电。 - 便携式医疗设备:如脉搏血氧仪、血糖仪等,需要稳定且高效的充电管理。 3. 手持式工业设备 - 条码扫描仪和便携式测试仪:这些设备通常在户外或无固定电源的情况下使用,需要可靠的电池充电功能。 - 手持POS机:支持快速充电和高效电源管理,确保设备长时间运行。 4. 便携式电源设备 - 移动电源(充电宝):BQ24061DRCR可以用于小型移动电源的设计,提供精确的充电控制。 - 应急照明设备:如便携式手电筒或应急灯,需要稳定的充电电路以确保电池寿命。 核心优势与应用场景匹配: - 高集成度:减少了外部元件数量,适合空间受限的应用。 - 涓流充电功能:支持深度放电电池的恢复充电,适用于长期未使用的设备。 - 热调节和安全保护:防止过热、过充等问题,保障设备和用户安全。 - 灵活的输入源:支持USB和适配器等多种输入源,适应多种充电环境。 综上所述,BQ24061DRCR适用于各种需要单节锂电池充电的小型化、便携式设备,特别是在对效率、可靠性和小型化有较高要求的场景中表现优异。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | 集成电路 (IC)半导体 |
描述 | IC LI-ION/LI-POL CHG MGMT 10-SON电池管理 Linear 1-Cell Li-Ion Charger |
产品分类 | |
品牌 | Texas Instruments |
产品手册 | http://www.ti.com/litv/slus689a |
产品图片 | |
rohs | 符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | 电源管理 IC,电池管理,Texas Instruments BQ24061DRCR- |
数据手册 | |
产品型号 | BQ24061DRCR |
产品种类 | 电池管理 |
产品类型 | Charge Management |
供应商器件封装 | 10-SON(3x3) |
其它名称 | 296-19868-6 |
功能 | 充电管理 |
包装 | Digi-Reel® |
单位重量 | 26.100 mg |
商标 | Texas Instruments |
安装类型 | 表面贴装 |
安装风格 | SMD/SMT |
封装 | Reel |
封装/外壳 | 10-VFDFN 裸露焊盘 |
封装/箱体 | VSON-10 |
工作温度 | -40°C ~ 155°C |
工作电源电压 | 4.3 V to 16.5 V |
工厂包装数量 | 3000 |
最大工作温度 | + 155 C |
最小工作温度 | - 40 C |
标准包装 | 1 |
电压-电源 | 4.35 V ~ 16.5 V |
电池化学 | 锂离子,锂聚合物 |
电池类型 | Li-Ion, Li-Polymer |
系列 | BQ24061 |
输出电压 | 4.2 V |
输出电流 | 1 A |
配用 | /product-detail/zh/BQ24061EVM-002/296-30741-ND/1690244 |
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 1A SINGLE-CHIP Li-Ion/Li-Pol CHARGE MANAGEMENT IC WITH THERMAL REGULATION FEATURES DESCRIPTION • IdealforLow-DropoutDesignsforSingle-Cell The bq2406x series are highly integrated Li-Ion and Li-IonorLi-PolPacksinSpaceLimited Li-Pol linear chargers, targeted at space-limited Applications portable applications. The bq2406x series offers a • IntegratedPowerFETandCurrentSensorfor variety of safety features and functional options, while still implementing a complete charging system upto1-AChargeApplications in a small package. The battery is charged in three • ReverseLeakageProtectionPreventsBattery phases: conditioning, constant or thermally regulated Drainage current, and constant voltage. Charge is terminated • – 0.5%VoltageRegulationAccuracy based on minimum current. An internal • ThermalRegulationMaximizesChargeRate programmable charge timer provides a backup safety feature for charge termination and is • ChargeTerminationbyMinimumCurrentand dynamically adjusted during the thermal regulation Time phase. The bq2406x automatically re-starts the • PrechargeConditioningWithSafetyTimer charge if the battery voltage falls below an internal • StatusOutputsforLEDorSystemInterface threshold; sleep mode is set when the external input supply is removed. Multiple versions of this device IndicateCharge,Fault,andPowerGood family enable easy design of the bq2406x in cradle Outputs chargers or in the end equipment, while using low • Short-CircuitandThermalProtection costorhigh-endACadapters. • AutomaticSleepModeforLowPower Consumption PinOut (TopView) • Small3· 3mmMLPPackage bq24061 • SelectableBatteryInsertionandBattery AbsentDetection IN 1 10 OUT • InputOvervoltageProtection TMR 2 9 BAT – 6.5Vand10.5VOptions STAT1 3 8 CE STAT2 4 7 PG APPLICATIONS • PDA,MP3Players,DigitalCameras VSS 5 6 ISET • InternetAppliancesandHandheldDevices TYPICALAPPLICATIONCIRCUIT Li-lon or Li-Pol bq24061 Battery Pack Input Power 1 IN OUT 10 Pack+ R TMR 2 TMR 9 4.7mF + 49.9 kW BAT 4.7mF 1.5 kW 1.5 kW Pack- 3 8 STAT1 CE 4 7 STAT2 PG 5 VSS ISET 6 R SET 1.13 kW TypicalApplication for Charging Between 350 mAand 1A. Charge Enable and Input Power Status Pleasebeawarethatanimportantnoticeconcerningavailability,standardwarranty,anduseincriticalapplicationsofTexas Instrumentssemiconductorproductsanddisclaimerstheretoappearsattheendofthisdatasheet. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED this document contains Copyright©2006,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated PRODUCTION DATA information current as of publication date. Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarilyincludetestingofallparameters.
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 Thesedeviceshavelimitedbuilt-inESDprotection.Theleadsshouldbeshortedtogetherorthedeviceplacedinconductivefoam duringstorageorhandlingtopreventelectrostaticdamagetotheMOSgates. AVAILABLEOPTIONS Safety Power PackVoltage Charge InputOver Termination IC Pack Timer Good Detection Devices(1)(2)(3) Marking Voltage Voltage Enable Enable Temp Enable Status (Absent) Withtimer 4.2V 6.5V TMRpin TMRpin PGpin No TSpin bq24060 BPG enabled Withtimer 4.2V 6.5V TMRpin TMRpin PGpin CEpin No bq24061 BPH enabled Withtermination 4.2V 6.5V TEpin TMRpin No CEpin No bq24063 Preview enabled Withtimer 4.2V 10.5V TMRpin TMRpin PGpin No TSpin bq24064 BSA enabled (1) Thebq2406xareonlyavailabletapedandreeled.AddsuffixRtothepartnumberforquantitiesof3,000devicesperreel(e.g., bq24060BPGR).AddsuffixTtothepartnumberforquantitiesof250devicesperreel(e.g.,bq24060DRCT). (2) ThisproductisRoHScompatible,includingaleadconcentrationthatdoesnotexceed0.1%oftotalproductweight,andissuitablefor useinspecifiedlead-freesolderingprocesses.Inaddition,thisproductusespackagematerialsthatdonotcontainhalogens,including bromine(Br)orantimony(Sb)above0.1%oftotalproductweight. (3) Forthemostcurrentpackageandorderinginformation,seethePackageOptionAddendumattheendofthisdocument,orseetheTI Websiteatwww.ti.com. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) bq2406x Supplyvoltage(INwithrespecttoVss) –0.3Vto18V(2) InputvoltageonIN,STATx,PG,TS,CE,TE,TMR(allwithrespecttoVss) –0.3VtoV(IN) InputvoltageonOUT,BAT,ISET(allwithrespecttoVss) –0.3Vto7V Outputsinkcurrent(STATx)+PG 15mA Outputcurrent(OUTpin) 1.5A T Operatingfree-airtemperaturerange –40(cid:176) Cto155(cid:176) C A T Storagetemperaturerange –65(cid:176) Cto150(cid:176) C stg T Junctiontemperaturerange –40(cid:176) Cto150(cid:176) C J (1) Stressesbeyondthoselistedunderabsolutemaximumratingsmaycausepermanentdamagetothedevice.Thesearestressratings only,andfunctionaloperationofthedeviceattheseoranyotherconditionsbeyondthoseindicatedunderrecommendedoperating conditionsisnotimplied.Exposuretoabsolute–maximum–ratedconditionsforextendedperiodsmayaffectdevicereliability (2) Thebq2406xdevicecanwithstandupto26Vforamaximumof87hours. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT V Supplyvoltagerange Batteryabsentdetectionnotfunctional 3.5 4.35 V (IN) V Supplyvoltagerange Batteryabsentdetectionfunctional 4.35 16.5 V (IN) T Junctiontemperature 0 125 (cid:176) C J R 33K£ R £ 100K TMR TMR DISSIPATION RATINGS(1) PACKAGE q ((cid:176) C/W) q ((cid:176) C/W) JC JA 10-pinDRC 3.21 46.87 (1) ThisdataisbasedonusingtheJEDECHigh-KboardandtheexposeddiepadisconnectedtoaCu padontheboard.Thisisconnectedtothegroundplanebya2×3viamatrix. 2 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS overrecommendedoperating,T =0–125(cid:176) Crange,SeetheApplicationCircuitssection,typicalvaluesatT =25(cid:176) C(unless J J otherwisenoted) PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT POWERDOWNTHRESHOLD–UNDERVOLTAGELOCKOUT V(IN)=0V,increaseV(OUT):0fi 3VOR V Powerdownthreshold V(OUT)=0V,increaseV(IN):0fi 3V, 1.5 3.0 V (UVLO) CE=LO (1) INPUTPOWERDETECTION,CE=HIorLOW,V(IN)>3.5V V Inputpowerdetectionthreshold V detectedat[V(IN)–V(OUT)]>V 130 mV IN(DT) (IN) IN(DT) Inputpowernotdetectedat V Inputpowerdetectionhysteresis 30 mV HYS(INDT) [V –V <[V –V ] (IN) (OUT)] IN(DT) HYS(INDT) Deglitchtime,inputpowerdetected PG:HIfi LO,Thermalregulationloopnotactive, TDGL(INDT1) status R =50KW orV =OPEN 1.5 3.5 ms TMR (TMR) T Delaytime,inputpowernotdetected PG:LOfi HIafterT 10 m s DGL(NOIN) status DGL(NOIN) ChargerturnedoffafterT ,Measured DLY(CHGOFF) T Chargeroffdelay fromPG:LOfi HI;Timerresetafter 28 32 ms DLY(CHGOFF) T DLY(CHGOFF) INPUTOVERVOLTAGEPROTECTION bq24060/61/63 6.2 6.5 7.0 V Inputovervoltagedetectionthreshold V(IN)increasing V (OVP) bq24064 10.2 10.5 11.7 bq24060/61/63 0.1 0.2 V Inputovervoltagehysteresis V(IN)decreasing V HYS(OVP) bq24064 0.3 0.5 TDGL(OVDET) Inputovervoltagedetectiondelay CPGE:=LHOIfiorHLOI;,VMINeainscurreeadsifnrogmV(IN)>V(OVP)to 10 100 m s TDGL(OVNDET) Inputovervoltagenotdetecteddelay CtoEP=G:HHIIorfi LOLO,M;Ve(aINsu)rdeedcfrreoamsiVng(IN)<V(OVP) 10 100 m s QUIESCENTCURRENT I INpinquiescentcurrent,chargeroff Inputpowerdetected,CE= V(IN)=6V 100 200 m A CC(CHGOFF) HI V =16.5V 300 (IN) I INpinquiescentcurrent,chargeron Inputpowerdetected,CE=LO,V =4.5V 4 6 mA CC(CHGON) BAT I Batteryleakagecurrentaftertermination Inputpowerdetected,chargeterminated, 1 5 m A BAT(DONE) intoIC CE=LO I BatteryleakagecurrentintoIC,charger Inputpowerdetected,CE=HIOR 1 5 m A BAT(CHGOFF) off inputpowernotdetected,CE=LO TSPINCOMPARATOR V Lowervoltagetemperaturethreshold HotdetectedatV(TS)<V ;NTCthermistor 29 30 31 %V(IN) (TS1) (TS1) V Uppervoltagetemperaturethreshold ColddetectedatV(TS)>V ;NTCthermistor 60 61 62 %V(IN) (TS2) (TS2) TempOKatV(TS)>[V +V ]OR V Hysteresis (TS1) HYS(TS) 2 %V(IN) HYS(TS) V <[V –V ] (TS) (TS2) HYS(TS) CEINPUT V Input(low)voltage V(CE)increasing 0 1 V IL V Input(high)voltage V(CE)decreasing 2.0 V IH STAT1,STAT2ANDPGOUTPUTS,V(IN)‡ V +V O(REG) (DO-MAX) V Output(low)saturationvoltage Ioutput=5mA(sink) 0.5 V OL THERMALSHUTDOWN T Temperaturetrip Junctiontemperature,temprising 155 (cid:176) C (SHUT) T Thermalhysteresis Junctiontemperature 20 (cid:176) C (SHUTHYS) (1) Specifiedbydesign,notproductiontested. SubmitDocumentationFeedback 3
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) overrecommendedoperating,T =0–125(cid:176) Crange,SeetheApplicationCircuitssection,typicalvaluesatT =25(cid:176) C(unless J J otherwisenoted) PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT VOLTAGEREGULATION,V(IN)‡ V +V ,I <I <I ,CHARGERENABLED,NOFAULTCONDITIONS O(REG) (DO-MAX) (TERM) (OUT) O(OUT) DETECTED V Outputvoltage bq24060/61/63/64 4.20 V O(REG) T =25(cid:176) C –0.5% 0.5% A V Voltageregulationaccuracy O(TOL) –1% 1% V Dropoutvoltage,V(IN)–V(OUT) I =1A 750 mV (DO) (OUT) CURRENTREGULATION,V(IN)>V(OUT)>V ,CHARGERENABLED,NOFAULTCONDITIONSDETECTED (DO-MAX) V >V ,I =I =K · I Outputcurrentrange (BAT) (LOWV) O(OUT) (OUT) (SET) 100 1000 mA O(OUT) V /R (SET) SET V Outputcurrentsetvoltage V(ISET)=V ,V <V(BAT)£ V 2.45 2.50 2.55 V (SET) (SET) (LOWV) O(REG) 100mA£ IO(OUT)£ 1000mA mA(cid:1)k(cid:1) 315 335 355 K Outputcurrentsetfactor (SET) 10mA£ I <100mA Volts 315 372 430 O(OUT) R Externalresistorrange ResistorconnectedtoISETpin 0.7 10 kW ISET VOLTAGEANDCURRENTREGULATIONTIMING,V(IN)>V(OUT)+V ,CHARGERENABLED,NOFAULTCONDITIONS (DO-MAX) DETECTED,R =50KorV(TMR)=OPEN;Thermalregulationloopnotactive TMR Inputpowerdetectiontofull MeasuredfromPG:HIfi LOtoI(OUT)>100mA, T 25 35 ms PWRUP(CHG) chargecurrenttimedelay CE=LO,I =1A,V(BAT)=3.5V O(OUT) MeasuredfromCE:HIfi LOtoI(OUT)>100mA, Chargeenabletofullcharge T I =1A,V =3.5V,V =4.5V,Input 25 35 ms PWRUP(EN) currentdelay O(OUT) (BAT) (IN) powerdetected MeasuredfromPG:HIfi LOtoV(OUT)>90%of Inputpowerdetectiontovoltage chargevoltageregulation; T regulationdelay,LDOmodeset, 25 35 ms PWRUP(LDO) V =OPEN,LDOmodeset,nobatteryandno nobatteryorloadconnected (TMR) loadatOUTpin,CE=LO PRECHARGEANDOUTPUTSHORT-CIRCUITCURRENTREGULATION,V(IN)–V(OUT)>V(DO-MAX),V(IN)‡ 4.5V,CHARGER ENABLED,NOFAULTCONDITIONSDETECTED,RTMR=50KorV(TMR)=OPEN;Thermalregulationloopnotactive Prechargetofast-chargetransition V V increasing 2.8 2.95 3.15 V (LOWV) threshold (BAT) Prechargetoshort-circuit V V decreasing 1.2 1.4 1.6 (SC) transitionthreshold (BAT) V V Short-circuitindication V decreasing 1.6 1.8 2.0 (SCIND) (BAT) V <V <V ,t<T IO(PRECHG) Prechargecurrentrange I (SC) I(B=ATK) (L·OVWV) )(/PRRECHG) 10 100 mA O(PRECHG) (SET) (PRECHG (ISET) V =V ,V <V <V , V Prechargesetvoltage (ISET) (PRECHG) (SC) I(BAT) (LOWV) 225 250 280 mV (PRECHG) t<T (PRECHG) V <V <6.0 VSS£ V(BAT)£ V(SCI), VPOR IN 15 22 30 I Outputshortedregulationcurrent I =I ,V = mA O(SHORT) O(SHORT) (OUT) (BAT) VSS,Internalpullupresistor 6.0V<VIN< 25 V OVP TEMPERATUREREGULATION(Thermalregulation™),CHARGERENABLED,NOFAULTCONDITIONSDETECTED T Temperatureregulationlimit V(IN)=5.5V,V(BAT)=3.2V,Fastcharge 101 112 125 (cid:176) C J(REG) currentsetto1A Minimumcurrentinthermal V(LOWV)<V(BAT)<VO(REG),0.7kW <RISET I(MIN_TJ(REG)) regulation <3.5kW 200 250 mA 4 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continued) overrecommendedoperating,T =0–125(cid:176) Crange,SeetheApplicationCircuitssection,typicalvaluesatT =25(cid:176) C(unless J J otherwisenoted) PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT CHARGETERMINATIONDETECTION,V =4.2V,CHARGERENABLED,NOFAULTCONDITIONSDETECTED,Thermal O(REG) regulationLOOPNOTACTIVE,R =50KorTMRpinOPEN TMR I Terminationdetectioncurrent V >V ,I =K · V /R 10 100 mA (TERM) range (BAT) (RCH) (TERM) (SET) (TERM) ISET Chargeterminationdetection V V >V 225 250 275 mV (TERM) setvoltage(1) (BAT) (RCH) Deglitchtime,termination T V decreasing 15 25 35 ms DGL(TERM) detected (ISET) BATTERYRECHARGETHRESHOLD V Rechargethresholddetection [V –V(BAT)]>V 75 100 135 mV (RCH) O(REG) (RCH) Deglitchtime,recharge T V decreasing 15 25 35 ms DGL(RCH) detection (BAT) TIMERS,CE=LO,CHARGERENABLED,NOFAULTCONDITIONSDETECTED,V(TMR)<3V,TIMERSENABLED T Chargesafetytimerrange T =K · R ;thermalloopnotactive 3 10 hours (CHG) (CHG) (CHG) TMR K Chargesafetytimerconstant V >V 0.08 0.1 0.12 hr/kW (CHG) (BAT) (LOWV) T =K · T ;Thermalregulation T Pre-chargesafetytimerrange (PCHG) (PCHG) (CHG) 1080 3600 sec (PCHG) loopnotactive Pre-chargesafetytimer K V <V 0.08 0.1 0.12 (PCHG) constant (BAT) (LOWV) [ChargetimerAND Chargetimerandtermination terminationdisabled]atV bq24060/61/64 enablethreshold (TMR) VTMR(OFF) >VTMR(OFF) 2.5 3.0 3.5 V [Chargetimerdisabled]at Chargetimerenablethreshold bq24063 V >V (TMR) TMR(OFF) I TMRpinsourcecurrent V =3.5V,V =4.5V 1 6 m A TMR (TMR) (IN) BATTERYDETECTIONTHRESHOLDS I Batterydetectioncurrent(sink) 2V<V <V 1 2 3.2 mA DET(DOWN) (BAT) O(REG) Batterydetectioncurrent I 2V<V <V I DET(UP) (source) (BAT) O(REG) O(PRECHG) 2V<V <V ,Thermalregulationloopnot T(DETECT) Batterydetectiontime active;R(BAT) =5O0(RkEW G,)I orI 85 120 150 ms TMR DET(down) DET(UP) TIMERFAULTRECOVERY I FaultCurrent(source) V <V –12 –10 –8 mA (FAULT) (OUT) (RCH) CHARGEOVERCURRENTDETECTION,V(IN)‡ 4.5V,CHARGERENABLED Chargeovercurrentdetection I V =VSS 2 A CH(OI) threshold (ISET) T Overcurrentdetectiondelay MeasuredfromV =VSStoI =0 100 m s DGL(OI) time (ISET) O(OUT) (1) ThevoltageontheISETpiniscomparedtotheV voltagetodeterminewhentheterminationshouldoccur. (TERM) SubmitDocumentationFeedback 5
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 DEVICE INFORMATION PIN ASSIGNMENT VSS STAT2 STAT1 TMR IN VSS STAT2 STAT1 TMR IN VSS STAT2 STAT1 TMR IN 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 bq24060/64 DRC bq24061 DRC bq24063 DRC (TOPVIEW) (TOPVIEW) (TOPVIEW) 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10 ISET PG TS BAT OUT ISET PG CE BAT OUT ISET CE TE BAT OUT TERMINALFUNCTIONS,REQUIREDCOMPONENTS TERMINALNO. I/O DESCRIPTIONANDREQUIREDCOMPONENTS NAME bq24060/64 bq24061 bq24063 ChargeInputVoltageandinternalsupply.Connecta1-m F(minimum) IN 1 1 1 I capacitorfromINtoVSS.C ‡ C IN OUT SafetyTimerProgramInput,timerdisablediffloating.Connectaresistorto TMR 2 2 2 I VSSpintoprogramsafetytimertimeoutvalue STAT1 3 3 3 O ChargeStatusOutput1(open-collector,seeTable3) STAT2 4 4 4 O ChargeStatusOutput2(open-collector,seeTable3) VSS 5 5 5 I Ground Chargecurrentsetpoint,resistorconnectedfromISETtoVSSsetscharge ISET 6 6 6 O currentvalue.Connecta0.47-m FcapaciatorfromBATtoISET. PG 7 7 — O PowerGoodstatusoutput(open-collector),activelow CE — 8 7 I ChargeenableInput.CE=LOenablescharger.CE=HIdisablescharger. TerminationenableInput.TE=LOenablesterminationdetectionandbattery TE — — 8 I absentdetection.TE=HIdisablesterminationdetectionandbatteryabsent detection. TemperatureSenseInput,connecttobatterypackthermistor.Connectan TS 8 — — I externalresistivedividertoprogramtemperaturethresholds. BatteryVoltageSenseInput.Connecttothebatterypositiveterminal.Connect BAT 9 9 9 I a200-W resistorfromBATtoOUT. Chargecurrentoutput.Connecttothebatterypositiveterminal.Connecta1- OUT 10 10 10 O m F(minimum)capacitorfromOUTtoVSS. Thereisaninternalelectricalconnectionbetweentheexposedthermalpad Exposed andVsspinoftheIC.Theexposedthermalpadmustbeconnectedtothe Thermal Pad Pad Pad samepotentialastheVSSpinontheprintedcircuitboard.Donotusethe Pad thermalpadastheprimarygroundinputfortheIC.VSSpinmustbe connectedtogroundatalltimes. 6 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Measuredusingthetypicalapplicationcircuitshownpreviously. THERMALLOOPOPERATION WITHPOWERPADATTACHED THERMALLOOPANDDTCOPERATION 7 1.75 1.6 12 VIN 6 1.50 1.4 SafetyTimer 10 s Voltage - V 3254 VIBISAETT 0011...572055Battery Current -A Battery Current -A001...6812 IBAT 468 - Safety Timer - HrHG 0.4 C T 1 0.25 2 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.50 1 1.50 2 2.50 3 0 0.50 1 1.50 2 2.50 3 t - Time - s t - Time - s Figure1. Figure2. PACKREMOVALTRANSIENT INPUTOVPRECOVERYTRANSIENTS 5 1 8 2 1.80 4.75 0.8 7 1.60 Battery Voltage - V 3344....572505504 IBVABTAT 0000...246Battery Current -A Voltage - V 23456 IBAT VIN 00111....68240000Charge Current -A VPG 0.40 -0.2 3.25 1 0.20 3 -0.4 0 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 t - Time - mS t - Time - mS Figure3. Figure4. PGDEGLITCHTIME 9 8 7 VIN 6 V e - 5 g a olt 4 V 3 VPG 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 t - Time - mS Figure5. SubmitDocumentationFeedback 7
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS (continued) Measuredusingthetypicalapplicationcircuitshownpreviously. PRE-CHARGECURRENT FAST-CHARGECURRENT FAST-CHARGECURRENT vs vs vs BATTERYVOLTAGE BATTERYVOLTAGE BATTERYVOLTAGE 105 1000 52.5 104.5 995 52 104 990 51.5 25°C Charge Current - mA1110001112300...52535 852°50C°°CC Charge Current - mA 999997867855500 85°C0°C 25°C Charge Current - mA 5409545..15905 0°C85°C 48.5 101 960 48 100.5 955 47.5 100 950 3 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4 2 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3 3 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4 Battery Voltage - V Battery Voltage - V Battery Voltage - V Figure6.HIGHCHARGERATE Figure7.HIGHCHARGERATE Figure8.LOWCHARGERATE KSETLINEARITY KSETLINEARITY BATTERYREGULATIONVOLTAGE vs vs vs CHARGECURRENT CHARGECURRENT INPUTVOLTAGE 400 350 4.202 0°C 390 4.200 345 380 4.198 A/A 336700 85°C A/A340 85°0C°C age - V 4.196 25°C KSET - 334500 0°C KSET -335 25°C ery Volt 44..119924 330 25°C 330 Batt 4.190 320 325 4.188 85°C 310 300 320 4.186 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95105115125 0 1002003004005006007008009001000 4.5 6.5 8.5 10.5 12.5 14.5 16.5 Battery Charge Current - Battery Charge Current - mA Input Voltage - V Figure9.2.0<V <3.0V Figure10.3.0<V <4.0V Figure11. (BAT) (BAT) DROPOUTVOLTAGE vs TEMPERATURE 0.400 0.375 V 0.350 e - ag 0.325 olt V ut 0.300 p o Dr 0.275 - DO) 0.250 V( 0.225 0.200 -15 5 25 45 65 85 105 125 TA- Temperature - °C Figure12. 8 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The charge current is programmable using external components (R resistor). The charge process starts ISET when an external input power is connected to the system, the charger is enabled by CE = LO and the battery voltage is below the recharge threshold, V(BAT) < V . When the charge cycle starts a safety timer is (RCH) activated, if the safety timer function is enabled. The safety timer timeout value is set by an external resistor connectedtoTMRpin. When the charger is enabled two control loops modulate the battery switch drain to source impedance to limit the BAT pin current to the programmed charge current value (charge current loop) or to regulate the BAT pin voltage to the programmed charge voltage value (charge voltage loop). If V(BAT) < V(LOWV) (3 V typical) the BATpincurrentisinternallysetto10%oftheprogrammedchargecurrentvalue. A typical charge profile is shown below, for an operation condition that does not cause the IC junction temperaturetoexceedT ,(112(cid:176) Ctypical). J(REG) Pre- Current Voltage Regulation and Conditioning Regulation Charge Termination DONE VO(REG) Phase Phase Phase IO(OUT) FAST-CHARGE Battery Current, CURRENT I(BAT) Battery Voltage, Charge V(BAT) Complete Status, v(LOWV) Charger Off IO(PRECHG),I(TERM) PRE-CHARGE CURRENTAND TERMINATION THRESHOLD T(PRECHG) T(CHG) DONE Figure13.ChargingProfileWithT J(REG) If the operating conditions cause the IC junction temperature to exceed T , the charge cycle is modified, J(REG) with the activation of the integrated thermal control loop. The thermal control loop is activated when an internal voltage reference, which is inversely proportional to the IC junction temperature, is lower than a fixed, temperature stable internal voltage. The thermal loop overrides the other charger control loops and reduces the charge current until the IC junction temperature returns to T , effectively regulating the IC junction J(REG) temperature. SubmitDocumentationFeedback 9
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 IN VREF Thermal BATTERY VTJ Loop SWITCH I(BAT) OUT I(BAT)/ K(SET) ISET V(BAT) VO(REG) System Voltage Regulation Loop BAT Figure14.ThermalRegulationCircuit Amodifiedchargecycle,withthethermalloopactive,isshowninFigure15. Pre- Thermal Current Voltage Regulation and Conditioning Regulation Regulation Charge Termination DONE Phase Phase Phase Phase VO(REG) IO(OUT) Battery Current, FAST-CHARGE I(BAT) CURRENT Battery Voltage, V(BAT) Charge Complete PRE-CHARGE Status, CURRENTAND VO(LOWV) Charger TERMINATION Off THRESHOLD IO(PRECHG),I(TERM) T(THREG) temperature , Tj T(PRECHG) T(CHG) DONE Figure15.ChargeProfile,ThermalLoopActive 10 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM V(IN) BACKGATE BIAS I(OUT) IN OUT V(OUT) IOUT) /K (SET) ISET V O(REG) PRE_CHARGE V(ISET) I(DETECT) I(FAULT) V(IN) V (SET) TJ BATTERYABSENT DETECTION V(PRECHG) T AND SHORT RECOVERY J(REG) CHG ENABLE V(IN) Dynamically + V V Controlled (SET), (PRECHG) - Oscillator T VOC DGL(CHOVC) Deglitch TMR V(IN) + TDGL(INDT) + V(IN) VTMR(OFF) - Deglitch - V(OUT)+VIN(DT) Over_current Input Power + Detected - Timer TS + Fault - V(IN) Timer V(IN) REFERENCE Disable AND BIAS POR Suspend Thermal Internal Shutdown Voltage References + TDGL(OVP) Input Over-Voltage CE - Deglitch V(OVP) CHARGE BAT + TDGL(RCH) Recharge CONTROL, PG V(RCH) - Deglitch TIMER and DISPLAYLOGIC + Precharge V(LOW) - STAT1 V (TERM) + TDGL(TERM) Terminate Deglitch V(ISET) - STAT2 VSS SubmitDocumentationFeedback 11
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 APPLICATION CIRCUITS The typical application diagrams shown here are configured for 750 mA fast charge current, 75 mA pre-charge current,5hoursafetytimerand30minpre-chargetimer. bq24060/64 Li-Ion or Li-Pol Battery Pack Input Power 1 IN OUT 10 Pack+ 4.7CmF3 1.5 kRW1 1.5 kRW2 4R9T.M9R kW2 TMR BAT 9 200RW8 2.C22mF Pack- + RED 3 STAT1 TS 8 C1 RT1 GREEN 4 STAT2 PG 7 0.47mF 10 kW TEMP 5 Vss ISET 6 RT2 33.2 kW RISET 1.13 kW Power Good bq24061 Li-Ion or Li-Pol Battery Pack Input Power 1 IN OUT 10 Pack+ 4.7CmF3 R1 R2 R49TM.9R kW2 TMR BAT 9 200RW8 C12mF + 1.5 kW 1.5 kW Pack- RED 3 8 STAT1 CE C1 GREEN 4 7 0.47mF STAT2 PG 5 6 Vss ISET RSET 1.13 kW Charge Enable and Power Good Li-Ion or Li-Pol bq24063 Battery Pack Input Power 1 IN OUT 10 Pack+ RTMR 2 200RW8 C2 + 4.7CmF3 1.5 kRW1 1.5 kRW2 49.9 kW TMR BAT 9 1mF Pack- RED 3 8 STAT1 TE C1 GREEN 4 7 0.47mF STAT2 CE 5 6 Vss ISET RSET 1.13 kW Charge and Termination Enable NOTE: Tempwindowsetbetween0(cid:176) Cand45(cid:176) Cforapplicationw/TSpin. Figure16.ApplicationCircuits OPERATING MODES PowerDown The bq2406x family is in a power-down mode when the input power voltage (IN) is below the power-down threshold V . During the power down mode all IC functions are off, and the host commands at the control (PDWN) pins are not interpreted. The integrated power mosfet connected between IN and OUT pins is off, the status output pins STAT1 and STAT2 are set to high impedance mode and PG output is set to the high impedance state. 12 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 SleepMode The bq2406x enters the sleep mode when the input power voltage (IN) is above the power down threshold V(PDWN)butstilllowerthantheinputpowerdetectionthreshold,V(IN)<V(OUT)+V . IN(DT) During the sleep mode the charger is off, and the host commands at the control pins are not interpreted. The integrated power mosfet connected between IN and OUT pins is off, the status output pins STAT1 and STAT2 aresettothehighimpedancestateandthePGoutputindicatesinputpowernotdetected. Thesleepmodeisenteredfromanyotherstate,iftheinputpower(IN)isnotdetected. OvervoltageLockout The input power is detected when the input voltage V(IN) > V(OUT) + V . When the input power is detected IN(DT) the bq2460x transitions from the sleep mode to the power-on-reset mode. In this mode of operation an internal timer T is started and internal blocks are reset (power-on-reset). Until the timer expires the STAT1 and (POR) STAT2outputsindicatechargerOFF,andthePGoutputindicatestheinputpowerstatusasnotdetected. At the end of the power-on-reset delay the internal comparators are enabled, and the STAT1, STAT2 and PG pinsareactive. Stand-ByMode In the bq24061/63 the stand-by mode is started at the end of the power-on-reset phase, if the input power is detected and CE = HI. In the stand-by mode selected blocks in the IC are operational, and the control logic monitors system status and control pins to define if the charger will set to on or off mode. The quiescent current requiredinstand-bymodeis100m Atypical. IftheCEpinisnotavailablethebq2406xentersthebeginchargemodeattheendofthepower-on-resetphase. BeginChargeMode All blocks in the IC are powered up, and the bq2406x is ready to start charging the battery pack. A new charge cycle is started when the control logic decides that all conditions required to enable a new charge cycle are met. Duringthebeginchargephasealltimersarereset,afterthattheICentersthechargingmode. ChargingMode When the charging mode is active the bq2406x executes the charging algorithm, as described in the operational flowchart,Figure17. SuspendMode The suspend mode is entered when the pack temperature is not within the valid temperature range. During the suspendmodethechargerissettooff,butthetimersarenotreset. Thenormalchargingmoderesumeswhenthepacktemperatureiswithinrange. LDOModeOperation The LDO Mode (TMR pin open circuit) disables the charging termination circuit, disables the battery detect routine and holds the safety timer clock in reset. This is often used for operation without a battery or in production testing. This mode is different than a typical LDO since it has different modes of operation, and delivers less current at lower output voltages. See Figure 24 for the output current versus the output voltage. Note that a load on the output prior to powering the device may keep the part in short-circuit mode. Also, during normal operation, exceeding the programmed fast charge level causes the output to drop, further restricting the output power, and soon ends up in short-circuit mode. Operation with a battery or keeping the average load current below the programmed current level prevents this type of latch up. The out pin current can be monitored via the ISET pin. If in LDO mode without a battery present, It is recommended that a 200-W feedback resistor, R8,beused,seeFigure16. SubmitDocumentationFeedback 13
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 STATE MACHINE DIAGRAM CHARGING RDEECTEHCATRIGOEN V(VT(ST)S>)V<(TVS(2T)SO1)R VI(BAT)<V(RCH) No V(OUT)<V(SC) Yes EnTa(PbcRulCerH rI)eOOn(StFHOFRT) SATANTYE Suspend Yes V(TS)<V(TS2)AND Set Charge Off, No V(TS)>V(TS1) Stop timers, SATANTYE KeSeTpA tiTmne=rH cio-Zunt, VEDNEATBELECDT V<V(O(LOUWTV)) Yes RTe(PsReCtHT)(OCHNG) IndInicRI-OaPe(PtgerRou ECgClarHhetGaes)rsge- No Enable I(DETECT)for Yes No t(DETECT) ResetT(PRCH) Battery Present T(CHG)ON NoOR VI(BAT)<V(LOWV) No BegGinO CThOarge Regourl aVtoel tCaguerrent Timers disabled Indicate Charge- Yes In-Progress No <VV(O(LUOWTV)) BATTERY DETECTION Applyt (IDOE(PTRECECT)HG)for Yes Yes No T(CHG)Expired? T(PRCH) VI(BAT)>V(RCH) Expired? SATANTYE BatteYreysAbsent timeNrso dOisRabled timYeerss eAnNaDbled TimYeerss AenNaDbled T(DCEhTaErgCeT O)Fffault Yes V<V(O(LOUWTV)) Fault Condition No V(VT(ST)S>)V<(TVS2(T)SO1)R SetS Cuhsapregned Off, V(VT(ST)S>)V<(TVS2(T)SO1)R SATANTYE tedrimsOainbRaletidon No Indicate Fault Stop timers, Keep timer count, V(TS)<V(TS2)AND STATn=Hi-Z V(TS)>V(TS1) deItTeEcRtMion? V(OUT) >V(RCH)? /CE=HI OR Stand-by V(IN)>V(OVP) eSunpTadAbaTltene c/sPoeGnt tt roso tlHa ltoIu-gZsi,,c teYeremnsainAbalNetidDon No Yes /CE=LOAND Termination Enacbulrere InFAtULT [V(BAT)+V(INDT)] <VV((OINVP))< TeIrnmdiincaattieon No Yes V(OUT) >V(RCH)? T(POR) Expired? Yes TPSuoTrnwA Toefrnf- ocanhn-adrre gPseGert, Begin Charge Discaubrlree InFAtULT set to HI-Z, ResetALLTImers No reset timers V(IN)>V(POR)AND FAULT V(IN)>V(OUT)+VIN(DT) RECOVERY Sleep Turn off charger, [V(IN)-V(OUT)]< STATn,/PG set to Done [VIN(DT)-VHYS(INDT)] HI-Z,monitor Turn off charger, input power Indicate Charge done Reset timers V(IN)>V(POR) Power down All IC functions off V(IN)<V(POR) STsAeTt nto a HndI- ZPG START-UP SATANTYE Figure17.OperationalFlowChart 14 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 CONTROL LOGIC OVERVIEW An external host can enable or disable the charging process using a dedicated control pin, CE. A low-level signal on this pin enables the charge, and a high-level signal disables the charge. The bq2460x is in stand-by modewithCE=HI.Whenthechargerfunctionisenabled(CE=LO)anewchargeisinitiated. Table 1 describes the charger control logic operation, in bq2460x versions without the TS pin the pack temp statusisinternallysettoOK. Table1.ControlLogicFunctionality bq2460X CE INPUT TIMER OUTPUT TERMINATION PACK THERMAL POWER CHARGER OPERATION POWER FAULT SHORT (latched) TEMP SHUTDOWN DOWN POWER MODE (latched) CIRCUIT STAGE POWER LO Low X X X X X Yes OFF DOWN SLEEP X Not X X X X X No OFF Detected STANDBY HI Detected X X X X X No OFF SEESTATE LO Detected X Yes X X X No DIAGRAM LO Detected No No Yes X X No OFF LO Detected Yes No No X X No IFAULT LO Detected No No Yes Absent T <T No IDETECT J SHUT LO Detected No No No Hotor T <T No OFF J SHUT Cold LO Detected No No No Ok T <T No OFF J SHUT LO Over No No No Ok T <T No OFF J SHUT Voltage CHARGING LO Detected No No No Ok T <T No ON J SHUT In both STANDBY and SUSPEND modes the charge process is disabled. In the STANDBY mode all timers are reset;inSUSPENDmodethetimersareheldatthecountstoredwhenthesuspendmodewasset. The timer fault, termination and output short circuit variables shown in the control logic table are latched in the detection circuits, outside the control logic. Refer to the timers, termination and short circuit protection sections foradditionaldetailsonhowthoselatchedvariablesarereset. TEMPERATURE QUALIFICATION (Applies only to versions with TS pin option) The bq2406x devices continuously monitor the battery temperature by measuring the voltage between the TS and VSS pins. The IC compares the voltage on the TS pin against the internal V and V thresholds to (TS1) (TS2) determine if charging is allowed. Once a temperature outside the V and V thresholds is detected the IC (TS1) (TS2) immediately suspends the charge. The IC suspends charge by turning off the power FET and holding the timer value(i.e.,timersareNOTreset).Chargeisresumedwhenthetemperaturereturnstothenormalrange. SubmitDocumentationFeedback 15
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 V IN Charge Suspend V C(TS2) 0.6* V IN Normal Temperature Charge Range V C(TS1) 0.3* V IN Charge Suspend Figure18.BatteryTemperatureQualificationWithNTCThermistor The external resistors R and R (see application diagram) enable selecting a temperature window. If R and T1 T2 TC R are the thermistor impedances for the Cold and Hot thresholds the values for R and R can be calculated TH T1 T2 as follows, for a NTC (negative temperature coefficient) thermistor. Solve for R first and substitute into R T2 T1 equation. 2.5R R R (cid:2) TC TH T2 R (cid:1)3.5R TC TH (1) 7R R TH T2 RT1(cid:2) 3(cid:3)RTH(cid:1)RT2(cid:4) (2) Applying a fixed voltage, 1/2 Vin (50% resistor divider from Vin to ground), to the TS pin to disable the temperaturesensingfeature. INPUT OVERVOLTAGE DETECTION, POWER GOOD STATUS OUTPUT TheinputpowerdetectionstatusforpinINisshownattheopencollectoroutputpinPG. Table2.InputPowerDetectionStatus INPUTPOWERDETECTION(IN) PGSTATE NOTDETECTED Highimpedance DETECTED,NOOVERVOLTAGE LO DETECTED,OVERVOLTAGE Highimpedance The bq2406x detects an input overvoltage when V(IN) > V . When an overvoltage protection is detected the (OVP) charger function is turned off and the bq2460x is set to standby mode of operation. The OVP detection is not latched,andtheICreturnstonormaloperationwhenthefaultconditionisremoved. CHARGE STATUS OUTPUTS The open-collector STAT1 and STAT2 outputs indicate various charger operations as shown in Table 3. These status pins can be used to drive LEDs or communicate to the host processor. Note that OFF indicates the open-collector transistor is turned off. When termination is disabled (TMR pin floating or TE = Hi, bq24063) the Done state is not available; the status LEDs indicate fast charge if V > V and precharge if V < V . BAT LOWV BAT LOWV TheavailableoutputcurrentisafunctionoftheOUTpinvoltage,SeeFigure24. 16 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 Table3.ChargeStatus(1) ChargeState STAT1 STAT2 Prechargeinprogress ON ON Fastchargeinprogress ON OFF Done(terminationenabledonly) OFF ON ChargeSuspend(temperature) TimerFault Chargeroff OFF OFF SelectedInputpowerovervoltagedetected Batteryabsent Batteryshort (1) PulseloadingontheOUTpinmaycausetheICtocyclebetweenDoneandchargingstates(LEDs Flashing) BATTERY CHARGING: CONSTANT CURRENT PHASE The bq2406x family offers on-chip current regulation. The current regulation is defined by the value of the resistorconnectedtoISETpin. During a charge cycle the fast charge current I is applied to the battery if the battery voltage is above the O(OUT) V threshold(2.95Vtypical): (LOWV) V (cid:1)K I(OUT)(cid:2)I (cid:2) (SET) SET) O(OUT) R ISET (3) WhereK istheoutputcurrentsetfactorandV istheoutputcurrentsetvoltage. (SET) (SET) During a charge cycle if the battery voltage is below the V threshold a pre-charge current I is (LOWV) (PRECHG) appliedtothebattery.Thisfeaturerevivesdeeplydischargedcells. V (cid:1)K I I(OUT)(cid:2)I (cid:2) (PRECHG) SET)(cid:3) O(OUT) (PRECHG) R 10 ISET (4) WhereK istheoutputcurrentsetfactorandV istheprechargesetvoltage. (SET) (PRECHG) At low constant current charge currents, less than 350 mA, it is recommended that a 0.47-m F capacitor be placedbetweentheISETandBATpinstoinsurestability,seeFigure16. CHARGE CURRENT TRANSLATOR When the charge function is enabled internal circuits generate a current proportional to the charge current at the ISET pin. This current, when applied to the external charge current programming resistor R generates an ISET analogvoltagethatcanbemonitoredbyanexternalhosttocalculatethecurrentsourcedfromtheOUTpin. R V(ISET)(cid:2)I(OUT)(cid:1) ISET K (SET) (5) BATTERY VOLTAGE REGULATION The battery pack voltage is sensed through the BAT pin, which is tied directly to the positive side of the battery pack. The bq2406x monitors the battery pack voltage between the BAT and VSS pins. When the battery voltage rises to V threshold the voltage regulation phase begins and the charging current begins to taper down. O(REG) ThevoltageregulationthresholdV isfixedbyaninternalICvoltagereference. O(REG) SubmitDocumentationFeedback 17
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 PRE-CHARGE TIMER The bq2406x family activates an internal safety timer during the battery pre-conditioning phase. The charge safety timer time-out value is set by the external resistor connected to TMR pin, R and the timeout constants TMR K andT : (PCHG) (CHG) T =K · T (PCHG) (PCHG) (CHG) Thepre-chargetimeroperationisdetailedinTable4. Table4.Pre-ChargeTimerOperationalModes bq2460XMODE V(OUT)>V PRE-CHARGETIMERMODE (LOWV) STANDBY(CE=Hi) X RESET CHARGING Yes RESET SUSPEND(TSoutofrange) Yes RESET SUSPEND(TSoutofrange) No Hold CHARGING,TMRPINNOTOPEN No COUNTING,EXTERNALPROGRAMMEDRATE CHARGING,TMRPINOPEN X RESET In SUSPEND mode the pre-charge timer is put on hold (i.e., pre-charge timer is not reset), normal operation resumes when the timer returns to the normal operating mode (COUNTING). If V(BAT) does not reach the internal voltage threshold V within the pre-charge timer period a fault condition is detected, the charger is (LOWV) turnedoffandthepre-chargesafetytimerfaultconditionislatched. When the pre-charge timer fault latch is set the charger is turned off. Under those conditions a small current I is applied to the OUT pin, as long as input power (IN) is detected AND V(OUT) < V , as part of a FAULT (LOWV) timer fault recovery protocol. This current allows the output voltage to rise above the pre-charge threshold V , resetting the pre-charge timer fault latch when the pack is removed. Table 5 further details the (LOWV) pre-chargetimerfaultlatchoperation. Table5.Pre-ChargeTimerLatchFunctionality PRE-CHARGETIMERFAULTENTEREDWHEN PRE-CHARGETIMERFAULTLATCHRESETAT CErisingedgeorOVPdetected Pre-chargetimertimeoutANDV(OUT)>V Inputpowerremoved(notdetected) (LOWV) Timerfunctiondisabled THERMAL PROTECTION LOOP An internal control loop monitors the bq2406x junction termperature (T ) to ensure safe operation during high J power dissipations and or increased ambient temperatures. This loop monitors the bq2406x junction temperature and reduces the charge current as necessary to keep the junction temperature from exceeding, T ,(112(cid:176) C,typical). J(REG) The bq2406x's thermal loop control can reduce the charging current down to ~200mA if needed. If the junction temperaturecontinuestorise,theICwillenterthermalshutdown. THERMAL SHUTDOWN AND PROTECTION Internal circuits monitor the junction temperature, T , of the die and suspends charging if T exceeds an internal J J threshold T (155(cid:176) C typical). Charging resumes when T falls below the internal threshold T by (SHUT) J (SHUT) approximately20(cid:176) C. 18 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 Thermal Regulation Normal Operation Thermal Shutdown 800 175 700 IBAT 150 C 600 ° e - ent - mA 500 TJJunction Temperature 125 mperatur rr 400 100 e u T y C on Batter 300 75 Juncti 200 - J T 50 100 0 25 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 V - Input Voltage - V I Figure19.ThermalRegulationLoopPerformanceandThermalShutdown DYNAMIC TIMER FUNCTION The charge and pre-charge safety timers are programmed by the user to detect a fault condition if the charge cycle duration exceeds the total time expected under normal conditions. The expected charge time is usually calculatedbasedonthefastchargecurrentrate. When the thermal loop is activated the charge current is reduced, and bq2406x activates the dynamic timer control, an internal circuit that slows down the safety timer's clock frequnency. The dynamic timer control circuit effectively extends the safety time duration for either the precharge or fast charge timer modes. This minimizes thechanceofasafetytimerfaultduetothermalregulation. The bq2406x dynamic timer control (DTC) monitors the voltage at pin ISET during pre-charge and fast charge, and if in thermal regulation slows the clock frequency proportionately to the change in charge current. The time duration is based on a 224 ripple counter, so slowing the clock frequency is a real time correction. The DTC circuit changes the safety timers clock period based on the V /V ratio (fast charge) or V /V (SET) (ISET) (PRECHG) (SET) ratio (pre-charge). Typical safety timer multiplier values relative to the V /V ratio is shown in Figure 20 (SET) (ISET) andFigure21. SubmitDocumentationFeedback 19
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 5 KR CO 4 OT LC CA ALN F NO RTI 3 EA TC R INPLI ETI ML 2 TIMU GE D RO ARI HE CP 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 V /V - V (SET) (ISET) Figure20.SafetyTimerLinearity InternalClockPeriodMultiplicationFactor 45 R = 70 kW TMR 40 s 35 r u o H 30 er - RTMR= 50 kW m 25 Ti y afet 20 - S RTMR= 30 kW G) 15 H C T( 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 V /V - V SET ISET Figure21.bq2406xSafetyTimerLinearityforR Values TMR 20 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 160 140 z H k 120 y - c n e 100 u q e r r F 80 o at cill 60 s O e or 40 C 20 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 I Current -mA TMR Figure22.bq2406xOscillatorLinearityvsI TMR R 30KW –100KW TMR CHARGE TERMINATION DETECTION AND RECHARGE Thecharging current is monitored the during the voltage regulation phase. Charge termination is indicated at the STATxpins(STAT1=Hi-Z;STAT2=Low ) once the charge current falls below the termination current threshold I .AdeglitchperiodT isaddedtoavoidfalseterminationindicationduringtransientevents. (TERM) DGL(TERM) Charge termination is not detected if the charge current falls below the termination threshold as a result of the thermal loop activation. Termination is also not detected when charger enters the suspend mode, due to detectionofinvalidpacktemperatureorinternalthermalshutdown. Table6describestheterminationlatchfunctionality. Table6.TerminationLatchFunctionality TERMINATIONDETECTEDLATCHEDWHEN TERMINATIONLATCHRESETAT CErisingedgeorOVPdetected I(OUT)<I ANDt>T ANDV(OUT)>V Newchargingcyclestarted;seestatediagram (TERM) DGL(TERM) (RCH) Terminationdisabled TheterminationfunctionisDISABLED: 1. Inbq24060/61/64theterminationisdisabledwhentheTMRpinisleftopen(floating). 2. In bq24063 leaving TMR pin open (floating) does NOT disable the termination. The only way to disable terminationinthebq24063istosetTE=HIGH. BATTERY ABSENT DETECTION – VOLTAGE MODE ALGORITHM The bq2406x provides a battery absent detection scheme to reliably detect insertion and/or removal of battery packs. The detection circuit applies an internal current to the battery terminal, and detects battery presence based on the terminal voltage behavior. Figure 23has a typical waveform of the output voltage when the battery absentdetectionisenabledandnobatteryisconnected: SubmitDocumentationFeedback 21
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 5 4.50 V e - 4 g a olt V ut 3.50 p ut O - O 3 V 2.50 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 t - Time - s Figure23.Battery-AbsentDetectionWaveforms The battery absent detection function is disabled if the voltage at the BAT pin is held above the battery recharge threshold, V , after termination detection. When the voltage at the BAT pin falls to the recharge threshold, (RCH) either by connection of a load to the battery or due to battery removal, the bq2406x begins a battery absent detection test. This test involves enabling a detection current, I , for a period of T and checking DET(DOWN) (DETECT) to see if the battery voltage is below the pre-charge threshold, V . Following this, the precharge current, (LOWV) I is applied for a period of T and the battery voltage checked again to be above the recharge DET(UP) (DETECT) threshold. Passing both of the discharge and charging tests (battery terminal voltage being below the pre-charge and above the recharge thresholds on the battery detection test) indicates a battery absent fault at the STAT1 and STAT2 pins. Failure of either test starts a new charge cycle. For the absent battery condition the voltage on the BAT pin rises and falls between the V and V thresholds indefinitely. See the operation flowchart for (LOWV) O(REG) more details on this algorithm. If it is desired to power a system load without a battery, it is recommended to floattheTMRpinwhichputsthechargerinLDDmode(disablestermination). Thebatteryabsentdetectionfunctionisdisabledwhentheterminationisdisabled. Thebq2406xprovidesasmallbatteryleakagecurrent,IBAT(DONE) (1 m A typical), after termination to pull down the BAT pin voltage in the event of battery removal. If the leakage on the OUT pin is higher than this pulldown current, then the voltage at the pin remains above termination and a battery-absent state will not be detected. This problem is fixed with the addition of a pulldown resistor of 2 MW to 4 MW from the OUT pin to VSS. A resistor too large (< 2 MW ) can cause the OUT pin voltage to drop below the V(LOWV) threshold before the recharge deglitch (typical 25 ms) expires, causing a fault condition. In this case the bq2406x provides a fault current(typical750m A)topullthepinabovetheterminationthreshold. CHARGE SAFETY TIMER As a safety mechanism the bq2406x has a user-programmable timer that monitors the total fast charge time. This timer (charge safety timer) is started at the beginning of the fast charge period. The safety charge timeout value is set by the value of an external resistor connected to the TMR pin (R ); if pin TMR is left open TMR (floating)thechargesafetytimerisdisabled. Thechargesafetytimertime-outvalueiscalculatedasfollows: T =[K · R ] (CHG) (CHG) (TMR) ThesafetytimeroperationmodesareshowninTable7 22 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 Table7.ChargeSafetyTimerOperationalModes bq2460X V(OUT)>V CHARGESAFETYTIMERMODE (LOWV) STANDBY X RESET CHARGING No RESET SUSPEND No RESET SUSPEND Yes SUSPEND CHARGING,TMRPINNOTOPEN Yes COUNTING CHARGING,TMRPINOPEN X RESET In SUSPEND mode the charge safety timer is put on hold (i.e., charge safety timer is not reset), normal operation resumes when the TS fault is removed and the timer returns to the normal operating mode (COUNTING). If charge termination is not reached within the timer period a fault condition is detected. Under thosecircumstancestheLEDstatusisupdatedtoindicateafaultconditionandthechargeristurnedoff. When the charge safety timer fault latch is set and the charger is turned off a small current IFAULT is applied to the OUT pin, as long as input power (IN) is detected AND V(OUT) < V , as part of a timer fault recovery (RCHG) protocol. This current allows the output voltage to rise above the recharge threshold V if the pack is (RCHG) removed, and assures that the charge safety timer fault latch is reset if the pack is removed and re-inserted. Table8furtherdetailsthechargesafetytimerfaultlatchoperation. Table8.ChargeSafetyTimerLatchFunctionality CHARGESAFETYTIMERFAULTENTERED CHARGESAFETYTIMERFAULTLATCHRESETAT CErisingedge,orOVPdetected V(OUT)>V Inputpowerremoved(notdetected) (LOWV) Newchargingcyclestarted;seestatediagram SHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION The internal comparators monitor the battery voltage and detect when a short circuit is applied to the battery terminal. If the voltage at the BAT pin is less than the internal threshold V(scind) (1.8 V typical), the STAT pins indicate a fault condition (STAT1 = STAT2 = Hi-Z). When the voltage at the BAT pin falls below a second internal threshold V(sc) (1.4 V typical), the charger power stage is turned off. A recovery current, I(short) (22 mA typical), is applied to the BAT pin, enabling detection of the short circuit removal. The battery output current versusbatteryvoltageisshowninthegraph,Figure24 1200 R at 840W ISET 1000 A m nt - 800 e r r u C y 600 r e att B 400 200 0 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Battery Voltage - V Figure24.bq2406xShortCircuitBehavior SubmitDocumentationFeedback 23
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 Seetheapplicationsectionforadditionaldetailsonstart-upoperationwithV(BAT)<V . (SC) STARTUP WITH DEEPLY DEPLETED BATTERY CONNECTED The bq2406x charger furnishes the programmed charge current if a battery is detected. If no battery is connectedthebq2406xoperatesasfollows: • The output current is limited to 22 mA (typical), if the voltage at BAT pin is below the short circuit detection thresholdV ,1.8Vtypical. (SC) • Theoutputcurrentisregulatedtotheprogrammedpre-chargecurrentifV <V(BAT)<V . (SC) (LOWV) • The output current is regulated to the programmed fast charge current If V(BAT) > V AND voltage (LOWV) regulationisnotreached. The output voltage collapses if no battery is present and the end equipment requires a bias current larger that theavailablechargecurrent. 24 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 APPLICATION INFORMATION SELECTING INPUT AND OUTPUT CAPACITOR In most applications, all that is needed is a high-frequency decoupling capacitor on the input power pin. A 1-m F ceramic capacitor, placed in close proximity to the IN pin and GND pad, works fine. In some applications, depending on the power supply characteristics and cable length, it may be necessary to increase the input filter capacitortoavoidexceedingtheINpinmaximumvoltageratingduringadapterhotplugevents. The bq2406x only requires a small output capacitor for loop stability. A 0.47 m F ceramic capacitor placed betweentheBATandISETpadistypicallysufficient. bq2406x CHARGER DESIGN EXAMPLE Requirements • Supplyvoltage=5V • Safetytimerdurationof5hoursforfastcharge • Fastchargecurrentofapproximately750mA • Batterytempsenseisnotused Calculations Programthechargecurrentfor750mA: R =[V · K /I ] ISET (SET) (SET) (OUT) fromelectricalcharacteristicstable...V =2.5V (SET) fromelectricalcharacteristicstable...K =335 (SET) R =[2.5V· 335/0.75A]=1.12kW ISET Selectingthecloseststandardvalue,usea1.13kW resistorconnectedbetweenISET(pin6)andground. Program5-hoursafetytimertimeout: R =[T /K ] (TMR) (CHG) (CHG) fromtheelectricalcharacteristicstable...K =0.1hr/kW (CHG) K =[5hrs/(0.1hr/kW )]=50kW (TMR) Selectingthecloseststandardvalue,usea49.9kW resistorconnectedbetweenTMR(pin2)andground. Disablethetempsensefunction: AconstantvoltagebetweenV andV ontheTSinputdisablesthetempsensefunction. TS1 TS2 fromelectricalcharacteristicstable...V =30%· V (TS1) IN fromelectricalcharacteristicstable...V =61%· V (TS2) IN A constant voltage of 50% · Vin disables the temp sense function, so a divide-by-2 resistor divider connected between Vin and ground can be used. Two 1-mW resistors keeps the power dissipated in this dividertoaminimum. For a 0–45(cid:176) C range with a Semitee 103AT thermistor, the thermistor values are 4912 at 450(cid:176) C and 2728k at 0(cid:176) C.RT1(topresisotr)andRT2(bottomresistor)arecalculatedasfollows: SubmitDocumentationFeedback 25
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) 2.5RTCRTH 2.5(27.28k)(4.912k) RT2(cid:3)RTC(cid:2)3.5RTH(cid:3)27.28k(cid:2)3.5(4.912k)(cid:3)33.2k; 7RTHRT2 7(4.921k)(33.2k) RT1(cid:3)3(cid:4)RTH(cid:1)RT2(cid:5)(cid:3)3[4.921k(cid:1)33.2k](cid:3)10k (6) PIN COMPONENTS IN Inmostapplications,theminimuminputcapacitanceneededisa0.1m Fceramicdecoupling capacitorneartheinputpinconnectedtoground(preferablytoagrondplanethroughvias). Therecommendedamountofinputcapacitanceis1m Foratleastasmuchasonthe outputpin.Thisaddedcapacitancehelpswithhotplugtransients,inputinductanceand initialchargetransients. OUT Thereisnominimumvalueforcapacitanceforthisoutput,butitisrecommendedtoconnect a1m FceramiccapacitorbetweenOUTandground.Thiscapacitancehelpswith termination,andcyclingfrequencybetweenchargedoneandrefreshchargewhenno batteryispresent.Italsohelpscanceloutanybatteryleadinductanceforlongleaded batterypacks.Itisrecommendedtoputasmuchceramiccapacitanceontheinputasthe outputsoasnottocauseadropoutoftheinputwhenchargingisinitiated. ISET/BAT Forstabilityreasons,itmaybenecessarytoputa0.47-m FcapacitorbetweentheISETand BATpin.. STAT1/2andPG Optional(LEDSTATUS–Seebelow,ProcessorMonitored;ornostatus) STAT1 ConnectthecathodeofaredLEDtotheopen-collectorSTAT1output,andconnectthe anodeoftheredLEDtotheinputsupplythrougha1.5kW resistorthatlimitsthecurrent. STAT2 ConnectthecathodeofagreenLEDtotheopen-collectorSTAT2output,andconnectthe anodeofthegreenLEDtotheinputsupplythrougha1.5kW resistorthatlimitsthecurrent. PG ConnectthecathodeofanLEDtotheopen-collectorPGoutput,andconnecttheanodeof theLEDtotheinputsupplythrougha1.5kW resistortolimitthecurrent. THERMAL CONSIDERATIONS The bq2406x family is packaged in a thermally enhanced MLP package. The package includes a thermal pad to provide an effective thermal contact between the IC and the printed circuit board (PCB). Full PCB design guidelines for this package are provided in the application note entitled: QFN/SON PCB Attachment Application Note(SLUA271). The most common measure of package thermal performance is thermal impedance (q ) measured (or JA modeled) from the chip junction to the air surrounding the package surface (ambient). The mathematical expressionforq is: JA T (cid:1)T (cid:1)(JA)(cid:2) J A P (7) Where: T =chipjunctiontemperature J T =ambienttemperature A P=devicepowerdissipation Factorsthatcangreatlyinfluencethemeasurementandcalculationofq include: JA • Whetherornotthedeviceisboardmounted • Tracesize,composition,thickness,andgeometry • Orientationofthedevice(horizontalorvertical) • Volumeoftheambientairsurroundingthedeviceundertestandairflow 26 SubmitDocumentationFeedback
bq2406x www.ti.com SLUS689A–JUNE2006–REVISEDOCTOBER2006 APPLICATION INFORMATION (continued) • Whetherothersurfacesareincloseproximitytothedevicebeingtested The device power dissipation, P, is a function of the charge rate and the voltage drop across the internal PowerFET.Itcanbecalculatedfromthefollowingequationwhenabatterypackisbeingcharged: P=[V(IN)–V(OUT)]· I(OUT) Due to the charge profile of Li-Ion batteries the maximum power dissipation is typically seen at the beginning of thechargecyclewhenthebatteryvoltageisatitslowest.Seethechargingprofile,Figure13. Iftheboard thermal design is not adequate the programmed fast charge rate current may not be achieved under maximum input voltage and minimum battery voltage, as the thermal loop can be active effectively reducing the chargecurrenttoavoidexcessiveICjunctiontemperature. USING ADAPTERS WITH LARGE OUTPUT VOLTAGE RIPPLE Some low cost adapters implement a half rectifier topology, which causes the adapter output voltage to fall below the battery voltage during part of the cycle. To enable operation with low cost adapters under those conditions the bq2406x family keeps the charger on for at least 30 msec (typical) after the input power puts the partinsleepmode.Thisfeatureenablesuseofexternallowcostadaptersusing50Hznetworks. The backgate control circuit prevents any reverse current flowing from the battery to the adapter terminal during thechargeroffdelaytime. Note that the PG pin is not deglitched, and it indicates input power loss immediately after the input voltage falls below the output voltage. If the input source frequently drops below the output voltage and recovers, a small capacitorcanbeusedfromPGtoVSStoprevent/PGflashingevents. PCB LAYOUT CONSIDERATIONS ItisimportanttopayspecialattentiontothePCBlayout.Thefollowingprovidessomeguidelines: • To obtain optimal performance, the decoupling capacitor from IN to GND (thermal pad) and the output filter capacitorsfromOUTtoGND(thermalpad)shouldbeplaced as close as possible to the bq2406x, with short tracerunstobothIN,OUTandGND(thermalpad). • All low-current GND connections should be kept separate from the high-current charge or discharge paths from the battery. Use a single-point ground technique incorporating both the small signal ground path and thepowergroundpath. • The high current charge paths into IN pin and from the OUT pin must be sized appropriately for the maximumchargecurrentinordertoavoidvoltagedropsinthesetraces. • The bq2406x family are packaged in a thermally enhanced MLP package. The package includes a thermal pad to provide an effective thermal contact between the IC and the printed circuit board (PCB); this thermal pad is also the main ground connection for the device. Connect the thermal pad to the PCB ground connection. Full PCB design guidelines for this package are provided in the application note entitled: QFN/SONPCBAttachmentApplicationNote(SLUA271). SubmitDocumentationFeedback 27
PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 24-Aug-2018 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status Package Type Package Pins Package Eco Plan Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp Op Temp (°C) Device Marking Samples (1) Drawing Qty (2) (6) (3) (4/5) BQ24060DRCR ACTIVE VSON DRC 10 3000 Green (RoHS CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 BPG & no Sb/Br) BQ24060DRCT ACTIVE VSON DRC 10 250 Green (RoHS CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 BPG & no Sb/Br) BQ24061DRCR ACTIVE VSON DRC 10 3000 Green (RoHS CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 BPH & no Sb/Br) BQ24061DRCT ACTIVE VSON DRC 10 250 Green (RoHS CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 BPH & no Sb/Br) BQ24064DRCR ACTIVE VSON DRC 10 3000 Green (RoHS CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 BSA & no Sb/Br) BQ24064DRCT ACTIVE VSON DRC 10 250 Green (RoHS CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR -40 to 85 BSA & no Sb/Br) (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) RoHS: TI defines "RoHS" to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current EU RoHS requirements for all 10 RoHS substances, including the requirement that RoHS substance do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, "RoHS" products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. TI may reference these types of products as "Pb-Free". RoHS Exempt: TI defines "RoHS Exempt" to mean products that contain lead but are compliant with EU RoHS pursuant to a specific EU RoHS exemption. Green: TI defines "Green" to mean the content of Chlorine (Cl) and Bromine (Br) based flame retardants meet JS709B low halogen requirements of <=1000ppm threshold. Antimony trioxide based flame retardants must also meet the <=1000ppm threshold requirement. (3) MSL, Peak Temp. - The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. (4) There may be additional marking, which relates to the logo, the lot trace code information, or the environmental category on the device. (5) Multiple Device Markings will be inside parentheses. Only one Device Marking contained in parentheses and separated by a "~" will appear on a device. If a line is indented then it is a continuation of the previous line and the two combined represent the entire Device Marking for that device. Addendum-Page 1
PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM www.ti.com 24-Aug-2018 (6) Lead/Ball Finish - Orderable Devices may have multiple material finish options. Finish options are separated by a vertical ruled line. Lead/Ball Finish values may wrap to two lines if the finish value exceeds the maximum column width. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. Addendum-Page 2
PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION www.ti.com 26-Nov-2014 TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION *Alldimensionsarenominal Device Package Package Pins SPQ Reel Reel A0 B0 K0 P1 W Pin1 Type Drawing Diameter Width (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Quadrant (mm) W1(mm) BQ24060DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 330.0 12.4 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 BQ24060DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 330.0 12.4 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 BQ24060DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 180.0 12.5 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 BQ24060DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 180.0 12.4 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 BQ24061DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 330.0 12.4 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 BQ24061DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 180.0 12.4 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 BQ24064DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 330.0 12.4 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 BQ24064DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 330.0 12.4 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 BQ24064DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 180.0 12.4 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 BQ24064DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 180.0 12.5 3.3 3.3 1.1 8.0 12.0 Q2 PackMaterials-Page1
PACKAGE MATERIALS INFORMATION www.ti.com 26-Nov-2014 *Alldimensionsarenominal Device PackageType PackageDrawing Pins SPQ Length(mm) Width(mm) Height(mm) BQ24060DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 367.0 367.0 35.0 BQ24060DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 338.0 355.0 50.0 BQ24060DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 338.0 355.0 50.0 BQ24060DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 210.0 185.0 35.0 BQ24061DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 367.0 367.0 35.0 BQ24061DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 210.0 185.0 35.0 BQ24064DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 367.0 367.0 35.0 BQ24064DRCR VSON DRC 10 3000 338.0 355.0 50.0 BQ24064DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 210.0 185.0 35.0 BQ24064DRCT VSON DRC 10 250 338.0 355.0 50.0 PackMaterials-Page2
GENERIC PACKAGE VIEW DRC 10 VSON - 1 mm max height PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE - NO LEAD Images above are just a representation of the package family, actual package may vary. Refer to the product data sheet for package details. 4204102-3/M
PACKAGE OUTLINE DRC0010J VSON - 1 mm max height SCALE 4.000 PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE - NO LEAD 3.1 B A 2.9 PIN 1 INDEX AREA 3.1 2.9 1.0 C 0.8 SEATING PLANE 0.05 0.00 0.08 C 1.65 0.1 2X (0.5) (0.2) TYP EXPOSED 4X (0.25) THERMAL PAD 5 6 2X 11 SYMM 2 2.4 0.1 10 1 8X 0.5 0.30 10X 0.18 PIN 1 ID SYMM 0.1 C A B (OPTIONAL) 0.5 0.05 C 10X 0.3 4218878/B 07/2018 NOTES: 1. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. Any dimensions in parenthesis are for reference only. Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M. 2. This drawing is subject to change without notice. 3. The package thermal pad must be soldered to the printed circuit board for optimal thermal and mechanical performance. www.ti.com
EXAMPLE BOARD LAYOUT DRC0010J VSON - 1 mm max height PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE - NO LEAD (1.65) (0.5) 10X (0.6) 1 10 10X (0.24) 11 SYMM (2.4) (3.4) (0.95) 8X (0.5) 6 5 (R0.05) TYP ( 0.2) VIA TYP (0.25) (0.575) SYMM (2.8) LAND PATTERN EXAMPLE EXPOSED METAL SHOWN SCALE:20X 0.07 MIN 0.07 MAX EXPOSED METAL ALL AROUND ALL AROUND EXPOSED METAL SOLDER MASK METAL METAL UNDER SOLDER MASK OPENING SOLDER MASK OPENING NON SOLDER MASK SOLDER MASK DEFINED DEFINED (PREFERRED) SOLDER MASK DETAILS 4218878/B 07/2018 NOTES: (continued) 4. This package is designed to be soldered to a thermal pad on the board. For more information, see Texas Instruments literature number SLUA271 (www.ti.com/lit/slua271). 5. Vias are optional depending on application, refer to device data sheet. If any vias are implemented, refer to their locations shown on this view. It is recommended that vias under paste be filled, plugged or tented. www.ti.com
EXAMPLE STENCIL DESIGN DRC0010J VSON - 1 mm max height PLASTIC SMALL OUTLINE - NO LEAD 2X (1.5) (0.5) SYMM EXPOSED METAL 11 TYP 10X (0.6) 1 10 (1.53) 10X (0.24) 2X (1.06) SYMM (0.63) 8X (0.5) 6 5 (R0.05) TYP 4X (0.34) 4X (0.25) (2.8) SOLDER PASTE EXAMPLE BASED ON 0.125 mm THICK STENCIL EXPOSED PAD 11: 80% PRINTED SOLDER COVERAGE BY AREA SCALE:25X 4218878/B 07/2018 NOTES: (continued) 6. Laser cutting apertures with trapezoidal walls and rounded corners may offer better paste release. IPC-7525 may have alternate design recommendations. www.ti.com
IMPORTANTNOTICE TexasInstrumentsIncorporated(TI)reservestherighttomakecorrections,enhancements,improvementsandotherchangestoits semiconductorproductsandservicesperJESD46,latestissue,andtodiscontinueanyproductorserviceperJESD48,latestissue.Buyers shouldobtainthelatestrelevantinformationbeforeplacingordersandshouldverifythatsuchinformationiscurrentandcomplete. TI’spublishedtermsofsaleforsemiconductorproducts(http://www.ti.com/sc/docs/stdterms.htm)applytothesaleofpackagedintegrated circuitproductsthatTIhasqualifiedandreleasedtomarket.AdditionaltermsmayapplytotheuseorsaleofothertypesofTIproductsand services. ReproductionofsignificantportionsofTIinformationinTIdatasheetsispermissibleonlyifreproductioniswithoutalterationandis accompaniedbyallassociatedwarranties,conditions,limitations,andnotices.TIisnotresponsibleorliableforsuchreproduced documentation.Informationofthirdpartiesmaybesubjecttoadditionalrestrictions.ResaleofTIproductsorserviceswithstatements differentfromorbeyondtheparametersstatedbyTIforthatproductorservicevoidsallexpressandanyimpliedwarrantiesforthe associatedTIproductorserviceandisanunfairanddeceptivebusinesspractice.TIisnotresponsibleorliableforanysuchstatements. BuyersandotherswhoaredevelopingsystemsthatincorporateTIproducts(collectively,“Designers”)understandandagreethatDesigners remainresponsibleforusingtheirindependentanalysis,evaluationandjudgmentindesigningtheirapplicationsandthatDesignershave fullandexclusiveresponsibilitytoassurethesafetyofDesigners'applicationsandcomplianceoftheirapplications(andofallTIproducts usedinorforDesigners’applications)withallapplicableregulations,lawsandotherapplicablerequirements.Designerrepresentsthat,with respecttotheirapplications,Designerhasallthenecessaryexpertisetocreateandimplementsafeguardsthat(1)anticipatedangerous consequencesoffailures,(2)monitorfailuresandtheirconsequences,and(3)lessenthelikelihoodoffailuresthatmightcauseharmand takeappropriateactions.DesigneragreesthatpriortousingordistributinganyapplicationsthatincludeTIproducts,Designerwill thoroughlytestsuchapplicationsandthefunctionalityofsuchTIproductsasusedinsuchapplications. TI’sprovisionoftechnical,applicationorotherdesignadvice,qualitycharacterization,reliabilitydataorotherservicesorinformation, including,butnotlimitedto,referencedesignsandmaterialsrelatingtoevaluationmodules,(collectively,“TIResources”)areintendedto assistdesignerswhoaredevelopingapplicationsthatincorporateTIproducts;bydownloading,accessingorusingTIResourcesinany way,Designer(individuallyor,ifDesignerisactingonbehalfofacompany,Designer’scompany)agreestouseanyparticularTIResource solelyforthispurposeandsubjecttothetermsofthisNotice. TI’sprovisionofTIResourcesdoesnotexpandorotherwisealterTI’sapplicablepublishedwarrantiesorwarrantydisclaimersforTI products,andnoadditionalobligationsorliabilitiesarisefromTIprovidingsuchTIResources.TIreservestherighttomakecorrections, enhancements,improvementsandotherchangestoitsTIResources.TIhasnotconductedanytestingotherthanthatspecifically describedinthepublisheddocumentationforaparticularTIResource. Designerisauthorizedtouse,copyandmodifyanyindividualTIResourceonlyinconnectionwiththedevelopmentofapplicationsthat includetheTIproduct(s)identifiedinsuchTIResource.NOOTHERLICENSE,EXPRESSORIMPLIED,BYESTOPPELOROTHERWISE TOANYOTHERTIINTELLECTUALPROPERTYRIGHT,ANDNOLICENSETOANYTECHNOLOGYORINTELLECTUALPROPERTY RIGHTOFTIORANYTHIRDPARTYISGRANTEDHEREIN,includingbutnotlimitedtoanypatentright,copyright,maskworkright,or otherintellectualpropertyrightrelatingtoanycombination,machine,orprocessinwhichTIproductsorservicesareused.Information regardingorreferencingthird-partyproductsorservicesdoesnotconstitutealicensetousesuchproductsorservices,orawarrantyor endorsementthereof.UseofTIResourcesmayrequirealicensefromathirdpartyunderthepatentsorotherintellectualpropertyofthe thirdparty,oralicensefromTIunderthepatentsorotherintellectualpropertyofTI. TIRESOURCESAREPROVIDED“ASIS”ANDWITHALLFAULTS.TIDISCLAIMSALLOTHERWARRANTIESOR REPRESENTATIONS,EXPRESSORIMPLIED,REGARDINGRESOURCESORUSETHEREOF,INCLUDINGBUTNOTLIMITEDTO ACCURACYORCOMPLETENESS,TITLE,ANYEPIDEMICFAILUREWARRANTYANDANYIMPLIEDWARRANTIESOF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESSFORAPARTICULARPURPOSE,ANDNON-INFRINGEMENTOFANYTHIRDPARTYINTELLECTUAL PROPERTYRIGHTS.TISHALLNOTBELIABLEFORANDSHALLNOTDEFENDORINDEMNIFYDESIGNERAGAINSTANYCLAIM, INCLUDINGBUTNOTLIMITEDTOANYINFRINGEMENTCLAIMTHATRELATESTOORISBASEDONANYCOMBINATIONOF PRODUCTSEVENIFDESCRIBEDINTIRESOURCESOROTHERWISE.INNOEVENTSHALLTIBELIABLEFORANYACTUAL, DIRECT,SPECIAL,COLLATERAL,INDIRECT,PUNITIVE,INCIDENTAL,CONSEQUENTIALOREXEMPLARYDAMAGESIN CONNECTIONWITHORARISINGOUTOFTIRESOURCESORUSETHEREOF,ANDREGARDLESSOFWHETHERTIHASBEEN ADVISEDOFTHEPOSSIBILITYOFSUCHDAMAGES. UnlessTIhasexplicitlydesignatedanindividualproductasmeetingtherequirementsofaparticularindustrystandard(e.g.,ISO/TS16949 andISO26262),TIisnotresponsibleforanyfailuretomeetsuchindustrystandardrequirements. WhereTIspecificallypromotesproductsasfacilitatingfunctionalsafetyorascompliantwithindustryfunctionalsafetystandards,such productsareintendedtohelpenablecustomerstodesignandcreatetheirownapplicationsthatmeetapplicablefunctionalsafetystandards andrequirements.Usingproductsinanapplicationdoesnotbyitselfestablishanysafetyfeaturesintheapplication.Designersmust ensurecompliancewithsafety-relatedrequirementsandstandardsapplicabletotheirapplications.DesignermaynotuseanyTIproductsin life-criticalmedicalequipmentunlessauthorizedofficersofthepartieshaveexecutedaspecialcontractspecificallygoverningsuchuse. Life-criticalmedicalequipmentismedicalequipmentwherefailureofsuchequipmentwouldcauseseriousbodilyinjuryordeath(e.g.,life support,pacemakers,defibrillators,heartpumps,neurostimulators,andimplantables).Suchequipmentincludes,withoutlimitation,all medicaldevicesidentifiedbytheU.S.FoodandDrugAdministrationasClassIIIdevicesandequivalentclassificationsoutsidetheU.S. TImayexpresslydesignatecertainproductsascompletingaparticularqualification(e.g.,Q100,MilitaryGrade,orEnhancedProduct). Designersagreethatithasthenecessaryexpertisetoselecttheproductwiththeappropriatequalificationdesignationfortheirapplications andthatproperproductselectionisatDesigners’ownrisk.Designersaresolelyresponsibleforcompliancewithalllegalandregulatory requirementsinconnectionwithsuchselection. DesignerwillfullyindemnifyTIanditsrepresentativesagainstanydamages,costs,losses,and/orliabilitiesarisingoutofDesigner’snon- compliancewiththetermsandprovisionsofthisNotice. MailingAddress:TexasInstruments,PostOfficeBox655303,Dallas,Texas75265 Copyright©2018,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated