

  • 型号: BNX025H01L
  • 制造商: Murata
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供BNX025H01L由Murata设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 BNX025H01L价格参考。MurataBNX025H01L封装/规格:EMI/RFI 滤波器(LC,RC 网络), LC EMI Filter 5th Order Low Pass 2 Channel C = 10µF 20A 4-SMD, No Lead。您可以下载BNX025H01L参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有BNX025H01L 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

Murata Electronics North America 的型号为 BNX025H01L 的 EMI/RFI 滤波器(LC,RC 网络)主要用于抑制和滤除电子设备中的电磁干扰(EMI)和射频干扰(RFI),确保设备的正常运行并符合相关电磁兼容性(EMC)标准。以下是该型号可能的应用场景:

 1. 通信设备
   - 应用于基站、路由器、调制解调器等通信设备中,减少高频信号对其他电路的干扰。
   - 在无线通信模块中,保护敏感的射频电路免受外部噪声的影响。

 2. 消费类电子产品
   - 用于电视、音响、家用电器等产品中,防止电源线或信号线引入的噪声影响性能。
   - 抑制音频设备中的高频噪声,提升音质表现。

 3. 工业自动化设备
   - 在可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)、变频器和伺服驱动器中,减少电磁干扰对控制信号的影响。
   - 提高工业设备在复杂电磁环境下的稳定性和可靠性。

 4. 汽车电子系统
   - 应用于车载信息娱乐系统、导航系统和传感器模块中,降低车内电气系统的干扰。
   - 保护关键安全系统(如防抱死制动系统 ABS 和气囊控制系统)免受外部噪声影响。

 5. 医疗设备
   - 用于心电图仪、超声波设备和其他精密医疗仪器中,确保测量数据的准确性和稳定性。
   - 防止高频干扰对患者监测系统的不良影响。

 6. 电源系统
   - 在开关电源、不间断电源(UPS)和电池管理系统中,滤除输入输出端的高频噪声。
   - 提高电源系统的效率和抗干扰能力。

 7. 航空航天与国防
   - 用于雷达、卫星通信和导航系统中,确保高精度信号传输不受外界干扰。
   - 在恶劣环境下提供可靠的电磁屏蔽功能。

BNX025H01L 通过其 LC 或 RC 网络设计,能够有效滤除特定频率范围内的干扰信号,适用于需要高可靠性和低噪声的电子设备。其小型化和高性能特点使其成为现代电子系统中不可或缺的组件。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值



FILTR EMI 15A 25V 50KHZ-1GHZ SMDEMI网络滤波器阵列 50M OHM 25V 15A





Murata Electronics North America





符合RoHS尚未确定供货商 / 尚未确定供货商


EMI网络滤波器阵列,Murata Electronics BNX025H01LEMIFIL®, BNX02*H








EMI Network Filter Arrays










Murata Electronics


9.1 mm


12.1 mm


3.1 mm


0.476" 长 x 0.358" 宽(12.10mm x 9.10mm)






-55°C ~ 125°C


- 55 C to + 125 C






















LC Filter










35dB @ 50kHz ~ 1GHz




2 Channel


50 kHz to 1 GHz





品牌:ON Semiconductor




品牌:Murata Electronics North America




品牌:TDK Corporation








品牌:Murata Electronics North America




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品牌:Murata Electronics North America


PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 1/ 13 SMD Block Type EMIFIL ® BNX02□H01□ Murata Standard Reference Specification [AEC-Q200] 1.Scope This reference specification applies to Block Type EMIFIL® BNX02□H01 Series for Automotive Electronics based on AEC-Q200. 2.Part Numbering BN X 024 H 01 L Product ID Type Serial No. Category Features Packaging Code (for Automotive Electronics)(L :Taping(φ178mm reel) / K :Taping(φ330mm reel) / B :Bulk) 3.Rating Rated ESD Customer’s Rated Withstanding DC Insulation Insertion Voltage Part Number Capacitance Current Rank Part Number Voltage Voltage Resistance Resistance Loss Drop ∗ 2:2kV BNX024H01L 35dB min. 4.7μF 50V 125V 20A 0.43mΩ 100MΩ 45 mV BNX024H01K (100kHz to ±15% (DC) (DC) (DC) ±0.20mΩ min. max. BNX024H01B 1GHz) BNX025H01L 35dB min. 10μF 25V 62.5V 20A 0.43mΩ 50MΩ 45mV BNX025H01K (50 kHz to ±15% (DC) (DC) (DC) ±0.20mΩ min. max. BNX025H01B 1GHz) 2 BNX026H01L 10μF 35dB min. 50V 125V 20A 0.43mΩ 10MΩ 45mV BNX026H01K 10 (50KHz to ± % (DC) (DC) (DC) ±0.20mΩ min. max. BNX026H01B 20 1GHz) BNX027H01L 22μF 35dB min. 16V 40V 20A 0.43mΩ 1MΩ 45mV BNX027H01K 20 (40KHz to ± % (DC) (DC) (DC) ±0.20mΩ min. max. BNX027H01B 40 1GHz) ∗ Rated current is derated according to operating temperature. • Operating Temperature : - 55 °C to + 125 °C • Storage Temperature : - 55 °C to + 125 °C A) ( nt urre 125 0 C ed at R 1 85 125 OperatingTemperature(°C) 4.Standard Testing Condition <Unless otherwise specified> <In case of doubt> Temperature : Ordinary Temp. 15 °C to 35 ºC Temperature : 20 °C ± 2 °C Humidity : Ordinary Humidity 25 %(RH) to 85 %(RH) Humidity : 60 %(RH) to 70 %(RH) Atmospheric pressure : 86kPa to 106kPa MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 2/ 13 5.Style and Dimensions ※Coplanarity 0.10mm max. ■Equivalent Circuit L1 L3 C2 ① ② ①B :Bias ②CB :Circuit + Bias L2 C1 ③PSG :Power Supply Ground ③ ④ ④CG :Circuit Ground ■ Unit Mass(Typical value) 0.86g 6.Marking Filter shall be marked as follows. (1) Murata Mark : (2) Part Number : BNX024H01:( BNX024 ) BNX025H01:( BNX025 ) BNX026H01:( BNX026 ) BNX027H01:( BNX027 ) (3) Polarity Marking : ○ MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 3/ 13 7.Electrical Performance No. Item Specification Test Method 7.1 Insertion Meet item 3. 50Ω 50Ω Loss 10dB Balun (1) (2) 10dB Attenuator Attenuator Specimen 50Ω (3) (4) E ~ 50Ω SG ∗MethodofmeasurementbasedonMIL-STD-220 Insertion Loss = -20 log E1/E0 (dB) E0 : Level without FILTER (short) E1 : Level with FILTER Measuring Equipment : Agilent 8753C or the equivalent 7.2 Capacitance Measured by the following condition between Terminal ①② and ③④. (see item 5.) Frequency : 1 ± 0.1kHz (except BNX027) 120 ± 24kHz (BNX027) Voltage : 1 V(rms) max. (except BNX027) 0.5±0.1V(rms) (BNX027) Measuring Equipment : HP 4278A or the equivalent (except BNX027) HP 4284A or the equivalent (BNX027) 7.3 DC Measured by the way of 4 terminal method between① Resistance and ② and between ③ and ④. (see item 5.) 7.4 Insulation Measured at DC rated voltage between terminal Resistance ①② and ③④. (see item 5.) Time : 60 s max Charging current : 50 mA max. Measuring Equipment : R8340A or the equivalent 7.5 Withstanding Filter shall be no failure. Withstanding voltage shall be applied between terminal ① Voltage ② and ③④. (see item 5.) Test Voltage : BNX024 125V(DC) BNX025 62.5V(DC) BNX026 125V(DC) BNX027 40V(DC) Time : 5 ± 1 s Charging current : 50 mA max. 7.6 Voltage Meet item 3. After soldering the part on the test substrate, measure Drop the voltage with passing the rated current as shown in the schematic below. A (1) V Specimen (2) Where the terminals of the part shall be connected as follows: Referring to the terminal No. shown in item 5, connect terminal No. ② and ④ by soldering copper wire with diameter more than 1mm / length less than 6mm. Then connect terminal No. ① as (1) and terminal No. ③ as (2) the measurement circuit as mentioned above. The probe for measuring the voltage shall be touched on the solder fillet of ①③. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 4/ 13 8. Q200 Requirement 8-1. Performance (based on Table 13 for Ferrite EMI SUPPRESSORS/FILTERS) AEC-Q200 Rev.D issued June. 1 2010 AEC-Q200 Murata Specification / Deviation No. Stress Test Method 3 High 1000hours at 125C Meet Table A after testing. Temperature Set for 24hours Exposure at room temperature, (Storage) then measured. 4 Temperature 1000cycles(-55C to 125C) Meet Table A after testing. Cycling Measurement at 24±2 hours after test conclusion. 5 Destructive Per EIA469 Not Applicable Physical No electrical tests Analysis 7 Biased 1000hours 85C/85%RH. Meet Table B after testing. Humidity Apply Maximum rated Voltage. Measurement at 24+/-2 hours after test conclusion. 8 Operational Life 1000hours at 125C Meet Table A after testing. Apply Maximum rated Voltage. Measurement at 24+/-2 hours after test conclusion. 9 External Visual Visual inspection No abnormalities 10 Physical Meet ITEM 4 No defects Dimension (Style and Dimensions) 12 Resistance Per MIL-STD-202 Method 215 Not Applicable to Solvents 13 Mechanical Per MIL-STD-202 Method 213 Meet Table C after testing. Shock Figure 1 of Method 213. Condition F(1500g's/0.5ms/Half sine) Three times each 6 direction. 14 Vibration 5g's for 20 minutes, 12cycles Meet Table C after testing. each of 3 oritentations Osscillation Frequency : 10-2000Hz. 15 Resistance No heating. Pre-heating: 150C+/-5C, 60s+/-5s to Soldering 260C +/- degree C Meet Table D after testing. Heat Immersion time 10s 17 ESD Per AEC-Q200-002 Meet Table C after testing. ESD Rank: Refer to Item 3. Rating. 18 Solderbility Per J-STD-002 Method b : Not Applicable 75% of the terminations is to be soldered. 19 Electrical Measured :Capacitance No defects Characterization 20 Flammability Per UL-94 Not Applicable 21 Board Flex Epoxy-PCB(1.6mm) Meet Table D after testing. Deflection 2mm(min) 60s minimum holding time 22 Terminal Per AEC-Q200-006 17.7N for 60sec Strength A force of 17.7N No defects for 60sec 30 Electrical Per ISO-7637-2 Not Applicable Transient Conduction MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 5/ 13 Table A Appearance No damaged Within +/-12.5% (BNX024/BNX025) Capacitance Change Within +/-15% (BNX026/BNX027) 10MΩ min. (BNX024) 5M Ω min. (BNX025) I.R. 1MΩ min. (BNX026) 0.1M Ω min. (BNX027) Table B Appearance No damaged Within +/-12.5% (BNX024/BNX025) Capacitance Change Within +/-15% (BNX026/BNX027) 5MΩ min. (BNX024) 2.5M Ω min. (BNX025) I.R. 1MΩ min. (BNX026) 0.1M Ω min. (BNX027) Table C Appearance No damaged Capacitance Change Within +/-15% 100MΩ min. (BNX024) 50M Ω min. (BNX025) I.R. 10MΩ min. (BNX026) 1M Ω min. (BNX027) Withstanding Voltage No damaged Table D Appearance No damaged Within +/-7.5% (BNX024/BNX025) Capacitance Change Within +/-15% (BNX026/BNX027) 100MΩ min. (BNX024) 50M Ω min. (BNX025) I.R. 10MΩ min. (BNX026) 1M Ω min. (BNX027) Withstanding Voltage No damaged <About BNX026,BNX027> · Initial values: measured after heat treatment (150± 010 °C, 1hour) and exposure in the room condition for 24±2 hours. ·Values After Testing:measured after heat treatment (150± 010 °C, 1hour) and exposure in the room condition for 24±2 hours. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 6/ 13 9.Insertion Loss Characteristics (I.L.) (Typ.) BNX024H01 BNX025H01/BNX026H01 BNX027H01 10. Specification of Packaging 10.1 Appearance and Dimensions (24mm-wide plastic tape) (1) plastic tape 44.0.0××1100ppiitcchh==4400..00±±00.2.2 2.0±0.1 Cavity SprocketHole 4.0±0.1 φ1.5±00.1 φ1.5±00.5 ±0.1 0.3±0.1 5 7 1. 2.4±0.1 11.5±0.1 24.0±0.2 1 3.3±0.1 3.6±0.1 9.4±0.1 12.0±0.1 Directionoffeed (in:mm) *Dimension of the Cavity is measured at the bottom side. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 7/ 13 (2)Direction of the product 24 24 24 BNX02BNX02 BNX02BNX02 BNX02BNX02 MURATA logo mark 10.2 Specification of Taping (1) Packing quantity (standard quantity) φ178mm reel : 400 pcs. / reel φ330mm reel : 1500 pcs. / reel (2) Packing Method Products shall be packaged in the cavity of the plastic tape and sealed with cover tape. (3) Spliced point The cover tape have no spliced point. (4) Sprocket Hole The sprocket holes are to the right as the tape is pulled toward the user. (5) Missing components number Missing components number within 0.1% of the number per reel or 1 pc., whichever is greater, and are not continuous. The specified quantity per reel is kept. 10.3 Pull Strength of Plastic Tape and Cover Tape Plastic tape 10N min. 165to180degree Cover tape F Covertape 10.4 Peeling off force of Cover tape Plastictape 0.2N to 0.7N (minimum value is typical) ∗ Speed of Peeling off : 300 mm / min 10.5 Dimensions of Leader-tape, Trailer and Reel There shall be leader-tape (top tape and empty tape) and trailer-tape (empty tape) as follows. [ Packaging Code:L (φ178mm reel) ] Trailer Leader 160min. 2.0±0.5 Label 190min. 210min. Emptytape Covertape φ62± φ13.0±0.2 0.5 φ21.0±0.8 Directionof feed 2.2±0.1 24.8~26.5 φ178±0.5 (in:mm) MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 8/ 13 [ Packaging Code:K (φ330mm reel) ] Trailer Leader 160min. 2.0±0.5 Label 190min. 210min. Emptytape Covertape φ100± φ13.0±0.2 1.0 φ21.0±0.8 Directionof feed 2±0.2 25.5±0.5 φ330±2.0 (in:mm) 10.6 Marking for reel Customer part number, MURATA part number, Inspection number(∗1), RoHS marking(∗2), Quantity, etc ∗1) « Expression of Inspection No. » □□ OOOO ××× (1) (2) (3) (1) Factory Code (2) Date First digit : Year / Last digit of year Second digit : Month / Jan. to Sep. → 1 to 9, Oct. to Dec. → O,N,D Third, Fourth digit : Day (3) Serial No. ∗2) « Expression of RoHS marking » ROHS – Y (△) (1) (2) (1) RoHS regulation conformity parts. (2) MURATA classification number 10.7 Marking for Outside package (corrugated paper box) Customer name, Purchasing Order Number, Customer Part Number, MURATA part number, RoHS discrimination(∗2) , Quantity , etc 10.8 Specification of Outer Case Label Outer Case Dimensions Standard Reel Quantity Reel (mm) H in Outer Case (Reel) W D H D φ178mm 186 186 93 3 W φ330mm 340 340 85 2 ∗ Above Outer Case size is typical. It depends on a quantity of an order. 11. ! Caution 11.1 Operating Environment Do not use this product under the following environmental conditions, on deterioration of the performance, such as insulation resistance may result from the use. (1) in the corrodible atmosphere (acidic gases, alkaline gases, chlorine, sulfur gases, organic gases and etc.) (2) in the atmosphere where liquid such as organic solvent, may splash on the products. (3) in the atmosphere where dust rises. (4) in the atmosphere where rapidly thermal change occurs. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 9/ 13 11.2.Direction of mounting Please make sure of the direction of mounting and connect to the circuit properly. As shown in the equivalent circuit shown in item 5, this product has a directionality. Wrong connection to the circuit may cause open/short circuit of the part, burnout and serious accidents. 11.3.Caution (Rating) < Self-heating > Though this product has a large rated current,following attention should be paid. (1) Do not use this product beyond the ratings such as rated voltage and rated current/derating condition. Then burnout may occurred by self-heating. (2)After installing this product in your product, please make sure of the self-heating with the rated current. 11.4. Attention regarding product's lay out < Attention regarding the heat generated by other products > Please provide special attention when mounting products in close proximity to other products that radiate heat. Failure to follow the above cautions may result, worst case, in a short circuit and cause fuming or firing when the product is used. 11.5. Fail-safe Be sure to provide an appropriate fail-safe function on your product to prevent a second damage that may be caused by the abnormal function or the failure of our product. 11.6.ESD ESD to this product, exceeding condition of IEC61000-4-2 with 30kV, may cause short circuit and fuming or firing. 11.7.Limitation of Applications Please contact us before using our products for the applications listed below which require especially high reliability for the prevention of defects which might directly cause damage to the third party’s life,body or property. (1)Aircraft equipment (2)Aerospace equipment (3)Undersea equipment (4)Power plant control equipment (5)Medical equipment (6)Transportation equipment(trains,ships,etc.) (7)Traffic signal equipment (8)Disaster prevention / crime prevention equipment (9)Data-processing equipment (10)Applications of similar complexity or with reliability requirements comparable to the applications listed in the above 12.Notice Products can only be soldered with reflow. This product is designed for solder mounting. Please consult us in advance for applying other mounting method such as conductive adhesive. 12.1. Flux and Solder Flux Use rosin-based flux, Do not use highly acidic flux (with chlorine content exceeding 0.2(wt)%). Do not use water soluble flux. Solder Use Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder Other flux (except above) Please contact us for details, then use. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 10/ 13 12.2. Note for Assembling <Exclusive Use of Reflow Soldering> When installing by the flow soldering, the degradation of the insulation resistance sometimes occurs. Products can only be soldered with reflow. The use in flow soldering be reserved. < Thermal Shock > Pre-heating should be in such a way that the temperature difference between solder and products surface is limited to 100 °C max. Also cooling into solvent after soldering should be in such a way that the temperature difference is limited to 100 °C max. Insufficient pre-heating may cause cracks on the ferrite, resulting in the deterioration of product quality. 12.3. Attention Regarding P.C.B. Bending The following shall be considered when designing P.C.B.'s and laying out products. (1) P.C.B. shall be designed so that products are not subject to the mechanical stress for board warpage. 〔Products direction〕 a Products shall be locatedin the sideways b < direction (Length:a b) to the mechanical 〈Poorexample〉 〈Goodexample〉 stress. (2) Products location on P.C.B. near seam for separation. Products (A,B,C,D) shall be located carefully C Seam B so that products are not subjected to the mechanical stress due to warping the board. Because they may be subjecte the mechanical b A D Slit stress in order of A > C > B ≅ D. Lengh:a<b a 12.4. Attention Regarding P.C.B. Design Portionof Perforation < The Arrangement of Products > × P.C.B. shall be designed so that products are P.C.B. ○ far from the portion of perforation. ○ Product Portionof × The portion of perforation shall be designed Perforation as narrow as possible, and shall be designed so as not to be applied the stress in the case of P.C.B. separation. P.C.B. ○ × Products shall not be arranged on the line Product of a series of holes when there are big Hole holes in P.C.B. (Because the stress concentrate on the line of holes.) < Products Placing > Pickupnozzle Support pins shall be set under P.C.B . to prevent causing a warp to P.C.B. during placing the products on the other side of P.C.B. P.C.B. Supportpin MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 11/ 13 < P.C.B. Separation > P.C.B. shall not be separated with hand. P.C.B. shall be separated with the fixture so as not to cause P.C.B. bending. 12.5. Standard Land Dimensions 12.5 CG 10.2 9.9 9.6 B CB 7.1 6.2 5.3 PSG CG Copper foil pattern 2.8 2.3 Copper foil pattern+Resist CG 0 Etchedarea Through hole 0 3.8 5.8 10.3 13.213.7 17.5 (in:mm) (1)Design the land pads for this part as shown above on both side printed circuit board ( or a multiple layered substrate ). (2) This product is designed to meet large current. Please design PCB pattern which is connected to this product not to become too hot by applied large current. (3)Ground area of CG should be connected to ground layer on the other side (or ground layer of multiple layered substrate) with through holes as shown above. It is recommended to take the ground area as wide as possible. (4)It is recommended to use the connection to the ground layer with through holes and the ground layer to be circuit board wide. (5)Even in case that it isn't possible to use a both side printed circuit board ( or a multiple layered substrate ), the land pads for CG should be designed as wide as possible. 12.6. Reflow Soldering 1) Solder paste printing for reflow soldering · Standard thickness of solder paste should be 150 to 200 µm. Incidentally, depending on the reflow condition and the way of heat conduction, the solder would not wet up the terminal, being possible to lead to not enough connection between terminals and lands on the circuit board / open circuit in the circuit board. In case of use, always evaluate this part in your products with actual use condition. · For the solder paste printing pattern, use standard land dimensions. · For the resist and copper foil pattern, use standard land dimensions. · Use Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 12/ 13 2) Soldering Conditions Standard soldering profile and the limit soldering profile is as follows. The excessive soldering conditions may cause leaching of the electrode and/or resulting in the deterioration of product quality. Temp. 260°C (°C) 245°C±3°C 230°C 220°C Limit Profile 180 150 30s~60s Standard Profile 60smax. 90s±30s Time.(s) Standard Profile Limit Profile Pre-heating 150°C~ 180°C , 90s ± 30s Heating above 220°C , 30s ~ 60s above 230°C , 60s max. Peak temperature 250°C± 3°C 260°C , 10s Cycle of reflow 2 times 2 times 12.7. Reworking with Soldering iron · The following conditions shall be strictly followed when using a soldering iron. Soldering iron : 100W max. Tip temperature/ Soldering time : 450°C ± 5°C, 5s Note : Do not touch the products directly with the tip of the soldering iron. 12.8. Cleaning Conditions Don't cleaning product due to non-waterproof construction. 12.9.Moisture-proof coat material Moisture–proof coating is made on inner parts of this product. The Moisture–proof coat material might appear on the surface of product,which doesn’t affect on the product performance. 12.10. Resin coating The capacitance value may change and/or it may affect on the product's performance due to high cure-stress of resin to be used for coating / molding products. So please pay your careful attention when you select resin. In prior to use, please make the reliability evaluation with the product mounted in your application set. 1211. Handling of a substrate After mounting products on a substrate, do not apply any stress to the product caused by bending or twisting to the substrate when cropping the substrate, inserting and removing a connector from the substrate or tightening screw to the substrate. Excessive mechanical stress may cause cracking in the product. Bending Twisting MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.

Reference Only Spec.No. JENF243H-9101C-01 P 13/ 13 12.12 Storage condition (1) Storage period Use the products within 12 months after delivered. Solderability should be checked if this period is exceeded. (2) Storage environment condition · Products should be stored in the warehouse on the following conditions. Temperature : - 10 °C to + 40 °C Humidity : 15 % to 85% relative humidity No rapid change on temperature and humidity · Don't keep products in corrosive gases such as sulfur, chlorine gas or acid, or it may cause oxidization of electrode, resulting in poor solderability. · Products should be stored on the palette for the prevention of the influence from humidity, dust and so on. · Products should be stored in the warehouse without heat shock, vibration, direct sunlight and so on. · Products should be stored under the airtight packaged condition. (3) Delivery Care should be taken when transporting or handling product to avoid excessive vibration or mechanical shock. 13. ! Note (1)Please make sure that your product has been evaluated in view of your specifications with our product being mounted to your product. (2)You are requested not to use our product deviating from the agreed specifications. (3) The contents of this reference specification are subject to change without advance notice. Please approve our product specifications or transact the approval sheet for product specifications before ordering. MURATA MFG.CO.,LTD.