ICGOO在线商城 > 传感器,变送器 > 运动传感器 - 加速计 > BMA222
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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供BMA222由BOSCH设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 BMA222价格参考。BOSCHBMA222封装/规格:运动传感器 - 加速计, Accelerometer X, Y, Z Axis ±2g, 4g, 8g, 16g 8Hz ~ 1kHz 12-LGA (2x2)。您可以下载BMA222参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有BMA222 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
Bosch Sensortec的BMA222是一款超低功耗、三轴数字加速计,适用于多种运动传感器应用场景。其主要特点包括高精度测量、低噪声、宽动态范围以及极低的电流消耗,非常适合电池供电设备和对功耗敏感的应用。 应用场景: 1. 智能穿戴设备: BMA222广泛应用于智能手环、智能手表等可穿戴设备中,用于监测用户的日常活动,如步数统计、运动模式识别(跑步、步行、骑行等)、睡眠监测等。其低功耗特性使得设备可以长时间续航,而高精度的加速度数据则有助于提高运动识别的准确性。 2. 移动设备: 在智能手机、平板电脑等移动设备中,BMA222可以用于屏幕旋转检测、游戏控制、手势识别等功能。例如,用户可以通过倾斜设备来实现某些操作,或者通过晃动设备触发特定功能。此外,它还可以用于防抖功能,提升拍照和录像的质量。 3. 物联网(IoT)设备: BMA222适用于各种物联网设备,如智能家居传感器、智能门锁、智能安防设备等。它可以检测物体的移动或振动,从而触发报警或通知。在工业物联网中,BMA222可以用于监控设备的运行状态,检测异常振动,帮助进行预测性维护。 4. 健康与健身设备: 除了智能穿戴设备外,BMA222还广泛应用于其他健康与健身设备中,如跑步机、健身追踪器等。它可以精确测量用户的运动姿态和强度,提供详细的运动数据分析,帮助用户更好地了解自己的运动状态并调整训练计划。 5. 环境监测与资产跟踪: BMA222可以用于环境监测系统中,检测建筑物或桥梁的结构振动,评估其安全性。在资产跟踪领域,它可以集成到标签或传感器中,实时监测物品的位置和移动情况,确保物流过程中的安全性和透明度。 总之,BMA222凭借其出色的性能和低功耗特性,在多个领域都有着广泛的应用前景,能够为各类设备提供可靠的运动感知能力。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | |
产品分类 | 加速计 |
品牌 | Bosch Sensortec |
数据手册 | |
产品图片 | |
产品型号 | BMA222 |
rohs | 不受无铅要求限制 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | - |
供应商器件封装 | 12-LGA(2x2) |
其它名称 | 828-1025-6 |
加速度范围 | ±2g, 4g, 8g, 16g |
安装类型 | 表面贴装 |
封装/外壳 | 12-VFLGA |
带宽 | 8Hz ~ 1kHz |
接口 | I²C, SPI |
标准包装 | 1 |
灵敏度 | 64LSB/g,32LSB/g,16LSB/g,8LSB/g |
特色产品 | http://www.digikey.com/cn/zh/ph/Bosch/bma222.html |
电压-电源 | 1.2 V ~ 3.6 V |
轴 | X,Y,Z |
输出类型 | I²C, SPI |
配用 | /product-detail/zh/BMA222-SHUTL/828-1026-ND/2676527 |
BMA222 Digital, triaxial acceleration sensor Bosch Sensortec General description Sensor operation The BMA222 is an advanced, ultra-small, triaxial, The BMA222 supports two modes of operation: low-g acceleration sensor with digital interfaces, 1) Streaming data mode: Acceleration data is directly aiming for low-power consumer electronics applica- read-out via the sensor’s digital interface and comput- tions. ed by a system µController, application processor or a The BMA222 allows measurement of accelerations base-band processor. in 3 perpendicular axes and thus senses tilt, motion, 2) Interrupt engine mode: Acceleration data is com- shock and vibration in cellular phones, handhelds, puted already within the BMA222 by the integrated, computer peripherals, man-machine interfaces, programmable interrupt engine. Depending on the virtual reality features and game controllers. programmable settings the integrated interrupt engine of the BMA222 signals the occurrence of certain events via the sensors` two interrupt pins. The corres- BMA222 target applications ponding registers of the BMA222 can easily be set and f Display profile switching (portrait/landscape, read-out via the digital sensor interface. face-up/face-down switching) f Flat detection BMA222 Technical data f Tap sensing function f Menu scrolling Digital resolution 8 bit f Gaming Resolution 15.6 mg f Advanced power management for mobile devices (in ±2g range) f Shock and free-fall detection Measurement ranges ±2 g, ±4 g, ±8 g, ±16 g f Step-counting (programmable) Sensitivity ±2 g: 64 LSB/g (calibrated) ±4 g: 32 LSB/g Sensor features ±8 g: 16 LSB/g With its size of only 2 mm x 2 mm the BMA222 ±16 g: 8 LSB/g represents a new generation of digital accelerati- Zero-g offset ±100 mg on sensors. The BMA222 integrates a multitude of (over life-time) features that facilitate its use especially in the area Bandwidths 1000 Hz ... 8 Hz of motion detection applications, such as device ori- (programmable) entation detection, gaming, HMI and menu browser Digital inputs/outputs SPI & I2C, control. Featuring a full operation current consump- 2x interrupt pins tion of only 139 µA the BMA222 is ideally suited for Supply voltage (V ) 1.62 … 3.6 V DD mobile consumer electronic devices. In low-power I/0 supply voltage (V ) 1.2 … 3.6 V DDIO mode operation the current consumption can be Temperature range -40 … +85°C even further reduced by almost one order of mag- Current consumption nitude. f full operation 139 µA (@ 2 kHz data rate) The BMA222 is highly configurable in order to give f low-power mode 7 µA (@ 40 Hz data rate) the designer full flexibility when integrating the sen- 1 µA (@ 1 Hz data rate) sor into his system. LGA package 2 x 2 x 0.95 mm3 Shock resistance 10.000 g x 200 µs
2 | Bosch Sensortec | BMA222 supported by the BMA222 interrupt engine: Pin configuration (top view) f Data-ready (e. g. for processor synchronization) ppiinn ##1122 f Any-motion (slope) detection (e. g. for wake-up) f Tap sensing (e. g. for tap-sensitive UI control) ppiinn ##11 SSDDOO SSCCKK PPSS CCSSBB f Orientation change recognition (e. g. for portrait/ landscape & face-up/face-down switching) f Flat detection (e. g. for position sensitive SSDDxx GGNNDD BBMMAA222222 switching) ((ttoopp vviieeww)) f Low-g / high-g detection (e. g. for shock and VVDDDDIIOO GGNNDDIIOO free-fall detection) ppiinn ##77 NNCC IINNTT11 IINNTT22 VV DDDDAA Interrupt parameters (e. g. switching angles and hysteresis settings for orientation change) can be configured by the designer and thus perfectly support the integration of the BMA222 into the user’s system Pin Name Function environment. No. 1 SDO SPI serial data output 2 SDA, I2C / SPI serial data input/ System compatibility SDI, output The BMA222 has been designed for best possible fit SDO into modern mobile consumer electronics devices. Besides the ultra-small footprint and lowest power 3 V I/O supply voltage DDIO consumption, the BMA222 has very wide ranges for 4 N.C. Not connected V and V supply voltages. An integrated self-test 5 INT1 Interrupt output #1 DD DDIO feature facilitates overall system reliability. 6 INT2 Interrupt output #2 7 V Supply voltage DD 8 GND Ground I/O IO 9 GND Ground 10 CSB SPI chip select 11 PS Protocol select pin (0=SPI, 1=I2C) 12 SCK SCL (I2C serial clock) SCK (SPI serial clock) The BMA222 features I2C and SPI (3-wire/4-wire) dig- tal serial interfaces. Sensor parameters, like g-ranges or low-pass filter settings, and also all interrupt engi- ne settings can be easily programmed via the digital interfaces. Integrated interrupt engine One of the key elements of the BMA222 is the enhan- ced intelligent interrupt engine that gives the hard- and software designer full control. Various motion detection scenarios can be identified by the BMA222 Headquarters and signaled to the system via two interrupt pins. The Bosch Sensortec GmbH interrupt sources can be freely mapped to either of Gerhard-Kindler-Strasse 8 72770 Reutlingen · Germany the two interrupt pins. Telephone +49 7121 3535 900 Following motion detection use case scenarios are Fax +49 7121 3535 909 contact@bosch-sensortec.com www.bosch-sensortec.com Data & Specification subject to change without notice Doc.-Number: BST-BMA222-FL000-02 / Version_1.1_012011 © Bosch Sensortec GmbH reserves all rights in the event of industrial property rights. We reserve all rights of disposal such as copying and passing on to third par- ties. BOSCH and the symbols are registered trademarks of Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany.
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