

  • 型号: BD9703CP-V5E2
  • 制造商: ROHM Semiconductor
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供BD9703CP-V5E2由ROHM Semiconductor设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 提供BD9703CP-V5E2价格参考¥10.47-¥28.56以及ROHM SemiconductorBD9703CP-V5E2封装/规格参数等产品信息。 你可以下载BD9703CP-V5E2参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书, 资料中有BD9703CP-V5E2详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

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参数 数值

集成电路 (IC)半导体


IC REG BUCK ADJ 1.5A TO220稳压器—开关式稳压器 8-35V 300kHz 1.5A 1Ch Stp-Dwn w/MOSFET


PMIC - 稳压器 - DC DC 开关稳压器


ROHM Semiconductor





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


电源管理 IC,稳压器—开关式稳压器,ROHM Semiconductor BD9703CP-V5E2-
















剪切带 (CT)



ROHM Semiconductor




Through Hole


4.5 mm




TO-220-5 成形引线




-40°C ~ 85°C




330 kHz


+ 85 C


35 V


- 40 C


4 V




8 V ~ 36 V


1 V ~ 32 V




Step-Up DC/DC Converter


40 mV




1 V to 32 V




1 Output







品牌:Samtec Inc.




品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:Wurth Elektronik




品牌:Linear Technology/Analog Devices




品牌:Micro Commercial Co




品牌:Bourns Inc.




品牌:Eaton - Electronics Division




品牌:Microchip Technology





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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Datasheet 8 V to 35V, 1.5A 1ch Buck Converter with In tegrated FET BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 General Description Key Specifications The BD9703xx is a series of single-channel step-down  Input Voltage Range: 8Vto 35V switching regulators capable of PWM operation. It has a  Output Voltage Range: 1.0V to 32V built-in P-Channel MOSFET making its efficiency high  Output Current: 1.5A (Max) at small loads. It has lower power consumption  Switching Frequency: 300KHz(Typ) because it is made under Bi-CMOS process. Its  FET ON-Resistance: 1.0Ω(Typ) operating current is only 4mA (Typ) and standby current  Standby Current: 0μA (Typ) is 0µA (Typ).  Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C Features Packages W(Typ) x D(Typ) x H(Max)  Built-In P-Channel MOSFET for High Efficiency  Adjustable Output Voltage Via External Resistors  Built-In Over-Current Protection and Thermal Shutdown Circuits  ON/OFF Control Via STBY Pin Applications TO252-5 TO220CP-V5 6.50mm x 9.50mm x 2.50mm 10.00mm x 20.12mm x 4.60mm TVs, Printers, DVD Players, Projectors, Gaming Devices, PCs, Car Audio/Navigation Systems, ETCs, Communication Equipment, AV Products, Office Equipment, Industrial Devices, and more. TO220FP-5 TO220FP-5(V5) Typical Application Circuit 10.00mm x 30.50mm x 4.60mm 10.00mm x 31.50mm x 8.15mm + C2 C1 VCC 1 OUT L1 2 5.0V D1 C4 +C 3 STBY 5 R1 : 4kΩ C5 INV 4 R2 : 1kΩ 3 GND Figure 1. Typical Application Circuit ○Product structure:Silicon monolithic integrated circuit ○This product has no designed protection against radioactive rays .w ww.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 1/20 TSZ22111・14・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Block Diagram VCC 1 VREF PWM COMP DRIVER OSC STBY 5 STBY CTL LOGIC OUT 2 TSD OCP Error AMP INV 4 3 GND Figure 2. Block Diagram Pin Configuration TO252-5 (TOP VIEW) TO220CP-V5 TO220FP-5 TO220FP-5(V5) (TOP VIEW) (TOP VIEW) (TOP VIEW) GND 3 1VCC 2OUT GND 4INV STBY5 U 1VCC 2OUT GND 3 4INV 5STBY 1VCC 2OUT GND 3 4INV 5STBY VCC 1 OUT 2 GND 3 4NV STBY5 U I Pin Description Pin No. Pin Name Function 1 VCC Input power supply pin 2 OUT Internal Pch FET drain pin 3,FIN (Note 1) GND Ground 4 INV Output voltage feedback pin 5 STBY ON/OFF control pin (Note 1) FIN is assigned in the case of TO252-5. www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 2/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C) Parameter Symbol Rating Unit Supply Voltage (VCC-GND) VCC 36 V STBY-GND VSTBY 36 V OUT-GND VOUT 36 V INV-GND VINV 10 V Maximum Switching Current IOUT 1.5 A TO252 0.8 (Note 2) Power Dissipation Pd W TO220 2(Note 3) Operating Temperature Topr -40 to +85 °C Storage Temperature Tstg -55 to +150 °C (Note 2) Without external heat sink, reduced by 6.4mW/°C over 25°C (Note 3) Without external heat sink, reduced by 16.0mW/°C over 25°C Reduced by 160mW/°C, when mounted on ideal size heatsink (Tc = Ta) Caution: Operating the IC over the absolute maximum ratings may damage the IC. The damage can either be a short circuit between pins or an open circuit between pins and internal circuitry. Therefore, it is important to consider circuit protection measures, such as adding a fuse, in case the IC is operated over the absolute maximum ratings. Recommended Operating Conditions (Ta=-40°C to +85°C) Limit Parameter Symbol Unit Min Typ Max 8.0 or Input Voltage VCC VOUT +3(Note 4) - 35.0 V Output Voltage VOUT 1.0 - 32 V (Note 4) The minimum value of an input voltage is the higher either 8.0V or VOUT+3 Electrical Characteristics (Unless otherwise noted, Ta=25°C, V =12V, V =5V, V =3V) CC OUT STBY Limit Parameter Symbol Unit Conditions Min Typ Max Output ON-Resistance RON - 1.0 1.5 Ω Design guarantee Efficiency η - 86 - % IOUT=0.5A Design guarantee Switching Frequency fOSC 270 300 330 kHz Load Regulation ΔVOUTLOAD - 10 40 mV VCC=20V,IOUT=0.5A to 1.5A Line Regulation ΔVOUTLINE - 40 100 mV VCC=10V to 30V,IOUT=1.0A Over-Current Protection Limit IOCP 1.6 - - A INV Pin Threshold Voltage VINV 0.98 1.00 1.02 V INV Pin Threshold Voltage Tj=0°C to 85°C Thermal Variation ΔVINV - ±0.5 - % Design guarantee INV Pin Input Current IINV - 1 - μA VINV=1.0V STBY Pin ON VSTBYON 2.0 - 36 V Threshold Voltage OFF VSTBYOFF -0.3 - +0.3 V STBY Pin Input Current ISTBY 5 25 50 μA VSTBY=3V Circuit Current ICC - 5 12 mA Stand-by Current IST - 0 5 μA VSTBY=0V www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 3/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Typical Performance Curves (Unless otherwise specified: Ta=25deg, VCC=12V, VOUT=5V, VSTBY=3V) V] %] [OUT y : η [ ge : V c a en olt ci V Effi put ut O Output Current : IOUT [A] Output Current : IOUT [A] Figure 3. Efficiency vs Output Current Figure 4. Output Voltage vs Output Current (OCP VCC=20V) Hz] V] VCC =30V [kC [UT OS VO y : f e : c g n a ue olt q V C Fre utput VCC =20V S O O VCC =10V Ambient Temperature : Ta [°C] Output Current : IOUT [A] Figure 5. OSC Frequency vs Ambient Temperature Figure 6. Output Voltage vs Output Current www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 4/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Typical Performance Curves – continued (Unless otherwise specified: Ta=25deg, VCC=12V, VOUT=5V, VSTBY=3V) [V] UT mA] VO [C Voltage : urrent : IC utput cuit C O Cir Input Voltage : VCC [V] Input Voltage : VCC [V] Figure 7. Output Voltage vs Input Voltage Figure 8. Circuit Current vs Input Voltage (VOUT=5V, ROUT=5Ω) (No Load) z] V] kH [OUT [OSC e : V cy : f g n a e olt qu V e put C Fr ut S O O Switching Current : ISW [A] Input Voltage : VCC [V] Figure 10. OSC Frequency vs Input Voltage Figure 9. Output Voltage vs Switching Current www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 5/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Typical Performance Curves- continued (Unless otherwise specified: Ta=25deg, VCC=12V, VOUT=5V, VSTBY=3V) V] [NV VI e : g a olt V d ol h s e hr T V N I Ambient Temperature : Ta [°C] Figure 11. INV Threshold Voltage vs Ambient Temperature www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 6/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Application Information 1. Block Function Explanation (1) VREF This block generates a temperature independent regulated voltage from the VCC input. (2) OSC This block generates a triangular waveform the frequency of which is set by internal resistors and capacitors. The output of this block goes to the PWM comparator. (3) Error AMP This block samples the output voltage through a voltage divider network and compares it with an internal reference voltage. The output of this block is the amplified difference between the sampled output voltage and the reference. (4) PWM COMP This block converts the Error AMP output to PWM pulses going to the Driver block. (5) DRIVER This push-pull FET driver which accepts PWM input pulses from PWM COMP block drives the internal Pch MOSFET. (6) STBY ON/OFF operation of the IC is controlled via the STBY pin. The output is ON when STBY is High. (7) Thermal Shutdown (TSD) This circuit protects the IC against thermal runaway and damage due to excessive heat. A thermal sensor detects the junction temperature and switches the output OFF once the temperature exceeds a threshold value (175deg). Hysteresis is built-in (15deg) in order to prevent malfunctions due to temperature fluctuations. (8) Over Current Protection (OCP) The OCP circuit detects the voltage difference between VCC and OUT by measuring the current through the internal Pch MOSFET and switches the output OFF once the voltage reaches the threshold value. The OCP block is a self-recovery type (not latch). 2. Timing Chart VCC PIN OSC VOLTAGE WAVE (Internal Oscillation Wave) Error AMP OUTPUT OUTPIN VOLTAGE WAVE OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVE Figure 12. Timing Chart www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 7/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 3. Notes for PCB Layout C 5 R2 : 1kΩ R1 : 4kΩ 4 INV STBY 5 L 1 1 VCC OUT 2 5.0V GND C1 C2 3 D1 C4 C3 Figure 13. Layout (1) Place capacitors between VCC and Ground, as close as possible to the IC to reduce ripple noise and maximize efficiency. (2) Place Schottky diode between OUT and Ground, and the Schottky diode as close as possible to the IC to reduce noise and maximize efficiency. (3) Connect resistors between INV and Ground, and the output capacitor filter at the same Ground potential in order to stabilize the output voltage. 4. Application Component Selection and Settings (1) Inductor L1 If the winding resistance of the choke coil is too high, the efficiency may deteriorate. Even though the Over-Current Protection operates when output current exceeds 1.6A minimum threshold, special attention should be given to the external inductor which could heat up due to the excessive current during over-load or short circuit. Note that the current rating for the coil should be higher than IOUT (MAX)+∆IL. IOUT (MAX): maximum load current. If you flow more than maximum current rating, coil will become overload, and cause magnetic saturation, and that account for efficiency deterioration. Select from enough current rating of coil which doesn’t over peak current. (V V ) V 1 I  CC OUT  OUT  L L V f 1 CC OSC Where: L1 is the inductor value VCC is the maximum input voltage VOUT is the output voltage ∆IL is the coil ripple current value fOSC is the oscillation frequency (2) Schottky Barrier Diodes D1 A Schottky diode with extremely low forward voltage should be used. Selection should be based on the following guidelines regarding maximum forward current, reverse voltage, and power dissipation: (a) The maximum current rating is higher than the combined maximum load current and coil ripple current (∆IL). (b) The reverse voltage rating is higher than the VIN value. (c) Recommend using a diode with smaller the reverse current as possible. In the high temperature case, the reverse current is increasing and it may cause overdrive. (d) Power dissipation for the selected diode must be within the rated level. The power dissipation of the diode is expressed by the following formula:   PdiI MAX V (1V /V ) OUT F OUT CC Where: IOUT(MAX) is the maximum load current VF is the forward voltage VOUT is the output voltage VCC is the input voltage www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 8/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 (3) Capacitor C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 Since large ripple currents flow through capacitors C1 and C3, high frequency and low impedance capacitors must be used. Ceramic capacitor C2 should be present to prevent noise from causing abnormal operation. If the ripple voltage of input and output is large, C4 can be selected among ceramic, tantalum and OS capacitors with low ESR to reduce the ripple. However if only low ESR capacitors are used, oscillation or unstable operation may occur. C5 is the capacitor for phase compensation and is normally not used. If you need to improve the stability of the feedback network, connect C5 between INV and OUTPUT. (4) Feed back resistance R1,R2 The offset of output voltage is determined by the Feedback resistors and INV pin input current. V (R R )V /R OUT 1 2 INV 2 Where: VINV is INV Pin Threshold Voltage If Feed back resistance is high, the setting of output voltage will change Recommended: Resistance between INV pin and GND = less than 10kΩ. 5. Recommended Circuit + C2 C1 VCC 1 OUT L 1 2 5.0V D1 C4 +C 3 STBY 5 R1 : 4kΩ C5 INV 4 R : 1kΩ 2 3 GND Figure 14. Recommended Circuit Output Voltage 5V: Application Circuit Example <Recommended Components> Inductor L1=47μH :CDRH127/LD (Sumida) Schottky Diode D1 :RB050LA-40 (ROHM) Capacitor C1=100μF(50V) :Al electric capacitor UHD1H101MPT (Nichicon) C2=2.2μF(50V) :ceramic cap CM43X7R225K50A (KYOCERA) C3=470μF(25V) :Al electric capacitor UHD1E471MPT (Nichicon) C4=OPEN C3=OPEN www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 9/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 6. Test Circuit VVCccC OUT GND INV STBY 1 2 3 4 5 SW2 SW4 SW5 + ICICc c A A IIIINNVV A ISISTTBBY 11kkΩΩ VVcCcC VVIINNVV VVSSTTBBY 22kkΩΩ + SW6 f V V o VOUT IOUITo Figure 15. Input Output Measurement Circuit www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 10/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Power Dissipation TO252-5 (4) 4.80W 5 (1) No heat sink (2) 2layer PCB W] (Copper laminate area 15 mm x 15mm) W] Pd[ 4 (3) 3.50W (3)( C2olapypeer rP laCmBi nate area 70 mm x 70mm) Pd [N: (4) 4layer PCB ation : PATIO 3 (Copper laminate area 70 mm x 70mm) DissipDISSI (2) 1.85W er R 2 wE oW PO P (1) 0.80W 1 0 0 25 50 75 85 100 125 150 AMBIEAmNTbi eTnEt MTePmEpReAraTtuUreR :E T a: T[°aC[°] C] Figure 16. Power Dissipation vs Ambient Temperature TO220 15 W] [W] (3) 11.0W (1) No heat sink n : Pd [ON:Pd 10 ((23)) A5A0lluu xmm 5iinn0uu xmm 2 hh (eemaamtt ss3ii)nn kk patioATI (2) 6.5W 100 x 100 x 2 (mm3) siP DisSSI er DI 5 wR PoWE O (1) 2.0W P 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 AMBIAEmNbTie TnEt TMePmEpRerAaTtuUreR :E T a: T[°aC[]° C] Figure 17. Power Dissipation Ambient Temperature www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 11/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 I/O Equivalent Circuit Pin 1 (VCC), Pin 3 (GND) Pin 2 (OUT) Pin 4 (INV) Pin 5 (STBY) VCC VVCCCC VCC VCC V CC S TBY 300Ω 140KΩ IN V OUT 60KΩ GND 70KΩ Figure 18. Input Output Equivalent Circuit www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 12/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Operational Notes 1. Reverse Connection of Power Supply Connecting the power supply in reverse polarity can damage the IC. Take precautions against reverse polarity when connecting the power supply, such as mounting an external diode between the power supply and the IC’s power supply pins. 2. Power Supply Lines Design the PCB layout pattern to provide low impedance supply lines. Separate the ground and supply lines of the digital and analog blocks to prevent noise in the ground and supply lines of the digital block from affecting the analog block. Furthermore, connect a capacitor to ground at all power supply pins. Consider the effect of temperature and aging on the capacitance value when using electrolytic capacitors. 3. Ground Voltage Ensure that no pins are at a voltage below that of the ground pin at any time, even during transient condition. 4. Ground Wiring Pattern When using both small-signal and large-current ground traces, the two ground traces should be routed separately but connected to a single ground at the reference point of the application board to avoid fluctuations in the small-signal ground caused by large currents. Also ensure that the ground traces of external components do not cause variations on the ground voltage. The ground lines must be as short and thick as possible to reduce line impedance. 5. Thermal Consideration Should by any chance the power dissipation rating be exceeded the rise in temperature of the chip may result in deterioration of the properties of the chip. In case of exceeding this absolute maximum rating, increase the board size and copper area to prevent exceeding the Pd rating. 6. Recommended Operating Conditions These conditions represent a range within which the expected characteristics of the IC can be approximately obtained. The electrical characteristics are guaranteed under the conditions of each parameter. 7. Inrush Current When power is first supplied to the IC, it is possible that the internal logic may be unstable and inrush current may flow instantaneously due to the internal powering sequence and delays, especially if the IC has more than one power supply. Therefore, give special consideration to power coupling capacitance, power wiring, width of ground wiring, and routing of connections. 8. Operation Under Strong Electromagnetic Field Operating the IC in the presence of a strong electromagnetic field may cause the IC to malfunction. 9. Testing on Application Boards When testing the IC on an application board, connecting a capacitor directly to a low-impedance output pin may subject the IC to stress. Always discharge capacitors completely after each process or step. The IC’s power supply should always be turned off completely before connecting or removing it from the test setup during the inspection process. To prevent damage from static discharge, ground the IC during assembly and use similar precautions during transport and storage. 10. Inter-pin Short and Mounting Errors Ensure that the direction and position are correct when mounting the IC on the PCB. Incorrect mounting may result in damaging the IC. Avoid nearby pins being shorted to each other especially to ground, power supply and output pin. Inter-pin shorts could be due to many reasons such as metal particles, water droplets (in very humid environment) and unintentional solder bridge deposited in between pins during assembly to name a few. www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 13/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Operational Notes – continued 11. Unused Input Pins Input pins of an IC are often connected to the gate of a MOS transistor. The gate has extremely high impedance and extremely low capacitance. If left unconnected, the electric field from the outside can easily charge it. The small charge acquired in this way is enough to produce a significant effect on the conduction through the transistor and cause unexpected operation of the IC. So unless otherwise specified, unused input pins should be connected to the power supply or ground line. 12. Regarding the Input Pin of the IC This monolithic IC contains P+ isolation and P substrate layers between adjacent elements in order to keep them isolated. P-N junctions are formed at the intersection of the P layers with the N layers of other elements, creating a parasitic diode or transistor. For example (refer to figure below): When GND > Pin A and GND > Pin B, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic diode. When GND > Pin B, the P-N junction operates as a parasitic transistor. Parasitic diodes inevitably occur in the structure of the IC. The operation of parasitic diodes can result in mutual interference among circuits, operational faults, or physical damage. Therefore, conditions that cause these diodes to operate, such as applying a voltage lower than the GND voltage to an input pin (and thus to the P substrate) should be avoided. Resistor Transistor (NPN) Pin A Pin B B Pin B C Pin A E P+ P P+ P+ N P P+ B C N N N N Parasitic N N N E Elements Parasitic P Substrate P Substrate Elements GND GND GND GND Parasitic Parasitic N Region Elements Elements close-by Figure 19. Example of monolithic IC structure 13. Thermal Shutdown Circuit(TSD) This IC has a built-in thermal shutdown circuit that prevents heat damage to the IC. Normal operation should always be within the IC’s power dissipation rating. If however the rating is exceeded for a continued period, the junction temperature (Tj) will rise which will activate the TSD circuit that will turn OFF all output pins. When the Tj falls below the TSD threshold, the circuits are automatically restored to normal operation. Note that the TSD circuit operates in a situation that exceeds the absolute maximum ratings and therefore, under no circumstances, should the TSD circuit be used in a set design or for any purpose other than protecting the IC from heat damage. 14. Pin short and mistake fitting Do not short-circuit between OUT pin and VCC pin, OUT pin and GND pin, or VCC pin and GND pin. When soldering the IC on circuit board, please be unusually cautious about the orientation and the position of the IC. Bypass diode Back current prevention diode VCC Output Pin Figure 20 15. Application circuit Although we can recommend the application circuits contained herein with a relatively high degree of confidence, we ask that you verify all characteristics and specifications of the circuit as well as performance under actual conditions. Please note that we cannot be held responsible for problems that may arise due to patent infringements or noncompliance with any and all applicable laws and regulations. 16. Operation The IC will turn ON when the voltage at the STBY pin is greater than 2.0V and will switch OFF if under 0.3V. Therefore, do not input voltages between 0.3V and 2.0V. Malfunctions and/or physical damage may occur. www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 14/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Ordering Information B D 9 7 0 3 x x - x x x x Part Number Package Packaging and forming specification 9703=35V/1.5A E2: Embossed tape and reel FP : TO252-5 None: Tray, Tube CP-V5 : TO220CP-V5 V5 : Forming done T/T-V5 : TO220FP-5(V5) Lineup Switching Orderable Part Number Output Current Package Frequency Part Number Marking TO252-5 Reel of 2000 BD9703FP-E2 BD9703 300kHz TO220CP-V5 Reel of 500 BD9703CP-V5E2 BD9703CP 1.5A (fixed) TO220FP-5 Tube of 500 BD9703T BD9703T TO220FP-5 (V5) Tube of 500 BD9703T-V5 BD9703T Marking Diagrams TO220CP-V5 TO252-5 (TOP VIEW) (TOP VIEW) Part Number Marking Part Number Marking B D 9 7 0 3 LOT Number B D 9 7 0 3 C P LOT Number TO220FP-5 TO220FP-5 (V5) (TOP VIEW) (TOP VIEW) Part Number Marking Part Number Marking LOT Number LOT Number B D 9 7 0 3 T B D 9 7 0 3 T www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 15/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel information Package Name TO252-5 www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 16/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel information - continued Package Name TO220CP-V5 www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 17/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel information - continued Package Name TO220FP-5 www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 18/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Physical Dimension, Tape and Reel information - continued Package Name TO220FP-5 V5 www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 19/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

BD9703FP BD9703CP-V5 BD9703T BD9703T-V5 Revision History Date Revision Changes 04.Nov.2014 001 New Release www.rohm.com TSZ02201-0Q3Q0AJ00410-1-2 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 20/20 TSZ22111・15・001 04.Nov.2014 Rev.001

Notice Precaution on using ROHM Products 1. Our Products are designed and manufactured for application in ordinary electronic equipments (such as AV equipment, OA equipment, telecommunication equipment, home electronic appliances, amusement equipment, etc.). If you intend to use our Products in devices requiring extremely high reliability (such as medical equipment (Note 1), transport equipment, traffic equipment, aircraft/spacecraft, nuclear power controllers, fuel controllers, car equipment including car accessories, safety devices, etc.) and whose malfunction or failure may cause loss of human life, bodily injury or serious damage to property (“Specific Applications”), please consult with the ROHM sales representative in advance. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ROHM in advance, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products for Specific Applications. (Note1) Medical Equipment Classification of the Specific Applications JAPAN USA EU CHINA CLASSⅢ CLASSⅡb CLASSⅢ CLASSⅢ CLASSⅣ CLASSⅢ 2. ROHM designs and manufactures its Products subject to strict quality control system. However, semiconductor products can fail or malfunction at a certain rate. Please be sure to implement, at your own responsibilities, adequate safety measures including but not limited to fail-safe design against the physical injury, damage to any property, which a failure or malfunction of our Products may cause. The following are examples of safety measures: [a] Installation of protection circuits or other protective devices to improve system safety [b] Installation of redundant circuits to reduce the impact of single or multiple circuit failure 3. Our Products are designed and manufactured for use under standard conditions and not under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions, as exemplified below. Accordingly, ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses arising from the use of any ROHM’s Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions. If you intend to use our Products under any special or extraordinary environments or conditions (as exemplified below), your independent verification and confirmation of product performance, reliability, etc, prior to use, must be necessary: [a] Use of our Products in any types of liquid, including water, oils, chemicals, and organic solvents [b] Use of our Products outdoors or in places where the Products are exposed to direct sunlight or dust [c] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to sea wind or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [d] Use of our Products in places where the Products are exposed to static electricity or electromagnetic waves [e] Use of our Products in proximity to heat-producing components, plastic cords, or other flammable items [f] Sealing or coating our Products with resin or other coating materials [g] Use of our Products without cleaning residue of flux (even if you use no-clean type fluxes, cleaning residue of flux is recommended); or Washing our Products by using water or water-soluble cleaning agents for cleaning residue after soldering [h] Use of the Products in places subject to dew condensation 4. The Products are not subject to radiation-proof design. 5. Please verify and confirm characteristics of the final or mounted products in using the Products. 6. In particular, if a transient load (a large amount of load applied in a short period of time, such as pulse. is applied, confirmation of performance characteristics after on-board mounting is strongly recommended. Avoid applying power exceeding normal rated power; exceeding the power rating under steady-state loading condition may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 7. De-rate Power Dissipation (Pd) depending on Ambient temperature (Ta). When used in sealed area, confirm the actual ambient temperature. 8. Confirm that operation temperature is within the specified range described in the product specification. 9. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for failure induced under deviant condition from what is defined in this document. Precaution for Mounting / Circuit board design 1. When a highly active halogenous (chlorine, bromine, etc.) flux is used, the residue of flux may negatively affect product performance and reliability. 2. In principle, the reflow soldering method must be used on a surface-mount products, the flow soldering method must be used on a through hole mount products. If the flow soldering method is preferred on a surface-mount products, please consult with the ROHM representative in advance. For details, please refer to ROHM Mounting specification Notice-GE Rev.003 © 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Precautions Regarding Application Examples and External Circuits 1. If change is made to the constant of an external circuit, please allow a sufficient margin considering variations of the characteristics of the Products and external components, including transient characteristics, as well as static characteristics. 2. You agree that application notes, reference designs, and associated data and information contained in this document are presented only as guidance for Products use. Therefore, in case you use such information, you are solely responsible for it and you must exercise your own independent verification and judgment in the use of such information contained in this document. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties arising from the use of such information. Precaution for Electrostatic This Product is electrostatic sensitive product, which may be damaged due to electrostatic discharge. Please take proper caution in your manufacturing process and storage so that voltage exceeding the Products maximum rating will not be applied to Products. Please take special care under dry condition (e.g. Grounding of human body / equipment / solder iron, isolation from charged objects, setting of Ionizer, friction prevention and temperature / humidity control). Precaution for Storage / Transportation 1. Product performance and soldered connections may deteriorate if the Products are stored in the places where: [a] the Products are exposed to sea winds or corrosive gases, including Cl2, H2S, NH3, SO2, and NO2 [b] the temperature or humidity exceeds those recommended by ROHM [c] the Products are exposed to direct sunshine or condensation [d] the Products are exposed to high Electrostatic 2. Even under ROHM recommended storage condition, solderability of products out of recommended storage time period may be degraded. It is strongly recommended to confirm solderability before using Products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period. 3. Store / transport cartons in the correct direction, which is indicated on a carton with a symbol. Otherwise bent leads may occur due to excessive stress applied when dropping of a carton. 4. Use Products within the specified time after opening a humidity barrier bag. Baking is required before using Products of which storage time is exceeding the recommended storage time period. Precaution for Product Label QR code printed on ROHM Products label is for ROHM’s internal use only. Precaution for Disposition When disposing Products please dispose them properly using an authorized industry waste company. Precaution for Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade act Since our Products might fall under controlled goods prescribed by the applicable foreign exchange and foreign trade act, please consult with ROHM representative in case of export. Precaution Regarding Intellectual Property Rights 1. All information and data including but not limited to application example contained in this document is for reference only. ROHM does not warrant that foregoing information or data will not infringe any intellectual property rights or any other rights of any third party regarding such information or data. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for infringement of any intellectual property rights or other damages arising from use of such information or data.: 2. No license, expressly or implied, is granted hereby under any intellectual property rights or other rights of ROHM or any third parties with respect to the information contained in this document. Other Precaution 1. This document may not be reprinted or reproduced, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of ROHM. 2. The Products may not be disassembled, converted, modified, reproduced or otherwise changed without prior written consent of ROHM. 3. In no event shall you use in any way whatsoever the Products and the related technical information contained in the Products or this document for any military purposes, including but not limited to, the development of mass-destruction weapons. 4. The proper names of companies or products described in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of ROHM, its affiliated companies or third parties. Notice-GE Rev.003 © 2013 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

DDaattaasshheeeett General Precaution 1. Before you use our Products, you are requested to carefully read this document and fully understand its contents. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for failure, malfunction or accident arising from the use of a ny ROHM’s Products against warning, caution or note contained in this document. 2. All information contained in this document is current as of the issuing date and subj ect to change without any prior notice. Before purchasing or using ROHM’s Products, please confirm the latest information with a ROHM sale s representative. 3. The information contained in this document is provided on an “as is” basis and ROHM does not warrant that all information contained in this document is accurate an d/or error-free. ROHM shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any damages, expenses or losses incurred by you or third parties resulting from inaccuracy or errors of or concerning such information. Notice – WE Rev.001 © 2014 ROHM Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

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