

  • 型号: B3F-4055
  • 制造商: Omron Electronics LLC
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供B3F-4055由Omron Electronics LLC设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 B3F-4055价格参考¥1.89-¥2.45。Omron Electronics LLCB3F-4055封装/规格:触摸开关, 顶部触动 触摸开关 SPST-NO 通孔。您可以下载B3F-4055参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有B3F-4055 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

B3F-4055 是一种常见的电子元器件,通常用于高频电路和射频(RF)应用中。它属于陶瓷谐振器(Ceramic Resonator)的一种,具有较高的频率稳定性和较低的成本,广泛应用于通信、消费电子、工业控制等领域。


1. 无线通信设备:  
   B3F-4055 常用于无线通信设备中的振荡电路,作为时钟源或滤波元件。例如,在蓝牙模块、Wi-Fi模块、Zigbee等短距离无线通信系统中,B3F-4055 可以提供稳定的参考频率,确保信号的准确传输。其高精度和稳定性使得它在这些应用中表现出色。

2. 微控制器单元(MCU):  
   在微控制器(MCU)中,B3F-4055 作为外部时钟源,为MCU提供精确的时间基准。许多嵌入式系统依赖于外部谐振器来提高系统的时钟精度,尤其是在对时间敏感的应用中,如实时控制系统、智能家居设备等。

3. 射频识别(RFID):  
   RFID 系统中,B3F-4055 可用于生成稳定的载波频率,确保标签与读写器之间的可靠通信。由于其良好的频率稳定性和抗干扰能力,B3F-4055 在RFID系统中表现优异。

4. 工业自动化:  
   在工业自动化领域,B3F-4055 被广泛应用于各种传感器、控制器和通信模块中。它为这些设备提供稳定的时钟信号,确保数据采集和传输的准确性。特别是在需要高精度定时的场合,如机器人控制、生产线自动化等,B3F-4055 的应用非常普遍。

5. 消费电子产品:  
   在消费电子产品中,如智能手机、平板电脑、智能手表等,B3F-4055 也常用于内部的振荡电路,为设备提供稳定的时钟信号。它的体积小、成本低、性能稳定,非常适合便携式设备的设计要求。

6. 汽车电子:  
   汽车电子系统中,B3F-4055 可用于车载通信模块、导航系统、娱乐系统等。它为这些系统提供稳定的时钟信号,确保系统的正常运行和数据传输的可靠性。

总之,B3F-4055 作为一种高性能的陶瓷谐振器,凭借其稳定的工作特性和广泛的适用性,在多个领域的高频电路设计中发挥着重要作用。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值



SWITCH TACTILE SPST-NO 0.05A 24V触觉开关 12x12mm Std Ht .3 High-force 260g




Omron Electronics





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


触觉开关,Omron Electronics B3F-4055B3F












0.05A @ 24VDC













B3F-4055 BY OMZ






Omron Electronics


12.00mm x 12.00mm






Through Hole


2.5 N


-25°C ~ 70°C


- 25 C to + 70 C












7.3 mm


1,000,000 次循环












24 V


50 mA






PC 引脚


Solder Pin












687578 B3F-4055-BY-OMZ B3F4055BYOMZ B3FZ0041M

B3F-4055 相关产品





品牌:Bourns Inc.






品牌:Schurter Inc.














PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Tactile Switch B3F Through-hole-mounting Switches in a Wide Range of Models: 6 × 6 mm, 12 × 12 mm, Side-operated Models, Gold-plated Contacts, and Radial Tape • Extended mechanical/electrical durability: 10x106 operations for 12x12 mm type and 1x106 operations for the 6 x 6 mm type (cid:129) Taped radial type, vertical type and high force types are available. (cid:129) Gold plated models available for increased contact reliability, resistance to corrosive gas and insulation failure prevention for ion migration in harsh environments (cid:129) B32-series Key Tops mount to models with projected plungers. RoHS Compliant ■ List of Models 6 × 6 mm Models Type Contact Plunger Height Operating Plunger Bags material force (OF) color Without ground Minimum With ground Minimum terminal packing unit terminal packing unit Standard: Silver 4.3 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} lvory B3F-1000 B3F-1100 Flat type B3F-1000 plated 1.47 N {150 gf} Yellow B3F-1002 B3F-1102 Series 2.55 N {260 gf} Orange B3F-1005 B3F-1105 4.9 N {500 gf} Red B3F-1006 --- 5.0 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} Black B3F-1020 B3F-1120 1.47 N {150 gf} Gray B3F-1022 B3F-1122 2.55 N {260 gf} Pink B3F-1025 B3F-1125 4.9 N {500 gf} Blue B3F-1026 --- 5.0 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} Black --- B3F-1110 (7.5-mm pitch) 7.0 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} Black B3F-1060 100 pcs --- 100 pcs 1.47 N {150 gf} Yellow B3F-1062 --- 9.5 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} Black B3F-1070 --- 1.47 N {150 gf} Yellow B3F-1072 --- 2.55 N {260 gf} Orange B3F-1075 --- 7.3 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} lvory B3F-1050 B3F-1150 Projected type 1.47 N {150 gf} Yellow B3F-1052 B3F-1152 2.55 N {260 gf} Orange B3F-1055 B3F-1155 4.9 N {500 gf} Red B3F-1056 --- 1

B3F B3F Type Contact Plunger Height Operating Plunger Bags material force (OF) color Without ground Minimum With ground Minimum terminal packing unit terminal packing unit Side- Silver 3.15 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} lvory --- B3F-3100 Flat type operated: plated 1.47 N {150 gf} Yellow --- B3F-3102 B3F-3000 2.55 N {260 gf} Orange --- B3F-3105 Series 3.85 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} Black --- B3F-3120 1.47 N {150 gf} Gray --- B3F-3122 2.55 N {260 gf} Pink --- B3F-3125 6.15 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} lvory --- B3F-3150 Projected type 1.47 N {150 gf} Yellow --- B3F-3152 2.55 N {260 gf} Orange --- B3F-3155 High- Gold 4.3 mm 1.76 N {180 gf} Yellow B3F-1002-G B3F-1102-G Flat type reliability plated 5.0 mm Gray B3F-1022-G B3F-1122-G gold-plated: B3F-1000-G 7.0 mm Yellow B3F-1062-G 100 pcs --- 100 pcs Series (see note) 9.5 mm Yellow B3F-1072-G --- (see note) Side- 7.3 mm Yellow B3F-1052-G --- Projected type operated with highly reliable gold-plated: B3F-3000-G Series 3.85 mm Gray --- B3F-3122-G Flat type (see note) Note: Bulk Packaged, 100 Switches per bag. Order in multiples of the package quantity. 12 × 12 mm Models Type Contact Plunger Height Operating Plunger Bags material (or LED color) force (OF) color Without ground Minimum With ground Minimum terminal packing unit terminal packing unit Standard: Silver Flat type 4.3 mm 1.27 N {130 gf} lvory B3F-4000 B3F-4100 B3F-4000 plated 2.55 N {260 gf} Yellow B3F-4005 B3F-4105 Series Projected type 7.3 mm 1.27 N {130 gf} lvory B3F-4050 B3F-4150 2.55 N {260 gf} Yellow B3F-4055 B3F-4155 Long durability: Silver Flat type 4.3 mm 1.27 N {130 gf} Blue B3F-5000 B3F-5100 100 pcs 100 pcs B3F-5000 Se- plated Projected type 7.3 mm Blue B3F-5050 B3F-5150 ries High reliability Gold Flat type 4.3 mm 1.27 N {130 gf} Blue B3F-5001 B3F-5101 gold-plated: plated B3F-5001 Projected type 7.3 mm Blue B3F-5051 B3F-5151 Series Note: Bulk Packaged, 100 switches per bag. Order in multiples of the package quantity. 6 × 6 mm Radial Models (Taping Specifications) Type Contact Plunger Height Operating Plunger Taped Radial material force (OF) color Without ground Minimum With ground Minimum terminal packing unit terminal packing unit Taped Silver Flat type 4.3 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} lvory B3F-6000 B3F-6100 Radial: plated 1.47 N {150 gf} Yellow B3F-6002 B3F-6102 B3F-6000 5.0 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} Black B3F-6020 B3F-6120 Series 1,000 pcs 1,000 pcs 1.47 N {150 gf} Gray B3F-6022 B3F-6122 Projected type 7.3 mm 0.98 N {100 gf} lvory B3F-6050 B3F-6150 1.47 N {150 gf} Yellow B3F-6052 B3F-6152 Note: The switches are tape packaged in units of 1,000 per package. Order in multiples of the package size. Switches are not sold individually. 2

B3F B3F ■ Ratings/Characteristics Rating (resistive load) 1 to 50 mA, 3 to 24 VDC (B3F-G: 100 μA to 50 mA, 3 to 24 VDC) Minimum applicable load (reference value) 10 μA at 1 VDC (resistive load) Ambient operating temperature -25°C to +70°C at 60%RH max. (with no icing or condensation) Ambient operating humidity 35% to 85% (at +5 to +35°C) Contact form SPST-NO Contact resistance (initial value) 100 mΩ max. Insulation resistance 100 MΩ min. (at 250VDC with insulation tester) Dielectric strength 500 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min Bounce time 5 ms max. Vibration resistance Malfunction: 10 to 55 Hz, 1.5 mm double amplitude Shock resistance Destruction: 1,000 m/s2 {approx. 100G} max. Malfunction: 100 m/s2 {approx. 10G} max. Durability B3F-1000, B3F-3000, B3F-6000: 1,000,000 operations min (OF: 0.98 N {100 gf}) (B3F-1070: 500,000 operations min) 300,000 operations min (OF: 1.47 N {150 gf}) 100,000 operations min (OF: 2.55 N {260 gf}) 50,000 operations min (OF: 4.9 N {500 gf}) B3F-4000: 3,000,000 operations min (OF: 1.27 N {130 gf}) 1,000,000 operations min (OF: 2.55 N {260 gf}) B3F-5000/5001: 10,000,000 operations min. B3F-G: 300,000 operations min. Weight 6 × 6 mm models: approx. 0.25 g 12 × 12 mm models (standard types): approx. 0.85 g Radial models: approx. 0.25 g Degree of protection IEC IP00 Washing Not possible ■ Operating Characteristics 6 × 6 mm Models B3F-1000, B3F-3000, B3F-6000 B3F-G Operating force (OF) 0.98 N 1.47 N 2.55 N 4.9 N 1.76 N B3F-1@@0 B3F-1@@2 B3F-1@@5 B3F-10@6 B3F-1@@2-G Item B3F-3@@0 B3F-3@@2 B3F-3@@5 B3F-3@@2-G B3F-6@@0 B3F-6@@2 Operating force (OF) 0.98±0.29 N 1.47±0.49 N 2.55±0.69 N 4.9±1.47 N 1.76±0.49 N {100±30 gf} {150±50 gf} {260±70 gf} {500±150 gf} {180±50 gf} Releasing force (RF) 0.2 N {20 gf} min. 0.49 N {50 gf}min. 0.49 N {50 gf}min. 0.7 N {70 gf} min. 0.49 N {50 gf}min. Pretravel (PT) 0.25+0.2/–0.1 mm 0.25+0.2/–0.1 mm 12 × 12 mm Models B3F-4000, B3F-5000, B3F-5001 Operating force (OF) 1.27 N 2.55 N B3F-4@@0 B3F-4@@5 Item B3F-5@@0 B3F-5@@1 Operating force (OF) 1.27±0.49 N 2.55±0.69 N {130±50 gf} {260±70 gf} Releasing force (RF) 0.29 N {30 gf} min. 0.49 N {50 gf} min. Pretravel (PT) 0.3+0.2/–0.1 mm 3

B3F B3F ■ Dimensions (Unit: mm) Note: The numbers used for terminals in the following graphics are indicated in the “Bottom View” diagram below. In this 2 1 diagram, the Switch is rotated so that the terminals are on the right and left-hand sides, and the OMRON logo ap- 4 3 pears the right way up. (Except Side-operated and Radial Models) (Bottom View) 6 × 6 mm Models Standard, Flat Plunger Type Standard, Flat Plunger Type (without Ground Terminal) (with Ground Terminal) B3F-1000, B3F-1002, B3F-1005, B3F-1006 B3F-1100, B3F-1102, B3F-1105 B3F-1020 (See note.), B3F-1022 (See note.), B3F-1120 (See note.), B3F-1122 (See note.) B3F-1025 (See note.), B3F-1026 (See note.) B3F-1125 (See note.) B3F-1002-G, B3F-1022-G (See note.) B3F-1102-G, B3F-1122-G (See note.) PCB Processing Dimensions PCB Processing Dimensions (Reference Only) (Top View) (Reference Only) (Top View) 6±0.2 (PCB thickness, t=1.6) 6±0.2 (PCB thickness, t=1.6) 6±0.2 4.5±0.2 6±0.2 4.5±0.2 4.5±0.1 4.5±0.1 4.1±0.1 1.5 3.5 6.5±0.1 Four, 1±0.1 dia. dia. Five, 1±0.05 dia. 3.5 dia. (See note.) 6.5±0.1 (See note.) Terminal Arrangement/ 4.3±0.2 3.4 Terminal Arrangement/Internal 4.3±0.2 3.4 Internal Connections (Top View) Connections (Top View) 3.5 3.5 4 3 0.3 4 3 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.7 76..75±±00..55 0.7 0.7 2 1 67..57±±00..55 0.3 2 1 Note: The height of B3F-1020, B3F-1022, B3F-1025, Note: The height of B3F-1120, B3F-1122, and 5 and B3F-1026 is 5±0.2 mm. B3F-1125 is 5±0.2 mm. Standard, Flat Plunger Type Standard, Flat Plunger Type (with Ground Terminal, Pitch: 7.5 mm) (without Ground Terminal) B3F-1060, B3F-1062, B3F-1062-G B3F-1110 PCB Processing Dimensions PCB Processing Dimensions (Reference Only) (Top View) (Reference Only) (Top View) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) 6±0.2 6±0.2 6±0.2 4.5±0.2 4.5±0.1 6±0.2 4.5±0.2 4.5±0.1 4.1±0.1 Four, 3.5 1.5 1±0.05 dia. 1.2±0.05 dia. dia. 6.5±0.1 Four, 3.5 7.5±0.1 0.5 max. 1±0.05 dia. dia. 7±0.2 Terminal Arrangement/Internal 3.4 5±0.2 3.4 Connections (Top View) (1.8) Terminal Arrangement/ 3.5 Internal Connections 4 3 0.3 3.5 (Top View) 0.3 6.5±0.5 7.7±0.5 0.7 0.7 4 3 0.7 0.7 0.7 2 1 79.5±0±.05.5 0.3 5 2 1 Note: Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions. No terminal numbers are indicated on the Switches. 4

B3F B3F Standard, Flat Plunger Type Standard, Projected Plunger Type (without Ground Terminal) (without Ground Terminal) B3F-1070, B3F-1072, B3F-1075, B3F-1072-G B3F-1050, B3F-1052 B3F-1055, B3F-1056 PCB Processing Dimensions B3F-1052-G PCB Processing Dimensions (Reference Only) (Top View) (Reference Only) (Top View) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) 6±0.2 6±0.2 6±0.2 4.5±0.2 4.5±0.1 6±0.2 4.5±0.2 4.5±0.2 3.5 dd3iiaa.. 6.5±0.1 F1±o0u.0r5, .dia 2.4 × 2.4±0.1 3.5 dia. 6.5±0.1 F1±o0u.0r5, dia. 0.5 max. Terminal Arrangement/Internal 1.8±0.1 Terminal Arrangement/Internal 9.5 Connections (Top View) 7.3±0.2 Connections (Top View) 3.4 4.3±0.2 3.4 (1.8) 4 3 4 3 3.5 3.5 0.3 0.3 6.5±0.5 2 1 6.5±0.5 2 1 7.7±0.5 0.7 0.7 7.7±0.5 0.7 0.7 Standard, Projected Plunger Type Side-operated, Flat Plunger Type (with Ground Terminal) B3F-3100, B3F-3102, B3F-3105 B3F-1150, B3F-1152, B3F-1155 PCB Processing Dimensions PCB Processing Dimensions (Reference Only) (Top View) (Reference Only) (Top View) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) 7.3 (PCB thickness, t=1.6) 6±0.2 Two, 1.5±0.05 dia. 6.25 6±0.2 4.5±0.2 4.5±0.1 2.5±0.1 4.1±0.1 3.5 dia. 1.5 Five, 1±0.05 dia. 4.5±0.1 2.4 × 2.4±0.1 3.5 dia. 7±0.1 Two, 6.5±0.1 1±0.05 dia. 1.8±0.1 Terminal Arrangement/ 7.4 Terminal Arrangement/ 7.3±0.2 Internal Connections 4 Internal Connections 4.3±0.2 3.4 (Top View) 3.5 (Top View) 4 3 4 3.5 0.3 3 0.3 0.7 4.5±0.5 0.3 1 1 2 67..057.±±700..55 0.30.7 0.7 2 5 1 78±.07.5 3.21.52±50.2 2.5±0.5 Side-operated, Flat Plunger Type (Height: 3.85 mm) Side-operated, Projected Plunger Type B3F-3120, B3F-3122, B3F-3125, B3F-3122-G B3F-3150, B3F-3152, B3F-3155 PCB Processing Dimensions PCB Processing Dimensions 7.3 (Reference Only) (Top View) 7.3 (Reference Only) (Top View) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) 6.25 Two, 1.5±0.05 dia. 6.25 Two, 1.5±0.05 dia. 2.5±0.1 2.5±0.1 3.5 dia. 4.5±0.1 4.5±0.1 3.5 dia. 7±0.1 Two, 7±0.1 Two, 1±0.05 dia. 1±0.05 dia. 7.4 Terminal Arrangement/ 7.4 2.4 × 2.4±0.1 Terminal Arrangement/ 4 Internal Connections 4 Internal Connections (Top View) (Top View) 3.5 4 3.5 4 3 3 0.3 0.7 0.3 1 0.3 4.5±0.5 2.25 1 2 0.7 4.5±0.5 0.3 1.8±0.1 1 1 2 78±.07.5 3.85±0.2 2.5±0.5 78±.07.5 6.15±20..225 2.5±0.5 Note: Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions. No terminal numbers are indicated on the Switches. 5

B3F B3F 12 × 12 mm Models Standard, Long-durability, Standard, Long-durability, and High-reliability Models and High-reliability Models Flat Plunger Type Flat Plunger Type (without Ground Terminal) (with Ground Terminal) B3F-4100, B3F-4105, B3F-4000, B3F-4005, B3F-5100, B3F-5101 B3F-5000, B3F-5001 PCB Processing Dimensions PCB Processing Dimensions (Reference Only) (Top View) (Reference Only) (Top View) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) Two, 1.8±0.05 dia. T(fworo ,p 1o.s8it±i0o.n05in dgia b.oss) 12±0.2 (for positioning boss) 12±0.2 5±0.1 9±0.1 5±0.1 9±0.1 12±0.2 5±0.2 12±0.2 5±0.2 6.9±0.1 Five, 12.5±0.1 F1.o2u±r0,. 05 dia. 1.6 12.5±0.1 1.2±0.05 dia. Terminal Arrangement/ Terminal Arrangement/ 7.1 dia. Internal Connections 7.1 dia. Internal Connections (Top View) (Top View) 4.3±0.2 3.5 4.3±0.2 3.5 3.5 4 3 3.5 4 3 1.6 dia. 0.3 1 1 0.9 0.3 1 1 1.6 dia. 12.5±0.5 9±0.1 2 1 12.5±0.5 6.9 2 1 13.8±0.5 13.8±0.5 9±0.1 5 Standard, Long-durability, Standard, Long-durability, and High-reliability Models and High-reliability Models Projected Plunger Type Projected Plunger Type (without Ground Terminal) (with Ground Terminal) B3F-4050, B3F-4055, B3F-4150, B3F-4155, B3F-5050, B3F-5051 B3F-5150, B3F-5151 PCB Processing Dimensions PCB Processing Dimensions (Reference Only) (Top View) (Reference Only) (Top View) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) (PCB thickness, t=1.6) 12±0.2 T(fworo ,p 1o.s8it±i0o.n05in dgia b.oss) 12±0.2 (Tfworo ,p 1o.s8it±i0o.n05in dgia b.oss) 5±0.1 9±0.1 12±0.2 5±0.2 5±0.1 9±0.1 12±0.2 5±0.2 6.9±0.1 1.6 Five, @3.8±0.1 12.5±0.1 F1.o2u±r0,. 05 dia. @3.8±0.1 12.5±0.1 1.2±0.05 dia. 7.1 dia. 7.1 dia. 1.8±0.2 TInetremrninaal lC Aornrnanecgteiomnesn t/ 1.8±0.2 TInetremrninaal lC Aornrnanecgteiomnesn t/ 7.3±0.24.3±0.2 3.5 (Top View) 7.3±0.24.3±0.2 3.5 (Top View) 3.5 4 3 3.5 4 3 1.6 dia. 0.3 1 1 0.9 0.3 1 1 1.6 dia. 12.5±0.5 9±0.1 2 1 12.5±0.5 6.9 2 1 13.8±0.5 13.8±0.5 9±0.1 5 Note: Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions. 6

B3F B3F Note: The numbers used for terminals in the following graphics are indicated in the “Bottom View” diagram below. In this 1 diagram, the Switch is rotated so that the terminals are on the right and left-hand sides, and the OMRON logo appears the right way up. 2 6 mm × 6 mm Radial Types (Taping Specifications): Sold in Units of 1,000 Switches (Bottom View) Flat Plunger Type 6±0.3 Surface B (without Ground Terminal) B3F-6000, B3F-6002 6±0.3 12.7±1 6.35±1 2 max. 3.5 dia. Surface A 0.5 max. Support (1) 4.3 3.4 0.9 tape 0.5 max.918 0+1 0.2 max. 6 9±0.5 0.5 5 -0+.20.8 0.3 18 -0+.51 4 dia. ±0.2 Terminal Arrangement Note: The tape is random P(RCeBfe Preronccees Osninlyg) D(Timope nVsieiown)s /(ITnotper Vniaelw C)onnections 12.7±0.3 Carrier tape (PCB thickness, t=1.6) between surface A and surface B. Two, 1 +00.1 d ia. 5±0.1 2 1 Flat Plunger Type 6±0.3 12.7±1 (with Ground Terminal) 6.35±1 2 max. B3F-6100, B3F-6102 6±0.3 2 3.5 dia. 0.5 max. Stauppeport 0.5 max.11 0.9 20±0.5 (1) 4.3 3.4 6 9±0.5 3.1 0.2 dia. 18 -0+.51 0.5 5±0.2 0.3 5 -0+.20.8 0.6 4±0.2 dia. PCB Processing Dimensions Terminal Arrangement 12.7±0.3 Carrier tape (Reference Only) (Top View) /Internal Connections (PCB thickness, t=1.6) (Top View) Three, 1 +0.01 d ia. 5±0.1 2 1 3 5±0.1 Flat Plunger Type (without Ground Terminal) 6±0.3 Surface B B3F-6020, B3F-6022 6±0.3 6.351±21.7±1 2 max. 3.5 dia. Surface A 0.5 max. Stauppeport 0.5 max.9 18 0+1 0.9 (1) 5 3.4 6 9±0.5 0.2 max. 18 -0+.51 0.5 5 -0+.20.8 0.3 4±0.2 dia. Note: The tape is random PCB Processing Dimensions T/Ienrtmerinnaall CAorrnannegcetimonesnt 12.7±0.3 Carrier tape between surface A (Reference Only) (Top View) (Top View) and surface B. (PCB thickness, t=1.6) Two, 1 +0.01 d ia. 5±0.1 2 1 Note: Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions. No terminal numbers are indicated on the Switches. 7

B3F B3F Flat Plunger Type 6±0.3 (with Ground Terminal) B3F-6120, B3F-6122 6±0.3 2 6.351±21.7±1 2 max. 3.5 dia. 0.5 max. (1) 5 3.4 0.9 Stauppeport 0.5 max.11 20±0.5 3.1 0.2 max. 6 9±0.5 0.5 5±0.2 0.3 5 -0+.20.8 0.6 18 -0+.51 4±0.2 dia. PCB Processing Dimensions Terminal Arrangement ((RPCefBe rtehniccken Oesnsly, )t =(T1o.6p) View) /(ITnotper Vniaelw C)onnections 12.7±0.3 Carrier tape Three, 1+00.1 d ia. 5±0.1 2 1 3 5±0.1 Projected Plunger Type (without Ground Terminal) 6±0.3 Surface B B3F-6050, B3F-6052 6±0.3 3.5 dia. Surface A 2.4 6.351±21.7±1 2 max. 0.5 max. 7.3 0.9 (1) 3.4 Support 9 tape 0.5 dia. 18 +01 0.2 max. 0.5 5 -0+.20.8 0.3 6 9±0.5 18 -0+.51 PCB Processing Dimensions Terminal Arrang ement (Reference Only) (Top View) /Internal Connections 4±0.2 dia. (PCB thickness, t=1.6) (Top View) 12.7±0.3 Carrier tape Two, 1+00.1 d ia. 5±0.1 2 1 Note: The tape is random between surface A and surface B. Projected Plunger Type (with Ground Terminal) 6±0.3 B3F-6150, B3F-6152 6±0.3 2 6.351±21.7±1 2 max. 3.5 dia. 2.4 0.5 max. 7.3 0.9 (1) 3.4 Support 11 tape 0.5 max. 20±0.5 3.1 0.2 max. 0.5 5±0.2 0.3 6 9±0.5 5 +-0.02.8 0.6 18 -0+.51 PCB Processing Dimensions Terminal Arrangement 4±0.2 dia. (Reference Only) (Top View) /Internal Connections (PCB thickness, t=1.6) (Top View) 12.7±0.3 Carrier tape Three, 1 +00.1 d ia. 5±0.1 2 1 3 5±0.1 Note: Unless otherwise specified, a tolerance of ±0.4 mm applies to all dimensions. No terminal numbers are indicated on the Switches. 8

B3F B3F ■ Key Tops B32-series Key Tops are available for projected plungers. Refer to the Datasheet of B32 for details. ■ Precautions Be sure to read the safety precautions common to all Tactile Switches for correct use. (cid:129) Application examples provided in this document are for reference only. In actual applications, confirm equipment functions and safety before using the product. (cid:129) Consult your OMRON representative before using the product under conditions which are not described in the manual or applying the product to nuclear control systems, railroad systems, aviation systems, vehicles, combustion systems, medical equipment, amusement machines, safety equipment, and other systems or equipment that may have a serious influence on lives and property if used improperly. Make sure that the ratings and performance characteristics of the product provide a margin of safety for the system or equipment, and be sure to provide the system or equipment with double safety mechanisms. Note: Do not use this document to operate the Unit. OMRON Corporation Electronic and Mechanical Components Company Contact: www.omron.com/ecb Cat. No. A070-E1-08 1014(0207)(O) 9

Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: O mron: B3F-3100 B3F-1150 B3F-1152 B3F-4100 B3F-4155 B3F-1100 B3F-6000 B3F-4000 B3F-4050 B3F-4055 B3F- 4005 B3F-1070 B3F-1050 B3F-1052 B3F-1000 B3F-1020 B3F-1002 B3F-1022 B3F-3120 B3F-3122 B3F-3150 B3F-3152 B3F-3155 B3F-4055S B3F-1025 B3F-1055 B3F-1102 B3F-1105 B3F-1120 B3F-1122 B3F-1125 B3F- 1110 B3F-1155 B3F-3102 B3F-3105 B3F-3125 B3F-1002-G B3F-1022-G B3F-1102-G B3F-1122-G B3F-5001 B3F-4105 B3F-5100 B3F-5150 B3F-5101 B3F-5151 B3F-6002 B3F-6020 B3F-6022 B3F-6050 B3F-6052 B3F- 6100 B3F-6102 B3F-6120 B3F-6150 B3F-6152 B3F-1006 B3F-1026 B3F-1056 B3F-1060 B3F-1072 B3F-1075 B3F-1170 B3F-1172 B3F-6025 B3F-6055 B3F-5050 B3F-1005 B3F-4150 B3F-5000 B3F-1062 B3F-5051 B3F- 1000S B3F-1002S B3F-6005-A