

  • 型号: AS3935-BQFT
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
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+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




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IC SENSOR LIGHTNING MLPQ-16接口 - 专用 Franklin Lightning Sensor IC









符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


接口 IC,接口 - 专用,ams AS3935-BQFT-








接口 - 专用
















2.4 V to 5.5 V




0.1 W






5.5 V


350 uA











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品牌:CR Magnetics Inc.




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Datasheet AS3935 Franklin Lightning Sensor IC 1 General Description Distance estimation to the head of the storm down to 1km in 14 steps The AS3935 is a programmable fully integrated Lightning Sensor IC Detects both cloud-to-ground and intra-cloud (cloud-to-cloud) that detects the presence and approach of potentially hazardous flashes lightning activity in the vicinity and provides an estimation on the Embedded man-made disturber rejection algorithm distance to the head of the storm. The embedded lightning algorithm checks the incoming signal pattern to reject the potential man-made Programmable detection levels enable threshold setting for disturbers. optimal controls The AS3935 can also provide information on the noise level and SPI and I²C interface is used for control and register reading inform the external unit (e.g. microcontroller) in case of high noise Antenna Tuning to compensate variations of the external conditions, with the noise floor generator and noise floor evaluation components blocks. Supply voltage range 2.4V to 5.5V The AS3935 can be programmed via a 4-wire standard SPI or an I²C. Also, in case the latter is chosen, it is possible to choose among Power-down, listening, and active mode four different addresses. Two clocks are internally generated by two Package: 16LD MLPQ (4x4mm) different RC-Oscillators: TRCO and SRCO. An automatic procedure can increase the precision of those oscillators. The AS3935 can be 3 Applications either supplied by an internal voltage regulator or directly by VDD. AS3935 is ideal for Weather Stations, Clocks, Sports Equipment, 2 Key Features Portables, Pool Safety, Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), Global Positioning System (GPS), Cellular phones, Watches, and Golf Lightning sensor warns of lightning storm activity within a radius Equipment. of 40km Figure 1. AS3935 Block Diagram www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 1 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Contents Contents 1 General Description.................................................................................................................................................................. 1 2 Key Features............................................................................................................................................................................. 1 3 Applications............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 4 Pin Assignments....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Pin Descriptions................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings...................................................................................................................................................... 4 6 Electrical Characteristics........................................................................................................................................................... 5 6.1 Operating Conditions........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 6.2 DC/AC Characteristics for Digital Inputs and Outputs......................................................................................................................... 5 6.3 Detailed System and Block Specification............................................................................................................................................ 5 7 Typical Operating Characteristics............................................................................................................................................. 7 8 Detailed Description.................................................................................................................................................................. 8 8.1 Circuit................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 8.2 Operating Modes................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 8.3 System and Block Specification......................................................................................................................................................... 11 8.3.1 Register Table........................................................................................................................................................................... 11 8.3.2 Register Table Description and Default Value........................................................................................................................... 12 8.4 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)........................................................................................................................................................ 14 8.4.1 SPI Command Structure............................................................................................................................................................ 14 8.4.2 Writing of Register Data............................................................................................................................................................. 15 8.4.3 Reading of Data from Addressable Registers (READ Mode).................................................................................................... 15 8.4.4 Send Direct Command Byte...................................................................................................................................................... 16 8.5 I²C...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16 8.5.1 I²C Byte Write............................................................................................................................................................................ 17 8.5.2 I²C Register Read...................................................................................................................................................................... 18 8.5.3 Direct Command........................................................................................................................................................................ 18 8.6 Voltage Regulator.............................................................................................................................................................................. 18 8.7 Analog Front-end (AFE) and Watchdog............................................................................................................................................ 19 8.8 Noise Floor Generator and Evaluation.............................................................................................................................................. 20 8.9 Lightning Algorithm ........................................................................................................................................................................... 20 8.9.1 Signal Validation........................................................................................................................................................................ 20 8.9.2 Energy Calculation..................................................................................................................................................................... 21 8.9.3 Statistical Distance Estimation................................................................................................................................................... 21 8.9.4 Interrupt Management............................................................................................................................................................... 22 8.10 Antenna Tuning............................................................................................................................................................................... 23 8.11 Clock Generation............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 9 Package Drawings and Markings........................................................................................................................................... 24 10 Ordering Information............................................................................................................................................................. 26 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 2 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Pin Assignments 4 Pin Assignments Figure 2. Pin Assignments (Top View) 4.1 Pin Descriptions Table 1. Pin Descriptions Pin Number Pin Name Pin Type Description 1 ACG AC-Ground 2 INN Analog I/O Antenna ground 3 INP Antenna positive input 4 GND Ground 5 VDD Supply pad Positive supply voltage 6 VREG Positive supply voltage / Regulated voltage 7 EN_VREG Voltage Regulator Enable 8 CS Digital input Chip Select (active low) 9 SI Select Interface (GND  SPI or VDD I²C) 10 IRQ Digital output Interrupt I²C clock bus or SPI clock bus 11 I2CL/SCL Digital input (according to SI setting) 12 MISO Digital output SPI data output bus I²C data bus or SPI data input bus 13 I2CD/MOSI Digital I/O with pull-up / Digital input (according to SI setting) 14 NC Not connected 15 ADD0 I²C address selection LSB Digital input 16 ADD1 I²C address selection MSB Exposed pad Supply pad Connect to Ground via the GND plain and pin 4 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 3 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Absolute Maximum Ratings 5 Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed in Table 2 may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in Electrical Characteristics on page 5 is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Min Max Units Comments Electrical Parameters DC supply voltage (VDD) -0.5 7 V Input pin voltage (VIN) -0.5 5 V Input current (latch up immunity), (Iscr) -100 100 mA Norm: Jedec 78 Electrostatic Discharge Norm: MIL 883 E method Electrostatic discharge (ESD) ±2 kV 3015 (Human Body Model) Continuous Power Dissipation Total power dissipation 0.1 mW (all supplies and outputs), (Pt) Temperature Ranges and Storage Conditions Storage temperature (Tstrg) -65 150 ºC Norm: IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 The reflow peak soldering temperature (body Package body temperature (Tbody) 260 ºC temperature) is specified according IPC/JEDEC J- STD-020 “Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices”. Humidity non-condensing 5 85 % Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) 3 Represents a maximum floor life time of 168h www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 4 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Electrical Characteristics 6 Electrical Characteristics 6.1 Operating Conditions In this specification, all the defined tolerances for external components need to be assured over the whole operation conditions range and also over lifetime. Table 3. Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units In case the voltage regulator is ON 2.4 5.5 V VDD Positive supply voltage In case the voltage regulator is OFF 2.4 3.6 V TAMB Ambient temperature -40 85 ºC 6.2 DC/AC Characteristics for Digital Inputs and Outputs Table 4. CMOS Input Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units VIH High level input voltage 0.6*VDD 0.7*VDD 0.9*VDD V VIL Low level input voltage 0.125*VDD 0.2*VDD 0.3*VDD V Note: On ALL outputs, use the cells with the smallest drive capability which will do the job, in order to prevent current/spikes problems. Table 5. CMOS Output Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units VOH High level output voltage VDD-0.4 V With a load current of 1mA VOL Low level output voltage VSS+0.4 V CL Capacitive load For a clock frequency of 1MHz 400 pF Table 6. Tristate CMOS Output Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units VOH High level output voltage VDD-0.4 V With a load current of 1mA VOL Low level output voltage VSS+0.4 V IOZ Tristate leakage current To VDD and VSS 400 nA 6.3 Detailed System and Block Specification Table 7. Electrical System Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Note Input Characteristic RIN Input AC impedance 200 k Current Consumption IPWDROFF Power-down current when VREG is OFF 1 2 μA IPWDRON Power-down current when VREG is ON 8 15 μA Current consumption in listening mode ILSMROFF when VREG is OFF 60 80 μA Current consumption in listening mode ILSMRON when VREG is ON 70 μA Current Consumption in signal ISVM verification mode 350 μA www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 5 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Electrical Characteristics Table 7. Electrical System Specifications Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Note Time needed by the LCO to start- LCOSUT LCO Start-up Time 2 ms up TSRCO SRCO frequency after calibration 1.065 1.125 1.19 MHz Assuming FLCO = 500 kHz TTRCO TRCO frequency after calibration 30.5 32.26 34.0 kHz The calibration of the RC TRCOCAL Calibration time for the RC oscillators 2 ms oscillators starts after the LCO settles VROUT Voltage regulator output voltage 2.7 3.0 3.3 V www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 6 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Typical Operating Characteristics 7 Typical Operating Characteristics Figure 3. Power-down current if Voltage Regulator is OFF over Figure 4. Power-down Current if Voltage Regulator is OFF @3V Supply Voltage (VREG) over Temperature Figure 5. Current Consumption in Listening Mode if Voltage Figure 6. Current Consumption in Listening Mode if Voltage Regulator is OFF over Supply Voltage (VREG) Regulator is OFF over Temperature (@ VREG=3V) Figure 7. Output Regulated Voltage (VREG) @VDD=5V over Figure 8. Output Regulated Voltage (VREG) @ Room Temperature Temperature over Supply Voltage www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 7 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8 Detailed Description The AS3935 can detect the presence of an approaching storm with lightning activities and provide an estimation of the distance to the leading edge of the storm, where the leading edge of the storm is defined as the minimum distance from the sensor to the closest edge of the storm. The embedded hardwired distance estimation algorithm of the AS3935 issues an interrupt on the IRQ pin (see Interrupt Management on page 22) every time a lightning is detected. The estimated distance which is displayed in the distance estimation register does not represent the distance to the single lightning but the estimated distance to the leading edge of the storm. A graphical representation is shown in the Figure 9. Figure 9. Storm As shown in Figure 10, Figure 11, Figure 12, and Figure 13, the system integration consists mainly of the AS3935 and an external control unit (e.g. MCU) for the IC initialization and interrupt management (IRQ). The choice of interface type (SPI vs. I²C) is accomplished using pin 9, SI (Select Interface). When the SI is connected to GND, the SPI is selected. When the SI is connected to VDD, the I²C is selected. Pins ADD0 and ADD1 are used to select among 4 different I²C address. The internal voltage regulator can be enabled by connecting EN_VREG to VDD. If the internal regulator is not used, capacitor C3 is not needed and VREG must be connected to VDD. In this case, the AS3935 can be directly supplied by VREG and VDD (EN_VREG to GND). AS3935 needs the following external components: Power supply capacitor – CBAT – 1μF Load capacitor on the ACG and VREG pins; the latter is needed only in case the voltage regulator is enabled One, RLC resonators for the antenna One resistor on the I2CL pin to VDD, if I²C is active (R2 > 10k) www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 8 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description Figure 10. AS3935 Application Diagram (Voltage Regulator OFF, SPI Active) Figure 11. AS3935 Application Diagram (Voltage Regulator OFF, I²C Active) www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 9 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description Figure 12. AS3935 Application Diagram (Voltage Regulator ON, SPI Active) Figure 13. AS3935 Application Diagram (Voltage Regulator ON, I²C Active) www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 10 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.1 Circuit Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the AS3935. The external antenna is directly connected to the Analog Front-end (AFE), which amplifies and demodulates the received signal. The watchdog continuously monitors the output of the AFE and alerts the integrated lightning algorithm block in the event of an incoming signal. The lightning algorithm block validates the signal by checking the incoming signal pattern, calculates the energy and then the AS3935 provides the MCU with an estimate of the distance to the head of the storm. The lightning algorithm block, processing the demodulated signal, can distinguish between lightning signal and man-made disturbers. If the received signal is classified as a man-made disturber, then the event is rejected and the system automatically goes back into listening mode to minimize current consumption. If the incoming signal identifies a lightning event, then the statistical distance estimation block performs an estimation of the distance to the head of the storm (Typical time needed 2ms). The LC oscillator together with the calibration block can calibrate both the TRCO and the SRCO clock generator to compensate process variations. 8.2 Operating Modes Power-down Mode. In Power-down Mode, the entire AS3935 is switched off to reduce the current consumption to minimum (typ 1μA). Listening Mode. In listening mode the AFE, the watchdog, the noise floor level generation, the bias block, the TRCO, and the voltage regulator (in case it is enabled) are running. In this mode the system can push down the power consumption to a minimum (typ 60μA). In case the maximum voltage supply does not exceed 3.6V, it is possible to switch off the voltage regulator to save power. Signal Verification. The AS3935 enters in this mode every time the watchdog detects dynamic activity picked up by the antenna. Threshold can be set in WDTH REG0x01[3:0]. The IC will leave this mode either if the incoming signal is classified as disturber or if the analysis of the single event (lightning) is finished. If the received signal is classified as a disturber, then the AS3935 will automatically go back to listening mode without any needed action from outside and an interrupt will be generated (with option bit this interrupt can be masked). If the received pattern matches all requirements, the energy calculation is performed and the AS3935 provides distance estimation. 8.3 System and Block Specification 8.3.1 Register Table Table 8. Register Table Register # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0x00 Reserved AFE_GB PWD 0x01 Reserved NF_LEV WDTH 0x02 Reserved CL_STAT MIN_NUM_LIGH SREJ 0x03 LCO_FDIV MASK_DIST Reserved INT 0x04 S_LIG_L 0x05 S_LIG_M 0x06 Reserved S_LIG_MM 0x07 Reserved DISTANCE 0x08 DISP_LCO DISP_SRCO DISP_TRCO Reserved TUN_CAP 0x09 ... ... Lightning Detection Look-up Table ... ... 0x32 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 11 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.3.2 Register Table Description and Default Value Table 9. Detailed Register Map Default Address Register Name Bit Type Description Value Reserved [7:6] 0 reserved 0x00 AFE_GB [5:1] R/W 10010 AFE Gain Boost PWD [0] 0 Power-down NF_LEV [6:4] 010 Noise Floor Level 0x01 R/W WDTH [3:0] 0001 Watchdog threshold Reserved [7] 1 reserved CL_STAT [6] 1 Clear statistics 0x02 R/W MIN_NUM_LIGH [5:4] 00 Minimum number of lightning SREJ [3:0] 0010 Spike rejection LCO_FDIV [7:6] 00 Frequency division ration for antenna tuning MASK_DIST [5] R/W 0 Mask Disturber 0x03 Reserved [4] 0 reserved INT [3:0] R 0000 Interrupt (see Table 18) 0x04 S_LIG_L [7:0] R 00000000 Energy of the Single Lightning LSBYTE 0x05 S_LIG_M [7:0] R 00000000 Energy of the Single Lightning MSBYTE Reserved [7:5] reserved 0x06 S_LIG_MM [4:0] R 00000 Energy of the Single Lightning MMSBYTE Reserved [7:6] reserved 0x07 DISTANCE [5:0] R 000000 Distance estimation DISP_LCO [7] 0 Display LCO on IRQ pin DISP_SRCO [6] 0 Display SRCO on IRQ pin 0x08 R/W DISP_TRCO [5] 0 Display TRCO on IRQ pin TUN_CAP [3:0] 0000 Internal Tuning Capacitors (from 0 to 120pF in steps of 8pf) 0x09 LDLUT1 [7:0] R/W 10101101 0x0A LDLUT2 [7:0] R/W 00000000 0x0B LDLUT3 [7:0] R/W 00100101 0x0C LDLUT4 [7:0] R/W 00000011 0x0D LDLUT5 [7:0] R/W 00000001 0x0E LDLUT6 [7:0] R/W 00100010 0x0F LDLUT7 [7:0] R/W 10000011 Lightning Detection Look-up table 0x10 LDLUT8 [7:0] R/W 00000001 0x11 LDLUT9 [7:0] R/W 00011111 0x12 LDLUT10 [7:0] R/W 01000011 0x13 LDLUT11 [7:0] R/W 00000010 0x14 LDLUT12 [7:0] R/W 00011011 0x15 LDLUT13 [7:0] R/W 01100011 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 12 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description Table 9. Detailed Register Map Default Address Register Name Bit Type Description Value 0x16 LDLUT14 [7:0] R/W 00000011 0x17 LDLUT15 [7:0] R/W 00011000 0x18 LDLUT16 [7:0] R/W 00010100 0x19 LDLUT17 [7:0] R/W 00000101 0x1A LDLUT18 [7:0] R/W 00010100 0x1B LDLUT19 [7:0] R/W 10011101 0x1C LDLUT20 [7:0] R/W 00000111 0x1D LDLUT21 [7:0] R/W 00010001 0x1E LDLUT22 [7:0] R/W 01101010 0x1F LDLUT23 [7:0] R/W 00001011 0x20 LDLUT24 [7:0] R/W 00001110 0x21 LDLUT25 [7:0] R/W 00011101 0x22 LDLUT26 [7:0] R/W 00010001 0x23 LDLUT27 [7:0] R/W 00001100 0x24 LDLUT28 [7:0] R/W 10101011 Lightning Detection Look-up table 0x25 LDLUT29 [7:0] R/W 00011001 0x26 LDLUT30 [7:0] R/W 00001010 0x27 LDLUT31 [7:0] R/W 01111111 0x28 LDLUT32 [7:0] R/W 00100110 0x29 LDLUT33 [7:0] R/W 00001000 0x2A LDLUT34 [7:0] R/W 10111101 0x2B LDLUT35 [7:0] R/W 00111001 0x2C LDLUT36 [7:0] R/W 00000110 0x2D LDLUT37 [7:0] R/W 10011011 0x2E LDLUT38 [7:0] R/W 01010110 0x2F LDLUT39 [7:0] R/W 00000101 0x30 LDLUT40 [7:0] R/W 11100111 0x31 LDLUT41 [7:0] R/W 10000001 0x32 LDLUT42 [7:0] R/W 00000001 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 13 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.4 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) This 4-wire standard SPI interface (Mode 1) can be used by the Microcontroller (μC) to program the AS3935. To enable the SPI as data interface, the Select Interface (SI) has to be set to low (GND). The maximum clock operation frequency of the SPI is 2MHz. Note: The clock operation frequency of the SPI should NOT be identical to the resonance frequency of the antenna (500kHz), in order to minimize the on board 500kHz noise. Table 10. Serial Data Interface (SDI) Pins Name Signal Signal Level Description CS Digital Input CMOS Chip Select (Active Low) MOSI Digital Input CMOS Serial data input from the external unit to the AS3935 MISO Digital Output CMOS Serial data output from the AS3935 to the external unit SCLK Digital Input CMOS Clock for serial data read and write Note: MISO is set to tristate if CS is high. In this way more than one device can communicate on the same MISO bus. 8.4.1 SPI Command Structure To activate this SPI, the CS has to be set to low. A SPI command consists of two bytes serial command and the data are sampled on the falling edge of SCLK (CPHA=1). The next table shows command structure, from the MSB (B15) to LSB (B0). The command stream has to be sent to the SPI from the MSB (B15) to the LSB (B0). MODE Register Address / Direct Command Register Data B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 The first two bits (B15 and B14) define the operating mode. There are two modes available – Read and Write/Direct command. Table 11. Bits B15, B14 B15 B14 Mode 0 0 WRITE / DIRECT COMMAND 0 1 READ In case a write or read command happens, then the next 5 bits (B13 to B9) define the register address, which has to be written respectively read, as shown in the table below. The direct command is performed with a write operation (see Send Direct Command Byte on page 16). Table 12. Bits B13 to B9 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 Read / Write Register 0 0 0 0 0 0 0x00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0x01 0 0 0 0 1 0 0x02 0 0 0 0 1 1 0x03 0 0 0 1 0 0 0x04 0 0 0 1 0 1 0x05 0 0 0 1 1 0 0x06 0 0 0 1 1 1 0x07 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 1 1 0 0 0 1 0x31 1 1 0 0 1 0 0x32 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 14 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.4.2 Writing of Register Data Figure 14. SPI Page Write 8.4.3 Reading of Data from Addressable Registers (READ Mode) Once the address has been sent via SPI, the data can be fed through the MISO pin out to the microcontroller. A CS high toggling high-low-high has to be performed after finishing the read mode session, in order to indicate the end of the READ command and prepare the Interface to the next command control Byte. To transfer bytes from consecutive addresses, SPI master has to keep the CS signal low and the SCLK clock has to be active as long as data need to be read. Figure 15. SPI Read Byte www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 15 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.4.4 Send Direct Command Byte It is possible to send direct commands by writing 0x96 in the registers REG0x3C and REG0x3D, as shown in the table below: Table 13. Registers 0x3C, 0x3D Direct Command Register Description PRESET_DEFAULT 0x3C Sets all registers in default mode CALIB_RCO 0x3D Calibrates automatically the internal RC Oscillators 8.5 I²C An I²C slave interface is implemented for read/write access to the internal registers and to send direct commands. To enable the I²C as interface, the Select Interface pin has to be set to the positive voltage supply (SI=VDD). The I2CL is the clock bus, while the I2CD is the data bus. An external pull-up resistor on the I2CL pin is needed. The device addresses for the AS3935 in read or write mode are defined by: 0-0-0-0-0-a1-a0-0: write mode device address (DW) 0-0-0-0-0-a1-a0-1: read mode device address (DR) Where a0 and a1 are defined by the pins 5 (ADD0) and 6 (ADD1). Figure 16. I²C Timing Diagram Table 14. I²C Parameters Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units TSP Spike intensity 50 100 ns THI High Clock Time 330 ns 400 kHz Clock speed TLO Low Clock Time 660 ns I2CD has to change Tsetup before rising TSU 30 ns edge I2CL No hold time needed for I2CD relative to THD -40 ns rising edge of I2CL Within start condition, after low going I2CD, I2CL has to stay constant for THD;STA 300 ns specified hold time TSU;STO After high going edge of I2CL, I2CD has to stay constant for the specified setup 100 ns time before STOP or repeated start condition is applied TSU;STA 100 ns www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 16 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.5.1 I²C Byte Write The transmission begins with a START condition (S), which consists of a high-to-low transition of the I2CD bus when I2CL is high. The START condition is followed by the Device Write mode (DW), word address (WA: register address to write into) and the register data (reg_dat). Until the stop condition (P) the word address is automatically incremented at any register data. Figure 17. I²C Byte Write Figure 18. I²C Page Write Symbol Description S START condition after STOP Sr Repeated START DW Device Address for write DR Device Address for read WA Word address A Acknowledge N No acknowledge P STOP condition WA++ Internal address increment www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 17 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.5.2 I²C Register Read To read data from the slave device, the master has to change the transfer direction. This can be done either with a repeated START condition followed by the device-read address, or simply with a new transmission START followed by the device-read address, when the bus is in IDLE state. The device-read address is always followed by the 1st register byte transmitted from the slave. In Read Mode, any number of subsequent register bytes can be read from the slave. The word address is incremented internally. Figure 19. I²C Page Read Random Read and Sequential Read are combined formats. The repeated START condition is used to change the direction after the data transfer from the master. The word address transfer is initiated with a START condition issued by the master while the bus is idle. The START condition is followed by the device-write address and the word address. In order to change the data direction, a repeated START condition is issued on the 1st CLK pulse after the ACKNOWLEDGE bit of the word address transfer. After the reception of the device-read address, the slave becomes the transmitter. In this state, the slave transmits register data located by the previous received word address vector. The master responds to the data byte with a NOT ACKNOWLEDGE, and issues a STOP condition on the bus. In contrast to the Random Read, in a sequential read the transferred register-data bytes are responded by an acknowledge from the master. The number of data bytes transferred in one sequence is unlimited (consider the behavior of the word-address counter). To terminate the transmission, the master has to send a NOT ACKNOWLEDGE following the last data byte and subsequently generate the STOP condition. 8.5.3 Direct Command It is possible to send direct commands writing 0x96 in the registers REG0x3C and REG0x3D, as shown in the table below: Direct Command Register PRESET_DEFAULT 0x3C CALIB_RCO 0x3D 8.6 Voltage Regulator The AS3935 can be either supplied by a voltage regulator or directly. If the voltage regulator is used, an additional current consumption (around 5μA) will have to be considered. In this case the pin EN_VREG must be connected to VDD and the AS3935 is supplied by the pin VDD, while the regulated voltage is at the pin VREG (output of the voltage regulator). In order to fulfil the stability requirements of the voltage regulator a capacitance greater than 1μF on the pin VREG to ground is needed. The nominal output regulated voltage is 3V. If the voltage regulator is not used, the pin EN_VREG must be connected to ground and the pins VDD and VREG must be connected together to the supply voltage (e.g. battery). www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 18 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.7 Analog Front-end (AFE) and Watchdog The AFE amplifies and demodulates the AC-signal picked up by the antenna. Since the AS3935 is a lightning sensor based on narrowband receiving technique (center frequency of 500kHz and a bandwidth of about 33kHz), the AFE bandwidth is meant to be greater than the antenna bandwidth. In this way, it is possible to consider that the gain within the antenna bandwidth as constant. The gain of the AFE by default is optimized to operate indoor (e.g. inside a building). If the AS3935 operates outdoor, then the AFE gain setting has to be set to a lower value, as shown in the Table 15. Indoor and Outdoor setting must be selected according to the type of the application. Table 15. AFE Setting, Outdoor vs. Indoor AFE Setting REG0x00[5:1] Indoor 10010 Outdoor 01110 The output signal of the AFE is monitored by the watchdog, which enables the signal validation (see Signal Verification on page 11) in case the input signal crosses a certain threshold. The AS3935 is automatically set back to Listening Mode once the Signal Validation block has made an assessment on the nature of the received signal (lighting or disturber). With register REG0x01[3:0] it is possible to change the level of this threshold to increase the robustness to disturbers. If higher thresholds are used, the AS3935 would loose sensitivity for very far lightning events, with an improvement of the man-made disturber rejection as benefit. Figure 20 shows the degradation of the detection efficiency (sensitivity of lightning detection) over the distance for different threshold settings. Figure 20. Detection Efficiencies vs. Distance for Different Settings for WDTH, if SREJ=0000 60% WDTH 0000 0001 %] 40% 00001101 y [ 0100 nc 0101 e 0110 Effici 10010101 n 1001 o 1010 cti e 20% et D 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 Radius [km] www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 19 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.8 Noise Floor Generator and Evaluation The output signal of the AFE is also used to generate the noise floor level. The noise floor is continuously compared to a reference voltage (noise threshold). Whenever the noise floor level crosses the noise threshold, the AS3935 issues an interrupt (INT_NH) to inform the external unit (e.g. MCU) that the AS3935 cannot operate properly due to the high input noise received by the antenna (e.g. blocker). It is possible to set the threshold for the noise floor limit with the bits REG0x01[6:4], as defined in the table below. Table 16. Settings for the Noise Floor Threshold Continuous Input Noise Level Continuous Input Noise Level REG0x01[6] REG0x01[5] REG0x01[4] [μVrms] (outdoor) [μVrms] (indoor) 390 28 0 0 0 630 45 0 0 1 860 62 0 1 0 1100 78 0 1 1 1140 95 1 0 0 1570 112 1 0 1 1800 130 1 1 0 2000 146 1 1 1 INT_NH is displayed as long as the input noise level (blocker) is higher than the noise floor threshold. By default the setting REG0x01[6:4] =010 is used. 8.9 Lightning Algorithm The lightning algorithm consists of hardwired logic. False events (man-made disturbers) which might trigger the AS3935 are rejected, while lightning events initiate calculations to estimate the distance to the head of the storm. The Lightning algorithm is broken up into three sub blocks: 1. Signal validation: Verification that the incoming signal can be classified as lightning. 2. Energy calculation: Calculation of the energy of the single event. 3. Statistical distance estimation: According to the number of stored events (lightning), a distance estimate is calculated. If the signal validation fails (the incoming signal does not have the characteristics of lightning), the energy calculation and statistical distance estimation do not happen and the event is classified as disturber. 8.9.1 Signal Validation The watchdog enables the lightning algorithm block in the event any activities are detected at the antenna. As this happens the output signal of the AFE is evaluated by the Signal Validation block, which checks the pattern of the received signal. The signal validation checks the shape of the received signal. In particular, the AS3935 can reject the impulse signals, like spikes, picked up by the antenna. The AS3935 has the ability to improve the spike rejection with the register REG0x02[3:0]. By default, register REG0x02[3:0] =0010. Larger values in REG0x02[3:0] correspond to more robust disturber rejection, with a decrease of the detection efficiency, as shown in the Figure 21. www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 20 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description Figure 21. Detection Efficiencies vs. Distance for Different Setting of SREJ, if WDTH=0001 60% SREJ 0000 0001 %] 40% 0010 y [ 0011 nc 0100 e 0101 Effici 00111110 n 1000 o cti 1001 e 1010 et 20% 1011 D 0.0 0 10 20 30 40 Radius [km] At the end of the signal verification, the AS3935 automatically returns to listening mode. 8.9.2 Energy Calculation If the received signal is classified as lightning, the energy is calculated. The result of the energy calculation is then stored in the registers REG0x06[4:0], REG0x05[7:0] and REG0x04[7:0]. This value is just a pure number and has no physical meaning. 8.9.3 Statistical Distance Estimation The AS3935 generates an assessment of the estimated distance to the head of an approaching storm. This assessment is done based on statistical calculation. The energy of the single event (lightning) provided by the Energy Calculation block is stored in an internal memory, together with timing information, in the AS3935. The events stored in the memory are then correlated with a look-up table by the statistical distance estimation block, which provides a final estimation of the distance to the head of the storm. The algorithm automatically deletes events, which are older than a certain time. R7=0x01 means that the storm is right overhead, while R7=0x3F is displayed when the storm is out of range. This algorithm is hardwired and not accessible from outside. The estimated distance is directly represented in km in the register REG0x07[5:0] (binary encoded). The distance estimation can change also if no new event triggers the AS3935, as older events can be purged. Table 17. Distance Estimation REG0x07[5:0] Distance [km] 111111 Out of range 101000 40 100101 37 100010 34 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 21 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description Table 17. Distance Estimation REG0x07[5:0] Distance [km] 011111 31 011011 27 011000 24 010100 20 010001 17 001110 14 001100 12 001010 10 001000 8 000110 6 000101 5 000001 Storm is Overhead The calculated energy is stored in registers REG0x04[7:0], REG0x05[7:0] and REG0x06[4:0]. 8.9.4 Interrupt Management Whenever events happen, the AS3935 pulls the IRQ high and displays the interrupt in the REG0x03[3:0]. Table 18 shows the interrupt register. Table 18. Interrupts Interrupt Name REG0x03[3:0] Description INT_NH 0001 Noise level too high INT_D 0100 Disturber detected INT_L 1000 Lightning interrupt The INT_NH is issued if the received noise exceeds the maximum acceptable noise. INT_NH persists until the noise is again back to low. In case the signal validation block assesses the received signal as disturber, the INT_D is displayed. It is possible to mask the disturber interrupts INT_D with MASK_DIST (REG0x03[5] =1). If the MASK_DIST option is enabled, the signal on the pin IRQ never goes high if a disturber is detected. The interrupt bus IRQ is set back to low whenever the interrupt register is read out. The AS3935 issues a lightning interrupt (INT_L) if a new event is detected. All new events are stored in the internal memory and build up a lightning statistic used by the distance estimation algorithm. If the AS3935 issues an interrupt and the Interrupt register is REG0x03[3:0] =000 the distance estimation has changed due to purging of old events in the statistics, based on the lightning distance estimation algorithm. Whenever an interrupt is issued, the external unit should wait 2ms before reading the Interrupt register. In addition, it is possible to allow the AS3935 to issue lightning interrupts only if a minimum number of events (lightning) have been detected in the last 17 minutes. The minimum number of lightning events can be set with register REG0x02[5:4]. Table 19. Minimum Number of Lightning Detection Minimum Number of Lightning REG0x02[5] REG0x02[4] 1 0 0 5 0 1 9 1 0 16 1 1 When this feature is utilized, a minimum number of events must occur to trigger a valid lightning event. This eliminates false triggers by man- made disturbers that may pass the validation algorithm. It is possible to clear the statistics built up by the lightning distance estimation algorithm block by just toggling the bit REG0x02[6] (high-low-high). www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 22 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Detailed Description 8.10 Antenna Tuning The AS3935 uses a loop antenna based on a parallel LC resonator. The antenna has to be designed to have its resonance frequency at 500kHz and a quality factor of around 15. With a register setting it is possible to display on the IRQ pin the resonance frequency of the antenna as a digital signal with the register REG0x08[7] =1. The external unit can measure this frequency and tune the antenna adding or removing the internal capacitors with the register REG0x08[3:0]. It is necessary to tune the antenna with an accuracy of ±3.5% to optimize the performance of the signal validation and distance estimation. The resonance frequency is internally divided by a factor, which is programmable with the register REG0x03[7:6]. Table 20 shows the division ratio. Table 20. Frequency Division Ratio for the Antenna Tuning Division Ratio REG0x03[7] REG0x03[6] 16 0 0 32 0 1 64 1 0 128 1 1 8.11 Clock Generation The clock generation is based on two different RC oscillators: a system RCO (SRCO) and a timer RCO (TRCO). The SRCO will run at about 1.1MHz and provides the main clock for the whole digital part. The TRCO is a low power low frequency oscillator and runs at 32.768 kHz. Frequency variations in these two oscillators, due to temperature change, are automatically compensated. The output frequency of those oscillators can be displayed on the IRQ pin with register setting (REG0x08[5] =1 TRCO, while REG0x08[6] =1 SRCO). Due to process variations, the frequency of both oscillators can be different from the nominal frequency. Therefore, it is possible to calibrate both with a direct command. The precision of the calibration will depend on the accuracy of the resonance frequency of the antenna. It is recommended to first trim the receiver antenna before the calibration of both oscillators is done. The result of calibration of the 3 oscillators is stored in a volatile memory and needs to be done every time after POR (e.g. battery change) but all oscillators are internally compensated in temperature and voltage supply variations. If the AS3935 is set in power-down mode, the TRCO needs to be recalibrated using the following procedure: 1. Send Direct command CALIB_RCO 2. Modify REG0x08[5] = 1 3. Wait 2ms 4. Modify REG0x08[5] = 0 www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 23 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Package Drawings and Markings 9 Package Drawings and Markings The device is available in a 16LD MLPQ (4x4mm) package. Figure 22. Drawings and Dimensions AS3935 @ YYWWQZZ Symbol Min Nom Max A 0.70 0.75 0.80 A1 0 0.02 0.05 A3 0.20 REF L 0.30 0.40 0.50 b 0.25 0.30 0.35 D 4.00 BSC E 4.00 BSC e 0.65 BSC D2 2.55 2.70 2.80 E2 2.55 2.70 2.80 aaa - 0.15 - Notes: bbb - 0.10 - 1. Dimensions & tolerancing conform to ASME Y14.5M-1994. ccc - 0.10 - 2. All dimensions are in millimeters. Angles are in degrees. ddd - 0.05 - 3. Coplanarity applies to the exposed heat slug as well as the terminal. eee - 0.08 - 4. Radius on terminal is optional. fff - 0.10 - 5. N is the total number of terminals. N 16 Marking: YYWWQZZ. YY WW Q ZZ @ Year Manufacturing Week Plant identification letter Traceability code Sublot identifier www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 24 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Revision History Revision History Revision Date Owner Description 1.0 30 Apr, 2012 Initial release rlc 1.1 14 May, 2012 Corrected error in marking code Updated info for exposed pad in Table 1, current consumption in Table 7, 1.2 10 Jul, 2012 jpe / msc Section 8.1, Section 8.2, Figure 19, Section 8.7, dimensions info in Section 9. Note: Typos may not be explicitly mentioned under revision history. www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 25 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Ordering Information 10 Ordering Information Table 21. Ordering Information Ordering Code Package Type Marking Delivery Form Quantity AS3935-BQFT MLPQ 4x4 16LD AS3935 7 inches Tape & Reel 1000 pcs Note: All products are RoHS compliant and austriamicrosystems green. Buy our products or get free samples online at ICdirect: http://www.austriamicrosystems.com/ICdirect Technical Support is available at http://www.austriamicrosystems.com/Technical-Support For further information and requests, please contact us mailto: sales@austriamicrosystems.com or find your local distributor at http://www.austriamicrosystems.com/distributor www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 26 - 27

AS3935 Datasheet - Copyrights Copyrights Copyright © 1997-2012, austriamicrosystems AG, Tobelbaderstrasse 30, 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered ®. All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. All products and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Disclaimer Devices sold by austriamicrosystems AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. austriamicrosystems AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. austriamicrosystems AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with austriamicrosystems AG for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by austriamicrosystems AG for each application. For shipments of less than 100 parts the manufacturing flow might show deviations from the standard production flow, such as test flow or test location. The information furnished here by austriamicrosystems AG is believed to be correct and accurate. However, austriamicrosystems AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of austriamicrosystems AG rendering of technical or other services. This product is intended to be used as an early warning indicator for lightning related storms. It does not guarantee accuracy or predict exact strike locations. By using the part, the user shall be aware that s/he cannot just rely on the indication in order to prevent accidents caused by lightning strikes. austriamicrosystems explicitly states that the user must follow the generally known and recommended instructions on how to behave in the event of lightning strikes. In no event shall austriamicrosystems or its suppliers be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary or consequential damages (including, but not limited to procurement of substitute goods or services, loss of use, data or profits, or business interruption) arising out of user’s disregard to such warnings and instructions. Contact Information Headquarters austriamicrosystems AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 A-8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria Tel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0 Fax: +43 (0) 3136 525 01 For Sales Offices, Distributors and Representatives, please visit: http://www.austriamicrosystems.com/contact www.austriamicrosystems.com Revision 1.2 27 - 27

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