

  • 型号: ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2
  • 制造商: Analog
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2由Analog设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2价格参考。AnalogADA4000-1AUJZ-R2封装/规格:线性 - 放大器 - 仪表,运算放大器,缓冲器放大器, J-FET 放大器 1 电路 TSOT-5。您可以下载ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 是由 Analog Devices Inc. 生产的一款低功耗、高精度的仪表放大器,适用于多种应用场景。以下是其主要应用领域:

 1. 工业自动化与控制
   ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 的高精度和低噪声特性使其非常适合用于工业自动化中的传感器信号调理。例如,在温度、压力、位移等传感器的应用中,该放大器可以将微弱的传感器信号进行放大和调理,确保信号传输的准确性和稳定性。它还可以用于电机控制、机器人技术等领域,提供精确的反馈信号。

 2. 医疗设备
   在医疗设备中,如心电图(ECG)、脑电图(EEG)和其他生物医学信号监测设备中,ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 可以有效地放大微弱的生物电信号,同时保持极低的噪声水平。其高共模抑制比(CMRR)使得它能够有效抑制环境干扰,确保测量结果的准确性。

 3. 精密测量仪器

 4. 音频处理
   在音频处理设备中,ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 可用于前置放大器,放大来自麦克风或其他音频源的微弱信号。其低噪声和高线性度特性确保了音频信号的质量,特别适合于高端音频设备或专业录音设备。

 5. 数据采集系统
   在数据采集系统中,ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 可以作为前端信号调理电路,用于放大来自各种传感器的信号。它能够处理宽动态范围的输入信号,并且具有良好的温度稳定性,确保在不同环境条件下都能提供可靠的性能。

 6. 通信设备
   在通信设备中,特别是无线通信和有线通信的前端接收电路中,ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 可以用于放大接收到的微弱信号,确保信号的完整性并减少噪声干扰。

总的来说,ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 凭借其低功耗、高精度、低噪声和高共模抑制比等优点,广泛应用于需要高精度信号调理的各种领域,特别是在工业、医疗、仪器仪表等行业中表现尤为突出。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值



集成电路 (IC)半导体


IC OPAMP JFET 5MHZ TSOT23-5精密放大器 IC 1mV JFet Input


Linear - Amplifiers - Instrumentation, OP Amps, Buffer Amps集成电路 - IC


Analog Devices Inc





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


放大器 IC,精密放大器,Analog Devices ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2-












100 dB






20 V/µs


+/- 5 V, +/- 9 V, +/- 12 V, +/- 15 V


110 dB


Analog Devices


5 MHz










SOT-23-5 细型,TSOT-23-5




-40°C ~ 125°C


4 V to 18 V






+/- 18 V


+ 125 C


+/- 4 V


- 40 C



电压-电源,单/双 (±)

8 V ~ 36 V, ±4 V ~ 18 V




114 dB








18 V


4 V


1.35 mA












20 V/us


4.5 nA


15 V


200 uV




1 Channel



品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:Maxim Integrated




品牌:Texas Instruments




品牌:Maxim Integrated




品牌:Texas Instruments





ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 相关产品


品牌:Texas Instruments



品牌:Texas Instruments



品牌:Analog Devices Inc.



品牌:Texas Instruments






品牌:Texas Instruments



品牌:Analog Devices Inc.





PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Low Cost, Precision JFET Input Operational Amplifiers Data Sheet ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 FEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS High slew rate: 20 V/μs OUT 1 5 V+ Fast settling time ADA4000-1 Low offset voltage: 1.70 mV maximum V– 2 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) B±4ia Vs ctuor ±re1n8t V: 4 o0p peAra mtioanx imum +IN 3 4 –IN 05791-001 Figure 1. 5-Lead TSOT (UJ-5) Low voltage noise: 16 nV/Hz Unity gain stable NC 1 8 NC Common-mode voltage includes +VS –IN 2 ADA4000-1 7 V+ Wide bandwidth: 5 MHz +IN 3 TOP VIEW 6 OUT (Not to Scale) APPLICATIONS V– 4NC = NO CONNECT5 NC 05791-002 Reference gain/buffers Figure 2. 8-Lead SOIC (R-8) Level shift/driving Active filters OUT A 1 8 +V Power line monitoring/control –IN A 2 ADA4000-2 7 OUT B CDuartrae anctq/vuoisltitaigoen sense or monitoring +IN– VA 34 (NToOt Pto V SIEcWale) 65 –+IINN BB 05791-027 Sample-and-hold circuits Figure 3. 8-Lead SOIC (R-8) Integrators OUT A 1 8 +V GENERAL DESCRIPTION –IN A 2 ADA4000-2 7 OUT B Tefhfeec At tDraAn4s0is0t0o-r1 (/JAFDETA)4 i0n0p0u-t2 o/ApeDrAat4io0n00al- 4a marpel ijfuienrcst ifoenat ufireilndg +IN– VA 34 (NToOt Pto V SIEcWale) 65 –+IINN BB 05791-028 Figure 4. 8-Lead MSOP (RM-8) precision, very low bias current, and low power. Combining high input impedance, low input bias current, wide bandwidth, OUT A 1 14 OUT D fast slew rate, and fast settling time, the ADA4000-1/ADA4000- –IN A 2 13 –IN D 2/ADA4000-4 are ideal amplifiers for driving analog-to-digital +IN A 3 ADA4000-4 12 +IN D +V 4 TOP VIEW 11 –V inputs and buffering digital-to-analog converter outputs. The +IN B 5 (Not to Scale) 10 +IN C input common-mode voltage includes the positive power supply, wcohnidchit imonaiknegs. the device an excellent choice for high-side signal O–UINT BB 67 98 –OIUNT C C 05791-029 Figure 5. 14-Lead SOIC (R-14) Additional applications for the ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ ADA4000-4 include electronic instruments, automated test OUT A 1 14 OUT D equipment (ATE) amplification, buffering, integrator circuits, –IN A 2 13 –IN D instrumentation-quality photodiode amplification, and fast +IN A 3 ADA4000-4 12 +IN D TOP VIEW precision filters (including phase-locked loop filters). The devices +V 4 (Not to Scale) 11 –V also include utility functions, such as reference buffering, level +IN B 5 10 +IN C shifting, control input/output interface, power supply control, –IN B 6 9 –IN C and monitoring functions. OUT B 7 8 OUT C 05791-030 Figure 6. 14-Lead TSSOP (RU-14) Rev. B Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2007–2016 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Technical Support www.analog.com

ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1  Power Sequencing .........................................................................5  Applications ....................................................................................... 1  ESD Caution...................................................................................5  General Description ......................................................................... 1  Typical Performance Characteristics ..............................................6  Pin Configurations ........................................................................... 1  Applications Information .............................................................. 10  Revision History ............................................................................... 2  Output Phase Reversal and Input Noise ................................. 10  Specifications ..................................................................................... 3  Capacitive Load Drive ............................................................... 10  Electrical Characteristics ............................................................. 3  Settling Time ............................................................................... 11  Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................ 5  Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 12  Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 5  Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 14  REVISION HISTORY 3/16—Rev. A to Rev. B Change to Figure 12 Caption .......................................................... 6 Changes to Output Phase Reversal and Input Noise Section and Capacitive Load Drive Section .............................................. 10 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 13 3/09—Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Input Voltage Range Parameter ................................. 4 Changes to Common-Mode Rejection Ration Parameter .......... 4 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 12 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 14 5/07—Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. B | Page 2 of 16

Data Sheet ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS V = ±15.0 V, V = V/2 V, T = 25°C, unless otherwise specified. S CM S A Table 1. Parameter Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ Max Unit INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Offset Voltage V 0.2 1.70 mV OS −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 3.0 mV A Input Bias Current I 5 40 pA B −40°C ≤ T ≤ +85°C 170 pA A −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 4.5 nA A Input Offset Current I 2 40 pA OS −40°C ≤ T ≤ +85°C 80 pA A −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 500 pA A Input Voltage Range IVR −11 +15 V Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR −11 V ≤ V ≤ +15 V 80 100 dB CM −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 100 dB A Open-Loop Gain A R = 2 kΩ, V = ±10 V 100 110 dB VO L O Offset Voltage Drift ΔV /ΔT −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 2 µV/°C OS A OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage High V R = 2 kΩ to ground 13.60 13.90 V OH L −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 13.40 V A Output Voltage Low V R = 2 kΩ to ground −13.4 −13.0 V OL L −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C −12.80 V A Short-Circuit Current I ±28 mA SC POWER SUPPLY Power Supply Rejection Ratio PSRR V = ±4.0 V to ±18.0 V 82 92 dB S Supply Current/Amplifier I 1.35 1.65 mA SY −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 1.80 mA A DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Slew Rate SR V = 10 V, R = 2 kΩ 20 V/µs I L Gain Bandwidth Product GBP 5 MHz Phase Margin Φ 60 Degrees M NOISE PERFORMANCE Voltage Noise e 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 1 µV p-p n p-p Voltage Noise Density e f = 1 kHz 16 nV/√Hz n Current Noise Density i f = 1 kHz 0.01 pA/√Hz n INPUT IMPEDANCE Differential Mode (R||C) 10||4 GΩ||pF IN-DIFF Common Mode (R||C) 103||5.5 GΩ||pF INCM Rev. B | Page 3 of 16

ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 Data Sheet V = ±5 V, V = V/2 V, T = 25°C, unless otherwise specified. S CM S A Table 2. Parameter Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ Max Unit INPUT CHARACTERISTICS Offset Voltage V 0.20 1.70 mV OS −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 3.0 mV A Input Bias Current I 5 40 pA B −40°C ≤ T ≤ +85°C 170 pA A −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 3 nA A Input Offset Current I 2 40 pA OS −40°C ≤ T ≤ +85°C 80 pA A −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 500 pA A Input Voltage Range IVR −1.0 +5.0 V Common-Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR −1.0 V ≤ V ≤ +5.0 V 72 80 dB CM −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 80 dB A Open-Loop Gain A R = 2 kΩ, V = ±2.5 V 106 114 dB VO L O Offset Voltage Drift ΔV /ΔT −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 2 µV/°C OS A OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS Output Voltage High V R = 2 kΩ to ground 4.0 4.20 V OH L −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 3.80 V A Output Voltage Low V R = 2 kΩ to ground −3.45 −3.20 V OL L −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C −3.00 V A Short-Circuit Current I ±28 mA SC POWER SUPPLY Supply Current/Amplifier I 1.25 1.65 mA SY −40°C ≤ T ≤ +125°C 1.80 mA A DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Slew Rate SR V = 10 V, R = 2 kΩ 20 V/µs I L Gain Bandwidth Product GBP 5 MHz Phase Margin Φ 55 Degrees M NOISE PERFORMANCE Voltage Noise e 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 1 µV p-p n p-p Voltage Noise Density en f = 1 kHz 16 nV/√Hz Current Noise Density in f = 1 kHz 0.01 pA/√Hz INPUT IMPEDANCE Differential Mode (R||C) 10||4 GΩ||pF IN-DIFF Common Mode (R||C) 103||5.5 GΩ||pF INCM Rev. B | Page 4 of 16

Data Sheet ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS THERMAL RESISTANCE Table 3. Parameter Rating θ is specified for the worst-case conditions, that is, a device JA Supply Voltage ±18 V soldered in a circuit board for surface-mount packages. Input Voltage ±V supply Table 4. Thermal Resistance Differential Input Voltage ±V supply Package Type θ θ Unit Output Short-Circuit Duration to GND Indefinite JA JC 5-Lead TSOT (UJ-5) 172.92 61.76 °C/W Storage Temperature Range −65°C to +150°C 8-Lead SOIC (R-8) 112.38 61.6 °C/W Operating Temperature Range −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead MSOP (RM-8) 141.9 43.7 °C/W Junction Temperature Range −65°C to +150°C 14-Lead SOIC (R-14) 88.2 56.3 °C/W Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec) 300°C 14-Lead TSSOP (RU-14) 114 23.3 °C/W Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum POWER SEQUENCING Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these The operational amplifier supply voltages must be established or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational simultaneously with, or before, any input signals are applied. If section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond this is not possible, the input current must be limited to 10 mA. the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may ESD CAUTION affect product reliability. Rev. B | Page 5 of 16

ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 Data Sheet TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 50 50 VS = ±15V VS = ±5V 45 TA = 25°C 45 TA = 25°C 40 VCM = 0V 40 VCM = 0V S S ER35 ER35 FI FI PLI30 PLI30 M M FA25 FA25 O O ER 20 ER 20 B B UM15 UM15 N N 10 10 5 5 –02.0 –1.5 –1.0 OF–F0S.5ET VO0LTAGE0 (.m5V) 1.0 1.5 2.0 05791-003 –02.0 –1.5 –1.0 OF–F0S.5ET VO0LTAGE0 (.m5V) 1.0 1.5 2.0 05791-018 Figure 7. Input Offset Voltage Distribution, VS = ±15 V Figure 10. Input Offset Voltage Distribution, VS = ±5 V 18 14 VS = ±15V VS = ±5V 16 12 14 RS RS10 MPLIFIE1102 MPLIFIE 8 A A R OF 8 R OF 6 MBE 6 MBE NU NU 4 4 2 2 00 2 4 6 T8CVOS1 (0µV/°C12) 14 16 18 20 05791-004 00 2 4 6 T8CVOS1 (0µV/°C12) 14 16 18 20 05791-019 Figure 8. Offset Voltage Drift Distribution, VS = ±15 V Figure 11. Offset Voltage Drift Distribution, VS = ±5 V 80 180 80 180 VS = ±15V VS = ±5V TA = 25°C TA = 25°C CL = 35pF CL = 35pF 60 135 60 135 GAIN (dB)2400 60° 9450 ASE MARGIN (Degrees) GAIN (dB)2400 55° 4950 ASE MARGIN (Degrees) H H P P 0 0 0 0 –201k 10k F1R00EkQUENCY 1(HMz) 10M 100M–45 05791-010 –201k 10k F1R00EkQUENCY 1(HMz) 10M 100M–45 05791-020 Figure 9. Open-Loop Gain and Phase Margin vs. Frequency, VS = ±15 V Figure 12. Open-Loop Gain and Phase Margin vs. Frequency, VS = ±5 V Rev. B | Page 6 of 16

Data Sheet ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 120 100 VS = ±15V VS = ±5V TA = 25°C TA = 25°C 100 80 B) 80 B) d d R ( R ( 60 R R M M C 60 C 40 40 20 20 100 1k F1R0EkQUENCY1 (0H0zk) 1M 10M 05791-013 1k 10k FREQU1E0N0kCY (Hz) 1M 10M 05791-021 Figure 13. Common-Mode Rejection Ratio vs. Frequency, VS = ±15 V Figure 16. Common-Mode Rejection Ratio vs. Frequency, VS = ±5 V 15 4 VS = ±15V AV = +1 3 10 RL = 2kΩ TA = 25°C 2 VS = ±5V GE (V) 5 GE (V) 1 ARTAVL === 22–5k1°ΩC A 0 A 0 T T L L O O V V–1 –5 –2 –10 –3 –15 TIME (1µs/DIV) 05791-015 –4 TIME (1µs/DIV) 05791-023 Figure 14. Large Signal Transient Response, VS = ±15 V Figure 17. Large Signal Transient Response, VS = ±5 V VS = ±15V VS = ±5V CL = 300pF CL = 300pF AV = +1 AV = +1 TA = 25°C TA = 25°C V) V) DI DI V/ V/ m m E (20 E (20 G G A A T T L L O O V V TIME (2µs/DIV) 05791-016 TIME (2µs/DIV) 05791-024 Figure 15. Small Signal Transient Response, VS = ±15 V Figure 18. Small Signal Transient Response, VS = ±5 V Rev. B | Page 7 of 16

ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 Data Sheet 3.5 1.40 TA = 25°C TA = 25°C NO LOAD 1.35 3.0 pA) A) RENT ( 2.5 ENT (m1.30 R R CU UR1.25 S C T BIA 2.0 PPLY 1.20 U U P S N I 1.5 1.15 1.0±5 ±6 ±7 ±8SUP±P9LY V±O10LTA±G1E1 (V)±12 ±13 ±14 ±15 05791-006 1.10±4 ±5 ±6 ±7SUP±8PLY ±V9OLT±A10GE ±(V11) ±12 ±13 ±14 ±1505791-008 Figure 19. Input Bias Current vs. Supply Voltage Figure 22. Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage 10000 16 14 |VOL| VS = ±15V 1000 RENT (pA) 100 AGE (V) 1120 VOH BIAS CUR 10 PUT VOLT 86 PUT VS = ±15V OUT IN 4 |VOL| VS = ±5V 1 VS = ±5V 2 VOH 0.1–40 –25 –10 5 T2E0MPE3R5ATU5R0E (°6C5) 80 95 110 125 05791-005 00 2.5 5.0 7.5LO1A0D.0 CU1R2R.5EN1T5 (.m0A)17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 05791-009 Figure 20. Input Bias Current vs. Temperature Figure 23. Output Voltage vs. Load Current 1.44 120 VS = ±5V, ±15V 100 1.40 T (mA)1.36 VS = ±15V 80 PSRR– Y CURREN1.32 PSRR (dB) 4600 PSRR+ L P P1.28 SU VS = ±5V 20 1.24 0 1.20 –20 –40 –25 –10 5 T2E0MPE35RATU50RE (°6C5) 80 95 110 125 05791-012 100 1k F1R0EkQUENCY1 (0H0zk) 1M 10M 05791-014 Figure 21. Supply Current vs. Temperature Figure 24. PSRR vs. Frequency Rev. B | Page 8 of 16

Data Sheet ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 100 0.6 VTAS == 2±55°VC, ±15V VS = ±5V, ±15V Hz) 0.4 √ V/ n Y ( 0.2 T NSI V) OISE DE 10 V p-p (µ 0 N E –0.2 G A T L O V –0.4 1 –0.6 1 10 FREQU1E0N0CY (Hz) 1k 10k 05791-026 –5 –4 –3 –2 T–I1ME (S0econd1s) 2 3 4 5 05791-025 Figure 25. Voltage Noise Density vs. Frequency Figure 28. 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz Input Voltage Noise 120 50 VTAS == 2±51°5CV AV = +100 VS = ±5V, ±15V 40 100 B) 30 d 80 N ( AV = +10 AI 20 Z (Ω)OUT 60 D-LOOP G 10 AV = +1 E 0 40 OS L Av = +100 C –10 20 Av = +10 Av = +1 –20 0 –30 1k 10k F1R00EkQUENCY 1(HMz) 10M 100M 05791-017 100 1k 10kFREQU1E0N0kCY (Hz)1M 10M 100M 05791-011 Figure 26. Output Impedance vs. Frequency Figure 29. Closed-Loop Gain vs. Frequency 60 VIN = 100mV p-p VS = ±5V, ±15V 50 RL = 0 AV = +1 %) 40 T ( +OVERSHOOT O O H 30 S R E –OVERSHOOT V O 20 10 00 200 LOAD4 0C0APACITAN60C0E (pF) 800 1000 05791-022 Figure 27. Overshoot vs. Load Capacitance Rev. B | Page 9 of 16

ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 Data Sheet APPLICATIONS INFORMATION OUTPUT PHASE REVERSAL AND INPUT NOISE The advantage of this compensation method is that the swing at the output is not reduced because R is out of the feedback network, Phase reversal is a change of polarity in the transfer function of S and the gain accuracy does not change. Depending on the the amplifier. This can occur when the voltage applied at the capacitive loading of the circuit, the values of R and C change, input of the amplifier exceeds the maximum common-mode S S and the optimum value can be determined empirically. In voltage. Phase reversal happens when the device is configured Figure 31, the oscilloscope image shows the output of the in the gain of 1. ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 family in response to Most JFET amplifiers invert the phase of the input signal if the a 400 mV pulse. The circuit is configured in the unity gain input exceeds the common-mode input. Phase reversal is a configuration with 500 pF in parallel with 10 kΩ of load temporary behavior of the ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 capacitive. family. Each device returns to normal operation by bringing back the common-mode voltage. The cause of this effect is saturation of the input stage, which leads to the forward-biasing of a drain- INPUT SIGNAL gate diode. In noninverting applications, a simple fix for this is to insert a series resistor between the input signal and the non- DIV) inverting terminal of the amplifier. The value of the resistor mV/ 0 depends on the application, because adding a resistor adds to the 20 E ( total input noise of the amplifier. The total noise density of the G A circuit is LT O OUTPUT SIGNAL V e  e 2i R 24kTR nTOTAL n n S S where: en is the input voltage noise density of the device. TIME (1µs/DIV) 05791-032 in is the input current noise density of the device. Figure 31. Capacitive Load Drive Without Snubber Network R is the source resistance at the noninverting terminal. S When the snubber circuit is used, the overshoot is reduced from k is Boltzmann’s constant (1.38 × 10−23 J/K). 30% to 6% with the same load capacitance. Ringing is virtually T is the ambient temperature in Kelvin (T = 273 + °C). eliminated, as shown in Figure 32. In this circuit, R is 41 Ω and S In general, it is good practice to limit the input current to less C is 10 nF. S than 5 mA to avoid driving a great deal of current into the amplifier inputs. CAPACITIVE LOAD DRIVE INPUT SIGNAL The ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 are stable at all gains V) DI in both inverting and noninverting configurations. The devices V/ m are capable of driving up to 1000 pF of capacitive loads without 00 2 oscillations in unity gain configurations. E ( G A T However, as with most amplifiers, driving larger capacitive loads L O OUTPUT SIGNAL V in a unity gain configuration can cause excessive overshoot and ringing. A simple solution to this problem is to use a snubber network (see Figure 30). +15V TIME (1µs/DIV) 05791-033 3 U1 SNUBBER NETWORK Figure 32. Capacitive Load with Snubber Network V1 V+ 400mV p-p ADA4000-1 1 0 2 V– RS CL RL CS 500pF 10kΩ –15V 0 05791-031 Figure 30. Snubber Network Configuration Rev. B | Page 10 of 16

Data Sheet ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 SETTLING TIME Settling time is the amount of time it takes the amplifier output to reach and remain within a percentage of the final value. This 5V/DIV is an important parameter in data acquisition systems. Because most bipolar DAC converters have current output, an external operational amplifier is required to convert the current to voltage. Therefore, the amplifier settling time plays a role in the total 200mV/DIV settling time of the output signal. A good approximation for the total settling time is t Total (t DAC)2(t AMP)2 S S S Tofh teh AeiDr fAin4a0l0 v0a-l1u/eA iDn Ale4s0s 0t0h-a2n/ A1.D2 Aμs4.0 T0h0-e4 s esetttltilneg t oti mwiet hhians 0b.e1e%n 200ns/DIV 05791-035 Figure 33. Settling Time Measurement Using the False Summing Node Method tested by using the configuration circuit in Figure 34. The input signal is a 10 V pulse and the output is the error signal for the settling time shown in Figure 33. +15V +15V 3 V+ 8 0 ADA4000-1 1 10kΩ V+ 10kΩ 2 V– AD828 VOUT V1 V– 10V p-p 4 –15V –15V 10kΩ 10kΩ 20kΩ 1kΩ 05791-034 Figure 34. Settling Time Test Circuit Rev. B | Page 11 of 16

ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 Data Sheet OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 5.00(0.1968) 4.80(0.1890) 8 5 4.00 (0.1574) 6.20 (0.2441) 3.80 (0.1497) 1 4 5.80 (0.2284) 1.27 (0.0500) 0.50 (0.0196) BSC 1.75 (0.0688) 0.25 (0.0099) 45° 0.25 (0.0098) 1.35 (0.0532) 8° 0.10 (0.0040) 0° COPLANARITY 0.51 (0.0201) 0.10 SEATING 0.31 (0.0122) 0.25 (0.0098) 10..2470 ((00..00510507)) PLANE 0.17 (0.0067) COMPLIANTTO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-012-AA C(RINEOFNPEATRRREOENNLCLTEIHN EOGSN EDLSIYM)AEANNRDSEI AORRNOESU NANORDEET DAIN-PO MPFRIFLO LMPIIMRLELIATIMTEEER TFSEO; RIRN ECUQHSU EDI VIINMA LEDENENSSTIIOGSN NFS.OR 012407-A Figure 35. 8-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_N] Narrow Body (R-8) Dimensions shown in millimeters and (inches) 2.90 BSC 5 4 1.60 BSC 2.80 BSC 1 2 3 0.95 BSC 1.90 *0.90 MAX BSC 0.70 MIN *1.00 MAX 0.20 0.08 8° 0.10 MAX 0.50 SEATING 4° 0.60 0.30 PLANE 0° 0.45 0.30 *CTHOEM PELXICAENPTT TIOON J OEDF EPCA CSTKAANGDEA HREDIGS HMTO A-1N9D3 -TAHBICWKINTHESS. 100708-A Figure 36. 5-Lead Thin Small Outline Transistor Package [TSOT] (UJ-5) Dimensions shown in millimeters Rev. B | Page 12 of 16

Data Sheet ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 3.20 3.00 2.80 8 5 5.15 3.20 4.90 3.00 4.65 2.80 1 4 PIN 1 IDENTIFIER 0.65 BSC 0.95 15° MAX 0.85 1.10 MAX 0.75 0.80 0.15 0.40 6° 0.23 0.55 CO0P.0L50A.1N0ARICTOYMPLIANT0. 2T5O JEDEC STA0°NDARDS 0M.0O9-187-AA 0.40 10-07-2009-B Figure 37. 8-Lead Mini Small Outline Package [MSOP] (RM-8) Dimensions shown in millimeters 5.10 5.00 4.90 14 8 4.50 4.40 6.40 BSC 4.30 1 7 PIN 1 0.65 BSC 1.05 1.00 1M.A20X 0.20 0.80 0.09 0.75 0.15 8° 0.60 0.05 0.30 SPLEAATNIENG 0° 0.45 COPLANARITY 0.19 0.10 COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MO-153-AB-1 061908-A Figure 38. 14-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [TSSOP] (RU-14) Dimensions shown in millimeters 8.75 (0.3445) 8.55 (0.3366) 4.00 (0.1575) 14 8 6.20 (0.2441) 3.80 (0.1496) 1 7 5.80 (0.2283) 1.27 (0.0500) 0.50 (0.0197) BSC 45° 1.75 (0.0689) 0.25 (0.0098) 0.25 (0.0098) 1.35 (0.0531) 8° 0.10 (0.0039) 0° COPLANARITY SEATING 0.10 0.51 (0.0201) PLANE 0.25 (0.0098) 1.27 (0.0500) 0.31 (0.0122) 0.17 (0.0067) 0.40 (0.0157) COMPLIANTTO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-012-AB C(RINEOFNPEATRRREOENNLCLTEIHN EOGSN EDLSIYM)AEANNRDSEI AORRNOESU NANORDEET DAIN-PO MPFRIFLO LMPIIMRLELIATIMTEEER TFSEO; RIRN ECUQHSU EDI VIINMA LEDENENSSTIIOGSN NFS.OR 060606-A Figure 39. 14-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_N] (R-14) Dimensions shown in millimeters Rev. B | Page 13 of 16

ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 Data Sheet ORDERING GUIDE Model1 Temperature Range Package Description Package Option Branding ADA4000-1ARZ −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead SOIC_N R-8 ADA4000-1ARZ-R7 −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead SOIC_N R-8 ADA4000-1ARZ-RL −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead SOIC_N R-8 ADA4000-1AUJZ-R2 −40°C to +125°C 5-Lead TSOT UJ-5 A14 ADA4000-1AUJZ-R7 −40°C to +125°C 5-Lead TSOT UJ-5 A14 ADA4000-1AUJZ-RL −40°C to +125°C 5-Lead TSOT UJ-5 A14 ADA4000-2ARZ −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead SOIC_N R-8 ADA4000-2ARZ-R7 −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead SOIC_N R-8 ADA4000-2ARZ-RL −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead SOIC_N R-8 ADA4000-2ARMZ −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 A1H ADA4000-2ARMZ-RL −40°C to +125°C 8-Lead MSOP RM-8 A1H ADA4000-4ARZ −40°C to +125°C 14-Lead SOIC_N R-14 ADA4000-4ARZ-R7 −40°C to +125°C 14-Lead SOIC_N R-14 ADA4000-4ARZ-RL −40°C to +125°C 14-Lead SOIC_N R-14 ADA4000-4ARUZ −40°C to +125°C 14-Lead TSSOP RU-14 ADA4000-4ARUZ-RL −40°C to +125°C 14-Lead TSSOP RU-14 1 Z = RoHS Compliant Part. Rev. B | Page 14 of 16

Data Sheet ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 NOTES Rev. B | Page 15 of 16

ADA4000-1/ADA4000-2/ADA4000-4 Data Sheet NOTES ©2007–2016 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D05791-0-3/16(B) Rev. B | Page 16 of 16