ICGOO在线商城 > 晶体,振荡器,谐振器 > 晶体 > ABLSG-4.9152MHZ-D2Y-T
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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供ABLSG-4.9152MHZ-D2Y-T由ABRACON设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 ABLSG-4.9152MHZ-D2Y-T价格参考。ABRACONABLSG-4.9152MHZ-D2Y-T封装/规格:晶体, 4.9152MHz ±20ppm 晶体 18pF HC-49/US - 3 引线。您可以下载ABLSG-4.9152MHZ-D2Y-T参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有ABLSG-4.9152MHZ-D2Y-T 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
Abracon LLC的ABLSG-4.9152MHZ-D2Y-T是一款晶体振荡器,主要应用于需要精确时钟信号的各种电子设备中。该型号的具体应用场景如下: 1. 通信设备:在无线通信、网络设备和物联网(IoT)模块中,晶体振荡器用于提供稳定的参考频率,确保数据传输的准确性和可靠性。例如,Wi-Fi模块、蓝牙设备、GPS接收器等都需要高精度的时钟源。 2. 消费电子产品:如智能手机、平板电脑、智能手表等便携式设备中,晶体振荡器为处理器、无线通信模块和其他关键组件提供必要的时钟信号。这些设备对功耗和体积有严格要求,因此选择小型化且低功耗的晶体振荡器尤为重要。 3. 工业控制与自动化:在工业控制系统中,晶体振荡器用于定时和同步操作,确保系统稳定运行。例如,PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)、传感器、执行器等设备依赖于精确的时钟信号来实现高效的自动化操作。 4. 医疗设备:医疗仪器如心电图机、超声波设备、监护仪等需要高精度的时间基准,以确保测量结果的准确性。晶体振荡器在这些设备中扮演着至关重要的角色。 5. 汽车电子:现代汽车中的各种电子系统,如发动机控制单元(ECU)、车载信息娱乐系统、驾驶辅助系统等,都需要可靠的时钟源。晶体振荡器能够提供稳定的频率输出,满足汽车电子系统的严苛要求。 6. 测试与测量仪器:在实验室和生产线上,测试设备如示波器、频谱分析仪等需要高精度的时钟信号来进行准确的测量。晶体振荡器可以提供稳定的参考频率,确保测试结果的可靠性。 总结来说,ABLSG-4.9152MHZ-D2Y-T晶体振荡器适用于多种需要精确时钟信号的应用场景,尤其是在对频率稳定性、功耗和体积有较高要求的场合。
参数 | 数值 |
3D型号 | 点击此处下载产品Datasheethttp://www.abracon.com/Support/STEP/Resonators/ABLSG.STEP.zip |
产品目录 | 晶体和振荡器 |
描述 | CRYSTAL 4.9152MHZ 18PF SMD |
ESR(等效串联电阻) | 180 欧姆 |
产品分类 | |
品牌 | Abracon Corporation |
数据手册 | |
产品图片 | |
产品型号 | ABLSG-4.9152MHZ-D2Y-T |
rohs | 无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
RoHS指令信息 | |
产品系列 | ABLSG |
产品目录绘图 | |
产品目录页面 | |
其它名称 | 535-10597-2 |
包装 | 带卷 (TR) |
大小/尺寸 | 0.449" 长 x 0.185" 宽(11.40mm x 4.70mm) |
安装类型 | 表面贴装 |
封装/外壳 | HC49/US - 3 引线 |
工作模式 | 基谐 |
工作温度 | -40°C ~ 85°C |
标准包装 | 1,000 |
等级 | - |
类型 | MHz 晶体 |
负载电容 | 18pF |
频率 | 4.9152MHz |
频率容差 | ±20ppm |
频率稳定度 | ±30ppm |
高度 | 0.165"(4.20mm) |
HC/49US (AT49) 3RD LEAD CASE-GROUNDED SMD LOW PROFILE CRYSTAL ABLSG RoHS Pb Compliant 11.4 x 4.7 x 4.2mm Moisture Sensitivity Level (MSL) – This product is Hermetically Sealed and | | | | | | | | | | || | | | not Moisture Sensitive - MSL = N/A: Not Applicable FEATURES: APPLICATIONS: • 3rd Lead is Grounded, Ideal for • EMI sensitive applications EMI Sensitive Applications • Computers, Modems, Microprocessors • Medical Electronics • Low height reduced to 4.2mm • Wireless Applications • Tight stability & extended temperature available STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: PARAMETERS TABLE 1: ESR ABRACON P/N ABLSG Series FREQUENCY (MHz) ESR (Ω) 3.579 - 4.999 (Fund.) 180 Frequency 3.579545 MHz to 75 MHz 5.000 - 5.999 (Fund.) 120 6.000 - 7.999 (Fund.) 100 Operation Mode AT cut (Fundamental or 3rd OT) or BT cut 8.000 - 8.999 (Fund.) 80 9.000 - 9.999 (Fund.) 60 3.579545MHz - 24.0MHz (Fundamental: Standard) 10.000 - 15.999 (Fund.) 50 24.01 - 75.00MHz (3rd- Overtone: Standard) 16.000 - 50.000 (Fund.) 40 24.01 - 31.999 (3rd O/T) 100 24.01MHz - 50.00MHz 32.000 - 70.00 (3rd O/T) 80 (Fund. AT or BT: Please specify. See options) OperatingTemperature 0°C to + 70°C (see options) StorageTemperature - 55°C to + 125°C FrequencyTolerance ± 50 ppm max. (see options) Frequency Stability over the Operating Temp. (Ref to +25°C) ± 50 ppm max. (see options) EquivalentSeriesResistance SeeTable 1 Shunt Capacitance C 7pF max. 0 Load Capacitance C 18pF (see options) L Drive Level 1 mW max., 100µW typical Aging at 25°C Per Year ± 5ppm max. Insulation Resistance 500 MΩ min at 100Vdc ± 15V Spurious Responses: -3dB max. Drive level dependency (DLD) From 1µW to 500µW (minimum 7 points tested) OPTIONS & PART IDENTIFICATION: (Left blank if standard) ABLSG - MHz - - R - - - - - Frequency in MHz Packaging *10 to +60C only. e.g. 3.579545MHz Blank: Bulk ** Option A , E, B, and 0 to +70C only. 2164..030108M18HMzH z T: Tape & Reel *** F requency stability ±50ppm, ±100ppm, ±150ppm only. Load Capacitance Contac tA BRAC ONfor tigh terfrequen cy or PSle afosre S sepreiecsif y( 8C tLo i3n3 ppFF )o r F: Fund.MATo fdore > 24MHz stability requirement. Please contact ABRACON for other FB: Fund.BT for >24MHz * *** F or F undamen talBT,frequency stability values ±10 0ppmm ax. at1 0 ° Cto+60°C only. ESR Operating Temp. Freq. Tolerance Freq. Stability Specify a value in Ω A: -10°C ~ +60°C H5: ± 5 ppm U: ± 10 ppm (*) B: -20°C ~ +70°C 1: ± 10 ppm G: ± 15 ppm (**) C: -30°C ~ +70°C 7: ± 15 ppm X: ± 20 ppm N: -30°C ~ +85°C 2: ± 20 ppm W: ± 25 ppm D: -40°C ~ +85°C 3: ± 25 ppm Y: ± 30 ppm J(***): -40°C to +105°C 4: ± 30 ppm H: ± 35 ppm K(***): -40°C to +125°C Q: ± 100 ppm (****) L(***): -55°C to +125°C R: ± 150 ppm Revised: 08.20.10 Visit www.abracon.com for Terms & Conditions of Sale AABBRRAACCOONN IISS 30332 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita, California92688 ISO9001:2008 CCEERRTTIIFFIIEEDD tel 949-546-8000 | fax 949-546-8001| www.abracon.com
HC/49US (AT49) 3RD LEAD CASE-GROUNDED SMD LOW PROFILE CRYSTAL ABLSG RoHS Pb 11.4 x 4.7 x 4.2mm Compliant | | | | | | | | | | | | || | OUTLINE DRAWING: Pin Configuration Input/ Input/ Output Output GND Dimensions: Inches (mm) TAPE & REEL: REFLOW PROFILE: Dimensions: mm ATTENTION: Abracon Corporation’s products are COTS – Commercial-Off-The-Shelf products; suitable for Commercial, Industrial and, where designated, Automo- tive Applications. Abracon’s products are not specifically designed for Military, Aviation, Aerospace, Life-dependant Medical applications or any application requir- ing high reliability where component failure could result in loss of life and/or property. For applications requiring high reliability and/or presenting an extreme operating environment, written consent and authorization from Abracon Corporation is required. Please contact Abracon Corporation for more information. Revised: 08.20.10 Visit www.abracon.com for Terms & Conditions of Sale AABBRRAACCOONN IISS 30332 Esperanza, Rancho Santa Margarita, California92688 ISO9001:2008 CCEERRTTIIFFIIEEDD tel 949-546-8000 | fax 949-546-8001| www.abracon.com