

  • 型号: AA002-02E
  • 制造商: NVE Corporation
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供AA002-02E由NVE Corporation设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 AA002-02E价格参考¥55.38-¥118.66。NVE CorporationAA002-02E封装/规格:磁性传感器 - 线性,罗盘(IC), Magnetoresistive Sensor Single Axis 8-SOIC。您可以下载AA002-02E参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有AA002-02E 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

NVE Corp/Sensor Products的AA002-02E是一款基于磁性传感器技术的线性罗盘IC,具有高灵敏度和低功耗的特点。它广泛应用于多种领域,尤其是在需要精确检测磁场变化和角度位置的场合。以下是该型号的一些典型应用场景:

 1. 汽车电子

 2. 工业自动化

 3. 消费电子产品

 4. 智能家居

 5. 医疗设备

产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值





磁性传感器 - 霍尔效应,数字开关,线性,罗盘 (IC)


NVE Corp/Sensor Products







无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求












8-SOIC(0.154",3.90mm 宽)


-50°C ~ 125°C


1.5 Oe ~ 10.5 Oe








1 V ~ 24 V













品牌:TT Electronics/Optek Technology








品牌:Honeywell Aerospace




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品牌:TT Electronics/Optek Technology





AA002-02E 相关产品


品牌:Allegro MicroSystems, LLC



品牌:NVE Corp/Sensor Products






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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Equivalent Circuit Features • Magnetometer and gradiometer configurations V+ (Supply) • Field ranges from <<1 Oe to >4000 Oe • Ultrasensitive, high-field, and low-hysteresis versions OUT- • Wheatstone bridge analog outputs • Operation to near-zero voltage OUT+ • Up to 1 MHz • Up to 150°C operating temperature • ULLGA4, TDFN6, MSOP8, and SOIC8 packages V- (GND) Applications Idealized Transfer Functions • Motion, speed, and position control • Low-field sensing Output • Motor commutator sensors Output • Noncontact current sensing Field Description Gradient Field NVE’s analog GMR sensors have high sensitivity, excellent temperature stability, and small size. Their versatility and AA-Series AB-Series Magnetometer Gradiometer wide sensing range makes them an excellent choice for a Transfer Function Transfer Function variety of analog sensing applications including industrial and automotive position, speed, and current sensors. The sensors are configured as inherently temperature- compensating Wheatstone bridges. AA-Series sensors are magnetometers, which detect absolute magnetic field. AB-Series sensors are differential gradiometers, which detect field gradients. Three magnetometer subtypes are available: the standard AA-Series; the ultrasensitive “H” subtype; the high-field, kilooersted range “K” subtype, and the low-hysteresis “L” subtype. Packages are as small as an ultraminiature 1.1 x 1.1 mm ULLGA4. 1 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min. Max. Units AAxxx/ABxxx/AAL002 24 Supply voltage AAHxxx/AAKxxx/ABHxxx/ V Volts CC 12 AAL004/AAL024 AAxxx/AAKxxx/ABxxx/AALxxx 125 °C Operating temperature −50 AAHxxx/ABHxxx 150 °C AAxxx/AAKxx/ABxxx/AALxxx −65 135 Storage temperature °C AAHxxx/ABHxxx −65 150 ESD (Human Body Model) 400 Volts Applied magnetic field H Unlimited Oe Voltage from sensor connections to center pad 63 Volts DC (applies to TDFN package only) 2 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Operating Specifications Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Condition AAHxxx/AAKxxx/ 12 Maximum Supply voltage ABHxxx/AAL004 V <1 Volts limited by power CC AAxxx/ABxxx/AAL002 24 dissipation AAKxxx −40 85 Operating T ; AAxxx/ABxxx/AALxxx MIN 125 °C temperature T −50 AAHxxx/ABHxxx MAX 150 Electrical AAxxx/AAKxxx/AALxxx/ABxxx −4 +4 V mV/V offset AAHxxx/ABHxxx O −5 +5 AAxxx/ABxxx 60 Output at AAHxxx/ABHxxx 40 maximum V mV/V AAKxxx OUT-MAX 19 25 field AALxxx 45 Nonlinearity AAxxx/AAKxxx/ABxxx/AAL002 2 % AAHxxx/ABHxxx/AAL0x4 4 Unipolar field AAHxxx/ABHxxx 15 sweep Hysteresis AAxxx/AAKxxx/ABxxx 4 % AALxxx 2 Resistance tolerance −20 +20 % 25°C AAxxx/ABxxx +0.14 Resistance vs. AAHxxx/AAKxxx/ TC %/°C No applied field temperature R +0.11 AALxxx/ABHxxx AAxxx/ABxxx +0.03 AAHxxx/ABHxxx -0.28 Constant-current TC %/°C AAKxxx O-I +0.13 supply Output AALxxx −0.28 temperature AAxxx/ABxxx −0.1 coefficient AAHxxx/ABHxxx -0.40 Constant-voltage TC %/°C AAKxxx O-V −0.3 supply AALxxx −0.4 AAKxxx TC −0.19 %/°C HSAT AAKxxx 50 kHz Frequency AAxxx/AAHxxx 75 kHz −3 dB f DC bandwidth AALxxx MAX 500 kHz bandwidth ABxxx/ABHxxx 1 MHz ULLGA4 (-14 suffix) 500 Junction– Ambient TDFN6 (-10 suffix) 320 θ °C/W thermal MSOP8 (-00 suffix) JA 320 resistance Soldered to SOIC8 (-02 suffix) 240 double-sided ULLGA4 (-14 suffix) 100 board; free air Power TDFN6 (-10 suffix) 500 P mW Dissipation MSOP8 (-00 suffix) D 500 SOIC8 (-02 suffix) 675 3 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Operation Sensor Subtypes There are four AA/AB-Series subtypes, as summarized in the table below. “H” subtypes are designed for very high sensitivity, and “K” types have low sensitivity and high saturation for high-field sensing. “L” types offer low hysteresis. AAH-Series parts also have a 150°C maximum temperature specification. AAxxx/ AAHxxx/ Parameter ABxxx ABHxxx AAKxxx AALxxx Field Sensitivity High Very High Low High Operating Field Range High Low Very High Medium Hysteresis Medium High Medium Low Max. Temperature High Very High Commercial High Magnetometer Operation AA-Series sensors are magnetometers, which detect the absolute magnetic field. Direction of Sensitivity Unlike Hall effect or other sensors, the direction of sensitivity of GMR sensors is in the plane of the package, which more convenient for many applications. Two permanent magnet orientations that will activate the sensor are shown in Figure 1: Figure 1. Planar magnetic sensitivity. Omnipolar AA-Series sensors are “omnipolar,” meaning the output is equally sensitive to either magnetic field polarity and the output is always a positive voltage: Output Field Figure 2. The omnipolar response of AA-Series sensors. Standard and Cross-Axis Axis Directional Sensitivity The standard axis of sensitivity is along the part axis, but there are some parts available with cross-axis sensitivity, and AAKxxx sensors are not directionally sensitive in the IC plane, and are therefore sensitive in both standard and cross-axis axis directions. 4 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors y vit siti n e S d ar d n a St Cross-Axi s Sensitivity Figure 3. Standard versus cross-axis-sensitivity for AA-Series sensors. Gradiometer Operation AB-Series sensors are differential gradiometers that reject common mode magnetic fields, making them ideal for high magnetic noise environments such as near electric motors or current-carrying wires. The devices are sensitive to a field gradient along the part axis. The figure below shows a typical gradiometer response: al) nti 50 e r e diff 25 V mPin 4 direction ut ( p ut Pin 1 direction O r -25 o s n e S -50 Magnetic Field Gradient Figure 4. Typical AB-Series gradiometer response. 5 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Typical Performance Graphs Figures 5–7 show the response of three types of high-sensitivity models. The standard version, the AA002, has excellent temperature stability, especially with constant-current drive. The AAH002 has very high sensitivity but more temperature dependence, and the AAL002 offers low hysteresis at the expense of more temperature dependence: -40C V)0.3 -40C 25C V)0.3 25C ut ( 8152C5C ut ( 85C p p ut ut 125C O0.2 O0.2 r r o o s s n n e e S0.1 S0.1 0 0 -20 0 20 -20 0 20 AppliedMagneticField(Oe) AppliedMagneticField(Oe) Figure 5a. Typical AA002 output Figure 5b. Typical AA002 with 1 mA constant-current drive. output with a 5V supply. 0.4 0.4 V) V) -40C put ( 0.3 -4205CC put (0.3 25C ut 85C ut O O 85C sor 0.2 125C sor 0.2 125C n n e e S 0.1 S 0.1 0 0 -20 0 20 -20 0 20 AppliedMagneticField(Oe) AppliedMagneticField(Oe) Figure 6a. Typical AAH002 output Figure 6b. Typical AAH002 with 2.28 mA constant-current drive. output with a 5V supply. -40C Sensor Output (V)000...123 1-28425505CCCC Sensor Output (V)000...231 1282555CCC 0 0 -30 0 30 -30 0 30 AppliedMagneticField(Oe) AppliedMagneticField(Oe) Figure 7a. Typical AAL002 output Figure 7b. Typical AAL002 with 1 mA constant-current drive. output with a 5V supply. 6 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Figure 8 shows the typical ouput of an AAK001 high-field sensor. The sensor responds from zero field to 4 kOe, and is are highly linear from 400 Oe to 2.5 kOe. The saturation field is dependant on temperature, but sensitivity is quite stable with temperature. 30 -50(cid:176)C 25 -25(cid:176)C V) 25(cid:176)C V/20 m 75(cid:176)C ut (15 p ut O 10 5 0 -10 -5 0 5 10 Applied F ield (kOe) Figure 8. AAK001 high-field sensor output. 7 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Illustrative Applications Traditional Differential Amplifier Traditional differential amplifiers use low-cost op-amps to provide a single-ended analog output. The circuit below has a gain of 20, which provides a full-scale output at slightly less than the sensor’s saturation. A low-cost, low bias current op amp allows large resistors to avoid loading the sensor bridge. The 250 KΩ input resistors are 100 times the 2.5 KΩ sensor output impedance to avoid loading. AA002 Sensor 2.7-16V 8 5M OUT- 1 - OUT+ 5 +TLV27120(V - V ) 250K OUT+ OUT- 4 5M 250K Figure 9. Traditional op-amp differential amplifier. Sensor Instrumentation Amplifier Instrumentation amplifiers such as the INA826 are popular bridge sensor preamplifiers because they have a low component count and have excellent common-mode rejection ratios without needing to match resistors. These amplifiers can run on single or dual supplies. AC coupling can be used for small, dynamic signals. The circuit below has a gain of 20. The general equation for the output voltage is: VOUT = (1+ 49.4K / RG)VIN + VREF ; VIN = VOUT+ − VOUT- 3-24V Sensor RG=(cid:13) 2.6K + 20 x V OUT REF - INA826 Figure 10. Single-ended analog sensor instrumentation amplifier. Note that the instrumentation amplifier has a minimum output of 0.1V, so to detect very low fields on a single supply, an offset can be provided by using a non-zero V . REF 8 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Constant-Current Sensor Drive Using a constant current rather than conventional constant voltage sensor supply can significantly improve temperature stability of AAxxx/ABxxx sensors. AA00x sensors, for example, have an output temperature coefficient (TC ) of 0.03%/°C with constant O-I current, versus −0.1%/°C with constant voltage (TC ). O-V A simple constant-current supply is illustrated below: 3-16V 10K VDD VDD/2 + = VDD/2Rcc TLV271 - V+ 10K OUT- OUT+ V- 6K Rcc AAxxx/ABxxx Figure 11. Constant-current supply. The supply current for the circuit above is V /2R . R can be set to the maximum sensor bridge resistance (e.g., 6 KΩ for many cc cc cc sensors) to provide the highest possible output without saturating the op-amp. The sensor will be driven with 1 mA for a 12 V supply in the circuit above. Similar op-amp or instrumentation amplifiers can be used for constant-current or constant-voltage supplies. Variable Threshold Magnetic Switch NVE offers AD-Series factory-set GMR Switches, but AA-Series analog sensors can be used for special thresholds or hysteresis, or for variable thresholds. In this circuit, the threshold is varied by changing R , which sets the gain of the differential amplifier. G The 1 MΩ resistor sets the threshold hysteresis: 3-5.5V AA-Series Sensor 8 1 5 100K 240K 1M + 4 OUT + RG=(cid:13) 10K 1nF - REF MCP6541 - INA826 100K 50K 1nF Figure 12. Variable threshold magnetic switch. 9 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors LED Field-Strength Indicator The op-amp circuit in Figure 13 below can be used to change the brightness of an LED to indicate magnetic field strength at a glance: 3V-16V R = LED V / I SENSOR-MAX LED-MAX AAAAxxxxxx - VDD 2 mA max. + TLV272 - VOUT-MAX 50K Offset - + + GND Figure 13. LED brightness indicates the magnetic field. The LED current is proportional to the sensor output: I = (V − V ) / R LED OUT+ OUT- LED The maximum LED current can be set to the maximum sensor output. For example, for an AAK001, typical V is 25 mV/V, OUT-MAX so for a three-volt supply the maximum is approximately 75 mV. For a high-efficiency with a forward current of 2 mA, R = 75 mV / 2 mA = 38Ω. LED The 50 KΩ potentiometer is optional, to correct for sensor offset or to set the minimum field to turn on the LED. The 16-volt maximum supply voltage noted in Figure 13 is limited by the op-amp selected, but note that some sensors have a 12-volt maximum supply rating. The three-volt minimum supply is to provide enough voltage to turn on the LED; the sensors can operate on lower voltages. Noncontact Current Sensing AA-Series sensors are often used to measure the current over a circuit board trace. The sensor measures the current by detecting the magnetic field generated by the current through the trace. The AAL024 is ideal for this application because its cross-axis sensitivity provides sensitivity to a current trace directly under the part, and its low hysteresis provides repeatability. The AA003-02 is popular for overcurrent protection where hysteresis is needed and high accuracy is not required. Typical current sensing configurations are shown below: Figure 14a. 0.09" (2.3 mm) trace Figure 14b. 0.05" (1.3 mm) trace Figure 14c. Five turns of (0 – 10 A with an AA003 sensor) (0 – 5 A with an AAL024 sensor). 0.0055" (0.14 mm) trace (0 – 1 A with an AAL024 sensor). 10 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors For the geometry shown in Figure 15 and narrow traces with, the magnetic field generate can be approximated by Ampere’s law: Sensor Circuit Board d w Current Trace Figure 15. The geometry of current-sensing over a circuit board trace. 2I H = [“H” in oersteds, “I” in amps, and “d” in millimeters] d The trace can also be run on the top side of the PCB for more current sensitivity. More precise calculations can be made by breaking the trace into a finite element array of thin traces, and calculating the field from each array element. We have a free, Web-based application with a finite-element model to estimate magnetic fields and sensor outputs in this application: www.nve.com/spec/calculators.php#tabs-Current-Sensing 11 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Part Numbering AAH002-02E Base Part Subtype Sensitivity Direction Sensitivity Code Package Type AA = Analog Blank = Standard 00 = Standard 00 = MSOP8 Magnetometer Sensors H = High sensitivity 02 = Cross-Axis 02 = SOIC8 K = High field 10 = TDFN6 AB = Analog Gradiometers L = Low hysteresis 14 = ULLGA4 E = RoHS Direction of Sensitivity AA-Series(magnetometers) AB-Series(gradiometers) MSOP8/SOIC8 TDFN6 ULLGA4 Standard Sensitivity Positive Gradient Cross-Axis Sensitivity Pinouts AA-Series Pinout VCC Sensitivity Standard Cross-Axis (AAX00x-xx) (AAX02x-xx) VOUT- ULLGA MSOSOICP / TDFN MSOSOICP / TDFN Symbol Description Negative bridge output 3 1 1 5 4 V V OUT- (decreases with increasing field). OUT+ 2 2 2 2 NC No internal connection. 3 3 GND 4 4 3 4 3 V-/GND Negative supply or ground. Positive bridge output 1 5 4 1 1 V OUT+ (increases with field). 6 6 5 5 NC No internal connection. 7 7 2 8 6 8 6 V+ Positive supply voltage. Center Pad Center Pad NC Internally connected to leadframe AB-Series Pinout Pin Symbol Description Negative bridge output 1 VOUT- (decreases with gradient). 2 NC No internal connection. 3 4 V-/GND Negative supply or ground. Positive bridge output 5 V OUT+ (increases with gradient). 6 NC No internal connection. 7 8 V+ Positive supply. 12 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors AA-Series Sensor Selector Chart 100 ) AAAAHH000022 Key e 10 Saturation O LinearRange V/ AA002/AALxxx V/ AA003 m 1 AA004 ( y AAAA000055 t vi siti 0.1 AA007 n e S 0.01 AAK001 0.001 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Magnetic Fiel d Range (Oe) Available Parts Magnetometers (AA-Series) Max. Max. Linear Range Sensitivity Satura- Non- Hyst- Max. Typ. (|Oe|) (mV/V-Oe) Available tion linearity eresis Operating Resist- Part Min. Max. (|Oe|) Min. Max. (% Uni.) (% Uni.) Temp. ance Package AA002-02 1.5 10.5 15 3 4.2 2% 4% 125°C 5 kΩ SOIC8 AA003-02 2 14 20 2 3.2 2% 4% 125°C 5 kΩ SOIC8 AA004-00 5 35 50 0.9 1.3 2% 4% 125°C 5 kΩ MSOP8 MSOP8 AA024-00 5 35 50 0.9 1.3 2% 4% 125°C 5 kΩ (cross-axis) AA004-02 5 35 50 0.9 1.3 2% 4% 125°C 5 kΩ SOIC8 AA005-02 10 70 100 0.45 0.65 2% 4% 125°C 5 kΩ SOIC8 AA006-00 5 35 50 0.9 1.3 2% 4% 125°C 30 kΩ MSOP8 AA006-02 5 35 50 0.9 1.3 2% 4% 125°C 30 kΩ SOIC8 AA007-00 50 450 500 0.08 0.12 2% 4% 125°C 5 kΩ MSOP8 AAH002-02 0.6 3 6 11 18 4% 15% 150°C 2 kΩ SOIC8 AAH004-00 1.5 7.5 15 3.2 4.8 4% 15% 150°C 2 kΩ MSOP8 AAL002-02 1.5 10.5 15 3 4.2 2% 2% 125°C 5.5 kΩ SOIC8 AAL004-10 1.5 10.5 15 3 4.2 4% 2% 125°C 2.2 kΩ TDFN6 TDFN6 AAL024-10 1.5 10.5 15 3 4.2 4% 2% 125°C 2.2 kΩ (cross-axis) AAK001-14 400 2500 4000 0.0025 0.004 2% 4% 85°C 3.5 kΩ ULLGA4 Gradiometers (AB-Series) Max. Max. Linear Range Sensitivity Satura- Non- Hyst- Max. Typ. (|Oe|) (%R/Oe) Available tion linearity eresis Operating Resist- Part Min. Max. (|Oe|) Min. Max. (% Uni.) (% Uni.) Temp. ance Package AB001-02 10 175 250 0.02 0.03 2% 4% 125°C 2.5 kΩ SOIC8 AB001-00 10 175 250 0.02 0.03 2% 4% 125°C 2.5 kΩ MSOP8 ABH001-00 5 40 70 0.06 0.12 4% 15% 150°C 1.2 kΩ MSOP8 13 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Evaluation Kits Five inexpensive evaluation kits including AA- or AB-Series analog sensors are available: AG001-01: Analog Sensor Evaluation Kit This kit features several types of NVE’s AA and AB series parts, a selection of permanent magnets for activation or bias purposes, and circuit boards to mount the parts for testing. AG003-01: AA003 Current Sensor Evaluation Kit This kit features a circuit board with different trace configurations running under four AA003-02E analog sensors to evaluate the sensor as non-contact current sensors. The board supports current ranges of 0–9 amps, 0–6 amps, and 0–250 milliamps. Boards measure 2 by 1.85 inches (51 mm by 47 mm), and include four sensors. TEw8Dvw0Faw0Nl.-unGCavMuteRri.-roc7eno1n m4t1B oSaerndsoArG903-06 5AMax VCC Out- Out+ AAL024 GNDUndTerra ceP CB 5AMax OVuCtC+ AAL024 OGuNtD-LeaTdhfrroaumgeh AThGis9 0b3o-a0rd1 :i nAcAluLd0es2 4fo Curu ArrAenLt0 S2e4n-1s0oEr ETvDaFluNa tciuornre Knti ts ensors on a PCB with four different current- 51AAMMaaxx OVVuCCtCC+ AALAAL024024 OGOuNuUtDt5n- -deTTrur ranScseen sor tirnaccleu dceo nsefingsuorra ptioownse rf oarn 0d– o1u otpr u0t– c5o namnepcst.i oTnhse, abnoda rsdcsr emwe acsounrnee 2ct bioyn 2s fionrc hthees (c5u0rr menmt t ox b50e mmema)s uarnedd . Out+ GND AG903B-01: High-Current AAL024 Sensor Evaluation Kit This board includes three AAL024-10E TDFN current sensors on a PCB with three current-trace configurations, The board supports current ranges of 0–1 amp, 0–5 amps, and 0–40 amps. The boards measure 2 by 2.25 inches (50 mm x 54 mm) and include sensor power and output connections, and screw connections for the current to be measured. GM****R SMMLSmoooearrwnleeesl roe sprrerpsneo:scwiietsrieve AG940-07E: Digital/Analog/Omnipolar/Bipolar Sensor Demo Board PtNrPansistor 2x CR2032 The kit includes a demo board with our most popular digital, analog, omnipolar, and bipolar sensors, LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 including an AA006-00E analog sensor. Each sensor drives an indicator LED. A bar magnet is w(2801w0 2.A.Ow01D40De L).V.i n0m 0gGO2mv8i-m1 e Mt n-Ua i3.1LcRlp.A4Lo o6EG-lVm7Aa1r41 20 4AO.DDe50i V2Mg0O S4imO-m-tn PA0ai30lp0EoVlOFFar 4 4A.DOD5VeiSsV20 Mgew 0SBili1-Omit- PetApa0o3ccl0l0thEVaorr 0©-3N5A0V0 GAEk0OA AO e0C9nhM 0-oamS6 4Orl O-m2poPb00n4ogr0iVr-iaEp0dtoigol6enar i(n9c5l umdmed b syo 1y2o7u mcamn) s, eaen dfo ar ryeo puorwseelrf ehdo bwy tthweo s ecnosion rcse wllso r(kin. cTluhde eedv)a. luation boards are 3.75 by 5 inches 14 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Bare Circuit Boards for Sensors NVE offers several bare circuit boards specially designed for easy connections to surface-mount sensors. Popular PCBs are shown below (images are actual size): 2,8 3,5 AG004-06: 3" x 0.3" (75 x 8 mm) SOIC8 circui4t board 4/1 1/8 8/5 5/4 1/8 4/1 AG005-06: 0.5" x 0.5" (13 mm x 13 mm) SOIC8 2187 3456 AG915-06: 0.25" (6 mm) octagonal MSOP8 AG918-06 (standard) / AG919-06 (cross-axis): 2" x 0.25" (50 mm x 6 mm) MSOP8 AG035-06: 1.57" x 0.25" (40 mm x 6 mm) TDFN6 AG904-06: 1.2" x 0.25" (30 mm x 6 mm) ULLGA 15 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Package Drawings ULLGA4 (-14E suffix) Top View Side View Bottom View 0.34 1.10 1.10 0.40 0.35 0.30 0.65 1 0 1 1. 3 4 0 1 10 20 60 0. 1. 0. 0. 0 4 0. 2 1 5 0 Package Marking: “1” 0. Dimensions in mm; –0.10 mm unless otherwise noted. RoHS(cid:13) COMPLIANT TDFN6 (-10 suffix) 0.80 MAX. 2.00 ± 0.05 6 4 4 6 2.50±0.10 1.30±0.05 C0.10 PIN 1 ID 1 3 3 1 0.30±0.05 2.50 ± 0.10 0.30±0.05 0.65 TYP. 0.0-0.05 (6X) (4X) 1.30 REF (2X) 0.20 REF RoHS(cid:13) COMPLIANT 16 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors MSOP8 (-00 suffix) 0.114 (2.90) 0.122 (3.10) 0.016 (0.40) 0.027 (0.70) 0.189 (4.80) 0.114 (2.90) 0.032 (0.80) 0.197 (5.00) 0.122 (3.10) (cid:13) 0.043 (1.10) 0.024 (0.60) 0.002 (0.05) 0.028 (0.70) 0.006 (0.15) 0.005 (0.13) 0.010 (0.25) 0.009 (0.23) 0.016 (0.40) NOTE: Pin spacing is a BASIC dimension; tolerances do not accumulate SOIC8 (-02 suffix) RoHS(cid:13) COMPLIANT 0.188 (4.77) 0.016 (0.4) 0.197 (5.00) 0.050 (1.3) 0.052 (1.32) 0.054 (1.37) 0.062 (1.57) 0.072 (1.83) 0.228 (5.8) 0.150 (3.8) 0.244 (6.2) 0.157 (4.0) 0.004 (0.1) 0.050 (1.27) 0.012 (0.3) NOM NOTE:Pin spacing is a BASIC dimension; tolerances 0.013 (0.3) 0.007 (0.2) do not accumulate 0.020 (0.5) 0.013 (0.3) RoHS(cid:13) Soldering profiles per JEDEC J-STD-020C, MSL 1. COMPLIANT 17 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Revision History SB-00-059-F Change October 2018 • Improved AAL-Series bandwidth specification; specified -3 dB bandwidth (p. 3). • Added AG903B high-current evaluation kit (p. 14). SB-00-059-E Change January 2018 • Added Absolute Maximum isolation specification for TDFN package (p. 2). • Added TDFN Center Pad description (p. 12). • Updated AAL004 and AAL024 linearity specification (p. 13). SB-00-059-D Change October 2017 • Added AAK001 ultrahigh-field model. • Added LED field-strength indicator and current-sensing applications (p. 10). • Added AA selector chart (p. 13). • Added Evaluation Kits (p. 14) and bare circuit boards (p. 15). • Misc. cosmetic changes and additional illustrations. SB-00-059-C Change September 2017 • Added AA007-00E high-field model. SB-00-059-B Change August 2017 • Added AA024-10E and AAL024-10E cross-axis versions. SB-00-059-A Change April 2017 • Initial datasheet release superseding catalog. 18 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors Datasheet Limitations The information and data provided in datasheets shall define the specification of the product as agreed between NVE and its customer, unless NVE and customer have explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. All specifications are based on NVE test protocols. In no event however, shall an agreement be valid in which the NVE product is deemed to offer functions and qualities beyond those described in the datasheet. Limited Warranty and Liability Information in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, NVE does not give any representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and shall have no liability for the consequences of use of such information. In no event shall NVE be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, lost savings, business interruption, costs related to the removal or replacement of any products or rework charges) whether or not such damages are based on tort (including negligence), warranty, breach of contract or any other legal theory. Right to Make Changes NVE reserves the right to make changes to information published in this document including, without limitation, specifications and product descriptions at any time and without notice. This document supersedes and replaces all information supplied prior to its publication. Use in Life-Critical or Safety-Critical Applications Unless NVE and a customer explicitly agree otherwise in writing, NVE products are not designed, authorized or warranted to be suitable for use in life support, life-critical or safety-critical devices or equipment. NVE accepts no liability for inclusion or use of NVE products in such applications and such inclusion or use is at the customer’s own risk. Should the customer use NVE products for such application whether authorized by NVE or not, the customer shall indemnify and hold NVE harmless against all claims and damages. Applications Applications described in this datasheet are illustrative only. NVE makes no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification. Customers are responsible for the design and operation of their applications and products using NVE products, and NVE accepts no liability for any assistance with applications or customer product design. It is customer’s sole responsibility to determine whether the NVE product is suitable and fit for the customer’s applications and products planned, as well as for the planned application and use of customer’s third party customers. Customers should provide appropriate design and operating safeguards to minimize the risks associated with their applications and products. NVE does not accept any liability related to any default, damage, costs or problem which is based on any weakness or default in the customer’s applications or products, or the application or use by customer’s third party customers. The customer is responsible for all necessary testing for the customer’s applications and products using NVE products in order to avoid a default of the applications and the products or of the application or use by customer’s third party customers. NVE accepts no liability in this respect. Limiting Values Stress above one or more limiting values (as defined in the Absolute Maximum Ratings System of IEC 60134) will cause permanent damage to the device. Limiting values are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those given in the recommended operating conditions of the datasheet is not warranted. Constant or repeated exposure to limiting values will permanently and irreversibly affect the quality and reliability of the device. Terms and Conditions of Sale In case an individual agreement is concluded only the terms and conditions of the respective agreement shall apply. NVE hereby expressly objects to applying the customer’s general terms and conditions with regard to the purchase of NVE products by customer. No Offer to Sell or License Nothing in this document may be interpreted or construed as an offer to sell products that is open for acceptance or the grant, conveyance or implication of any license under any copyrights, patents or other industrial or intellectual property rights. Export Control This document as well as the items described herein may be subject to export control regulations. Export might require a prior authorization from national authorities. Automotive Qualified Products Unless the datasheet expressly states that a specific NVE product is automotive qualified, the product is not suitable for automotive use. It is neither qualified nor tested in accordance with automotive testing or application requirements. NVE accepts no liability for inclusion or use of non-automotive qualified products in automotive equipment or applications. In the event that customer uses the product for design-in and use in automotive applications to automotive specifications and standards, customer (a) shall use the product without NVE’s warranty of the product for such automotive applications, use and specifications, and (b) whenever customer uses the product for automotive applications beyond NVE’s specifications such use shall be solely at customer’s own risk, and (c) customer fully indemnifies NVE for any liability, damages or failed product claims resulting from customer design and use of the product for automotive applications beyond NVE’s standard warranty and NVE’s product specifications. 19 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation

AA/AB-Series Analog Magnetic Sensors An ISO 9001 Certified Company NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 USA Telephone: (952) 829-9217 www.nve.com www.youtube.com/NveCorporation e-mail: sensor-info@nve.com ©NVE Corporation All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. SB-00-059_RevF October 2018 20 NVE Corporation 11409 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3617 Phone: (952) 829-9217 sensor-apps@ nve.com www.nve.com ©NVE Corporation