

  • 型号: 97-16-9S
  • 制造商: Amphenol
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供97-16-9S由Amphenol设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 97-16-9S价格参考¥110.74-¥187.35。Amphenol97-16-9S封装/规格:圆形连接器, 4 位置 圆形连接器 插件,母插口 焊杯 。您可以下载97-16-9S参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有97-16-9S 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

Amphenol Industrial Operations的97-16-9S圆形连接器广泛应用于工业和军事领域,因其坚固耐用、可靠性和多功能性而备受青睐。以下是其主要应用场景:

 1. 工业自动化

 2. 交通运输

 3. 能源行业

 4. 医疗设备

 5. 军事和航空航天

总的来说,Amphenol Industrial Operations的97-16-9S圆形连接器凭借其坚固的设计和可靠的性能,适用于多种严苛的工作环境,确保各类设备和系统的稳定运行。
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Amphenol Industrial






环形MIL规格连接器 4P Socket Insert Shell Size 16








环形MIL规格连接器,环形MIL规格连接器,Amphenol Industrial 97-16-9S






Insert Assemblies




Amphenol Industrial












700 V


23 A, 13 A




97 5015











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品牌:ITT Cannon, LLC








品牌:Amphenol Industrial Operations




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品牌:ITT Cannon, LLC





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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Amphenol® 97 Series Standard Cylindrical Connector 12-022-18 AMPHENOL CORPORATION Amphenol Industrial Phone: 888-364-9011 191 Delaware Avenue Sidney, NY 13838-1395 www.amphenol-industrial.com www.amphenol-industrial.com AmphAenmopl®h 9e7n oSle® r 9ie7s S Ceorinense Cctoonrsn eacrteo rUsL a rreec UogLn riezceodg, nCizSeAd raencdo gCnSizAe dre acnodg nCizEe cde.rtified.

Table of Contents Page Amphenol® 97 Series Standard Cylindrical Connectors – General Description ......................................1 Guide to Selecting a Connector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Amphenol® 97 Series Connectors with Solder Contacts Design Characteristics, Customer Options .............................................................3 Insert Availability ...............................................................................4, 5 Insert Arrangements ............................................................................6-11 Alternate Insert Positioning ........................................................................12 Receptacle Shell Styles ...........................................................................13 Solid Shell Plug Styles ............................................................................14 Split Shell Plug Styles ............................................................................14 Weight Reference Charts ....................................................................... 15-17 How to Order ...................................................................................18 Amphenol® 97 Series Connectors with Rear Release Crimp Contacts Design Characteristics, Customer Options ............................................................19 Specifications and Insert Availability, Alternate Insert Positioning ...........................................20 Insert Arrangements ..........................................................................21, 22 Receptacle Shell Styles ...........................................................................23 Solid Shell Plug Styles ............................................................................24 Split Shell Plug Styles ............................................................................24 How to Order ...................................................................................25 Crimp Contact Information .........................................................................26 Crimp Contact Information cont., Tools ...............................................................27 97 Series Accessories Cable Clamps, Bushing ...........................................................................28 Protection Caps ..............................................................................29, 30 Adapters ......................................................................................31 Dummy Receptacles .............................................................................32 Additional Products ...............................................................................33, 34 Amphenol Industrial operates Quality Systems that are Certified to ISO-9001 and AS-9100 by third party Registrars.

Amphenol 97 Series Connectors ® Amphenol 97 Series Connectors ® provide the interconnection solution for low cost, provide the interconnection solution for low cost, general duty applications general duty applications Amphenol offers the 97 Series Connector Family - Amphenol offers the 97 Series Connector Family - A general duty standard cylindrical connector, AAm gpehneenraoll douffteyr sst athned a9r7d S ceyrliineds rCicoanl ncoenctnoerc Ftoarm, ily - SAE AS50151 A & B Class style. AM IgLe-5n0e1ra5l sdtuytlye .standard cylindrical connector, MIL-5015 style. The 97 Series is a widely used connector series for the auto- Tmhoeti v9e7, Sroebroietisc sis, ma awcihdienley utosoeld a cnodn wneecldtoinrg s einrdieuss tfroier st,h ea sa wuteol-l maso ntivuem, erroobuost icosth, emr accohminmee trocoial l aanpdp lwicealtdioinngs ifnrodmus htreieasv,y a esq wuiepl-l amse nnut mtoe EroCuGs motohneirt ocroinmgm cearbclieasl .applications from heavy equip- mSheenltl tcoo EmCpGon menotnsi toarrien gf acbarbicleast.ed from high grade aluminum Salhloeyll tcoo mprpoovnideen tss traerneg tfha barincda teedn vfirroonmm heingtha l gprarodtee catilounm. inTuhmis afallmoyil yt oo f pcroonvnideec tsotrrse nogfftehr sa nad w eidnev ivroanrimeteyn otaf l shpreollt esctytiloens., cTohnis- ftaamct ilpya ottfe rcnosn naencdt oarcsc eosffseorrsy ao pwtiiodnes v.ariety of shell styles, con- tact patterns and accessory options. The Amphenol® 97 Series Tdehsei gAnm fpehaetunroels® a9n7d S beernieesfi ts: design features and benefits: (cid:127) Low cost, general duty • Low cost, general duty (cid:127) Lnoown- ecnovsitr,o gnemneernatla dluty non-environmental (cid:127) nSoonld-eenr voirr ocnrimmepn ttearlmination • Solder or crimp termination (cid:127)(cid:127) SU oLl dReerc oorg cnrizimedp, tCeSrmAi nRaetcioongnized • UL Recognized (E115497), (cid:127)(cid:127) UWLid Ree sceolgecntiizoend ,o Cf SshAe Rll esctyolgensi zaendd insert patterns CSA Recognized (069183_0_000) (cid:127)(cid:127) WWiiddee sseelleeccttiioonn ooff schoenlnl esctytolers f iannisdh ienss e-rt patterns CE Certification (AT1312862E) (cid:127) Wcaiddme isuemle cotri onno no-fc caodnmnieucmto r finishes - • Wide selection of shell styles and insert patterns c(eandvmiriounmm oern ntaolnly- cfraidemndiulym z inc alloy) • Wide selection of connector finishes - (cid:127) (Tehnrveiardonedm ceonutapllliyn fgr,i ehnadrdly dziienlce catlrloicy i)nserts cadmium or non-cadmium (cid:127)(cid:127) TShorlieda doer ds pcloitu sphlienlgl c, ohnarsdtr duicetlieocntric inserts (environmentally friendly zinc alloy) (cid:127)(cid:127) SAoclcides osro sripelsit fsohre bllo ctho ninsdtriuvcidtiuoanl wire seal and jacketed cable • Threaded coupling, hard dielectric inserts (cid:127) Accessories for both individual wire seal and jacketed cable RARAAmoVoVHHAApShSIILLe ACACnBOBoOlLLMM IEnEPPd –L–Lu IIsCCAAtrooNNiannTTlss OuuPPllRpRtteOOraDDtUUioCCnsTT. AARmmoppHhheeSnnooll HS o Amphenol Industrial Operations. R C EU/2002/ 95/E C For additional information on AmphenoEl®U /92700 2S/e9r5i/eEs connectors, or for special application Freoqru airdedmiteionntsa,l cinofnotramcta ytioounr olonc aAl mApmhpehneonl®o l9 s7a lSese roieffsic eco, nanuethcotorirzse, do dr isfotrri bsuptoerc,i aolr a-pplication reqAumirepmheennotsl ,C coornptoarcat tyioonur local Amphenol sales office, authorized distributor, or - AAAmmMppPhhHeennEooNll OCInLod ruCpsoOtrrRaiatPli oOOnpReAraTtIiOonNs A40m-6p0h eDneolla Iwndaures tArivael nOupeerations Amphenol Industrial Operations 4S0id-6n0e yD, eNlaewwa Yreo rAk v1e3n8u3e8-1395 191 Delaware Avenue STSeididlennpeehyy,,o NNneYe: w 163 0Y87o3-8r5k-61 13339-58503 1 8 1- 1 3 9 5 TFTeaelxlee:p p6hh0oo7nn-ee5:: 6 86380-857-13-556647-39-051011 1 FWFaaexxb:: 65s02it70e--:35 9w673w--75w116.5a97m phenol-industrial.com Wwewbw s.aimtep: hwewnowl-.ianmdupshterinalo.cl-oinmdustrial.com 1

Guide to Selecting a Connector In selecting a connector, it first must be What if several identical Which connector gets the 2 5 determined if a non-environmental 97 A connectors have different socket? - the receptacle or or B Series 5015 type is required or if an functions? the plug? environmental MS-5015 Class E, F, or R type* is required. Here’s a situation to watch out for. You You’re at the point where you desig nate If determined that the general duty, have four identical receptacles on a which inserts are used with which non-environmental 97 series is the panel. One carries high current loads. shells. Either pin or socket inserts can choice - then this catalog is appropriate The others have low current functions. be used with plugs or receptacles. to your needs A plug mated with the wrong receptacle Here’s a good rule of thumb. Order The following 8 steps apply to for- (cross-mating) could ruin your valu able the sockets for the connector at the mulation of a part number.** equipment. “hot” side of the circuit. By having sock- To avoid cross-mating, you can order ets at the power source, there’s little 1 How many wires are you identical inserts positioned in both the chance that a wayward finger or screw- going to connect? plugs and receptacles at vari ous angles driver will short the circuit or cause per- What gauge? from standard. These varia tions from onal injury. standard position are called alternate The designation for sockets is sim ply These two questions are important, be- insert positions, and are described on S in a part number, following the insert cause they indicate which insert you page 12. code number. For pins, the des ignation need. There are literally hundreds to is P. Therefore, the 20-7P insert would choose from. 3 What kind of receptacle do have pin contacts, while the 20-7S in- The insert arrangements for solder you need? sert would have socket contacts. contact connectors are illustrated on pages 6-11. The inserts most often used For Wall Mounting Use a wall recep- 6 What type of plating is tacle, type 3100. The elongated back of are highlighted on these pages. pre ferred? this receptacle extends through thick Here’s an example of how to choose an insert arrangement. Say you want to wall material. It is threaded to accept If you prefer the standard olive cad- connect eight 16-ga. wires, - first find standard hardware fittings. mium, non-reflective, electrically con- the section of arrangements contain ing For Unmounted Applications Use ductive finish, then no suffix number is 8 contacts. Insert number 20-7 is the the cable receptacle, type 3101. required. Other plating variations are one you want because it contains eight For Box or Panel Mounting Use the available, including environmentally 16-ga. contacts and it is one of the most box receptacle, type 3102. This recep- friendly zinc alloy. See how to order in- often used. The one you choose might tacle’s back is short to conserve space. structions for the various plating fin- depend on your space or voltage re- It is not threaded on the back end and is ishes offered for 97 Series solder con- quirements. The voltage capacity of used when no accessories such as nectors on page 18. clamps are needed. each insert is listed under its diagram. 7 Do you need any If you have more than one wire size 4 What kind of plug do accessories? to connect, the method is essentially the you need? same. Actually, the insert configura tions Accessories - cable clamps, protection for multiple-size wires are a lot more For ordinary situations The straight caps and chains, conduit adapters, flexible than they appear. That’s be- plug, type 3106 meets most connector and panel gaskets are shown on pages cause you can always solder a smaller requirements. However . . . 28-32. wire to a larger contact. How ever, sol- when space is critical you may want dering a large wire to a small contact to consider using an angle plug, type isn’t recommended because of size and 3108. This type plug lets the cable enter current requirements. your equipment at a right angle. * If an environmental type SAE AS50151, F or RClass is required, then ** These steps are for solder type connectors which are described in detail the catalog that should be consulted is IC-5 AC and SAE AS50151 on pages 3-18. If a crimp type connector is needed, the same steps ap- Threaded Cylindrical Connectors. See www.amphenol-industrial.com ply, however, you should consult pages 19-27 for details on 97 Series for on-line catalogs or contact Amphenol, Sidney, NY. connectors with crimp contacts. 2

Amphenol 97 Series Connectors ® with solder contacts DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Medium to heavy weight cylindrical • Durable, field-proven design • Single key/keyway polarization • Threaded coupling, hard dielectric inserts • Non-rotating contacts • Operating temperatures from –55°C to +125°C • Cost effective MS3100A MS3106A • Intermateable and intermountable with existing 97 Series and SAE AS50151 connectors • Underwriters Laboratories approved recogni- tion File E115497 • Canadian Standards Association Certification File LR69183 • CE Certification Registration No.: AT1312862E CUSTOMER OPTIONS MS3101A MS3107A • Six shell styles • 128 contact arrangements, from 1 to 52 circuits • Alternate insert positioning • High temperature and potting constructions • Special plating finishes including gray zinc nickel • Optional gold plating • Thermocouple arrangements available MS3102A Connector components are fabricated from high grade aluminum alloy, with a conductive cadmium plate finish MS3108B and an olive drab chromate after-treatment. See how to order page 18. Contacts are silver plated with pre-tinned solder cups. Optional gold over silver plating is also available. Inserts for solder style contacts are diallyl-phthalate. Users should be aware that classes “A” and “B” of SAE AS50151 have been canceled. 3

9977 sseerriieess ssoollddeerr ttyyppee 9977 sseerriieess ssoollddeerr ttyyppee iinnsseerrtt aavvaaiillaabbiilliittyy 999777 ss seeerrriieeiesss ss sooollddldeeerrr tt tyyypppeee iinnsseerrtt aavvaaiillaabbiilliittyy iinninssseeerrttr taa avvvaaaiilliaalabbbiilliiilttiyyty MMeecchhaanniiccaall MMeecchhaanniiccaall IInnsseIIennrrtsst eeNNrruutt mmNNbuubemmerrbbeerr TTCCootootTTaannlool tt ttaaaaccll ttss MMIInnSeSecccpcphhhahaSSeeacacppssininnaaniigcccgcaiiannll mmgg mmSSeerrSSvvRRieeicaacrrettvveii nnii ccggee 00 44CCoonnCCttooaacnnc88tttt aa SScciittzz eSSeiizz11ee22 1166 IInnsseIIennrrtsst eeNNrruutt mmNNbuubemmerrbbeerr TTCCootootTTaannlool tt ttaaaaccll ttss MMIISnneSecpcccphhhahaSSaceeacppnssininnaaiicgcccgaiiannll gmgm mmSSeerrSSvRRvieeicaacrrettvveii nn iiccggee 00 44CCoonnCCttaooacnnc88tttt aa SScciizttz eSSeiizz11ee22 1166 CCoonnttaaccttss RRaattiinngg CCoonnttaaccttss RRaattiinngg 88SS--11✦✦ 11 IInncc11hhe//e11ss66 mm11mm..5577 IINNSSTT.. 00 44 88 1122 116611 2200--44 44 IInncc11hh//ee88ss mm33mm..1188 DD 00 44 88 112244 1166 MMeeccMhheaacnnhiiccaaanlli cal MMeeccMhheaacnnhiiccaanalli cal 88IISnSnss11--e1eI100nrr✦t✦sSSt NeNLLruut--m 33mNbubemerrberTT1o1ottaTa33lol tal 11//111166//SS11pp66aaScc1p1iin.na.5g5gc117i7n..55g77 ISISNNeeSrSrvSvTTieiccAA.r.eev ice CCoonnCttaoacncttt aSSciiztz eeSize 11 33 22IIn0n0s-s22-4e4eI00nrrts--t 66NeNr††uutm mNbubemerrberTT4o4ottaTa33lol tal 11//8811//SS88ppaaScc3p3iin.na.1g1gc338i8n..11g88 SSeeDDrrvSvieicDDcreev ice CCoonnCttaoacncttt aSSciizt4z4 eeSize 33 CCoonnCttaoacnctttssacts RRaattiRinnaggting CCoonnCttaoacnctttsascts RRaattiRinnaggting 1100S11S00LL-SS-33LL--44 33 22 11IIn/n/11cc116h6hI//ne11ecss66he11s..5m5m1177mm..55m77m AAAA 00 0 44 4 88 8 112212 3131662216 2200--66†† 33 11II/n/n88c11chIh//ne88ecsshe33s..1m1m3388m..m11m88m DDDD 00 0 44 4 88 8 112212 3131664416 2200--77 88 118800SSS11S-8-221L1LS-SS✦-✦4-4LL1--✦884444✦✦** 2211441 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777IINNAASSINTTAA.S.T. 2211441 2200--2440-4 44 4 1111///8/881181///118663333...1.111118388..8.551778 DDDDAAD 44 4 44 44 2200--77 88 11112200S11SSS122LLL0L-SS--S8-83--34L3344-43✦✦** 4433223 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 4433223 220022--260060†--†-886† 33663 1111///1/188616/8 1133...5.51173788.18 AADIIDNNSSDTT.. 22 4433443 11112200S11SSS122--L03L3---S55-44✦✦L-4 2222112 1111///1/1111161666//88/161111...5.5553371777..11.5887 AAAADDA 11 2222 2 2200-22-8800--1111†† 661133 11//881/8 33..11388.18IINNSDSIIDNNTTSS.D.TT.. 22 444411334 2200--2770-7 88 8 11112222--S5S15L✦2L✦-S-88L44-448✦✦4**4✦* 1144 4 1111///8/811166/163311...1.15581877.57 DDAA A 11 44224 2200-22-110011--†11†44 113355 11//111116//6/11166611..511517..7.555777IINNSSAATTAA.A. 22 33 114343 4 1122SS--66✦✦** 22 11//1166 11..5577 (cid:54)(cid:54)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:15)(cid:15) 1122SS1-2-33S-3 22 2 11//11166/1611..55177.57 AA A 2222(cid:69)(cid:69)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:87)2(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:71)(cid:71) 22220000-22--1-218008404---11855 5566776 11//111166//116611..551177..5577 IINNAASSINTTAAS..T. 2222 2 33 77 44 4 1122SS--66✦✦** 22 11//1166 11..5577 (cid:54)(cid:54)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:15)(cid:15) 112211--154452✦SS✦-5--11✦†† 11331 11//88111//11/866 33..1111388..55.1778 DDAAD 11 1 (cid:69)(cid:69)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:71)(cid:71)33 22220000-22--1-2110015051--1-11††1661† 1717339913 11//111166//116611..551177..5577 IINNAASSINTTAAS..T. 77 22 11337713 1144S11S44--11SS††--22 33 44 11//1166 11..5577 AAIINNSSTT.. 3322442 22220000-22--1-2110016064--4-111774 9955665 1111///1/111116166//6/1116661111...5.551157177..7.555777 AAAAAAA 22 2 2233553 77 11 1122SS1-2-66S✦✦-**6✦* 22 2 11//11166/1611..55177.57 (cid:54)(cid:54)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:54)(cid:84)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:74)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:81)(cid:15)(cid:84)(cid:15)(cid:79)(cid:81)(cid:15) 1144S11S44--22SS--44✦✦†† 44 11 11//88 33..1188 IINNSSTTDD.. 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3355225 11//111166//116611..551177..5577 IINNAASSINTTAAST 3355225 22220000-22--2-2210013039--9-22††1449† 2233443 1111///1/111116166//6/1116661111...5.551157177..7.555777 AAAAAAA 2233223 22 11114444S11SSS166---49-9SS66S††---116 2266776 11//111166//116611..551177..5577 IINNAASSINTTAA.S.T. 2266776 22220000-22--2-2220024041--1-222771 449911449 1111///1/111116166//6/1116661111...5.551157177..7.555777 AAAAAAA 22 11 1 228811448 11116644S11SSS166---41-1SS77S---447✦✦ 7733223 1111///1/1111161666//88/161111...5.5553371777..11.5887 AAAADDA 7733223 22220000-22--2-2220027073--3-222993 11242411772 1111///1/111116166//6/1116661111...5.551157177..7.555777 AAAAAAA 22 2 11441177 11116644S11SSS166---44-4SS99S✦✦†--†-559† 2222332 1111///8/81111166//11/16663311...1.1551181877..55.5777 DDAAAAA 2222332 22220000-22--2-2220029094--4-332334 11474711114 1111///1/111116166//6/1116661111...5.551157177..7.555777 AAAAAAA 22 2 11272711112 11116666S11SSS166---65-5SS11S---661✦✦†† 3377337 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 3377337 22220000-22--3-2322223037--7-112††7 111111442214 1111///1/111116166//6/88161111...5.553357177..7.115887 AAAADDA 22 1111114414 11116666S11SSS166---66-6--44S77✦✦✦✦†-†4✦ 3322332 1111///1/18811616//11/8661133...5.5111173788..55.1778 AADDAAD 11 3322222 22222200-22--1-212222†0†9--9-2229 1212773317 1111///8/8111116//6/88163311...1.153358187..7.115887 DDAADDA 22 33 117717 11116666-11-S7S1766-6-SS55S---885 3333553 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 11 2233553 22222200-22--2-22322303--3-443††3 1313114411 1111///8/8111116//6/1116663311...1.151158187..7.555777 DDAAAAA 33 22 22 111111 11116666S11SSS166---68-8--66S99✦✦-††6✦† 5533443 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 22 5533223 22222222-22--4-241221†2††--†-551† 4422662 1111///1/18118616///888 1133...5.513317378..8.111888 AADDDDD 2222 2 22 22 44 11116666-11--9-1976676---11700 4433333 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 11 1 22 33 2222 2 22222222-22--5-2522222---882†† 6633223 1111///8/883381///118663333...1.114418388..8.771558 DDDDEED 33 3 22 22 44 11116666-11-S1S11660-60---88S1111-8✦✦†† 3355225 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 33 22 55 5 22222222-22--8-284224†2††--†-994† 2244334 3311///1/113316166//6/1116664411...7.754455157..7.775557 EEAAEEA 22 2 2222332 11116666-11--1-119669161--✦-11✦9†22† 2244114 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 11 2222 2 22 2 22222222-22--9-2952252---11500 3366446 3311///1/18338616///118664433...7.714415358..8.771558 EEDDEED 3322 2 44444 11116666---1-111126200-10 1133 3 1111///1/11161666/161111...5.55571777.57 AAAA A 11 33223 22222222-22--1-218228020†--†-11811† 4422222 3333///1/111116366//6/44164444...7.776675455..5.337555 EEEEBBE 22 2 44 22 116611--1166161--1-11✦✦133††1✦† 22222 11//1111166//11/166611..5511177..55.5777 AAAAA 22(cid:54)(cid:54)22(cid:69)(cid:69)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:84)(cid:84)2(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:15)(cid:15) 22222222-22--1-219229121---11922 2233553 1133///4/4111136//6/88166644...3.373375455..5.117885 BBEEDDE 22 33 3 22 33 11116666---1-111136322-12 2211 1 1111///1/11161666/161111...5.55571777.57 AAAAAAA 11 1 (cid:54)(cid:54)(cid:69)(cid:74)(cid:69)(cid:74)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:79)(cid:82)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:71)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:81)(cid:15)(cid:15) 44 22222222-22--1-2112212220--0-111330†† 5544554 1133///8/8111136//6/88163344...1.173378485..5.117885 DDEEDDE 22 3344114 1188--11 1100 11//1166 11..5577 AAIINNSSTT.. 22 2 44 66 22222222---1-211132311†-†11 5522 2 1111///8/841141///114663366...1.131138685..5.553775 DDBBAAB 44 1122 2 11118866---1-1111633-13 112020 2 1111///1/11161666/161111...5.55571777.57 AA A (cid:54)(cid:54)(cid:74)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:54)(cid:84)(cid:79)(cid:79)(cid:74)(cid:81)(cid:71)(cid:81)(cid:15)(cid:84)(cid:15)(cid:79)(cid:81)(cid:15) 222222--2122122--2-111442 5511995 1111///1/18118616///118661133...5.511117378..8.551778 AADDAAD 22 2 44 3311993 1188--33†† 22 11//88 33..1188 IINNSSTTDD.. (cid:69)(cid:69)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:82)(cid:69)(cid:78)(cid:81)(cid:78)(cid:71)22(cid:71)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:78)(cid:71) 66 2222--1144 1199 1111///1/18338616///118661133...5.514417378..8.771558 AADDEED 111919111 1188-11-3388††--44 22 44 11//8811//88 33..113388..1188 DDAADDA 22 44444 222222--2122123--3-11††1553† 55665 1188--1118-1 110010 11//11166/1611..55177.57 3311///1/111116166//6/1116664411...7.751155157..7.555777 EEAAAAA 44554 11 1188-11-4488--55✦✦ 44 33 11//8811//88 33..113388..1188 IINNDDSSINTTDD.S.T. 22 4466116 2222--1155 66 222222--2122124--4-111664†† 11999919 1111///1/111116166//6/1116661111...5.551157177..7.555777 AAAAAAA 55 33 11996619 11118888-11--5-153883✦8✦†--†-883† 3322882 1111///8/888111//11/8663333...1.1111183888..55.1778 DDDDAAD 2222112 11 77 2222--1166†† 99 1133///1/111116366//6/88161144...5.573377475..5.117885 AAEEDDE 33 6611551 11118888-11--8-1848848---994✦✦ 8844774 1111///1/188616/8 1133...5.51173788.18 AADIIDNNSSDTT.. 11 22 7744554 222222--2122125--5-111885 66886 1111///8/8111116//6/1116663311...1.151158187..7.555777 DDAAAAA 55 5 55 33 11118888-11--9-195885✦8✦✦--✦-11500✦†† 7733443 11//88111//11/866 33..1111388..55.1778IINNSSDDTTAA..D 2222442 5511 1 2222--1188 88 222222--2122126--6-11††1996† 9911449 1111///1/111116166//6/1116661111...5.551157177..7.555777 AAAAAAA 33 3 336611446 11118888-11--1-118888080--†-11†811 4488558 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 4411551 77 7 2222-22-112299--2200†† 114499 1111///1/18118616///118661133...5.511117378..8.551778 AADDAAD 115454995 11118888-11--1-119889181✦--✦-11922✦†† 5577667 11//111166..116611..551177..5577 IINNAASSINTTAA.S.T. 5522 2 55665 2222--211288-18 88 8 2222-22-222200--†22†22 99 44 1111///1/111116166//6/1116661111...5.551157177..7.555777 AAAAAAA 44 9933 3 11118888-11--1-1118812820--0†-11†††1330† 6644444 1111../1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 11 44334 66 22222222---2-221122299-19 14144414 1111///1/111116166//6/88161111...5.553357177..7.115887 AAAADDA 44 11 114414 11118888-11--1-1118813831--1-111661 4455115 1111///1/1115561666//11/16661111...5.5557771777..99.5227 AAAACCA 11 3355115 2222--2233 88 2222--222200-††20† 99 9 1111///8/8111116//6/1116663311...1.151158187..7.555777 DDAAAAA 11 77 99 9 11118888-11--1-1118816862--2-11††1992††† 116611006 5511//.1.1111161666//11.16667711...9.9551121277..55.5777 CCAAAAA 11 6611006 2222--2233 88 2222--222222-22 44 4 1111///1/11161666/161111...5.55571777.57 AAAA A 44 4 77 11118888-11--1-1118819893--3†-22†1003 114040554 1111///1/1111161666//11/16661111...5.5551171777..55.5777 AAAAAAA 11 1 33 3 110055 11//881/8 33..11388.18 DDD 11 1 11118888-11--2-1218810806--6-221226†† 5511331 1155///1/1111165666//88/161177...5.5993377722..11.9882 AACCDDC 11 1 55 33 222NN2--2oo222tt33 -aa2llll3 iinnsseerrtt aarrrraa88nngg8eemmeennttss aarree ccuurrrreennttllyy aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall iinnddiivviidduuaall 11//11166/1611..55177.57 AA A 77 7 11118888-11--2-1218812829--9†-22†††1999✦✦††† 1313005510 1111///8/81111166//11/16663311...1.1551181877..55.5777 DDAAAAA 1313005510 wwiirree sseeaall.. CCoonnssuulltt AAmmpphheennooll,, SSiiddnneeyy,, NNYY ffoorr aavvaaiillaabbiilliittyy.. NNoott aallll iinnsseerrtt aarrrraannggeemmeennttss aarree ccuurrrreennttllyy aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr eennvviirroonnmmeennttaall iinnddiivviidduuaall 11118888---2-122298900✦-✦2††0 5555 5 1111///1/11161666/161111...5.55571777.57 AAAA A 11 5555 5 wwiirr††ee ssIIeennaaaallcc.. ttCCiivvooeenn ffsoosuurr lltnnt AeeAwwmm pmmphhiielleiittnnaaoorryyll,, SddSeeiiddssniinggeennyy,,,, bb NNuuYYtt aaffoovvraar aiiallaavvabbaillieellaa bffbooiilrrlii t tyrryee..ppllaacceemmeenntt oorr ffoorr nnoonn--mmiillii-- 1188--442200** 11 (cid:42)(cid:42)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:56)(cid:56)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:15)(cid:15) ttaarryy ppuurrppoosseess.. 1188--122822-††22† 33 3 11//881/8 33..11388.18 DDD 11(cid:67)(cid:67)(cid:73)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) 33 3 †† IInnaaccttiivvee ffoorr nneeww mmiilliittaarryy ddeessiiggnn,, bbuutt aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr rreeppllaacceemmeenntt oorr ffoorr nnoonn--mmiillii-- 1188--442200** 11 (cid:42)(cid:42)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:56)(cid:56)(cid:81)(cid:81)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:86)(cid:86)(cid:15)(cid:15) NNoo**ttNtata araory““ylltlMM l piapinSSnululss”” rrei penpnnrorosuutt se smmaaeerrrtsbbrs raa.aee.nrnrrr gganneenoommgtt eaaeemssnnssttesiisggn annatsreere edda c..rc euUUu rrcssrreueeenr n““rt99tellyy77n ””atal yvppv arraaeeiilvlffaaiiaxxbbi lliilaenneb fppflooellraar f cceoeeenrn vveooiirnffr oov““nMMnirmmoSSnee””m nniinntteaa ccnll oo tiinanmmldd ppiiinvvlleeididdttiuviiunniaadggllu ccaaal ttaa-- 118822--1200289--9-33✦✦2††††9✦† 55335 11//1111166//88/1611..5533177..11.5887 AADDA (cid:67)(cid:67)(cid:73)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)33 55 5 wwiirrewe isrsllooeeegg aas llenn.. uuaCCmmlo.o Cnbbnseesourrun..ll tstSS uAAeelmtmee A pphhmhhooeepwwnnh ottoeoolln,, oooSSrrli,ddid dSeennrrieed,, yynpp,,eaa NNygg,YeeY N 11ffoYo99rr .. f aoavvr aaaiivllaaabbiliialliitbtyyi.l.ity. ** ““MMSS”” nnuummbbeerr nnoott aassssiiggnneedd.. UUssee ““9977”” pprreeffiixx iinn ppllaaccee ooff ““MMSS”” iinn ccoommpplleettiinngg ccaattaa-- 2200--33†† 33 11//88 33..1188 DD 3311 1 ††**ll†oI**oInnggaaHH Icncnniit--utuaiVVivmvmceooetb ibll vttffeaaoeoerggrrr . .f een onSS ere==ee wwn ee11 e m77hmhwKKooii llwimVVwittaa AA itrltroioCCyty a o//dodr22ryere44dd ssdKKeeiiegrVVgr,,sn n DDpip,,g aCC abbngguu,e ettb a1au1v9vt9 aa.a.iilvlaaabbilllaeeb fflooerr f roreerp prlleaapcceleammceeemnntte oonrrt fofoorrr f nonoro nnn--ommni-illmii--ili- 1188--144822-004**20* 11 1 (cid:42)(cid:42)(cid:67)(cid:67)(cid:75)(cid:75)(cid:73)(cid:15)(cid:73)(cid:15)(cid:56)(cid:56)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:42)(cid:81)(cid:12)(cid:81)(cid:67)(cid:12)(cid:78)(cid:12)(cid:75)(cid:78)(cid:86)(cid:12)(cid:73)(cid:15)(cid:86)(cid:15)(cid:56)(cid:15)(cid:71)(cid:81)(cid:12)(cid:78)(cid:12)(cid:86)(cid:15) ****✦✦HHttaaii-r-rMMVyVtya o ooopprllllytuddtuaa reerpgpgpddueoeo--r s iisp=nn=eeo s1pps1s.7.iie7nnKKs ((.VVMMAAIICPPC))//2 2iinn44ssKKeeVVrrDttD rrCCeeqquuiirreess ((991100)) ddeevviiaattiioonn.. SSeeee hhooww ttoo oorrddeerr,, ppgg.. 118899.. ** *““MMS“SM”” nSnu”u mmnubbmeerrb nneoro ttn aaosst ssaiigsgnsnieegddn..e UUds.s eUe s““9e97 7“””9 p7pr”re epffirixxe ifininx ppinllaa pccelea cooeff ““oMMf S“SM”” iSinn” ccinoo mmcoppmlleepttiinlneggti nccgaa ttcaaa--ta- ✦✦ MMoollddeedd--iinn ppiinn ((MMIIPP)) iinnsseerrtt rreeqquuiirreess ((991100)) ddeevviiaattiioonn.. SSeeee hhooww ttoo oorrddeerr,, ppgg.. 1199.. 2200--2330††-3† 33 3 11//881/8 33..11388.18 DDD 33 3 llooggl onnguu mmnubbmeerrb.. e SSre.e eSe ehheoo wwh o ttowo ootorrd doeerrrd,, eppraa, ggpeea g11e899 ..19. *****HH*ii--VHVoio-lVlttaaogglteea g==e 11 =77 KK1V7VKAAVCCA//22C44/KK2V4VKDDVCCDC ✦✦ ✦MMooMllddoeelddd--eiinnd -ppiniinn p ((iMnM I(IPPM)) I iPinn)ss eienrrstt e rreretq qruueiiqrreeussir e((99s1 1(009))1 d0de)e vvdiiaeatvtiioioannti..o SSne.e eSe ehheoo wwho ttowo ootorrd doeerrrd,, e pprgg, ..p 11g99. ..19. 4

97 series solder type insert availability Mechanical Mechanical Insert Number Total Spacing Service Contact Size Insert Number Total Spacing Service Contact Size Contacts Rating Contacts Rating Inches mm 0 4 8 12 16 Inches mm 0 4 8 12 16 8S-1✦ 1 1/16 1.57 INST. 1 20-4 4 1/8 3.18 D 4 10SL-3 3 1/16 1.57 A 3 20-6† 3 1/8 3.18 D 3 10SL-4 2 1/16 1.57 A 2 1/8 3.18 D 4 20-7 8 12SL-844✦* 4 1/16 1.57 A 4 1/16 1.57 A 4 12S-3 2 1/16 1.57 A 2 20-8 6 INST. 2 4 12-5✦ 1 1/8 3.18 D 1 20-11† 13 INST. 13 2 20-14 5 1/16 1.57 A 2 3 12S-6✦* 2 1/16 1.57 (cid:54)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:79)(cid:81)(cid:15) (cid:69)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:78)(cid:71) 20-15 7 1/16 1.57 A 7 14S-1† 3 1/16 1.57 A 3 20-16 9 1/16 1.57 A 2 7 14S-2 4 INST. 4 20-17 6 1/16 1.57 A 5 1 14S-4✦† 1 1/8 3.18 D 1 20-18 9 1/16 1.57 A 3 6 14S-5 5 INST 5 20-19† 3 1/16 1.57 A 3 14S-6 6 INST. 6 20-21 9 1/16 1.57 A 1 8 14S-7 3 1/16 1.57 A 3 20-23 2 1/16 1.57 A 2 914S-79† se2 r1i/1e6 s1.57 sAolder typ2e 20-24 4 1/16 1.57 A 2 2 9916S-771 ssee7 rri1i/1ee6 ss1.57 ssoAollddeerr ttyypp7ee 20-27 14 1/16 1.57 A 14 16S-4✦ 2 1/8 3.18 D 2 20-29 17 1/16 1.57 A 17 insert availability, cont. 16S9-5 7 s3e1r/16ie1.5s7 sA older typ3 e 20-33 11 1/16 1.57 A 11 iinnsseerrtt aavvaaiillaabbiilliittyy,, ccoonntt.. 16S-6✦† 3 1/16 1.57 A 3 22-1† 2 1/8 3.18 D 2 16-7 3 1/16 1.57 A 1 2 22-2 3 1/8 3.18 D 3 16Si-8nser5 t 1a/16v1a.57ilaA bility, con5t. 22-4† 4 1/16 1.57 A 2 2 16-9 4 1/16 1.57 A 2 2 22-5 6 1/8 3.18 D 2 4 16-1In0sert To3tal 1/1M6Secphaacni1ni.cg5a7l SerAvice Contact Siz3e 22-8In†sert To2tal 3/1M6Secphaacni4ni.cg7a5l SerEvice Contact Siz2e 16-N1IInun1sms✦eeb†rrtet r CoTTnoo2tttaaacll ts 1In/Mc1MhSe6Seecpcpshahaacacninin1niicg.cmg5aalm7l SSReearrAvtviiniccgee 0 48CCoonnttaacctt SSiizz1e2e2 16 22-N9IInunsmseebrrtet r CoTTnoo3tttaaacll ts 3In/cM1MhS6eSeecpcpshahaacacninin4niicg.mcg7aaml5l SSReearrEvtviiniccgee 0 48CCoonnttaacctt SSiizz13ee2 16 1262-N-N12uu26mm*bbeerr CCoonn7t1taaccttss I11Inn//c8c1hh6eess 31m..m15m8m7 RRaatAtiinngg 00 14488 11222 11566 2228-N-N12uu00mmbbeerr CCoonn1t4ta4accttss I13Inn//cc11hh66eess 14m..m57mm75 RRaatAEtiinngg 00 4488 111220 114466 12226222----12223667**Insert 7792Total111 1////88816 MSe3331cp....1ha115ac8887ninicgal DAService 1Con(cid:54)ta(cid:74)c(cid:71)222(cid:84)t (cid:79)S(cid:81)iz(cid:15)e 55 2222222888-----1122221001 Insert 11352447Total111 11/////11184666 MSe11136cp.....h5a5513ac77785ninicgal ADAABService 2Conta1c1t00 Size 342347 Number Contac111ts///8816 331...115887 DDARating 11 (cid:69)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:82)(cid:78)(cid:71) 8 223882---22511†Number 3327C7ontac111ts///11866 113...551778 ADARating2 3377 2222--2277 99 Inches mm 0 48 12 16 1/8Inche3s.18mm D 0 48 12 1 16 22-28† 7 111///111666 111...555777 AAAA 7 848 23332222----15653††† 22253 111///8186 313...151878 DDA 22 2 3 2 16 18-122-26* 10 7 1/161/8 1.573.18 2 5 28-20 141/161/161.571.57 A A 4 10 4 222222---232884†† 775 111///11866 113...551778 INADAST. 773 62 3322--66 2233 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 22 33 227 112664 1/8 3.18 D 1 2322--17248-21 3159371/161/161.571.57 A A 19 37 12228224----33232†442-27 5752 9 1111////8888 3333....11118888 DDDD 3273 22 11//1166 11..5577 INAAST. 77 22444 1/16 1.57 A 8 3322--7732-5† 3355 2 3/161/8 4.753.18 E D 2 1 12228444----4225† 17746 1111////88186 3313....15118788 DDDA 77 146 2322--185† 360 1/16 1.57 IINNSASTT.. 6 2444 22-28† 7 1/16 1.57 A 7 32-6 231/161/161.571.57 A A 2 3 5 2 16 122844---555†✦† 11366 1111////118866 1133....55117788 ADDA 23 11166 333222---881††3 332003 111///11866 113...551778 ADA 656 221484 24-622-34 8 5 1/8 3.18 D 3 2 22-16† 9 1/161/161.571.57 A A 3 7 6 24 18-8 8 1111////881166 3311....11558877 DDAA 3135 7 333222---11133372-7 22433 35111///888 333...111888 DDD 4 55 1188 2244--6624-2 88 7 1/8 3.18 D 7 1/8 3.18 DINST. 5 4 1284--97✦ 176 111///111666 111...555777 INAAAST. 5225 154 23332222----114187174 54482 111///8186 313...151878 DDA 44 52 24-5† 16 1/16 1.57 A 16 32-8† 301/161/161.571.57 A A 6 3 24 12228444----17790†† 112466 1111////11116666 1111....55557777 AAAA 2 242 1144 333226---44111†44 552222 111///11866 113...551778 ADA 4 551228 1/8 3.18 D 3 22-1392-13 14231/161/8 1.573.18 A D 5 14 18 12228444----199121††04-6 2275 8 1111////11116666 1111....55557777 AAAA 22 7 5 333666---115†† 22422 111///8186 313...151878 DDA 4 44 1188 1/16 1.57 A 5 22-2302†-17 9 4 1/161/8 1.573.18 A D 4 9 12228444----11112001† 7796 1111///.11116666 1111....55557777 AAAA 773 6 6 333666---565 464 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 424 4 24-7 16 1/16 1.57 A 2 14 22-2322-414 4 521/161/161.571.57 A A 4 52 12228444----11113112 9954 1111////11116666 1111....55557777 AAAA 2 313 6363 333666---667 4667 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 22 44 7 40 24-9† 2 1/16 1.57 A 2 36-1† 22 1/81/8 3.183.18 D D 1 4 18 122844---111622 551 1115////1811666 1137....55197782 ADCA 22 1 313 3 23332666----27783 4448777 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 771 444006 24-1264-10 7 7 1/16 1.57 A 7 36-5 4 1/161/161.571.57 A A 4 7 18-19† 10 1111////881166 3311....11558877 DDAA 11 3 1330 333666---889 434717 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 1 2 1114 414646 2244--112664-11 77 9 1/16 1.57 A 3 6 36-6 6 1/16 1.57 A 2 4 1284--2109† 152 1111////11116666 1111....55557777 AAA 33 152 333666---9190 343181 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 11 22 1144 114448 24-12 5 1/16 1.57 A 2 3 36-7 47 1/16 1.57 A 7 40 12228444----21122990††† 1113221 1111////118866 1133....55117788 DD 2 113922 3366--1100 4488 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 443848 1/8 3.18 D 1 3 N3o6t -a13l5l6 i-n8sert arran3g5em47ents a1r/e1 6curre1n.5tl7y availaAble for environmental indiv1idual 46 12228444----2222290014✦-†16 1115101 7 1111////88816 3331....11158887 DDDA 1 22 9599 wire seal. Consult Amph1e11/n//181o66l, Sid131.n..551e778y, NY foADAr availability. 33144 1/16 1.57 A 3 3366--113556-9 3355 31 1/16 1.57 A 1 2 14 14 222444---222121 11400 111///888 333...111888 DDD 114 1 99 †36In-4a0c3ti*ve for new5 2milita111ry///818 d6esig313n...1,51 8b78ut avaDiDAlable for replacement or for non-m5112ili- 18-42240-*19† 1 12 1/16 1.57 (cid:42)(cid:75)(cid:15)(cid:56)(cid:81)(cid:78)(cid:86)(cid:15) 12 tar3y6 p-1u0rposes. 48 1/16 1.57 A 48 222444---222227 447 113///8816 334...171858 DDE 44 (cid:67)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:12)(cid:12) 7 3366--440033** 5522 11//1166 11..5577 AA 5522 24-20 11 1/8 3.18 D 2 9 * “MS” number not assigne1d/.1 U6se “19.75”7 prefix iAn place of “MS” in completing cat3a4- 22220444----32222†7784-21 27734 103311////11186661/84413....775155783.18INEDEST.D 1 3 2774 9 log3 6n-u1m5ber. See h3o5w to o1r/d8er, pa3g.e1 819. D 1 2244--2288 2244 111///18166 131...515787 IINNSDSTT.. 1 2 2244 ** Hi-Voltage = 17KVAC/24KVDC 28-124-22 9 4 1/8 3.18 D 4 36-403* 52 1/16 1.57 A 52 111///8816 313...151878 DDA 121 242 ✦ Molded-in pin (MIP) insert requires (910) deviation. See how to order, pg. 189. 2288--1124-27 99 7 3/16 4.75 E 7 28-2 14 111///18166 113...515778 ADA 22 442 12 24-28 24 1/16 1.57 INST. 24 222888---223 11344 113///8816 334...117885 DDE 3 22 1122 1/8 3.18 D 1 2 222888---3632†8-1 333 9 313///11866 434...771585 EDE 3 33 1/16 1.57 A 2 4 2288--66†† 33 111///8186 313...151878 DDA 33 9 28-2 14 1/8 3.18 D 2 12 28-8 12 111///11866 113...551778 ADA 991 28-3 3 3/16 4.75 E 3 2288--88 1122 131///8186 343...171858 DDE 2 11 28-6† 3 1/8 3.18 D 3 28-9 12 331///11866 443...771558 EDE 262 6 1/16 1.57 A 9 2288--99 1122 111///888 333...111888 DDD 661 66 28-1208-8 7 12 1/8 3.18 D 1 111///8816 313...115878 DDA 2 2 121 2288--1100 77 3/16 4.75 E 2 28-11 22 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 22 22 224 18 28-9 12 1/8 3.18 D 6 6 222888---111121 222262 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 44 112886 1/8 3.18 D 1 222888---11122258†-10 223665 7 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 232656 1/16 1.57 A 2 2 2 222888---111556††† 332550 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 332550 28-11 22 1/16 1.57 A 4 18 2288--1166†† 2200 111///11466 116...553775 AAB 22100 28-12 26 1/16 1.57 A 26 28-17 15 111///448 663...331558 BDB 113 28-15† 35 1/16 1.57 A 35 2288--1177 1155 111///8186 313...151878 DDA 1331 28-16† 20 1/16 1.57 A 20 151///111666 171...559727 ACA 11111 Not all insert arrangements are currently available for environmental individual 551///118661/4773...9912286.35 CCD B 115 1 NwNoiortet a aslllel iiannlss. eeCrrtot anarsrrruaalnnt ggAeemmmpeehnnettnss o aal,rr eeS cicduunrrerreeynn, ttNllyyY aa fvvoaari illaaavbballeeil a ffoborir l ieetynn.vviirroonnmmeennttaall iinnddiivviidduuaall 28-1288-17 12 15 1/8 3.18 D 3 ww†iirreeIn ssaeecaatilvl.. e CC fooonnrs snuuellttw AA mmmiplpihthaeernyno odll,e, SsSiigiddnnn,ee byyu,, tNN aYYv affooilrar abavlveaa ifilolaarbb riielliitptyyl.a.cement or for non-mili- 2288--1188 1122 111///81861/16313...1518781.57 DDA A 525 11 †† ItInanaraycc ttpiivvueer p ffooorsr ennsee.ww mmiilliittaarryy ddeessiiggnn,, bbuutt aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr rreeppllaacceemmeenntt oorr ffoorr nnoonn--mmiillii-- 111///1416651//186161...53575773..9128IIINNNASBASSTTT...CD 422442 15 *** lt“llt““MoaMooawNMMgrggroioySySS r ln etnnd ”p ””pu auu enusnnumlmmduelruur p-ipbmabbmminonoelees.bsbb s rrrpeCe.eee..e ir rSsnrroSSst .n n.ennaee(osMeooreertu tta Ih hhalPaantooo sss)gAwsww ssiemin iig ggmtttsopnoonnee he eeooornedtddrrr tdn.ddr..s e eoU eeUUaqrlrrs,,ssr,,u e eSeepppir ai“aaec““d9g99uggsn7e77r eee(r” ”” 9 ey1 11ppp1n,9899 rrr0tNe.ee..l)yfYff i iixdxxa ef vioiinvnnar i ipapplaaltllvaiaaboaccclneieeel.a foSbooofiffer l “i““eetMMMy n.hSSSvo”i””rw oiiinnn nt ocmcc ooooemmmrndptppealllereel ,titt iniipnnndggggi. v ccc1idaaa889uttta.aaa---l 28-1298-18 10 12111///4481/16663...3315581.57 BDB A 222 2 MTM†hooillsdtIdan eearaddyrc-r -itpaininvun eprpgp iinfenoo m s(r(M eMnesIenIP.Pwt ))i siminn snisleioetartrt tr a yrreve dqaqeuiulsiairriegbesnlse , ( (9bi9n1u1 0tR0 )a)o vddHaeeSivvlai iaacbtotlieioom nnfop.. rlSS iareeeneept l hahvocoewewrsm titoooe n noo.trr ddoere rrf,o, prp ggn..o 11n99-m..ili- 2288--1199 1100 111///8186 313...115887 DDAINST. 4 222 4 TT*hhiiss“ M aarSrrr”aa nnnuggmeemmbeeernn ntt o iists annsoostti gaanvveaadiill.aa Ubblsleee ii“nn9 7RR”o opHHreSSf i cxco oinmm pppllaliiacanent to vvf ee“MrrssSiioo”n ni.n. completing cata- 11//1166 11..5577 AA 44 22 log number. See how to order, page 19. 1/4 6.35 B 2 Molded-in pin (MIP) insert requires (910) deviation. See how to order, pg. 19. 28-19 10 1/8 3.18 D 2 This arrangement is not available in RoHS compliant version. 1/16 1.57 A 4 2 5

97 series solder type insert arrangements Front view of pin insert or rear of socket insert illustrated. Items highlighted are most popular and most readily available. 1 Contact (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:26)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:19) (cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:23) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:22)(cid:340) (cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:22)(cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:12) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:22) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16) (cid:38) (cid:38) (cid:35) (cid:37) 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97 series solder type insert arrangements, cont. Front view of pin insert or rear of socket insert illustrated. Items highlighted are most popular and most readily available. 4 Contacts DA DA A D A D D A D D A C C B C B C B C B C B B A C B (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:53)(cid:46)(cid:15)(cid:26)(cid:22)(cid:22)(cid:12) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:340) (cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:27) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:22) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:340) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:22) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:26) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:338)(cid:2)(cid:85)(cid:82)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16) (cid:35) (cid:38) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:38) D A D A D A D A D A D A D A B B C C C C C B B B B C B C (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:22) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:22)(cid:340) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:20) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:25) (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:23) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:26)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:26)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:26) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:26) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:22) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:18) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:39) (cid:35) (cid:38) (cid:38) (cid:35) 5 Contacts DAE BC CD AEB CD BEA AE BD C D CE BA DC E AB (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:23) (cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:26) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:340) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:340) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:22) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:26) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) A A A D A E B E C B E D B D C C B E D C (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:340) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:21)(cid:22)(cid:340) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:26)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:22)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:38) (cid:39)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:38)(cid:29)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:36)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:37)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:38)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:35) (cid:38) (cid:35) MIL-SPEC SERVICE RATING TEST CURRENT INST. A D E B C Contact Size 16 12 8 4 0 Limiting Operating DC 250 700 1250 1750 2450 4200 Amperes 13 23 46 80 150 Voltages at Sea Level AC (rms) 200 500 900 1250 1750 3000 NOTE 1: Transients were not considered in calculating See notes 1 and 2 under TEST CURRENT. these values. INST. service normally for low voltage and currents. NOTE 2: Limiting operating voltages at 50,000 feet alti- Effective Creepage (nominal) Inch 1/16 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 1 tude are approximately 25% of the sea level mm 1.57 3.18 4.75 6.35 7.92 25.40 values. Mechanical Spacing (nominal) Inch 1/16 1/8 3.16 1/4 5/16 mm 1.57 3.18 4.75 6.35 7.92 CONTACT LEGEND † Inactive for new military design, but available for replacement or for non-military purposes. * “MS” number not assigned. Use “97” prefix in place of “MS” in completing 16 12 8 4 0 16 12 16 12 catalog number. See how to order, page 198. IRON CONSTANTAN 7

97 serie9s7 ssoelrdieesr tsyopldeer type insert arirnasnegret mareranntsg,e cmonetn.ts, cont. Front view of pin iFnrsoenrtt ovire rwe aorf opfi ns oincskeert ti nosr erreta irl loufs tsroactekde.t insert illustrated. Items highlighted Iaterem ms ohsigt hploigphutleadr aanred mmoosstt preoapduillayr aavnadil amboles.t readily available. 6 Contacts 6 Contacts A A EFD ACB DEC BF A EFD ACEBD FCABDEC BF ACD BFE AE D FCABEDF C CADB BFE A EF D EADFCB C AB EF EF D ACCBB EF CB D D (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:19)(cid:84)(cid:22)(cid:84)(cid:53)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:15)(cid:24)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:340) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:26) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:340) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:25) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:26) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:23) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:25) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:23) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:23) 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(cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:35)(cid:16) (cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:26)(cid:338)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:85)(cid:82)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:26)(cid:338)(cid:2)(cid:85)(cid:35)(cid:82)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) EFD G CAB EEDFFD CGGCAABB EDFEF DCGAGABBC EFEF D ADAGG CBBC EDEFF GDAGACBCB ED F G ACB (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:20)(cid:71)(cid:22)(cid:80)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:18) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:25) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:25) 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97 series solder type insert arrangements, cont. Front view of pin insert or rear of socket insert illustrated. Items highlighted are most popular and most readily available. 9 Contacts F G H H A A H DC EI BHA FGE DI ACB GF E IDBC FEG JDHCB GEF DJ CAB (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:26) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:19) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:340) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:340) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:27)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) 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M FGH AJ B GH JK A B KL MA BC MGBELHCF KJ H FED L DE CK F EM DL C J H G F ED N DA JK (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:340) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:26) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:27) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:26) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:340) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:338)(cid:2)(cid:85)(cid:82)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:46)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:47)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:39)(cid:29)(cid:2)(cid:36)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:38)(cid:29) (cid:38) (cid:47)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:37)(cid:29)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:36)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:35) (cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16) (cid:67)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:2)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:85)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:35) (cid:37)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:38)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:39)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:40)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16)(cid:29)(cid:2)(cid:67)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:2)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:85)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:38) † Inactive for new military design, but available for replacement or for CONTACT LEGEND non-military purposes. * “MS” number not assigned. Use “97” prefix in place of “MS” in completing catalog number. See how to order, page 189. See Service Rating and Test Current information on page 7. 16 12 8 4 0 9

97 series solder type insert arrangements, cont. Front view of pin insert or rear of socket insert illustrated. Items highlighted are most popular and most readily available. 14 Contacts 15 Contacts GHFIN EMJKDALCB HJGPKNF ALEMBDC HGJPKFN LMEABDC GFHMNEJPKLDA BC ABPGCH RJNKDLMEF (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:25) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:27) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:20) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:18) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:25) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:38) (cid:35) (cid:52)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:36)(cid:29)(cid:2)(cid:47)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:48)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:50)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:38)(cid:29) (cid:67)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:2)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:85)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:35) 16 Contacts 17 Contacts 19 Contacts FLAJPMDSCGREKBNH JIKHPLOGMANFBECD KLMJTAHSNRGBPFCDE JHKGLTUSVFMNRPEABDC (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:23)(cid:340) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:25) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:27) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:22) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) 20 Contacts 22 Contacts 23 Contacts A B C A B N A HJGKRTS QVUFAL NMPBE CD WUVX TNPSR MJLK IHFGEDABC IOD JPEKRFLSMGT NH OKEPUCI GLTMH JDVRFNS KLJMWHXV PUYZ TRFSBECD U V W W X G (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:340) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:340) (cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:24) (cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:21) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:22)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:26)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:38) (cid:35) (cid:38) 24 Contacts 26 Contacts 30 Contacts 31 Contacts M S M KERAWLSFMXBGTCNYHUZPDVJQ MLNKZYPJXaHR dSbGWATFVUBECD dce YabZ VWTXU ORNSPKJHLI EFGDCAB edfcZabYUXWVTPRO KJLIN DEFGH CAB (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:26) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:26)(cid:340) (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:27) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:22)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:26)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) 10

97 series solder type insert arrangements, cont. Front view of pin insert or rear of socket insert illustrated. Items highlighted are most popular and most readily available. 35 Contacts 37 Contacts PHXCdYJjRDeAKlSfEZTgLamBUFMbkVhGcNW khjgdcefbWXaYZ TRUSRSP MKLNJIHGEFDACB NMPQLbcaRdjhkZS TmAYegfUXBVWFCED SKagEnTLbAUFhMBpcGVNCdjrWHkDPeXsJmfRZ V O K J H G (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:340) (cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:25) (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:23) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:19) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:21)(cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:21)(cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:36)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:74)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:76)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16)(cid:29) (cid:79)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:38)(cid:29)(cid:2)(cid:67)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:2)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:85)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:67)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:2)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:85)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:35) 47 Contacts 48 Contacts YOhKUdnCHPPZj AVLFeu RDawIt WMBGfvEkSJbpXgNmcT WfNmSbI GOBXgs DTncJv YMAuFk wUKEdp HZhCPt LerVjaR VOdmHWCtPeXnJDuAQfKYREpvgLZqSBhwFMarTGbxjsNUkc r x z y s x z y y z (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:25) (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:26) (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:22)(cid:18)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:22)(cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) 52 Contacts 1 2 C B D H G F A 3 4 A J PP N M L E 5 6 7 fXQeWdVcUbTaSZKRY 11 8 129 1310 14 C nv2mu zltkysxjrhwpg 1155 18 1619 1720 + 6 3 21 22 – 5 4 23 24 (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:12) (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:22)(cid:18)(cid:21)(cid:12) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:23)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:23)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) † Inactive for new military design, but available for replacement or for CONTACT LEGEND non-military purposes. * “MS” number not assigned. Use “97” prefix in place of “MS” in completing catalog number. See how to order, page 189. See Service Rating and Test Current information on page 7. 16 12 8 4 0 11

97 series solder type alternate insert positioning Insert Degrees CLnormal Arrangement W X Y Z 22-1 35 110 250 325 22-2 70 145 215 290 22-4 35 110 250 325 W Z 22-5 35 110 250 325 22-8 35 110 250 325 X Y 22-9 70 145 215 290 22-10 35 110 250 325 22-11 35 110 250 325 22-12 80 110 250 280 FRONT FACE OF PIN INSERT 22-13 35 110 250 325 22-14 80 110 250 280 22-15 80 110 250 280 22-16 80 110 250 280 Insert Degrees 22-18 80 110 250 280 Arrangement W X Y Z 22-19 80 110 250 280 12S-3 70 145 215 290 22-20 35 110 250 325 22-22 – 110 250 – 14S-2 – 120 240 – 22-23 35 – 250 – 14S-5 – 110 – – 22-27 80 – 250 280 14S-7 90 180 270 – 22-28 80 – – 280 14S-9 70 145 215 290 22-34 80 110 250 280 16S-1 80 – – 280 24-2 80 – – 280 16S-4 35 110 250 325 24-5 80 110 250 280 16S-5 70 145 215 290 24-6 80 110 250 280 16S-6 90 180 270 – 24-7 80 110 250 280 16-7 80 110 250 280 24-9 35 110 250 325 16S-8 – 170 265 – 24-10 80 – – 280 16-9 35 110 250 325 24-11 35 110 250 325 16-10 90 180 270 – 24-12 80 110 250 280 16-11 35 110 250 325 24-16 80 110 250 280 16-13 35 110 250 325 24-20 80 110 250 280 18-1 70 145 215 290 24-21 80 110 250 280 18-3 35 110 250 325 24-22 45 110 250 – 18-4 35 110 250 325 24-27 80 – – 280 18-5 80 110 250 280 24-28 80 110 250 280 18-8 70 – – 290 28-1 80 110 250 280 18-9 80 110 250 280 28-2 35 110 250 325 18-10 – 120 240 – 28-3 70 145 215 290 18-11 – 170 265 – 28-6 70 145 215 290 18-12 80 – – 280 28-8 80 110 250 280 18-13 80 110 250 280 28-9 80 110 250 280 18-19 – 120 240 – 28-10 80 110 250 280 18-20 90 180 270 – 28-11 80 110 250 280 18-22 70 145 215 290 28-12 90 180 270 – 18-29 90 180 270 – 28-15 80 110 250 280 20-3 70 145 215 290 28-16 80 110 250 280 20-4 45 110 250 – 28-17 80 110 250 280 20-6 70 145 215 290 28-18 70 145 215 290 20-7 80 110 250 280 28-19 80 110 250 280 20-8 80 110 250 280 28-20 80 110 250 280 20-14 80 110 250 280 28-21 80 110 250 280 20-15 80 – – 280 32-5 35 110 250 325 20-16 80 110 250 280 32-6 80 110 250 280 20-17 90 180 270 – 32-7 80 125 235 280 20-18 35 110 250 325 32-8 80 125 235 280 20-19 90 180 270 – 32-13 80 110 250 280 20-21 35 110 250 325 32-17 45 110 250 – 20-23 35 110 250 325 32-414* 80* 110* 250* 280* 20-24 35 110 250 325 20-27 35 110 250 325 36-1 80 110 250 280 20-29 80 – – 280 36-5 – 120 240 – 36-6 35 110 250 325 36-7 80 110 250 280 36-8 80 110 250 280 36-9 80 125 235 280 36-10 80 125 235 280 36-15 60 125 245 305 *Rotates opposite above illustration. 12

97 series solder type receptacles 97-3100A wall mount receptacle 97-3101A cable receptacle 97-3102A box receptacle Solid shell construction is strong and con- Solid shell construction is strong and con- Solid shell designed for open wiring. Mounts serves space. Includes integral polarizing key serves space. Includes integral polarizing key directly on chassis, equipment or panel. in front. Back shell is threaded for stan dard in front shell. Machined back shell is threaded Includes internal polarized key in front shell. MS/AN fittings. for standard MS/AN fittings. Can be unscrewed Mounting Holes for inspection or soldering. .173 (4.394) DIA. L S S FOR SIZE 32 AND 36 M R Mounting L R .147 (3.734) DIA. Holes L M FOR SIZES 24 AND 28 .120 (3.048) DIA. FOR ALL OTHER SIZES N R S N R S Panel Opening N K K O V A V A A 97-3100A and 97-3101A A K Ref. L Max. M Ref. N Ref. O Ref. R Ref. S Ref. Connector V Coupling Size Thread Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Fitting Threads 8S 1/2-28 5/64 1.98 1-1/4 31.75 9/16 14.27 17/32 13.49 .562 14.27 19/32 15.06 7/8 22.23 1/2-28 10S 5/8-24 5/64 1.98 1-5/16 33.32 9/16 14.27 5/8 15.88 .688 17.48 23/32 18.24 1 25.40 1/2-28 10SL 5/8-24 5/64 1.98 1-9/32 32.53 9/16 14.27 3/4 19.05 .812 20.62 23/32 18.24 1 25.40 5/8-24 12S 3/4-20 5/64 1.98 1-15/32 37.29 9/16 14.27 25/32 19.84 .812 20.62 13/16 20.62 1-3/32 27.76 5/8-24 12 3/4-20 5/64 1.98 1-27/32 46.81 3/4 19.05 25/32 19.84 .812 20.62 13/16 20.62 1-3/32 27.76 5/8-24 14S 7/8-20 5/64 1.98 1-15/32 37.39 9/16 14.27 7/8 22.23 .938 23.83 29/32 23.01 1-3/16 30.15 3/4-20 14 7/8-20 5/64 1.98 1-55/64 47.04 3/4 19.05 7/8 22.23 .938 23.83 29/32 23.01 1-3/16 30.15 3/4-20 16S 1 -20 5/64 1.98 1-15/32 37.39 9/16 14.27 1 25.40 1.062 26.97 31/32 24.59 1-9/32 32.54 7/8-20 16 1 -20 1/8 3.18 1-57/64 47.85 3/4 19.05 1 25.40 1.062 26.97 31/32 24.59 1-9/32 32.54 7/8-20 18 1-1/8-18 1/8 3.18 1-63/64 50.24 3/4 19.05 1-1/8 28.58 1.188 30.18 1-1/16 26.97 1-3/8 34.93 1 -20 20 1-1/4-18 1/8 3.18 1-57/64 47.85 3/4 19.05 1-1/4 31.75 1.312 33.32 1-5/32 29.36 1-1/2 38.10 1-3/16-18 22 1-3/8-18 1/8 3.18 1-63/64 50.24 3/4 19.05 1-3/8 34.93 1.438 36.53 1-1/4 31.75 1-5/8 39.67 1-3/16-18 24 1-1/2-18 1/8 3.18 2-1/4 57.15 13/16 20.62 1-1/2 38.10 1.562 36.67 1-3/8 34.43 1-3/4 44.45 1-7/16-18 28 1-3/4-18 1/8 3.18 2-1/4 57.15 13/16 20.62 1-3/4 44.45 1.812 46.02 1-9/16 39.67 2 50.80 1-7/16-18 32 2 -18 1/8 3.18 2-3/8 60.33 7/8 22.23 2-1/32 51.59 2.062 52.37 1-3/4 44.45 2-1/4 57.15 1-3/4-18 36 2-1/4-16 1/8 3.18 2-3/8 60.33 7/8 22.23 2-1/4 57.15 2.312 58.72 1-15/16 49.20 2-1/2 63.50 2 -18 97-3102A A K Ref. L Max. M Ref. N Ref. O Ref. R Ref. S Ref. Connector Coupling Size Thread Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm 8S 1/2-28 5/64 1.98 55/64 21.82 9/16 14.27 7/16 11.10 .562 14.27 19/32 15.06 7/8 22.23 10S 5/8-24 5/64 1.98 55/64 21.82 9/16 14.27 1/2 12.70 .688 17.48 23/32 18.24 1 25.40 10SL 5/8-24 5/64 1.98 61/64 24.21 35/64 13.87 11/16 17.48 .812 20.62 23/32 18.24 1 25.40 12S 3/4-20 5/64 1.98 31/32 24.61 9/16 14.27 11/16 17.45 .812 20.62 13/16 20.62 1-3/32 27.76 12 3/4-20 5/64 1.98 1-21/64 33.73 3/4 19.05 11/16 17.45 .812 20.62 13/16 20.62 1-3/32 27.76 12SL 3/4-20 5/64 1.98 27/32 21.44 35/64 13.87 11/16 17.45 .938 23.83 13/16 20.62 1-3/32 27.76 14S 7/8-20 5/64 1.98 61/64 24.21 9/16 14.27 3/4 19.05 .938 23.83 29/32 23.01 1-3/16 30.15 14 7/8-20 5/64 1.98 1-11/32 34.14 3/4 19.05 3/4 19.05 .938 23.83 29/32 23.01 1-3/16 30.15 16S 1 -20 5/64 1.98 61/64 24.21 9/16 14.27 7/8 22.23 1.062 26.97 31/32 24.59 1-9/32 32.54 16 1 -20 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 3/4 19.05 7/8 22.23 1.062 26.97 31/32 24.59 1-9/32 32.54 18 1-1/8-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 3/4 19.05 1 25.40 1.188 30.18 1-1/16 26.97 1-3/8 34.93 20 1-1/4-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 3/4 19.05 1-1/8 28.58 1.312 33.32 1-5/32 29.36 1-1/2 38.10 22 1-3/8-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 3/4 19.05 1-1/4 31.75 1.438 36.53 1-1/4 31.75 1-5/8 41.28 24 1-1/2-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 13/16 20.62 1-3/8 34.93 1.562 39.67 1-3/8 34.93 1-3/4 44.45 28 1-3/4-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 13/16 20.62 1-5/8 41.28 1.812 46.02 1-9/16 39.67 2 50.80 32 2 -18 1/8 3.18 1-15/32 37.31 7/8 22.23 1-29/32 48.41 2.062 52.37 1-3/4 44.45 2-1/4 57.15 36 2-1/4-16 1/8 3.18 1-15/32 37.31 7/8 22.23 2-1/8 53.98 2.312 58.72 1-15/16 49.20 2-1/2 63.50 13

97 series solder type 9977 sseerriieess ssooldldeerr t ytyppee 97 series solder type plugs with solid shells pplluupggluss g wwsi itwthhi t shso oslilodidl ids sh shehelelslllsls 97 series solder type MS3106A CopnnecltorugsL M awx. ith sNp Refl.it sheQ Mlalxs. V 9M7S-33110066MAAS3Si1ze06A Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Fitting Threads MS3106A straight plug MS3106A8S 1-1/4 31.75 17/32 13.49 3/4 19.05 1/2-28 Sturdy, simple to assemble. Coupling ring CCoonnSSnniizzeeeeccttoorCronS11ni00zeeSScIntILoncrchhLL M11 M--Ia53nxac//.18xh.6mLmm Mmax.33m34..m3923IncIhnchN53 //IR84nNec fhR.efNm. Rmmef.m11m59..m8085InchIn77Qc//Ih88 nMchaQx .MQ amMxam.x.m22m22m..m2233FittingFF iiVTtttthiinnrgeg15 a VT//VTd28hhs--r22reea84addss MS9Mmh37iSga1-Mhc330 hS116tie0n0A3ne661s dAAsi0l et f6srr oasAtmrtirag e sishngtogtrhl atipdhti l.pg auMlhlguuatmg tepinslu uwmgit hb aarl l sttyopceks f oorf 81181S00S0SSSL M81111111S002211SSS---S153--L315///418//141606611111B-----15377/////418813336613433...13379..25337253334313476.....37915365253307//8415/37/82/32153227//5584///333222111359..11.48035985..48111119835999.....4808898537744///48837//4837711///488 122922...022125339212222922..5502.....022534453300 115///228---2221151155884///////2288822-------22222228844488 SmhitgauSmhMidhcnriatd hgaguStSmryhiec rdn k,dr htn aeetueyMiessncdcyr,nii Sedelh wmesfsdpy/irai iAnpol tm,seyfa eNlmrte .cpros sd e Bl limftee msitrntfaose to rgicsp.ot nnl otkioFalgmdhge lrstssi .adh o as.hMsstn .le eaousotMam ll emllus tiaamdehimbistsne selb eiatsun lslhlw.el emu uirwn.imemC mt chiaCbt olbh idubaonaul deaerauulp lder. 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VT//////////V24888T7028376d2448888828hh-----s5206726--------r--2222222222222re22e80444a8000044484ad344455ds116928s......760237562072 smMoSeldn/MFFwisAetori. SrNto trMFFwiMFstfhihFFwisnoysn B3 hor orori fpi gSrtStoateato1ietfr MFFr hhrtheha sn l3n t3acl0 lsrlor fiasrtst ankteaS1da1ofae7 hft rnataly oaghs0l0ne an lseA3lsds spst fdsa7ddd7htt lh ttc1 ftyh le My.es caeeA aBqeoipf0ep osndsrdlohcslS uncl edle l7n shqpq olratofo nsf isn p ohoeAroMhuncussn fiee erae sloralno itckain lMccS cacc css fqssefoepr-e t t /tnttkik tMd/Shc/MAazcohiunpaddopd--ptaitni rlNtnnd/Sndiii/Soansaraeodsscddsdegei ilr cc rccliaaisf asraksiard scciilozoedotserercccrprc-e ttkinLidcnid iecMzod/snnozoonopedne tnei .dnigMnhnnignMnl nLytSepipaesBna s ngsewgnenctS/tScrfecaccaLek Aa oteiacet/cl /zocccepokAc ekrNAyaccttkltie nlyr e esnN.n epNtat i p awynm sys. fsgpa pnp iap wllMwh.ftea.fBll pu ietpp iilelteatBiccayBuuatpakns tlpgiclayiit.yanlltgrcangectgl ie.tiae.tcicgca cgkisys M soanqkasakp tsM wM nits tdu tpaoihslisswaoahaoaiutnprhrh.tneeyetnire eslgeteedFssil.has-cs.lls l.lr.dl aoMeatnidlaotltness. 113426SS M111481S-21-37-51/1/11306/238211B--73/183/37325.619.3.55014479..47878/282-51/53/23712/-81/8226.12293.6.8292428..25318-11/8112--11/18-/138238.5285238.424..-5012817/32 3/41-723250/./428-1--222004 with all types of MS receptacles. Back shell 1142 1216C01S-o7-n7/n8/e8ctor11--175/8/43742.74L.76 R3ef34.77..17530/825/3211-1Q/4 M2a2x.1.293.823451..47015-11/8U1 1R--e11f/.54/3228.5285331.74..70259V 3/14--3275/01//868---2X120 8R4ef. isY threQadQedN for standLard MS/AN fittings MS131641SS07B11216821-1-S115i05z/Se3/322111---7331/118-/33/I3n3/732c82.h71.3134443799m4....84m18987837/8711I1/n8--c13h//882522.42m20.m2.222333854...54978013/I-8n1c1/h4-1111/--8-1111/294/2m/33.m222331.735F8334it41.t05i1..n.1784/g1526 T-2hr8eads7/181--3273I/0n1//8c64h----22120080 mm Y Q L Co11221111n1S68024668n4izSeSectMorS2222223111102484811111----17373----011117731-/1/18I0224881//15n//88SSSA331c//33h22/L1221122622L------ 7311M111111/1////844----a44/79214444x3//3/.7979444328124/....7797638845m2....28870.8144m88377544555543347977777983..........85111111116616805555---370411711131--////I884811n//c881171h111111/-81------Q311313/8 //////M842424a2332x841.522222....2222597m48552828558350.....m54425....2544333480038343800418484......97141411113505111105-----11111F/1111195/i1t4t----///6i33311113n111111222g/1///----8444-- 1123/23VT-395312222312h2////5556r//0333333e....22224449a223433d00074071s....14272333169584114344440739....39157715553......4269185569-I////n56949884849c----/3h22222440411Y1--33 R7//e11/1111f11866.1------2----3377771122211m9////377//1111//1008811.22///m6666/3664883----6------211111122228888880000 111262...677600 QQNVN VVV L 9222211274802680SM CSosn3Sn22i1z11e--e0c12211--1173t---//8eo4644111/1rA8S1///183/1626rIn11chi--1355L5/ 7744eR4455/..79e111223f..6.55...85839m80579sm4449..1142 --501111113s-----//I241n11311c/15//4h84-1//Q133-o /122M4/a8x.ml3484m33332d..3314147184105.....71275..975195835eInc1111h--U--11r23 //R1181311e---//6f331 1137.22/95/m18t//m6-33-2222-2286100y..8594487F39i..tpt69i43n4907g ..V11T423he1--6941/r-74e113a-//8/2/d461s-011246--077//11I11n661--c344--33h-2111161Y//18811../. 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11221--24-1115523//-11/1166/61226--1144/54991/..663222.00025562122.-113..136--711179///388211--1219323-//1843321..22518/381.524480311..46--11641//3186411.1--511//2212686..295785.334380..311203-/1240-112---32037/0//41166-2--11088112--4151//31/112626--415//8161363..46345162220.66..28.69807 MS3mM10Se8n/SBAt.iN zaeB nfsaitg tc1ilnke6 gS pss hlt.uhVegrllu i4sL0 tQhreaded for aYllY standard 12126060SS 2121--8-131//214/-261/82-1545324/..83342.7510563112.--19.116-85/194//3421-31133-/171335..2271/395.7245911.-9-1591//813-167/1.82-19/23283..253828.35188-.1310/1-36/-1716/188--7-172/8/8106-2-108111---115/32/8/121-65/163482..412506830.30.8.2302 LightweUight, roomy cavity, split longitudinally for 12126262 221---111//2815-6/11/68 55432..993.87205311.--1911-8/914//342 134-11039..741/356.72511--151//814-160/.8462383..523828.518-31/1-36/-1716/88-7-12/880-20111---115/52/8/11-65/163482..4120983.32.032 convenient solder Vor inspectioLn. Front shell is 12128484 221---511/5235/-23/912/63256442..976.59205711.--1912-4131//133/2232134-24333..164/314.12111--311//142-163/.8643308..121508.518-71/1-761/-1168--11280-20122--411/1/166-45/164510..5686203.33.732 keyed to allow the 90° angle hLoQusing to be Y 22220808 222---311/528//-13962/3266502..236.39375711.--1913-4511//533/2232134-37931..297/399.22911--511//142-569/.19693338..331203.312-71/11--763/1-/111-6368-/-111868-18122--153/1/116-65/84560..5082804.27.228 rotated and lUocked at any 45° increment. 22232422 222---1513/28//-13562/1666561..261.81375811.--1721-2391//933/2232244-7304/..3640246.4611--751//115-5666/.13643363..353023.321-311-/-4731-//111-3668/--111688-18212---111/591//1613-625/85429..6327504.28.628 Sizes 10S thru 14 V Q Y 2346 2-125-/1312/3262.6959.15-123/322-1453/3.624 16-12/.269 38.102 1-1-78/16-182-27/232 725.02.180 28 2-5/8 66.68 1-31/32 49.99 1-7/16 36.50 1-7/16-18 2-5/16 58.72 UY Q 28 2-15/32 62.69 1-31/32 49.99 1-1/2 38.10 1-7/16-18 2 50.80 L 32 2-13/16 71.42 2-7/32 56.34 1-3/4 44.45 1-3/4-18 2-19/32 65.86 V MS336107B2-27/32 72.21 2-15/32 62.69 1-15/16 49.20 2 -18 2-27/32 72.21 X Connector L Max. Q Max. V Y Ref. V Q Size Inch mm Inch mm Fitting Threads Inch mm 14S 1-11/16 42.85 1-1/8 28.58 3/4-20 1-51/342 29.36 U 16S 1-11/16 42.85 1-1/4 31.75 7/8-20 1-1/4 31.75 MS3107B quick-dVisconnect plug 18 2-1/16 52.37 1-11/32 34.11 1 -20 1-41/64 41.66 For fast connect/disconnect applications. Front 20 2-1/8 53.99 1-15/32 37.29 1-3/16-18 1-13/16 46.02 Siszheesl l1 6hSa st hrpuo l4a0rizing keyway. Mates with all 22 2-1/8 53.99 1-19/32 40.46 1-3/16-18 1-15/16 49.20 types of MS receptacles. Back shell is threaded 24 2-9/32 57.94 1-23/32 43.64 1-7/16-18 2-1/16 52.37 for standard MS/AN fittings L 28 2-9/32 57.94 1-31/32 49.99 1-7/16-18 2-5/16 58.72 L MS3108B Q Y Connector L Ref. Q Max. U Ref. V X Ref. U Size Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Fitting Threads Inch mm Y Q V 10S 1-3/8 34.93 7/8 22.23 7/8 22.23 1/2-28 10SL 1-1/2 38.10 7/8 22.23 1 25.40 5/8-24 12S 1-9/16 39.67 1 25.40 1 25.40 5/8-24 1/2 12.70 V 12 1-7/8 47.63 1 25.40 1 25.40 5/8-24 1/2 12.70 14S 1-23/32 43.64 1-1/8 28.58 1-1/16 26.97 3/4-20 21/32 16.66 14 1-15/16 49.20 1-1/8 28.58 1-1/16 26.97 3/4-20 21/32 16.66 MS3108B angle plug 16S 1-3/4 44.45 1-1/4 31.75 1-1/8 28.58 7/8-20 1-1/2 38.10 Lightweight, roomy cavity, split longitudinally for 16 2-1/8 53.98 1-1/4 31.75 1-1/8 28.58 7/8-20 1-1/2 38.10 convenient solder or inspection. Front shell is 18 2-5/32 54.75 1-11/32 34.11 1-3/16 30.15 1 -20 1-41/64 41.66 keyed to allow the 90° angle housing to be 20 2-3/8 60.33 1-15/32 37.29 1-5/16 33.32 1-3/16-18 1-13/16 46.02 rotated and locked at any 45° increment. 22 2-13/32 61.11 1-19/32 40.46 1-5/16 33.32 1-3/16-18 1-15/16 49.20 Sizes 10S thru 14 24 2-5/8 66.68 1-23/32 43.64 1-7/16 36.50 1-7/16-18 2-1/16 52.37 28 2-5/8 66.68 1-31/32 49.99 1-7/16 36.50 1-7/16-18 2-5/16 58.72 L 32 2-13/16 71.42 2-7/32 56.34 1-3/4 44.45 1-3/4-18 2-19/32 65.86 36 2-27/32 72.21 2-15/32 62.69 1-15/16 49.20 2 -18 2-27/32 72.21 X Q U V Sizes 16S thru 40 L Q Y U V

97 series solder type availability and weight reference Wall Receptacles Cable Receptacles Box Receptacles Straight Plugs Quick Disconnect Angle Plugs 97-3100 97-3101 97-3102 97-3106 Plugs 97-3107 97-3108 Insert Total Number Contacts Solid Shell Solid Shell Solid Shell Solid Shell Solid Shell Split Shell A A A A A B 8S-1 .02 .01 .01 .02 1 10SL-3P .03 .03 .02 3 10SL-3S .03 .03 .05 3 10SL-4P .02 .02 .02 2 10SL-4S .03 .03 .05 2 12S-3 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .07 2 12-5 .05 .04 .03 .06 .06 .08 1 12S-6 .04 .03 .03 .04 .04 .08 2 12SL-844P .03 4 12SL-844S .05 .06 4 14S-1 .05 .04 .03 .06 .06 .08 3 14S-2 .05 .04 .03 .06 .06 .08 4 14S-4 .05 .04 .03 .06 .06 .08 1 14S-5 .05 .04 .04 .06 .06 .08 5 14S-6 .05 .04 .04 .06 .06 .08 6 14S-7 .05 .04 .03 .06 .06 .08 3 14S-9 .05 .04 .03 .06 .07 .08 2 16S-1 .06 .05 .05 .07 .08 .11 7 16S-4 .06 .05 .04 .07 .07 .10 2 16S-5 .06 .05 .04 .07 .07 .10 3 16S-6 .06 .05 .04 .07 .09 .10 3 16-7 .08 .08 .07 .09 .07 .14 3 16S-8 .06 .05 .04 .07 .09 .10 5 16-9 .08 .07 .09 .09 .13 4 16-10 .08 .08 .07 .09 .09 .14 3 16-11 .08 .07 .07 .09 .11 .13 2 16-12 .10 .09 .08 .11 .08 .15 1 16-13 .07 .07 .06 .08 .11 .13 2 18-1 .10 .10 .08 .11 .12 .15 10 18-3 .10 .10 .08 .12 .11 .15 2 18-4 .09 .09 .07 .11 .12 .15 4 18-5 .10 .10 .08 .12 .13 .15 3 18-8 .10 .10 .08 .12 .12 .15 8 18-9 .11 .10 .09 .12 .13 .16 7 18-10 .11 .09 .13 .13 .16 4 18-11 .11 .11 .09 .13 .11 .17 5 18-12 .10 .09 .08 .11 .13 .15 6 18-13 .12 .12 .10 .13 .13 .17 4 18-16 .09 .09 .07 .11 .11 .14 1 18-19 .10 .10 .08 .11 .11 .15 10 18-20 .09 .09 .07 .11 .11 .15 5 18-22 .09 .09 .07 .11 .15 3 18-29 .10 .08 .11 .11 .15 5 18-420 .10 .10 .08 .12 .12 .16 1 20-3 .14 .13 .10 .15 .15 .19 3 Where no weight is shown, insert is not available in that shell type. Weights are for connectors with socket contacts. Connectors with pin contacts weigh slightly less. If a weight appears in the column, the shell is available. Weight is shown in lbs. 15

97 series solder type availability and weight reference, cont. Wall Receptacles Cable Receptacles Box Receptacles Straight Plugs Quick Disconnect Angle Plugs 97-3100 97-3101 97-3102 97-3106 Plugs 97-3107 97-3108 Insert Total Number Contacts Solid Shell Solid Shell Solid Shell Solid Shell Solid Shell Split Shell A A A A A B 20-4 .14 .13 .10 .15 .15 .19 4 20-6 .12 .11 .09 .13 .14 .18 3 20-7 .13 .12 .09 .14 .14 .18 8 20-8 .15 .14 .12 .16 .16 .20 6 20-11 .14 .13 .11 .15 .15 .20 13 20-14 .16 .15 .13 .17 .17 .21 5 20-15 .15 .14 .12 .16 .16 .21 7 20-16 .14 .13 .10 .15 .15 .19 9 20-17 .15 .14 .11 .16 .16 .20 6 20-18 .14 .13 .11 .15 .15 .19 9 20-19 .16 .15 .13 .17 .17 .21 3 20-21 .13 .12 .10 .14 .14 .19 9 20-23 .15 .14 .11 .16 .16 .20 2 20-24 .15 .14 .11 .16 .16 .20 4 20-27 .13 .12 .10 .14 .14 .19 14 20-29 .14 .13 .11 .15 .15 .20 17 20-33 .13 .12 .09 .14 .18 .18 11 22-1 .16 .16 .13 .18 .18 .23 2 22-2 .17 .17 .14 .19 .19 .24 3 22-4 .21 .17 .14 .19 .19 .23 4 22-5 .15 .14 .12 .17 .17 .21 6 22-8 .15 .14 .11 .16 .16 .21 2 22-9 .15 .15 .12 .17 .17 .21 3 22-10 .14 .13 .10 .15 .15 .20 4 22-11 .14 .13 .10 .15 .15 .20 2 22-12 .16 .16 .13 .18 .18 .23 5 22-13 .16 .15 .12 .17 .17 .22 5 22-14 .15 .14 .11 .16 .16 .21 19 22-15 .16 .14 .13 .17 .17 .22 6 22-16 .16 .15 .12 .17 .17 .22 9 22-18 .14 .13 .10 .15 .15 .20 8 22-19 .15 .14 .11 .16 .16 .21 14 22-20 .14 .14 .11 .16 .16 .21 9 22-22 .19 .19 .16 .21 .21 .25 4 22-23 .17 .16 .13 .18 .18 .23 8 22-26 .15 .14 .11 .19 7 22-27 .15 .15 .12 .17 .17 .22 9 22-28 .17 .16 .13 .18 .18 .23 7 22-34 .15 .15 .12 .17 .17 .22 5 24-2 .20 .19 .16 .22 .22 .29 7 24-5 .18 .17 .14 .20 .20 .27 16 24-6 .20 .19 .16 .22 .22 .29 8 24-7 .19 .18 .14 .21 .21 .27 16 24-9 .22 .21 .17 .24 .24 .30 2 24-10 .26 .25 .21 .28 .28 .34 7 Where no weight is shown, insert is not available in that shell type. Weights are for connectors with socket contacts. Connectors with pin contacts weigh slightly less. If a weight appears in the column, the shell is available. Weight is shown in lbs. 16

97 series solder type availability and weight reference, cont. Wall Receptacles Cable Receptacles Box Receptacles Straight Plugs Quick Disconnect Angle Plugs 97-3100 97-3101 97-3102 97-3106 Plugs 97-3107 97-3108 Insert Total Number Contacts Solid Shell Solid Shell Solid Shell Solid Shell Solid Shell Split Shell A A A A A B 24-11 .24 .22 .19 .26 .26 .32 9 24-12 .23 .22 .19 .25 .25 .32 5 24-16 .20 .19 .15 .22 .22 .28 7 24-19 .18 .17 .13 .20 .36 12 24-20 .19 .17 .14 .21 .21 .27 11 24-21 .19 .17 .14 .21 .21 .27 10 24-22 .22 .21 .18 .24 .24 .30 4 24-27 .17 .16 .13 .20 .20 .26 7 24-28 .19 .18 .14 .21 .21 .27 24 28-1 .29 .27 .24 .30 .30 .36 9 28-2 .24 .22 .19 .25 .25 .32 14 28-3 .26 .24 .21 .28 .28 .34 3 28-6 .30 .28 .25 .31 .31 .38 3 28-8 .23 .22 .18 .25 .25 .31 12 28-9 .25 .24 .20 .27 .27 .33 12 28-10 .31 .29 .26 .33 .33 .39 7 28-11 .25 .24 .20 .27 .27 .33 22 28-12 .24 .22 .19 .26 .26 .32 26 28-15 .25 .23 .20 .26 .26 .32 35 28-16 .24 .22 .19 .25 .25 .31 20 28-17 .23 .22 .18 .25 .25 .31 15 28-18 .23 .22 .18 .25 .25 .31 12 28-19 .24 .22 .19 .26 .26 .32 10 28-20 .27 .25 .22 .29 .29 .35 14 28-21 .25 .23 .20 .26 .26 .32 37 32-5 .36 .35 .32 .38 .48 2 32-6 .39 .38 .35 .41 .51 23 32-7 .33 .33 .29 .36 .45 35 32-8 .32 .32 .29 .35 .44 30 32-13 .32 .31 .28 .34 .44 23 32-17 .37 .37 .34 .40 .49 4 32-414 .35 .35 .31 .38 .48 52 36-1 .41 .39 .34 .41 .52 22 36-5 .54 .52 .47 .54 .65 4 36-6 .55 .53 .49 .55 .67 6 36-7 .44 .41 .37 .44 .55 47 36-8 .40 .38 .34 .41 .52 47 36-9 .50 .47 .43 .50 .61 31 36-10 .41 .39 .34 .41 .53 48 36-15 .40 .37 .38 .40 .51 35 36-403 .40 .36 .33 .40 .51 52 Where no weight is shown, insert is not available in that shell type. Weights are for connectors with socket contacts. Connectors with pin contacts weigh slightly less. If a weight appears in the column, the shell is available. Weight is shown in lbs. 17

97 series solder type how to order Example of part number for solder type connectors is given below. 97 – 3101 A – 28 – 21 S Y (959) Series Number Shell Finish Non-RoHS Suffix 97 - Amphenol® Product (621) Black zinc alloy Series Designation (689) Electroless nickel (958) Gray zinc nickel **NEW** Shell Type RoHS Compliant Suffix 3100 Wall Receptacle (946) Black zinc alloy 3101 Cable Receptacle plating plus solder 3102 Box Receptacle contact less 3106 Straight Plug pre-filled cup 3107 Quick Disconnect Plug (947) Electroless nickel plating 3108 Angle Plug plus solder contact less pre-filled cup (959) Gray zinc nickel plating Shell Construction plus solder contact A - Solid Backshell (excluding 3108) less pre-filled cup B - Split Backshell (only 3108) Alternate Insert Positions Shell Size Omit for standard position W, X, Y or Z 8S, 10SL, 12S, 14S, 14, 16S, 16 for alternate positions, depending 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 32, 36 on insert (see page 12 for positions available) Insert Configuration Number See insert availability listing - pages 4 & 5, Contact Type and see insert arrangement illustrations - P = Pin pages 6-11. S = Socket Note: Accessories for 97 Series Connectors should be ordered with matching connec tor plating. See accessory pages 28-32. 18

Amphenol 97 Series Connectors ® with rear release crimp contacts DESIGN CHARACTERISTICS • Rugged metal shell • Conductive finish • Stamped & formed crimp contacts • Closed entry socket contacts • Plastic retention • Utilizes standard 97 Series hardware • Intermateable and intermountable with existing 97-4100A 97 Series and SAE AS50151 connectors 97-4106A • Underwriters Laboratories approved recogni tion File E115497 • Canadian Standards Association Certification File #069183_0_000 • CE Certification Registration No.: AT1312862E CUSTOMER OPTIONS • Positive self-centering of contacts; pins bent up 97-4101A to 20° will pick up 97-4107A • Reduced user cost due to high speed termination • Less equipment down-time due to fatigue failu re at wire contact junction or handling damage • Greater contact to contact insulation, lighter weight, higher reliability • No costly re-design or rework necessary on existing equipment • Complete flexibility through multi-source prod uct availability 97-4102A The Amphenol 97-410X connector design incorporates Poke Home® Rear Release contacts. The 97 Series Rear Release line is intermateable and intermountable 97-4108B with existing 97 Series and SAE AS50151 type shell styles in both plugs and receptacles. The connectors utilize 97 Series clear cadmium plated shells and standard insert configurations. The connector is designed to be used with stamped and formed type crimp contacts. Contact design (size 16 only) incorporates insulation crimp support for greater strength at wire termination end. Contacts are available on reel assemblies for use with the high speed Amphenol stripper crimper capable of crimping 1500 contacts per hour. Hand crimp tools and bulk packaged contacts are also available. Standard hardware available for the 97 Series connector can be used with the 97 Series crimp contact rear release line. Accessories should be ordered with the appropriate deviation number to match the connector finish. See how to order, page 25, for 97 Series connectors with crimp contacts. 19

9977 sseerriieess ccrriimmpp ttyyppee 97 series crimp type ssppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss,, iinnsseerrtt aavvaaiillaabbiilliittyy,, specifications, insert availability, aalltteerrnnaattee iinnsseerrtt ppoossiittiioonniinngg alternate insert positioning SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss SSSttpaaenncddiaafirrcdda sstihhoeenlllls ffiinniisshh -- cclleeaarr cchhrroommaattee oovveerr ccaaddmmiiuumm ppllaattee CCCLLLnnnooorrrmmmaaalll S((Soottppaattnniiooddnnaaaarrddll ppssllhhaaeettiilnnlll figgfin naaisivvshaah ii -ll- aab cbbrlillegeeah,, rtss ceechheerr ohhomoomwwaat tetteoo o ooovvrreddereer crrcl eappadaarmgg ceeiau 22dm77m ))p..iulamte (polaptteio (noaplt ipolnaatiln pgl aatvinagil aabvlaei,la sbelee, hsoewe htoo wor tdoe or rpdaegr ep a2g7e). 25). IInnsseerrttss -- mmoollddeedd ooff aa 9944VV--OO UUnnddeerrwwrriitteerrss LLaabboorraattoorryy rraatteedd ImmInnsaaseetteerrttrrssiiaa --ll .. mmoollddeedd ooff aa 9944VV-O-O U Unnddeerwrwritreitresr sL aLbaobroartaotroyr y rated WW ZZ mraateted rmiaal.terial. WXX YYZ CCoonnttaaccttss -- ccooppppeerr aallllooyy ffoorrmmeedd,, ssiillvveerr ppllaatteedd ((ggoolldd ppllaattiinngg iiss X Y CaaClloossnoont taaaacvvctaatssii ll -aa- cbbcolloeepp,,p psseeeerree aa lhhlllooooywwy f fottooorrm mooerreddddee, ,rrs sipplivlaaveggeree rp p22lal88ate))te..dd ( g(gooldld p plalatitningg is i s aallssoo aavvaaiillaabbllee,, sseeee hhooww t oto o ordrdeer rp paaggee 2 258).). WWiirree ssiizzeess -- 1122 AAWWGG tthhrroouugghh 3300 AAWWGG.. FFRROONNTT FFAACCEE OOFF PPIINN IINNSSEERRTT Wire sizes - 12 AWG through 30 AWG. AAllll ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonnss ppeerrffoorrmm ssaattiissffaaccttoorriillyy ffrroomm ––5555°°CC ttoo FRONT FACE OF PIN INSERT A++11ll 22c55o°°nCCs t((ru––c66t77io°°nFFs tt oop e++r22fo55r77m°°FF s))a..tisfactorily from –55°C to +125°C (–67°F to +257°F). AAlltteerrnnaattee IInnsseerrtt PPoossiittiioonniinngg Alternate Insert Positioning IInnsseerrtt AAvvaaiillaabbiilliittyy AArrrraaIIInnnnnsssggeeeeerrrmmttteenntt WW XX DDDeeegggrrreeeeeesss YY ZZ InsNNNIIIeuuunnnmmmsssreeetbbbrrr eeetttA rrr vaCCCiloooTTTannnoootttbtttaaaaaacccllli tttlsssityIInnccMMMhhSSSeeeeecccpppsshhhaaaaaacccnnniiinnniiicccgggmmaaammlll SSSRRReeeaaarrrtttvvviiinnniiicccgggeee CCC11ooo22nnntttaaacccttt SSS11iiizzz66eee 11111111A222r44444raSSSSSSSSn--------g32325325ement 777W–––––000 1111111144422121X55500000 222222111444––Y555000 222999–––––Z000 1100SSLL--33 33 11In//11ch66es 11..m5577m AA 12 1336 111444SSS---577 99–00 111188000 2277–00 ––– 111000SSSLLL---344 322 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 322 111466SSS---711 988000 1––80 2––70 2288–00 111220SSS--L33-4 222 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 222 111666SSS---188 8––0 1177–00 2266–55 28––0 111244SSS---311 233 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 233 111886--S11-8 77–00 111744055 222611555 2299–00 111444SSS---221 344 1/16 1.57 IINNASSTT.. 344 111111888888------14441111 7333––0555 111111411717500000 222222155656500505 23339222––0555 111444SSS---255 455 IIINNNSSSTTT... 455 111888---111122 88–00 17––0 26––5 2288–00 111111111446466466SSSSSSSSS---------571718718 373753755 11111111////////1111111166666666 11111111........5555555577777777 INAAAAAAAAST. 373753755 111211221122000008888888------------4474711212122909090 894948948–––005050050 1111111111128128112811–00000000000 2222222222247547554755–00000000000 222888–––––––––000 111111688888---S--11144-8 111544000 111111//////1881116666 133111......511555788777 IIINNNDDAAAASSSTTT... 544444666 222222222000002002---------72222221179797944 838383888050505000 11111111–––––0000 22225555–––––0000 232323222828282888050505000 111888---41111 554 111///11866 113...551778 DAA 55 4 222442---2214 888000 ––– ––– 222888000 111888---111122 566 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 5 66 222488---299 888000 11–1100 2255–00 222888000 111888---111299 11600 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 11600 222222888888------91111111212 888989000000 111111111818000000 222222555757000000 22228888––0000 111888---122009 1550 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 1550 222888---122200 988000 111811000 222755000 2288–00 122800---4420 544 111///1886 133...511788 DDA 44 5 222888---222011 888000 111111000 222555000 222888000 222222000000------77272477 11488844 111111111/////////81181818166666 311111333.........551555111778777888 DDDDAAAAA 4 1144444444 332333333662228222---------118882444001111444*** 888888888000000000*** 111111111111222221000555550*** 222222222555333335000555550*** 222222222888888888000000000*** 222000---222799 111477 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 111477 ** RR36oott-aa1tt0eess ooppppoossiittee aabb8oo0vvee iilllluussttrraattii1oonn2..5 235 280 222022---211944 111799 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 111799 * Rotates opposite above illustration. 222244---1224 1779 111///8816 133...511788 DDA 77 19 222488---21111 22722 111///11866 113...551778 DAA 447 1188 222888---111221 222266 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 4 122866 222888---122200 211644 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 1100 2446 222888---222011 133477 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 10 33477 233228---44211144 355722 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 355722 333266---4111004 445882 111///111666 111...555777 AAA 445882 36-10 48 1/16 1.57 A 48 20

97 series crimp type insert arrangements Front view of pin insert or rear of socket insert illustrated. 2 Contacts 3 Contacts CA CA AB B A C A B B B (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:53)(cid:46)(cid:15)(cid:22) (cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:21) (cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:53)(cid:46)(cid:15)(cid:21) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:19) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:25) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:21)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) 4 Contacts 5 Contacts DA D A D A A B D E D E A B C B C B C B DE C C AB C B A E D C (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:20) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:22) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:22) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:23) (cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:26) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:18) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:23)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16) (cid:38) (cid:38) (cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) 6 Contacts 7 Contacts 8 Contacts DEC BF A EF DGACB EFD G CAB GF E HADBC (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:53)(cid:15)(cid:19) (cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:15)(cid:20) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:25) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:38) (cid:35)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:36)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:42)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:41)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:38)(cid:29) (cid:37)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:38)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:39)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:40)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:35) 10 Contacts 14 Contacts 17 Contacts GFIHEJCADB DH BEKAFJ GC GHFIN EMJKDALCB GFHMNJPKLA BC KLMJTAHSNRGBPFCDE E D (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19) (cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:27) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:25) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:18) (cid:20)(cid:18)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:27) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:18)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:36)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:37)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:40)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:41)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:29) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:67)(cid:78)(cid:78)(cid:2)(cid:81)(cid:86)(cid:74)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:85)(cid:2)(cid:31)(cid:2)(cid:43)(cid:48)(cid:53)(cid:54)(cid:16) 21

97 series crimp type insert arrangements, cont. Front view of pin insert or rear of socket insert illustrated. 19 Contacts 22 Contacts 26 Contacts JHKGLTUSVFMNRPEABDC WUVX TNPSR MJLK IHFGEDABC MLNKZYPJXaHR dSbGWATFVUBECD (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:22) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:19) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:20) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:14)(cid:2)(cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) 37 Contacts 48 Contacts 52 Contacts SKagETLbAUFhMBcGVNCdjWHkDPeXJmfRZ VOdmHWCPeXnJDAQfKYREpgLZqSBhFMarTGbjsNUkc fXnQvJeWmDPPudHVCNclGUtMBkbsFTLajSrAhEZKpRgY n p r s t u v w x 2 z y x w y z 6 5 4 3 (cid:43)(cid:80)(cid:85)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:86)(cid:2)(cid:35)(cid:84)(cid:84)(cid:67)(cid:80)(cid:73)(cid:71)(cid:79)(cid:71)(cid:80)(cid:86) (cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:15)(cid:20)(cid:19) (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:19)(cid:18) (cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:15)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:22) (cid:37)(cid:81)(cid:80)(cid:86)(cid:67)(cid:69)(cid:86)(cid:85) (cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:22)(cid:26)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:23)(cid:20)(cid:5)(cid:19)(cid:24) (cid:53)(cid:71)(cid:84)(cid:88)(cid:75)(cid:69)(cid:71)(cid:2)(cid:52)(cid:67)(cid:86)(cid:75)(cid:80)(cid:73) (cid:35) (cid:35) (cid:35) CONTACT LEGEND 16 12 Current Ratings Wire Size 12 14 16 18 20 22 26 28 30 Amperes 23 17 13 10 7.5 5 2 1.5 1.0 NOTE: Design specifications subject to change. Consult Amphenol, Sidney, NY for the latest specifications and UL and CSA recognition. Service Rating Service Recommended Operating Voltage* at Sea Level Rating DC AC (RMS) INST. 250 200 A 700 500 D 1250 900 * The values listed represent operating values which include a generous safety factor. 22

97 series crimp type receptacles 97-4100A wall mount receptacle 97-4101A cable receptacle 97-4102A box receptacle Solid shell construction is strong and con- Solid shell construction is strong and con- Solid shell designed for open wiring. serves space. Includes integral polarizing serves space. Includes integral polarizing key Mounts directly on chassis, equipment or key in front. Back shell is threaded for stan- in front shell. Machined back shell is threaded panel. Includes internal polarized key in dard MS/AN fittings. for standard MS/AN fittings. Can be front shell. unscrewed for inspection or soldering Mounting Holes .173 (4.394) DIA. L S S FOR SIZE 32 AND 36 M R MHooluensting L L M R . 1 4 F7O (R3. 7S3IZ4E) DS I2A4. AND 28 .120 (3.048) DIA. FOR ALL OTHER SIZES N R S N R S Panel Opening N V K A V A K A O 97-4100A and 97-4101A A K Ref. L Max. M Ref. N Ref. O Ref. R Ref. S Ref. Connector V Coupling Size Thread Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Fitting Threads 10SL 5/8-24 5/64 1.98 1-9/32 32.53 9/16 14.27 3/4 19.05 .812 20.62 23/32 18.24 1 25.40 5/8-24 12S 3/4-20 5/64 1.98 1-15/32 37.29 9/16 14.27 25/32 19.84 .812 20.62 13/16 20.62 1-3/32 27.76 5/8-24 14S 7/8-20 5/64 1.98 1-15/32 37.39 9/16 14.27 7/8 22.23 .938 23.83 29/32 23.01 1-3/16 30.15 3/4-20 16S 1 -20 5/64 1.98 1-15/32 37.39 9/16 14.27 1 25.40 1.062 26.97 31/32 24.59 1-9/32 32.54 7/8-20 18 1-1/8-18 1/8 3.18 1-63/64 50.24 3/4 19.05 1-1/8 28.58 1.188 30.18 1-1/16 26.97 1-3/8 34.93 1 -20 20 1-1/4-18 1/8 3.18 1-57/64 47.85 3/4 19.05 1-1/4 31.75 1.312 33.32 1-5/32 29.36 1-1/2 38.10 1-3/16-18 22 1-3/8-18 1/8 3.18 1-63/64 50.24 3/4 19.05 1-3/8 34.93 1.438 36.53 1-1/4 31.75 1-5/8 39.67 1-3/16-18 24 1-1/2-18 1/8 3.18 2-14 57.15 13/16 20.62 1-1/2 38.10 1.562 36.67 1-3/8 34.43 1-3/4 44.45 1-7/16-18 28 1-3/4-18 1/8 3.18 2-1/4 57.15 13/16 20.62 1-3/4 44.45 1.812 46.02 1-9/16 39.67 2 50.80 1-7/16-18 32 2 -18 1/8 3.18 2-3/8 60.33 7/8 22.23 2-1/32 51.59 2.062 52.37 1-3/4 44.45 2-1/4 57.15 1-3/4-18 36 2-1/4-16 1/8 3.18 2-3/8 60.33 7/8 22.23 2-1/4 57.15 2.312 58.72 1-15/16 49.20 2-1/2 63.50 2 -18 97-4102A A K Ref. L Max. M Ref. N Ref. O Ref. R Ref. S Ref. Connector Coupling Size Thread Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm 10SL 5/8-24 5/64 1.98 61/64 24.21 35/64 13.87 11/16 17.48 .812 20.62 23/32 18.24 1 25.40 12S 3/4-20 5/64 1.98 31/32 24.61 9/16 14.27 11/16 17.45 .812 20.62 13/16 20.62 1-3/32 27.76 14S 7/8-20 5/64 1.98 61/64 24.21 9/16 14.27 3/4 19.05 .938 23.83 29/32 23.01 1-3/16 30.15 16S 1 -20 5/64 1.98 61/64 24.21 9/16 14.27 7/8 22.23 1.062 26.97 31/32 24.59 1-9/32 32.54 18 1-1/8-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 3/4 19.05 1 25.40 1.188 30.18 1-1/16 26.97 1-3/8 34.93 20 1-1/4-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 3/4 19.05 1-1/8 28.58 1.312 33.32 1-5/32 29.36 1-1/2 38.10 22 1-3/8-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 3/4 19.05 1-1/4 31.75 1.438 36.53 1-1/4 31.75 1-5/8 41.28 24 1-1/2-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 13/16 20.62 1-3/8 34.93 1.562 39.67 1-3/8 34.93 1-3/4 44.45 28 1-3/4-18 1/8 3.18 1-3/8 34.92 13/16 20.62 1-5/8 41.28 1.812 46.02 1-9/16 39.67 2 50.80 32 2 -18 1/8 3.18 1-15/32 37.31 7/8 22.23 1-29/32 48.41 2.062 52.37 1-3/4 44.45 2-1/4 57.15 36 2-1/4-16 1/8 3.18 1-15/32 37.31 7/8 22.23 2-1/8 53.98 2.312 58.72 1-15/16 49.20 2-1/2 63.50 23

97 series crimp type 9977 sseerriieess ccrrimimpp t ytyppee 97 series crimp type plugs with solid shells pplluuggss wwitithh s soolildid s shheellslls plugs with solid shells 97 series crimp type 97-4106A Copnnecltour gsL Mawx. ith spN Refl.it sheQ lMlaxs. V 9977--441100669A7A-S4i1ze06A Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Fitting Threads 97-4106A straight plug 10SL 1-3/8 34.93 3/4 19.05 7/8 22.23 5/8-24 Sturdy, simple to assemble. Coupling ring 9CCoonSnSn7inziezeecectotor rCosn11Sn24izeISSenceItcnohcrhLr LM11 aM--I17xina.5/cx1/eh.36m2Lmm Mmsax.3376m ..m15c30IncIhnrchN72 R/5i8INe/n3 fcmR.2hemfN.m Rmefmp.2129m..m28 34IntchIyn11Qc- hI1Mn/pca8Qhx .MQma Mexm.ax.m2285mm..m5480FittingF FVTitithttirinneg35ga //dVVTT48shh--r22ree04aaddss 97-mh94i71ga9-0hc47 h61t-ieAn04ne6 1ssdA0ilt efr 6rs aosAtimtrgr aes hsintgtogr hlaptidhtil .gup aMghlluuatmg tpeinsluu wmgit hb aarl l sttyopceks f oorf 111200SSSLL 91111176201---S73SS-43//L181/6806B111---1735//3318/366432..45903.93333764.23..1595/30343/3/42 1235/4/321199..180945.02115599...48017045/87/8117-/81/4 2252..422032322.1522...3742503 55//88--22574455////8888----22220444 SmtaucMirSmndhtgSayuiSn c, rkr tedheuesydicynri, mde wefrpysdpaoit, mylam fer.csp o Blislemtmeoaos cpl.sti akdoFloe s rlsai osadhtlnes uoeatsmm l lelsu abhiimmsnslee busitln.hllme euirnCm.e m cbaoCbl aduubolrdeepa udes.lrpi s tnsfolC iogptncor oogk crsul aikftnrpoa rigfnilnrozign--rg ring 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2-5/82-9/3266.68 517-.3914/32 14-92.939/321-7/1463.6436.50 1-71/-176/1-168-18 22-5-1/1/166 58.7522.37 conveniebnitn iantsiopne catilolonLw. Fcarobnlet Q stahkeeLll oisff Y aket yaendy Yatongle rel- U 3228 2-132/1-96/3271.42 527-.79/342 15-63.314/321-3/449.9944.45 1-7/11-63-/148-18 22-1-59//1362 65.8568.72 allow thea U9ti0v°e aton gfrleo nhto suhseinllg p Vtool abreiz irnogta kteedy .a Bnadck shell 3632 2-272/3-52/1672.21 528-.1752/32 26-27.6/392 1-15/5166.3449.20 1-32/4-18-18 22-2-179/3/322 72.2615.86 locked ati sa nthy r4e5a°d ienLdc rfVeomr esntat.ndQard MYS/AN fittYings. 36 2-11/32 59.51 2-15/32 62.69 2 -18 2-27/32 72.21 SizesS 1Ui0zeSsL 1Yt6hSru Qt h1r4uS 36 V L Q YY L 97-4107B U L Connector L Max. Q Max. V Y Ref. X V V Q Y Size Inch mm Inch mm Fitting Threads Inch mm Q 14S 1-11/16 42.85 1-1/8 28.58 3/4-20 1-5/32 29.36 U Q Y 16S 1-11/16 42.85 1-1/4 31.75 7/8-20 1-1/4 31.75 U V 18 2-1/16 52.37 1-11/32 34.11 1 -20 1-41/64 41.66 97-4107BU quick-Vdisconnect plug For fast connect/discoVnnect applications. Front 20 2-1/8 53.99 1-15/32 37.29 1-3/16-18 1-13/16 46.02 shell has polarizing keyway. Mates with all 22 2-1/8 53.99 1-19/32 40.46 1-3/16-18 1-15/16 49.20 Sizteypse 1s6 oSf tMhSru r e3c6eptacles. Back shell is threaded 24 2-9/32 57.94 1-23/32 43.64 1-7/16-18 2-1/16 52.37 for standard MS/AN fittings 28 2-9/32 57.94 1-31/32 49.99 1-7/16-18 2-5/16 58.72 L 24 L 97-4108B Connector L Ref. Q Max. U Ref. V X Ref. Q Y Size Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Fitting Threads Inch mm 10SL 1-1/2 38.10 7/8 22.23 1 25.40 5/8-24 U Y Q 12S 1-9/16 39.67 1 25.40 1 25.40 5/8-24 1/2 12.70 V 14S 1-23/32 43.64 1-1/8 28.58 1-1/16 26.97 3/4-20 21/32 16.66 16S 1-3/4 44.45 1-1/4 31.75 1-1/8 28.58 7/8-20 1-1/2 38.10 V 18 2-5/32 54.75 1-11/32 34.11 1-3/16 30.15 1 -20 1-41/64 41.66 20 2-3/8 60.33 1-15/32 37.29 1-5/16 33.32 1-3/16-18 1-13/16 46.02 22 2-13/32 61.11 1-19/32 40.46 1-5/16 33.32 1-3/16-18 1-15/16 49.20 97-4108B angle plug 24 2-5/8 66.68 1-23/32 43.64 1-7/16 36.50 1-7/16-18 2-1/16 52.37 Lightweight, roomy cavity, split longitudinally for 28 2-5/8 66.68 1-31/32 49.99 1-7/16 36.50 1-7/16-18 2-5/16 58.72 convenient inspection. Front shell is keyed to 32 2-13/16 71.42 2-7/32 56.34 1-3/4 44.45 1-3/4-18 2-19/32 65.86 allow the 90° angle housing to be rotated and 36 2-27/32 72.21 2-15/32 62.69 1-15/16 49.20 2 -18 2-27/32 72.21 locked at any 45° increment. Sizes 10SL thru 14S L X Q U V Sizes 16S thru 36 L Q Y U V

97 series crimp type how to order Example of part number for crimp type connectors is given below. 97 - 4101 A – 28 – 21 S Y (621) Series Number Shell Finish Non-RoHS Suffix 97 - designates Omit for standard bright AMPHENOL 97 Series cadmium finish RoHS Compliant Suffix Shell Type (621) Black zinc alloy plating 4100 Wall Receptacle (689) Electroless nickel plating 4101 Cable Receptacle (958) Gray zinc nickel **NEW** 4102 Box Receptacle 4106 Straight Plug 4107 Quick Disconnect Plug Alternate Insert Positions 4108 Angle Plug Omit for standard position W, X, Y or Z for alternate positions, Note: “4” in part number depending on insert (see page 20 for designates crimp contact rear positions available) release connector Contact Type* Shell Construction P = Pin A - Solid Backshell (excluding 3108) S = Socket B - Split Backshell (only 3108) * Contacts are not supplied with connectors, and must be Shell Size ordered separately. See following pages for contact 10SL, 12S, 14S, 16S, 18, 20, information. 22, 24, 28, 32, 36 Note: Accessories for 97 Series Connectors should be ordered with matching connector plating. See Insert Configuration Number accessory pages 28-32. See insert availability listing - page 20, and see insert arrangement illustrations - pages 21 and 22. 25

97 series crimp type contact information Crimp contacts can be ordered for 97 Series connectors in reel assemblies or in bulk packaging. Order by part numbers given below: Reel Assembly - For use with semi-automatic crimping equipment; order number of reels required. Reel Assemblies Available Example of part number: 97 38 1216 P 4 250 Part Number Size For Connector Sizes 9738-1216P-X250 12 18 thru 36 Series Quantity per Reel 9738-1216S-X250 12 18 thru 36 9745-1418P-X400 16 10SL thru 36 (250 = 2500 size 12) Contact Size (400 = 4000 size 16) 9745-1418S-X400 16 18 thru 36 (38 = 12 size, 9755-1418S-X400 16 10SL thru 16S only 45, 55 = 16 size)* Contact Plating 9745-1622P-X400 16 10SL thru 36 4 - Silver plate .0002 min. 9755-1622S-X400 16 10SL, 12S, 14S, 16S only Wire Size Accommodated over copper .00005 min. 9745-1622S-X400 16 18 thru 36 Example: 1216 will 5 - Gold plate .00003 min. 9745-2026P-X400 16 10SL thru 36 accommodate size 12 over nickel .00005 min 9755-2026S-X400 16 10SL, 12S, 14S, 16S only through 16 AWG wire. 9745-2026S-X400 16 18 thru 36 9745-2630P-X400 16 10SL thru 36 Mating End 9755-2630S-X400 16 10SL, 12S, 14S, 16S only P = Pin; S = Socket 9745-2630S-X400 16 18 thru 36 Bulk Packaged Contacts Available Example of part number: Part Number Size For Connector Sizes 97 38 1216 P 4 (920) 9738-1216P-X(920) 12 18 thru 36 Bulk Packaged 9738-1216S-X(920) 12 18 thru 36 Series 9745-1418P-X(920) 16 10SL thru 36 100 pcs. per package 9745-1418S-X(920) 16 18 thru 36 Contact Size standard 9755-1418S-X(920) 16 10SL thru 16S only (38 = 12 size, Contact Plating 45, 55 = 16 size)* 9745-1622P-X(920) 16 10SL thru 36 4 - Silver plate .0002 min. 9755-1622S-X(920) 16 10SL, 12S, 14S, 16S only over copper .00005 min. Wire Size Accommodated 9745-1622S-X(920) 16 18 thru 36 5 - Gold plate .00003 min. Example: 1216 will 9745-2026P-X(920) 16 10SL thru 36 over nickel .00005 min accommodate size 12 9755-2026S-X(920) 16 10SL, 12S, 14S, 16S only through 16 AWG wire. 9745-2026S-X(920) 16 18 thru 36 * NOTE: 9745-2630P-X(920) 16 10SL thru 36 Mating End The 10SL, 12S, 14S, 16S connectors 9755-2630S-X(920) 16 10SL, 12S, 14S, 16S only with socket contacts require short con- P = Pin; S = Socket tact denoted by 9755-XXXX-XX part 9745-2630S-X(920) 16 18 thru 36 number. See table on next page. 97 Series Contact Code Table† Wire Range** Contact Code Pin Contact Code Socket Contact Code Socket 1622 A 97-45-1622P-X(XXX) B 97-55-1622S-X(XXX) C 97-45-1622S-X(XXX) 1418 D 97-45-1418P-X(XXX) E 97-55-1418S-X(XXX) F 97-45-1418S-X(XXX) 2026 G 97-45-2026P-X(XXX) H 97-55-2026S-X(XXX) I 97-45-2026S-X(XXX) 2630 J 97-45-2630P-X(XXX) K 97-55-2630S-X(XXX) L 97-45-2030S-X(XXX) 1216 M 97-38-1216P-X(XXX) O 97-38-1216S-X(XXX) Codes in bold letters are most common † See order information for bulk and reel contact deviation numbers. ** Wire range is size of wires contact will accommodate. For example: wirerange1622willaccommodatesize16through22 26

97 series crimp type 97 series crimp type contact information and tools contact information and tools Insert / Contact Where Used Tables Insert / Contact Where Used Tables Insert Contact Contact Use Contacts with Code* Insert Contact Contact Use Contacts with Code* ArraInnsgeermtent QCuoanntatictyt CoSniztaect UPsine Contacts with CSoodcek*et ArraInnsgeermtent QCuoanntatictyt CoSniztaect UPsine Contacts with CSoodcek*et Ar1ra0nSgeLm-3ent Qua3ntity S1iz6e A, DP,i nG, J B,S Eoc, kHet, K Arra1n8g-e2m0ent Qua5ntity S1iz6e A, DP,i nG, J CS, oFc,k Ie,t L 1100SSLL--43 23 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ BB,, EE,, HH,, KK 2108--420 45 1126 A, DM, G, J C, FO, I, L 1102SSL--34 22 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ BB,, EE,, HH,, KK 2200--74 84 1162 A, DM, G, J C, FO, I, L 1142SS--13 32 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ BB,, EE,, HH,, KK 2200--727 184 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ CC,, FF,, II,, LL 1144SS--21 43 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ BB,, EE,, HH,, KK 2200--2297 1174 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ CC,, FF,, II,, LL 1144SS--52 54 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ BB,, EE,, HH,, KK 2220--1249 1197 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ CC,, FF,, II,, LL 1144SS--75 35 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ BB,, EE,, HH,, KK 2242--214 179 1126 A, DM, G, J C, FO, I, L 1164SS--17 73 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ BB,, EE,, HH,, KK 2284--121 47 1122 MM OO 1166SS--81 57 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ BB,, EE,, HH,, KK 28-11 148 1162 A, DM, G, J C, FO, I, L 1168S-1-8 150 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ BC,, EF,, HI,, LK 28-12 2168 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ CC,, FF,, II,, LL 1188--14 140 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ CC,, FF,, II,, LL 2288--1220 2160 1162 A, DM, G, J C, FO, I, L 1188--141 45 1162 A, DM, G, J C, FO, I, L 28-20 140 1162 A, DM, G, J C, FO, I, L 1188--1121 65 1162 A, DM, G, J C, FO, I, L 28-21 347 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ CC,, FF,, II,, LL 1188--1129 160 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ CC,, FF,, II,, LL 3228--42114 5327 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ CC,, FF,, II,, LL 18-19 10 16 A, D, G, J C, F, I, L 3362--14014 4582 1166 AA,, DD,, GG,, JJ CC,, FF,, II,, LL * Codes3 i6n- 1b0old letters ar4e8 most com1m6on. See CAo, dDe, TGa, bJle on paCge, F2,68 I., L * Codes in bold letters are most common. See Code Table on page 28. Contact Termination Tools Contact Termination Tools Insertion / Extraction Tools Insertion / ExtracCtoinotanc tT Soizoels 16 Contact Size 12 M8196196/14-03 M8196912/14-04 M81969/14-03 M81969/14-04 Crimping Tools (FCurilml Cpyincgle T Toyoples) Crimping Tool(Full Cycle Type) Contact Part Number Part Number Crimping Tool Contact Part Number Part Number 9738-1216X-X 357-578 thru 9738-1216X-X 9755-1622X-X 357-578 thru 99774555--21062262XX--XX 9745-2630X-X 357-579 9745-2026X-X 9755-2026X-X 9745-2630X-X 357-579 9755-2630X-X 9755-2026X-X 9755-2630X-X Strip-Crimp Machines FSotrri pla-rCgreim prpo dMuacctihoinn eqsuantities consult Amphenol, Sidney, NY fFoor ri nlaforgrme aptrioodnu ocnti osne mqui-aanuttiotimesa ctioc ncsruimlt pAinmgp ehqeunioplm, Seindtn.ey, NY for information on semi-automatic crimping equipment. Wire Preparation SWtriirpe w Pirree tpoa lerangtitoh nshown in chart below. Do not cut or nick wire strands. TSwtriipst wwiriree tsot rleanngdtsh b sahcokw tno itnh ecihr aorrti gbienlaolw la. yD.o not cut or nick wire strands. Twist wire strands back to their original lay. Contact Size Contact Part Number Insulation O.D. Stripping Length “A” Conta1c2t Size C9o7n3ta8c-t1 P2a1rt6 NXu-mXber In.0su9l7ati/o.n1 O6.0D. Strip.2p0in0g –Le.n2g4th0 “A” A 1162 99773X8X--11241168XX--XX ..007997//..110600 ..127000––..129400 A 1166 9977XXXX--11642128XX--XX ..007799//..110000 ..114700––..116900 1166 9977XXXX--21062262XX--XX ..003799//..019000 ..114400––..116600 1166 9977XXXX--22603206XX--XX ..003309//..005940 ..114400––..116600 Note: XX =1 465 or 55 (38 =9 172X Xsi-z2e6; 3405X, -5X5 = 16 size).030/.054 .140–.160 For further information on contact insertion/removal/ Note: XX = 45 or 55 (38 = 12 size; 45, 55 = 16 size) cFroimr fpuirntgh efor rin 9fo7r Smeartiieosn Coonn cnoencttaocrts i,n assekr tfioonr /Lre-1m2o6v8a l/ acrsismepminbgly f oinrs 9tr7u cStieorniess Connectors, ask for L-1268 assembly instructions 27

97 series accessories 97 series accessories cable clamps, bushing cable clamps, bushing Cable Clamp MS3057A Type For jacketed cable or wires protected by tub- iCnga.b Bleo tCh lcalmampp MingS 3h0al5v7eAs fTloyapt efor maximum sFtorar ijna crkeeliteefd. Fcaobr leu nojra cwkieretesd p rcoatbelcet eodr bwy irtuebs-, B C uinsge. cBoortrhe scploanmdpiningg M hSa3lv4e2s0 f lbouast hfionrg .m Taox iomrduemr csltaraminp wreiltihe fb. uFsohrin gu,n jaadcdk e-t1e dto cthaeb le9 7o-nr uwmibreesr., Tusweo ctoerlreesscpoopnindgin gb uMsShi3n4g2s0 a breu sfhuirnngis. hTeod o wrdiethr B C schlaemllsp swizitehs b2u4s hainndg ,l aargdde r-.1 to the 97-number. TThwios ctealbelsec colpaimngp ibsu lsimhiitnegds toa rteh ef ufronllioswheindg with A pshlaetlinlsg s vizaersia t2io4n asn:d larger. S(S(pT66lhtta32ddits91 i -n )) c g---a BObvobalrllleiaiirvgv iccaeehklt taid d ozcmrrnihaanpsrbbco ://i gsmga rrlllaeeiomteeyenni/tce ccadhhd rrtmooom mituhaamett eefo/cllaodwminiugm PAarmt pNhuemnboelr Shell Size MIanxc.h O.D. Cmabmle Inch A mm A Inch B mm Inch C mm Threads R((S(666ot272dH641 -S))) -- -Cbgoborrlliamievgceephkn ltd i zanzrinaiincntbc kcS/ e gaaulrlllfelofioeyxyn: chromate 9977--P33Aa00rmt55 pN77hu--e11mn00bo00elr74 1120SSSLLh,, e11ll42 S,S i1ze4S MI75anxc//11.h O66.D.1 C71ma..b91ml20e I..n87c59h05A2210m..m5199 I..n98c94h52B 2251m..m2379 75In//11c6h6 C171m..m1920 Th35re//48ad--22s04 (((666287196))) --- Bebllraeigcchktrt oz nlienicscks ea nllloicykel 9977--33005577--11000084 1160,S 1L6, S12S 95//1166 147..9227 ..972905 2230..3179 1..182402 2281..4359 95//1166 147..2972 75//88--2204 (689) - Electroless nickel (624) - green zinc alloy 9977--33005577--11001007 1182SL, 14, 14S 57//816 1151..8180 ..982500 2231..3579 1..291965 3205..8297 57//816 1151..8180 13/4--2200 (958) - Gray zinc nickel **NEW** B(6u89s)h -inegle cMtrSol3e4ss2 0nickel 9977--33005577--11001028 2106,, 2126S 39//416 1194..0257 ..992270 2233..5357 11..410230 3258..6445 39//416 1194..0257 1-3/71/68--1280 Rubber bushing specifically designed for 9977--33005577--11001160 2148, 28 155//816 2135..8808 1..902105 2253..7387 11..628136 4320..7859 155//816 2135..8808 1-71/16--1280 MBuS3s0h5in7Ag MtySpe3 4c2a0ble clamp. Can also be 9977--33005577--11002102 3220, 22 1-13//44 3119..7055 1..902975 2273..8515 21..045003 5325..0674 13-1/4/4 3119..7055 11-3-3/1/46--1188 uRsuebdb ears ab ruesdhuincgin g sbpueschifinicga.lly designed for 9977--33005577--11002146 3264, 28 11-35//816 3243..9830 11..105165 2295..3768 21..264853 5472..0725 11-53/1/86 3243..9830 1-72/16--1188 MS3057A type cable clamp. Can also be 97-3057-1020 32 1-1/4 31.75 1.095 27.81 2.050 52.07 1-1/4 31.75 1-3/4-18 used as a reducing bushing. 97-B3u0s5h7in-g1 0Pa2r4t Num3b6er A 1-3/8 34B.93 1.156 2C9.36 2.245 D57.02 1-3/8E 34.93 2F -18 MS Amphenol Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm 342B0u-s3hing P9a7rt7 N9u-5m1b3e-r3 .130A 3.30 .210B 5.33 .374C 9.50 2.875D73.03 1/32 E .79 1/32 F .79 342M0S-4 97A7m9-p5h1en3o-4l I.n2c2h0 5m.5m9 I.n3c0h2 7m.m67 I.n5c0h0 12m.m70 2I.n7c5h0 69m.m85 1In/3ch2 m.7m9 1In/3ch2 m.7m9 D 33442200--63 99777799--551133--63 ..311320 73..9320 ..422170 150..3835 ..631744 195..5600 22..682755 6763..6083 11//3322 ..7799 11//1362 1..5779 1/16 1/64 B 33442200--84 99777799--551133--84 ..423270 151..1509 ..535022 174..6072 ..753090 1182..7770 22..570500 6639..5805 11//1362 1..5779 11//1362 1..5779 F D 33442200--160 99777799--551133--160 ..536122 174..9227 ..641257 1150..6825 ..868194 2125..5680 22..367255 6606..3638 11//1362 1..7597 11//1166 11..5577 1/16 C 1/6E4 B 33442200--182 99777799--551133--182 ..642357 1151..8180 ..754502 1184..8002 1..703894 2178..5737 22..255000 5673..1550 11//1166 11..5577 11//1166 11..5577 F 33442200--1160 99777799--551133--1160 ..755602 1194..0257 ..962175 2135..5652 1..838099 2262..3598 22..132755 5630..9383 11//1166 11..5577 11//1166 11..5577 C E 1/32 Radius 33442200--2102 99777799--551133--2102 ..963275 2135..8808 1..724400 3118..5800 11..509814 4207..4513 22..020500 5507..8105 11//1166 11..5577 11//1166 11..5577 A 45° 33442200--2146 99777799--551133--2146 1..725500 3119..7055 1..932675 3243..6575 11..834029 4266..7399 12..817255 4573..6938 11//1166 11..5577 11//1166 11..5577 1/32 Radius 3420-20 9779-513-20 .937 23.80 1.240 31.50 1.591 40.41 2.000 50.80 1/16 1.57 1/16 1.57 A Cable Clamp AN30574 T5°ype 3420-24 9779-513-24 1.250 31.75 1.365 34.67 1.842 46.79 1.875 47.63 1/16 1.57 1/16 1.57 For jacketed cable or wires protected by tubing. Cable or wires sChaobullde bCel acemnpte rAedN i3n0 ja5w7 sT oyfp celamp for maximum grip. A vinyl or rFuobrb jearc kbeutsehdi ncga bolre s oler ewvier ems apyr obteec utesde db yfo tru cbeinngte. rCinagb. leO noer wreirseils- F isehnot uwlda sbhee cr eanntde rtewdo i nfi bjaewr sw aosf hcelarms pa rfeo rin mclauxdiemdu wmi tghr iepa. cAh vcilnayml opr. Truhbisb ecra bblues chlianmg po ris s lliemeivteed mtoa tyh eb efo ullosewdin fgo rp lcaetinntge rvinagri.a tOionnes :resil- E F ient washer and two fiber washers are included with each clamp. Std - olive drab/green chromate This cable clamp is limited to the following plating variations: E (621) - black zinc alloy (S6t7d6 -) - borliivgeh td nraicbk/eglreen chromate B A ((662241)) -- gbrlaecekn zziinncc aallllooyy ((668796)) -- eblreigchtrto nleicskse nlickel B A (624) - green zinc alloy (689) - electroless nFicitksel Fits AN Max O.D. Cable A B E F Weight AN Number Threads Shell Size Fitting Size Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Lbs. per 100 97-3057-3 8S, 10FSits Fits3 AN M1a/x4 O.D. C6a.b3le5 11/16 A17.45 1 B25.40 1/4 E 6.35 1/8 F 3.18 1/2-28 W1e.ig8h9t AN Number Threads 97-3057-4 10SSLh,e 1ll 2SSize Fittin4g Size 5In/c1h6 7m.9m2 2I5n/c3h2 19m.m84 1Inch 25m.m40 5In/c1h6 7m.m92 3In/c1h6 4m.m75 5/8-24 Lbs.2 p.e1r2 100 9977--33005577--63 182SS, L1,0 1S4, 14S 63 71/1/46 161..3150 1151//1166 2137..8405 11-5/64 2275..3480 71/1/46 161..3150 31/1/86 43..7158 31//42--2208 21..9849 9977--33005577--84 1160,S 1L6, S12S 84 95//1166 174..9227 12-15//1362 2169..9874 11-1/8 2285..5480 95//1166 174..9227 93//3126 74..1745 75//88--2204 32..4142 9977--33005577--160 1182SL, 14, 14S 160 75/1/86 1151..8180 11-35//1166 3203..1850 11--15//864 2287..5388 75/1/86 1151..8180 53//1166 74..9725 13/4--2200 42..7924 9977--33005577--182 2106,, 2126S 182 93/1/46 1194..0257 11--31//816 3246..9937 11--31//186 3208..1558 93/1/46 1194..0257 59//1362 77..9124 1-3/71/68--1280 63..1404 9977--33005577--1160 2148, 28 1160 155/1/86 2135..8808 11--53//186 4310..2185 11--51//186 3238..3528 155/1/86 1253..8880 53/1/86 97..5932 1-71/16--2108 48..7721 9977--33005577--2102 3220, 22 2102 1-13//44 3119..7055 11--135/8/16 4394..2903 11--13//216 3380..1105 1-13//44 3119..7055 51/1/26 127..7902 11-3-3/1/46--1188 164..1850 9977--33005577--2146 3264, 28 2146 11-53/1/86 3243..9830 21--35//186 5451..5258 11--95//1166 3393..6372 11-53/1/86 3243..9830 193/3/82 159..0563 1-72/16--1188 188..1751 9977--33005577--2280 4302 2280 11--51//84 4311..2785 21--11/52/16 6439..5200 11--91//126 3398..6170 11--51//84 4311..2785 211/3/22 1162..6760 21--13//44--1168 2114..5805 97-3057-24 36 24 1-3/8 34.93 2-3/16 55.55 1-9/16 39.67 1-3/8 34.93 19/32 15.06 2 -18 18.15 97-3057-28 40 28 1-5/8 41.28 2-1/2 63.50 1-9/16 39.67 1-5/8 41.28 21/32 16.66 2-1/4-16 21.50 28

97 series accessories metal protection caps 9760 Caps and Chain Assemblies D FFiitt sM 9S7 taynpde r9e7c etypptaec rleesc eapntda cplelusg sa;n pdr opvluidgess; pprroovteidceti opnr oatgeacitniosnt liavgea cinirsctu iltisv ea ncdir kceueitsp sa onudt A Thread kdeiret pa nodu td duisrtt awnhde dnu csot nwnheecnto cr oisn nneoct tionr uiss en.ot in use. B* Two styles are available: one with a stainless Two styles are available: one with a stainless steel link chain, and one with a beaded chain. G sBtoetehl ulisnek tchhea isna, maen dc aopns ea nwdi thb oath bheaavdee da H cchaadimn.i uBmo othli vues der atbh efi nsisahm.e caps and both F DIA. have a cadmium olive drab finish. CCaappss ffoorr rreecceeppttaacclleess hhaavvee iinntteerrnnaall tthhrreeaaddss aanndd aarree uusesedd o no n9 7M-3S103120, 29,7 -M31S0311, 0a1n, d a9n7d- J DIA. 3100 receptacles. A soft rubber disc seats MS3100 receptacles. A soft rubber disc E on the connector shell, forming a water-tight seats on the connector shell, forming a joint. water-tight joint. C CCaappss ffoorr pplluuggss hhaavvee eexxtteerrnnaall tthhrreeaaddss ffoorr uussee oonn aallll pplluuggss wwhheerree aa ccoouupplliinngg nnuutt iiss pprroovviiddeedd ((M97S-33110066 aanndd 9M7S-33110088)). L H A Thread Protection caps Std Olive drab/green chromate I DIA. are limited to (621) Black zinc alloy plating the following (689) Electroless nickel plating variations: (958) Gray zinc nickel **NEW** K DIA. For Receptacles† For Plugs† For A B* C D* E Link Chain Bead Chain Link Chain Bead Chain Connector Size Threads Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm 9760-908 9760-8 9760-808 9760-8P 8S 1/2-28 5/8 15.88 1/2 12.70 7/16 11.10 21/32 16.66 9760-910 9760-10 9760-810 9760-10P 10S, 10SL 5/8-24 13/16 20.62 5/8 15.88 7/16 11.10 21/32 16.66 9760-912 9760-12 9760-812 9760-12P 12, 12S, 12SL 3/4-20 15/16 23.80 3/4 19.05 7/16 11.10 27/32 21.41 9760-914 9760-14 9760-814 9760-14P 14, 14S 7/8-20 1-1/16 26.97 7/8 22.23 7/16 11.10 27/32 21.41 9760-916 9760-16 9760-816 9760-16P 16, 16S 1 -20 1-1/8 28.58 1 25.40 7/16 11.10 27/32 21.41 9760-918 9760-18 9760-818 9760-18P 18 1-1/8-18 1-5/16 33.32 1-1/8 28.58 7/16 11.10 27/32 21.41 9760-920 9760-20 9760-820 9760-20P 20 1-1/4-18 1-7/16 36.50 1-1/4 31.75 7/16 11.10 27/32 21.41 9760-922 9760-22 9760-822 9760-22P 22 1-3/8-18 1-9/16 39.67 1-3/8 34.93 7/16 11.10 27/32 21.41 9760-924 9760-24 9760-824 9760-24P 24 1-1/2-18 1-11/16 42.85 1-1/2 38.10 7/16 11.10 27/32 21.41 9760-928 9760-28 9760-828 9760-28P 28 1-3/4-18 1-59/64 48.79 1-3/4 44.45 1/2 12.70 27/32 21.41 9760-932 9760-32 9760-832 9760-32P 32 2 -18 2-3/16 55.55 2 50.80 1/2 12.70 27/32 21.41 9760-936 9760-36 9760-836 9760-36P 36 2-1/4-16 2-7/16 61.90 2-1/4 57.15 1/2 12.70 27/32 21.41 H For F G ± 1 Link I J K L Connector Size Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm 8S .125 3.18 2-9/16 65.07 4.0 101.60 125 3.18 140 3.56 .156 3.96 2-9/16 65.07 10S, 10SL .125 3.18 2-9/16 65.07 4.0 101.60 .125 3.18 .140 3.56 .156 3.96 2-13/16 71.44 12, 12S, 12SL .125 3.18 2-9/16 65.07 4.5 114.30 .125 3.18 .140 3.56 .156 3.96 3-13/16 96.84 14, 14S .125 3.18 2-9/16 65.07 4.5 114.30 .125 3.18 .140 3.56 .156 3.96 3-13/16 96.84 16, 16S .167 4.24 4-5/8 117.48 4.5 114.30 .167 4.24 .140 3.56 .156 3.96 4-5/8 117.48 18 .167 4.24 4-5/8 117.48 4.5 114.30 .167 4.24 .140 3.56 .156 3.96 4-5/8 117.48 20 .167 4.24 4-5/8 117.48 5.0 127.00 .167 4.24 .140 3.56 .187 4.75 4-5/8 117.48 22 .167 4.24 4-5/8 117.48 5.0 127.00 .167 4.24 .140 3.56 .187 4.75 4-5/8 117.48 24 .167 4.24 4-5/8 117.48 5.5 139.70 .167 4.24 .171 4.34 .187 4.75 4-5/8 117.48 28 .167 4.24 4-5/8 117.48 7.75 196.85 .167 4.24 .171 4.34 .187 4.75 4-5/8 117.48 32 .190 4.83 5-3/4 146.05 7.75 196.85 .260 6.60 .187 4.75 .218 5.54 5-3/4 146.05 36 .190 4.83 5-3/4 146.05 7.75 196.85 .260 6.60 .187 4.75 .218 5.54 5-3/4 146.05 * B dimension 1/16 inch less, and D dimension 1/64 inch less for screw machine parts, sizes 8 thru 22. †Caps less chains are available. To order, add G to the part number; for example:97608G 29

97 series accessories polyethylene protection caps 97121 Polyethylene Protective Dust Caps To order connectors complete with caps: Expendable polyethylene dust caps provide added When ordering new connectors, it is best to arrange to have the connectors protection for connectors during storage and handling, arrive at your plant with caps assembled. This will assure you of protection in assembling with other equipment, and after com- against thread damage, dust and foreign matter in transit, in your stock and on plete assembly into a finished apparatus. Protective your assembly line until the connectors are finally mated. To order connectors caps cover threaded sections of plugs and recepta- complete with protective caps assembled to both ends, specify (258) after the cles, assure against damage to threads from any connector number; for example:97-3106A20-20P(258), or 97-3102A20-20S(258). cause; permit low-cost, attractive coverings which pro- MS3106A20-20P(258), or MS3102A20-20S(258). tect contacts and the insulation from dust, dirt and To order caps separately: handling damage. Type 97121-4XXY - For engagement with internal threads of coupling rings. Example of complete part number: 97121-408Y Type 97121-4XXR - For engagement with external threads for coupling and fitting threads. Example of complete part number: 97121-408R For Type MS3100 For Type MS3101 For Type MS3102 For Type MS3106 For Type MS3108 Connector Mating Termination Mating Termination Mating Termination Mating Termination Mating Termination Size End End End End End End End End End End 8S –408R –408R –408R –408R –408R –408Y –408R –408Y –408R 10S –410R –408R –410R –408R –410R –408R –410Y –408R –410Y –408R 10SL –410R –410R –410R –410R –410R –410R –410Y –410R –410Y –410R 12S-12 –412R –410R –412R –410R –412R –412Y –410R –412Y –410R 14S-14 –414R –412R –414R –412R –414R –412R –414Y –412R –414Y –412R 16S-16 –416R –414R –416R –414R –416R –414R –416Y –414R –416Y –414R 18 –418R –416R –418R –416R –418R –416R –418Y –416R –418Y –416R 20 –420R –420Y –420R –420Y –420R –418R –420Y –420Y –420Y –420Y 22 –422R –420Y –422R –420Y –422R –420R –422Y –420Y –422Y –420Y 24 –424R –424Y –424R –424Y –424R –422R –424Y –424Y –424Y –424Y 28 –428R –424Y –428R –424Y –428R –428Y –424Y –428Y –424Y 32 –432R –428R –432R –428R –432R –432Y –428R –432Y –428R 36 –436R –432R –436R –432R –436R –436Y –432R –436Y –432R 40 –440R –436R –440R –436R –440R –440Y –436R –440Y –436R 30

97 series acc9e7s ssoerriieess accessories connector adapctoenrsnector adapters 97-3055 Adapter This a9d7a-3p0te5r5 i sA lidmaiptetde rto the Used as reducing or extending followUinsge dp laasti nregd oupctiniogn os:r extendinCg Thread C Thread bushing. Std b -u Oshliivneg .drab/green B M B M Note: 97-3055 supersedes part N o cteh:r o9m7-a3t0e5/c5a sdumpieurmsedes part Thread Thread number AN-3055. (639)n -u Bmrbigehr tA cNhr-o30m5a5t.e/cadmium RoHS Compliant Suffix: A A (621) - Black zinc alloy (689) - Electroless nickel (958) - Gray zinc nickel **NEW** Note: Knurl design is manufacturerʼs Note: Knurl design is manufacturerʼs Conduit Size UseCdo onnduit Size A UBsed on C A M B Weight C M Weight AN Number AN Number Inch mm ConInnecchtor Size mm Inch mm InchConnectorm Smize InTchhreads mm ThreadsInch Lbs. mpemr 100 Threads Threads Lbs. per 100 97-3055-12-4 12S, 12 25/32 97-31085.52-412-4 7/8 12S, 1222.23 25/53/28-24 18.24 5/8-247/8 212.3.273 5/8-24 5/8-24 1.37 1/4 6.35 1/4 6.35 97-3055-14-4 14S, 14 29/32 97-32035.50-114-4 7/8 14S, 1242.23 29/33/24-24 23.01 5/8-247/8 212.4.223 3/4-24 5/8-24 1.42 97-3055-14-6 14S, 14 29/32 97-32035.50-114-6 7/8 14S, 1242.23 29/33/24-20 23.01 3/4-207/8 212.6.203 3/4-20 3/4-20 1.60 3/8 9.53 97-3055-16-6 163S/,8 16 9.513-1/16 97-32065.59-716-6 7/8 16S, 1262.23 1-1/176/8-20 26.97 3/4-207/8 212.9.203 7/8-20 3/4-20 1.90 97-3055-18-6 18 1-3/16 97-33005.51-518-6 7/8 18 22.23 1-3/116 -20 30.15 3/4-207/8 222.0.203 1 -20 3/4-20 2.00 97-3055-16-8 16S, 16 1-1/16 97-32065.59-716-8 7/8 16S, 1262.23 1-1/176/8-20 26.97 7/8-207/8 222.3.253 7/8-20 7/8-20 2.35 1/2 12.70 97-3055-18-8 181/2 12.710-3/16 97-33005.51-518-8 7/8 18 22.23 1-3/116 -20 30.15 7/8-207/8 222.5.233 1 -20 7/8-20 2.53 97-3055-22-8 20, 22 1-3/8 97-33045.59-322-8 7/8 20, 2222.23 1-13-/38/16-18 34.93 7/8-207/8 222.7.203 1-3/16-18 7/8-20 2.70 97-3055-18-10 18 1-3/16 97-33005.51-518-10 7/8 18 22.23 1-3/116 -20 30.15 1 -207/8 222.8.223 1 -20 1 -20 2.82 5/8 17.88 97-3055-22-10 205, /282 17.818-3/8 97-33045.59-322-10 7/8 20, 2222.23 1-13-/38/16-18 34.93 1 -207/8 232.0.203 1-3/16-18 1 -20 3.00 97-3055-28-10 24, 28 1-5/8 97-34015.52-828-10 7/8 24, 2822.23 1-15-/78/16-18 41.28 1 -207/8 232.1.253 1-7/16-18 1 -20 3.15 97-3055-22-12 20, 22 1-3/8 97-33045.59-322-12 7/8 20, 2222.23 1-13-/38/16-18 34.931-3/16-187/8 242.8.203 1-3/16-18 1-3/16-18 4.80 3/4 19.05 3/4 19.05 97-3055-28-12 24, 28 1-5/8 97-34015.52-828-12 7/8 24, 2822.23 1-15-/78/16-18 41.281-3/16-187/8 252.0.213 1-7/16-18 1-3/16-18 5.01 97-3055-28-16 24, 28 1-5/8 97-34015.52-828-16 7/8 24, 2822.23 1-15-/78/16-18 41.281-7/16-187/8 252.4.223 1-7/16-18 1-7/16-18 5.42 1 25.40 97-3055-32-16 321 25.410-15/16 97-34095.52-032-16 15/1632 23.80 1-115-/31/64-18 49.201-7/16-1185/16 253.6.800 1-3/4-18 1-7/16-18 5.60 97-3055-36-16 36 2-3/16 97-35055.55-536-16 1-1/1636 26.97 2-32/16 -18 55.551-7/16-118-1/16 256.7.937 2 -18 1-7/16-18 5.73 97-3055-120 Adapter, Type II 97-3055-120 Adapter, Type II 97-3055-121 Adapter, Type I 97-3055-12T1y pAed aIpter, Type I Type I Type II Type II Used to terminate pipe threads. Used to terminate pipe threC aThdrse.ad C ThreadC Thread C Thread B B B B This adapter is limited to the following plating options: Std - Olive drab/green A A A M A M chromate/cadmium Thread Thread (639) - Bright chromate/ cadmium M Thread M Thread RoHS Compliant Suffix: Note: Knurl design is manufacturerʼs option. Note: Knurl design is manufacturerʼs option. (621) - Black zinc alloy (689) - Electroless nickel (958) - Gray zinc nickel **NEW** M M A Ref. B Max. A Ref. B Max. Type Part Number Shell Sizes Type Part Number Shell Sizes C Thread C Thread Thread Size Thread Size Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm 1/2 NPT II 97-3055-120-18002 181,/2 NPT 1II-3/16 97-303505.-11520-18010-21/8 18,22.23 11-3/1-620 30.15 1-1/8 22.23 1 -20 97-3055-120-22002 20, 22 1-3/8 97-303545.-91320-22010-21/8 20, 2222.23 1-13-/31/68-18 34.93 1-1/8 22.23 1-3/16-18 97-3055-120-28002 24, 28 1-5/8 97-304515.-21820-28010-21/8 24, 2282.23 1-17-/51/68-18 41.28 1-1/8 22.23 1-7/16-18 I 97-3055-121-18002 18, 1I-3/16 97-303505.-11521-18010-21/8 18,22.23 11-3/1-620 30.15 1-1/8 22.23 1 -20 97-3055-121-22002 20, 22 1-3/8 97-303545.-91321-22010-21/8 20, 2222.23 1-13-/31/68-18 34.93 1-1/8 22.23 1-3/16-18 97-3055-121-28002 24, 28 1-5/8 97-304515.-21821-28010-21/8 24, 2282.23 1-17-/51/68-18 41.28 1-1/8 22.23 1-7/16-18 3/4 NPT II 97-3055-120-28003 243-/248 NPT 1II-15/1697-304595.-21020-28010-33/16 24-2288.30 1-17-/1156/-1168 49.20 1-3/16 28.30 1-7/16-18 I 97-3055-121-28003 24-28 1I-15/1697-304595.-21021-28010-33/16 24-2288.30 1-17-/1156/-1168 49.20 1-3/16 28.30 1-7/16-18 3/4 NPT II 97-3055-120-32003 323/4 NPT 1II-15/1697-304595.-21020-32010-33/16 32 23.80 11--31/54/-1168 49.20 1-3/16 23.80 1-3/4-18 I 97-3055-121-32003 32 1I-15/1697-304595.-21021-32010-33/16 32 23.80 11--31/54/-1168 49.20 1-3/16 23.80 1-3/4-18 31

97 series accessories dummy receptacles 9977--118811 DDuummmmyy RReecceeppttaaccllee SShheelllsls SSaammee aass M97S rreecceeppttaaccllee lleessss iinnsseerrtt aanndd ccoonnttaaccttss.. A UUsseedd ttoo aanncchhoorr M97S oprl uAgSs5 w0h1e5n1 npolut gins uwshee.n not in use. B E Dia. This adapter is limited to the following plating options: Std - Olive drab/green chromate/cadmium (639) - Bright chromate/cadmium C D RoHS Compliant Suffix: (621) - Black zinc alloy (689) - Electroless nickel F Thread C (958) - Gray zinc nickel **NEW** G D G Mounting Flange Thickness For Amphenol A B C D E Dia. F Weight Connector Max. Min. Lbs. per Part Number Thread Size 100 Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm 10S 97-181-10S .562 14.27 .375 9.53 .719 18.26 1.000 25.40 .120 3.05 5/8-24 .156 3.96 .078 1.98 1.10 12S 97-181-12S .562 14.27 .375 9.53 .812 20.62 1.094 27.79 .120 3.05 3/4-20 .156 3.96 .078 1.98 1.73 14S 97-181-14S .562 14.27 .375 9.53 .906 23.01 1.188 30.18 .120 3.05 7/8-20 .156 3.96 .078 1.98 2.00 16S 97-181-16S .562 19.05 .375 9.53 .969 24.61 1.281 32.54 .120 3.05 1 -20 .156 3.96 .078 1.98 2.35 16 97-181-16 .750 19.05 .625 15.88 .969 24.61 1.281 32.54 .120 3.05 1 -20 .156 3.96 .078 1.98 3.10 18 97-181-18 .750 19.05 .625 15.88 1.062 26.97 1.375 34.93 .120 3.05 1-1/8-16 .203 5.16 .094 2.39 3.18 20 97-181-20 .750 19.05 .625 15.88 1.156 29.36 1.500 38.10 .120 3.05 1-1/4-18 .203 5.16 .094 2.39 3.80 22 97-181-22 .750 19.05 .625 15.88 1.250 31.75 1.625 41.28 .120 3.05 1-3/8-18 .203 5.16 .094 2.39 4.50 24 97-181-24 .812 20.62 .625 15.88 1.375 34.92 1.750 44.45 .147 3.73 1-1/2-18 .203 5.16 .094 2.39 5.00 28 97-181-28 .812 20.62 .625 15.88 1.562 39.67 2.000 50.80 .147 3.73 1-3/4-18 .203 5.16 .094 2.39 6.58 32 97-181-32 .875 22.23 .625 15.88 1.750 44.45 2.250 57.15 .173 4.39 2 -18 .359 9.12 .125 3.18 9.75 32

Additional Products other MIL-5015 type connectors other SAE AS50151 type connectors from Amphenol from Amphenol MMSS//SSttaannddaarrdd SMAILE- 5A0S1550 T1y5p1e T Cypoen nCeocntnoersctors AAmmpphheennooll hhaass l olonngg b beeeenn t hthe ea caccecpetpetde dle aledaedre inr ipnr opvroidvinidgin MgS M/SSt/aSntdaanrdda rd SMAILE- 5A0S1550 1t5y1p et ypceo ncnoencnteocrsto. rsW. Whehne na a MMiill--SSppeecc 55001155 cocnonnencetcotro irs is rreeqquuiirreedd,, tthheessee ccoonnnneecctotorsrs prporvoivdied ew ewlel-lpl-rporvoevne ne leecletrcictraicl acl acpaapbailibtyil.i ty. TThheeyy aarree tteesstteedd toto sstrtircict ta dahdehreernecnec et ot om imlitialirtay rys psepceificciafictiaotniosn, sa,n da ntdh ey tahreey o affreer eodff einr ead v ienr ya bvreorayd b rraonagde roafn pgreo douf cpt rsotdyulecst asntydle osp ationnds o. pFteioantus.r es Finecalutudree:s include: • medium to heavy weight cylindrical with resilient inserts • environmental resistant • threaded couplings, single key/keyway shell polarization • operating voltage to 3000 VAC (RMS) at sea level • 5 shell styles, 19 shell sizes, 280 contact arrangements • solder or crimp contacts (non-rear-release type), sizes 16–0 accepting 22–0 AWG • coaxial or thermocouple contact options • alternate insert positioning • hermetic configurations available • zinc alloy plating (cadmium-free) available Within the MS/Standard family there are five mil-spec classes to meet different requirements: A – Solid Shell – for general, non-environmental applications. AmpAhmepnhoel nMoSl®/S MtaSn/Sdatarndd SaArdE MAISL5-50011551 CCoonnnneeccttoorrss C – Pressurized – for use on pressurized bulkheads or pressure barri- ers; limits air leakage regardless of type and class of plug mated with them. E/F – Environmental Resisting with Strain Relief – designed for applications where the connector will be exposed to moisture, vibration, and rapid changes in pressure and temperature. R – Lightweight Environmental Resisting – shorter in length, lighter in weight than the E & F classes, the MS-R offers a high degree of reliability under adverse conditions: recommended for new design applications. SSeeee oonnlilninee ( w(wwwww.a.ammpphheennool-li-nindduusstrtiraial.lc.coomm) )o ro ar saks fko rf oArm Apmhepnhoeln coal tcaalotagl oICg- 51 25-001250/ AwCh Tichhr egaivdeesd dwehtaicihle gdi vinefso drmetaatiiloend on itnhfiosr mfaamtiiolyn o of nc othnen feacmtoilrys .of connectors. Amphenol® Pre-Earth FMLBConnectors Amphenol® Pre-Earth/First Mate Last Break Connectors are designed for applications where a protective circuit from the ground contact to the shell is a safety requirement. These connectors provide a path for any stray voltage to be shunted to a safe ground avoiding harm to the operator and the voltage sensitive equipment. Features of Pre-Earth FMLB (DL Series) Connectors: •• SMAILE- 5A0S1550 d1i5m1e dnismioennss aionnds paenrdfo prmerafonrcmea wnhcee rwe haeprpel iacapbplleic.able. •• CCoonnffoorrmmiittyy wwiitthh EEuurrooppeeaann ssaaffeettyy sstatannddaarrddss ( D(DININ V VDDEE 0 0662277 a nadn d certi- cfieerdt ifitehdro tuhgrohu gThU TVU VP rPordoudcut ctS Seervrivciece GGMMBBHH)) iinn ththee a papprporvoevde d insert ianrsraenrtg aermraenngte. mOeffnetr.e Od fifne rsehde ilnl ssthyleelsl :s t3y1le0s2:A 3 1b0o2x Am boouxn mt, o3u1n0t6, A s traight 3p1lu0g6, A3 1s0tr8aAig h9t0 p dluegg,r e3e1 0p8luAg 9.0 degree plug. •• IInntteerrmmaatteeaabbllee wwiitthh SMASE 5 A01S55 0a1n5d1 9 a7n Sde 9r7ie sS esrtiyeles ss.tyles. •• CCllaassss IIPP6677 pprrootteeccttiioonn iinn tthhee mmaatteedd ccoonnddiittiioonn.. Amphenol® Pre-Earth FMLB •• MMaaiinn jjooiinntt ggaasskkeett bbeettwweeeenn pplluugg aanndd rreecceeppttaaccllee sshheellllss pprroovviiddeess Connectors ssuuppeerriioorr mmooiissttuurree sseeaalliinngg.. Pre-Earth (ground) contact •• PPrree--eeaarrtthh ((ggrroouunndd ccoonnttaacctt)) ddeessiiggnn.. mates first and provides safety •• FFiirrsstt mmaattee,, llaasstt bbrreeaakk ccaappaabbiilliittyy.. from voltage outputs - •• SSttaannddaarrdd ppllaattiinngg iiss bbllaacckk zziinncc aallllooyy.. GGrreeeenn zziinncc ppllaattiinngg iiss aann ooppttiioonn.. protects operators and sensi- See online (www.amphenol-industrial.com) or ask for Amphenol Product tive circuits. See online (www.amphenol-industrial.com) or ask for Amphenol Product Data sheet #187 for detailed information on Pre-Earth FMLB Connectors. Data sheet #187 for detailed information on Pre-Earth FMLB Connectors. 33

Additional Products other MIL-5015 type connectors other SAE AS50151 type connectors from Amphenol, cont. from Amphenol, cont. AACCAA--BB RReevveerrssee BBaayyoonneett CCoonnnneeccttoorrss wwiitthh SMAILE- 5A0S1550 I1n5s1e rIntsserts TThhee AACCAA--BB isis d deessigignneedd f oforr c coommmmeercrciaial la anndd I nIndduusstrtiraial le ennvvirioronnmmeenntsts r ereqquuiriirningg a a rruuggggeedd bbaayyoonneett ssttyyllee ccoonnnneeccttoorr ffoorr hheeaavvyy d duutyty p poowweer ra anndd s sigignnaal la apppplicliacatiotionns.s . AA ccoommpprreehheennssiivvee sseeleleccttioionn oof f ininsseertr t aarrrarannggeemmeenntsts a anndd a acccceessssooryry h haardrdwwaarere ccoonnfifigguurraattiioonnss aarree fefeaatutureredd t ot oa caccocmommmodoadtaet eh ehaevay-vdyu-dtyu, tyc,o mcommemrceiarcl iwali rew airned acnadb lea. bAleC. AA-BC Ais- Bm ains umfaactnuurfea cintu arcec oinrd aanccceor wdaitnhc Me ILw-5ith0 1S5 AaEnd A VSG5905125314 .and VCGom95m2o3n4 .a pCpolimcamtioonns ainpcplluicdaet iaountso minactliuodne, maauctohmineasti otonl,l , mroabcohtiicnse,s i ntsotlrlu, mroebnotatitcios,n , ipnrsotcruemsse cnotanttrioonl, ,m parotecreiasls h caonndtlirnogl,, manadte treisatl &ha mnedalinsugr,e amnedn ttess.t & measurements. FFeeaattuurreess ooff tthhee AAmmpphheennool®l® A ACCAA-B- Bre rveevresers bea byaoynoent ecot ucpoluinpgli ncgo ncnoencntoercst owristh w MithIL - S50A1E5 AinSs5e0rt1 p5a1t tienrsnesr:t patterns: • Quick positive coupling; Audible and tactile indication of full coupling • Waterproof • No lockwiring required • High shock and vibration capabilities • Inserts available in Neoprene material (alternate insert materials available upon request) • Operating temperature range with Neoprene inserts: -55°C to +125°C • Available in both crimp and solder terminations • Contacts available in gold and silver plating • Numerous finishes available, Zinc alloy plating (cadmium free) available • Rugged construction aluminum or stainless steel components • Intermateable with existing VG95234 connectors • 500 coupling minimum See online (www.amphenol-industrial.com) or ask for Amphenol catalog 12-027, See online (www.amphenol-industrial.com) or ask for Amphenol catalog IC-4 GT/ACA-B Reverse Bayonet Connectors. ACA-B Reverse Bayonet Connectors. Amphe-PowerTM 5015 Connectors AAmmpphheennool lo offfefersr st hteh eS MAEIL A-5S051051 5c1o nconnencetocrt ofar mfamilyi lyth tahta ct acnan b bee e ennhhaanncceedd with hwigithh ahmigphe aramgpee RraAgDeS ROAKD®S cOonKta®c ctso.n Ttahcetys .u Tseh ethye u AsCe tthhree aAdCe dth srheealdlse wd hsihche lalsr e a SAE AS50151 type. which are a MIL-5015 type. Design characteristics of the Amphe-Power 5015 connectors are: • The RADSOK contact handles up to 150% higher amperages than standard contacts • The RADSOK contact has a twisted hyperbolic, stamped grid configuration within the socket. This design ensures a large, coaxial, face-to-face surface area engagement. As male pin is inserted, axial members in the female half deflect, imparting high current flow across the connection with minimal voltage loss. • Contact arrangements have RADSOK sockets in sizes 0, 4 and 8 with standard contacts in sizes 16 and 12. The contacts available in RADSOK and the amperages are as follows: • Size 8 AWG can handle currents up to 69 amps. • Size 4 AWG can handle currents up to 120 amps. • Size 0 AWG can handle currents up to 250 amps. • For availability of size 12 RADSOK that handles currents up to 35 amps, consult Amphenol.) • AC threaded 5015 styles include: solid shell for general, non- The RADSOK design - socket environmental applications; pressurized style for use on cylinder within female contact pressurized bulkheads or pressure barriers; environmental has twisted hyperbolic grid. resisting style with strain relief; lighter weight and shorter Provides higher amperage capa- environmental resisting style bilities with low insertion force See online (www.amphenol-industrial.com) or ask for Amphe- and low temperature rise. nol brochure SL-391, Amphe-Power Connectors with RAD- SOK® technology. 34

AMPHENOL CORPORATION Amphenol Industrial Phone: 888-364-9011 191 Delaware Avenue Sidney, NY 13838-1395 www.amphenol-industrial.com www.amphenol-industrial.com Notice: Specifications are subject to change without notice. Contact your nearest Amphenol Corporation Sales Office for the latest specifications. All statements, information and data given herein are believed to be accurate and reliable but are presented without guarantee, warranty, or responsibility of any kind expressed or implied. Statements or suggestions concerning possible use of our products are made without representation or warranty that any such use is free of patent infringement and are not recommendations to infringe any patent. The user should not assume that all safety measures are indicated or that other measures may not be required. Specifications are typical and may not apply to all connectors. HKA 1-2016 Amphenol® 97 Series Connectors are UL recognized and CSA recognized. Amphenol® 97 Series Connectors are UL recognized, CSA recognized and CE certified.