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ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供935132424522由IPDiA设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 935132424522价格参考。IPDiA935132424522封装/规格:硅电容器, 0.022µF Silicon Capacitor 11V 0402 (1005 Metric)。您可以下载935132424522参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有935132424522 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
IPDiA品牌的硅电容器型号935132424522主要用于高性能、高可靠性的电子设备中。该型号的硅电容器具有优异的电气性能和稳定性,适用于以下几种典型的应用场景: 1. 射频(RF)和微波电路 硅电容器在射频和微波电路中发挥着重要作用。由于其低损耗特性(低ESR和ESL),能够有效减少信号传输中的能量损失,确保高频信号的稳定性和完整性。特别是在滤波器、耦合器、匹配网络等关键组件中,935132424522型号的硅电容器可以提供卓越的性能,支持从几百兆赫兹到几十吉赫兹的高频应用。 2. 电源管理 在电源管理系统中,尤其是在开关电源、DC-DC转换器等场合,硅电容器的快速响应能力和稳定的电容值有助于抑制电压波动,保持输出电压的稳定性。此外,硅电容器的温度特性优异,能够在较宽的工作温度范围内保持稳定的性能,适合用于对温度敏感的电源设计。 3. 通信设备 该型号电容器广泛应用于通信设备中,如基站、路由器、交换机等。它能够在复杂的电磁环境中保持良好的抗干扰能力,确保通信信号的清晰度和可靠性。特别是在高速数据传输和多通道通信系统中,硅电容器的低噪声特性有助于提高系统的整体性能。 4. 航空航天与军工领域 IPDiA的硅电容器以其高可靠性、耐辐射和抗振动的特点,特别适合用于航空航天和军工领域的严苛环境。这些应用场景要求电容器能够在极端条件下(如高温、低温、高湿度、强振动等)长期稳定工作,935132424522型号的硅电容器凭借其出色的物理和电气特性,能够满足这些苛刻的要求。 5. 医疗设备 在医疗设备中,尤其是需要高精度测量和信号处理的设备(如心电图仪、超声波设备等),硅电容器的低噪声和高稳定性至关重要。935132424522型号的硅电容器能够确保信号的准确性和一致性,从而提高诊断和治疗的可靠性。 总之,IPDiA品牌的硅电容器935132424522凭借其优异的性能和可靠性,广泛应用于各种对电容器要求极高的领域,为各类电子设备提供了可靠的保障。
参数 | 数值 |
产品目录 | |
描述 | CAP SIL 0.022UF 11V 0402 |
ESL(等效串联电感) | 100pH |
ESR(等效串联电阻) | 400 毫欧 |
产品分类 | |
品牌 | IPDiA |
数据手册 | |
产品图片 | |
产品型号 | 935132424522 |
rohs | 无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求 |
产品系列 | HTSC |
产品培训模块 | http://www.digikey.cn/PTM/IndividualPTM.page?site=cn&lang=zhs&ptm=26219 |
其它名称 | 1210-1036-1 |
包装 | 剪切带 (CT) |
大小/尺寸 | 0.047" 长 x 0.028" 宽(1.20mm x 0.70mm) |
容差 | ±15% |
封装/外壳 | 0402(1005 公制) |
工作温度 | -55°C ~ 200°C |
应用 | 高温 |
应用说明 | http://www.ipdia.com/download.php?file=%2Fgeneral%2FIPDIA_AN_IPD+capa+Assembly+set+up_rev+1.0.pdf&cat=applications点击此处下载产品Datasheet |
标准包装 | 1 |
特性 | 高可靠性 |
特色产品 | http://www.digikey.cn/product-highlights/cn/zh/ipdia-high-temperature-silicon-capacitors/2499 |
电压-击穿 | 11V |
电容 | 0.022µF |
高度 | 0.016"(0.40mm) |
HTSC424.xxx - 0402 High Temperature Silicon Capacitor Rev 3.1 Key features Key applications All applications up to 200°C, such as High stability up to 200°C: military, aerospace and automotive Temperature <±1% (-55 °C to +200 °C) industries Voltage <0.1 %/V High reliability applications Negligible capacitance loss through aging Replacement of X7R and C0G dielectrics Un ique high capacitance in EIA/0402 package Decoupling / Filtering / Charge pump s ize, up to 47 nF (i.e.: motor management, temperature Hi gh reliability (FIT <0.017 parts / billion hours) sensors) Lo w leakage current down to 100 pA Downsizing Low ESL and Low ESR Suitable for lead free reflow-soldering *Please refer to our assembly Application Note for further recommendations Thanks to the unique IPDiA Silicon capacitor The IPDiA technology offers industry leading tech nology, most of the problems encountered in performances relative to Failure rate with a demanding applications can be solved. FIT<0.017. High Temperature Silicon Capacitors are This technology also offers high reliability, up to dedicated to applications where reliability up to 10 times better than alternative capacitor 200 °C is the main parameter. technologies, such as Tantalum or MLCC, and This technology features a capacitor integration eliminates cracking phenomena. capability (up to 250nF/mm²) which offers This Silicon based technology is RoHS compliant capa citance value similar to X7R dielectric, but and compatible with lead free reflow soldering with better electrical performances than C0G/NP0 process. dielectrics, up to 200°C. HTSC provides the highest capacitor stability over the full -55°C/+200°C temperature range in the market with a Temperature coefficient Lower than ±1%.
Arial 18 Bold Rev. Commercial Leaflet HTSC424.xxx Electrical specification Capacitance value Parameters Value 10 15 22 33 47 68 Capacitance range 100 pF to 100 nF(***) Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Contact Capacitance tolerances ±15 %(***) 1 pF IPDIA Sales IPDIA Sales IPDIA Sales IPDIA Sales IPDIA Sales IPDIA Sales Operating temperature range -55 °C to 200 °C (**) 100 pF: 150 pF: 220 pF: 330 pF: 470 pF: 680 pF: Storage temperatures - 70 °C to 215 °C 10 pF 935.132.424.310 935.132.424.315 935.132.424.322 935.132.424.333 935.132.424.347 935.132.424.368 Temperature coefficient <±1 %, from -55 °C to +200 °C nit 0.1 nF 935.1312 n.4F2: 4.410 935.113.52 .n4F2:4 .415 935.123.22 .n4F2:4 .422 935.133.32 .n4F2:4 .433 935.143.72 .n4F2:4 .447 935.163.82 .n4F2:4 .468 Breakdown voltage (BV) 11 VDC, 30VDC U 47 nF: Capacitance variation versus 10 nF: 15 nF: 22 nF: 33 nF: 935.132.424.547 Contact RVDC 0.1 % /V (from 0 V to RVDC) 1 nF 935.132.424.510 935.132.424.515 935.132.424.522 935.132.424.533 935.132.724.547 IPDIA Sales Equivalent Serial Inductor (ESL) Max 100 pH 10 nF 935.113020. 4n2F4: .610 Equivalent Serial Resistor (ESR) Max 400m(***) Insulation resistance 50G min @ 3V,25°C 20G min @ 3V,200°C (*) Thinner thickness (as low as 100 µm thick) available, see Low Profile Silicon Capacitor product: LPSC Ageing Negligible, < 0.001 % / 1000 h (**) Extended temperature range (up to +250 °C) available, see Xtreme Temperature Silicon Capacitor product: XTSC Reliability FIT<0.017 parts / billion hours, Capacitor height Max 400 µm (*) (***) Other values on request. DC Voltage stability ESL (nH) @25°C MLCC capacitors vs. PICS 0402 C0G(NPO) vs. PICS 10 1,1 0 PICS 1 C0G -10 C0G 0,9 Capacitance change (%)------765432000000 X7R ESL(nH)000000,,,,,,345678 -80 Y5V 0,2 PICS -90 0,1 -1000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 00 50 100150 200 250 300350 400450500 550600 650700 750800 850900 9501000 Bias voltage (V) Capacitance (pF) Fig.1 Capacit ance change versus temperature Fig.2 Capacitance change versus voltage Fig.3 ESL versus capacitance value variation compared with alternative dielectrics variation compared with alternative dielectrics compared with alternative dielectrics Part Number 935.132. B.2 S. U xx Value 10 Breakdown 15 i.e 9.:3 457.1 n3F2/.0442042.5 c4a7s e (HTSC type) V47 o==l t31a01gVVe S4 i=ze 0 402 U01 n==i t1 0 0.1 f p 56 == 110 n n 234237 2 = 1 p 7 = 0.1 µ 68 3 = 10 p 8 = 1 µ 4 = 0.1 n 9 = 10 µ Termination and Outline Termination Package outline Lead-free nickel/solder coating compatible L with automatic soldering technologies: Typ. 0402 reflow and manual. W L 1.20±0.05 Comp. Typical dimensions, all dimensions in mm. size W 0.70±0.05 pLaattnedrn comIpPoDn ent SRoelsdiestr (0402 PCB footprint) Packaging Tape and reel, tray, waffle pack or wafer delivery. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. The information For more information, please visit: http://www.ipdia.com presented in this document does not form part of any To contact us, email to: sales@ipdia.com quotation or contract, is believed to be accurate and reliable and may be changed without notice. No liability will be Date of release: 28th February 2014 accepted by the publisher for any consequence of its use. Document identifier: CL431 111 615 132 Publication thereof does not convey nor imply any license under patent- or other industrial or intellectual property rights.