

  • 型号: 5-104652-2
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数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供5-104652-2由CORCOM/TYCO ELECTRONICS设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 5-104652-2价格参考¥14.36-¥19.33。CORCOM/TYCO ELECTRONICS5-104652-2封装/规格:矩形连接器 - 针座,插座,母插口, 20 位 插座 连接器 0.050"(1.27mm) 表面贴装 金。您可以下载5-104652-2参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有5-104652-2 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

TE Connectivity AMP Connectors的5-104652-2型号矩形连接器属于针座、插座、母插口类别,广泛应用于各种工业和商业设备中。这款连接器的主要应用场景包括但不限于以下几个方面:

 1. 工业自动化

 2. 通信设备

 3. 医疗设备

 4. 汽车电子

 5. 消费电子产品

 6. 航空航天

总之,TE Connectivity的5-104652-2连接器以其优异的性能和广泛的适用性,成为多个行业中的重要组件,确保了设备在复杂环境下的稳定运行。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值







矩形 - 板对板连接器 - 针座,插座,母插口板对板与夹层连接器


TE Connectivity / AMP





符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求


TE Connectivity / AMP 5-104652-2AMPMODU 50/50 Grid,AMP











AMPMODU .050 Board-to-Board Connectors












TE Connectivity / AMP


























30 V


1 A to 4 A




Through Hole




1.27 mm



30µin (0.76µm)


Copper Alloy














品牌:Mill-Max Manufacturing Corp.




品牌:Samtec Inc.




品牌:Samtec Inc.




品牌:Samtec Inc.




品牌:Mill-Max Manufacturing Corp.




品牌:Mill-Max Manufacturing Corp.




品牌:JAE Electronics









5-104652-2 相关产品


品牌:Hirose Electric Co Ltd



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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

C a t a lo g 1 3 0 7 8 1 9 R e v is e d 8 - 0 8 A M P AMPMODU M O D U Interconnection System In t e r c o n n e c t io n S Tyco Electronics Corporation y s Harrisburg, PA t e m tycoelectronics.com 1307819–?M–LUG–FP–8-08

AMPMODU Interconnection System Table of Contents Disclaimer 1 PC/104 and PC/104-PlusConnectors C/104 and PC/104-PlusConnectors 1 Wa(roTite“ny fTia hcdstyshio lcoeiee toErns rTi l anoEeaybfcrlfcoe-lftoeifcrrlr o imteeaErneftolafeei,onct scinsrio tctor rn dseotr ”oof nied)n ei croc hsetose hannn sviCcsof eTieo tr cyd mmrgacp huto aoatead hrlErroaeeealtg e inieano,cvtcnteecre oru yntr haicacsty PPAIPPnCCCCctrc////o1111ed0000su4444sc--,,o PPtPSriolliuuroenesslsds,,, seKPS… rFroite…isltds…se…… ……rF……it………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………68…111,, 579120 P make any other representation, warranty or guarantee that the information is 2 0.050 [1.27] x 0.050 [1.27] CENTERLINE accurate, correct, reliable or current. AMPMODU 50/50 Grid .050 x .050 [1.27 x 1.27]Centerline2 Tmcnctholyoaaecntik imoticena eE sifan.o l naee rTlcymdly t irachamodotenijp rouEielcnsilieesn tcdmc roa tewretnso ntaaenatnrrsiircnvy atse enot sdite m it xtehhhepseee rr wr eierensiiigtgfnshoah,lo ryrtimd nu dtictoani ls tugi-od n- BoaIVVRnreeedtrrrc-otttiioccdomaau-Bllcm RHotieoeeanncarddede p…eVdtreas …Prc, tClD…iec osBa…,ul o DbR…aloeredu… cR beL…olpaewy t…Rao…cou…lwte…s…s……… a…n…………d……… …H………e…a………d…e………r…s………:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13………, 11114657 ing, but not limited to, any implied war- ranties of merchantability or fitness for Board-to-Board Right-Angle Headers: a particular purpose. Tyco Electronics’ Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………18 .050 x .100 [1.27 x 2.54]Centerline3 oTCTidunyynasocccmelniyood do a eoiEErgtnb illemoeetlasiccngil tts,saarr u ritoooniissonnfdei niiniScc rosgssea f cal Sbfeitrrte,,teos a ao mrntpnerhdr dsoctoap hosdironeednun ssnciTsneatoeis qlb rte.cuhml ,e ae eUr ssnfes eotasei ranaw rlalds einl ,l y CabRIRCnleieatgr-cbohteoldte-p-uA BCtcanootcgiaonllerennd eCH… cCoet…nooanrnd… eTneecer…srtcom,…t rDosin,r…o asDut:…ibonluge…b CRl…eoo Rvw…eo, r…wL, aD,… tWocu…hitbihn…l ega …nRadno… dwW …Nitho……onu……-Lt aL……tac……thcih……ng……………………………………………………………………………………………22120192 should independently evaluate the suit- IDC (Insulation Displacement Crimp) Tooling …………………………………………23 ability of, and test each product for, their Performance Specifications ………………………………………………………………24 s application. ODU nector Tcohne sdtrimucetniosnio, nmsa, tsepreiaclisf iacnatdio pnrso,c deesssiegsn isn, 3 .050T e[1c.h2n7i]c xa l0 D.1o0c0u [m2.e5n4t]s CE…NT…E…RL…IN…E… ………………………………………………………24 AMPMmm Con 4 tonhnoisltyi c caean.t ad Pl oalegrae as sreue c bfoojenrc srtu etlfote Trceyhncacone gE peleu wcrtpirtoohsnoeiucsts AMBPMoaOrdD-Uto S-Byosatermd C5o0n…n…ec…to…rs…, T…hr…u-…Ho…le…: …………………………………………………25 2 for the most current product information. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………26 The export of certain Tyco Electronics Headers, Shrouded and Unshrouded ………………………………………………27-35 products is restricted by the Arms Export Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………36 Control Act (Title 22, U.S.C. Sec 2751, et Receptacles ……………………………………………………………………………37-40 .100 x .100 [2.54 x 2.54]Centerline5 s12eBexex94upqp70yo.o91e)rrr , tot e amtlraas pstuw haepssemqrt o .oEc)ev.foxn a pmadlO loeblpr rdaydlty p e(tA prThwdslieiti mc tlmeUhai bna.5aSyli0les.l , btGa jruUeapor .tpsivSisoulei.dncCbrina cj.Ae,bmt cicAloetetp n ntopsotf... BoaPIHnrCedtra -oBtddooeu-aBrcsrotdioa …Hnrdo…… leC…… oLna……yno……euc……ttso……r…s……, …S……u…r……f…a……c…e……-…M……o…u………n……t…:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………41……, 444432 Receptacles ………………………………………………………………………………45 © 2008 and 2004 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Cable-to-Board Connectors, FFC Cable: AMP, ACTION PIN, AMP-LATCH, Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………46 .125 x .125 [3.18 x 3.18]Centerline6 AACPTTYyMERMcCROPPoOT-- LCEI OEI-lRMC-eLLIcREIMETtCIrCMEPoTT,nRE PRAiR,Oc MIC,sNC H RPI,C CA-MAoCSMMrO ApaPPDMorOe-Ur,O aM t,Ttr -iaAEMAodM TnLAeO.OPmT RGIOaC,OMr ,k Asa nTodOf R, FFRZlFIeeFCcx-Lei bCipnloetean FcCtallaeoct n tHCsnooe…uncsdt…oinurgc…ssto…r…… C………a…b……l…e…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………543……9,- 54544827 Cable-to-Board Connectors, Ribbon Cable: Other products, logos, and company names mentioned herein may be Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………55 trademarks of their respective owners. Ribbon Cable Receptacles ………………………………………………………………56 156 [3.96]Centerline 7 SCeoen tiancstisd aen bda pckh ocnoev enru fmorb Gerlso.bal AppPFAllapiacdpta dRlticilieobabnbtio ooTannor dToCo lRaionbeliglncege…p f…ot…arc …F…lele……sx ……F…il……m…… …C……o…n……t…a…c……t…s……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………568……0,- 66552097 . Performance Specifications ………………………………………………………………63 Technical Documents ………………………………………………………………………64 s nt u h S 8 2 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Table of Contents (Continued) 4 AMPMODU 2mm Connectors P AMPMODU 2mm Connectors (Board to Board)……………………………………………65 PC Headers, Unshrouded, Double Row, Thru-Hole Mount ………………………………66, 67 lus/104 BBrreeaakkaawwaayy HHeeaaddeerrss,, UUnnsshhrroouuddeedd,, DDoouubbllee RRooww,, TShurrufa-Hceo lMe oMuonutn…t ……………………………………7618,- 7702 1 Conne and P SHteaacdkeinrgs, HSeharoduedr,e Udn, sDhoruobudlee Rdo, wD,o Tuhbrlue- RHoowle,, TRhigruh-tH-Aonleg Mle oMuonutn…t ………………………………………74…, 7735 ctorsC/104 - Headers, Shrouded, Double Row, Surface Mount ……………………………………76, 77 Headers, Shrouded, Double Row, Thru-Hole Mount with Cable Shrouds …………78, 79 RReecceeppttaacclleess,, DDoouubbllee RRooww,, SThurrufa-Hceo lMe,o Vuenrtt,i cRaigl Mhto-Aunngt…le… M…ou…nt………………………………………………80…, 8821 Ce[1.2.05 n70 Receptacles, Double Row, Thru-Hole, Right-Angle Mount ………………………………83 te x x Receptacles, Double Row, Surface Mount, Vertical Mount ………………………………84 2rline 1.27 .050 5 .100 [2.54] x .100 [2.54] CENTERLINE ] Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………85-87 Terms Explained………………………………………………………………………………87 Wire Sizes………………………………………………………………………………………88 Contact Platings………………………………………………………………………………88 Ce[1.2.05 Mating Post Lengths…………………………………………………………………………88 nte7 x0 x ABpoparlidc-atoti-oBno Taordo lSinoglut…ion…s… G…uid…e…s, ….1…00…[2….54…] C…e…nt…er…lin…e …Pr…od…uc…ts………………………………………8898 3rline 2.54 .100 ] Wire-to-Board Solutions Guide, .100[2.54] Centerline Products ……………………89 Mating Post Selection Guide ………………………………………………………………90 Parallel Stacking Guide for Board-to-Board Applications ……………………………91 2 m Board-to-Board Products: mA UBrnesahkraowudaey da nHde aRdeetersntio…n …He…ad…er…s-…Un…sh…ro…ud…ed……………………………………………………………………19021--110005 ConnMPMO 4 eD Reeled Breakaway Headers ………………………………………………………106, 107 ctoU Surface Mount Breakaway Headers ………………………………………………108-110 rs Unshrouded Stacking Headers- Breakaway ……………………………………111-113 Shrouded Headers …………………………………………………………………114-140 Standard Profile……………………………………………………………………114-133 SAAhCCLroTTowIIuOOd PNNer doPP fIISilNNeta HP…creke…iansdsg…e- FHr…site Pa……od……setrs……s ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………111153440451,--- 111144540914 5Centerline[2.54 x 2.54].100 x .100 Application Tooling for ACTION PIN Posts ……………………………………152, 153 ACTION PIN Stacking Connectors ………………………………………………154-161 Application Tooling for AMP ACTION PIN Stacking Connectors …………………162 000HVe...o000rr224tiiz555co a[[[nl001 tM...a661lo 444Mu]]] noSSStuqqq Rnuuuteaaa Rcrrreeeee pcPCCteoaoopscnnttlttaseiinnc Auu…leoos …uusAesss… msPPeboo…mssliett…bsssl……i,…e Ms………,o M……d… oI………Id & ……I…I M…………o……d…… I………V…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………11…11666746…84,,-- 111116766833574 6Centerline[3.18 x 3.18].125 x .125 Surface Mount Vertical Receptacles, Mod IV ……………………………………185-192 Two-Piece Printed Circuit Board Connectors ……………………………………193-202 Accessories …………………………………………………………………………203-205 Wire-to-Board Products: Ce.15 n6 LMSohocodkr tiI nVPg oC iCnoltni pCta oCcnotstna tacantcsdt sa H naodnu dHs ioHnugosusins…igns…gs……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………222012601---222022904 7 terline [3.96] MTE Interconnection System ………………………………………………………225-250 Surface Mount MTE Headers (Right-Angle & Vertical) ………………………251, 252 Interchangeable Contacts, Wire Crimp (Snap-In) ……………………………253, 254 MT and Shielded MT Connectors …………………………………………………255-265 Mini-Tandem Spring Receptacle Contacts ………………………………………266-269 S h u Application Tooling……………………………………………………………………270-275 8 nts Technical Documents…………………………………………………………………276-278 3 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Table of Contents (Continued) 6 .125 [3.18] x .125 [3.18] CENTERLINE PC/104-ectors WirLee-tvoe-lB Vo IaDrdC PCroondnuecctt:ors ……………………………………………………………279-282 C/104 and PlusConn 1 7 .156M [o3dI.n9 It6 r0]o .dC0uE3c1Nt ixTo nE0R.0…L6I…2N IE…n t…erc…o…nn…ec…ti…on… S…ys…te…m………………………………………283, 284 P Receptacles, Vertical and Horizontal Board Mount ……………………………285, 286 Receptacle Assemblies, Vertical and Horizontal Board Mount…………………287-289 Receptacles, Crimp Snap-In (Wire Applied) …………………………………………290 .050 x .050 [1.27 x 1.27]Centerline2 RRPHoeeeSsccattreedsapp,ei gttMraashcca:t llcePeh oHHisnoote,uu dKss ieAinnygpgespsd,l, i SeLtdoa…wnd… …Par…r…odf …i…Pler…-o…Kfi…el…ey-…e…Udn……ke………ye………d… ……(W………ith………/W………it…h……o…u……t ………St…r……ai…n…… R………e…l……ie…f……) …………22……9951……,, 222299994632 Right-Angle, Keyed ……………………………………………………………………297 Locking Clip Contacts, Crimp Snap-In (Wire Applied) ………………………………298 Locking Clip Connector Housings, Single Row, Crimp Snap-In ……………………299 x .100 x 2.54]erline APeprpfolicrmataionnc eT oSopleincgific…at…ion…s………………………………………………………………………………………………………………30…0-330054 50 27 ent3 Technical Documents …………………………………………………………………305 .0[1.C 8 Shunts Dual In-Line Package DIP Shunts…………………………………………………306, 307 Post Shunts …………………………………………………………………………308-310 DU ectors PTeecrfhonrimcaaln Dcoe cSupmeecnifticsat…ion…s………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………331111 On AMPMm Con 4 Part Number Index…………………………………………………………………………313-316 m 2 .100 x .100 [2.54 x 2.54]Centerline5 .125 x .125 [3.18 x 3.18]Centerline6 R(ReosHtrSic)tion on the use of Hazardous Substances GOuert ctionmgp rtehheen Isnivfeo ormn-laintei oRno HYSo Cuu Nstoemeedr Support Center At TycoElectronics, we’re ready to support your RoHS require- provides a forum to answer your questions and support your ments. We’ve assessed more than 1.5 million end items/com- RoHS needs. A RoHS FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is ponents for RoHS compliance, and issued new part numbers available with links to more detailed information. You can also where any change was required to eliminate the restricted mate- submit RoHS questions and receive a response within 24 hours 56 [3.96]enterline 7 rRCiaoolmHs.pS Pl iaCarnot tnm, uupmnllbieasensrs tm i—na rtk hPeisad r cto antthuaelmorwgbi esarerse. iTindh etehnsitesif ipceardota daluos:cgt sa rceo RmopHlyS d■urCNinrogon sa-s cn-oRomrempfelariael nnwtco etro kf r Cowomeme kp.l iTahnet PSruopdpuocrtts Center also provides: .1C with European Union Directive 2002/95/EC as amended 1 ■Ability to browse RoHS RoHS January 2006 that restricts the use of lead, mercury, cadmium, Compliant Products in our hexavalent chromium, PBB, and PBDE in certain electrical and on-line catalog electronic products sold into the EU as of 1 July 2006. ■Downloadable Technical Data Customer NOTE: For purposes of this Catalog, included within the defini- Customer Information tion of RoHS Compliant are products that are clearly “Out of Presentation Support s nt Scope” of the RoHS Directive such as hand tools and other ■More detailed information Shu 8 non-electrical accessories. regarding the definitions Center NOTE: Information regarding RoHS compliance is provided used above based on reasonable inquiry of our suppliers and represents our ■So whatever your questions when it comes to RoHS, current actual knowledge based on the information provided by we have the answers at www.tycoelectronics.com/leadfree our suppliers. This information is subject to change. For latest compliance status, refer to our website referenced at right. 4 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

P C AMPMODU Interconnection System /1 0 Co4 a nn PC/104 and PC/104-PlusConnectors nectorsd PC/10 4 Product Facts -P lu ■ Press fit design — s eliminates hand soldering ■ Unitized PC/104 connector 1 assembly — eliminates two piece (64 pin & 40 pin) configuration ■ Integral board spacers with captive hardware — eases & improves assembly efficiency while minimizing stocked hardware ■ “Flat-rock” insertable — no need for complex insertion tooling ■ Recognized by Underwriters' Laboratories to US and Canadian standards file No. E28476 ■ Fully compliant with PC104 & PC104-Plusstandards ■ Solutions available for lead free processes (ie. ENIG The PC/104 and PC/104-Plus Performance Specifications Need more information? and silver immersion plated connectors are industry Electrical Characteristics Call Technical PCB's) standard product offerings Meets requirements of PC/104 and Support 1-800-522-6752: which comply with the PC/104-Plusstandards interconnection require- Technical Support is staffed ments defined by the Nominal Resistance — with specialists well versed 10 milliohms maximum,(cid:2)R PC/104 organization in all Tyco Electronics prod- (http://www.pc104.org) Insulation Resistance — ucts. The Center can pro- 1000 megohms minimum vide you with: Both products are designed Dielectric Withstanding Voltage — ■ Technical Support specifically for “flat-rock” 500 VAC for 1 min. at sea level ■ Catalogs press-fit installation for ease Mechanical Characteristics ■ Technical Documents of application. Solder ver- Meets requirements of PC/104 and ■ Tyco Electronics sion is also available. PC/104-Plusstandards Authorized Distributor Optional integral standoffs Current — Signal application only Locations minimize the customer’s Temperature — –55° to 105°C system assembly time. Material and Finish The Tyco Electronics offer- Housing — Black Thermoplastic, UL ing of the standard PC/104 94V-0 product is a unitized con- Contact — Phosphor Bronze, Full Gold nector rather than the two all over Nickel (stackthrough), Gold on piece, 40 and 64 position mating end, Tin or Tin-lead on PCB tail connectors currently on the all over Nickel (non-stackthrough) market. Customer needs to stock and apply only one part number rather than two. Connector Centerline Position .100 Technical Documents PC/104 2.54 104* Product Specifications PC/104-Plus .079 120** 2.0 108-1956 *Two circuits plugged per PC/104 specification. Application Specifications Other options available. 114-13021 **One circuit plugged per PC/104-Plusspecifica- tion. Other options available. 5 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

s u Pl AMPMODU Interconnection System 4- 0s d PC/1nector PC/104, Press-Fit nn ao 4 C 10 Material and Finish C/ P Housing — Glass filled thermoplastic, Black, 94V-0 rated Contacts 1 Stackthrough — Phosphor Bronze; plated .000015 [0.00038] min. Gold on mating receptacle end, .000005 [0.000130] min. Gold on remainder, all over .000050 [0.00127] Nickel or Phosphor Bronze; plated .000015 [0.00038] min. Gold on mating receptacle end, .000100-.000200 [0.000254-.00508] matte tin on compliant section, .000005 {0.000130] min. Gold on remainder of post, all over .000050 [0.00127] Nickel Non-Stackthrough — Phosphor Bronze; plated .000015 [0.00038] min. Gold on mating receptacle end, .000100 [0.00254] matte tin or tin-lead on remainder, all over .000050 [0.00127] Nickel Screwlocks — Steel, Clear Chromate over Zinc Stackthrough, No Standoffs Non-Stackthrough, No Standoffs Gold plated contacts* Tin-lead plated tails* Part No. 1375795-1 (keyed), Part No. 1375795-2 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375796-1 (keyed), Part No. 1375796-2 (unkeyed) Gold plated contacts with Tin plated compliant pin section** Matte tin plated tails** Part No. 1375795-3(keyed), Part No. 1375795-4 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375796-3 (keyed), Part No. 1375796-4 (unkeyed) .435 [11.05] .435 [11.05] .100 Typ. [2.54] .119±.013 .100 .100 .100Typ. [3.03±0.34] Typ. Typ. [2.54] [2.54] [2.54] .483±.013 Typ. .025 Sq. [12.27±0.34] [0.64]Typ. Typ. 3.21 .195 3.21 .195 [81.60] [4.95] [81.60] [4.95] Plugged 2.01 Typ..390 Plugged 2.01 Typ..390 Circuit [51.11] [9.90] Circuit [51.11] [9.90] Plugged Plugged Circuit Circuit 3.10 .300 3.10 .300 [78.74] [7.62] [78.74] [7.62] Keyed Unkeyed Recommended PC Board Layout See Customer Drawing for Hole Geometry and Recommended Plating. Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. * For RoHS exempt Tin-lead processes (including ENIG Plated PCB’s) ** for Silver Immersion processes or where a total lead free solution is desired 6 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

P C AMPMODU Interconnection System /1 0 Co4 a nn PC/104, Press-Fit (Continued) nectorsd PC/10 4 Stackthrough, 2 Standoffs Non-Stackthrough, 2 Standoffs -P Gold plated contacts* Tin-lead plated tails* lu s Part No. 1375793-1 (keyed), Part No. 1375793-2 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375794-1 (keyed), Part No. 1375794-2 (unkeyed) Gold plated contacts with Tin plated compliant pin section** Matte tin plated tails** 1 Part No. 1375793-3 (keyed), Part No. 1375793-4 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375794-3 (keyed), Part No. 1375794-4 (unkeyed) .435 [11.05] .435 [11.05] .600 Typ. [15.24] .600 Typ. [15.24] [.21.05.040]2T5ypS.q. [.2T1.y05p04.] [1.428.2T37y±±p00..1.334] [.21.0504]Typ. [.2T1.y05p04.] [.31.10T93y±±p.00..1334] [0.64]Typ. 3.21 .195 [81.60] [4.95] Plugged [831.2.610] 2.01 [.4T1.y99p55.].390 PCliurcgugited [521.0.111] Typ.[.93.9900] Circuit [51.11] [9.90] Plugged Circuit Plugged Circuit Stackthrough, 4 Standoffs Non-Stackthrough, 4 Standoffs Gold plated contacts* Tin-lead plated tails* Part No. 1375791-1 (keyed), Part No. 1375791-2 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375792-1 (keyed), Part No. 1375792-2 (unkeyed) Gold plated contacts with Tin plated compliant pin section** Matte tin plated tails** Part No. 1375791-3 (keyed), Part No. 1375791-4 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375792-3 (keyed), Part No. 1375792-4 (unkeyed) .435 [11.05] .435 [11.05] .600 [15.24]Typ. .600 Typ. [15.24] .100Typ. [.21.0504]Typ. .483±.013 [.21.0504]Typ. [.21.0504]Typ. [.31.1093±±.00.1334] [2.54] [12.27±0.34] Typ. .025 Sq. Typ. [0.64]Typ. 3.21 .195 [81.60] [4.95] Plugged [831.2.610] 2.01 [.4T1.y99p55.].390 PCliurcgugited [521.0.111] Typ.[.93.9900] Circuit [51.11] [9.90] Plugged Plugged Breakaway Standoffs Circuit Breakaway Standoffs Circuit 0.05 3.10 .300 0.05 3.10 .300 [1.27] [78.74] [7.62] [1.27] [78.74] [7.62] .125 Dia. .125 Dia. [3.18]2 Plcs. [3.18]2 Plcs. Keyed Unkeyed Recommended PC Board Layout See Customer Drawing for Hole Geometry and Recommended Plating. Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. * For RoHS exempt Tin-lead processes (including ENIG Plated PCB’s) ** for Silver Immersion processes or where a total lead free solution is desired 7 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

s u Pl AMPMODU Interconnection System 4- 0s d PC/1nector PC/104-Plus, Press-Fit nn ao 4 C 10 Material and Finish C/ P Housing — Glass filled thermoplastic, Black, 94V-0 rated Contacts 1 Stackthrough — Phosphor Bronze; plated .000015 [0.00038] min. Gold on mating receptacle end, .000005 [0.000130] min. Gold on remainder, all over .000050 [0.00127] Nickel or Phosphor Bronze; plated .000015 [0.00038] min. Gold on mating receptacle end, .000100-.000200 [0.000254-.00508] matte tin on compliant section, .000005 {0.000130] min. Gold on remainder of post, all over .000050 [0.00127] Nickel Non-Stackthrough — Phosphor Bronze; plated .000015 [0.00038] min. Gold on mating receptacle end, .000100 [0.00254] matte tin or tin-lead on remainder, all over .000050 [0.00127] Nickel Screwlocks — Steel, Clear Chromate over Zinc Stackthrough, No Standoffs Non-Stackthrough, No Standoffs Gold plated contacts* Tin-lead plated tails* Part No. 1375799-1 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375800-1 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375799-2 (keyed-A1)per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375800-2 (keyed-A1)per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375799-3 (keyed-D30)per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375800-3 (keyed-D30)per PC/104-Plusspecification Gold plated contacts with Tin plated compliant pin section** Matte tin plated tails** Part No. 1375799-4 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375800-4 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375799-5 (keyed-A1) per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375800-5(keyed-A1)per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375799-6 (keyed-D30) per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375800-6 (keyed-D30) per PC/104-Plusspecification .368 [9.35] .368 [9.35] [.20.7090]Typ. [.20.7090]Typ. [1.428.237±±.001.334] [.20.7090]Typ. [.20.7090]Typ. [.21.1825±±.00.1334] .020 Sq. Typ. Typ. [0.51]Typ. Plugged Plugged Circuit Circuit (-3 or -6 only) .315 (-3 or -6 only) .315 [8.00] [8.00] Plugged Plugged Circuit Circuit (-2 or -5 only) 2.37 .015 (-2 or -5 only) 2.37 .015 [60.30] [0.39] [60.30] [0.39] .236 .236 .236 [6.00] [6.00] [6.00] 2.28 2.28 2.28 [58.0] [58.0] [58.0] Recommended PC Board Layout Recommended PC Board Layout Recommended PC Board Layout for 1375799-1, 1375799-4, for 1375799-2, 1375799-5, for 1375799-3, 1375799-6, 1375800-1, 1375800-4 1375800-2, 1375800-5 1375800-3, 1375800-6 See Customer Drawing for Hole Geometry and Recommended Plating. (Including ENIG plated PCB's) Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. * For RoHS exempt Tin-lead processes (including ENIG Plated PCB’s) ** for Silver Immersion processes or where a total lead free solution is desired 8 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

P C AMPMODU Interconnection System /1 0 Co4 a nn PC/104-Plus, Press-Fit (Continued) nectorsd PC/10 4 Non-Stackthrough, 2 Standoffs .368 -P Tin-lead plated tails* [9.35] lu Part No. 1375798-1 (unkeyed) .600 Typ. s [15.24] Part No. 1375798-2 (keyed-A1) per PC/104-Plusspecification 1 Part No. 1375798-3 (keyed-D30) per PC/104-Plusspecification [02..7090]Typ. .112±.013Typ. [2.85±0.34] 0.79Typ. [2.00] Matte tin plated tails** Plugged Part No. 1375798-4 (unkeyed), Circuit Part No. 1375798-5 (keyed-A1) (-3 and -6 only) .315 [8.00] per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375798-6 (keyed-D30) per PC/104-Plusspecification Plugged Circuit 2.37 .015 (-2 and -5 only) [60.30] [0.39] Stackthrough, 2 Standoffs Gold plated contacts* Part No. 1375797-1(unkeyed) .600 Typ. [15.24] Part No. 1375797-2 (keyed-A1) per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375797-3 (keyed-D30) .368 .483±.013 per PC/104-Plusspecification [9.35] [12.27±0.34]Typ. Gold plated contacts with Tin [02..7090]Typ. [.20.7090]Typ. plated compliant pin section** .020 Sq. Part No. 1375797-4 (unkeyed) [0.51]Typ. Part No. 1375797-5(keyed-A1) per PC/104-Plusspecification Plugged Part No. 1375797-6 (keyed-D30) Circuit .315 per PC/104-Plusspecification (-3 and -6 only) [8.00] Plugged Circuit 2.37 .015 (-2 and -5 only) [60.30] [0.39] Recommended PC Board Layout Recommended PC Board Layout for 1375797-1, 1375797-4, for 1375797-2, 1375797-5, 1375798-1, 1375798-4 1375798-2, 1375798-5 Recommended PC Board Layout for 1375797-3, 1375797-6, 1375798-3, 1375798-6 See Customer Drawing for Hole Geometry and Recommended Plating. Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. * For RoHS exempt Tin-lead processes (including ENIG Plated PCB’s) ** for Silver Immersion processes or where a total lead free solution is desired 9 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

s u Pl AMPMODU Interconnection System 4- 0s d PC/1nector PC/104, Solder nn ao 4 C 10 Material and Finish Non-Stackthrough, No Standoffs .435 C/ [11.05] P Housing — Glass filled thermoplastic, Part No. 1375963-3 (keyed) Black, 94V-0 rated Part No. 1375963-4 (unkeyed) Contacts 1 .100 Nploatne-dS .t0a0c0k0t1h5r o[0u.g0h00 —38 ]P mhoins.p Ghoorld B oronnze; [.21.0504]Typ. [2.54]Typ. [.31.1093±±.00.1334] mating receptacle end, .000100 [0.00254] 3.21 .195 Typ. matte tin on remainder, all over .000050 [81.60] [4.95] [0.00127] Nickel Plugged 2.01 Typ..390 Screwlocks — Steel, Clear Chromate Circuit [51.11] [9.90] over Zinc Plugged Circuit 3.10 .300 3.10 .300 [78.74] [7.62] [78.74] [7.62] Plated Through Hole .041±.003 Dia. [1.03±0.08]102 Plcs. Keyed Unkeyed Recommended PC Board Layout Non-Stackthrough, 2 Standoffs Non-Stackthrough, 4 Standoffs Part No. 1375961-3 (keyed) Part No. 1375959-3 (keyed) Part No. 1375961-4 (unkeyed) Part No. 1375959-4 (unkeyed) .435 .435 [11.05] [11.05] [1.65.0204]Typ. [1.650.204]Typ. [.21.0504]Typ. [.2T1.y05p04.] [.31.1093±±.00.1334] [.21.0504]Typ. [.21.0504]Typ. [.31.10T93y±±p.00..1334] Typ. 3.21 .195 3.21 .195 [81.60] [4.95] [81.60] [4.95] Plugged 2.01 Typ. .390 Plugged 2.01 Typ..390 Circuit [51.11] [9.90] Circuit [51.11] [9.90] Plugged Plugged Circuit Breakaway Standoffs Circuit 0.05 3.10 .300 0.05 3.10 .300 [1.27] [78.74] [7.62] [1.27] [78.74] [7.62] .125 Dia. Plated Through Hole .125 Dia. [3.18]2 Plcs. .040±.003 Dia. [3.18]2 Plcs. [1.01±0.08]102 Plcs. Keyed Unkeyed Recommended PC Board Layout Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 10 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

P C AMPMODU Interconnection System /1 0 Co4 a nn PC/104-Plus, Solder nectorsd PC/10 4 Material and Finish Non-Stackthrough, No Standoffs -P Housing — Glass filled thermoplastic, Part No. 1375967-4 (unkeyed) lus Black, 94V-0 rated Part No. 1375967-5 (keyed-A1) Contacts per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375967-6 (keyed-D30) 1 Non-Stackthrough — Phosphor Bronze; per PC/104-Plusspecification plated .000015 [0.00038] min. Gold on .368 mating receptacle end, .000100 [0.00254] [9.35] matte tin on remainder, all over .000050 [0.00127] Nickel Screwlocks — Steel, Clear Chromate over Zinc .079Typ. [.20.7090]Typ. .112±.013 [2.00] [2.85±0.34] Plugged Typ. Circuit (-6 only) .315 [8.00] Plugged Circuit (-5 only) 2.37 .015 [60.30] [0.39] Plated Through Hole Plated Through Hole Plated Through Hole .236 .035±.003 Dia. .236 .035±.003 Dia. .236 .035±.003 Dia. [6.00] [0.88±0.08]120 Plcs. [6.00] [0.88±0.08]119 Plcs. [6.00] [0.88±0.08]119 Plcs. 2.28 2.28 2.28 [58.0] [58.0] [58.0] Recommended PC Board Layout Recommended PC Board Layout Recommended PC Board Layout for 1375967-4 for 1375967-5 for 1375967-6 Non-Stackthrough, 2 Standoffs .368 [9.35] Part No. 1375965-4 (unkeyed) .600 Typ. Part No. 1375965-5 (keyed-A1) [15.24] per PC/104-Plusspecification Part No. 1375965-6 (keyed-D30) per PC/104-Plusspecification [.20.7090]Typ. [.21.1825±±.00.1334]Typ. 0.79Typ. [2.00] Plugged Circuit .315 (-6 only) [8.00] Plugged Circuit (-5 only) 2.37 .015 [60.30] [0.39] Plated Through Hole .035±.003 Dia. [0.88±0.08]119 Plcs. Recommended PC Board Layout for 1375965-4 Recommended PC Board Layout for 1375965-5 Plated Through Hole .035±.003 Dia. [0.88±0.08]119 Plcs. Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. Recommended PC Board Layout for 1375965-6 11 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

s u Pl AMPMODU Interconnection System 4- 0s d PC/1nector Accessories nn ao 4 C 10 Shroud, PC/104-Plus 2.53 ± 0.10 C/ [64.36 ± 0.25] P Part No. 1375801-1 .450 ± .010 2.45 [11.43 ± 0.25] [62.34] 1 Material— PBT, Black [1.414.108 ± ± . 000.038] [.93.7401] [.10.3090]Typ. .079Typ. [2.00] .255 Typ. [6.47] 2.39 .333 [60.76] [8.46] Organizer, PC/104 .195 3.21 Part Number 1445251-1 [4.95] Typ. [81.60] .05 [1.27] Typ. .10 [2.54] Typ. .10 Material —Polyester, PBT, Black [2.54] Typ. .390 [9.90] .05 [1.27] Typ. 2.01 [51.11] Kit Packaging Component Part Number Part Number Style Part Numbers Connector Assembly Organizer 1445441-3 1375795-3 1445251-1 Keyed 1445441-4 1375795-4 1445251-1 Unkeyed 1445440-3 1375793-3 1445251-1 Keyed 1445440-4 1375793-4 1445251-1 Unkeyed 1445439-3 1375791-3 1445251-1 Keyed 1445439-4 1375791-4 1445251-1 Unkeyed Keyed Keyed Keyed Circuits Circuits Circuits Part No. 1445441-3 Part No. 1445440-3 Part No. 1445439-3 Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 12 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System AMPMODU 50/50 Grid Connector System R eceBoa RBoigahrtd-A-ton-gBleo aHreda (dPeargse, 19) ptacrd-to les a-Boa Vertical Headers, nd Hrd V B(Poaagred -1to6-)Board eadeertica rsl Receptacles, 2 Cable-to-Board, With Latch (Page 21) Vertical Receptacles, Board-to-Board (Page 15) Receptacles, Cable-to-Board Without Latch Vertical Headers, (Page 21) Board-to-Board (Page 16) Vertical Headers, Board-to-Board (Page 16): .250 [6.35] Stack Height .320 [8.13] Stack Height .390 [9.91] Stack Height Vertical Receptacles, Board-to-Board (Page 15) Produced under a Quality Management System certi- fied to ISO 9001 Acuep crotoinfpi cyrea oqtefu teihss eta. vailable IS OC9er0tif0ie1d 13 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Board-to-Board Vertical Receptacles and Headers Product Facts alers ■ Surface-mount products for VerticHead paaprpalilclealt iboonasr,d a-tso w-beolal rads ard and right-angle board-to-board o-Bocles aanpdp lcicaabtlieo-ntso-board ard-tepta ■ High density .050 x .050 BoRec [1.27x1.27] centerline grid ■ Three board-to-board stack 2 heights: .250 [6.35], .320 [8.13] and .390 [9.91] ■ Non-protrusive metallic holddowns ■ Reliable dual beam receptacle contacts for redundant contact ■ Duplex plated receptacle and post contacts; gold plated on mating areas, tin plated on tails ■ Compatible with standard surface-mount processing (VPR and IR) ■ Receptacle and header allow for drainage of processing fluids AMPMODU 50/50 Grid PC boards and allow and packaging methods Vertical Headers and surface mounting to both result in a system that is ■ Tape and reel packaging Receptacles are designed sides of the board. In compatible with robotic available. Contact for parallel board-to-board addition to providing assembly. Tyco Electronics for details stacking in high density retention during processing, The headers and ■ Polarized header and recep- applications. the holddowns are soldered receptacles feature tacle assemblies during reflow and therefore Right-angle board-to-board polarization to prevent ■ Sizes of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and cable-to-board provide long-term strain relief misalignment. 60, 70, 80 and 100 positions applications are also for the solder joints. ■ Recognized under the possible, since the vertical AMPMODU 50/50 Grid Three Board Stack Heights Component Program of receptacles also mate with Vertical Headers and Underwriters non-latching right-angle Receptacles are designed Laboratories Inc., headers (page 19) and the to be compatible with File No. E28476 vertical headers also mate standard surface-mount .250±.006 R [6.35±0.15 ] with non-latching cable processes; IR (infrared) and ■ Certified by connectors. VPR (vapor phase reflow). Canadian Standards The surface-mount Association Available are double row, File No. LR7189 R vertical shrouded headers connectors have been designed so that and receptacles in sizes dimensioning, tolerances, ranging from 10 through referenced datums, 100 positions (in 10 position holddown characteristics .320±.006 increments). [8.13±0.15] Parallel board-to-board stack heights of .250 [6.35], Non-Protrusive .320 [8.13] and .390 [9.91] Metallic Holddowns are achievable by selection of the appropriate header. The receptacle is the same for all three stack height headers. .390±.006 [9.91±0.15] Non-protrusive metallic holddowns are designed for use in .062 [1.57] or thicker 14 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Board-to-Board Vertical Receptacles, Double Row, .050 x .050 [1.27 x 1.27] Centerline V e Drtic oubal R [.31.2005] A [.00.2781] le Rowecepta c le s , Material and Finish .050 [1.27] Housing—Glass-filled thermoplastic, 2 black, 94V-0 rated Polarizing Tab Contacts—Copper alloy; duplex plated (For Polarization to .000030 [0.00076] gold in mating area, Mating Header) .000150 [0.00381] tin on solder tail, with entire contact underplated .000050 [0.00127] nickel Holddown—Copper alloy; plated .050 .187 .000150 [0.00381] tin over .000050 [1.27] [4.75] [0.00127] nickel .050 [1.27] Related Product Data Mating Headers— pages 16, 19 PC Board Layouts— page 17 Performance Specifications— page 24 Technical Documents — page 24 Product Specification108-1332 Application Specification 114-7010 No. of Dimension PRaretc Neupmtabcelers Packaging: Tube or Tape and Reel Pos. A Tube Tape and Reel* No Hold Down w/Vacuum Cover 10 .266 [6.75] 5-104652-1 5-147384-1 5-147413-1 20 .516 [13.11] 5-104652-2 5-147384-2 5-147413-3 30 .766 [19.46] 5-104652-3 5-147384-3 5-147413-4 40 1.016 [25.81] 5-104652-4 5-147384-4 — 50 1.266[32.16] 5-104652-5 5-147384-5 5-147413-2 60 1.516 [38.51] 5-104652-6 5-147384-6 — 70 1.766 [44.86] 5-104652-7 5-147384-7 — 80 2.016 [51.21] 5-104652-8 5-147384-8 — 100 2.516 [63.91] 6-104652-0 5-147384-9 — * Parts packaged in tape and reel have vacuum pick and place cover. See PC Board Layout on page 17. Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 15 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Board-to-Board Vertical Headers, Double Row, .050 x .050 [1.27 x 1.27] Centerline .050 [1.27] s, .225 erw [5.71] Heade Ro Vertical Doubl .2255 [.10.5207] A [5.728] For .250 [6.35] Mated Height 2 .030 .050 [0.76] [1.27] A For .320 [8.13] Mated Height .2975 [7.557] .030 .050 [0.76] [1.27] A .3675 [9.335] For .390 [9.91] Mated Height .030 .050 [0.76] [1.27] Material and Finish Related Product Data Technical Documents — page 24 Housing—Glass-filled thermoplastic, Mating Receptacles — page 15, 21 Product Specification108-1332 black, 94V-0 rated (without latch only) Application Specification Contacts—Copper alloy; duplex plated PC Board Layouts— page 17 114-7010 .000030 [0.00076] gold in mating area, Performance Specifications— Packaging: Tube or Tape and Reel .000150 [0.00381] tin on solder tail, page 24 with entire contact underplated .000050 [0.00127] nickel Holddown—Copper alloy; plated .000150 [0.00381] tin over .000050 [0.00127] nickel Header Part Numbers No. of Dimension .250 [6.35] Mated Height .320 [8.13] Mated Height .390 [9.91] Mated Height Pos. A Tape & Reel* Tubes Tubes Tubes Tape & Reel* Tape & Reel* Hold Down No Hold Down Hold Down No Hold Down 10 .372 [9.44] 5-104655-1 5-147381-1 5-147121-1 5-104656-1 5-147382-1 5-104693-1 — 5-147383-1 20 .622[15.79] 5-104655-3 5-147381-2 5-147121-2 5-104656-2 5-147382-2 5-104693-2 — 5-147383-2 30 .872[22.14] 5-104655-4 5-147381-3 — 5-104656-3 5-147382-3 5-104693-3 — 5-147383-3 40 1.122[28.49] 5-104655-5 5-147381-4 — 5-104656-4 5-147382-4 5-104693-4 — 5-147383-4 50 1.372[34.84] 5-104655-6 5-147381-5 — 5-104656-5 5-147382-5 5-104693-5 — 5-147383-5 60 1.622[41.19] 5-104655-7 5-147381-6 — 5-104656-6 5-147382-6 5-104693-6 — 5-147383-6 70 1.872[47.54] 5-104655-8 5-147381-7 — 5-104656-7 5-147382-7 5-104693-7 — 5-147383-7 80 2.122[53.89] 5-104655-9 5-147381-8 — 5-104656-8 5-147382-8 5-104693-8 — 5-147383-8 90 2.372[60.24] — — — 5-104656-9 — 5-104693-9 — — 100 2.622[66.59] 6-104655-1 5-147381-9 — 6-104656-0 5-147382-9 6-104693-0 5-147503-1 5-147383-9 *Parts packaged in tape and reel have vacuum pick and place cover. See PC Board Layout on page 17. Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 16 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Recommended PC Board Layouts for Vertical Connectors Headers .029 R BSpaces at .050[1.[207.7] 4=] C [.10.5207] [.41.6121] .010 Board Layoutsecommended P [0.25] C 4 Plc. CL of Pattern 2 Detail A .182 .047 [4.62] [1.19] .091 .061 2 Plc. [2.31] [1.54] Detail A D Receptacles .029 [0.74] .050 [1.27] BSpaces at .050[1.27] = C .110 [2.79] CL of Pattern .130 [3.30] .065 Detail A [1.65] .060 [1.52] D No. of Receptacle Dimensions Header Dimensions Pos. B C D B C D 10 4 .200 [5.08] .320 [8.12] 4 .200 [5.08] .322 [8.17] 20 9 .450 [11.43] .570 [14.48] 9 .450 [11.43] .572 [14.52] 30 14 .700 [17.78] .820 [20.83] 14 .700 [17.78] .822 [20.87] 40 19 .950 [24.13] 1.070 [27.19] 19 .950 [24.13] 1.072 [27.22] 50 24 1.200 [30.48] 1.320 [33.53] 24 1.200 [30.48] 1.322 [33.57] 60 29 1.450 [36.83] 1.570 [39.88] 29 1.450 [36.83] 1.572 [39.92] 70 34 1.700 [43.18] 1.820 [46.23] 34 1.700 [43.18] 1.822 [46.27] 80 39 1.950 [49.53] 2.070 [52.58] 39 1.950 [49.53] 2.072 [52.62] 90 44 2.200 [55.88] 2.320 [58.93] 44 2.200 [55.88] 2.322 [58.97] 100 49 2.450 [62.23] 2.570 [65.28] 49 2.450 [62.23] 2.572 [65.32] Note:Refer to Tyco Electronics Customer Drawings for additional PC board layout information and dimensional tolerances. Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 17 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Board-to-Board Right-Angle Headers Product Facts ■ Surface-mount products for s d-to-Board ngle Header ■ raaDinpgodphu ltbci-claaeabn-tlrgieool-ewnt so,b -orbiagorhadtr--dtaon-gbloeard Boarght-A shrouded headers Ri ■ High density .050 x .050 [1.27 x 1.27] centerline grid ■ Latching and non-latching 2 versions available ■ Non-protrusive metallic holddowns ■ Metallic tabs, when soldered to PC board pad, provide added mechanical support ■ Duplex plated post contacts; gold plated on mating area, tin plated on tails ■ Compatible with standard surface-mount processing (VPR and IR) ■ Standoffs on header housings allow for drainage of processing fluids AMPMODU 50/50 Grid design as those used in the Right-Angle Headers will vertical headers (page 16) ■ All headers are polarized accommodate a variety of and receptacles (page 15). ■ Sizes of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, high density packaging There are also metallic tabs 60, 70, 80 and 100 positions applications; right-angle that are soldered to the sur- ■ Recognized under the board-to-board applications faces of the PC board pads Component Program of when mated with vertical for added support. Underwriters receptacles (page 15) and AMPMODU 50/50 Grid Laboratories Inc., R right-angle cable-to-board Right-Angle Headers are File No. E28476 applications when mated available in double-row, in with cable connectors ■ Certified by Canadian either latching or non- (page 21). The small Standards latching versions, and in .050 x .050 [1.27 x 1.27] Association sizes ranging from 10 R centerline contact spacing File No. LR7189 through 100 positions (in 10 allows efficient use of the position increments). The PC board area. latching version provides Mechanical support of the positive retention when headers to the PC board is mated with the latching provided by non-protrusive cable connector (page 21). metallic holddowns All headers feature polariza- designed for .062 [1.57] or tion to help prevent mis- thicker PC boards. These alignment during mating. holddowns are of the same 18 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Board-to-Board Right-Angle Headers, Double Row, .050 x .050 [1.27 x 1.27] Centerline R oR Non-Latching Header .050 A w, Latching and Night-Angle Heade .050 [1T.y2p7.] on-Lrs, D [1.27] ao [.52.1431] tchinuble g 2 Latching Header .352 .050 [8.94] [1.27] .430 [10.92] .029 Material and Finish [0T.y7p4] [.10.4179 ] Dia .065 Plated-Thru Hole Housing — Liquid crystal polymer, [1.65] B Spaces at (2 Plc) black, 94V-0 rated Typ. .025 = C .140 [0.64] Contacts — Copper alloy; duplex [3.56] plated .000030 [0.00076] gold in mating area, .000150 [0.000381] tin on solder tail, with entire contact under- plated .000050 [0.00127] nickel [.83.4604] [.20.8156] [.73.0755] Holddown — Copper alloy; plated .0000150 [0.00381] tin over .000050 .190 [0.00127] nickel .175 [4.83] [4.45] .063 (2 Plc) .100 [1.57] Related Product Data [2.54] (2 Plc) .136 Min [3.45] Mating Receptacles— page 15, 21 D (2 Plc) Performance Specifications — page 24 Note: Refer to Tyco Electronics Recommended PC Board Layout Customer Drawings for additional PC board layout information and dimensional tolerances. Technical Documents — page 24 Product Specification108-1443 Application Specification 114-7010 Packaging: Tube Header No. of Dimensions Part Numbers Pos. A B C D Latching Non-Latching 10 .630 [16.00] 9 .225 [5.72] .550 [13.97] 5-104895-1 5-104894-1 20 .880 [22.35] 19 .475 [12.07] .800 [20.32] 5-104895-2 5-104894-2 30 1.130 [28.70] 29 .725 [18.42] 1.050 [26.67] 5-104895-3 5-104894-3 40 1.380 [35.05] 39 .975 [24.77] 1.300 [33.02] 5-104895-4 5-104894-4 50 1.630 [41.40] 49 1.225 [31.12] 1.550 [39.37] 5-104895-5 5-104894-5 60 1.880 [47.75] 59 1.475 [37.47] 1.800 [45.72] 5-104895-6 5-104894-6 70 2.130 [54.10] 69 1.725 [43.82] 2.050 [52.07] 5-104895-7 5-104894-7 80 2.380 [60.45] 79 1.975 [50.17] 2.300 [58.42] 5-104895-8 5-104894-8 100 2.880 [73.15] 99 2.475 [62.87] 2.800 [71.12] 6-104895-0 6-104894-0 Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 19 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Cable-to-Board Connectors Product Facts ■ Double-row receptacle d connectors provide cable- ars to-board connection o-Boector capabilities for vertical e-tnn headers (non-latching) and ablCo right-angle headers C (latching and non-latching) ■ IDC (Insulation Displacement Crimp) mass termination of solid or 2 stranded round conductor .050 [1.27] centerline ribbon cable with PVC or polyethylene insulation ■ Accommodates ribbon cable conductor sizes of 28 AWG [0.08-0.09 mm2] and 30 AWG [0.05 mm2] and insulation diameters up to .036 [0.91] maximum ■ Reliable single beam receptacle contact design ■ Duplex plated receptacle contacts; gold plated in mating area, tin in termination area These double-row cable stranded round conductor mounted right-angle header. connectors, with a .050 x ribbon cable with conductor The cable connector without ■ Terminating covers (sold .050 [1.27 x 1.27] centerline sizes of 28 AWG [0.08-0.09 a metal latch features separately) provide both contact spacing, provide mm2] and 30 AWG [0.05 polarization to help prevent strain relief and protection cable-to-board connection mm2] and a maximum mismating. All connectors to the termination area capabilities for the insulation diameter of .036 are available in sizes ■ Sizes of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, AMPMODU 50/50 Grid [0.91]. During termination, ranging from 10 through 60, 70, 80 and 100 positions Connector System. Cable the terminating covers, 100 positions (in 10 position ■ Connectors available with or connectors without a latch which must be purchased increments). without metal latch will mate with the vertical separately, assist in guiding ■ Connectors without latches headers (page 16), while the wire into the IDC are polarized to help cable connectors with or contacts, then provide prevent mismating without a latch can be used strain relief when fully to mate with the right-angle seated. Actual termination ■ Recognized under the headers (page 19). is accomplished with the Component Program of Tyco Electronics manual Underwriters The cable connectors tooling shown on page 23. Laboratories Inc., feature reliable single- File No. E28476 R beam IDC (insulation The latching version of the displacement crimp) cable connector is ■ Certified by Canadian contacts which are duplex equipped with a metal latch Standards plated with .000030 which provides positive Association R [0.00076] gold. These retention of the receptacle File No. LR7189 contacts can be mass cable connector when terminated to either solid or mated with a surface- 20 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Cable-to-Board Receptacle Connectors, Double Row, .050 x .050 [1.27 x 1.27] Centerline R Re oc we , Wpta ith acle C no dn Wne ithcto A out Lrs, D ao tchuble 2 Material and Finish Housing — Thermoplastic, black, 94V-0 rated Latch — Stainless steel Contacts — Phosphor bronze; duplex .280 plated .000030 [0.00076] minimum [7.11] gold in mating area, .000150 [0.00381] minimum tin on solder tail, with entire .627 contact underplated .000050 [0.00127] [15.94] .690 minimum nickel [17.56] Related Product Data Mating Headers — page 16, 19 (latching) D Terminating Covers (Must be Purchased Separately, 2 Required .120 per Connector) — page 22 [3.05] Termination Tooling — page 23 Performance Specifications — page 24 .050 B Spaces at [1.27] .050 [1.27]= C Typ Technical Documents — page 24 Product Specification108-1443 .284 .327 Application Specification [7.21] [8.31] 408-9817, 408-9909 .050 [1.27] Packaging: Tube Receptacle No. of Dimensions Part Numbers Pos. A B C D With Latch Without Latch 10 .578 [14.68] 4 .200 [5.08] .266 [6.76] 5-104892-1 5-104893-1 20 .828 [21.03] 9 .450 [11.43] .516 [13.11] 5-104892-2 5-104893-2 30 1.078 [27.38] 14 .700 [17.78] .766 [19.46] 5-104892-3 5-104893-3 40 1.328 [33.73] 19 .950 [24.13] 1.016 [25.81] 5-104892-4 5-104893-4 50 1.578 [40.08] 24 1.200 [30.48] 1.266 [32.16] 5-104892-5 5-104893-5 60 1.828 [46.43] 29 1.450 [36.83] 1.516 [38.51] 5-104892-6 5-104893-6 70 2.078 [52.78] 34 1.700 [43.18] 1.766 [44.86] 5-104892-7 5-104893-7 80 2.328 [59.13] 39 1.950 [49.53] 2.016 [51.21] 5-104892-8 5-104893-8 100 2.828 [71.83] 49 2.450 [62.23] 2.516 [63.91] 6-104892-0 6-104893-0 Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 21 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Terminating Covers for Cable Connectors g n ati nw miRo or Teruble nnecter, Do ov Co e C bl a C 2 Material Glass-filled thermoplastic, A black, 94V-0 rated Related Product Data .191 [4.85] Connectors used with Covers — page 21 Termination Tooling — page 23 Technical Documents — page 24 .277 Product Specification108-1443 [7.04] Application Specification 408-9817, 408-9909 Packaging: Plastic bag No. of Dimension Terminator Cover Pos. A Part Numbers 10 .565 [14.35] 104891-1 20 .815 [20.70] 104891-2 30 1.065 [27.05] 104891-3 40 1.315 [33.82] 104891-4 50 1.565 [39.75] 104891-5 60 1.815 [46.10] 104891-6 70 2.065 [52.45] 104891-7 80 2.315 [58.80] 104891-8 100 2.815 [71.50] 1-104891-0 Note: Terminating covers must be purchased separately, two are required for each cable connector. Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 22 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Application Tooling for Cable Connectors The Manual Miniature Application Frame IDC Assembly 91295-1, (In eCuqsloeusdipin fpgoer K dthi twe 5i tI4hD3 Ca5 1Cte8or-v1me, irnisa- Crimp) Tosulation D tcioanb loef criobnbnoenc tcoarbs lseh toow thne on olingispla c page 21. e m e Prior to termination, the n t covers must be partially assembled onto a connec- 2 tor housing, the cable inserted between the cov- ers and contacts and the covers preclosed by hand, clamping the cable in place. In the Manual Miniature Application Frame Assembly, the covers are fully seated to complete the mass termination and pro- Manual Miniature Application Frame Assembly 91295-1 vide strain relief for the with Cover Closing Kit 543518-1 completed connection. For tooling information, call Technical Support Center 1-800-522-6752. Note: Refer to Tyco Electonics Instruction Sheets 408-9817 (Frame Assembly 91295-1) and 408-9909 (Cover Closing Kit 543518-1) for complete termination/tooling infor- mation. Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 23 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

AMPMODU Interconnection System Performance Specifications Board-to-Board Connectors, Vertical and Right-Angle s/ SpecificationDocuments MUDCuunarrmtraienabngtiilt ni FRtgyoa :rF tcTioeenrs:gc t6e:e d.(:43 t 10oo.° z02 C (0o1 0zT. 7 [cr80iys .cN2el8)e]: s mN. 5m]a axminm. i.pnpe.e rpr ece orp ncetora nccttoancttact ance nical Operating Temperature Range: -65°C to +105°C erformTech TInesrumlaintiaotnio Rn eRseisstiasntacnec: e5:0 1060 mmiellgioohhmmss mmainx.. ((iinniittiiaall)) P Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 300 VAC 2 Cable-to-Board Connectors Mating Force: 6.4 oz (1.78 N] max. per contact Unmating Force Without Latch: .5 oz [0.14 N] min. per contact Durability: Tested to 200 cycles min. Current Rating: (10°C T rise): .5 ampere per contact Operating Temperature Range: -65°C to +105°C Termination Resistance: 25 milliohms max. (initial and final) Insulation Resistance: 5000 megohms min. (initial) Dielectric Withstanding Voltage: 300 VAC Technical Documents Various technical documents are available for your use: Product Specifications describe technical performance characteristics and verification tests. They are intended for the Design, Component and Quality Engineer. 108-1332 AMPMODU 50/50 Grid Vertical Board-to-Board Connectors 108-1443 AMPMODU 50/50 Grid Right-Angle Board-to-Board and Cable Connectors Application Specifications describe requirements for using the product in its intended application and/or crimping information. They are intended for the Packaging and Design Engineer and the Machine Setup Person. 114-7010 AMPMODU 50/50 Grid Connector System Instruction Sheets provide instructions for assembling or applying the product. They are intended for the Manufacturing Assembler or Operator. 408-9817 Manual Miniature Application Frame Assembly 91295-1 408-9909 Cover Closing Kit 543518-1 Note:All part numbers are RoHS compliant. 24 Catalog 1307819 Dimensions are in inches and Dimensions are shown for USA: 1-800-522-6752 South America: 55-11-2103-6000 Revised 8-08 millimeters unless otherwise reference purposes only. Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Hong Kong: 852-2735-1628 specified. Values in brackets Specifications subject Mexico: 01-800-733-8926 Japan: 81-44-844-8013 www.tycoelectronics.com are metric equivalents. to change. C. America: 52-55-1106-0803 UK: 44-8706-080-208

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