

  • 型号: 08055C474K4Z2A
  • 制造商: AVX
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供08055C474K4Z2A由AVX设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 08055C474K4Z2A价格参考。AVX08055C474K4Z2A封装/规格:陶瓷电容器, 0.47µF ±10% 50V 陶瓷电容器 X7R 0805(2012 公制)。您可以下载08055C474K4Z2A参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有08055C474K4Z2A 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

AVX Corporation的08055C474K4Z2A是一款陶瓷电容器,广泛应用于各种电子设备中。其主要应用场景包括但不限于以下几个方面:

1. 电源滤波:在电源电路中,该电容器可以用于平滑直流电压,减少纹波和噪声。它能有效过滤电源中的高频干扰,确保供电稳定,适用于开关电源、线性电源等设备。

2. 去耦与旁路:在数字电路和模拟电路中,该电容器常被用作去耦电容或旁路电容,以消除电源线上的噪声和瞬态电压波动,保证芯片和其他元件的正常工作。特别适用于高速数字电路、微控制器、FPGA等对电源稳定性要求较高的场合。

3. 信号耦合与解耦:在信号处理电路中,该电容器可用于耦合不同级之间的信号,同时阻挡直流分量。此外,它还可以用于解耦信号路径中的噪声,提高信号的纯净度,适用于音频放大器、射频电路等。

4. 时钟电路与时序控制:在时钟振荡器和定时电路中,该电容器可以帮助设定振荡频率和定时时间,确保电路的精确性和稳定性。它适用于时钟生成电路、定时器、脉冲发生器等。

5. EMI抑制:在电磁兼容性(EMI)设计中,该电容器可以用于抑制电磁干扰,减少对外界的辐射和对内部电路的干扰。它能够有效地吸收高频噪声,防止其传播到其他部分,适用于汽车电子、工业控制系统等对EMI敏感的环境。

6. 温度补偿:由于该电容器具有良好的温度特性,它可以在温度变化较大的环境中保持稳定的电容值,适用于需要温度补偿的精密测量仪器、传感器等。

总之,AVX Corporation的08055C474K4Z2A陶瓷电容器凭借其优异的性能和可靠性,在众多电子设备中发挥着重要作用,特别是在对稳定性、噪声抑制和温度特性有较高要求的应用场景中表现尤为突出。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值



CAP CER 0.47UF 50V 10% X7R 0805多层陶瓷电容器MLCC - SMD/SMT 50v .47uF 10% FLEXITERM









符合RoHS无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求








Automotive MLCCs




多层陶瓷电容器MLCC - SMD/SMT
















1.25 mm


2.01 mm


1.4 mm


0.079" 长 x 0.049" 宽(2.01mm x 1.25mm)




10 %




0805(2012 公制)


0805 (2012 metric)


-55°C ~ 125°C


- 55 C to + 125 C




汽车,Boardflex 敏感








+ 125 C


- 55 C






+/- 15 %








50 V


50 V








Automotive MLCCs X7R Dielectric, Flexiterm



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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

MLCC with FLEXITERM® General Specifications GENERAL DESCRIPTION With increased requirements from the automotive industry for additional component robustness, AVX recognized the need to produce a MLCC with enhanced mechanical strength. It was noted that many components may be subject to severe flexing and vibration when used in various under the hood automotive and other harsh environment applications. To satisfy the requirement for enhanced mechanical strength, AVX had to find a way of ensuring electrical integrity is maintained whilst external forces are being applied to the component. It was found that the structure of the termination needed to be flexible and after much research and development, AVX launched FLEXITERM®. FLEXITERM® is designed to enhance the mechanical flexure and temperature cycling performance of a standard ceramic capacitor with an X7R dielectric. The industry standard for flexure is 2mm minimum. Using FLEXITERM®, AVX provides up to 5mm of flexure without internal cracks. Beyond 5mm, the capacitor will generally fail “open”. As well as for automotive applications FLEXITERM® will provide Design APPLICATIONS Engineers with a satisfactory solution when designing PCB’s which may be subject to high levels of board flexure. High Flexure Stress Circuit Boards • e.g. Depanelization: Components near edges of board. PRODUCT ADVANTAGES Variable Temperature Applications • High mechanical performance able to withstand, 5mm bend test • Soft termination offers improved reliability per- guaranteed. formance in applications where there is tem- • Increased temperature cycling performance, 3000 cycles and beyond. perature variation. • Flexible termination system. • e.g. All kind of engine sensors: Direct • Reduction in circuit board flex failures. connection to battery rail. • Base metal electrode system. Automotive Applications • Automotive or commercial grade products available. • Improved reliability. • Excellent mechanical performance and thermo mechanical performance. HOW TO ORDER 0805 5 C 104 K A Z 2 A Style Voltage Dielectric Capacitance Capacitance Failure Terminations Packaging Special Code 0603 6 = 6.3V C = X7R Code (In pF) Tolerance Rate Z = FLEXITERM® 2 = 7" reel A = Std. Product 0805 Z = 10V F = X8R 2 Sig Digits + J = ±5%* A=Commercial For FLEXITERM® 4 = 13" reel 1206 Y = 16V Number of Zeros K = ±10% 4 = Automotive with Tin/Lead 1210 3 = 25V e.g., 104 = 100nF M = ±20% termination see 1812 5 = 50V AVX LD Series 2220 1 = 100V *≤1μF only 2 = 200V NOTE: Contact factory for availability of Tolerance Options for Specific Part Numbers. 64 020117

MLCC with FLEXITERM® Specifications and Test Methods PERFORMANCE TESTING BOARD BEND TEST PROCEDURE According to AEC-Q200 AEC-Q200 Qualification: Test Procedure as per AEC-Q200: • Created by the Automotive Electronics Sample size: 20 components Council Span: 90mm Minimum deflection spec: 2 mm LOADING • Specification defining stress KNIFE test qualification for • Components soldered onto FR4 PCB (Figure 1) MOUNTING passive components • Board connected electrically to the test equipment ASSEMBLY (Figure 2) Testing: DIGITAL CALIPER Key tests used to compare BEND TESTPLATE soft termination to AEC-Q200 qualification: CONNECTOR CONTROL • Bend Test PANEL • Temperature Cycle Test CONTROL PANEL Fig 2 - Board Bend test BOARD BEND TEST RESULTS Fig 1 - PCB layout with electrical connections equipment AEC-Q200 Vrs AVX FLEXITERM®Bend Test m)12 0603 m)12 0805 AVX ENHANCED SOFT Substrate Bend (m1086420 NPO X7R X7R soft term Substrate Bend (m1086420 NPO X7R X7R soft term TPBeERnROd MTCeIEsNtDAUTRIOEN BEND TEST The capacitor is soldered to the printed circuit 1210 Substrate Bend (mm)112086420 NPO 12X076R X7R soft term Substrate Bend (mm)112086420 NPO X7R X7R soft term b1moamrd p aesr ssheocwonnd a:nd is bent upM taox. =1 100mmmm at TABLE SUMMARY 90mm Typical bend test results are shown below: Style Conventional Termination FLEXITERM® 0603 >2mm >5mm • The board is placed on 2 supports 90mm 0805 >2mm >5mm apart (capacitor side down) 1206 >2mm >5mm • The row of capacitors is aligned with the load stressing knife TEMPERATURE CYCLE TEST PROCEDURE Test Procedure as per AEC-Q200: The test is conducted to determine the resistance of the Max. = 10mm component when it is exposed to extremes of alternating high and low temperatures. • Sample lot size quantity 77 pieces • TC chamber cycle from -55ºC to +125ºC for 1000 cycles • Interim electrical measurements at 250, 500, 1000 cycles • The load is applied and the deflection where • Measure parameter capacitance dissipation factor, the part starts to crack is recorded (Note: insulation resistance Equipment detects the start of the crack using a highly sensitive current detection Test Temperature Profile (1 cycle) circuit) • The maximum deflection capability is 10mm 020117 65

MLCC with FLEXITERM® Specifications and Test Methods BEYOND 1000 CYCLES: TEMPERATURE CYCLE TEST RESULTS 0603 0805 10 10 8 8 e e ur 6 ur 6 ail ail F 4 F 4 % % 2 2 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 1206 1210 10 10 8 8 e e ur 6 ur 6 ail ail F 4 F 4 % % 2 2 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 AEC-Q200 specification states Soft Term - No Defects up to 3000 cycles 1000 cycles compared to AVX 3000 temperature cycles. FLEXITERM® TEST SUMMARY • Qualified to AEC-Q200 test/specification with the exception • Board bend test improvement by a factor of 2 to 4 times. of using AVX 3000 temperature cycles (up to +150°C bend • Temperature Cycling: test guaranteed greater than 5mm). – 0% Failure up to 3000 cycles • FLEXITERM®provides improved performance c ompared to – No ESR change up to 3000 cycles standard termination systems. WITHOUT SOFT TERMINATION WITH SOFT TERMINATION Major fear is of latent board flex failures. Far superior mechanical performance. Generally open failure mode beyond 5mm flexure. 66 020117

MLCC with FLEXITERM® X8R Dielectric Capacitance Range SIZE 0603 0805 1206 Soldering Reflow/Wave Reflow/Wave Reflow/Wave WVDC 25V 50V 25V 50V 25V 50V 271 Cap 270 G G 331 (pF) 330 G G J J 471 470 G G J J 681 680 G G J J 102 1000 G G J J J J 152 1500 G G J J J J 182 1800 G G J J J J 222 2200 G G J J J J 272 2700 G G J J J J 332 3300 G G J J J J 392 3900 G G J J J J 472 4700 G G J J J J 562 5600 G G J J J J 682 6800 G G J J J J 822 8200 G G J J J J 103 Cap 0.01 G G J J J J 123 (μF) 0.012 G G J J J J 153 0.015 G G J J J J 183 0.018 G G J J J J 223 0.022 G G J J J J 273 0.027 G G J J J J 333 0.033 G G J J J J 393 0.039 G G J J J J 473 0.047 G G J J J J 563 0.056 G N N M M 683 0.068 G N N M M 823 0.082 N N M M 104 0.1 N N M M 124 0.12 N N M M 154 0.15 N N M M 184 0.18 N M M 224 0.22 N M M 274 0.27 M M 334 0.33 M M 394 0.39 M 474 0.47 M 684 0.68 824 0.82 105 1 WVDC 25V 50V 25V 50V 25V 50V SIZE 0603 0805 1206 Letter A C E G J K M N P Q X Y Z Max. 0.33 0.56 0.71 0.90 0.94 1.02 1.27 1.40 1.52 1.78 2.29 2.54 2.79 Thickness (0.013) (0.022) (0.028) (0.035) (0.037) (0.040) (0.050) (0.055) (0.060) (0.070) (0.090) (0.100) (0.110) PAPER EMBOSSED AEC-Q200 Qualified 020117 67

MLCC with FLEXITERM® X7R Dielectric Capacitance Range 0402 0603 0805 1206 1210 1812 2220 Soldering RWeflaovwe/ Reflow/Wave Reflow/Wave Reflow/Wave Reflow Only ROeflnolyw Reflow Only 16V25V50V10V16V25V50V100V200V250V16V25V50V100V200V250V16V25V50V100V200V250V500V16V 25V 50V100V 50V 100V25V 50V 100V 221 Cap 220 C C C 271 (pF) 270 C C C 331 330 C C C 391 390 C C C 471 470 C C C 561 560 C C C 681 680 C C C 821 820 C C C 102 1000 C C C G G G G G G J J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 182 1800 C C C G G G G G G J J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 222 2200 C C C G G G G G G J J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 332 3300 C C C G G G G G G J J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 472 4700 C C C G G G G G G J J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 103 Cap 0.01 C G G G G G G J J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 123 (μF) 0.012 C G G G J J J M J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 153 0.015 C G G G J J J M J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 183 0.018 C G G G J J J M J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 223 0.022 C G G G J J J J J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 273 0.027 C G G G J J J M J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 333 0.033 C G G G J J J M J J J J J J J J K K K K K K 473 0.047 G G G J J J M J J J J J M J J K K K K K K 563 0.056 G G G J J J M J J J M J J K K K M K K 683 0.068 G G G J J J M J J J M J J K K K M K K 823 0.082 G G G J J J M J J J M J J K K K M K K 104 0.1 C G G G J J M M J J J M J J K K K M K K 124 0.12 J J M N J J M M K K K P K K 154 0.15 M N M N J J M M K K K P K K 224 0.22 G M N M N J M M Q M M M P M M 334 0.33 N N M N J M P Q P P P Q X X 474 0.47 N N M N M M P Q P P P Q X X 684 0.68 N N N M Q Q Q P P Q X X X 105 1 N N N M Q Q Q P Q Q X X X 155 1.5 Q Q Q P Q Z Z X X 225 2.2 Q Q Q X Z Z Z Z Z 335 3.3 Q Q X Z Z Z Z 475 4.7 Q Q X Z Z Z Z Z 106 10 Z Z Z Z 226 22 Z 16V25V50V10V16V25V50V100V200V250V16V25V50V100V200V250V16V25V50V100V200V250V500V16V 25V 50V100V 50V 100V25V 50V 100V 0402 0603 0805 1206 1210 1812 2220 Letter A C E G J K M N P Q X Y Z Max. 0.33 0.56 0.71 0.90 0.94 1.02 1.27 1.40 1.52 1.78 2.29 2.54 2.79 Thickness (0.013) (0.022) (0.028) (0.035) (0.037) (0.040) (0.050) (0.055) (0.060) (0.070) (0.090) (0.100) (0.110) PAPER EMBOSSED 68 101918