

  • 型号: 058-8578-102
  • 制造商: ITT CANNON
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx




ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供058-8578-102由ITT CANNON设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 058-8578-102价格参考¥6.24-¥7.83。ITT CANNON058-8578-102封装/规格:圆形连接器 - 配件, 。您可以下载058-8578-102参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有058-8578-102 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

ITT Cannon, LLC 的型号为058-8578-102的圆形连接器配件,主要用于工业和军事领域中对高可靠性和耐用性有严格要求的应用场景。具体应用场景如下:

 1. 航空航天

 2. 军事装备
   军事装备如坦克、战车、雷达系统、通信设备等,通常需要在恶劣环境中工作,因此对连接器的要求极高。ITT Cannon的圆形连接器能够承受冲击、振动、湿度、温度变化等严苛条件,确保军事设备的正常运行。

 3. 工业自动化

 4. 医疗设备
   医疗设备如手术机器人、监护仪、X光机等,对连接器的可靠性要求极高。ITT Cannon的圆形连接器能够提供稳定的电气连接,确保设备在长时间使用中的安全性和准确性,尤其是在手术室等关键场合。

 5. 交通运输

 6. 能源行业
   在石油、天然气、风力发电等能源行业中,圆形连接器用于连接井下设备、海上平台、风力发电机等。这些环境通常具有高温、高压、强腐蚀性等特点,ITT Cannon的连接器能够在这种极端条件下提供可靠的电气连接。

总之,ITT Cannon的058-8578-102圆形连接器配件凭借其卓越的性能和可靠性,广泛应用于多个行业的关键设备中,确保了系统的稳定运行和安全性。
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圆形连接器 - 后壳和电缆夹


ITT Cannon, LLC







无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求






IP67/69K - 防尘,防水




1件 - 1后壳






聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯(PBT)、 玻璃纤维增强型






































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C016 00V000 000 12

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Interconnect Solutions Cannon, VEAM, BIW Cannon APD Series ISO 15170 Connectors

Cannon, VEAM, BIW A Historical Achievement of Technology Leadership Defining and Championing Innovation Showcasing a portfolio of creativity, ITT’s “Engineered For Life” execution embraces products which have become ubiquitous in a broad collection of markets including: Military/Aerospace, Civil Aircraft, Industrial Instrumentation, Medical, Oil & Gas, Energy, Transportation, Telecom/Handset, Computer, Consumer, and Automotive. ITT’s rich interconnect history embraces contributions to both technological breakthroughs and social movements. With one of the industry’s broadest product offerings, ITT’s interconnect products have supported: • Every Free World space mission, bringing the universe to our doorstep. • Motion picture, radio, and television equipment, serving laughter and entertainment to millions. • Commercial and military communications systems, linking the voices of the world. • Computerized tools, reshaping the information highway. • Aircraft, rapid transit, and automobiles, mobilizing our expanding society. • Oil and natural gas production, powering the world’s economies. • Agricultural equipment, attacking the roots of world hunger.

ITT Interconnect Solutions ITT Interconnect Solutions is a division of the multi-na- to offer products at market driven prices. Our capabili- tional ITT Corporation, a $9 billion dollar global enter- ties, especially in robotics, computerized precision tool- prise representing the brands Cannon, VEAM, ing, Kaizen Project Management, Six Sigma tools, and and BIW. Our connector portfolio remains the most testing, give ITT the most optimized global manufac- extensive in the industry offering the most reliable and turing footprint in the interconnect industry. cost effective range of interconnect solutions. These innovations have enabled ITT to provide products and technologies to such markets as: The Custom Difference • Automotive As the industry leader in harsh environment intercon- • Computer/Consumer nect applications, ITT’s world class engineering teams • Industrial/Instrumentation will work directly with our customers to design and • Military/Aerospace develop cost effective solutions for their applications. • Oil Fields In many cases we may modify one of our standard • Telecom/Handset designs to ensure a highly reliable solution where • Transportation timing is critical. Yet, in those cases where a complete custom interconnect solution is required, ITT will work When you specify a Cannon, VEAM or BIW connector, with our customer’s Engineers to design an intercon- you can rely on a product designed, developed, and nect solution which will be cost effective yet highly manufactured to the highest quality and reliability reliable. As professional consultants, our Engineering standards. This tradition of excellence is based on ITT’s teams will provide a thorough systems and mechani- corporate culture of operating its businesses under the cal analysis of any proposed solution. These analyses principles of Six Sigma. At ITT, Six Sigma provide our customers with sophisticated electrical is not just a quality philosophy but a complete signal and mechanical characterizations to determine corporate culture that drives the entire business. Our the best solution for their application. Value Based Management and Value Based Product Development systems are two cornerstones that allow RoHS Compliance Information for the development of both leadership and product engineering principles, ensuring the correct industry ITT has implemented a strict parts control plan for leading products are developed to the accepted all ITT electronics plants worldwide that allows the market driven lead times. These principles have Cannon, VEAM, and BIW connector product port- allowed ITT to become the market leader in all of our folios to meet the requirements of European Union business portfolios. Directive 2002/95/EC better know as the Reduction of Hazardous Substances initiative. As appropriate, Six Sigma Manufacturing specific Cannon, VEAM, and BIW products may be ordered with an R prefix number which insures our ITT operates manufacturing facilities in the United customers will receive RoHS compliant parts for their States, Germany, Italy, Mexico, China, Japan and the commercial electronics applications and equipment. UK, all of which have particular product area strengths Since most RoHS hazardous substances center around allowing ITT to offer a truly global footprint to our specific metal plating and lead solder coatings, ITT’s customers. Our facilities are world class and accom- products for RoHS compliance are available in the modate full vertical integration utilizing the latest following plating finishes: black zincelectroless nick- manufacturing technologies including: automated and el, stainless steel, Anodize over aluminum and Gold robotic machining centers, Super Market manufactur- plating. It should be noted that gold plating would be ing cells, Kanban pull systems, and automated electri- recommended as the replacement for tin-lead solder cal, mechanical, and optical test and inspection equip- when ordering board mount connectors. ment. The combination of our manufacturing strength and our advanced manufacturing facilities allows ITT www.ittcannon.com

Interconnect Technologies & Solutions for the Transportation Industry For over 90 years, ITT has been developing innovative solutions for harsh environment applications. We have a proven track record of demonstrating our expertise and commitment to the transportation industry, offering the broadest portfolio of interconnect products. Off-Road / Heavy Vehicle Our interconnect range include sealed circulars, plastic and metal shell bayonet coupling circulars, miniature metal shell circulars, PC board header connectors and sensor and direct device connectors. ITT is also a systems supplier, providing value-added module and harness assemblies. In addition to our APD ISO 15170 series, we also offer these connectivity solutions: VEAM VBN Cannon CA-Bayonet Completely intermateable with VEAM VG95234/CIR reverse bayonet connectors. Signal and power connectors with exceptional sealing against the ingress of fluids and will withstand the effects of high vibrations. Cannon Trident Versatile range of electrical connectors based on a standard contact design. Options include; industrial grade, harsh environment and shielded circulars. Cannon Sure Seal Sure Seal is a series of rugged, IP 67 proof connectors. The one piece molded body pro- vides integrated sealing and excellent vibra- tion resistance. The ITT “Engineered Blocks” symbol and the composite ITT logo are registered trademarks of ITT Corporation. © 2011 4

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Table of Contents APD is a versatile range of full plastic direct, in-line and bulkhead connectors. The products were origi- nally designed for the transportation, off-road and special vehicle markets meeting all typical demands of applications in this field. In the meantime APD is also the connector of choice in other areas as e.g. military or industrial applications that require harsh environment solutions while needing a product that is both, small in size and light in weight. The APD series covers a wide range of 1 and 2-way power solutions up to 51-way interface connectors, special sensor or PCB type versions and a flexible platform for your customized solutions. Based on the original DIN72585 standard – now replaced by ISO 15170 – this connector is an ideal solu- tion whenever harsh environment requirements like resistance to engine, transmission or brake fluids, high sealing grades up to IP69K or vibration requirements have to be met. Please be aware that all mentioned connectors are not designed to be disconnected under load. APD 1-2-way 7-24 APD 4-7-way 25-41 APD Sensor Connectors 42-43 APD 19-way 44-54 APD 37 & 51-way 55-72 APD PCB Versions 73 Conversion Charts 74 Part Number Index 75-76 www.ittcannon.com 5

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Product Overview APD / ISO 15170 Series 1-way 1-way 2-way 2-way 4-way 4-way Receptacle Receptacle Receptacle Type Plug Flange / Jam Nut / Plug Flange / Jam Nut / Plug Flange / Jam Nut Snap-In Snap-In Copper alloy Copper alloy Contacts Copper alloy Copper alloy Copper alloy Copper alloy tin, silver, gold tin, silver, gold Materials silver plated silver plated silver plated silver plated plated plated Contact style Machined Machined Machined Machined Stamped & Formed Stamped & Formed Page Number 8 9-11 19 19-21 26 27-28 APD / ISO 15170 Series 6/7-way 6/7-way Sensor style 1 Sensor style 2 19-way 19-way Receptacle Receptacle Flange / Type Plug Receptacle Receptacle Plug Flange / Jam Nut Jam Nut/ Wire-to-wire Copper alloy Copper alloy Contacts Copper alloy Copper alloy Copper alloy Copper alloy tin, silver, gold tin, silver, gold Materials silver plated silver plated silver plated silver plated plated plated Stamped & Formed Stamped & Formed Contact style Machined Machined Stamped & Formed Stamped & Formed Machined Machined Page Number 36 37-38 42 43 45 46-48 APD / ISO 15170 Series 37-way 37-way 51-way 51-way 51-way PCB Receptacle Receptacle Receptacle Type Plug Plug Receptacle Flange Jam Nut Snap In Copper alloy Copper alloy Contacts Copper alloy Copper alloy Copper alloy Copper alloy tin, silver, gold tin, silver, gold Materials silver plated silver plated silver plated silver plated plated plated Stamped & Formed Stamped & Formed Stamped & Formed Stamped & Formed Stamped & Formed Contact style Machined Machined Machined Machined Machined Machined Page Number 56 57 63 65 64 73 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 6 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Technical Data, High Power 1-way* The APD 1 / 2-way connectors are derived from ISO 15170 and adapted to applications requiring high power. These versions cover wire ranges from 16 mm² up to 50 mm² power and a power consumption up to 245A. The combi- nation of small size and high power make them an ideal solution for many applications. Applications for the 1 / 2-way connector include: • Tail lifts •On Board Kitchen •Power Supply for Antennas and Base Stations Power Distribution in: •Trucks •Tractors Electrical Data Operating Voltage 48 VDC* Operating Current see derating curve Contact Resistance 0,4 mΩ max. Voltage Proof 1000 VAC, 60 seconds Insulation Resistance 10 MΩ min. Mechanical Data Durability 50 Mating Cycles Coupling Torque 2 Nm max. Static Load, free connector 350 N (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.6) Environmental Data (acc. ISO 15170) Temperature Range -40 °C up to 125 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Humidity Range up to 95 % r.h. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Sealing IP 67 (DIN EN 60529)* Salt Spray 96 h, 35 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.2) Industrial Climate SO , 0,67 % (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.3) 2 Fluid Compatibility Brakefluid, ATF, fuel, .. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.6)* Vibration Resistance Sine, 100 m/s², 3 axis, 24h, RT (EN 60512)* Materials List Housing Parts PBT GF Sealing Parts HNBR (alternative FKM) Coupling Nut PA 66 GF Contacts Copper Alloy, Ag plated * Further information available upon request Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 7

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power Plug, 1-way High Power Plug, 1-way Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0012 APD-5BSH 5 blue (RAL 5012) 121583-0013 APD-6BSH 6 red (RAL 2002) 121583-0042 APD-7BSH 7 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket crimp contacts see pages 12 and 13. Accessories, see pages 15 and 16. Note: Always use hex nut and cable seal. Coding, 1-way layouts View on Mating Face Code 5 Code 6 Code 7 blue red black Note: the connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 8 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power Flange Receptacle, 1-way High Power Flange Receptacle, 1-way PG 16 ø23,5 3,2 18,3 44,0 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0014 APD-5APH 5 blue (RAL 5012) 121583-0015 APD-6APH 6 red (RAL 2002) 121583-0043 APD-7APH 7 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see pages 12, 13 and 14. Accessories, see pages 15 and 16. Note: Always use hex nut and cable seal. Coding, 1-way layouts View on Mating Face Code 5 Code 6 Code 7 blue red black Note: the connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Panel Cut Out Flange for all Flange Receptacles R 23,90 7 0 3 2 3 2 B 23 ø 23,8+0,2 ø ø3,28 ø 3,3or M3 23 B 30 Order Number: 066-8516-005 Metal mounting flange for wall mounting of flange receptacles. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 9

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power Jam Nut Receptacle, 1-way High Power Jam Nut Receptacle, 1-way PG 16 ø23,5 28,7 44,0 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0016 APD-5CPH 5 blue (RAL 5012) 121583-0017 APD-6CPH 6 red (RAL 2002) 121583-0217 APD-7CPH 7 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see pages 12, 13 and 14. Accessories, see pages 15 and 16. Note: Includes jam nut for wall thickness 1...4 mm. Always use hex nut and cable seal. Coding, 1-way layouts View on Mating Face Code 5 Code 6 Code 7 blue red black Note: the connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Panel Cut Out Flange for all Flange Receptacles 11,9 R0,2 R0,4 14,6 11,9 29,4 Housing O-ring Jam Nut Wall thickness: Standard Jam Nut: min. 1,0 / max. 4,0 mm Special Jam Nut: min. 2,0 / max. 5,0 mm Jam Nut, special Designation Order No. for special wall thickness 2,0 - 5,0 mm 217-8516-001 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 10 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power Snap-In Receptacle, 1-way High Power Snap-In Receptacle, 1-way Order No. Designation Code Color 249-8619-005 APD-7SPH 7 black (RAL 9005) 249-8619-006 APD-6SPH 6 red (RAL 2002) consult factory APD-5SPH 5 blue (RAL 5012) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see pages 12, 13 and 14. Accessories, see pages 15 and 16. Note: Always use hex nut and cable seal. Coding, 1-way layouts View on Mating Face Code 5 Code 6 Code 7 blue red black Note: the connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Panel Cut Out 3D data for design of snap-in cut out available on request. Please consult factory. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 11

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power 1-way, Contacts Machined Socket Crimp-Contacts, High Performance Copper, Silver plated 16...35 mm2 Order No. AWG Contact size d5+0,15 031-8521-030 (16,00 mm2) 0 6,2 003311--88552211--001200 ((2355,,0000 mmmm22)) 42 00 79,,61 ø14,3 ød5 031-8646-015 (50,00 mm2) with bunch 0 10,2 Packaging unit 100 pcs. 41,6 50 mm2 Machined Pin Crimp Contacts, High Performance Copper, Silver plated 16...35 mm2 Order No. AWG contact size d6+0,15 030-8614-030 (16,00 mm2) 0 6,2 030-8614-010 (25,00 mm2) 4 0 7,6 030-8614-020 (35,00 mm2) 2 0 9,1 030-8581-029 (50,00 mm2) with bunch 0 10,2 Packaging unit 100 pcs. 50 mm2 Derating Curve, High Performance Copper Contact 350 1 300 1: 50mm² 2: 35mm² 250 2 3: 25mm² 4: 16mm² 3 A] 200 [ nt urre 4 C 150 100 50 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 AmbientTemperature[°C] Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 12 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power 1-way, Contacts Machined Socket Crimp-Contacts, Standard Brass, Silver plated 16...35 mm2 Order No. AWG Contact size d5+0,15 031-8531-010 (16,00 mm2) 0 6,2 031-8531-011 (25,00 mm2) 4 0 7,6 003311--88553311--001123 ((3550,,0000 mmmm22)) with bu2 nch 00 190,1,2 ø14,3 ød5 Packaging unit 100 pcs. 41,6 *Available by Request 50 mm2 Machined Pin Crimp Contacts, Standard Brass, Silver plated 16...35 mm2 Order No. AWG contact size d6+0,15 030-8581-030 (16,00 mm2) 0 6,2 030-8581-031 (25,00 mm2) 4 0 7,6 030-8581-032 (35,00 mm2) 2 0 9,1 030-8581-033 (50,00 mm2) with bunch 0 10,2 Packaging unit 100 pcs. 50 mm2 Derating Curve, Standard Brass Contact 350 300 1: 50mm² 1 2: 35mm² 250 3: 25mm² 4: 16mm² 2 A]200 [ 3 nt e Curr150 4 100 50 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 AmbientTemperature[°C] Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 13

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power Finger Protected 1-way, Contacts A new finger protected pin contact has been imple- mented for the APD High Power 1-way connector series. Applications for the 1-way connector include: • Tail lifts •On Board Navigation •Power Supply for Antennas and Base Stations Power Distribution in: •Trucks •Tractors •Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Machined Pin Crimp Contacts, High Performance Copper, Silver plated, Finger Protected 16...35 mm2 Order No. AWG Contact size d5+0,15 120110-0229 (16,00 mm2) 0 6,2 120110-0220 (25,00 mm2) 4 0 7,6 120110-0221 (35,00 mm2) 2 0 9,1 120110-0222 (50,00 mm2) with bunch 0 10,2 Packaging unit 100 pcs. 50 mm2 Derating Curve, High Performance Copper Contact, Finger Protected 350 1 300 1: 50mm² 2: 35mm² 250 2 3: 25mm² 4: 16mm² 3 A] 200 [ nt urre 4 C 150 100 50 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 AmbientTemperature[°C] Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 14 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power 1-way, Contacts, Seals, Nut Sealing Cap for Receptacle Designation Order No. APD-DP 121583-0021 Packaging unit 100 pcs. ø = 5,6 mm APD-DP with rope, end link and eyelet X = Total rope length upon request Order number 120110-0026* X~9cm * for other lengths please consult the factory Cable Seal for Cable (in acc. to DIN 670722 FLY/ DIN 72551 FLRY) High Power 1-way Order No. Insulation ø ø A mm 351-8697-005 5,8 - 7,4 5,4 351-8697-014 7,4 - 8,4 6,5 351-8697-009 8,4 - 10,0 8,0 351-8697-001 10,4 - 12,0 10,0 351-8697-002 12,3 - 13,5 11,6 351-8697-003 14,2 - 15,8 13,8 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Hexagonal Nut High Power 1-way Order No. 217-8516-010 Packging unit 100 pcs. Flange Gasket For Flange Receptacle, High Power 1-way Order No. 075-8503-000 (-55/125˚C) 075-8503-004 (-30/200˚C) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Nominal Width: 17 Adaptor for Flex Tube For 1-way Plug and Receptacle Order No. 980-8672-010 (ø 17 mm) Packging unit 100 pcs. 90˚ Endbell For 1-way Plug and Receptacle up to 25 mm2 wire Order No.: 980-8672-004 Packging unit 100 pcs. ø max. = 17,4 mm thread = PG 16 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 15

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Accessories, 1-way Dust Cap for Plug Order No. 025-8636-005 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dust Cap for Receptacle Order No. 025-0480-000 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Blind Socket for 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 7-way Order No. 120110-0217 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Note: All cavities closed, mates with 1-7-way APD versions. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 16 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling High Power, 1-way Tooling for 1-way High Power Connectors Contact / Socket Crimp-Dies 031-8561-000 (50,00 mm2) 121586-5229 031-8521-020 (35,00 mm2 / AWG 2) 121586-5229 031-8521-010 (25,00 mm2 / AWG 4) 121586-5229 031-8521-030 (16,00 mm2) 121586-5229 Contact / Pin Crimp-Dies 030-8592-000 (50,00 mm2) 121586-5229 030-8614-020 (35,00 mm2 / AWG 2) 121586-5229 030-8614-010 (25,00 mm2 / AWG 4) 121586-5229 030-8614-030 (16,00 mm2) 121586-5229 Optional locator 121586-5232 Assembly Tools Jam Nut Receptacle Square box spanner for torque moment wrench to fix the jam nut. Designation Order No. SS627G 317-8649-034 SW30 Assembly Tools (Hexagonal Nut) To fix the hexagonal fixing nut 217-8516-010. Order No. 980-8672-005 Torque: 2.5 ± 0.5Nm SW27 Assembly and Torque Wrench Adapter Designation Order No. MA-APD-1/ 2-P 248-8653-063 MA-APD-1/ 2-R 249-8619-010 1/4” adaption Contract Extraction Tool Housing can not be reused. Designation Order No. CET-APD-#OP 121586-5192 CET-APD-#OS 121586-5193 Crimp Tool Crimp Tool Designation Order No. Hydraulic, hand operated: HPW400U-ITT 121586-5257 Electro-hydraulic, 230 V AC operated HP400EL-ITT 121586-5253 For detailed assembly instruction please see CAS 25023. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 17

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Technical Data, High Power 2-way* Electrical Data Operating Voltage 48 VDC* Operating Current see derating curve Contact Resistance 2 mΩ max. Voltage Proof 1000 VAC, 60 seconds Insulation Resistance 10 MΩ min. Mechanical Data Durability 50 Mating Cycles Coupling Torque 2 Nm max. Static Load, free connector 350 N (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.6) Environmental Data (acc. ISO 15170) Temperature Range -40 °C up to 125 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Humidity Range up to 95 % r.h. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Sealing IP 67 (DIN EN 60529)* Salt Spray 96 h, 35 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.2) Industrial Climate SO , 0,67 % (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.3) 2 Fluid Compatibility Brakefluid, ATF, fuel, .. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.6)* Materials List VHioburastiniogn PRaerstsistance SPiBnTe ,G 1F00 m/s², 3 axis, 24h, RT (EN 60512)* Sealing Parts HNBR (alternative FKM) Coupling Nut PA 66 GF Contacts Copper Alloy, Ag plated Derating Curve 140 1 120 2 1: 16mm² 3 2: AWG 6 100 3: 10mm² 4 4: AWG 8 5: 6mm² A] 80 5 nt [ urre C 60 40 20 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Ambient Temperature [°C] Further information available upon request. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 18 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power, Plug, Flange Receptacle 2-way High Power Plug, 2-way Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0083 APD-1BSH8-2-12 1 grey (RAL 7036) 121583-0025 APD-1BSH8-2 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0084 APD-1BSH8-2-14 1 blue (RAL 5012) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket Crimp contacts see page 22. Accessories, see pages 22 and 23. Note: Always use hext nut and cable seal. High Power Flange Receptacle, 2-way PG 16 ø23,5 3,2 18,3 44,0 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0026 APD-1APH8-2 1 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see page 22. Accessories, see pages 22 and 23. Note: Always include hext nut and cable seal. Panel Cut Out Flange for all Flange Receptacles R 23,90 7 0 3 2 3 2 ø 23 ø 23,8+0,2 B ø 3,3or M3 ø3,28 23 B 30 Order Number: 066-8516-005 Note: Metal mounting flange for wall mounting of flange receptacles. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 19

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power Jam Nut Receptacle, 2-way High Power Jam Nut Receptacle, 2-way PG 16 ø23,5 11,3 28,7 44,0 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0085 APD-1CPH8-2-12 1 grey (RAL 7036) 121583-0027 APD-1CPH8-2 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0086 APD-1CPH8-2-14 1 blue (RAL 5012) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see page 22. Accessories, see pages 22 and 23. Note: Includes jam nut for wall thickness 1..4 mm. Always use hex nut and cable seal. Panel Cut Out Flange for all Flange Receptacles 11,9 R0,2 R0,4 14,6 11,9 29,4 Housing O-ring Jam Nut Wall Thickness: Standard Jam Nut: min. 1,0 / max. 4,0 mm Special Jam Nut: min. 2,0 / max. 5,0 mm Jam Nut, special Designation Order No. for special wall thickness 2,0 - 5,0 mm 217-8516-001 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 20 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power Snap-In Receptacle, 2-way High Power Snap-In Receptacle, 2-way Order No. Designation Code Color 249-8619-007 APD-1SPH8-2 1 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see page 22. Accessories, see pages 22 and 23. Note: Always use hext nut and cable seal. Panel Cut Out 3D data for design of snap-in cut out available on request. Please consult factory. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 21

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power 2-way, Contacts, Accessories Machined Pin Crimp Contacts, Standard Silver Plated 10...16 mm2 Order No. d6 d8 L1 430-8645-000 (6,00 mm2) * 3,4 6,8 33,4 430-8645-009 (10,00 mm2) 4,3 6,8 30,9 430-8645-003 (AWG 8) 3,8 6,8 30,9 430-8645-002 (AWG 6) 5,3 6,8 30,9 430-8645-007 (16,00 mm2) 5,5 7,5 30,9 Packaging unit 100 pcs. 6 mm2 * use individual wire seal or grommet Machined Socket Crimp Contacts, Standard Silver Plated 10...16 mm2 Order No. d5 d7 L2 031-8646-010 (6,00 mm2) * 3,4 6,8 33,4 031-8646-011 (10,00 mm2) 4,3 6,8 30,9 031-8646-002 (AWG 8) 3,8 6,8 30,9 031-8646-003 (AWG 6) 5,3 6,8 30,9 031-8646-001 (16,00 mm2) 5,5 7,5 30,9 Packaging unit 100 pcs. 6 mm2 * use individual wire seal or grommet Individual Wire Seals For High Power 2-way 6 mm2 only Designation Order No.: 16GN5824 121668-0035 wire insulation ø 4,3 - 4,8 mm / green Cable Sealing Set For High Power 2-way Set consists of: Hexagonal Nut (1) Compression Support Plate for Cable Seal (2) Cable Seal for Cable (3) Order No. Wire Insulation ø ø A 1 2 121583-1000 4,2 - 5,8 3,8 3 121583-1001 5,7 - 7,3 5,3 121583-1002 7,4 - 8,3 7,3 121583-1003 6,8 - 8,3 6,5 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Flange Gasket For Flange Receptacle, High Power 2-way Order No. 075-8503-000 (-55/125˚C) 075-8503-004 (-30/200˚C) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 22 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors High Power 2-way, Accessories Sealing Cap for Receptacle Designation Order No. APD-DP 121583-0021 Packaging unit 100 pcs. ø = 5,6 mm APD-DP with rope, end link and eyelet X = Total rope length upon request Order number 120110-0026* X~9cm * for other lengths please consult the factory Adaptor for Flex Tube For 2-way Plug and Receptacle Order No. 980-8672-010 (ø 17 mm) Packging unit 100 pcs. Nominal Width: 17 90˚ Endbell For 2-way Plug and Receptacle Order No.: 980-8672-004 Packging unit 100 pcs. ø max. = 17,4 mm thread = PG 16 Dust Cap for Plug Order No. 025-8636-005 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dust Cap for Receptacle Order No. 025-0480-000 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Blind Socket for 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 7-way Order No. 120110-0217 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Note: All cavities closed, mates with 1-7-way APD versions. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 23

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling High Power, 2-way Crimp Die Tooling for 2-way High Power Connectors Contact / Socket Designation Order No. 031-8646-010 (6,00 mm2) with individual wire seal CT120090-165 120090-0165 031-8646-011 (10,00 mm2) CT120090-165 120090-0165 031-8646-002 (AWG 8) CT120090-165 120090-0165 031-8646-003 (AWG 6) CT120090-165 120090- 0165 031-8646-001 (16,0 mm2) CT120090-171 120090-0171 Contact / Socket Designation Order No. 430-8645-000 (6,00 mm2) with individual wire seal CT120090-165 120090-0165 430-8645-009 (10,00 mm2) CT120090-165 120090-0165 430-8645-003 (AWG 8) CT120090-165 120090-0165 430-8645-002 (AWG 6) CT120090-165 120090-0165 430-8645-007 (16,0 mm2) CT120090-171 120090-0171 Assembly Tools Jam Nut Receptacle Square box spanner for torque wrench to tighten the jam nut. Order No. 317-8649-034 SW30 Assembly Tools Hexagonal Nut To tighten the hexagonal fixing nut 217-8516-010. Designation Order No. SS627G 980-8672-005 SW27 Torque 2,5 +/- 0,5 Nm Assembly and Torque Wrench Adapter Designation Order No. MA-APD-1/2-P 248-8653-063 MA-APD-1/2-R 249-8619-010 1/4” adaption Contract Extraction Tool Designation Order No. CET- APD-2 121586-5149 for pin and socket contacts Crimp Tool Crimp Tool Designation Order No. Hydraulic, hand operated: HK120-25 121586-5077 Electro-hydraulic, 230 V AC operated HK12-EL 121586-5075 Hand Crimp Tool 6 / 10 / 16 mm2 121586-5244 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 24 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Technical Data, 4-way APD 4-way connectors are the original DIN72585 (now ISO 15170) versions using a 2,5 mm contact system. Designed for automotive applications they also meet the require- ments of transportation, off-road and special vehicle markets. Applications for the 4- and 7-way connector include: • Sensors • Traction / Skid Control • Brake Control • Magnetic Switch Control Systems • Lightening systems on Trucks and Trailers Electrical Data Operating Voltage 48 VDC* Operating Current see derating curve Contact Resistance 5 mΩ max. Voltage Proof 1000 VAC, 60 seconds Insulation Resistance 10 MΩ min. Mechanical Data Durability 50 Mating Cycles Coupling Torque 1,2 Nm max. Static Load, mated Connector 250 N axial, 150 N lat. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.5) Static Load, free connector 350 N (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.6) Environmental Data (acc. ISO 15170) Temperature Range -40 °C up to 125 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Humidity Range up to 95 % r.h. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Sealing IP 67 and IP 69k (DIN EN 60529)* Salt Spray 96 h, 35 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.2) Industrial Climate SO , 0,67 % (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.3) 2 Fluid Compatibility Brakefluid, ATF, fuel, .. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.6)* Vibration Resistance Sine, 300m/s², 3 x 100h, RT and 120°C (ISO 15170-2)* Materials List Housing Parts PBT GF Sealing Parts HNBR (alternative FKM) Coupling Nut PA 66 GF Contacts Copper Alloy, Ag plated * Further information available upon request Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 25

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Plug, 4-way Derating Curve 40 35 1 1: APK-_25-40/ 4,0mm² 30 2 2: APK-_25-25/ 2,5mm² 3: APK-_25-25/ 1,5mm² 4: APK-_25-10/ 1,0mm² 5: APK-_25-10/ 0,5mm² 25 ent [A]20 3 urr 4 C 5 15 10 5 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Ambient Temperature [°C] Plug, 4-way Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0000 APD-1BS-K2 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0001 APD-2BS-K2 2 grey (RAL 7036) 121583-0002 APD-3BS-K2 3 green (RAL 6029) 121583-0003 APD-4BS-K2 4 blue (RAL 5012) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket crimp contacts see page 32. Accessories, see pages 32 and 33. Coding, 4-way layouts View on Mating Face Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 black grey green blue Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 26 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Flange Receptacle, 4-way Flange Receptacle, 4-way Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0004 APD-1AP-K2 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0005 APD-2AP-K2 2 grey (RAL 7036) 121583-0006 APD-3AP-K2 3 green (RAL 6029) 121583-0007 APD-4AP-K2 4 blue (RAL 5012) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see page 32. Accessories, see pages 32 and 33. Coding, 4-way layouts View on Mating Face Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 black grey green blue Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Panel Cut Out Flange for all Flange Receptacles R 23,90 7 0 3 2 3 2 B 23 ø 23,8+0,2 ø ø3,28 ø 3,3or M3 2330 B Order Number: 066-8516-005 Note: Metal mounting flange for wall mounting of flange receptacle. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 27

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Jam Nut Receptacle, 4-way Jam Nut Receptacle, 4-way ø20,9 ø18,9 ø23,5 14,3 28,0 43,0 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0008 APD-1CP-K2 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0009 APD-2CP-K2 2 grey (RAL 7036) 121583-0010 APD-3CP-K2 3 green (RAL 6029) 121583-0011 APD-4CP-K2 4 blue (RAL 5012) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see page 32. Accessories, see pages 32 and 33. Note: Includes jam nut for wall thickness 1...4 mm. Coding, 4-way layouts View on Mating Face Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 black grey green blue Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Panel Cut Out Piece Parts / Assembly Instruction 11,9 R0,2 R0,4 14,6 11,9 29,4 Housing O-ring Jam Nut Wall Thickness: Standard Jam Nut: min. 1,0 / max. 4,0 mm Special Jam Nut: min. 2,0 / max. 5,0 mm Jam Nut, special Designation Order No. for special wall thickness 2,0 - 5,0 mm 217-8516-001 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 28 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Technical Data, 4-way High Voltage APD 4-way connectors are the original DIN72585 (now ISO 15170) versions using a 2,5 mm contact system. Designed for automotive applications they also meet the requirements of transportation, off-road and special vehicle markets. ITT has come up with a new high voltage version of the APD 4-way connector. Applications for the 4-way connector include: • Sensors • Traction / Skid Control • Brake Control • Magnetic Switch Control Systems • Lightening systems on Trucks and Trailers • Electric Vehicles Electrical Data Operating Voltage 500 V DC/AC* Operating Current see derating curve Contact Resistance 5 mΩ max. Voltage Proof 3500 VAC, 30 seconds Insulation Resistance 10 MΩ min. Mechanical Data Durability 50 Mating Cycles Coupling Torque 1,2 Nm max. Static Load, mated Connector 250 N axial, 150 N lat. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.5) Static Load, free connector 350 N (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.6) Environmental Data (acc. ISO 15170) Temperature Range -40 °C up to 125 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Humidity Range up to 95 % r.h. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Sealing IP 67 and IP 69k (DIN EN 60529)* Salt Spray 96 h, 35 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.2) Industrial Climate SO , 0,67 % (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.3) 2 Fluid Compatibility Brakefluid, ATF, fuel, .. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.6)* Vibration Resistance Sine, 300m/s², 3 x 100h, RT and 120°C (ISO 15170-2)* Materials List Housing Parts PBT GF Sealing Parts HNBR (alternative FKM) Coupling Nut PA 66 GF Contacts Copper Alloy, Sn or Au plated * Further information available upon request Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 29

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Plug, 4-way High Voltage Derating Curve 40 35 1 1: APK-_25-40/ 4,0mm² 30 2 2: APK-_25-25/ 2,5mm² 3: APK-_25-25/ 1,5mm² 4: APK-_25-10/ 1,0mm² 5: APK-_25-10/ 0,5mm² 25 ent [A]20 3 urr 4 C 5 15 10 5 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Ambient Temperature [°C] Plug, 4-way High Voltage Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0213 APD-59BS-HV 5 orange (RAL 2003) 121583-0214 APD-69BS-HV 6 orange (RAL 2003) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket crimp contacts see page 32. Accessories, see pages 32 and 33. Coding, 4-way layouts High Voltage View on Mating Face Code 5 Code 6 orange orange Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 30 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Flange Receptacle, 4-way High Voltage Flange Receptacle, 4-way High Voltage Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0215 APD-59AP-HV 5 orange (RAL 2003) 121583-0216 APD-69AP-HV 6 orange (RAL 2003) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see page 32. Accessories, see pages 32 and 33. Coding, 4-way layouts High Voltage View on Mating Face Code 5 Code 6 orange orange Note: The connectors offer mechanical keying. Panel Cut Out Flange for all Flange Receptacles R 23,90 7 0 3 2 3 2 B 23 ø 23,8+0,2 ø ø3,28 ø 3,3or M3 2330 B Order Number: 066-8516-005 Metal mounting flange for wall mounting of flange receptacle. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 31

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Contacts, Accessories 4-way Socket Crimp-Contacts Standard Tinned, 3000 contacts per reel Designation - Standard Order No. APK-SB25A10-002 (0,5 - 1,5 mm2) 121668-0125 APK-SB25A25-002 (1,5 - 2,5 mm2) 121668-0126 APK-SB25A40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) 121668-0127 Optional with Au-flash APK-SB25H10-002 (0,5 - 1,5 mm2) 121668- 0022 APK-SB25H25-002 (1,5 - 2,5 mm2) 121668- 0128 APK-SB25H40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) 121668- 0124 Note: For versions with silver plating please consult factory. Pin Crimp-Contacts Standard Tinned, 3000 contacts per reel Designation - Standard Order No. APK-PB25A10-002 (0,5 - 1 mm2) 121668-0026 APK-PB25A25-002 (1,5 - 2,5 mm2) 121668-0027 APK-PB25A40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) 121668-0028 Optional with Au-flash APK-PB25H10-002 (0,5 - 1 mm2) 121668-0021 APK-PB25H25-002 (1,5 - 2,5 mm2) 121668- 0029 APK-PB25H40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) 121668- 0025 Note: For versions with silver plating please consult factory. Individual Wire Seals For all versions 4-way Designation Order No. 10RD5821 121668-0032 Wire insulation ø 1,4 - 2,0 mm / red 15BL5822 121668-0033 Wire insulation ø 2,1 - 2,9 mm / blue Note: Packaging unit 5000 pcs. Wire Filler For all versions 4-way Designation Order No. 15WH5823 121668-0034 white Note: Packaging unit 5000 pcs. Flange Gasket For Flange Receptacle, 4-way Order No. 075-8503-000 (-55/125˚C) 075-8503-004 (-30/200˚C) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 32 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Accessories, 4-way Sealing Cap for Receptacle Designation Order No. APD-DP 121583-0021 Packaging unit 100 pcs. APD-DP with rope, end link and eyelet X = Total rope length upon request ø = 5,6 mm Order number 120110-0026* X~9cm * for other lengths please consult the factory Straight Endbell for Flex Tube Order No. 058-8578-100 (ø 8,5 mm) 058-8578-102 (ø 10,0 mm) Packaging unit 100 pcs. 90˚ Endbell for Flex Tube Order No. 058-8578-101 (ø 8,5 mm) 058-8578-103 (ø 10,0 mm) 058-8578-105 (ø 11,0 mm) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dust Cap for Plug Order No. 025-8636-005 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dust Cap for Receptacle Order No. 025-0480-000 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Blind Socket for 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 7-way Order No. 120110-0217 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Note: All cavities closed, mates with 1-7-way APD versions. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 33

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling, 4-way Crimp and Assembly Tools for APK 25 Contacts Contact / Socket Designation Order No. APK-SB25A10-002 (0,5 - 1,0 mm2) CHT-APK-25-002-Seal 121586-5242 APK-SB25A25-002 (1,5 - 2,5 mm2) CHT-APK-25-002-Seal 121586-5242 APK-SB25A40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) CHT-APK-25-002-Seal 121586-5242 Contact / Pin Designation Order No. APK-PB25A10-002 (0,5 - 1,0 mm2) CHT-APK-25-002-Seal 121586-5242 APK-PB25A25-002 (1,5 - 2,5 mm2) CHT-APK-25-002-Seal 121586-5242 APK-PB25A40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) CHT-APK-25-002-Seal 121586-5242 Quick Change Tool for above Crimp Machine: (Mini Applicator) Contact / Socket Designation Order No. (to be mentioned on order) APK-SB25A10-002 (0,5 - 1,0 mm2) WWZ.20-100-APK25-10-002 121586-5134 APK-SB25A25-002 (1,5 - 2,5 mm2) WWZ.20-100-APK25-25-002 121586-5135 APK-SB25A40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) WWZ.20-100-APK25-40-002 121586-5136 APK-SB25A40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) WWZ-Mecal-APK25-40-002 121586-5249 Contact / Pin Designation Order No. (to be mentioned on order) APK-PB25A10-002 (0,5 - 1,0 mm2) WWZ.20-100-APK25-10-002 121586-5134 APK-PB25A25-002 (1,5 - 2,5 mm2) WWZ.20-100-APK25-25-002 121586-5135 APK-PB25A40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) WWZ.20-100-APK25-40-002 121586-5136 APK-PB25A40-002 (2,5 - 4,0 mm2) WWZ-Mecal-APK25-40-002 121586-5249 Contact Extraction Tool Order No. Designation 121086-3278 CET-APK25 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 34 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Technical Data, 6/7-way APD 6/7-way connectors are a derivate of the 4-way connector providing higher pin counts using a 1,6 mm con- nector system. They are available as versions with stamped and machined contacts. Applications for the 6- and 7-way connector include: • Sensors • Traction / Skid Control • Brake Control • Magnetic Switch Control Systems • Lightening systems on Trucks and Trailers Electrical Data Operating Voltage 48 VDC* Operating Current see derating curve Contact Resistance 5 mΩ max. Voltage Proof 1000 VAC, 60 seconds Insulation Resistance 10 MΩ min. Mechanical Data Durability 50 Mating Cycles Coupling Torque 1,2 Nm max. Static Load, free connector 350 N (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.6) Dynamic Impact 2 J (49mm- ball- drop- test, height 400mm) Environmental Data (acc. ISO 15170) Temperature Range -40 °C up to 125 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Humidity Range up to 95 % r.h. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Sealing IP 67 and IP 69k (DIN EN 60529)* Salt Spray 96 h, 35 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.2) Industrial Climate SO , 0,67 % (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.3) 2 Fluid Compatibility Brakefluid, ATF, fuel, .. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.6)* Vibration Resistance Sine, 200m/s², 3 x 100h, RT and 120°C (ISO 15170-2)* Materials List Housing Parts PBT GF Sealing Parts HNBR (alternative FKM) Coupling Nut PA 66 GF Contacts Copper Alloy, Sn or Au plated *Further information upon request Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 35

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Plug, 6 /7-way Derating Curve 25 1: 1,5mm² 2: 0,5mm² 20 1 15 A] Current [ 2 10 5 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Ambient Temperature [°C] Plug, 6/7-way Order No. Designation Code Color 6-way* 120110-0024 APD-1BS6 1 black (RAL 9005) 7-way 121583-0211 APD-14BS7 1 blue (RAL 5012) 7-way 121583-0018 APD-1BS7 1 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket crimp contacts see page 39. Accessories, see pages 39 and 40. *contact cavity 1 closed Coding, 6/7-way layouts 6-way 7-way Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 36 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Jam Nut Receptacle, 6/7-way Jam Nut Receptacle, 6/7-way for standard contacts ø20,9 ø18,9 ø23,5 14,3 28,0 41,0 Order No. Designation Code Color 6-way* 121583-0061 APD-1CP6 1 black (RAL 9005) 7-way 121583-0019 APD-1CP7 1 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. * Contact cavity 1 closed Jam Nut Receptacle, 6/7-way for crimp press-in contacts Order No. Designation Code Color 6-way on request - - - 7-way 121583-0028 APD-1CP7-EP 1 black (RAL 9005) 6-way 7-way Press-in Crimp Contact For Flange and Jam Nut Receptacle Order No. 330-8672-021 (tinned) (0,75 - 1,5 mm2) 330-8672-019 (tinned) (0,35 - 0,75 mm2) with gold flash plating upon request Packaging unit 100 pcs. Note: Press-in Crimp Contacts are not removable after insertion. Tooling see page Panel Cut Out Flange for all Flange Receptacles 11,9 R0,2 R0,4 14,6 11,9 29,4 Housing O-ring Jam Nut Wall Thickness: Standard Jam Nut: min. 1,0 / max. 4,0 mm Special Jam Nut: min. 2,0 / max. 5,0 mm Jam Nut, special Designation Order No. for special wall thickness 2,0 - 5,0 mm 217-8516-001 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 37

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Flange Receptacle, 6/7-way Flange Receptacle, 6/7-way for standard contacts Order No. Designation Code Color 7-way 121583-0020 APD-1AP7 1 black (RAL 9005) 7-way 121583-0212 APD-14AP7-EP 1 blue (RAL 5012) 6-way* 120110-0083 APD-1AP6 1 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. * Contact cavity 1 closed Flange Receptacle, 6/7-way for crimp press-in contacts Order No. Designation Code Color 6-way* 120110-0020 APD-1AP6-EP 1 black (RAL 9005) 7-way 121583-0205 APD-1AP7-EP 1 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. * Contact cavity 1 closed Pin crimp contacts see page 39. Accessories, see pages 39 and 40. 6-way 7-way Press-in Crimp Contact For Flange and Jam Nut Receptacle Order No. 330-8672-021 (tinned) (0,75 - 1,5 mm2) 330-8672-019 (tinned) (0,35 - 0,75 mm2) with gold flash plate upon request Packaging unit 100 pcs. Note: Press-in Crimp Contacts are not removable after insertion. Panel Cut Out Flange for all Flange Receptacles R 23,90 23 ø 23,8+0,2 27 30 23 B ø ø 3,3or M3 ø3,28 23 B 30 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 38 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Contacts, Accessories, 6/7-way Socket Crimp-Contacts 1,6 mm Standard Tinned, 3000 contacts per reel Order No. 192900-0001 (0,5 - 1,5 mm2) *192900-0003 Loose Piece Bulk Pack * Crimp Tool - 121586-5237 Pin Crimp-Contacts 1,6 mm Standard Tinned, 3000 contacts per reel Order No. 192900-0000 * (0,5 - 1,5 mm2) 192900-0002 Loose Piece Bulk Pack * Crimp Tool - 112108-0014 Individual Wire Seals Designation Order No. Wire insulation ø 1,4 - 2,0 mm / grey 121667-0022 Wire insulation ø 1,9 - 2,1 mm / yellow 121667-0023 Wire insulation ø 1,2 - 1,6 mm / red 121667-0024 Wire Filler Designation Order No. 10WH3940 121667-0025 Gasket for all Flange Receptacles Order No. 075-8503-000 (-55/125˚C) 075-8503-004 (-30/200˚C) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Blind Socket for 1 / 2 / 4 / 6 / 7-way Order No. 120110-0217 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Note: All cavities closed, mates with 1-7-way APD versions. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 39

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Accessories, 6/7-way Sealing Cap for Receptacle Designation Order No. APD-DP 121583-0021 Packaging unit 100 pcs. APD-DP with rope, end link and eyelet X = Total rope length upon request ø = 5,6 mm Order number 120110-0026* X~9cm * for other lengths please consult the factory Straight Endbell for Flex Tube Order No. 058-8578-100 (ø 8,5 mm) 058-8578-102 (ø 10,0 mm) Packaging unit 100 pcs. 90˚ Endbell for Flex Tube Order No. 058-8578-101 (ø 8,5 mm) 058-8578-103 (ø 10,0 mm) 058-8578-105 (ø 11,0 mm) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dust Cap for Plug Order No. 025-8636-005 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dust Cap for Receptacle Order No. 025-0480-000 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 40 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling for 6/7-way Hand Tool for formed (stamped contacts) Contact Pin Contact Socket Designation Order No.(to be mentioned on order) 192990-0100 192990-0110 CHT-Trident-16-18 121586-5237 192900-0446 192900-0450 CHT-Trident-16-18 121586-5237 192990-0060 192990-0070 CHT-Trident-16-18 121586-5237 192900-0002 192990-0003 CHT-Trident-16-18 121586-5237 Quick Change Tool for above Crimp Machine: (Mini Applicator) Contact / Socket Designation Order No. (to be mentioned on order) 192900-0001 WWZ-Mecal-16-18-EVS 121586-5217 (0,75 - 1,5 mm2) Contact / Socket Designation Order No. (to be mentioned on order) 192900-0000 WWZ-Mecal-16-18-EVS 121586-5217 (0,75 - 1,5 mm2) Contact Extraction Tool Description Order No. Trident Extraction Tool 192922-1450 Wire Insulation Stripping length: 4,5 mm Crimp and assembly Tools for press in contacts Basic - Hand Crimp Tool Order No. M22520-1-01 995-0001-585 Turret 120190-0163 Insertion Tool CIT-APD 16-TIP 317-8648-008 Hand Lever - Press CHPZ-240 121586-0081 Ragged Tool 192990-7600 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 41

Cannon APD / ISO Connectors Sensor Connectors APD Sensor connectors are special 1-4-way versions based on the ISO 15170 4-way layout. They are designed to be directly adapted to sensor housing and typically customized versions. The offering includes several basic versions / variations for pres- sure sensoring and options for flow solder and crimp contacts. Typical Applicatins include: • Pressure Sensoring (absolute and relative) • Temperature Sensoring • Humidity Sensoring Sensor Connectors, Style 1 Order No. Code Contact Cavity closed no. Color 248-8653-031 1 3 + 4 black (RAL 9005) 248-8653-053 2 3 + 4 grey (RAL 7036) 248-8653-105 1 4 black (RAL 9005) 248-8653-106 1 - black (RAL 9005) 248-8653-134 4 2 + 4 blue (RAL 5012) Consult factory for customized versions. Note: Mate with APD 4-way plug. Coding, Basic layouts* View on Mating Face Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 black grey green blue Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. * Versions with closed cavities are not shown. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 42 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Sensor Connectors Sensor Connectors, Style 2 * Pictures and drawings shown are examples. Consult factory for details. Products can be supplied with: • Codings 1, 2, 3 and 4 • Partially closed cavities • Ventilation pin for absolute pressure application Contacts (machined) • 2,5 mm contact diameter • PCB versions available • Press-in types Order Design Order No. Crimp Wire Size AP120110-13 120110-0013 0,15 - 0,38 mm2 AP120110-11 120110-0011 0,5 - 1,0 mm2 AP120110-14 120110-0014 0,75 - 1,5 mm2 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 43

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Technical Data, 19-way APD 19-way is the latest addition to ITT’s APD connector range. Based on ISO 15170 it adds additional features to the standard harsh environment capabilities. Secondary lock, adaptation of market available standard acces- sories and ease of assembly and disassembly not demanding any special tooling characterize this connector. Moreover, APD 19 is set up around a flexible design platform which allows for customized solutions up to 27 contacts. Applications for the 19-way include: •Trucks, Busses, and Tractors • Motor / Electronic Control Units •Transmission • Chassis wire-to-wire and Cabin pass through • Industrial automation and instrumentation Electrical Data Operating Voltage 48 VDC* Operating Current See derating curve Contact Resistance 5 mΩ max. Voltage Proof 1000 VAC, 60 seconds Insulation Resistance 10 MΩ min. Mechanical Data Durability 50 Mating Cycles Coupling Torque 3,5 Nm max. Static Load, free connector 250 N axial, 150 N lat. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.5) Dynamic Impact Free fall with cable (EN 61984 Sec. A9, height 1m) Environmental Data (acc. ISO 15170) Temperature Range -40 °C up to 125 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Humidity Range up to 95 % r.h. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Sealing IP 67 + IP 69k (DIN EN 60529) Salt Spray 96 h, 35 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.2) Industrial Climate SO , 0,67 % (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.3) 2 Fluid Compatibility Brakefluid, ATF, fuel, .. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.6)* Vibration Resistance Sine, 300m/s², 3 x 100h, RT and 120°C (ISO 15170-2)* Materials List Housing Parts PBT GF Sealing Parts FKM Coupling Nut PA 46 GF Contacts Copper Alloy, Au, Ag or Sn plated* * Further information available upon request. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 44 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Plug, 19-way Derating Curve 14 12 10 A] 8 Current [ 6 1,5mm2 4 2 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Ambient Temperature [°C] Plug, 19-way Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0119 APD-1BS19S 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0121 APD-2BS19S 2 grey (RAL 7036) 121583-0123 APD-3BS19S 3 green (RAL 6029) 121583-0125 APD-4BS19S 4 blue (RAL 5012) Packaging unit 50 pcs. Note: Each packaging unit includes one release tool. Socket crimp contacts see page 49. Accessories, see pages 50, 51, and 52. Coding, 19-way layouts Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 black grey green blue Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 45

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Flange Receptacle, 19-way Flange Receptacle, 19-way Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0120 APD-1AP19S 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0122 APD-2AP19S 2 grey (RAL 7036) 121583-0124 APD-3AP19S 3 green (RAL 6029) 121583-0126 APD-4AP19S 4 blue (RAL 5012) Version with o-ring for rear panel mounting: Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0127 APD-1AP19S-R 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0129 APD-2AP19S-R 2 grey (RAL 7036) 121583-0131 APD-3AP19S-R 3 green (RAL 6029) 121583-0133 APD-4AP19S-R 4 blue (RAL 5012) Version with o-ring for front panel mounting: Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0128 APD-1AP19S-F 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0130 APD-2AP19S-F 2 grey (RAL 7036) 121583-0132 APD-3AP19S-F 3 green (RAL 6029) 121583-0134 APD-4AP19S-F 4 blue (RAL 5012) Packaging unit 50 pcs. Note: Each packaging unit includes one release tool. Pin crimp contacts see page 49. Accessories, see pages 50, 51, and 52. Coding, 19-way layouts Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 black grey green blue Panel Cut Out Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 46 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Wire-to-Wire Receptacle, 19-way Wire-to-Wire Receptacle, 19-way Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0135 APD-1BP19S 1 black (RAL 9005) 121583-0136 APD-2BP19S 2 grey (RAL7036) Coding, 19-way layouts Code 1 Code 2 black grey Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 47

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Jam Nut Receptacle, 19-way Jam Nut Receptacle, 19-way Order No. Designation Code Color Consult Factory APD-1CP19S 1 black (RAL 9005) Consult Factory APD-2CP19S 2 grey (RAL 7036) Consult Factory APD-3CP19S 3 green (RAL 6029) Consult Factory APD-4CP19S 4 blue (RAL 5012) Packaging unit 50 pcs. Note: Each packaging unit includes one release tool. Pin crimp contacts see page 49. Accessories, see pages 50, 51, and 52. Coding, 19-way layouts Keying positions: See coding, 19-way layouts plug or flange receptacle. Panel Cut Out Piece Parts, Assembly Instructions Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 48 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Contacts / Seals, 19-way CONTACTS • Low contact resistance (max. 5mΩ) for maximum signal integrity • Current carrying capacity: 12A max. • Machined press-in contacts. (other machined contacts available on request) • Silver plating, please consult factory For 19-way Reeled (5000 pcs) Loose Piece (bags of 100) Contacts Crimp Plating Part Part (stamped & formed) Range Designation Designation number number 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-SA16A07-002 121668-0221 APK-SA16A07-002-B 121668-0274 tin 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-SA16A15-002 121668-0202 APK-SA16A15-002-B 121668-0276 Socket contacts gold 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-SA16G07-002 121668-0270 APK-SA16G07-002-B 121668-0278 (0,8 μm) 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-SA16G15-002 121668-0272 APK-SA16G15-002-B 121668-0280 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-PA16A07-002 121668-0252 APK-PA16A07-002-B 121668-0275 tin 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-PA16A15-002 121668-0253 APK-PA16A15-002-B 121668-0277 Pin contacts gold 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-PA16G07-002 121668-0269 APK-PA16G07-002-B 121668-0279 (0,8 μm) 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-PA16G15-002 121668-0271 APK-PA16G15-002-B 121668-0281 Press-In Contacts Reeled Single piece Crimp Contacts (machined) Plating Part Part Range Designation Designation number number tin 0,3 - 0,6 mm² - - APK-PA16A06-E Consult Factory 0,3 - 0,6 mm² - - APK-PA16G06-E Consult Factory Pin contacts gold (0,8 μm) 0,5 - 1,0 mm² - - APK-PA16G10-E Consult Factory 1,0 - 1,5 mm² - - APK-PA16G15-E Consult Factory Individual Wire Seals / Blind Seals Description Insulation Diameter Color Part Number 1,2 - 1,6 mm Red 121667-0024 1,4 - 2,0 mm Grey 121667-0022 Single Wire Sealing 1,9 - 2,1 mm Yellow 121667-0023 Blind Seal 1,4 - 2,0 mm White 121667-0025 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 49

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Accessories, 19-way Endbell, 19-way Order No. Designation Color 044-8597-002 Enbell for APD 19 version only black (RAL 9005) Endbell Adapter, 19-way, for the use of standard 90° / Straight conduit accessories Order Number: 044-8597-004* * Can be used in combination with PN 980-8672-034. Further adapters available upon request. Dust Cap for Plug Order Number: 025-8636-053 Dust Cap for Receptacle Order Number: 025-0487-000 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 50 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Accessories 19-way 90° Endbell for Flex Tube Order No. Designation Color ø A Nominal Dimension of Conduit 980-8672-034 90° Endbell Adapter black 18 17 980-8672-035 90° Endbell Adapter black 14 13 Packaging unit 100 pcs. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 51

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Accessories, 19-way Flange Gasket, 19-way Order Number: 075-8566-003 Conduit Adaptors, 19-way Order No. Designation 980-8672-015 90°, M25, NW23 980-8672-016 Straight, M25, NW17 980-8672-018 Elbow, M25, NW17 980-8672-020 45°, M25, NW23 All versions in black color Conduit Retainers, 19-way Order No. Designation 980-8672-021 NW17 All versions in black color Conduit Splitters, 19-way Order No. Designation 980-8672-017 Y-Splitter 17X17X23 980-8672-019 T-Splitter 17X17X17 All versions in black color Note: Other versions available, consult factory for more information. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 52 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling, 19-way Hand Crimp Tool for Stamped and Formed Contacts Contact Hand Tool Crimp Die 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 121586-5156 121586-5260 0,75 - 1,5 mm2 121586-5156 121586-5197 Mini Applicator for Stamped and Formed Contacts Contact Order No. Designation 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 121586-5131 WWZ-20-100-APK16-07-002 0,75 - 1,5 mm2 121586-5132 WWZ-20-100-APK16-15-002 Support Tools, 19-way Designation Order No.* Release tool, secondary lock, plug 121586-5235 Release tool, secondary lock, receptacle 121586-5234 *Packaging unit of 50 pcs. Assembly Adaptor Order No. MA-APD-19 Consult Factory Locking tool for 19-way plug connectors Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 53

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling, 19-way Hand Crimp Tool for Press-in Contacts Basic Hand Crimp Tool Order No. M225201/1-01 995-0001-585 Locator Order No. M225201/1-05 995-0001-507 Automatic Crimp Tooling for Press-in Contacts Designation Order No. Description WAz7F-CE 121586-5067 Pneumatic Tool M22501/1-05 995-0001-507 Locator BM-2 121586-5068 Bench Mount WA-10 121586-5069 Food Pedal Assembly Tooling for Press-in Contacts Designation Order No. Description CHPZ-240 121586-0081 Hand Lever Press CIT-APD16-TIP 317-8648-008 Mounting Tip Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 54 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Technical Data, 37-way* APD 37-way is a highly reliable, cost effective multi-pin connector with signal contacts (multi-layout power / signal on demand). It offers wire-to-wire and wire-to-board connection solutions. According to ISO 15170, the connector is dedicated for harsh environmental usage. Various customer specific designs (e.g. different coding) are possible. Electrical Data Operating Voltage 48 VDC* Operating Current see derating curve Contact Resistance 5 mΩ max. Voltage Proof 1000 VAC, 60 seconds Insulation Resistance 10 MΩ min. Mechanical Data Durability 20 Mating Cycles Coupling Torque 4 Nm max. Static Load, free connector 250 N axial, 150 N lat. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.5) Dynamic Impact Free fall with cable (EN 61984 Sec. A9, height 1m) Environmental Data (acc. ISO 15170) Temperature Range -40 °C up to 125 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Humidity Range up to 95 % r.h. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Sealing IP 67 + IP 69k (DIN EN 60529) Salt Spray 96 h, 35 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.2) Industrial Climate SO , 0,67 % (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.3) 2 Fluid Compatibility Brakefluid, ATF, fuel, .. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.6)* Vibration Resistance Sine, 300m/s², 3 x 100h, RT and 120°C (ISO 15170-2)* Materials List Housing Parts PA 66 GF Sealing Parts FKM (alternative FVMQ) Coupling Nut PA 6 GF Contacts Copper Alloy, Au or Sn plated* *Further information on request Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 55

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Plug, 37-way Derating Curve 12 10 1 1: 1,0mm² 2: 0,75mm² 8 2 A] Current [ 6 4 2 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Ambient Temperature [°C] Plug, 37-way 32 ø50.8 4 1 1 4 5 9 9 5 10 15 15 10 1263 2282 34.2 40 2228 23 29 33 33 29 34 37 37 34 Order No. Designation Code Color ø49.4 121583-0058 APD-1BS37 1 black (RAL 9005) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket crimp contacts see page 58. Accessories, see pages 58 and 59. Coding 37-way layout View on Mating Face 4 1 9 5 10 15 Note: Additional coding on demand. 28 23 33 29 37 34 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 56 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Flange Receptacle, 37-way Flange Receptacle, 37-way 47 4 1 9 5 16 22 10 41.444.3 ø40 28 23 øø 33 29 37 34 ø34.5 Order No. Designation Code Color Comment 249-8619-017 APD-1AP37-R 1 black (RAL 9005) wtih O-ring 248-8653-026 APD-1AP37 1 black (RAL 9005) without O-ring Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see page 58. Accessories, see pages 58 and 59. Note: Requires use of alignment disc. Coding 37-way layout View on Mating Face 1 4 6 8 10 16 16 22 23 28 29 33 34 37 Note: Additional coding on demand. Panel Cut Out Flange for all Flange Receptacles 37±0.1 41.444.3 ø40 øø 41.5±0.05 Note: Dimension if used as version with radial o-ring seal (249-8619-017). Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 57

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Contacts / Accessories, 37-way CONTACTS • Low contact resistance (max. 5mΩ) for maximum signal integrity • Current carrying capacity: 12A max. • Machined press-in contacts. (other machined contacts available on request) • Silver plating, please consult factory For APD 37-way Contacts Reeled 5000 pcs/reel Plating Crimp Range (stamped & formed) Designation Part Number 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 APK-SA16A07-002-C 121668-0220 tin 0,75 - 1,50 mm2 APK-SA16A15-002-C 121668-0222 Socket Contacts 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 APK-SA16G07-002-C 121668-0266 gold (0,8 μm) 0,75 - 1,50 mm2 APK-SA16G15-002-C 121668-0268 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 APK-PA16A07-002-C 121668-0254 tin 0,75 - 1,50 mm2 APK-PA16A15-002-C 121668-0255 Pin Contacts gold 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 APK-PA16G07-002-C 121668-0265 (0,8 μm) 0,75 - 1,50 mm2 APK-PA16G15-002-C 121668-0267 Press-In Contacts (machined) tin 0,30 - 0,60 mm2 APK-PA16A06-E 330-8674-020 Pin Contacts gold 0,50 - 1,00 mm2 APK-PA16G10-E 330-8674-025 (0,8 μm) Individual Wire and Blind Seals Insulation Description Color Part Number Diameter 1,2 - 1,6 mm Red 121667-0024 Single Wire Sealin g 1,4 - 2,0 mm Grey 121667-0022 1,9 - 2,1 mm Yellow 121667-0023 Blind Seal White 121667-0025 Endbell, 37-way 33±0.3 Order No. Designation Color ø27±0.3(PG21) 044-8597-000 Endbell for APD 37-way black (RAL 9005) version only 32.5±0.3 ø46.9±0.3 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 58 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Accessories, 37-way Flange Gasket Order Number: 075-8566-004 Dust Cap for Plug Order Number: 025-8636-037 Dust Cap for Receptacle Order Number: 025-8636-053 Alignment Disc 37-way Alignment disc for 37-way Flange Receptacle Order Number: 052-8509-004 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 59

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling, 37-way Hand Crimp Tool for Stamped and Formed Contacts Hand Tool Contact Order No. Crimp Die 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 121586-5156 121586-5260 0,75 - 1,5 mm2 121586-5156 121586-5197 Mini Applicator for Stamped and Formed Contacts Contact Order No. Designation 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 121586-5131 WWZ-20-100-APK16-07-002 0,75 - 1,5 mm2 121586-5132 WWZ-20-100-APK16-15-002 Support Tools, 37-way Designation Order No. Assembly Adaptor for plug MA-APD-37-R 331-8547-029 Assembly Adaptor for receptacle MA-APD-37-P 248-8653-066 Replacement Nut for MA-APD-37P 217-8516-005 Contact Insertion Tool CIT-APK-16-15-C 121586-5200 Contact Extraction Tool CET-APK-16-C 121586-5195 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 60 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling, 37-way Hand Crimp Tool for Press-in Contacts Basic Hand Crimp Tool Order No. M225201/1-01 995-0001-585 Locator Order No. M225201/1-05 995-0001-507 Automatic Crimp Tooling for Press-in Contacts Designation Order No. Description WAZ7F-CE 121586-5067 Pneumatic Tool M22501/1-05 995-0001-507 Locator BM-2 121586-5068 Bench Mount WA-10 121586-5069 Food Pedal Assembly Tooling for Press-in Contacts Designation Order No. Description CHPZ-240 121586-0081 Hand Lever Press CIT-APD16-TIP 317-8648-008 Mounting Tip Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 61

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Technical Data, 51-way* The APD 51-way connector offers the same features as the 37-way solution. Furthermore it is available in 2 versions, standard and secondary lock for added security. The connector features up to 8 mechanical key and visual color coding options for better mating identification and to avoid mis-mating. Standard Code 1: Green Code 2: Yellow Code 3: Brown Code 4: Purple For other coding consult factory Electrical Data Operating Voltage 48 VDC* Operating Current see derating curve Contact Resistance 5 mΩ max. Voltage Proof 1000 VAC, 60 seconds Insulation Resistance 10 MΩ min. Mechanical Data Durability 40 Mating Cycles Coupling Torque 4,5 Nm max. Static Load, free connector 250 N axial, 150 N lat. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.5) Dynamic Impact 2 J (40mm- ball- drop- test, height 800mm) Environmental Data (acc. ISO 15170) Temperature Range -40 °C up to 125 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Humidity Range up to 95 % r.h. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.4) Sealing IP 67 + IP 69k (DIN EN 60529) Salt Spray 96 h, 35 °C (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.2) Industrial Climate SO , 0,67 % (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.3) 2 Fluid Compatibility Brakefluid, ATF, fuel, .. (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 6.6)* Vibration Resistance Random, 0,2(m/s²)²/Hz, 3 x 24h, RT Materials List Housing Parts PBT GF Sealing Parts FKM Coupling Nut PA 6 GF Contacts Copper Alloy, Au or Sn plated* *Further information on request Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 62 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Plug, 51-way Derating Curve 20 18 1 1: 1,5mm² 16 2: 0,75mm² 3: 0,35mm² 14 2 12 A] Current [10 3 8 6 4 2 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Ambient Temperature [°C] Plug, 51-way, Standard Version 44 Ø 58.7 Ø43.8 Ø47.8 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0032 APD-1BP51 1 green (RAL 6018) 121583-0033 APD-2BP51 2 yellow (RAL 1018) 121583-0030 APD-3BP51 3 brown (RAL 3009) 121583-0031 APD-4BP51 4 purple (RAL 4001) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see page 69. Accessories, see page 70. Note: Standard version requires use of alignment disc. Coding 51-way layout 1 1 View on Mating Face 8 2 1 3 8 2 1 3 8 2 1 3 8 2 1 3 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 23 16 23 16 23 16 23 16 29 24 29 24 29 24 29 24 37 30 37 30 37 30 37 30 42 36 42 36 42 36 42 36 485 1 494 3 485 1 4493 485 1 494 3 485 1 4493 Code 1 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 green yellow brown purple Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 63

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Snap-In Receptacle, 51-way Snap-In Receptacle, 51-way, Standard Version 2 1 8 3 16 9 2239 2146 ø50 47.8 374842 384330 ø 51 49 53.6 ø54 Order No. Designation Code Color 249-8619-003 APD-1SS51 1 green (RAL 6018) 249-8619-004 APD-2SS51 2 yellow (RAL 1018) 249-8619-001 APD-3SS51 3 brown (RAL 3009) 249-8619-002 APD-4SS51 4 purple (RAL 4001) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket crimp contacts see page 69. Accessories, see page 70. Coding 51-way layout View on Mating Face 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 8 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 16 23 16 23 16 23 16 23 24 29 24 29 24 29 24 29 30 37 30 37 30 37 30 37 36 42 36 42 36 42 36 42 434 9 514 8 434 9 514 8 434 9 514 8 434 9 514 8 Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 green yellow brown purple Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. 3D data showing snap-in design available upon request. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 64 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Jam Nut Receptacle, 51-way Jam Nut Receptacle, 51-way, Standard Version 1,5 min PANEL 4 max 8 7. 0 4 5 Ø Ø Ø68 32.3 52.3 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0081 APD-1CS51 1 green (RAL 6018) 121583-0082 APD-2CS51 2 yellow (RAL 1018) 121583-0079 APD-3CS51 3 brown (RAL 3009) 121583-0080 APD-4CS51 4 purple (RAL 4001) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket crimp contacts see page 69. Accessories, see page 70. Coding 51-way layout View on Mating Face 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 8 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 16 23 16 23 16 23 16 23 1 24 29 24 29 24 29 24 29 303 6 423 7 303 6 423 7 303 6 423 7 303 6 423 7 434 9 5418 434 9 514 8 434 9 514 8 434 9 514 8 Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 green yellow brown purple Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Panel Cut Out Piece Parts / Assembly Instruction +0.2 30º Ø59.8 + 0.2 25.4 + 0.2 Ø54.4 Wall Thickness Housing O-Ring Jam Nut Standard: min. 1,5 / max. 4,0 mm Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 65

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Plug, 51-way Plug, 51-way, Secondary Lock Version 44 Ø 58.7 Ø43.8 Ø47.8 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0187 APD-1BP51SN 1 green (RAL 6018) 121583-0188 APD-2BP51SN 2 yellow (RAL 1018) 121583-0189 APD-3BP51SN 3 brown (RAL 3009) 121583-0190 APD-4BP51SN 4 purple (RAL 4001) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Pin crimp contacts see page 69. Accessories, see page 70. Coding 51-way layout View on Mating Face 2 1 3 8 15 9 23 16 29 24 37 30 42 38 48 43 51 49 Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 green yellow brown purple Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 66 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Snap-In Receptacle, 51-way Snap-In Receptacle, 51-way, Secondary Lock Version 2 1 8 3 16 9 2239 2146 ø50 47.8 374842 384330 ø 51 49 53.6 ø54 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0091 APD-1SS51S 1 green (RAL 6018) 121583-0092 APD-2SS51S 2 yellow (RAL 1018) 121583-0093 APD-3SS51S 3 brown (RAL 3009) 121583-0094 APD-4SS51S 4 purple (RAL 4001) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket crimp contacts see page 69. Accessories, see page 70. Coding 51-way layout View on Mating Face 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 8 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 16 23 16 23 16 23 16 23 24 29 24 29 24 29 24 29 30 37 30 37 30 37 30 37 38 42 38 42 38 42 38 42 4349 5148 4349 5148 4349 5148 4349 5148 Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 green yellow brown purple Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Snap-In dimension on demand 3-D-image available. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 67

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Jam Nut Receptacle, 51-way Jam Nut Receptacle, 51-way, Secondary Lock Version 1,5 min PANEL 4 max 8 7. 0 4 5 Ø Ø Ø68 32.3 52.3 Order No. Designation Code Color 121583-0095 APD-1CS51S 1 green (RAL 6018) 121583-0096 APD-2CS51S 2 yellow (RAL 1018) 121583-0097 APD-3CS51S 3 brown (RAL 3009) 121583-0098 APD-4CS51S 4 purple (RAL 4001) Packaging unit 100 pcs. Socket crimp contacts see page 69. Accessories, see page 70. Coding 51-way layout View on Mating Face 9 3 1 2 8 15 9 3 1 2 8 15 9 3 1 2 8 15 9 3 1 2 8 15 16 23 16 23 16 23 16 23 24 29 24 29 24 29 24 29 3038 4237 3038 4237 3038 4237 3038 4237 4349 5148 4349 5148 4349 5148 4349 5148 Code 1 Code 2 Code 3 Code 4 green yellow brown purple Note: The connectors offer both mechanical keying and visual coding by different colors. Panel Cut Out Piece Parts / Assembly Instruction +0.2 30º Ø59.8 + 0.2 25.4 + 0.2 Ø54.4 Wall Thickness Housing O-Ring Jam Nut Standard: min. 1,5 / max. 4,0 mm Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 68 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Contacts / Seals, 51-way CONTACTS • Low contact resistance (max. 5mΩ) for maximum signal integrity • Current carrying capacity: 12A max. • Machined press-in contacts. (other machined contacts available on request) • Silver plating, please consult factory For 51-way Standard Version Reeled (5000 pcs) Loose Piece (bags of 100) Contacts Plating Crimp Range Part Part (stamped & formed) Designation number Designation number 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-SA16A07-002-C 121668-0220 - - tin 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-SA16A15-002-C 121668-0222 - - Socket contacts gold 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-SA16G07-002-C 121668-0266 - - (0,8 μm) 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-SA16G15-002-C 121668-0268 - - 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-PA16A07-002-C 121668-0254 - - tin 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-PA16A15-002-C 121668-0255 - - Pin contacts gold 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-PA16G07-002-C 121668-0265 - - (0,8 μm) 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-PA16G15-002-C 121668-0267 - - For 51-way Secondary Lock Version Reeled (5000 pcs) Loose Piece (bags of 100) Contacts Crimp Plating Part Part (stamped & formed) Range Designation Designation number number 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-SA16A07-002 121668-0221 APK-SA16A07-002-B 121668-0274 tin 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-SA16A15-002 121668-0202 APK-SA16A15-002-B 121668-0276 Socket contacts gold 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-SA16G07-002 121668-0270 APK-SA16G07-002-B 121668-0278 (0,8 μm) 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-SA16G15-002 121668-0272 APK-SA16G15-002-B 121668-0280 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-PA16A07-002 121668-0252 APK-PA16A07-002-B 121668-0275 tin 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-PA16A15-002 121668-0253 APK-PA16A15-002-B 121668-0277 Pin contacts gold 0,35 - 0,75 mm² APK-PA16G07-002 121668-0269 APK-PA16G07-002-B 121668-0279 (0,8 μm) 0,75 - 1,5 mm² APK-PA16G15-002 121668-0271 APK-PA16G15-002-B 121668-0281 Press-In Contacts (Standard Version) Reeled Single piece Crimp Contacts (machined) Plating Part Part Range Designation Designation number number tin 0,3 - 0,6 mm² - - APK-PA16A06-E 330-8674-020 0,3 - 0,6 mm² - - APK-PA16G06-E 330-8674-026 Pin contacts gold (0,8 μm) 0,5 - 1,0 mm² - - APK-PA16G10-E 330-8674-025 1,0 - 1,5 mm² - - APK-PA16G15-E 330-8674-024 Individual Wire Seals / Blind Seals Insulation Description Color Part Number Diameter 1,2 - 1,6 mm Red 121667-0024 Single Wire Sealin g 1,4 - 2,0 mm Grey 121667-0022 1,9 - 2,1 mm Yellow 121667-0023 Blind Seal 1,4 - 2,0 mm White 121667-0025 Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 69

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Accessories, 51-way Endbell, 51-way ø 54.6 +/- 0.3 ø 31.5 +/- 0.4 37.45 +/- 0.3 Order No. Designation Color 120110-0075 Endbell for APD 51-way black (RAL 9005) version only Packaging unit 100 pcs. Alignment Disc, 51-way Order No. Designation 052-8509-003 Alignment disc for 51-way standard version only (plug only) Note: Not required for secondary lock version. Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 70 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling, 51-way Hand Crimp Tool for Stamped and Formed Contacts Contact Hand Tool Order No. Locator 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 121586-5156 121586-5260 0,75 - 1,5 mm2 121586-5156 121586-5197 Mini Applications for Stamped and Formed Contacts Contact Order No. Designation 0,35 - 0,75 mm2 121586-5131 WWZ-20-100-APK16-07-002 0,75 - 1,5 mm2 121586-5132 WWZ-20-100-APK16-15-002 Support Tools, 51-way Designation Order No. Assembly Adaptor for plug MA-APD-51-P 248-8653-064 Assembly Adaptor for receptacle MA-APD-51-R 249-8619-011 Replacement Nut for MA-APD-51-R 217-8516-005 Assembly adaptor for plug MA-APD-51-P-SEC-LOCK 121586-5202 Assembly adaptor for receptacle MA-APD-51-R-SEC-LOCK 121586-5203 Assembly adaptor for Jam nut MA-APD-51-FL-SEC-LOCK 1 21586-5206 Unlocking Device 317-8875-054 Contact Insertion Tool CIT APK-16-15-C 121586-5200 Contact Extraction Tool CET-APK-16-C 121586-5195 Secondary Lock Set CET-ADP-51 121586-5259* *For plug only Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 71

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Tooling, 51-way Hand Crimp Tool for Press-in Contacts Basic Hand Crimp Tool Order No. M225201/1-01 995-0001-585 Locator Order No. M225201/1-05 995-0001-507 Automatic Crimp Tooling for Press-in Contacts Designation Order No. Description WA27-7 121586-5067 Pneumatic Tool M22501/1-05 995-0001-507 Locator BM-2 121586-5068 Bench Mount WA-10 121586-5069 Food Pedal Assembly Tooling for Press-in Contacts Designation Order No. Description CHPZ-240 121586-0081 Hand Lever Press CIT-APD16-TIP 317-8648-008 Mounting Tip Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 72 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors PCB Connectors The demand within the transportation & industrial markets for direct PC board connections is increasing. Solutions demanding space savings, reduction of assembly costs or standardized assembly methods are just a selection of reasons driving this trend. PCB type connectors complement the offering of crimp and solder cup type connections within the APD product range. APD connectors with PCB contacts can be offered for most of our products shown in this catalog. This chapter will provide a first impression of technical features and benefits as well as examples of PCB connector solution. Technical Specifications Mechanical Data: All PCB connectors are derived from standard APD lines and feature similar properties Electrical Data: Depends on exact design of contacts and requirements of solution, generally similar to respective APD standard product Environmental: IP67 / IP69K with improved long term stability against fluids e.g. motor oil due to press- in assembly into connector. Resistance against fluids according to ISO 15170 Technical Specifications • PCB contacts are useable in all non secondary lock versions • Increased long term stability – sealing against e.g. motor oil • Individual defintion of contact length – adaptation to application • Pre-assembled versions can be delivered - avoids additional harnessing work • Useable for printed flex board applications • Increases reliability (no harness errors) • Avoids additional harness costs and reduces complexity of total manufacturing process Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 73

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Conversion Charts Cross Reference AWG Size / metric size (mm2) AWG mm2 AWG mm2 AWG mm2 6/0 170,3 10 5,27 25 0,163 5/0 135,1 11 4,15 26 0,128 4/0 107,2 12 3,31 27 0,102 3/0 85,0 13 2,63 28 0,0804 2/0 67,5 14 2,08 29 0,0646 0 53,4 15 1,65 30 0,0503 1 42,4 16 1,31 31 0,0400 2 33,6 17 1,04 32 0,0320 3 26,7 18 0,823 33 0,0252 4 21,2 19 0,653 34 0,0200 5 16,8 20 0,519 35 0,0161 6 13,3 21 0,412 36 0,0123 7 10,6 22 0,325 37 0,0100 8 8,35 23 0,259 38 0,00795 9 6,62 24 0,205 39 0,00632 Conversion Chart for mm to Inches mm Inches mm inches mm Inches 1 0.04 18 0.71 35 1.38 2 0.08 19 0.75 36 1.42 3 0.12 20 0.79 37 1.46 4 0.16 21 0.83 38 1.50 5 0.20 22 0.87 39 1.54 6 0.24 23 0.91 40 1.57 7 0.28 24 0.94 41 1.61 8 0.31 25 0.98 42 1.65 9 0.35 26 1.02 43 1.69 10 0.39 27 1.06 44 1.73 11 0.43 28 1.10 45 1.77 12 0.47 29 1.14 46 1.81 13 0.51 30 1.18 47 1.85 14 0.55 31 1.22 48 1.89 15 0.59 32 1.26 49 1.93 16 0.63 33 1.30 50 1.97 17 0.67 34 1.34 Equation for converting mm to inches: mm divided by 25.4 = inches Conversion Chart for Centigrade to Fahrenheit ˚C ˚F ˚C ˚F ˚C ˚F -40 -40.0 -10 +14.0 +10 +50.0 -38 -36.4 -9 +15.8 +11 +51.8 -36 -32.8 -8 +17.6 +12 +53.6 -34 -29.2 -7 +19.4 +13 +55.4 -32 -25.6 -6 +21.2 +14 +57.2 -30 -22.0 -5 +23.0 +15 +59.0 -28 -18.4 -4 +24.8 +16 +60.8 -26 -14.8 -3 +26.6 +17 +62.6 -24 -11.2 -2 +28.4 +18 +64.4 -22 -7.6 -1 +30.2 +19 +66.2 -20 -4.0 0 +32.0 +20 +68.0 -19 -2.2 +1 +33.8 +21 +69.8 -18 +0.4 +2 +35.6 +22 +71.6 -17 +1.4 +3 +37.4 +23 +73.4 -16 +3.2 +4 +39.2 +24 +75.2 -15 +5.0 +5 +41.0 +25 +77.0 -14 +6.8 +6 +42.8 +26 +78.8 -13 +8.6 +7 +44.6 +27 +80.6 -12 +10.4 +8 +46.4 +29 +82.4 --11 +12.2 +9 +48.2 +29 +84.2 +30 +86.0 Equation for converting Centigrade to Fahrenheit: 32 + (˚C x 1.8) = Fahrenheit Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 74 www.ittcannon.com

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Part Number Index Order Number Page Order Number Page Order Number Page 025-0480-000 16, 23, 33, 40 120110-0220 14 121583-0095 68 025-0487-000 50 120110-0221 14 121583-0094 67 025-8636-005 16, 23, 33, 40 120110-0222 14 121583-0095 68 025-8636-037 59 120110-0229 14 121583-0096 68 025-8636-053 50, 59 120190-0163 41 121583-0097 68 030-8531-030 13 121086-3278 34 121583-0098 68 030-8531-031 13 121583-0000 26 121583-0119 45 030-8531-032 13 121583-0001 26 121583-0120 46 030-8531-033 13 121583-0002 26 121583-0121 45 030-8581-029 12 121583-0003 26 121583-0122 46 030-8614-010 12, 17 121583-0004 27 121583-0123 45 030-8614-020 12, 17 121583-0005 27 121583-0124 46 030-8614-030 12, 17 121583-0006 27 121583-0125 45 031-8521-010 12, 17 121583-0007 27 121583-0126 46 031-8521-020 12, 17 121583-0008 28 121583-0127 46 031-8521-030 12, 17 121583-0009 28 121583-0128 46 031-8531-010 13 121583-0010 28 121583-0129 46 031-8531-011 13 121583-0011 28 121583-0130 46 031-8531-012 13 121583-0012 8 121583-0131 46 031-8531-013 13 121583-0013 8 121583-0132 46 031-8646-001 22, 24 121583-0014 9 121583-0133 46 031-8646-002 22, 24 121583-0015 9 121583-0134 46 031-8646-003 22, 24 121583-0016 10 121583-0135 47 031-8646-010 22, 24 121583-0017 10 121583-0136 47 031-8646-011 22, 24 121583-0018 36 121583-0187 66 031-8646-015 12 121583-0019 37 121583-0188 66 044-8597-000 58 121583-0020 38 121583-0189 66 044-8597-002 50 121583-0021 15, 23, 33, 40 121583-0190 66 044-5897-004 50 121583-0025 19 121583-0205 38 052-5809-003 70 121583-0026 19 121583-0211 36 052-8509-004 59 121583-0027 20 121583-0212 38 058-8578-100 33, 40 121583-0028 37 121583-0213 30 058-8578-101 33, 40 121583-0030 63 121583-0214 30 058-8578-102 33, 40 121583-0031 63 121583-0215 31 058-8578-103 33, 40 121583-0032 63 121583-0216 31 058-8578-105 33, 40 121583-0033 63 121583-0217 10 066-8516-005 9, 19, 27, 31 121583-0042 8 121586-0081 41, 54, 61, 72 075-8503-000 15, 22, 32, 39 121583-0043 9 121586-5067 54, 61, 72 075-8503-004 15, 22, 32, 39 121583-0058 56 121586-5068 54, 61, 72 075-8566-003 51 121583-0061 37 121586-5069 54, 61, 72 075-8566-004 59 121583-0079 65 121586-5075 24 120090-0165 24 121583-0080 65 121586-5077 24 120090-0171 24 121583-0081 65 121586-5131 53, 60, 71 120110-0011 43 121583-0082 65 121586-5132 53, 60, 71 120110-0013 43 121583-0083 19 121586-5134 34 120110-0014 43 121583-0084 19 121586-5135 34 120110-0020 38 121583-0085 20 121586-5136 34 120110-0024 36 121583-0086 20 121586-5149 24 120110-0026 15, 23, 33, 40 121583-0091 67 121586-5156 53, 60, 71 120110-0075 70 121583-0092 67 121586-5192 17 120110-0083 38 121583-0093 67 121586-5193 17 120110-0217 16, 23, 33, 39 121583-0094 67 121586-5195 60, 71 www.ittcannon.com 75

Cannon APD / ISO 15170 Connectors Part Number Index Order Number Page Order Number Page Order Number Page 121586-5197 60 121668-0272 49, 69 351-8697-005 15 121586-5200 60, 71 121668-0274 49, 69 351-8697-007 22 121586-5202 71 121668-0275 49, 69 351-8697-009 15 121586-5203 71 121668-0276 49, 69 351-8697-010 22 121586-5206 71 121668-0277 49, 69 351-8697-014 15 121586-5217 41 121668-0278 49, 69 430-8645-000 22, 24 121586-5229 17 121668-0279 49, 69 430-8645-002 22, 24 121586-5232 17 121668-0280 49, 69 430-8645-003 22, 24 121586-5234 53 121668-0281 49, 69 430-8645-007 22, 24 121586-5235 53 192900-0000 39 430-8645-009 22, 24 121586-5237 41 192900-0001 39 980-8672-004 15, 23 121586-5242 34 192900-0002 39 980-8672-005 17, 24 121586-5249 34 192900-0003 39 980-8672-010 15, 23 121586-5244 24 192922-1450 41 980-8672-015 52 121586-5253 17 192990-7600 41 980-8672-016 52 121586-5257 17 217-8516-001 10, 20, 28, 37 980-8672-017 52 121586-5259 71 217-8516-005 60, 71 980-8672-018 52 121667-0022 39, 49, 58, 69 217-8516-010 15, 17, 22, 24 980-8672-019 52 121667-0023 39, 49, 58, 69 248-8619-011 71 980-8672-020 52 121667-0024 39, 49, 58, 69 248-8653-026 57 980-8672-021 52 121667-0025 39, 49, 58, 69 248-8653-031 42 980-8672-034 51 121688-0021 32 248-8653-053 42 995-0001-507 54, 61, 72 121688-0025 32 248-8653-063 17, 24 995-0001-585 41, 54, 61, 72 121668-0022 32 248-8653-064 71 121668-0026 32 248-8653-066 60 121668-0027 32 248-8653-105 42 121668-0028 32 248-8653-106 42 121668-0029 32 248-8653-134 42 121668-0032 32 249-8619-001 64 121668-0033 32 249-8619-002 64 121668-0034 32 249-8619-003 64 121668-0035 22 249-8619-004 64 121668-0124 32 249-8619-005 11 121668-0125 32 249-8619-006 11 121668-0126 32 249-8619-007 21 121668-0127 32 249-8619-010 17, 24 121688-0128 32 249-8619-017 57 121688-0202 49, 69 317-8648-008 41, 54, 61, 72 121668-0220 58, 65 317-8649-034 17, 24 121668-0221 49, 69 317-8875-054 71 121668-0222 58, 65 330-8672-019 37, 38 121688-0252 49, 69 330-8672-021 37, 38 121688-0253 49, 69 330-8674-020 58, 69 121668-0254 58, 65 330-8674-024 69 121668-0255 58, 65 330-8674-025 58, 69 121668-0265 58, 65 330-8674-026 69 121668-0266 58, 65 331-8547-029 60 121668-0267 58, 65 351-8697-000 22 121668-0268 58, 65 351-8697-001 15 121668-0269 49, 69 351-8697-002 15 121668-0270 49, 69 351-8697-003 15 121668-0271 49, 69 351-8697-004 15 76 www.ittcannon.com

Product Safety and Warranty 1. MATERIAL CONTENT AND PHYSICAL FORM may result in creation of hazards. Products may deviate from the description, technical Electrical connectors do not usually contain should therefore be examined prior to instal- data and shape as shown in this catalog and hazardous materials. lation/use and rejected if found to be dam- data sheets. aged. Proper lifting techniques shall be used Electrical connectors and individual com- for handling shipping cartons. Commodities in this catalog may be con- ponents do not release or otherwise result trolled for export or re-export under the in exposure to hazardous chemicals under Export Administration Regulations (EAR), normal conditions of use and fall under 4. DISPOSAL Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) the definition of “Article,” under the Please recycle, reclaim or dispose of connec- Regulations, or by the International Traffic Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR tors and individual components in accor- in Arms Regulations (ITAR) when specifically 1910.1200, and are not considered hazard- dance with local, state and federal laws. designed, modified or configured for mili- ous materials. Incineration of certain materials may release tary use. noxious or even toxic fumes.. Solder and fluxes can be hazardous if inhaled ITT Corporation Interconnect Solutions or absorbed through the skin and should 5. APPLICATION Division, (“ITT”) manufactures high quali- only be used as recommended by the manu- Connectors with exposed contacts should ty products. However, these products are facturer. Please consult your solder and flux not be selected for use on the current sup- intended to be used in accordance with the manufacturer for more specific application ply side of an electrical circuit, because an specifications in this publication. Any use recommendations. electric shock could result from touching or application that deviates from the stated exposed contacts on an unmated connector. operating specifications is not recommend- Voltages in excess of 30 V ac or 42.5 V dc are ed and may be unsafe. No information and 2. FIRE CHARACTERISTICS AND ELECTRIC potentially hazardous and care should be data contained in this publication shall be SHOCK HAZARD taken to ensure that such voltages cannot construed to create any liability on the part There is no fire hazard when the connector is be transmitted in any way to exposed metal of ITT. correctly wired and used within the specified parts of the connector body. The connector parameters. Incorrect wiring or assembly of and wiring should be checked, before mak- Product Warranty the connector or careless use of metal tools ing live, to have no damage to metal parts A limited product warranty applies to ITT or conductive fluids, or transit damage to or insulators, no solder blobs, loose strands, products. Please refer to www.ittcannon. any of the component parts may cause elec- conducting lubricants, swarf, or any other com (General Terms and Conditions of Sale) tric shock or burns. Live circuits must not be undesired conducting particles. Circuit resis- for the complete text of ITT’s applicable broken by separating mated connectors as tance and continuity check should be made Terms and Conditions of Sale, including this may cause arcing, ionization and burn- to make certain that there are no high resis- warranty. ing. Heat dissipation is greater at maximum tance joints or spurious conducting paths. resistance in a circuit. Hot spots may occur Always use the specified application tools, This publication is not to be construed as an when resistance is raised locally by damage, cleaning materials and assembly instructions offer. It is intended merely as an invitation e.g. cracked or deformed contacts, broken documented in the Data Sheet/Catalog. Do to make an offer. ITT does not assume strands of wire. Local overheating may also not permit untrained personnel to wire, liability for any patent infringement or viola- result from the use of the incorrect appli- assemble or tamper with connectors. For tion of other rights claimed by third parties cation tools or from poor quality soldering operation voltage please see appropriate which may result from its use. or slack screw terminals. Overheating may national regulations. occur if the ratings in the product Data With prior written consent, reprinting this Sheet/Catalog are exceeded and can cause IMPORTANT GENERAL INFORMATION publication without any modifications is breakdown of insulation and hence electric (i) Air and creepage paths/Operating volt- generally permitted. shock. If heating is allowed to continue it age. The admissible operating voltages intensifies by further increasing the local depend on the individual applications and “ITT”, the Engineered Blocks Logo and resistance through loss of temper of spring the valid national and other applicable safe- “Engineered for life” are registered trade- contacts, formation of oxide film on contacts ty regulations. marks of ITT Corporation. All other trade- and wires and leakage currents through car- For this reason the air and creepage path marks or registered trademarks are property bonization of insulation and tracking paths. data are only reference values. Observe of their respective owners. All dates subject Fire can then result in the presence of com- reduction of air and creepage paths due to to change without notice. bustible materials and this may release nox- PC board and/or harnessing. ious fumes. Overheating may not be visually apparent. Burns may result from touching overheated components. (ii) Temperature 3. HANDLING All information given are temperature limits. Care must be taken to avoid damage The operation temperature depends on the to any component parts of electrical connec- individual application. tors during installation and use. Although there are normally no sharp edges, care (iii) Pressure must be taken when handling certain com- All pressure information given are differen- ponents to avoid injury to fingers. Always tial pressure limits. The specific differential wear safety glasses to avoid potential injury pressure limits, across the connector inter- to eyes during cleaning, soldering, fiber face, are documented in the Data Safety/ preparation, etc. catalog Electrical connectors may be damaged in transit to the customers, and damage (iv) Other important information Cannon continuously endeavors to improve their products. Therefore, Cannon products www.ittcannon.com 77

Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change 78 www.ittcannon.com

Dimensions shown in mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change www.ittcannon.com 79

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